Menstuff® has compiled information on the issue of fathers and daughters. Photo above left is by Jerry Cooke.
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This photo is at our wedding day, our daughter ran up to be with us at the alter.
This video is not safe to watch at work.
For every father or potential father of a girl.
This video is not safe to
watch at work.
Dear Daddy
Tips To Help Dads and Daughters Stay
& Daughters
& Bikes -
When Dad Does Chores, Girls Benefit
Can Dads and Daughters
Watch the Super Bowl Together Without Cringing?
Father-Daughter Bonding: Fears, Myths and
Patton Oswalt's funny, brutally honest
description of being a dad after losing his wife
What I Want My Daughter to
Things Your Teen Daughter Should
What Little Girls Wish Daddies
Awesome Dad Videos
My Daughter's
A Pro-Linebacker
World Cup
Bend It Like
When Daughters Come Second
If You'd Only Let Me
Raise Your Daughter
An awesome dad explains the 5 revelations
he's had raising 2 girls
She saw the dad who abandoned her living
on the street. Then she fought to save his life
Amy Schumer's amazing gift to her father is
the definition of dad-daughter goals.
Daddy's Little Girl
and Preventing Teen Pregnancy
MS Foundation - Only
Daughters to Work?
Take Our Daughters And Sons to Work
10 Tips for Dads with
What is Beauty in the
Magazines-Will They Harm Her?
Ten Things Every
Father Should Know
Father-Daughter Valentine
Gender Gap Crap
NCAA's Special
Father & Daughter
Lots More Dads and
A bride's father schools us all in the
meaning of family when he shocks the stepdad at the
Related issues: Talking With Kids
About Tough Issues, Adolescence,
kidstuff, children,
fathers, fathers
& sons, single fathers,
step fathers, military
fathers & fathers stories
and Dads&Daughters
for Dads
Other related issues: gangs,
hazing, sexuality-general,
sexual harassment, tv
Books on: children,
families, fathers-general,
fathers &
stepfathers, fathers
& daughers, fathers-single,
fathers &
sons, gay
fathers or gay children, stepfathers,
marriage, parenting-general,
sexism, sex
roles, sexuality-general,
harassment, gangs,
- on Child, Emotional, Religious, and Sexual Abuse and Trauma
Periodicals - Children,
Resources on families,
rights, urgent
Guide: Gangs, stds, aids, safe dating.
Note: New
Moon Network is always looking for fathers with daughters to
write for the"fathering" section.
A recurring theme in all of my men, women, and women and men retreats had been the impact the father had (whether present, abusive, distant, perfect or absent) in the development of the Father Wound. From this I have come to believe that no matter what we do, we will still mess-up as fathers. By becoming more aware and doing more work on our relationships with our children during the tumultuous years of adolescence, we will have a more positive impact on our children that will effect at least seven generations to come.
While improved communication is important, we need to actually start developing completely new models for positive ways fathers can be with their teen-age daughters.
This realization brought me and our then 20 year-old daughter Natalie, together to create and co-facilitate a new rites-of-passage for fathers and their teen-age daughters. Having single parented her since the age of 8, I found that there were things that had gone unsaid, and things that hadn't been listened to (nick names, no mattered how innocent, really embarrass and hurt). I saw how important it is to deal, in a positive way, with all energies in the relationship.
But, how could we bring fathers and daughters together in a new, healthy way? In ancient cultures, men traditionally initiated the boys into adulthood and the women initiated the girls. Add to this the current cultural messages to fathers. Teach your children how to deal in the real world. Prepare them for the hard knocks, trials and difficulties they will most likely experience. Don't expect to be loved. Add to this the factor that for the first time in any culture, women are doing "nontraditional" roles previously the exclusive territory of the man, and you have a scenario that the rites-of-passage, as practiced for centuries, no longer serves. A need for new ritual to acknowledge and support these major societal changes was needed.
It was about 3AM Sunday morning, three miles up California's Rubican River from civilization. We had previously spotted fresh tracks of a big cat, and signs of deer and many smaller animals were everywhere. It was brisk out, with a sky that we could see a million stars further than we could ever see in the city.
