
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on the Warrior.
Photo upper left A Celtic deity, possibly Dagda, dangles two
warriors high above his head, and thus reveals his awesome power,
whiloe the warrors in turn lift two boards, showing their supremacy
over animals. Gundestrup
Cauldron, Gilded silver, c. 100BC and upper right "He Ain't
Heavy, He's My Brother", about having to become a warrior too soon.
By James H.
Diamond, Jed, Warrior's Journey
Home: Healing men, healing the planet. If we
believe the media, the men's movement is something of a joke, and
recovery is a passing fad. Yet if we could get inside the hearts
and souls of the over 80 million men in this country whose manhood
is constantly under attack, and who continue to be confused about
what it means to be a man, we would know a different reality. If
we could feel the pain of the nearly 50 million men who are
suffering from addictions, most in "manly" silence, we would know
a different reality. If we could hear the cries of women who work
with, live with, and love these wounded warriors, and must deal
with their deadly outburst of rage and stony silences, we would
know a different reality. If we could sense the sorrow of the
earth as another bulldozer rips through its flesh in the name of
progress, we would know a different reality. Why is there such a
discrepancy between the view that the issues of men and recovery
are passé and the deeper reality that we have only
scratched the surface? This book explores the origins of
addictions and the ways in which men lost the primal connection
with their masculine selves. Generic recovery programs don't go
far enough to heal these wounds: there is a need for programs that
speak to the unique experience of men. This book details ten tasks
of mature masculinity and seven stages of recovery that men can
use to guide them in their return to a more powerful and authentic
experience of manhood. jed@menalive.com
or www.thirdagewellness.com
New Harbinger, 1994 ISBN 1-87923-60-1 Buy
This Book!
- Fields, Rick, Awakened Farber: Living with courage,
compassion & discipline, Tarcher, 1994
- Fields, Rick, Code of the Warrior: In history,
myth & everyday life, Harper Perennial, 1991
Fraser, Antonia, The Warrior
Queens: The legends and the lives of the women who have
led their nations to war, Vintage Books, 1989
- Gilbey, John, Way of a Warrior, North Atlantic,
- Hayward, Jeremy, Sacred World: A guide to
Shambhala warriorship in daily life, Bantam, 1995
- Heckler, Richard Strozzi, Aikido & the New
Warrior, North Atlantic, 1985
Heckler, Richard
Strozzi, Holding the Center: Sanctuary in a time of
confusion, Richard Strozzi Heckler. In his new book, the
author applies his ideas about mastery and skillful action to the
natural world, the family and marriage, and community. As in all
his books, he draws from personal experience: training his horse,
cultivating presence in aikido dojos, consulting with
business executives, raising children. A masterful and
encompassing book, it develops from the fulcrum of the self in the
natural world. Many of his lessons arise from his life as
householder and father. Community is a larger family - we make
alliances to "take care of what matters to us." But
that takes listening to others with an open heart, learning what
the needs of others are. The world can be a sanctuary, if we find
a balance between instinct and choice. He sounds an important call
about the interplay between power and generosity in these subtle
and luminous essays. Frog, Ltd, 1997
Holland, Barbara, They Went
Whistling: Women wayfarers, warriors, runaways, and
renegades. Throughout history there have been women, endowed
with curiosity and abundant spirit, who cast off the shackles of
expectation and struck out for new territory. In this ode to bold,
brash, and sometimes just plain dangerous women, the author
reanimates those rebels who defied convention and challenged
authority on a truly grand scale: they traveled the world,
commanded pirate ships, spied on the enemy, scaled 19,000-foot
passes, and lobbied to change the Constitution. Some were merry
and flamboyant; others were depressive and solitary. Some dressed
up as men; others cherished their Victorian gowns. Many were bad
mothers. But every one of them was fearless, eccentric, and
fiercely independent. The author evokes their energy in this
unconventional book that will acquiant you with the likes of Grace
O'Malley, a blazing terror of the Irish seas in the 1500s, and
surprise you with a fresh perspective on legends like Bonnie
Parker of "Bonnie and Clyde" fame. With wit, wisdom, and
irreverent flair, this book makes a compelling case for the
virture of getting into trouble. Anchor Books, www.anchorbooks.com,
2001 ISBN 0-385-72002-5 Buy
This Book!
- Kopp, Robert de, Warrior's Way: Twentieth
century odyssey, Gateway, 1992
- Mason, Steve, Human Being: A warrior's
journey toward peace & mutual healing, Simon
& Schuster, 1990
Millman, Dan, Sacred Journey of the
Peaceful Warrior. Four years after training with the old
warrior he calls Socrates - in spirt of all he has leaned - the
author confronts personal failure and growing frustrations.
Disillusioned with his life, unable to bridge the gap between
knowing and doing, he sets out on a worldwide quest to rediscover
this sense of purpose and source of inspiration. A buried
memory sends him on a search for a woman shaman, deep in the
Hawaiian rain forest. She is the gateway to all his hopes and his
fears - and only she can prepare him for what is to come. In
worlds of shadow and light, he encounters inner tests, mortal
challenges, shocking revelations, and unforgettable characters as
he ascends the warrior's path to wisdom and peace. This is the
sacred journey we all share, and journey to the Light that shines
at the heart of all our lives. New World Library, www.newworldlibrary.com,
1991, ISBN 0-915811-33-2 Buy
This Book!
Millman, Dan, Secret of the Peaceful
Warrior. When Danny Morgan's family moves to a new
neighborhood, he finds himself harassed by Carl, the school bully.
