The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Humor? This
section includes some of the biggest ways the "war of the sexes" is
fueled. We need to say "That isn't funny!" not only to rape jokes,
but to any joke that shames or demeans another person - especially to
the ones sent in group e-mails. Just click on the "Reply All" button
and let them all know where you stand.
Wrinkles and wisdom are the flip sides of the
sometimes aggravating, sometimes joyous and often humorous process
of growing older. Once middle-age sets in, we are all in for the
ride of our lives on the aging roller coaster and this "just for
laughs" book is exactly what the doctor ordered. Bound to be
enjoyed by people of all ages, it is a lighthearted assortment of
hilarious quotes and illustrations about aging that everyone can
relate to. Its wit is sure to amuse anyone who has embarked on the
journey "over the hill." "As long as you're over the hill, you
might as well enjoy the view!" - Anonymous. Penbrooke Publishing,
1998 ISBN 1-889116-07-6 Buy
This Book!
Allen, Judy, Picking on Men, The first
honest collection of quotations about men. Fawcett Gold Medal
Book, 1986
Anderson, Susan, Porn for New Moms.
The Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative was created by
women, for women, in 2005 to redefine the way we look at naughty
pictures. Our mission is to salvage the term "pornography" from
the gold-chained, hairy-chested, leisure-suit-wearing,
mouth-breathing knuckleheads and reclaim it for the rest of us.
CWPC members have opted to keep their membership roster
unpublished, out of concern that our colleagues in academia,
medicine, and the media may still have underdeveloped senses of
humor. We hope this book will change that. Chroniclebooks,
2008, ISBN 978-0-8118-6216-5 
Anderson, Susan, Porn for Women. The
Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative was created by women,
for women, in 2005 to redefine the way we look at naughty
pictures. Our mission is to salvage the term "pornography" from
the gold-chained, hairy-chested, leisure-suit-wearing,
mouth-breathing knuckleheads and reclaim it for the rest of us.
CWPC members have opted to keep their membership roster
unpublished, out of concern that our colleagues in academia,
medicine, and the media may still have underdeveloped senses of
humor. We hope this book will change that. Chroniclebooks,
2007, ISBN 978-0-8118-5551-8
Chroniclebooks, 2007,
Baber, Brendan & Eric Spitznagel,
A Guy's Guide to Dating: Everything you need to know
about love, sex, relationships, and other things too terrible to
contemplate. With the sexual revolution of the 60s, the
women's movement of the 70s and 80s and the politically correct
90s, men have every right to be thoroughly confused. Let's face
it. Dating in this decade is tough - and as far as men are
concerned, it's tougher on them. The sidesplitting book takes men
through the pitfalls of modern romance and is destined to give
guys a clear path to finding love. The authors take readers by the
hand and lead them through the murky waters of the modern dating
pool and then escort them down the path to contemporary
relationship nirvana. Doubleday www.bdd.com 1998
This Book!
Banks, Laura and Janette Barber, Breaking
the Rules: Last-ditch tactics for landing the man of your
dreams, A Parody. Women, A.) Are you a carbon-based life
form? B) Do you walk erect on two legs (most of the
time)? C) Do you have $7.99? If you answered yes
to question C, then you're our kind of gal! You are the person our
sophisticated, 21st-century market research has identified as our
most likely victim, er, reader. (They were right in the first
place.) So buy this book and start breaking the rules. We'll
show you how to: Be needy, clingy and whiny with Mr.
Right Now. Ransom his power tools to get his attention. Repair
used blenders for fun and profit. And we'll make
money! Isn't capitalism great? Is there anything
else we can sell you? Have we told you about our
$100-per-minute seminars? Wanna buy a T-shirt? And,
there's more. Recommendations include: Move you stuff into
his apartment as quickly as possible. Married men take you to
nicer restaurants. Carry an answering machine in your purse. If he
has a pulse, you have a date. Spill your guts before you spill
your wine, and Gab until his ears bleed. Career Press, 1997
ISBN 1-56414-296-5 Buy
This Book?
Barreca, Regina, They Used to Call Me Snow White...Women's
strategic use of humor, Penguin Books, 1992
Blank, Adam with Lauren Blank, Field Guide
to the North American Bird. There is one gesture that
transcends language, race, gender, and age: the bird. Throughout
time, man has brandished his middle finger to express anger or
insolence, to scorn or to provoke. This book documents great
moments of creativity, ingenuity, and utter stupidity in the
history of the one-finger salute. With step-by-step illustrations
for more than 50 ways to give someone the finger, this handy
little guide will have you flipping off with skill and style.