The sound of a deer rattle could be heard. Someone in a Mexican grandfather's mask was waking the inhabitants of the small encampment. "Dress warmly and join us at the fire circle."
Sleepy-eyed, the girls and their fathers prepared for the cold, wondering what was ahead. Slowly, the group began to form around the fire circle. It was time for these teen-age daughters to break from their fathers and go into the wilderness, to their "special spot" each had picked the day before. They would remain there alone for the next six hours meeting their fears and anxieties as they separated from the safety and protection of their fathers. They were about to go through a rite-of-passage never before performed in any culture - the passage from the world of the young daughter, not as a son would become a man but as a daughter would become a woman in the world of her father.
The Vision Quest and its purpose was outlined and we went around the circle so each could express their concerns and fears. At the end of the ceremony, each father sent his daughter off to her special place. Each father passed on a deer rattle they had fashioned out of deer hooves tied to the end of strips of animal hide and wrapped with sinew to a short tree branch. These rattles had all been prepared the day before in the sacred way while the fathers met together. Their daughters were to use the rattles during the night to let the animals and spirits know there was a human among them.
After the girls had disappeared into the darkness, several fathers sat up around the fire. It was a circle of fear, starring into the fire in silence, listening. Now and then a rattle could be heard in the quiet. A chant, a whistle, a song. Soon, all was quiet.
The sun rose around 5:30. Those fathers who had dozed off were awakened at 7:30 and were sent off alone and write in their journals, things that they had never shared with their daughters, maybe never shared with anyone. It could be about a weakness, a fear, a sorrow, something that demonstrated their vulnerability, that demonstrated that they were made of flesh and bone.
By 9:00, they were to join their daughters and spend as much time as necessary sharing both of their experiences that morning and sharing things they felt comfortable with from their journals - their secret writings, secret thoughts. Each father took with him a traditionally made prayer arrow which his daughter taught him to make the day before. She had spent the night with the prayer arrow she had made and they were to create their own ritual to leave the arrows at that sight, along with the things they didn't want to carry around inside themselves anymore.
As the fathers and daughters began returning to camp, there was a different air about their relationships. The experience seemed to make their bond much stronger. The fathers saw their daughters differently now. The daughters, too, saw themselves differently. They felt an exhilaration of having faced the night alone and a new independence of knowing they had accomplished something totally on their own. They had persisted, had overcome their fears, had become more confident and self-reliant in just a few short hours.
Men Still Make the Best Fathers
Our culture has great fear and reluctance to accept this father-daughter connection. Some people, like author Jeff Hearn, believe that "...children are not ours in any sense...". Others, from psychologists to church leaders, still challenge our intention of wanting to spend time alone with our daughters, and they really question our desire to take them into the wilderness alone.
But others like Judith Wallerstein feel "...adolescents are particularly vulnerable when deprived of relationships with their father...". Linda Leonard wrote a whole book dealing with the wounds created in the father-daughter relationship and the need to improve those relationships. And, Miriam and Otto Ehrenberg believe that the father should "give up the traditional role of removed provider and take an active role as an involved caregiver."
Being a father, today, contradicts the fundamental ways most men have been raised. The fact is that fathers are full of strength, power and tenderness. They are very good at loving and cuddling their children as well as disciplining and setting boundaries and limits. They can be gentle and roughhouse, go on roller-coasters and play tea party. They enjoy playing with dolls and much as playing ball.
Fathers build in their daughters the confidence to be self-sufficient in the world without continually running back home for support. Their relationship often mirrors the kind of relationships their daughters will choose. The father helps her become independent from him and is the only one who can really confirm for her that she is unique and separate from her mother.
Fathers are open, loving and vulnerable. It's vulnerability that encourages fathers to show not only their strengths but their weaknesses so that the daughter can learn to accept these in herself and from others.
Fathers have a major impact on their daughters view of their own femininity and sexuality and are very good at accepting their display of sexuality in stride. As she goes through puberty, the underlying attraction between them is understood and acknowledges these feelings, confirming that he, too, is a sexual being.
Unfortunately, as our daughters move through this time and start to develop physically, sexually and emotionally, some fathers withdrawal from their daughters. This usually happens because he isn't clear on how to react, how to work with the feelings that are inside of him, and how to deal with the sexual energy his daughter is displaying.
