The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Gay/Bi
Sexuality. See also Books on Transgender
and General Sexuality and
Homophobia and
Alexander, Christopher, Growth and
Intimacy for Gay Men: A workbook.This is an avenue
through which gay men can understand their identity, experiences,
and goals. The book ontains over 50 checklists, open-ended
questions, and writing exercises the reader can do on his own, as
part of a support or study group, or with the guidance of a
therapist to further his own personal insight into his life as a
gay man. Harrington Park Press, 1997 ISBN 1-56023-901-8
This Book!
Alexander, Jonathan & Karen
Yescavage, editors, Bisexuality
and Transgenderism: Intersexions of the others. This
book, guaranteed to provoke debate and discussion of sexuality and
gender, is the first devoted exclusively to the relationship
betwen transgenderism and bisexuality. Combining the work of
scholars and activists, professional writers and lay people, it
presents ideas, thoughts, feelings, and insights from a variety of
contributors who are committed to understanding - and deepening
our understanding of - gender and sexuality. You'll find scholarly
essays, narratives, poetry, and a revealing interview with four
male-to-female transsexuals, two of whom are married to women who
also participate in the discussion. In addition, the book includes
insightful chapters by well-known advocated of transgenderism.
Harrington Park Press,,
2004, ISBN 1-56023-287-0 
Anderlini-D'Onofrio, Serena,
Eros: A journey of multiple loves. This poignant
fictionalized memoir chronicles the evolution of an extraordinary
life in progress. The author, one of the foremost advocates of
bisexual/polyamorous living, takes readers along on her bold
journeys away from the mainstream and into the realm of erotic
self-discovery, and in the process, offers her irreverent
critiques of society, education, theory, sexuality, and
epistemology. This book describes the author's early life in Italy
in the politically charged 1960s and 1970s and her time in
California; her journey over the treacherous path from graduate
student to educator; and from a "straight" and monogamous early
adulthood to her emergence as a person at all times prepared to
defy convention for the sake of integrity - a writer and women
well worth getting to know! Harrington Park Press,,
2006, ISBN 1-56023-572-1 
Anderlini-D'Onofrio, Serena, ed, Plural
Loves: Designs for bi and poly living. With historical
and theroretical perspectives, testimonials, reports from the
field, and creative writing, this book examines group marriage,
polyfidelity, cheating, solo-sex (and group solo-sex), utopian
communities, tantric expression and sacred eroticism,
transculturalization and much more. It explores the common ground
shared by the bisexual and polyamorist movements, and addresses
the ways bixexual polyamory has been portrayed in films and
literature in the US and Europe. Harrington Park Press,,
2004, ISBN 1-56023.293.5 
Anderson, Robert K., Out of
Denial: Piecing together a fratured life. Despite today's
climate of greater social acceptance, most gay men still get
married. Perhaps they've fallen in love, want to raise a family or
seek belonging and ligitimacy, or perhaps they hope that marriage
will somehow resolve their inner doubts. Whatever the reasons, the
choice has consequences, both for themselves and those they love.
Some of those consequences, as well as the liberating and healing
effects of coming out, are depicted in this memoir. The author
provides a candid look into this little-understood predicament,
inviting empathy and insight through well-told stoires of growing
up, courtship, marriage, being a father and struggling to make
sense of a life lived in denial. As Rev. Paul Eknes-Tucker, pastor
of All God's Children Metropolitan Community Church in Minneapolis
says, "This book will resonate with the experience of many gay men
who struggled as boys to make sense of life, love and personal
identity in a confusing and sometimes hostile world." Lulu,, 2008,
ISBN 978-143572061-9 
- Andreas, Frank, Homosexuality Online-Book:: Engaged
Tenderness - The Gay & Lesbian Handbook on Living Together as
a Same-Sex Couple; A reference reader for public research into
the social dimensions of feelings, love, identity, partnership,
family, church, marriage, and homosexuality. Internet-Version
Karlsruhe, 1997 DOWNLOAD:
Angel, Miguel, Hard Drive: Cyber
fantasies come to life when men hook up on the net. Dreams of
ultimate sexual chemistry and desire explode in the minds of
thousands of gay onliners at the potential of meeting a hot sex
date or even Mr. Right. For the men in this anthology who tell of
going the distance to meet another onliner in person, sometimes
that dream turns into a nightmare - but often that dream becomes a
rock-hard, sultry reality. This fiery collection takes readers to
the boiling point as gay men describe their real-life online
exploits. Brace yourself as fantasy meets reality through nasty
e-mails, hot and heavy chats, tantalizing profiles, and - for some
- unbelievable face-to-fasce sexual encounters.Alyson Publicatons,, 2001,
ISBN 1-55583-590-2 Buy
this book!
Baird, Vanessa, The No-Nonsense guide
to Sexual Diversity. Why are some people gay, some straight -
and many bisexual? Why do some women feel they are really
male and some men feel that deep down they are female? Is
there a gay gene? The world is changing and especially so for
sexual minorities - for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender
people. In some countries, hard-won battles for equality are
bearing fruit in non-discrimination legislation. In others, being
gay incurs the death penalty. This book demystifies the colors of
the sexual rainbow. It unearths the hidden history of lesbians,
gays, cross-dressers, eunuchs, transsexuals over the world and
through time. It looks at the contributions of science and
medicine, and it covers the war against sexual nonconformists that
is being waged by the religious fundamentalists, be they
Christian, Muslim or Hindu. In addition, this Guide includes an
essential user-friendly, country-by-country, global survey of laws
that affect sexual minorities. New Internationalist Publications, or,
2001, ISBN 1-85984-353-0 Buy
this book!
Baker, Jean, Family Secrets, Gay
Sons: A mother's story. Written from the viewpoint
of a parent/psychologist, this book offers insights into the
developmental needs of gay and lesbian children in a way no other
book has done. School counselors, psychologists, marriage and
family counselors, teachers, school administrators, and the
parents and siblings of gays and lesbians will all learn new
levels of acceptance from reading this honest, helpful, and
encouraging book. Harrington Park Press, 1998
ISBN 1-56023-915-8 Buy
This Book!
Barret, Robert & Bryan Robinson, Gay Fathers,
Lexington Books, 1990
Bass, Ellen & Kate
Kaufman, Free Your Mind: The book for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual
Youth and Their Allies. This book speaks to the basic aspects
of the lives of gay, lesbian and bisexual youth: self-discovery,
friends and lovers, family, school, spirituality, community. Alive
with the voices of more than fifty young people, rich in accurate
information and positive practical advice, this talks about how to
come out, deal with problems, make healthy choices about
relationships and sex, connect with other gay youth and supportive
adults, and take pride and participate in the gay and lesbian
community. It also presents detailed guidance for adults who want
to make the world safer for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth.
Harper Perennial,
1996 ISBN 0-06-0951044 Buy
This Book!