Brush up on classic birds like the Peel the Banana and the
Volumne ("Can you hear this?...Or do you want me to turn it
up?"), then expand your vocabulary with more sophisticated birds
like the Cell Phone, the Pulley and the Helium
Balloon. For the globetrotting bird-flipper, this book also
showcases Birds of the World, so you can piss off people wherever
your go. You'll find the perfect bird for any job, whether
tormenting your little sister, covertly rebelling against your
boss, or telling that tailgater exactly what you think of them.
Let your finger do the talking. Ten Speed Press, www.tenspeedpress.com
2004. ISBN 1-58005-574-1 
- Blumenfield, Jay, The Groom's Secret Handbook: How not to
screw up the biggest day of her life, Fireside, 1997
- Blumenfeld, Warren S., Pretty Ugly: More oxymorons
& other illogical expressions that make absolute sense. Do
phrases like "student teacher" and "slighly pregnant" make you
think twice and smile? Back by popular demand with the latest
oxymoronic discoveries, brand-new categories, and the added fun of
pleonasms (redundancies such as "cash money") and palindromes
(they read the same right to left as left to right, as in "live
evil"), the author offers a new collection of illogical
expressions that is sure to tickle your funybone. Putnam
Publishing, 1986, ISBN 0-399-51493-7 Buy
This Book!
Borus, Justin, The Girls & Sports
Dating and Relationship Playbook: Opening lines, pinky probes
and L-bombs. This book treats readers to an honest and
humorous look at the issues most important to single people,
including dating, sports, relationships, the bar scene, working
out, parties, vacations and much more. This smorgasbord of dating
and relationship advice features charts, graphs, pithy
observations, not-so-obvious truisms, and sports-influenced
strategies. The book covers the whole cycle of a relationship,
from "Getting the Night Started" and "Scouting the Prospects" to
"First Dates" and "Going All the Way" to "The Serious
Relationship" and "Getting out of the Game" (i.e. getting
married). Fans of the strip and new readers alike will love this
irreverent guide to all that is girls...and sports. Santa Monia
Press, www.santamonicapress.com,
ISBN 1-59580-015-8 
Brown, Dwight, The Modern Martian's
Guidebook: Don't leave Mars without it! *Special caution to
Venusians: This book contains logic. The author says
"We've had enough crap about the glories and marvelous traits of
underdogs. Underdogs are underdogs for a reason. The rest of us
certainly don't need to applaud and emulate those reasons. This
book was written after reading John Gray's book, Men Are From
Mars, Women Are From Venus, which, basically, said to
me: women and men are different and men should be more like
women. This started as a letter of rebuttal, but as time went on
it grew into a desperate moan of anguish, and then into something
that I thought could be both humorous and enlightening. Most of
the subjects and examples came from personal experience. Just
writing them down has been great therapy. If you have had similar
experiences I hope there is consolation in knowing you are not
alone. If you are too young to have had these experiences yet, you
have my sympathies. Let this book be a warning and a guide." 1st
Books Library, www.1stbooks.com
2001, ISBN 0-75960-720-6 Buy
This Book!
Burgess, Rick & Bill
"Bubba" Bussey, The Rick & Bubba Code: The
two sexiest fat men alive unlock the mysteries of the
universe. Some people believe that Leonardo Da Vinci hid a
"secret code" in his famous artwork. Others are convinced that
life's secrets can be found in ancient cave drawings, or in
deciphering the meaning of Stonehenge. But the true answers to
life's biggest questions are right here...inside this book. After
the runaway success of their first book, people began to look to
our heroes for the answers to life's biggest challenges.
Thankfully, this book contains a couple of those answers. And
plenty of laughs. Are you ready to be enlightened? Thomas Nelson,
2007, ISBN 0-8499-1877-4 
Carlin, George, Napalm & Silly
Putty: Quips, probes, thrusts, screeds, japes, taunts,
insults, musings, harangues, verbal ordeals, joy, anger, wonder,
confusion, wisdom, hostility, innocence, impudence, reflection,
semantic distortion. In his New York Times bestseller,
Brain Droppings, the author unleashed his opinions on
everything from dining out to why you should marry an orphan.
Here, the thinking person's comic offers a hilarious new
collection of razor-sharp observations on God, language, death,
pets, driving, food, sports, airplanes, advertising, news,
businessmen and much, much more! He dives right in asking the
tough questions: When Reagan got Alzheimer's, how could they
tell? If people climb Mt Everest because it's hard to do, why do
they go up the easy side? He shares his philosophical
musings: In America, anybody can be president. That's the
problem. He provides information: The mayfly lives only one
day. Sometimes it rains. And he shares observations: Am I the
only one to notice that the Lone Ranger and Tonto never got their
laundry done. You'll learn what he thinks of saving the planet,
his suggestion for revamping the prison system, and why he prays
to Joe Pesci. Hyperion, www.hyperionbooks.com
2001 ISBN 0-7868-6413-3 Buy
This Book!