Since most men don't talk about problems with other men, this leaves many fathers who feel a sexual energy between themselves and their daughters, thinking they are the only ones, and that they must be real perverts. Drawing away from a developing daughter at this time, however, can be very damaging to her own sexuality and how she acts around boys and men in the future. This doesn't tolerate inappropriate behavior. It only says that the energy is there, it is normal, and that we must not withdraw our love, affection, hugs and kisses lest we negatively effect not only our relationship with our daughter, but her future relationships with men.
Additionally, this culture has developed such fear around sex that inappropriate taboos have been created that further confuse the situation. When the taboo doesn't fit with human experience, a situation can develop that clouds right from wrong and may open up more inappropriate sexual activity than would otherwise be present.
We need to develop healthy messages that separate touch from sex and sex from intimacy. We need to talk with other men about our experiences so that we will know that we aren't the only ones with sexual energy. We need to be able to recognize the appropriate limits of parental love and distinguish what is healthy from what we should be concerned about. While somewhat simplistic, if it's comfortable showing affection with others around, it's usually healthy, whether others are around or not. But, if you feel the need to make it a secret, it's at least borderline, if not totally inappropriate. (The Ehrenberg's book provides some very valuable information about appropriate and inappropriate sexual intimacy between fathers and daughters and would be a valuable addition to any personal library.)
It has become my belief that the importance of a close, healthy father-daughter relationship is possibly the most important relationship a father can develop at this time in our culture. It will provide daughters and women with a positive image of a father, which is currently missing, for all intent and purpose.
This change won't come about merely be taking a teen-age daughter into the wilderness for a rite-of-passage, though it's never too late to start. It should begin by making a commitment to be involved from the start and make the care of your children as important as your work. It means working for a company that supports parental leave, not just in theory but in practice. It means taking a job that has the flexibility so that you can take off when your children need you and that allows, and encourages, ample time to be with them. It means letting the boss and people you work with know that you take fathering seriously and encourage other fathers to do the same. It means placing as much importance on your active involvement with daughters as you do with sons.
It's not about parental rights, it's about parental obligations.
It's the only way men will ever know the absolute joy and excitement
of fathering. When it comes down to the short strokes, I've never
known of a father to say on his death bed, "I wish I'd worked more."
- Gordon Clay
Father-Daughter Bonding: Fears, Myths and
My fears intensified a few months later when an ultrasound revealed we were expecting a healthy girl. I was happy she was healthy but the news brought with it a new dimension of worry. What did I know about girls?
Perhaps the fathers most difficult challenge today lies in being able to bond with his daughter, says author Michael Gurian, in The Wonder of Girls.
I knew this all too well. As only a dad, could I compete with a mothers natural bonding mechanisms? Built during pregnancy, this bond would intensify after birth, especially during breastfeeding. According to the New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding, 2002 American Academy of Pediatrics, This emotional bond is as vital as the nutritional benefit. Breastfeeding promotes a growing attachment that will continue to play an important role in your babys development for years to come.
One night as I lay awake my wife stirred as the baby moved and kicked. Instinctively, I placed my hand on her stomach and spoke to my daughter. Amazingly, her restless kicking and moving stopped. That night marked a turning point. I realized that I was far from being only the dad. There were things I could do, even at this early stage, to ensure there would be a bond between my daughter and I. It was a huge relief to realize I had only to be myself, love my daughter and the bond would take care of itself.
Bonding myth #1: Youre only the dad.
The reality: A fathers love can make or break a girl, says Mr. Gurian. A daunting statement made less so when you examine the research. According to Dr. Meg Meeker, author of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters;
Myth busting strategy: Spend time with her. The proof of how important dads are is on your daughters ecstatic face when you return home after a long day and in her hugs when you tell her you love her.
Bonding myth #2: You have to be perfect.
The reality: You dont have to be a perfect parent in order to bond. Therell be times when your child drives you crazy and it seems like you cant do anything right. Step back and give yourself some breathing room. Realize this is a small blip in the vast radar screen of your lives together. After all, your parents werent perfect and you turned out fine.