Bergling, Tim, Sissyphobia: Gay men
and effeminate behavior. Why are some gay men effeminate, and
some not? Why are effeminate men despised? Here is
a revealing look into male effeminacy: why some gay men are
swisky, why other gay men are more masculine, and why effeminate
men arouse anger, disgust, and disdain in both gay and straight
men. This book explores those negative feelings that are aimed at
people termed fairies, faggots, flamers, and queens; men who, as
the author puts it, "run more toward what we could term the
"Quentin Crisp school of homosexuality." This book looks closely
at the reasons straight-acting gay men give for their negative
feelings about effminate or flamboyant men, why straight men
typically resent "nellie gays" and "panty-waists" while having
much more ambivalent feelings toward straight-acting gays, the
links between misogyny and sissyphobia, why more gay men look for
masculine traits than feminine ones in a partner, and what happens
to effeminate boys when they grow up. Harrington Park Press,
2001 ISBN 1-56023-990-5 Buy
This Book!
Robert A, Straight Parents, Gay Children: Inspiring
families to live honestly and with greater undersanding,
Robert A. Bernstein. As manager of the National Coming Out
Project, one of the author's responsibilities was helping non-gay
people understand just what is this event we call "coming out".
When he spoke to gay and non-gay groups, he always began with his
own coming-out story and explained it as a process. The first part
of the process is coming out to yourself - realizing,
acknowledging and finally accepting that you are gay. This stage
can happen as a preteen, a young adult, or even a member of AARP.
For some it is a struggle and a challenge, for some a revelation
and enlightenment. The next in the process is coming out to
another person, which usually involves dealing with the prevalence
of myths and misconceptions about being gay as well as what are
some fairly typical parental reactions to a child's coming out. As
Rep Barney Frank, U.S. House of Representatives said, "If Bob
Bernstein's book were compulsory reading in America, the
population of bigots would dwindle at a rapid rate. His ability to
make the case for fairness and decency in our treatment of each
other is unsurpassed." Thunder's Mouth Press 1999
- Berzon, Betty, Setting them Straight: You can do
somthing about bigotry & homophobia in your life,
Plume, 1996
Bigner, Jerry J. ed, An Introduction to
GLBT Family Studies. This book spotlights the issues,
research and future trends that provide a foundation for the study
of GLBT families. This breakthrough volume focuses not only
on the obvious, unique factors within GLBT families, but also
on the elements encountered within famliies that are present
regardless of sexual orientation and gender, such as physical and
emotional abuse. Expert contributors present research findings on
family pattern issues relating to parent-child relationships,
child development, sibling relationships, family structure,
intimate relationships, stepfamilies, alternative family
structures, and extended family relationships. Each chapter is
extensively referenced and offers possibilities for further
research. The Haworth Press,,
2006, ISBN 0-7890-2497-7 
Bouldrey, Brian, Monster: Adventures
in American machismo. Straight, gay, macho man, or great big
sissy, it's tough to be a guy. The author is a bona fide sissy -
but he was also an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the
Arrow with a secret Indian name that translates as "Active One."
In this book, he goes undercover and over the top to stalk
machismo in action. He infiltrates a bachelor party, the World
Wrestling Federation's RAW is WAR, a boxing gym, a Masonicc Lodge,
and some more unusual venues - like the cut-throat Mr. Rubber
International competition - often accompanied by a quirky cabal of
best pals. From the inner sanctums of Cool Forts and Guy Rooms, he
ponders the perennial allure of moonshining and the erotic
possibilities of Bugs Bunny cartoons, and answers the question,
"Is it okay to wear white latex after Labor Day?" This book turns
a laser-keen eye on an eccentric cross-section of prime American
butch. At the same time he bares his own soul - and imperfections
- with disarming, and often hilarious, honesty. Courting the
censure of hemp-wearing PETA extremists, he hosts a red meat
barbecue where the menu reads like the supporting cast of
Crocodile Hunter. Whether shooting a grizzly or deer
hunting with his ex-Marine, prison guard brother back home in
Michigan, his sharp wit and wry autobiographical reflection
breathe new life into worn chaps and prove that manly stereotypes
yield surprising subtleties and contradictions when viewed up
close. The essays in this book comprise a fresh and very personal
meditation on just what makes a man. Council Oak Books, 2001
ISBN 1-57178-106-4 Buy
This Book!
- Boykin, Keith, One More River to Cross: Black and gay
in America, 1998
Boykin, Keith, Respecting the
Soul: Daily reflections for black lesbians and gays.
We're all looking for answers to life's questions. We all want to
reach our goals, maintain a loving relationship, and strengthen
our ties to family and community. But how do we face our doubts
and fears? How do we reconcile the prejudice of others with
the truth we know about ourselves? And how do we deal with
the obstacles that stand in our way? The primary challenges facing
black lesbians and gays are internal, not external. The deepest
wounds are usually self-inflicted, leaving behind the scars of
internalized racism and homophobia. With a unique insight for each
day of the calendar year, this book can help change this reality
by provoking, inspiring, and empowering you, sensitizing your
families and friends, and sharing the wisdom and experience of
hundreds of well-known people who have contributed to our
collective history. This book gives you the encouragement you need
to respect your own soul. Avon Books, 1999,
ISBN 0-380-80021-7 Buy
this book!
Burleson, William E., Bi
America: Myths, truths and struggles of an invisible
community. There are at least five million bisexual people in
America, generally invisible to straight society, the gay
community, and even to one another. While the vast majority of
these five million live within the straight or gay world, a few
have formed a community of their own. This book offers an inside
look at the American bisexual community and gives an understanding
of the special circumstances unique to being bisexual. Harrington
Park Press,,
2005, ISBN 1-56023-479-2 
Clark, J. Michael, Doing the Work of
Love: Men & commitment in same-sex
couples. This is a groundbreaking book that crestes an
important bridge between academic work on men and sexulaity and
popular unreflective work on gay male relationships. Exploring
intimate, coupled relationships among men, especially among gay
men, the author celebrates embodied, sensual, sexual goodness of
men's sexual relationships, while adamantly rejecting an "anything
goes" approach to gay male sexuality or to sexuality in general.
The author proposes an ethics of sexual accountability in-relation
as a middle ground between those who espouse anonymous
multi-partnered sex as the crux of gay identity and those whose
current sex panic resounds with sex-negativity.
Men's Studies Press, 1999
- Crawford, Easing the Ache: Gay men recovering from
compulsive behaviors, Plume, 1991
DeCrescenzo, Teresa, ed., Helping Gay and Lesbian
Youth: New policies, new programs, new practice. Rich in
insights into how gay and lesbian adolescents develop and learn to
cope with problems attendant on growing up different. This
groundbreaking work described in this book has been done with
child welfare deparments, law enforcement, the public schools and
mental health agencies in educating them to the special needs of
gay and lesbian youngsters. Harrington Park Press, 1994
ISBN 1-56023-057-6 Buy
this book!
Drake, Robert, The Gay Canon: Great
books every gay man should read. From Gilgamesh and the
Gospel of John to Leaves of Grass, The Wild
Boys and Borrowed Time, this book will take readers on
a tour of the Great Gay Books, providing a user-friendly guide to
thousands of years of gay writing. Anthologies, novels, memoirs,
poetry, drama, even comics and graphic novels, the book puts into
context the works that have contributed to the history of the gay
imagination, presenting a living canon that is whole, fresh,
vibrant, and authentic. An essential resource and a provocative,
often hilarious read, this book explores as never before the books
that have shaped the gay heart, mind and soul. Anchor Books 1998
ISBN 0-385-49228-6 Buy
This Book!