Dolt, Thomas and Ian Dullard, The Complete
Idiot's Guide for Dummies. More stupid, silly crap than any
other book ever! America gets dumber every day.
Proof? Jerry Springer. Phantom Menace. Rap. Prozac.
Barney. Pamela Lee. Kathie Lee. Who Wants to be a
Millionaire? Steven Seagal. The crap keeps piling up.
But you're smart. Whaddaya do? Buy this book and dumb
down! Don't stick out like a sore thumb - become an
idiot like everybody else! It's easier. Here's what you
get: No big words! No bid ideas! Dumb
jokes! Lots of big type! A Forwards by Dan
Quail! Cool, dumb drawings! Really short
chapters! No sincerity! No annoying index! Pix of
authors' real appendixes, not a pile of confusing words! More dumb
stuff you'll miss if you don't buy this wonderful book. Spam Meets
Velveeta. Spice Racked Girls. The Big Lie: Zen Golf. How to
Avoid College. Stogies! What's Not to Like? Pro
Wrestling: It's Real! Elmo & Barbie Get It
On! Byte Me! Sports Bar Etiquette and more.
Ten Speed Press, www.tenspeed.com
1999, ISBN 1-58008-174-6 Buy
This Book!
Fein, Ellen & Sherrie Schneider, DThe
Rules: Time-tested secrets for capturing the heart of Mr.
Right. A simple set of dos and don'ts, this book will
lead you to where you want to be: in a healthy, committed
relationship. Unlike today's haphazard dating customs, this book
rcognizes certain facts of life. That men know what they want.
That a man is either attracted to you - or not! That men want
a challenge, not an instant or easy victory. When you follow these
commonsense guidelines, you treat yourself with respect and
dignity - and demand that men do likewise. Although they sound
old-fashioned, they encourage you to lead a full, satisfying, buy
life - outside of romance. Although they seem tough, they will
teach you how to accept occasional defeat and move on. And
although they require discipline, they will bring out the best in
you and in the men you date. The goal? Marriage, in the
shortest time possible, to a man you love, who loves you even more
than you love him. Whether you're eighteen or eighty, a beauty
queen or a women with ordinary looks, this book will work for you.
(Editor: The Rules tells women not to tell their therapist
they are reading it, The Code says
never to admit to a woman there is a "code". Are either one
healthy? And let's add in Breaking the Rules by Larua
Banks to that question.) Warner Books, 1996
ISBN 0-446-60274-4 Don't
Buy This Book But If You Must!
- Feirstein, Bruce, Nice Guys Sleep Alone: Dating
in the difficult eighties, Dell, 1986
- Foxman, Sherri, J-Factor - Male Jerk
Counter: The new rating system that tells you just how
big a jerk your man really is!, Warner, 1995
Frazier, Ian, Lamentations of the
Father. When the Atlantic Monthly celebrasted its 150th
anniversary by publishing excerpts from the best writing ever to
appear in the magazine, in the category of the humorous essay it
chose only four pieces - one by Mark Twain, one by James Thurber,
one by Kurt Vonnegut and this author's 1997 essay by the same
name. The title piece of this new collection has had an ongoing
life in anthologies, in radio performances, in audio recordings,
on the Internet, and in photocopies held by hamburger magnets on
the doors of people's refrigerators. This latest collection of
daring originality is destined to live happily on the shelf
alongside his classic comic colletions, Dating Your Mom and
Coyote vs. Acme. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, www.fsgbooks.com,
2008. ISBN 0374281629, 
- Gierach, John, Dances with Trout, Fireside, 1995
Gilbar, Rhyk (writter) and Steve Ferchaud
(illustrator), Shmerkli and the Booger Picker. A welcome
relief from many of the dysfunctional "nursery rhythms" that are
still being presented to our children. More than a catchy title,
this outlandish tale of entrepreneurship is also about male
mentoring. There are actually two intelligent, wise and helpful
men in this story. There are too many images of men and fathers as
idiotic, worthless or evil. This book is filled with positive
images of brothers, friends and elders. And, it uses words kids
love to say. A short summary is that in the land of Gezoontite,
nobody would dare pick their own nose. That was a job for
professionals. But one little boy dared. He learned a lot about
the real world and how to make his own place in it. This is the
most recent in a series of great kids books from this pair. Matt's
Hat, Floating Away, Star Bear and The Night of the Hippo-fly-tamus
are also worthy additions to your next story time for kids.
