Menstuff® features a recently published book, starting each Monday for the week. This information appears on our homepage and at "Today" and is seen be visitors and subscribers. Selections for 2000 are listed below. See also Book of the Week 2001, 2002 and 2003 and 2004.
December 25-31: Rich, Ronda, What
Southern Women Know (That Every Woman Should): Timeless secrets
to get everything you want in love, life and work
December 18-24: Washington, Deanna, The
Language of Gifts: The essential guide to meaningful gift
December 11-17: Peters, Elizabeth, Gary Peterson, Suzanne
Steinmetz, Randal Day, Fatherhood: Research,
interventions and policies
December 4-10: Strasser, Todd, Give
a Boy a Gun
November 27-December 3: Goldstein, Mark, Myrna Chandler
Goldstein, Boys into
Men: Staying healthy through the teen years
November 20-26: Wallerstein, Judith, Julia Lewis, Sandra
Blakeslee, The
Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 year landmark
November 13-19: Crohn, Joel, Howard Markman, Susan Blumberg,
Janice Levine. Fighting
for Your Jewish Marriage: Preserving a lasting promise
November 6-12: Stuecker, Ric with Suze Rutherford
Reviving the
Wonder: 72 activities that touch the inner spirit of
October 30-November 5: Snyder, Rachel, What
There is to Love About A Man
October 23-29: Boyd, Neil, The
Beast Within: Why men are violent
October 16-22: Thorhill, Randy & Craig Palmer,
Rape: A
natural history of biological bases of sexual coercion
October 9-15: Sikes, Gini, 8
Ball Chicks: A year in the violent world of girl
October 2-8: Ghiglieri, Michael, The
Dark Side of Man: Tracing the origins of male
September 25-October 1: Bragg, Bernard & Jack
Olson, Meeting
Halfway in ASL: A common ground for effective communication
among deaf and hearing people.
September 18-24: Wainrib, Barbara Rubin & Sandra
Haber, Men, Women
and Prostate Cancer: A medical and psychological guide for women
and the men they love
September 11-17: Barret, Robert, Bryan Robinson.
Fathers: Encouraging the hearts of gay dads and their
September 4-10: Sommers, Christina Hoff, The
War Against Boys: How misguided feminism is harming our young
August 28-9/3: Kuchenbecker, Shari Young, Raising
Winners: A parent's guide to helping kids succeed on and off the
playing field
August 21-27: Cousens, Gabriel with Mark Mayell
for Life: An all-natural, 5-step plan to reclaim your zest for
August 14-20 - K.C., Where's
Daddy? The mythologies behind custody-access-support
August 7-13 - Rosenberg, Marshall B., Nonviolent
Communication: A language of compassion when communication
really matters,
July 31-August 6 - Quinn, Jay, The
Mentor: A memoir of friendship and gay identity,
Harrington Park Press, 2000
July 24-30 - Harrell, Keith, Attitude
is Everything: 10 life-changing steps to turning attitude into
action, Cliff Street Books, 2000
July 17-23 - Goldman, Marcus Jacob, The
Joy of Fatherhood: The first twelve months, Prima
Publishing, 2000
July 10-16 - Gerber, Richard, Vibrational
Medicine for the 21st Century: The complete guide to energy
healing and spiritual transformation, William Morrow, 2000
July 1-9 - Joannides, Paul, A Guide
to Getting It On. Goofy Foot Press, 2000
June 1-30 - June is International Men's Month. Each day at
"Today" a different men's issue will be discussed. We will also
select a Book of the Day relating to that topic. (See
Daily Issues.)
May 29-31 - (Partial week lead-in to International Men's Month
with Book of the Day.) Winslade, John and Gerald Monk,
Mediation: A new approach to conflict resolution,
Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000
May 22-28 -Stone, Geo, Suicide
and Attempted Suicide, Carroll & Graf Publishres,
May 15-21 - Gephardt, Richard, An
Even Better Place; American in the 21st Century,
Public Affairs, 1999
May 8-14 - Szasz, Thomas Stephen, Fatal
Freedom: The ethics and politics of suicide, Praeger
Publications, 1999
May 1-7 - Beckfield, Denise, Master
Your Panic and Take Back Your Life! Twelve treatment sessions to
overcome high anxiety, Impact Publishers, 2000
April 24-30: Meade, Michael. Robert Bly, James Hillman, ed.,
Rag & Bone Shop of
the Heart: Poems for men. For National Poetry
Month.. Harper Collins, 1993
April 17-23: Pelzer, Dave, A Man
Named Dave: A story of triumph and forgiveness,
Dutton, 1999
April 10-16: Brandenburg, Mark, Child
Safe: A practical guide for preventing childhood injuries
(0-14), Three Rivers Press, 2000
April 3-9: Gartner, Richard B., Betrayed
as Boys: Psychodynamic treatment of sexually abused
men. Guilford Press 1999
March 27 - April 2 - Brody, Leslie, Gender,
Emotion and the Family, Harvard University Press, 1999
March 20-26 - Young, Cathy, Ceasefire! Why
women and men must join forces to achieve true equality, The Free
Press, 1999
March 13-19 - Farrell, Warren, Women
Can't Hear What Men Don't Say: Destroying myths, creating
love. Tarcher/Putnam, 1999
March 6-12 - Kilmartin, Christopher, The
Masculine Self. The 2nd edition McGraw-Hill Higher Education,
February 28-March 5 Toussaint, Pamela, Great
Books for African-America Children. Plume Book, 1999
(March 2 is "Read Across America Day" sponsored by the
National Education Association in honor of the birthday of Dr. Seuss
(Theordor Geisel).
February 21-27 Krasnow, Michael, My
Life as a Male Anorexic, Harrington Park Press, 1996 (During
"Eating Disorder Awareness Week")
February 14-20: Kingma, Daphne Rose, The
9 Types of Lovers: Why we love the people we do & how they
drive us crazy, Conari Press, 1999
February 7-13: Martin, Edwin, Stopping
the Train: The landmark victory over same-sex sexual
harassment in the workplace, Corinthian Books, 2000
January 31-February 6: Ditzler, Jinny, Your
Best Year Yet! Ten questions for making the next twelve months your
most successful ever, Warner, 2000
January 24-30: Fisher, Bruce & Robert
Alberti, Rebuilding:
When your relationship ends, Impact, 2000
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