Ellis, Allan, Liz Highleyman, Kevin Schaub,
Melissa White, editors, The Harvey Milk Institute's Guide to
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgernder, and Queer Internet
Research, This powerful reference tool
is the most comprehensive, reliable guide to Internet resources
for the LGBTQ community. More than just a guide to useful Web
sites, it also evaluates LGBTQ mailing lists, message boards,
search engines, and portals. You'll also find in-depth interviews
with leaders of the queer Internet such as Barry Harrison,
Director of Queer Arts Resource, and Sister Mary Elizabeth,
founder of AEGiS, that provide fascinating background information
on the history and objectives of major sites. Brought to you by
the world's largest center for queer studies, this guide is an
indispensable tool for researchers, community leaders and
scholars! Harrington Park Press, 2002. ISBN 1-56023-353-2
This Book!
Fox, Ronald C., Editor, Affirmative
Psychotherapy with Bisexual Women and Bisexual Men, Ronald C.
Fox, Editor. This book addresses the issues of bisexuals with an
accepting and affirmative perspective, providing therapists with
the latest viewpoints, strategies and research to effectively
treat bisexual clients. Leading authorities with
affirmative-to-bisexuals perspectives discuss issues specific to
bisexuals and their lifestyles, with an eye toward providing
practical, effective therapy. Unique bisexual lifestyle issues are
examined, such as trasgender issues, polyamory, older bisexual
women and men, and cultural differences, while providing an
emphasis on cultivating well-being and a sense of community in
bisexual clients. Harrington Park Press,,
2006, ISBN 1-56023-299-4 
Fox, Ronald C., Current Research on
Bisexuality. This is an important resource on recent
psychological and sociological findings in bisexual studies. The
authors provide research findings and case studies that add to our
understanding of bisexual identity, bisexuality and relationships,
bisexuality and ethnicity, and attitudes toward bisexual people.
It examines research findings, literature reviews, and a wealth of
resources that currently exist on bisexuality and bisexual issues.
It provides new knowledge of the life experiences of bisexual
people. With this book, you'll find a basis for further research
and education about bisexuality in the greater context of ongoing
research, education, and advocacy regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender issues. Haworth Press,,
2004 ISBN 1-56023-289-7 
Glaser, Chris, Word is Out: The bible reclaimed for
lesbians & gay men. Lesbians and gays know all too well
the experince of having to leave families, friends, hometowns, and
even their faith traditions to be blessed as they are.
Neveretheless, many still struggle to maintain an authentic faith
that also affirms and recognizes their right to joyously celebrate
their biblical heritage. The author fearlessly liberates the Bible
from those who would hold it hostage to an antigay agenda. In this
inspiring collection of 365 daily meditations, the Bible's good
news "comes out" to meet all of us with love, justice, meaning and
hope. Harper, 1994 ISBN 0-06-063134-1 Buy
This Book!
Gray, Mary, In Your Face: Stories from
the lives of queer youth. This valuable book is a
groundbreaking and informative collection of essays drawn from
discussions about gender and sexuality with gay, lesbian and
bisexual youth. Fifteen teens, ages 14 to 18, discuss their lives,
personal backgrounds, and visions for the future to give
researchers, parents and educators rare insight into the
experiences of being a queer youth in the U.S. today. Harrington
Park Press, 1999 ISBN 1-56023-887-9 Buy
this book!
Jesse, The Velveteen Father: An unexpected journey to
parenthood. Being a parent was not a high priority - or even
much of a likelihood - for this acclaimed journalist and novelist.
Yet when the author, at the age of thirty-seven, fell in love with
a man who had recently adopted a baby boy, fatherhood suddenly
fell into his lap. Now, in this warm, humorous, deeply personal
book, he recounts the unexpected journey he and his partner
traveled together on the road to parenthood. In becoming the
father - or rather one of the fathers - of Erez, the author faced
challenges familiar to all parents, from the first bath to the
first tooth, along with a host of dilemmas unique to his
situation. As he discovered, even in blase New York City,
reactions to his unconventional family ranged from the funny to
the frightening, the unaccepting to the all-embracing. This book
is a moving record of the transformative effects parenthood can
have on people who least expect to become parents - and of how we
are repeatedly made anew by the love of children who need us.
2000 ISBN 0-345-43709-8 Buy
this book!
David and Gil Tunnell, Couple Therapy with Gay Men. Against
the backdrop of the universal issues trat all couples face, this
volume explores the unique needs of gay male partners in therapy.
Experienced practitioners present a multidimensional framework for
clinical intervention that is grounded in the time-tested
principles of structural family therapy. Showing how gay men can
be helped to build nurturing, intimate relationships in a
homophobic society, the book combines theoretical depth, clinical
wisdom, and cultural awareness. All therapists working with
couples will find knowledge and skills that are readily applicable
to practice in this richly informative work. The Guilford
2003. ISBN 1-57230-808-7 Buy
this book!
Hardy, Robin & David Groff, The
Crisis of Desire: AIDS and the fate of gay
brotherhood. Gay men have lost thousands of their brothers to
AIDS. What else have they lost? What can they
regain? With eloquent passion, this book lays out the gay
man's struggle to maintain power over his health and sexuality in
the face of a devastating epidemic. Combining a generous vision
with a wide-ranging personal and historical narrative, the author
calls gay men to reclaim their erotic expressiveness and accept
"the mortal risk of loving." "AIDS is over. Gay
men lost," the author declares. He knew about loss firsthand:
the one healthy male sibling among brothers suffering from cystic
fibrosis, he came into manhood just as AIDS laid waste to his gay
fraternity. Beginning with the story of the encounter that probbly
left him with HIV, he explains how a crisis of desire has blighted
gay men. Even with the "inhibited hope" offered by new treatments
for HIV, gay men remain estranged from their own promise. Calling
for a liberation from the pernicious myths our culture puts forth
around HIV, he exhorts gay men to be open to creative and
responsible safer sex and urges them to embrace their heritage of
erotic possibility. Only then can they engender the gay
brotherhood that is their vocation. In his final work, he summons
gay men to make a bold commitment to a loving based on truth,
human care, and the sexual authenticity of the
individual: "Bound through our sex together and our
histories, suffused with anger and ever transforming desire,
planted in different landscapes but fed by the same underground
streams, we could find in fraternal love a paradigm we might
healthily embrace. Recognition. The dear love of comrades."
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999 ISBN 0-395-74544-6 Buy
this book!
