
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Ritual
- Initiation and Ritual - General. See
Ritual - Visions Quests
separately. See also books on adolescence,
mentoring, issues on fathers
& daughters, fraternities,
and publications New
Moon Girl. Updated 1/17/01.
Ritual -
- Alli, Antero, All Rites Reversed: Ritual technology
for self-initiation, Vigilantero, 1986
Bly, Robert, Iron John: A book about men.
When Bill Moyer's PBS special on the author aired in the
winter of 1990, it brought forth an unprecedented flood of calls
and letters from both men and women attesting to the pain and
confusion experienced by many contemporary men. This is the
author's long-awaited book on male initiation and the role of the
mentor, the result of ten years' work with men to discover the
truths about masculinity that get beyond the stereotypes of our
popular culture. In the tradition of Blake, Yeats, and D.H.
Lawrence, the author has turned to the most ancient stories and
legends to remind men and women of welcome images long forgotten,
images of a vigorous masculinity both protective and emotionally
centered. He takes as the frame of his bok the tale of "Iron
John", which the Grimm brothers collected in the early nineteenth
century, but which in its themes and motifs goes back thousands of
years. In the story, an ancient "hairy man" - Iron John - becomes
a mentor to a young boy, and each event or adventure is regarded
as a stage in male growth. As the author retells the story, he
stops at times to reflect on initiation rituals for men which
still go on in some parts of the world or are still remembered in
epics such as The Odyssey. As the book progresses, it
brings together a rich and coherent picture of what it has meant
through time to pass from boyhood into manhood. Throughout that
long history of initiation the role of the older men has been
central. Yet in our own time, the young men he observes are
hungering for the father and the mentor as intensely as they
hunger for food. Some say stuck in the "tough guy" mode. Others
linger in the naivete that destroys relationships, so doubtful of
themselves that they can be life preserving...but not life giving.
This book is at the same time a new version and a very ancient
vision of adult manhood, one that has depth, vividness, and
solidity. It reconfirms the power of anckent stories to guide, to
heal, and to convey the deepest truths. Addison-Wesley Publishing,
1990 ISBN 0-201-51720-5 Buy
This Book!
Campanelli, Pauline, Rites of Passage: The pagan
wheel of life, Llewellyn, 1994
- Carnes, Mark, Secret Ritual & Manhood in Victorian
America, Yale University, 1989
- Dean, David, Ravennetus, Pandea, 1995
Eaton, Rand, From Boys to Men of
Heart: Hunting as rite of passage. Is hunting good for
kids? Why do they do it? Is it sport of is in
instinctive? Does hunting encourage violence or does it teach
empathy and compassion? Would it be a more peaceful world if
more men hunted? These are some of the questions addressed in
this book. The author concludes that the social justification for
hunting lies in its positive influence on the development of our
youth into compassionate, virtuous and responsible adults who
respect life and defend nature. OWLink Media, www.owlinkmedia.com,
2009, ISBN 978-1-57994-026-3 
- Eliade, Mircea, Rites & Sumbols of
Initiation: The mysteries of birth and rebirth, Harper,
- Elkin, A. P., Aboriginal Men of High
Degree: Initiation & sorcery in the world's oldest
tradition, Inner Traditions, 1994
Gennep, Arnold Van, Rites of Passage: A classic study of
cultural celebrations. Birth, puberty, marriage and death are,
in all cultures, marked by ceremonies which may differ in detail
but are universal in function. The author was the first
anthropologist to note the regularity and significance of the
rituals attached to the transitional stages in man's life, and his
phrase for these, "the rites of passage," has become a part of the
language of anthropology and sociology. This classic work in
ethnography was first published in 1909 and only recently became
available in English translation. University of Chicago, 1960.
ISBN 0-226-84849-3
- Klein, Tripora, Celebrating Life: Rites of passage for
all ages, Delphi, 1992
- Leemon, Thomas, Rites of Passage in a Student Culture,
Teachers College, 1972
- Mahdi, Louise Caarus, Betwixt
& Between: Patterns of masculine and feminine
initiation, Open Court, 1987
Meade, Michael, Men & the Water of
Life: Initiation & the tempering of men. When
generativity, creativity, generosity and the capacity to embrace
life dry up, the Water of Life has gone underground. At such
times, the earth becomes arid, life becomes devoid of meaning, the
ground of culture cracks and splits, and gaps develop among
peoples and between epeople and nature. Only water can bring the
pieces back together, awaken seeds hidden in the ground, and
enliven the parched Tree of Life. One of the most important ways
to call forth the water of life is through story. For years, the
author has been steeped in stories, some from the ground of his
own life, others from the ancient rivers of Celtic, European and
African myth. Still others emerge from years spent as a teacher,
listening to the stories that both men and women carry. From these
stories he derives medicine for healing individual wounds and
uncovers rituals for the remaking of community. Attuned to our
modern needs - the wounds of divorce, addiction and loss, the
moral abandonment of children, the gap between the genders - and
our mythic inheritance, this book offers narratives that reflect
and resonate with the oldest parts of the human psyc Bilhe - the
place where things began and the place where things can begin
again. Harper, 1993 ISBN 0-06-250542-4 Buy
This Book!