Positive Press, 800.256.8582, 1996
Hightower, Jim, There's Nothing in the
Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos. The
author is mad as hell and he's not going to take it
anymore! He's also funny as hell and in this book he
focuses his sharp Texas wit, populist passion, and native smarts
on America's political, economic, scientific and media
establishments. He shows not only what's wrong, but also how to
fix it, offering specific solutions and calling for a new
political movement of working families and the poor to "take
America back from the bankers and bosses, the big shots and
bastards." Harper Perennial www.harpercollins.com
1998 ISBN 0-06-092949-9 Buy
This Book!
Hinckley, Kathy, Plain Fat Chick Seeks
Guy Who Likes Broccoli - 200 Humorous Personal Ads written by
real people and collected by Kathy Hinckley. From the author, the
title came from a personal ad. "It jumped off the page at me. I
was impressed! Plain Fat Chick could look into her mirror and use
the F-A-T word with confidence and humor. I clipped the ad and
started my collection. I was hooked. A new Kathy was born: the
Collector of Truth in the personal ads of America. I saved ads
that made me giggle. Candid ads. Bizarre ads. But, above all,
honest ads, such as the man who prefers women with unshaven legs,
a woman with a jelly belly, and a cowboy who admits to being
uglier than a bucket of rattlesnakes. Most of us are not beauty
queens or Olympic champs. In reality, we have warts, tattoos, beer
bellies, gray hair, and double chins. Our thighs look like road
maps and our rose-colored glasses will too soon be swapped for
bifocals. Gibbs Smith 1997 Buy
This Book!
Hollander, Nicole, Ma, Can I be a Feminist and Still Like
Men? Sure...Just like you can be a vegetarian, and like fried
chicken. Lyrics from Life. Says Chicago Magazine "This
is the kind of book that, like certain kinds of movies, arouses
the impulse to cheer out loud, to stamp one's feet...at once
funny, wrathful and excruciatingly perceptive...a visceral
pleasure." Well, I wouldn't go that far. - Editor.
St. Martin's Press, 1980, ISBN 0-312-03611-6 Buy
This Book!
Ingall, Marjorie, The Field Guide to North
American Males. This clever book both parodies and pays homage
to The National Audubon Society's Field Guide to North American
Birds, with human males taking the place of ornithological
creatures. Each listing leads off with the species' common and
scientific names, then describes the plumage, habitat, diet,
nesting and breeding groups, sexual and agnostic displays and
courtship behavior. The pocket size makes it easy to carry into
the field - whether you're carefully surveying the flight of the
Athletic Breed at the YMCA or scanning the specimens of Musician
Boys at a favorite mosh pit. It has some social redeeming value.
Henry Holt, 1997 Buy
This Book!
Jarlsberg, Stilton, Who Cut the
Cheese? Parody, An a-mazing parody about change and how we
can get our hands on yours. Four characters must find a way
through a maze in their hunt for "Cheese." But please keep in
mind that this cheese is actually symbolic of the things that we
all want out of life: success and self-confidence, a nice house, a
loving marital relationship, perfect children, a loyal dog, indoor
plumbing, good Chinese food, several million tax-free dollars, and
red-hot sex with mulltiple partners. The "Maze" in this story is
symbolic of the twisting, turning, confusing, mugger-filled blind
alleys of Your Life. More important, since you're being compared
to a rat in this book, the whole "Maze" analogy works like a
charm. When you come to see the "Psychobabble on the Wall," you
can discover for yourself how to deal with change and how to find
the Cheese that will make your life joyous and fulfilling. Failing
that, feel free to take crayons and color in all the pictures.
It's fun, it's therapeutic, and it will make it impossible for you
to return this book for a refund. Crown Publishers, www.randomhouse.com
2000 ISBN 0-609-60891-6 Buy
This Book!
Johnson, Sterling, Watch Your F*cking
Language: How to swear effectively, explained in explicit
detail and enhanced by numerous examples taken from everyday
life. This book takes a no-holds-barred approach to taboo
words and expressions. It shows you how to use them to your
advantage - and have fun doing so. Building on the success of
English as a Second F*cking Language, this book emphasizes
traditional English swears as well as powerful (and forbidden)
expressions from other cultures and languages. Through numerous
examples, it puts the real language of real people into context.