- Harris, Mary, School Experiences of Gay & Lesbian
Youth: The invisible minority, 1998
- Herdt, Gilbert, Guardians of the Flutes: Idioms of
masculinity, Columbia University, 1987
Hill, Ivan, Bisexual Spouse: Different dimensions in human
sexuality. There are 25 million bisexual spouses in this
country. This poignant and revealing collection of case histories
is the only book to address their concerns. Through detailed and
moving interviews with six couples, this book explores and
illuminates the world of the married bisexual, the strains this
creates in the marriage, and the possible paths out of this
widespread but little understood dilemma. Harper & Row,
1989 ISBN 0-06-097231-9
Huegel, Kelly, GLBTQ: The survival
guide for queer & questioning teens. Are you queer or
questioning? If you are, this book is for you. Do you know
someone who might be queer or questioning? If so, this book
is for you, too. Or are you someone who just wants to learn more
about what it's like to be queer or questioning? This book is
a great place to begin. Discovering that you, or someone you love,
might be GLBTQ is a revelation. Accepting it is a process. One
thing that can help that process is information. This book can't
answer all of your questions or counter all of the misinformation,
misconceptions, myths, half-truths, and outright lies you might
have heard about being GLBTQ, but it's a start. Find insights and
findings from experts in psychology, sociology and health care.
Tips from people in national GLBTQ organizations. Strategies
and advice you can try (or share) about coming out, responding to
homophobia, dating, staying healthy and safe, exercising your
rights, life at school, building community, dealing with religion
and culture, and planning for the future. Books, organizations and
web sites you can go to when you want to know more. True stories
of teens and young adults who've experienced or witnessed the
prejudice, discrimination, harassment, and violence that are part
of everyday life for many GLBTQ teens. First-person comments
from GLBTQ teens who are happy, well-adjusted and loved and
supported for who they are, the way they are. Free Spirit
2003, ISBN 1-57542-126-7 Buy
this book!
Huerta, Christian de la, Coming Out
Spiritually: The next step. This book offers a
fresh outlook on gay spirituality and how to assert it, and
thereby gives queer readers a foundation from which to begin
building a spiritual life. The author, founder of Q-Spirit,
synthesizes the ten spiritual roles or archetypes gueer people
have often assumed and continue to enact today: creator
of beauty, consciouness scout, mediator, shaman and healer, among
others. Drawing on these models while acting as a guide to the
queer community, he shows how to look deeper inside; to reach
higher than ever before; to step forth more fully into the
reader's rightful selves. He introduces readers to many of the
world's religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,
Judaism, Sufism and Taoism, and investigates the teachings of
these traditions and their attitudes toward homosexuality. This is
a practical, beautiful, and important book, one that alternately
challenges, advises, and supports the queer community as it
spiritually awakens. Jeremy P Tarcher
1999 ISBN 0-87477-966-9 Buy
This Book!
- Hutchins, Loraine, Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual people
speak out, Alyson, 1991
- Jackson, Graham, Secret Lorer of Gardening: Patterns
of male intimacy, Inner City, 1991
Johnson, Toby, Getting Life in
Perspective. When warned by his doctor to rest, Rick Carton, a
jaded and disillusioned editor with a Boston publishing house,
retires to a neglected old mansion in the Texas hill country to
write the novel he's always intended to. He discovers he is not
alone...This book is a post-modern ghost story featuring two
lovable Topperesque apparitions from turn-of-the-century America
who haunt the sometimes bewildered writer struggling to face the
enormous problems of contemporary society - and gay men in
particular - as the 21st century is about to turn. It is a sweet,
occasionally sexy, surprisingly wise, and thoroughly enteraining
mytho-historical romance with a gay-positive spiritual message
woven in - along with just a touch of the Twilight Zone. "I
read this book on New Year's Day. A great way to get a little
perspective on life! I couldn't put it down. I read all day
long - with increasing pleasure as I saw where the story was
going. This visionary novel affirms my sense that this is the time
for men who love men and women who love women to fnd new ways to
live together. What a nice model of gay living this lovely story
of love and community offers us!" Joseph Kramer. Lavender
Press, 1991 ISBN 0-938743-17-1 Buy
This Book!
Johnson, Toby, Plague: A novel
about healing. For a significant segment of the American
population, the 1980s has been dominated by a health crisis of
proportions rivaling the plagues of old. Politicians, public
officials, medical personnel and health activists have recognized
that education represents the major bulwark against the spread of
the disease. While the lessons about risk reduction are relatively
simple, the public has sometimes seemed resistant to hearing them.
Health educators have suggested that a variety of teaching methods
are called for - from scholarly lectures, slide shows, pamphlets
and made-for-TV movies to street theater, protest demonstrations,
and "safe-sex" pornography and videos. In this work of fiction,
the plot and characters are imaginary. The names of medical
treatements and drugs have frequently been altered. The social
problems created by this disease and the plight of the people with
HIV infection, however, as well as the instructions about risk
reduction and the teachings about attitudinal healing are
accurate. The projections for the resolution of the plague that
haunts us in 1987 are reasonable extrapolations of current medical
fact. Alyson Publications, 1987 ISBN 1-55583-125-7 Buy
This Book!
Johnson, Toby, Secret Matter. When
aliens arrived from space, Kevein Anderson had no idea the
visitors' real reason for coming to Earth would ever affect him.
He was, after all, just a young architect fresh out of college
working on the reconstruction of San Francisco after the Great
Earthquake. But one summer afternoon at Land's End beach, he met a
golden-skinned Visitor named 'Bel. And life was never the same.
You'll love this book. A delightfully quirky spin on what it means
to be gay. This is one of those little books that change people's
lives. A romantic comedy with an undercurrent of tension and
suspence, a lovable and unforgettable character, the right touch
of science fiction, and, as fans of the author's will recognize,
just the right measure of mystical wisdom to make this a novel
you'll thoroughly enjoy and long remember with a pang of fondness
and pride. Peregrine Ventures, 1995 ISBN 0-938743-13-9
This Book!
Kaminsky, Neil, When It's Time to Leave
Your Lover: A guide for gay men. This book is for
people who need help ending a gay relationship that is no longer
viable or for friends and family who want to support a gay
experiencing a breakup. This book provides tips on how to
successfuly cope with the post-breakup period and how to grow
emotionally from the expeirence. You will discover how to tell a
lover good-bye while learning about the psychological and social
changes to be anticipated in this situation. This book gives you
helpful, practical advice on how to cope with ending a
relationship in a positive and constructive manner. Harrington
Park Press, 1999 ISBN 1-56023-938-7 Buy
This Book!
Kay, Kerwin, Jill Nagle, Baruch Gould, editors,
Male Lust: Pleasure, power and transformation. This is
a provocative collection of personal essays and poetry that
explores the emotional realities of men's diverse relationships
with sex and desire. A wide variety of topics and poltical
perspectives are covered, including a discussion of sexual abuse,
celebrations of S & M, rants against pornography,
and discussions of racism. Five of the essays are by women, and
two by transgendered men. This book reflects both gay and straight
viewpoints and offers a positive sexual vision that moves far
beyond the narrow messages offered in mainstream media.
Harrington Park Press 2000 ISBN 1-56023-982-4 Buy
This Book!
