The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books concerning
conflict resolution. See also books communication.
Allen, Elizabeth & Donald Mohr
Affordable Justice: How to settle any dispute, including
divorce, out of court. In response to the failure of the legal
system to meet people's needs for affordable justice, noted
experts have written the first step-by-step guide for the general
public about how to settle disputes out of court. For individuals,
as well as businesses of all sizes, this informative and
entertaining book, written in plain language, offers practical
information and advice to everyone who wants to avoid the
nightmare of a legal battle. It covers: Divorce, workplace
disputes, contract disputes, real estate disputes, insurance
claims, prenuptial agreements, post-divorce modifications,
neighborhood conflicts and more. It includes an expanded directory
of referral sources and providers, listing mediators and
arbitrators in the U.S. and Canada. West Coast Press, 1998,
800.494.9866, or
ISBN 0-9655876-6-5 Buy
this book!
- Brandow, Karen, No Bosses Here! A manual on
working collectively & cooperatively, Alyson, 1981
Deutsch, Morton and Peter T. Coleman, Ed,
Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and
practice. Created under the direction of one of the founders
of the field of conflict resolution, this book is a compendium of
knowledge from a stellar panel of experts. This landmark book
contains the most authoritative presentation of the theories and
practices underlying the constructive resolution of conflict. In
clear and accessible language, the authors offer essential
guidance for understanding conflict processes as well as for
finding win-win solutions for conflicts. Written for both the
seasoned professional and the student just learning the art of
mediation and conflict resolution, the book contains many useful
ideas and practical suggestions for understanding and managing
conflicts of all sorts: interpersonal, intergroup, and
international. It covers a broad range of topics including
information on cooperation and competition, justice, trust
development and repair, resolving intractable conflict, and
working with culture and conflict. Many of the chapters are
organized by first presenting the theoretical ideas in the
substantive areas being discussed, then drawing out the
implications of these ideas for understanding conflict, and
concluding with the development of these ideas for educating or
training people to manage their conflicts more constructively. In
addition to its value as a vital resource in the field of conflict
resolution, the book also makes an important contribution toward
understanding the basic social psychological processes involved in
any type of social interaction. Jossey-Bass
2000 ISBN 0-7879-4822-5 Buy
this book!
Giroux, Lance,
Conflict & Resolution. No matter where you look,
no matter when, no matter the people or where they came from, no
matter the time in history nor the personal background, no matter
the race, the religion, the sex or sexual orientation, the job
title, whether labor or management, the political philosophy or
religion or economic situation of the day, you will find conflict.
You know the words: "How many times do have to tell
you, I don't like it this way." "You're just like your
father (mother)." "This isn't what I asked
for!" "Before we start I want you to meet Phil Atkins
of Atkins, Mitchell and Davidson Attorneys at Law." "Am
I getting through to you yet?" "Take it or leave it,
that's my final offer." "Take out your license, and
then put your hands back on the steering wheel." "Damn,
I'm going to be late!" "That's an unacceptable
answer." I'm not interested in what you think or feel.
I'm interested in your doing it my way." "In
preparation for the audit..." Short, sweet and effective, this
small volume has it all. Ronn Publishing, PO Box 931,
Petaluma, CA 94953, 1996 Buy
This Book!
Jackins, Harvey, Human Side of Human
Beings: The theory of re-evaluatoin counseling. This book
is an introduction to a theory of human behavior that marks a
major breakthrough of human knowledge. It presents a solution to
the basic problem of human irrationality, a problem which impedes
the handling of all the other key questions now facing the world.
Human intelligence is defined concretely as the ability to
construct a new, unique, accurate response to each new, unique
experience which confronts each human at each moment of his/her
existence. To not do this is an acquired, non-inherent,
unnecessary characteristic of most humans today. This theory of
human behavior is in sharp disagreement at many key points with
other presently widely accepted theories, but not at any point
have these other theories produced practical results beyond
"symptom suppression." This is an introduction only. Techniques of
applying the theory with individual people and groups of people
and with its wide social implications are available within the
"RC" community (Editor: going strong in 2000) Rational
Island, 1978 ISBN 0-911214-60-7 Buy
this book!