The name of the game is communication and this book shows readers
how to hammer home their message with confidence and gusto. Thomas
Dunne Books, www.stmartins.com,
2004, ISBN 0-312-31871-5 
Jollieffe, Gray, Man's Best Friend. The irreverent story of
man's passionate, often tormented relationship with the constant
companion in his trousers. Wicked Willie, the star of this book,
is lazy, demanding, socially unreliable and selfish. By rights, he
should be outlawed from polite society. And yet, we not only
tolerate the little pest, we encourage and humor him. When he
behaves badly, we forgive him and when he doesn't behave at all,
we coddle him. This is Willie's story: his strange behavior
in elevators, at parties, and in the morning. We see his good days
and his bad days, and everything in between. After several
thousand years of having his own way, Willie has developed a will
of iron. Short of surgery there is no chance of improving his
behavior. We must prepare ourselves for the worst... Harmony,
1984. ISBN 0-517-55792-4 Buy
This Book!
Jolliffe, Gray & Peter Mayle, Wicked Willie's Guide to
Women: The further adventures of man's best friend. Will
man ever be equal to women? This and many other vitally
important questions are left entirely unanswered in this
painstakingly shallow sequel to Man's Best Friend. From
Freud's big slip to the language of love, from the eternal
triangle to the passing fancy, these shameless revelations will
confirm every woman's worst suspicisions. For our male readers,
this comprehensive guide to many different types of women will
provide some valuable insights which will make them no less
baffling than they ever were. This is undoubtedly a contribution
towards better understanding between the sexes. A small
contribution, perhaps, but who said size was
important? Harmony Books, 1988, ISBN 0-517-56652-4
This Book!
John, Uncle, Third Bathroom Reader. We're back again,
overflowing with great new material for a third volume. No more
frantic searches at the last minute for that perfect magazine
article. No agonizing choices between light reading and the
serious stuff. Volume three has it all - entertainment, humor,
politics, pop culture, science, history, gossip...And
more! Of course, it's still divided by length - you can
spend a minute with the Quickies, relax with Regular-Length
articles, or get really comfortable with Long Items. (One of the
few books I've ever finished in my life, much less re-read. And,
I'm still rereading it, after all these years. Editor) St.
Martin's Press, 1990 ISBN 0-312-04586-7 Buy
This Book!
Kinney, Jeff, Diary of a Wimpy
Kid: Dog Days, 2009
. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The last straw 2009
Also see Diary of a Wimpy Kid:, 2007
Roderick Rules 2008
and Do it Yourself Book 2008
A very fun series and good lessons for fathers of kids, especially
boys, who aren't into macho endeavors. Good for all kids to get a
sense of some of the trials and tribulations of a not-so-macho boy
and ways to handle it. It's fun.
Klutz, Editors of, The Encyclopedia of
Immaturity, How to never grow up. The world's most complete
guide. The information is this volume was gathered over the course
of a misspent and lifelong childhood. The sources were extremely
diverse and, given the long time frame, many of them will have to
remain nameless. In most cases they would probably insist on it
anyway. The outstanding exception is our longtime hero, Martin
Gardner, a magic buff, mathematician, teacher and philosopher,
whose vast brain and experience encompass a great deal more than
everything in this book. Klutz, www.klutz.com,
ISBN 1-59174-427-X 
- Lansky, Bruce, Dads Say the Dumbest Things! Fatherly wit
& wisdom, Meadowbrook, 1989
- Lansky, Bruce, Moms Say the Funniest
Things! Motherly wit & wisdom, Meadowbrook,
Leo, Jennifer L. ed., What Color is your
Jockstrap? Funny men and women write from the road. Balls out
travel! This time, it's the battle of the sexes. In the grand
tradition of trilogies, there must be a fourth. The author went on
the hunt and what she found was the strangest sight of all: men on
their knees, begging to be included in the fun. Thus, the series
turns coed with another lunatic array of travel adventures.
Travelers Tales, 2006, ISBN 193236134-0 
Lucaire, Ed w/drawings by Debra Solomon, Phobophobia: The
fear of fear itself and 359 other phobias and manias. Thought
your probias were unique? Well, think again! This
lighthearted lexicon of over 300 phobias and manias defines the
heights of human craziness - and it's all absolutely authentic.
Does the mention of Colonel Sanders send a chill up your
spine? Alectorophobia - fear of chickens - strikes again. Do
Jacuzzis put your head in a spin? Blame it on the dreaded
dinophobia - fear of whirlpools. And if the sight of a Skippy jar
makes you weak in the knees, don't panic: It's simply a case
of arachybutyrophobia - the fear of peanut butter. Learn the name
of Dracula's bane, what drove Fred Astaire to keep on tapping, and
hundreds of other genuine but astonishing fears, all illustrate
with hilarious, off-the-wall cartoons. If you thought you had
nothing to fear but fear itself, this will change your mind!
Perigee Books, 1988 ISBN 0-399-51447-3 Buy
This Book!