Klein, Kritz and Thomas Schwartz Bisexual
and Gay Husbands: Their stories, their words. What
happens when married men face their gay/bisexual
needs? This astonishing volume offers an intimate look
into the lives and thoughts of gay and bisexual men. Already
married to women, these men are also attracted to other men. Their
struggle with conflicting needs, desires, and loyalties is not
filtered through theories or evoked in brief interviews. The
stories told here are taken from an Internet mailing list, which
allow people to speak freely and in anonymity, yet also encourage
the development of a tightly knit community. Men at all statges of
the coming-out process share their experiences, secrets, pain,
shame, anger, and hope. The insight, intelligence and honesty
revealed here makes it a riveting read, but it also has great
clinical and historic value for therapists, sex theorists, and
these men and their families. Haworth Press,
2001. ISBN 1-56023-167-X Buy
This Book!
Kort, Joe, 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can do to
Find Real Love, Joe Kort. Do you always end up with Mr.
Wrong? Are you constantly dissatisfied with your intimate
relationships? Has the passion between you and your partner
fizzled after just a few months? In his ground breaking new
work, best-selling author and gay-affirmative therapist revelas
his own Top Ten list on how you can make the best possible choices
in finding and keeping a partner. Among them: Discover how
what you hate can help you love; Learn how to disarm - not
strong-arm - your partner in communication; Know your sexual
shadow: and Become the man you were meant to be. By showing how to
look closely at the deepest sources of your wants and needs, this
book will help you achieve the kind of lasting close relationships
you deserve.
Alyson Books,,
2006, ISBN 1-55583-898-7
See Joe's most recent Column
here at Menstuff.
Kort, Joe, 10 Smart Things Gay Men can do to
Improve Their Lives. This empowering book provides 10 positive
steps gay men can take to identify and overcome self-defeating
behaviors and move toward a healthier and more rewarding life.
These reliable "top 10" life steps have proved invaluable to the
hundreds of gay men the author has helped in his 16 years of
individual, couples and group therapy. Each of these steps is
presented in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. And you'll
identify with and be inspired by the stoires of the men who've
followed this path to achieve emotional, sexual and personal
Alyson Publications,,
2003 ISBN 1-55583-782-4 Buy
This Book! See Joe's Weekly
- La Marre, Chip, Story for David: The journey-the
tale, La Marre, 1993
- Larson, Rodger, What I Know Now, Henry Holt, 1997
Lockhart, John, The Gay Man's Guide to
Growing Older. Loving Life Over 65! As Steve Hogan and Lee
Hudson wrote in their book, Completely Queer: The Gay and
Lesbian Encyclopedia, "Aging remains one of the least
discussed, least studied, and , probably as a result, least
celebrated aspects of gay...lives." Until now. In this book,
the author has conducted in-depth interveiws with more than 40 gay
men over the age of 65, and he has compiled his findings in this
practical, nonacademic book that details what life for "gay men of
a certain age" is like. Topics covered include money, work, health
care, relationships, sex, and more! This book is a must-read
for any gay man planning for his future, regardless of his current
age. Alyson Publications,,
2002, ISBN 155583591-0 Buy
This Book!
Luongo, Michael T., Editor, Between the
Palms: A collection of gay travel erotica. This book
takes us across deserts and through jungles where sexy encounters
can be found by men willing to roam. Each of the six inhabited
continents has its own share of rare delights, from the nightclubs
of Buenos Aires to the Pyramids of Giza. These are true-life
adventures told by world wanderers who found romance and hot sex
in the most exotic of locales. Harrington Park Press,,
2004, ISBN 1-56023-416-4 
- Mallon, Gerald, We Don't Exactly Get the Welcome
Wagon: The experiences of gay and lesbian adolescents in
child welfare systems, 1998
Miller, Tim, Shirts
& Skins. When his high school gym teacher divided the
class into two teams, Shirts and Skins, for a game of touch
football, the author knew "I was always going to be on the team
where the boys took their clothes off and got close to each
other." In this revealing, humorous, frequently sexy
memoir, the author, one of the famed NEA Four, looks at some
of the major events that have shaped his life: the
growth of his first pubic hair, becoming the love slave of a John
Travolta look-alike, shopping for dog, deciding whether to take
the HIV antibody test, and searching for the perfect soul
mate. Alyson Publications, 1997
Minor, Robert. N., Gay
& Healthy in a Sick Society. In this collection, the
author, a 2002 finalist for both the Lambda Literary Award and the
Independent Publisher Book Award, applies his critically acclaimed
insight to the issues of life today. Written since 1998 as monthly
columns, this book challenges gay people and their allies to see
how not being or acting "straight" is a healthy approach to life.
Gay people are just fine, he affirms. It's society that's very
ill. Most societal perspectives, attitudes and solutions prevent
everyone from living fully, stifle their abilities to relate
humanly to themselves and others, and keep society stuck with the
same old, failing political, social and religious answers to
life's challenges. The author doesn't waste time complaining about
those opposed to gay people, but speaks to how lesbians, gay men,
bisexual and transgender people, and their allies see themselves,
respond to critics, and define their own lives. Admiring the
values of the sickness surrounding them may help people fit in,
but won't contribute to personal or societal healing. Instead,
this book proclaims, LGBT people must not bury, but value,
their own language, definitions, answers and insights into the
variety of problems around them, problems which hurt everyone but
which society would prefer to act out against LGBT people.
Humanity Works,,
2003, ISBN 097095811-0
(Check out his
Minor, Robert N., Scared Straight: Why it's so hard
to accept gay people and why it's so hard to be human. From
the criticism of our universities as purveyors of hopelessness to
the dynamics of "getting laid," this book is an eye-opening and
penetrating analysis of U.S. culture. Without sparing any
institutions, it identified our culture as fear-based and in
denial. Like software on a computer, our system installs a
"straight role" in us which actually has little, if anything, to
do with sexual orientation, religion, tradition, or the Bible, and
everything to do with maintaining limiting definitions of a "human
being," a "real man," and a "real woman." People of all sexual
orientations are hurt by being "straight," torn from their full
human potential, and squeezed into molds that support our dominant
institutions. Human relationships with either sex are incomplete
and unfulfilling. Chapters on "How to Be Straight" and "How to be
Gay" describe the roles heterosexual and non-heterosexual people
are conditioned to live in order to maintain this status quo. Yet,
not content to merely identify the problem and its depth, the
author describes the elements of healing that this cultural
disease requires. One reader said to the final chapter: "This is
the most empowering piece on activism that I have ever read."
HumanityWorks, 2001,
ISBN 0-9709581-0-2 Buy
This Book!
Money, John, Gay, Straight and
In-Between: The sexology of erotic orientation.
Homosexuality as a phenomenon has existed probably as long as
humans have walked the earth. The term homosexuality, however, was
not coined until 1869, and it has been commonly used in the
English language only since 1905. The many enigmas of sexual
orientation that have baffled people for centuries - including
what makes some children grow up to be homosexual, while others
become heterosexual or bisexual, and to what degree gender
identity is determined before birth - continue to do so. The
author, one of the foremost investigators of human sexuality,
cogently addresses many of these questions in this authoritative,
thought-provoking book. Drawing on case studies from his sexology
clinic, he explores the diverse historical, cultural and
physiological influences that determine sexual orientation. Oxford
University Press, 1988, ISBN 0-19-506331-7 
Owens, Robert Jr., Queer Kids: The
challenges and promise of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth.