Myth busting strategy: The intimidating job of parenting becomes easier once you realize mistakes are inevitable. Once I realized that it freed me to be the best father possible and not be so hard on myself.
Bonding myth #3: I dont have enough bonding time. Mom gets to stay home with the baby for months and I only get a couple of weeks. I cant compete.
The reality: Moms and dads often bond on different timetables. While its true that the mother-child bond may be facilitated by breastfeeding and a greater amount of time together, the fact is the father-child bond is no less strong or relevant. Bonding takes effort and time, theres no magic that speeds the process.
Myth busting strategy: Dont try to recreate the relationship your daughter has with mom. Dads bring a particular set of skills to the relationship. By creating daddy time early on, your daughter will recognize your unique gifts and come to love them. Walks and errands are great ways to get time alone and serve the dual purpose of giving mom a much-deserved break. Mundane tasks may seem, well, mundane but changing diapers or wiping her face (and yours) when the food goes flying is invaluable in the bonding process.
As dads, we dont have moms soft touch or graceful
finesse. We might not know how to make waffles just so, or soothe a
boo-boo in moms magical way. Often, when were out with
our daughters, socks are mismatched, colors clash and the
well lets just say its good that afros are back
in style. Still, a fathers love is no less beautiful. As a dad,
I know that I am the most important man in my daughters life,
her first love, guide, and protector. Our daughters need our strength
and wisdom to help navigate the long-winding road from the little
girl who squeals with delight when you throw her in the air, to the
poised, confident woman she will become. If we support and love them
unflinchingly, there is nothing our amazing girls cannot
When Dad Does Chores, Girls Benefit
How helping around the house can influence your daughter's career
Dads, did you know that doing your part with the dishes, laundry,
and other household tasks might help your daughters see unlimited
opportunities for their future? Fathers who did their fair share of
domestic chores raised daughters who were more likely to dream of
careers not limited by stereotypic.
Patton Oswalt's funny, brutally honest
description of being a dad after losing his wife.
In an interview with Conan O'Brien on Monday night, Oswalt described his unwilling transition to life as a single dad using a familiar analogy: television.
"I'm like every bad '80s sitcom where there's a dad raising a kid by himself, and the mom is somehow... Except my '80s sitcom sucks. There's no punchlines. It's just, there's a lot of insomnia. There's a lot of me eating Cheetos for dinner, and I'm waiting for my daughter to turn to the camera and go, 'No wonder I'm in therapy!'"
In an unflinching Facebook post in August, Oswalt described the intense pain and sense of paralysis he had been living with since losing his wife and the overwhelming gratitude he felt toward the friends and family who have helped lift him up.
The post ended with a promise.
"I'll start being funny again soon. What other choice do I have?"
In following through on that promise, Oswalt demonstrates that there's no one right way to process grief.
Using comedy as a lifeline out of tragedy like comedian Tig Notaro, who performed a legendary, 30-minute stand-up set after learning she had breast cancer; or "Saturday Night Live's" Pete Davidson, who lost his father on 9/11 and claims that overcoming the loss gave him the courage to tell more fearless jokes isn't just a tradition among comedians. It's intensely human.
It's also an acknowledgement that even in the face of great loss, the awkwardness and irony of life doesn't go away as illustrated by a story Oswalt told O'Brien about an interaction with one of his daughter's playmates:
"One of her friends came up and was like this was at a playdate weeks later 'Is Alice gonna have a stepmom?' And I was like, 'I'm not really thinking about any of that right now.' And then she said, 'When my mom and dad stopped living together, I had a stepmom right way.' And I was like, 'I bet you did!'"
But perhaps the most important answer Oswalt gave in the interview was the first, in response to a question about how he's holding up:
Watch Oswalt's funny, poignant, heartbreaking account of helping his daughter navigate the most difficult time of their lives including an epic, unforgettable story of an encounter with an elderly ticket-taker at the airport:
What I Want My Daughter to Know
Recently, my daughter Alex turned 8 years old.
For some reason, this fact has really caught me off guard. I find myself muttering all the usual clichés"They grow up so fast," and "I remember when she was just a tiny baby in my arms" and, of course, the time-honored "Before you know it, shell be out of the house"and then I realized that the last one is true: Before I know it, she will be out of the house.