- Ottenberg, Simon, Boyhood Rituals in an African
Society: An interpretation, University of Washington,
- Raphael, Ray, Men from the Boys: Rites of Passage in
Male America, Univeristy of Nebraska, 1988
- Wall, Kathleen, Lights of Passage: Rituals & rites of
passage for the problems & pleasures of modern life,
Harper, 1994
Weiner, Bernard, Boy into Man: A
fathers' guide to initiation of teenage sons, Transformation
Press, 1992 Make check out to Transformation Press, $15.95 total
($11.95 plus $4 s/h) and mail to: Bernard Weiner, 197 Bonview St.,
San Francisco, CA 94110.
Ritual -
- Baldwin, Christina, Calling the Circle: The first and
future culture, Swan/Raven, 1994
- Bear, Sun, Dancing with the Wheel: The medicine wheel
workbook, Prentice Hall, 1991
- Beck, Renee, Art of Ritual: A guide to creating &
performing your own ritual for growth & change,
Celestial Arts, 1990
- Buckland, Raymond, Practical Candleburning
Rituals: Spells & ritual for every purpose,
Llewellyn, 1988
- Cahill, Sedonia, Ceremonial Circle: Practice ritual
& renewal for personal & community healing, Harper,
- Clark, Rabiaa, Sacred Ceremonies, Zibat, 1986
- Driver, Tom, Magic of Ritual: Our need for liberating
rites that transform our lives & our communities, Harper,
- Hammerschlag, Carl, Healing Ceremonies: Creating personal
rituals for spiritual, emotional, physical & mental
health, Perigee, 1997
- Ealki, Thomas, Creative Ritual, Samuel Weiser,
- Henderson, Joseph, Thresholds of Initiation, Wesleyan
University, 1967
- Imber-Black, Evan, Rituals for Our Times: Celebrating
healing & changing our lives & our relationships,
Harper Perennial, 1993
Morris, Ramona & Desmond, Men & Snakes: The
full story of man's relationship - uneasy, weird, fantastic with
the snake. This is not just a book about snakes. There are
plenty of those already. It is a book about man's relationships
with snakes throughout his history, from prehistoric times to the
present day. These relationships have often been strange and
sometimes outlandishly weird. By contrast there have been other
more down-to-earth approaches, particulaly in recent years, when
the snake has become a most intriguing object for zoological
study, or simply a commercil commodity. We hope that when you have
read this volume, your familiarity with the snake will not have
bred contempt for it, but perhaps a more sympathetic attitude
towards a much used and must abused but nevertheless absorbing and
remarkable creature. We also trust that through studying the odd
relationhip that has developed between man and snake, you will
learn something of the true nature of the former as well as the
latter. McGraw Hill, 1965
- Natale, Frank, Trance Dance: The dance of life,
Element, 1995
- Paladin, Lyda, Ceremonies for Change: Creating
personal ritual to heal life's hurts, Stillpoint, 1991
- Pinkson, Tom, Flowers of Wiricuta: A gringo's journey
to shamanic power, Wakan, 1995
Plunkett & Wieners, Burning
Man. Why this is in the ritual section may only be explained
by attending this annual Labor Day fete. This coffee table volume
of excellent photography and stories is the next best thing to
being there. The event is creative expression like none other and
the concept closely resembles the building of sand castles or
carving of ice sculptures. In the end, the art, structures,
creativity go up in flames. And, within a few weeks afterwards,
the only trace of our being in the desert are the minimal use of
the playa for roadways. All structures, residue, even sparkles are
removed from the desert floor to return the soil to nature. So, it
is very much an initiation. A place where you can experience what
others need drugs to experience. An admirable achievement that is
a welcome collection to the novice and experienced alike. HardWire
Books, www.hardwired.com
1997 ISBN 1-888869-13-5 Buy
This Book!
Roberts, Williams O., Crossing the Soul's
River: A Rite of passage for men. This compelling
book puts the male midlife crisis into its deepest context - the
growth of ourselves as spiritual beings. In so doing it moves well
beyond treatments which focus solely on the psychological
dimensions of this process - though the author details these too
with a sharp insightful eye honed by his own personal experience.
Most helpful is his detailing of various rites of passage designed
to help men navigate through this difficult time. In this the book
is of practical as well as intellectual use. The book is deeply
insightful and altogether illuminating. The Pilgrim Press,
pilgrim@ucc.org, 1998
ISBN 0-8298-1259-8 Buy
This Book!