This book is a lens of clarity that will help the average straight
adult - and maybe even the average gay adult - see things from a
kid's point of view. Its detail-oriented, well-wrought chapters
will provide you with literally hundreds of stories of young
people who are trying to define themselves sexually and
emotionally in a soceity of criss-crossing judgment, stereotyping,
anger, and expectation. Aimed at three target groups - counselors,
parents, and youth - this book introduces you to a variety of
interesting kids, offers you a look at the process of coming out,
and helps you grasp the experience of queer identification.
Harrington Park Press, 1998 ISBN 1-56023-929-8 Buy
This Book!
Owen-Towle, Tom & Chris Hassett, Friendship
Chronicles: Letters betwee a gay and straight man,
Bald Eagle Mountain Press,
Peck, Scott, All-American Boy: A memoir,
Scribner, 1995
PFLAG, Be Your
Self: Q&A for gay, lesbian and bisexual
youth. The world can be a tough place for a teenager. You're
in one of the most confusing times of your life. For one thing,
your body is changing more than it will at any other time. And
your hormones, hard at work changing your body, can be playing
around with your moods. You may feel great one day and miserable
the next, for no clear reason. The rules are changing. You're
expected to act more and more like an adult. You may have new
adult responsibilities like volunteer work or a part-time job, but
you might not be given adult rights, like coming home at whatever
time you want. Your relationship with your parents is changing.
You're becoming more independent, and they're having to accept
that you're not their little girl or boy any more. That's not easy
for either of you. And, all of a sudden, something you didn't
think about a few years ago - sex - might feel like the most
important thing in the world. If you're a gay, lesbian or bisexual
teenager - or if you think you might be gay or wonder if you are -
it's even more confusing, because probably no one ever prepared
you for that. When you were younger, your parents and relatives
may have teased you about liking girls if you're a guy, or guys if
you're a girl. Maybe they talked about "when you grow up and start
dating" or "when you fall in love and get married." But
they probably never talked about when you grow up and fall in love
with another guy, or about marrying a woman just like you. TV,
movies, and magazines all mostly show men with women. The music
you hear is about falling in love with the other sex. If you're a
guy, your friends are probably talkng about girls, and if you're a
girl, they're talking about guys. All of that makes things hard if
you're gay, because you don't have much that relates to you. This
booklet was written to try to help you - to answer some of your
questions, to suggest books you can read and people to whom you
can talk - and to help you understand. Order from: PFLAG (Parents,
Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), 1101 14th Street,
NW Ste 1030, Washington, DC 20005 202.638.4200, or
PFLAG, Our Daughters
& Sons: Q&A for parents of gay,
lesbian, and bisexual people. Similar to the above, and
directed towards parents. Order from: PFLAG (Parents, Families and
Friends of Lesbians and Gays), 1101 14th Street, NW Ste 1030,
Washington, DC 20005 202.638.4200,
or, 1999
Polikoff, Nancy, Beyond (Straight and
Gay) Marriage: Valuing all families under the law.
This book reframes the family-rights debate by arguing that
marriage shouldn't bestow special legal privileges upon couples
because people, both heterosexual and LGBT, live in a variety of
relationships - including unmarried couples of any sexual
orientation, single-parent households, extended biological family
units, and myriad other familial configurations. The author shows
that the law can value all families, and why it must. Beacan Press 2008,
ISBN 978-0-8070-4433-9 
Price, David M., Finding A Lover for
Life: A gay man's guide to finding a lasting
relationship. This book will save you a great deal of time and
frustration in developing dating skills. Its thoughtful,
skills-based approach to dating will help you plan, organize, and
focus your efforts toward success and long-term satisfactoin. It
is a tool you need to plan and implement strategies that will help
you: Eliminate problems by learning to identify compatible and
noncompatible partners. Attract the kind of lover you need. and
Create a healthy, lasting relationship. Harrington Park Press,
2002, ISBN 1-56023-357-5 Buy
This Book!
Price, Jammie, Navigating
Differences: Friendships between gay and straight men.
This book is a one-of-a-kind cross-sexual study that shows you how
today's gay and straight men build, maintain and foster true
friendships. In this activist participatory study, you'll get a
day-in-the-life look at 44 pairs of cross-sexual men's friendships
and see what helps them negotiate the terrain of their emotional,
sexual, psychological and social differences in today's climate of
homophobia and heterosexism. Harrington Park Press, 1999
ISBN 1-56023-952-2 Buy
This Book!
- Pronger, Brian, Arena of Masculinity: Sports,
homosexuality & the meaning of sex, St. Martin's Press,
Quinn, Jay, The Mentor: A memoir
of friendship and gay identity. Nearly hidden amid the lush
and gaudy overgrowth of mainstream heterosexual America is a trail
of homosexual mentors - gay adults whose steps and experience
guide the staggering efforts of gay youth - that leads back as far
as ancient Greece and forward as far as our hopeful imaginations
can take us. As an artist, a writer, a lover and a man, the author
has followed that path and this book is the literary and
celebratory record of his journey. Although you wouldn't know it
by the popular demonization of the modern gay lifestyle - an
apparent emotional junkyard littered with reckless pickups and
burned-out hedonists - there has long been a tradition of fatherly
one-on-one, man-to-man mentoring that continues to be gently
uphelp around the world. And just as the 24 year-old Truman Capote
was chaperoned around Paris by Jean Cocteau, and a teenage James
Baldwin was befriended, nurtured, and lovingly raised in Greenwich
Village by the flamboyant painter Beauford Delany, in a later
decade and a very different part of the world, another
writer-to-be was led forward by the hand of an elder man. The
author's now seventeen-year allegiance with Joe Riddick began when
he was twenty-three and his newly begun life was "just ending its
continental shift into a full acceptance of a gay
identity." From that day, he directs us generously
onward - as he was directed generously onward - through his
initiations, both sensual and emotional, through his rowdy social
trails and silent personal wrestlings, and through his hesitant
and often bumbling attempts to "clinb up Joe's backbone" to a
place of comfort, wisdom, and love. Students, teachers, and anyone
interested in gay studies and experiences will find this book
delivers a captivating and honest link at the social, religious,
and emotional aspects of what it is like to grow up as a
contemporary southern gay man. Harrington Park Press, 2000
ISBN 1-56023-937-9 Buy
This Book!
Ramer, Andrew, Two Flutes Playing: A spiritual journeybook
for gay men. In a dizzying tumble or words about gay life that
has left little uncovered, the author has something new to say. He
does not rationalize, analyze, cheered or scold, but presents a
simple vision so steeped in age-old wisdom that it appears more
contemporary than tomorrow's headlines. By writing as purely from
the heart as he does, he engages a timeless place within us - a
place beyond damage and doubt, caution and guile. Plunging
fearlessly into the truth as he sees it, he can't help but
liberate readers from their own blinkers about the saving grace of
being queer. Mark Thompson, author of Gay Body, Gay
Spirit and Gay Soul. Alamo Press
1997 ISBN 1-886360-05-7 Buy
This Book!