And then I decided it was time to get serious.
So I sat down, intending to come up with the top 10 things that I want my daughter to know before she becomes a real-life, bona fide adult. However, while I was creating this list, I realized that even though I address these words to Alex, this is advice I'd give to any young person in my life if they were to ask for it, regardless of gender. And so I share them here with youbecause, rightly or wrongly, it turns out these are things that I deeply believe.
1. Your ability or inability to accomplish something should never be defined by your gender. Ever. Some people will try to argue that simply by virtue of your gender, you are biologically incapable of doing something, but unless that something directly involves certain very specific contributions to the creation of a new human life, then frankly, they are misinformed.
2. You may discover, at some point in your life, that you were denied an opportunity to do something or have something because of your gender. This is admittedly absolutely unfair and completely unacceptable. But this is not the time to hold bitterness. You need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and renew your intention to keep on keeping on. Simply because someone is too narrow-minded to see past your gender to your talents and skills is no reason to allow that person to crush your spirit.
Do not give them that power. (And for heaven's sake, demand equal pay and equal treatment for equal work. You are owed at least this.)
3. No onenot your parents, not your partners, not friends, not authority figures, not strangershas any right to touch you in a way that you do not want to be touched. Ever.?
You should be proud of your gender (and for that matter, your race, your religion or belief system or your sexuality)it is all part of what makes you, you.
4. Debate and disagreement are parts of lifeand sometimes even an educational part of life. Always speak your mind in as respectful a way as you can. But remember: The moment someone tries to bolster their argument by denigrating your gender, your race, your religion or your sexuality, they have officially informed you that they are no longer interested in having a civil discussion with you.
You are, therefore, free to officially inform them that you are no longer interested in what they have to say, or give any weight to their argument.?
5. You should be proud of your gender (and for that matter, your race, your religion or belief system or your sexuality)it is all part of what makes you, you. But remember the expression of your pride should never be at the expense or denigration of another's gender (or race, religion or belief system or sexuality). Because that expression invariably risks being sexist or otherwise bigoted. And bigoted expressions should be avoided at all costs.
If you have the capacity, always do what you can to fight for people who are unable to fight for themselves, regardless of what gender you are, or what gender they are.
6. As you get older, people younger than you will be looking to you as an example of acceptable behaviorregardless of whether you signed up to be a role model. This is something to keep in mind: You, simply by your actions, have the power to affect the decisions and perceptions of those who come after you. Use this power wisely, for good, not evil.
7. And speaking of this, note that we live in times when we're all, potentially, the media: not just television, radio, newspapers and other news outlets, but also Facebook, Twitter and all the other online presences that we are each capable of having and controlling. Remember there is power in having access to the media. What you write or say about people can have sweeping implications (and this goes for things you say about someone even without mentioning his or her name, particularly if he or she is able to identify herself or himself in your words). Be sure to consider those implications before you publish, and whether or not you decide to publish, remember to use this power wisely, once again for good and not evil.
8. There will be times when someone of the opposite gender will completely baffle you. Regardless of how this might feel, this is not the time or opportunity to generalize, or make the assumption that all people of the opposite gender are therefore irredeemably flawed. It's that whole one-bad-apple-doesn't-spoil-the-whole-bushel thing.? And sweeping generalizations are always dangerous paths to follow (see denigration and bigotry, No. 5, above).
9. If you have the capacity, always do what you can to fight for people who are unable to fight for themselves, regardless of what gender you are, or what gender they are. It is, ultimately, the decent thing to do.
10. Don't call people names. Just don't.
(Editor's note: Prepare your
daughters, straight or gay, to be self reliant so that they don't
NEED a man. Then, if they WANT a man, they will probably wait
for one who doesn't NEED a woman. And to TheMagusNYC. You can assist
in reducing the fixation on women's bodies by dressing in a way that
doesn't emphasize sex and encourage women's shelter magazines to put
women on the cover without emphasizing cleavage and headlines that
encourage women to sexualize their bodies, especially in business and
relationship. I have nothing against sex. I love sex. However, it
would really be nice to get to know a woman's mind, first. It's often
difficult when the first presentation is an overdose of cleavage. I
admit to getting distracted. And, while I support freedom of
expression in dress, just know that many prepubescent and teen boys
are going to undress your daughter in their minds if your daughter
emphasizes her body in her choice of school attire. It's noone's
fault. And, it's usually the packaging that sells a product, not the
ingredient panel. Let's place emphasis on the ingredients, not just
the exterior package.)