McBride, Mary & Veronica, Grandpa
Knows Best, But No One Ever Listens! Hilarious helpful hinds
for grandpas. The nicest part of growing old is becoming a
granpa. That stage of life can't be here yet! But you're
older than you think. If the last music you thought good was sung
by Humperdinck. It seems as if it were just the other day that you
scored the winning touchdown for State and you were asking every
woman you met, "What's your major?" Now you receive the
news that your son or daughter is about to become a parent.
Impossible! You feel you will be in the Guiness Book of
Records for being the youngest grandfather. But probably not.
It is better that you realize the world will not be astounded that
you are a grandpa. So, have some fun about the whole thing. And,
check out this book. The Brothers Grinn, 1992,
ISBN 0-9627601-4-5 Buy
This Book!
Miller, Dennis, The Rant Zone: An
all-out blitz against soul-sucking jobs, twisted child stars,
holistic loons & people who eat their dogs! In this
the fourth installment of his acclaimed Rants series, the author
makes hamburger meat out of society's most sacred cows, as only he
can, with the kinds of allusions that require high SAT scores
- or at least a smart crib sheet. This time around, he takes on
child stars with rap sheets, women with bigger muscles that his
own, herbs you don't smoke, God, and football. As always, nothing
is out-of-bounds. HarperCollins Publishers, www.harpercollins.com,
2002, ISBN 0-06-050537-0 Buy
This Book!
Newman, Amanda, DWomen
Are From Venus, Men Are From Hell. Here's the final word on
the subject of men! (From a woman who obviously doesn't
like men. - Ed.) Any woman who's ever been disappointed in the
opposite sex will savor this collection of observations about
men's faults and foibles. To say it's witty, keen or satirical
would be blasfome. I wonder when the publisher is going to print
the other side of the story? We wouldn't like it any
more than we do this one, but we want you to know what kind of
trash is still being published in a rather "aware" world that is
working to come together rather than push the other away. Oh well.
If some people didn't have hate to hang on to, what would be
left? Here is the publisher and author's websites. Let
them know what you think. We don't recommend buying this book.
But, you might want to check it out at the bookstore first to see
what you think. You also might tell the book buyer what you think,
as well. Adams Media Corp, 260 Center Street, Holbrook, MA 02343
www.adamsmedia.com and
Amanda can be found at www.menarefromhell.com.
1999 ISBN 1-58062-124-4 Don't
Buy This Book, But If You Must!
Penn, Nate & Lawrence LaRose, DThe
Code: Time-testing Secrets for Getting What You Want from Women -
Without Marrying Them! Well, you knew it was only going to be
a matter of time until someone wrote a rebuttal to the atrocious
The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets
for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right by Ellen Fein and Sherrie
Scheider, published by Warner in 1995 and Breaking
the Rules: Last-ditch tactics for landing the man of your
dreams, Laura Banks & Janette Barber published by Career
Press in 1997. And, while claiming that The Code is 90%
satire, it is no better for it. The Rules tells women not
to tell their therapist they are reading it, The Code says
never to admit to a woman there is a "code". Humor that's truly
hard to find. Fireside, 1996 ISBN 0-684-84225-4 Don't
Buy This Book but If You Must!
Peters, Tom, Seuss-isms for
Success: Insider tips on economic health from the good
doctor. Leading economic indicators project that a dose of
levity is just what the Good Doctor ordered! With a mix
of insight, humor and inspiration, this collection of pithy quotes
from Dr. Seuss wil help business-minded readers get ahead in the
one place wachier than anything Seuss himself could conjure up -
the corporate world. Random House www.randomhouse.com
1999 ISBN 0-679-89477-2 Buy
This Book!
Powers, Penny, & Chuck Hays Sit Down,
Shut Up & Hang On: A Biker's Guide to Life. Ever been out
of gas on a lonely country road? Ever seen a Rocky Mountain
sunrise through spokes of a bike? Ever had to depend on your own
skill and determination just to get from here to there? Both
hilarious and insightful, this collection of one-liners relates
not only to motorcycling but more broadly to life. It represents a
philosophy that will be instantly recognizable whether or not you
ride a motorcycle. Gibbs Smith 1997 Buy
This Book!
Raez, Justin, J. Crewd. Just admit
it: Don't you find yourself pouring over those fashion
catalogues looking for that perfect pocket-T or
chinos? Don't you imagine you rlife being complete with
the perfect wool turtleneck or stylish Italian
mules? Does your heart skip a beat when the mailmar
carries to your door the last LL Bean, J Peterman and
Pottery Barn catalogue--all on the same day? Well, this
is just the right dose of medicine for you - a brilliant parody
that takes J Crew and better living through catalog voyeurism
to new heights. Doubleday 1998 Buy
This Book!
Reiser, Judy, Admit it, You're
Crazy: Quirks, idiosyncrasies, and Irrational Behavior.