This is a story of how Danny copes with his dilemma by following
the guidance of a loving mentor named Socrates. With wisdom, humor
and compassion, the older man helps Danny learn that he cannot
overcome fear by running away or by becoming a bully himself. The
solution is for Danny to learn the secrets of a peaceful warrior.
And inspirational story about courage and love, this book sheds
new light on an age-old problem. H J Kramer, 1991
- Millman, Dan, Warrior
Athlete: Body, mind & spirit, self-transformation
through total training, Stillpoint, 1979 OOP www.danmillman.com
Millman, Dan, Way of the Peaceful
Warrior: A book that changes lives. This book
has become one of the most beloved spiritual sagas of our time.
Despite his success, the author, college student and
world-champion athlete, is haunted by a feeling that something is
missing from his life. Awakened one night by dark dreams, he
wanders into an all-night gas statoin, meets an old man named
Socrates, and his world is changed forever. Guided by this
eccentric old warrior, drawn to an elusive young woman named Joy,
he begins a spiritual odyssey into realms of light and shadow,
romance and mystery, toward a final confrontation that will
deliver or destroy him. This classic tale, told with heart and
humor, speaks to the peaceful warrior in each of us. Countless
readers have been moved to laughter and tears - even moments of
illumination - as they rediscover life's larger meaning and
purpose. Journey with Dan on the peaceful warrior's path to
unreasonable happiness. Find out for yourself why this book
changes lives. With a new afterword and revisions by the author.
www.danmillman.com H.J.
Kramer, 1984; New World Library, www.newworldlibrary.com
2000 ISBN 0-915811-89-8 Buy
This Book!
- Ming-Dao, Deng, Scholar Warrior: An introduction
to the Tao in everyday life, Harper, 1990
Ming, Sifu Shi Yan, The Shaolin
Workout: 28 days to transforming your body and soul the
warrior's way. High above the bustling streets of New York
City's hip Greenwich Village, the author trains men and women of
all ages, body types, and backgrounds in the fundamentals of kung
fu. Hailing from China's Shaolin Temple - the birthplace of Chan
Buddhism and the mecca of all martial arts - he teaches the
students at his USA Shaolin Temple that there is no better
workout program than his brand of kung fu for getting the body and
mind into warrior condition. Now this world-renowned master of the
matrial arts presents his 4-week program for total mind, body and
spirit transformation. This distills a lifetime of Shaolin
training and wisdom into a manageable regimen, no matter your
schedule, age or fitness level. In as little as 15 minutes a day,
you'll get an intense aerobic workout that increases your
flexibility, power and speed. At the same time you will experience
spiritual benefits that will radiate through your entire life,
allowing you to tackle the world with a Shaolin warrior's
confidene, calm and poise. Rodale Press, www.rodalestore.com,
2006, ISBN 1-59486-400-4 
- Mosaic, Voices of Vets: A bridge back to the world. Poems
from veterans and their families. The soul searching words of
wonder and power that make up the poems in this book were
distilled from the lived experiences of a group of war veterans
and their family members who attended a five-day retreat in May,
2008. Their words were shaped during the heartfelt retreat and
presented on the stage of the Angus Bowmer Theatre at the Oregon
Shakespeare Festival on Memorial Day. It was compelling work, born
of courage and blood, heat and memory. The voices of the veterans
blazed through the theater with a rare authority and a devastating
beauty - stunning the hearts of the audience and offering an
unforgettable experience of anguish and awe that still
reverberates throughout the town. From the gathered wounds and
shared courage a terrible beauty has been born. It can sear the
heart, yet it can also bring a healing touch to those willing to
welcome and embrace our veterans and their lived stories. Green
Fire Press, www.Mosaicvoices.org,
2008, ISBN 0-9766450-7-8

- Oakes, Maud & Joseph Campbell, Where the Two Came
to Their Father: A Navaho war ceremonial given by
Jeff King, Princeton University Press, 1991
- Parry, Danaan, Warriors of the Heart, Danaan Parry.
ISBN 0965380823, Buy
This Book!
- Shale, Paul, Warrior Within: A guide to
inner power, Delta Group, 1987
Slagter, Sidney R., Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Chicken
Soup for the Veteran's Soul: Stories to stir the pride and
honor the courage.This book is a compilation of true stories
about the lives of the extraordinary men and women who served to
defend and preserve our freedom. The stories take place during
wartime and in the years that followed. The book also includes
anecdotes about their families and friends who have a connection
to the military and played a role in their lives. The reader will
find a wide variety of themes. Topics include heroism, bravery,
comradery, laughter from the front lines, patriotism, leadership
and much more. Of the 3000+ submissions received, those chosen for
the book include tales from many different conflicts such as the
Civil War, World War I and II, Korea, Vietnam and the Persian
Gulf. Look for gripping as well as heartfelt tales. This book will
take you on a journey of military history like you have never
experienced before. It allows the reader to experience the
miraculous feats of our World War II pilots, feel the
compassion of Vietnam War nurses, or empathize with a wife waiting
to hear from her husband serving in Korea. These are just a few of
the many adventures you will have the opportunity to enjoy. It
will appeal to all generations, male and female, to stir the pride
and honor the courage of veterans everywhere. Health
Communications, www.hcibooks.com
2001 ISBN 1-55874-937-3 Buy
This Book!
- Trungpa, Chogyam, The Sacred Path of the Warrior,
Shambhala, 1988
* * *
Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
Men love war because it is the one thing that stops women laughing at
them. - John Fowles

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