What Little Girls Wish Daddies Knew
She's bouncing and spinning around in her pink frilly skirt. Her black cable knit tights are sagging around her tiny knees, and her puffy coat makes her arms stand out further than is natural. To top off the ensemble is a shiny crystal tiara. It's been tacked down to her head with what appears to be about 60 haphazard bobby pins.
She's probably 4 years old. So little, so vulnerable. She doesn't seem concerned about it as she sings about teapots and ladybugs in her black Mary Janes. I feel myself tear up as I watch her. I tear up as I watch him watch her. She could not possibly know at 4 what impact this man, his character or his words will have on her for years to come. And, maybe he doesn't know either.
So, to all the daddies with little girls who aren't old enough yet to ask for what they need from you, here is what we wish you knew:
1. How you love me is how I will love myself.
2. Ask how I am feeling and listen to my answer, I need to know you value me before I can understand my true value.
3. I learn how I should be treated by how you treat my mom, whether you are married to her or not.
4. If you are angry with me, I feel it even if I don't understand it, so talk to me.
5. Every time you show grace to me or someone else, I learn to trust God a little more.
6. I need to experience your nurturing physical strength, so I learn to trust the physicality of men.
7. Please don't talk about sex like a teenage boy, or I think it's something dirty.
8. When your tone is gentle, I understand what you are saying much better.
9. How you talk about female bodies when you're "just joking" is what I believe about my own.
10. How you handle my heart, is how I will allow it to be handled by others.
11. If you encourage me to find what brings joy, I will always seek it.
12. If you teach me what safe feels like when I'm with you, I will know better how to guard myself from men who are not.
13. Teach me a love of art, science, and nature, and I will learn that intellect matters more than dress size.
14. Let me say exactly what I want even if it's wrong or silly, because I need to know having a strong voice is acceptable to you.
15. When I get older, if you seem afraid of my changing body, I will believe something is wrong with it.
16. If you understand contentment for yourself, so will I.
17. When I ask you to let go, please remain available; I will always come back and need you if you do.
18. If you demonstrate tenderness, I learn to embrace my own vulnerability rather than fear it.
19. When you let me help fix the car and paint the house, I will believe I can do anything a boy can do.
20. When you protect my femininity, I learn everything about me is worthy of protecting.
21. How you treat our dog when you think I'm not watching tells me more about you than does just about anything else.
22. Don't let money be everything, or I learn not to respect it or you.
23. Hug, hold, and kiss me in all the ways a daddy does that are right and good and pure. I need it so much to understand healthy touch.
24. Please don't lie, because I believe what you say.
25. Don't avoid hard conversations, because it makes me believe I'm not worth fighting for.
It's pretty simple, really. Little girls just love their daddies.
They each think their daddy hung the moon. Once in a while when you
look at your little gal twirling in her frilly skirt, remember she'll
be grown one day. What do you want her to know about men, life,
herself, love? What you do and say now matters for a lifetime.
Daddies, never underestimate the impact of your words or deeds on
your daughters, no matter their age.
An awesome dad explains the 5 revelations
he's had raising 2 girls
Of course the answer was an emphatic, "NO." But did I always feel that way? I'd be lying if I said yes.
First, let's rewind a few years back. When my wife showed me the positive pregnancy test for our first baby in 2009, I blurted out, "Awesome! I just hope it's a boy!"
I figured that if I had a son, I could teach him how to play basketball, throw a punch, and play in the dirt. With a girl, I'd be stuck playing dress up and other "girly crap."
Epic fail.
After a few weeks of I want a boy so badly" talk, our world came crashing down. If you've followed my blog, Daddy Doin' Work, you'll remember that our first pregnancy didn't end well, and it was pretty devastating for us. After months of grieving, I realized that the only thing I ever wanted was to be a dad not just a dad to a little boy. I cursed myself for being so stupid and immature, and I prayed for redemption which I fortunately achieved. As the story goes, we got pregnant again in 2010, and there was no I hope it's a boy" nonsense this time. As a matter of fact, tears of joy streamed down my face when the doctor told us we were having a little girl.