Seaman, Barrett, Binge: What your
college student won't tell you. College life in an age of
disconnection and excess. Just how hard are students
studying? Has diversity worked on campus? What's the
"right" drinking age? How can parents help-or hurt-their
child's chances for success? The author embarked on a
two-year investigation of colleges and universities across North
America to answer these and other questions about the real story
of campus life today. In this book, he reveals what every parent,
student and educator needs to know about the disturbing trends -
from depression and substance abuse to racial tension and isolaton
- as well as the reasons for optimism. Offering provocative,
well-informed suggestions for improving the undergraduate
experience, this book is an extraorginary investigative work that
lays bare the realities of higher education. Wiley, www.wiley.com,
2005. ISBN 0-470-04918-9 
- Some, Malidoma Patrice, Of Water & the
Spirit: Ritual, magic & initiation in the life of an
African shaman. The author, whose name means "be friends with
the stranger/enemy," was born under the shadow of French colonial
rule in Upper Volta, West Africa. When he was four, he was taken
by a Jesuit priest and imprisoned in a seminary built for training
a new generation of "black" Catholic priests. In spite of his
isolation from his tribe and his village, he stubbornly refused to
forget where he had come from and who he was. Fifteen years later,
he fled the seminary and walked 125 miles through the dense jungle
back to his own people, the Dagara. Once he was home, however,
many there regarded him as a "white black", to be looked on with
suspicion because he had been contaminated by the "sickness" of
the colonial world. He was a man of two worlds, at home in
neither. His only hope of reconnection with his people was to
undergo the harrowing Dagara monthlong initiation in the
wilderness, which he describes in fascinating detail. He emerged
from this supernatural ritual a newly integrated individual,
rejoined to his ancestral past and his cultural present. For more
than a century, anthropologists and ethnologists have attempted to
penetrate the worldview of indigenous peoples. Now a true son of
Africa has come forth, with the permission of his tribal elders,
to tell us with stunning candor about their way of life. Today he
flys the jetways writing on his laptop computer, seeking to share
the ancient wisdom of the Dagara with the rest of the world and
bring an understanding of another way of life to his village. His
book is a courageous testament to the hope that humanity can learn
to live in a global village and see the "stranger" as a friend.
Tarcher/Putnam, 1994 ISBN 0-87477-762-3 Buy
This Book!
Some, Malidoma Patrice, The Healing Wisdom
of Africa: Finding life purpose through nature, ritual
and community. A fascinating, detailed journey through the
traditional healing practices of West Africa, by a beloved shaman
and scholar. Through this book, readers can come to understand
that the life of indigenous and traditional people is a paradigm
for an intimate relationship with the natural world that both
surrounds us and is within us. This acclaimed book is the most
distinctive and complete study of the role ritual plays in the
lives of African people - and the role it can play for seekers in
the west. Tarcher/Putnam, www.penguinputnam.com
1999 Paperback. ISBN 0-87477-991-X Buy
This Book!
Some, Malidoma Patrice, Ritual: Power, Healing and
Community, Malidoma Patrice Some. In this remarkable book, we
explore the essential role ritual plays in maintaining community
and examine the structure common to all ritual. By telling stories
of the rituals of his native West African Dagara culture, and his
own experiences in the tribal community, he makes a convincing
case that the lack of ritual in the Western world is a fundamental
reason that the fabric of society is unraveling. "The question
is," said Michael Meade, "can the modern world find ways to
perceive the subtle knowledge and imagery of the tribal
understanding open a place for tribal visions of spiritual life
and community rituals to enter? Malidoma Some is uniquely
qualified to find the thresholds between the worlds and hold the
gates open." Arkana www.penguin.com
1997 Buy
This Book!
- Some, Malidoma Patrice, Ritual Power, Healing
& Community, Swan Raven, 1993
- Starck, Marcia, Women's Medicine Ways: Cross-cultural
rites of passage, Crossing Press, 1993
- Stone, Margaret, Supernatural Hawaii: Actual
mysteries, blessings, curses, rituals, legends, Aloha
Graphics, 1979
- Turner, Victor, Ritual Process: Structure
& anti-structure, Cornell University, 1969
- Tyson, Donald, New Magus: Ritual magic as a personal
process, Llewellyn, 1988
- Vissell, Barry, Shared Heart: Relationship initiations
& celebrations, Ramira, 1989
- Wall, Kathleen, Lights of Passage: Rituals & rites
of passage for the problems & pleasures of modern life,
Harper, 1994
- Wilson, Sule Greg, Drummer's Path: Moving the spirit
with ritual & traditional drumming, Destiny, 1992
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