Ridinger, Robert B, Editor, Speaking for
Our Lives: Historic Speeches and Rhetoric for Gay and Lesbian
Rights (1892-2000). This landmark volume collects more than a
hundred years of the most important public rhetoric on gay and
lesbian subjects. In the days when homosexuality was mentioned
only in whispers, a few brave souls stood up to speak for the
rights of sexual minorities. In this book, their stirring words
have finally been gathered together, along with the politicial
manifestoes, broadsheets, and performance pieces of the gay and
lesbian liberation movement. This book comprises speeches and
manifestoes prompted by events ranging from demonstrations to
funerals. Scholars and researchers will appreciate the brief
commentary introducing each piece, which discusses the author, the
occasion and the political and social contexts in which it first
appeared. Harrington Park Press,,
2004, ISBN 1-56023-175-0 
Rogers, Ben R. & Joel Perry Going
Down: The instinct guide to oral sex. If a
mind-blowing blow-job is what you've been looking for, then look
no further. The editors of Instinct, the largest gay men's
magazine in the US, searched far and wide for the answers to the
questions about oral sex you've always wanted to ask. From where
to lick to what to nibble, from the best places to have a quickie
to deep-throating, it's all here, for the first time, in one book.
No matter if you're a gay man or straight woman, this thorough and
hilarious guide will show you how to give your man the best head
of his life. For those of you tired of sucking at sucking or
looking to imporve your technique, this is the book for
you! Go on, Buy
This Book! We dare ya. Alyson Publications,,
2002, ISBN 1-55583-752-2
Rosen, Rob, Sparkle: The queerest book
you'll ever love. Take your classsic who-dunnit and throw in a
unique friendship between two San Francisco boys as they run the
gay gamut. See if you can figure out who shot Sparkle as his best
friend, Secret, recounts the stories of their lives together.
Watch as they come out, grow up, get pierced and tattooed, place
their first personal ad, become drag queens, adopt a full grown
son...and, along the way, grow as close as two people can get.
Love them, hate them, laugh with them and at them, and learn from
their many and varied mistakes. Your mamma never told you that
being queer could be this much fun. And get ready for the surprise
ending because it's a doozie. 1st Books Library,,
2001, ISBN 0-75964-531-0 Buy
This Book!
Shernoff, Michael, Gay
Widowers: Life after the death of a partner. A recent gay
widower may find that once the shock and initial confusion of
losing his partner is overcome, there are still many hard, lonely
and overwhelming stages of grief to be worked through. This is a
start to the healing process. Its editor and authors hope that by
sharing their stories of loss, pain and bewilderment, they will
help others in mourning as well as make one more step forward in
their own healing. By bringing forth these stories, the book
offers bereaved men, psychologists, counselors and social workers
- in a society where the mourning process is generally a
heterosexual, social construct - a practical and clinical overview
of the issues relevant and perhaps unique, to the mourning
process. Harrington Park Press, 1997 ISBN 1-56023-105-X
This Book!
Signorile, Michelangelo, Life Outside: The Signorile Report on
Gay Men: Sex, drugs, muscles and the passages of life,
Signorile. The popular Out magazine columnist offers a
thoroughly-researched, comprehensive analysis of the status of gay
men in contemporary American society. Based on extensive
interviews with hundreds of gay men from every corner of America,
urban and rural, African-American, Latino and white, baby boomers
and senior citizens, fathers and club kids, this book uncovers a
paradoxical and informative duality within homosexual culture: the
expansion of the "cult of masculinity" and the rise of the
"circuit" (a lifestyle embodied by days-long, drug-fueled parties)
and the increasing deurbanization and deghettoization of
homosexuality. Harper Collins
1997 Hardback ISBN 0-06-018761-1 (See paperback below.)
This Book!
Signorile, Michelangelo, Life Outside: The Signorile Report on
Gay Men: Sex, drugs, muscles and the passages of life. The
popular Out magazine columnist offers a thoroughly-researched,
comprehensive analysis of the status of gay men in contemporary
American society. Based on extensive interviews with hundreds of
gay men from every corner of America, urban and rural,
African-American, Latino and white, baby boomers and senior
citizens, fathers and club kids, this book uncovers a paradoxical
and informative duality within homosexual culture: the expansion
of the "cult of masculinity" and the rise of the "circuit" (a
lifestyle embodied by days-long, drug-fueled parties) and the
increasing deurbanization and deghettoization of homosexuality.
Harper Collins
1998 Paperback Buy
This Book!
Simpson, Mark, Sex Terror: Erotic
misadventures in pop culture. In this book, the author
dispenses with the monkey business of sexuality and finally takes
on the organ grinder itself: sex. He argues that we put far too
much faith in sex these days, and that in fact sex is messy,
confusing, frustrating, and ultimately disapointing. If you're
doing it right. Subjecting our saucy new god to his scornful
satire, he takes on every new shibboleth about doing the
nasty: it must be hot, it must be frequent, it must wake the
neighbors, and it must be who you are. Along the way he is cruised
by "Galen" from "Planet of the Apes" in a Beverly Hills
restaurant, gets worked up with Alexis Arquette over Stephen
Baldwin's butt, discovers that Eminem's lyrical homophobia barely
disguises a rampant homophilia, complains that Brad Pitt is a one
night stand that won't leave, confronts Henry Rollins with those
'gay' rumors, and has an hilarious bathetic encounter with a glory
hole in a Parisian sex club. Harrington Park Press,,
2002, ISBN 1-56023-377-X Buy
This Book!
Stevenson, Thomas, Sons of the
Church: The witnessing of gay Catholic men. This book
spotlights testimonials from over forty gay Catholic men to
address this vexing question. This thoughtful, surprisingly
reverent book is the answer for those gay readers who long for a
religious connection, as well as for Catholic readers and those in
pastoral positions who want and need to hear the stories of gay
people firsthand. The author, who received degrees from the
University of Notre Dame, Boston College, and the Graduate
Theological Union in Berkeley, analyzes the many dimensions of
being gay and Catholic, at the same time providing a powerful and
convincing criticism of Church teaching on homosexuality.
Harrington Park Press,,
2006, ISBN 1-56023-581-0 
Sullivan, Michael, Ed, Sexual
Minorities: Discrimination, challenges, and development in
America. This book examines the stumbling blocks that prevent
gays, lesbians, bisexuals and tarnsgenders from living wholesome,
healthy lives. This book concentrates on the effects of outside
influences on the homosexual psyche from adolescence to mid-life
and progarms and services that need to be developed to improve
quality of life. While some outside influences can make positive
changes - such as Internet-based outreach to educate men in chat
rooms about HIV - sexual minority groups face negativity from
society in the forms of homophobia and heterosexism. This book
uses statistics, charts, graphs, and surveys to reveal a
remarkable trend correlating how contemporary American society
treats sexual minorities and how it affects their psychological
and psychosocial health. This book also reveals how - when
internalized - this hurtful discrimination can cause self-hatred
and depression. This is an important tool for eveyone in today's
society - from students and practitioners of social work, health
care, human sexuality, psychology and sociology, to legislators,
lawyers, activists and business owners. This book is also vital
for every parent, relative or friend of a man or woman labeled as
a sexual minority. Haworth Press,,
2004 ISBN 0-7890-0235-3 
Suresha, Ron Jackson, Bears on Bears.