Since January 2011, my oldest daughter has introduced me to a brand of love that I never knew existed.
I truly believe that having two little girls has transformed me into a better, stronger, and smarter man than I would've been without them.
Here are some reasons why:
Revelation #1: Everything I could do with a boy, I can do with my daughters.
I can play basketball, teach them how to throw a punch, and play in the dirt. Yes, I know that's a big fat "duh" for many of you, but I'm a recovering knucklehead with minimal relapses, so please humor me. And yes, I'm going to teach them much more than those three things but I promise you that I will teach them those three things.
Revelation #2: My daughters will use me as a benchmark for how men should behave.
The best dads I know (and I know plenty of them) view their day job titles as what they do, but their jobs never become who they are. They are dads and husbands first and foremost.
When I worked a full-time job in corporate America, I remember that after a day of sitting on conference calls, attending project meetings, and hitting aggressive deadlines, the only thing I wanted to do was rest when I get home. Then I thought about my daughters. I'll be damned if they looked at me and thought, Daddy doesn't cook, give us baths, read bedtime stories, or change our diapers. He just sits around while Mommy does everything. Maybe that's how all men should act and that's what I should expect from a future husband."
Please know that I'm not a robot. Oftentimes I feel like grunting myself into unconsciousness after reading "The Cat in the Hat" for the ninth time in a row, or sometimes I'm so tired that I'll mess up a batch of chili so badly that it could fertilize your front lawn. But I do it anyway because I want my baby girls to expect their daddy to be actively involved always.
Revelation #3: Being "girly" is just a myth.
Nothing better than a daddy-daughter pedicure date.
What does girly even mean, anyway? Would my kid be less girly if she dressed up as Spider-Man for Halloween instead of a princess? (That's exactly what she did, by the way.) Would she be less girly if she wanted to tackle little boys on the football field instead of taking ballet classes? Not to me.
That would be like saying a dude who can bench-press 250 pounds is more manly than a guy who sings songs to his kids before bed. I've learned that being a girl can be whatever the hell a girl wants it to be, and I will never limit my daughters when it comes to that. Additionally, I want to introduce my daughters to other women who are crushing it in male-dominated fields (executive leadership, sports journalism/broadcasting, coding, law enforcement, etc.) so they'll understand that it's possible to do anything their little hearts desire.
Revelation #4: Being loud is a good thing.
And by loud, I mean believing in something so deeply that they'll shout from the rooftops about it without worrying about what haters, naysayers, and other clowns have to say about them.
In a world where women are still fighting for equality, I want my girls to speak up in the living room, classroom, and board room in order to be heard. Forget the foolishness about being viewed as "pushy," "bossy," or "bitchy" for having an opinion or for taking a stance. Closed mouths don't get fed.
Revelation #5: I'm built for raising girls in today's society, or at least I think I am.
We couldn't resist a Disney moment.
Let's be real girls have to deal with a lot of challenging things today. Pressure to be liked by others, pressure to have sex, body image, mean girls, teen pregnancy, rape ... I'm sure I missed some, but I'm getting depressed listing them out. I can't protect them from all of the ills of society, but I can ensure they'll have the confidence and smarts (both book smarts and street smarts) to thrive in this crazy world we live in.
Just like I'm fighting for dads to get a seat at the table when it comes to parenting issues, I want women to have a seat at the table when it comes to issues that affect them and not just for my daughters, but for your daughters, too.
Yes, I'm sure I'd be just as happy if I had boys instead of girls. But there's something special about the bond between a dad and his daughters that cannot be explained, and I wouldn't change that bond for anything.
Now if you'll excuse me, the mall has a half-price sale on toddler
She saw the dad who abandoned her living
on the street. Then she fought to save his life.