Everyone has at least one oddity in his or her daily way of life.
In this follow-up to the successful And
I Thought I Was Crazy!, the author offers up more
outrageous, outlandish and downright ridiculous eccentricities
exhibited (and confessed to) by otherwise normal people. From
hilarious bathoroom behavior, funny money routines, and
unconventional clothing habits to eating and sleeping
peculiarities, germ-a-phobia, and more. She documents the zany
traits that make us who we are. Andrews McNeel, 2005,
ISBN 0-7407-5109-3 
Reiser, Judy, And I Thought I Was Crazy! Quirks, Idiosyncrasies
and Meshugaas. Illustrated by Randall Enos. People do the
darndest things! Do you refuse to take the top newspaper on a
stack (even if it's in perfect condition)? Insist that the toilet
paper hang toward the front of the roll? Wait for the phone to
ring at least twice before answering? You're not alone. These are
just a few common quirks in which otherwise normal people indulge
themselves. Laugh. Chortle. And gasp at people's quirks. Original
Fireside Book, 1980 ISBN 0-671-25399-9. OOP. Katalin Media,
2001 ISBN 0-9707619-0-2 Buy
This Book!
Russell, Rachel Renee, Dork Diaries: Tales
from a not-so-fabulous life. New school, new mean girl, new
crush, new diary. So, Nikki can spill about all of it. Aladdin,
simonsayskids.com 2009
ISBN 978-1-4169-8006-3 2009 
Sacks, Marty, Male
Menopaws: The silent howl. What happens to men when they
reach "a certain age?" A lot! A host of important
and sometimes drastic changes can afflict men in their middle
years, including mental andphysical alterations and those
oh-so-embarrassing intimate issues. Thankfully, the whimsical,
intrepid gos are here to help you laugh at these vexations. It
offers two dozen funny and creative solutions to common male
menopausal problems. Gaining weight? Change your
wardrobe! Depressed? Go fishing! Got
wanderlust" Wander! With hilarious drawings of
gentlemen dogs in their prime illustrating every one of these
helpful hints, and a detailed bibliography listing slightly more
sensible resources for dealing with male menopause, this book is
both fun and functional. So unleash your fears and live your life
to the fullest! Ten Speed Press www.tenspeedpress.com
1998 Buy
This Book!
Sandomir, Richarde & Rick Wolff, Life for Real
Dummies: A reference for the totally clueless. At last!
Everything you ever needed to know...but were too dumb to ask.
Finally, a guide for the completely and hopelessly incompetent,
covering a wide range of totally useless...uh, we mean
useful...stuff that you'll be lucky to use in this lifetime. No,
that's not right. We mean you will use this stuff, yeah, like
every day! This parody, fashioned after the "Computers for
Dummies" series, presents a fun and easy way to get through life
as a total dummy - and it's explained in plain English. It
includes chapters on sex, religion, television, golf, taxes and
features Windows '96. HarperPerennial, 1996
Schwartz, Bob, Would Somebody Please Send
Me to My Room!: A hilarious look at family life. The
author reminds us of the necessity, no matter how harried or
confusing things are, to appreciate the humor in the day-to-day
nature of family life. He gives parents a reason to laugh as he
navigates the unexpected twists and turns of parenthood every mom
and dad has experienced - such as that feeling of panic when you
hear the toilet being flushed and immediately followed by your
child's less than reassuring yell of "Uh-oh!" While imparting
crucial information to his children like "the shower curtain goes
inside the bathtub", he learned things like how to navigate the
challenging world of school carpool pickup without infuriating the
power hungry fifth grade Safety Patrol. And, you, like Bob, might
also make some headway with the linguistic parental challenge of
cracking the grunt communication code of teenagers. He tackles
these problems and more. He tells us that the purpose of his
essays is to have us embrace the humor of parenthood and the fun
of family life. "Let laughter be the fuel for this thrilling, and
yes indeed, sometimes pandemonium-producing journey. www.schwartzhumor.com,
Glenbridge Publishing, 2005, ISBN 0-944435-57-2 
Sheppard, Steve, Car-O-Scope: What
your car says about you. The truth that lurks in the
garage! Learn why you drive the car you do. Why you wash it.
Why you pay for it. Why you occasionally wrap it around a tree.