"I'm not a bear!" says the author in his introduction to his
remarkable and insightful collection of interviews. "I am a homo
sapien of course - a thickly hairy-chested, usually fullbearded,
increasingly middle-age-paunched, and balding gay
man." If you are slightly confused, don't
are not alone. That's where his book comes in. It explores the
"Bear" movement, a gay male subculture that came of age in
San Francisco in the 1980s and is flourishing into it's young
adulthood worldwide in the 21st century. Far from the Will
& Grace, Queer as Folk portraits of hairless,
hyper thin male bodies that have come to represent "gay body
image," Bears embrace a brotherhood of gay men who challenge
these images of the "masculine ideal," men who are defiantly
uninterested in society's ideal of physical appearance, who
instead celebrate the fact that they are often large, never shave
their body hair, and don't give a hoot about what fashions are
parading down the ruynway this season. Further, men in the Bear
movement celebrate a broader and richer connection with their
bodies, with nature and with spirit. But this book is not trying
to answer the question, "What is a Bear?" a question which in its
asking is almost certainly restrictive and limiting. Instead, by
offering 25 candid discussions with 57 different participants from
around the world, the author provides a rich variety of
perspectives and backgrounds from which they describe their lives,
their loves, their sense of masculinity and their flourishing
community-cum-culture. These are free-flowing, sometimes serious,
often lighthearted conversations that provide the kind of insight
that a "cultural analysis" never could.
Alyson Books,,
2002. ISBN 1-55583-578-3 Buy
This Book!
Suresha, Ron Jackson and Pete Chvany,
editors, Bi Men Coming Out every which way. A moving and
pioneering celebration of the male bisexual self that addresses
biphobia in our society. In today's sexual world, straight, gay
and lesbian communities still often refuse to accept the reality
of bisexuality. This book confronts head-on the limiting views
that bisexuality is a transitional phase of sexual evolution or a
simple refusal to accept being either homosexual or straight. This
pioneering collectoin of moving personal essays by bisexual men
and those who love them explores what it means to be bisexual in
today's monosexually oriented society. The millennial shift in
sexual perspectives draws more and more men to come out as being
attracted to both women and men. Bisexual and bi-curious men will
find comfort and camaraderie in these stories about coming out,
its impact on family and marriage, evolving perspectives on
bisexuals within the LGBT community, and the building of
acceptance and affirmation for bisexuality and polyamory. Nearly
three dozen essays are told in the honest words of bisexuals
confirming the validity of their place in the world while
illustrating that there are more bi men than anyone ever realized.
These diverse stories reveal a long-disguised and unconventional
truth - that bisexuality is a valid lifestyle that does not
threaten either sexual camp. Each contributor to this collection
affirms the innate fluidity of self, sexuality, family and
community, and proclaims that sexuality is truly diverse in its
predispositions and creativity. It aids anyone to gain a more
complete understanding of the unique issues of being bisexual
while providing the ultimate affirmation of bisexuality's
existence. Haworth Press,,
2005, ISBN 1-56023-615-9 
Sycamore, Mattilda Matt Bernstein, editor,
Dangerous Families: Queer writing on
surviving. This book consists entirely of writing by
survivors of childhood abuse. That's right - no therapists
analyzing our plight, no talk-show hosts exploiting us - just
survivors, exploring our complicated, frightening, and fulfilling
lives. These stories dispense with the usual technique of
carefully massaging the reader's fragile worldview before plunging
this unsuspecting innocent into a world of horror. They go right
to the horror, the beauty, and the joy, often throwing the reader
off guard, revealing layers of meaning before the reader can step
back. The book explores how abuse turns queer survivors - male,
female and transgendered - into healers, heartbreakers, and
homicidal maniacs, presenting brilliant stories that sear and
soar. Contributors use their own life experience to create a book
that takes back control from well-meaning "outsiders," as they
recount the daily struggle to overcome the damage done to their
minds, bodies, and spirits in a world that denies their gender,
sexual and social identities. Harrington Park Press,,
ISBN 1-56023-422-9 
Tan, Cecilia, editor, SexMagick2: Men
conjuring erotic fantasy. These are erotic fantasies of the
most powerful kind, stories in which the power of sexual love
transforms and renews. Bringing rain to a parched earth, healing
an injured soul, birthing a new sun for a dying planet, driving
out evil spirits - in the erotic visions of these talented
authors, all these things are possible and much more. "Against all
stereotypes of 'men's' sexual writing, what I see here are the
erotic fantasies of intelligent, honest men who are not afraid to
admit that everlasting love is a part of their sexual fantasies. I
see that commitments sealed by blood, magic and with the power of
Gods are central to their most wild and deep imaginings of
sex." Circlet Press, 1997 ISBN 1-885865090 Buy
This Book!
- Tessina, Tina, Gay Relationships: For men
& women, how to find them, how to improve them, how to
make them last, Tarcher, 1989
Weltner, Peter, The Risk of His
Music. "Weltner portrays vividly his characters: gay vets of
Vietnam, Southern hayseeds sprouted in all the wrong hometown
settings, and perhaps most interestingly, male lovers who've lived
and aged together long enough to witness the general decline of
things in the middle America where they've chosen to live, and who
must then finally, as do any 'married couples', see each other
through to burial at the bitter end." Edmund White. A book that is
profoundly gay yet universally valid. Graywolf, 1996
Yost, Merle James, When Love Lasts
Forever: Male couples celebrate commitment.
Hopefully, the stories in this book will show another generation
that coupling is possible. As a therapist, the author has seen
many men come into his office and tell him that they do not
believe that gay men are capable of getting into relationships and
staying in them. They have bought the public perception that gay
men are only interested in sex. This belief about men in general
and gay men in particular has done untold harm to their
self-perception as men and to their ability to form relationships.
This book refutes this myth by showing that men have coupled for a
very long time and continue to do so. Pilgrim Press, 1999 ISBN
0-8298-1332-2 Buy
This Book
Winfeld, Liz, Straight Talk about Gays in
the Workplace: Creating an inclusive, productive environment
for everyone in your organization. This guide covers all
aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity diversity in the
workplace and includes new and updated information on domestic
partner benefits, educating employees about sexual orientation and
gender identity, nondiscrimination policies, effective employee
networks and alliances, sensitive issues that involve transgender
people, opportunities for marketing to the LGBT community,
internal and external outreach programs, new information focused
on LGBT youth and academia inclusive of sexual orientation and
gender identity. Harrington Park Press,,
ISBN 1-56023-547-0 
* * *
One of the greatest military leaders the world has ever known was
out and was gay.
His name: Alexander the Great.
The Roman emperor Nero married his male slave Scotus in a public

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