- Kokopeli, Bruce, Leadership for Change, New Society,
- Lakey, Berit, Meeting Facilitation: The no magic
- Lawson, Leslie Griffin, Lead On: The complete
handbook for group leaders, Impact, 1982
- Lieberman, Mendel, Resolving Family & Other
Conflicts: Everybody wins, Unity, 1981
- Lyons, Gracie, Constructive
Criticism: A handbook, Inkworks, 1976
Bernard, The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A
practitioner's guide. Professionals who are successful in
resolving conflicts use more than a learned set of processes,
methodologies or clever tactics. A skilled conflict resolver must
also employ a core set of values, an array of analytic and
interpersonal skills, and a clear focus. This book is a
much-needed resource that goes beyond instruction of the "how-to"
skills of dispute resolution and illuminates the thinking
processes that drive the practice of successful conflict
resolution. This book offers a framework for understanding
conflict and for becoming a creative, interactive, and fluid
conflict resolution practitioner. In addition, it is filled with
useful case examples which represent a broad base of conflict
situations - international, family, public policy, organizational,
community, environmental and labor management - and provides
powerful concepts and stories for becoming a more effective
negotiator, facilitator, and mediator. Jossey-Bass
2000 ISBN 0-76879-5019-X Buy
this book!
Kadis, Ruth McClendon & Leslie B.,
Reconciling Relationships and Preserving the Family
Business: Tools for success. You will never look at a
family business the same way after reading this extraordinary
book. Open your mind and your heart and allow the authors to
courageously guide you along the previously uncharted path of
reconciliation in family business. With wisdom, clarity, and
enlightenment, they tackle the daunting task of bringing about
lasting change and reconciliation in damaged or traumatized
relationships in family businesses. After reading this book, you
will understand the complexity of the obligations, loyalties, and
responsibilities each family business member faces; how to define
the necessary characteristics of future leaders for the business
rather than selecting favored children; and how to tackle thorny
boundary issues of who is in and who is out (in-laws,
stepchildren, etc.) The Haworth Press,,
2004, ISBN 0-7890-1800-4 
- Mindell, Arnold, Leader as Martial Artist: Techniques
& strategies for resolving conflict & creating
community, Harper, 1992
- Rosenberg, Marshall, Model for Nonviolent
Communication, New Society, 1983
- Ryan, Howard, Blocking Progress: Consensus decision
making in the anti-nuclear movement, Overthrow Cluster,
- Steiner, Claude, Other Side of Power: How to become
powerful without being power-hungry, Grove, 1981
Winslade, John and Gerald Monk, Narrative
Mediation: A new approach to conflict resolution.
Most professionals trained to resolve conflicts ground their
efforts in the theory that people are motivated by a desire to
fulfill their personal interests. Mediators work to assist
disputing parties by discovering a shared interest, which will
motivate each party to resolve their conflicts. However, despite
the widespread use of this traditional problem-solving,
interest-based model of conflict resolution, incidents of
violence, international hostilities, and legal disputes continue
to escalate worldwide. In this book, the authors introduce
narrative mediation - a new paradigm in the field of conflict
resolution and a radical departure from the traditional
interest-based, problem-solving approach to resolving disputes.
They reveal how this innovative approach, which seeks out the
conflicting parties' individual stories, can be applied to create
lasting resolution for a wide variety of conflicts. At the heart
of narrative mediation lies the goal of developing a context for
creating a relationship that is incompatible with conflict. This
transformed relationship is built on stories of understanding,
respect and collaboration. Using actual scenarios from their
mediation practice, they show how the mediation context is filled
with strong cultural narratives influenced by ethnicity, gender,
class, education and financial status. The narrative mediation
technique guides professionals and their clients to make sense of
the complex social contexts that shape conflicts, and ultimately
helps to create new possibilities for change. In accessible,
everyday language, the authors reveal how to build a trusting
relationship wit the disputing parties, map the effects of the
history of the conflict, construct new solution-bound narratives,
and finally move toward consensus and resolution. Jossey-Bass
2000 ISBN 0-7879-4192-1 Buy
this book!
- Woodrow, Peter, Clearness: Process for supporting
individuals & groups in decision making, Clearness Manual,
- Wyckoff, Hogie, Solving Problems Together, Grove,
* * *
Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and
things left unsaid. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A battle is a little like wrestling a gorilla.
You don't quit when you're tired.
You quit when the gorilla is tired.
- Robert Strauss

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