This is a book that no sane person would ever have in his or her
home. Cohort Press, ISBN 0-9777196-1-8 
- Sinclair, Peter, King, Warrior, Magician, Weenie:
Contemporary men's humor, Crossing Press, 1993
- Slung, Michele, More Momilies: As my mother used
to say, Ballantine, 1986
Solimini, Cheryl, DThe
Not-So-Silent Passage: How to manage your man's menopause without
committing manslaughter. Thanks to Gail Sheehy's The Silent
Passage, many baby-boomer women are armed with a feeling of
control over their own menopausal destiny. Hot flashes? You can
always turn on the fan. Night sweats? Kick off the sheets. Mood
swings? Enjoy the ride. But how do you cope when your husband of
25 years announces he's quit his job as a junk-bond trader to run
a fishing charter out of Key West? Comes home in a toupee that
looks like a shag-carpet remnant? By now, you may want to trade in
your 50-year-old for two 25s (if he hasn't already beaten you to
it). It's clear that women suffer from men's middle age, so that's
why they need to know as much as they can about their baby-boomer
male. Once they understand that he is going through his own
"change of life", they can be more sympathetic, and prepare for
the inevitable. But with quotes like "You can think of maleness as
a type of birth defect", it's not very supportive and it's very
clear that she has never "run with the wolves". They probably
would have turned on her. Too bad. I would recommend buying Jed
Diamond's book, Male
Menopause (see the review in 1997) and Gail Sheehy's Understanding
Men's Passages to better understand men's life passages.
Gibbs-Smith www.gibbs-smith.com
1998 Don't
Buy This Book, But If You Must!
Staten, Vince, Do Bald Men Get Half-Price
Haircuts? In search of America's great barber shops. The
prominence of the barbershop has receded quite a bit since its
heyday in the 1950s, when most men and boys got haircuts every
week or two. But then came the Beatles, the hippies, and the
advent of the dreaded style shop. Still, the barbershop remains
one of the few places where men get together to discuss the local
team's projects, complain about the politicians, and just hang
out. In this delightful blend of travelogue, social history, and
down-home storytelling, the author crisscrosses Americana in
search of the truly great barbershops, provides a brief history of
hair-cutting (the world's oldest legal profession), presents an
inside look at the business side of barbering, offers a list of
the ten worst haircuts (starting with the Caesar), and makes a
powerful case for reviving the nearly lost art of the professional
shave. He even answers the highly pertinent question, "Why is a
bald man writing this book?" Saluting the tradition of the
barbershop and its enduring place in our national life, this book
will appeal to fans of small-town Americana everywhere. Told in
the author's wry, folksy, and gently humorous voice, it makes the
perfect gift for father's, their birthdays and other sentimental
occasions. Simon & Schuster, www.simonsays.com
2001, ISBN 0-684-86745-1 Buy
This Book!
Stewart, Meiji created and David Blaisdell, illustrated,
Children are Meant to be Seen & Heard: humor and wisdom for
honoring children and Its a Jungle Out There! Humor
and wisdom for living and loving life. Both are great
additions to any night-stand, kitchen table or bathroom. Just pick
up either book, open it up, and read what that page has to say. I
just did it for real and got a saying by Charles D Gill "There are
many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do
them." Well? Puddle Dancer Press, 1996
Warren, Roz, Men are from Detroit, Women are from
Paris: Cartoons by women. What do women really
think about men? This book strips down the male psyche to its
bare essence. Every type of guy you ever wanted to meet (or not
meet) is lampooned here. Even the anti-sexist guy. Crossing Press,
1995, ISBN 0-89594-748-X Buy
This Book!
Winston-MaCauley, Marnie, DManSpeak:
What he says...what he really means. A very repetitive line of
negative thinking using extreme stereotyping which demonstrates
the limited experience the author must have with men. Maybe she's
limited by her experience with Mr MaCauley. 193 examples plus some
lies and not a funny one in the lot. I can laugh at myself and my
buddies and, while not a favorite, I find Men Behaving Badly
hilarious compared to ManSpeak. But, this isn't the first
unfunny book to come out of Andrews and McMeel of Kansas City. I
wonder if the people who buy their books have ever seen sunlight?
4520 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111, 1996
Wolfe, Maynard Frank, Rube Goldberg
Inventions: The legendary works (A) of America's
(B) most honored (c) cartoonist. Celebrating the
artist and his legacy, this book brings together the best of
Goldberg's elaborate, ludicrous creations with a charming
biography. Written by a long-time fan of the cartoonist dedicated
to preserving his work, and exquisitely presented by award-winning
designer David Kaestle, the book showcases more than 200 unique
"invention machines," while offering a glimpse into a surprisingly
visionary mind. Just part of the 2,000 intricate contraptions
devised to carry out mundane tasks, while brilliantly illuminating
the consequences of hyper-complication. Simon & Schuster,
www.SimonSays.com. 2000,
ISBN 0-684-86724-9 Buy
This Book!
* * *
In a UCLA study, 87% of the people researchers smiled at smiled

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