(Editor's note: I created and fcilitated a residential four day retreat for 25 years for women only called Healing the Father Wound. One of the goals was for women to hold thair father's responsible for how their fathers had wounded them and work to heal that wound by authentic forgiveness through purging the residual anger the daughter's might be harboring. Authentic forgiveness is forgiveness that is truely felt in the mind and body with not rsidul anger whenever the incident or incidences from the wounds surfaces whenever the father is remembered or the incidences are remembered. Abandonment was one of the major wounds so this stopry really hit the issue square on. See if reading it, whether son or daughter, you migh get to that place with your father.).
In April 2013, Diana Kim spotted her father for the first time in decades.
He was living on the street, disheveled and unkempt, and didn't have a clue who she was.
As you can imagine, Kim now 30 years old didn't quite know what to think or how to feel. Her father had abandoned her when she was about 5, and she had no relationship with the seemingly homeless man before her.
"He hadn't been part of my life, he wasn't there," Kim explained. It was an emotional experience, "having to deal with my own personal feelings of being abandoned, and then at the same time recognizing that he's a person, just like [every other homeless person] I have reached out to.""He wouldn't talk to me, wouldn't acknowledge me," she told Upworthy of that initial attempt to interact with him. "Then it started to really become clear to me that something is wrong with him mentally. He's mentally ill."
It was a unique situation for Kim, in particular, to find herself in.
Homelessness hit close to home for Kim long before she discovered her own father roaming the streets. She'd been an advocate for the homeless for years, and now her own father was among those she was fighting for.
Kim grew up in Hawaii, which is trying to curb unrelenting increases in homelessness including a 24% increase in chronic homelessness just last year. Kim's turbulent family life left her battling what she considers "transitional homelessness" as a teen. Kim, who chose not to talk about her relationship with her mother, had slept in parks, lived out of a car, and relied on the kindness of friends to put a roof over her head some nights.
In large part because of her personal experiences, Kim began using photography to bring more visibility to homelessness back in 2003. "When you grow up at an early age and you experience struggle, that shapes the way you see the world."
Little had she known how much her advocacy would come full circle.
Kim was an ally to those living on the streets but could also remember the pain left behind by an absent father. It was only because her grandma had called, distraught and asking for help, that Kim agreed to find her father in the first place.
"He hadn't been part of my life, he wasn't there," she explained. It was an emotional experience "having to deal with my own personal feelings of being abandoned, and then at the same time recognizing that he's a person, just like [every other homeless person] I have reached out to."
As Kim later learned, her father was schizophrenic, and he'd stopped taking his medication.
Kim decided to fight for the dad who wouldn't even make eye contact with her the dad she didn't know.
When she initially spotted him on the street, Kim's father did have a studio apartment he could go home to. But he lost it shortly thereafter he'd been "scaring" his neighbors and wasn't able to take care of his personal hygiene.
"No one could get through to him," Kim explained. "He was evicted, and he had no place to go."
For the next several months, Kim routinely visited him on the street, trying to reconnect and persuade him to seek help. It was exhausting, and she didn't know if he'd survive.
But she did everything she could to help.
"At some point, you have to face your own fears and your own insecurities and your own pain," she told Upworthy. "And [for me] it was looking at my father and saying, 'That's my dad, and I'm going to help him, and I don't know what I have to do I don't know what I'm supposed to do to get through to him. But I'm going to stay with him and figure it out."
Years ago, Kim started a photo blog, " The Homeless Paradise," that documents her interactions with Hawaiians living without stable shelter. After discovering her father, she began telling his story through the blog as well. Its pages are filled with tragedy, hope, and Kim's determination to help the world see Hawaii's homeless as people, not problems.
It's a cause worth fighting for. Homelessness has become a dire issue in the Aloha State, where chronic homelessness increased by 24% just last year, according to the state's Department of Human Services.
"I can't even count the number of times I have tried to get [my father] to accept clothing, and consider going to a shelter," she wrote in August 2014 about a particularly trying day with her dad. "Sometimes I walk away with a sense of defeat, other times I find myself feeling completely disconnected, and in this most recent encounter, I walked away feeling a mix of both."
In late summer 2014, Kim's father's health took a turn for the worse.
Someone called the police after finding him face-down on the sidewalk. Her father had suffered a heart attack. And because he had no ID or medical records, it took weeks for word to make it to Kim.
Although her immediate reaction was overwhelming uncertainty "I wasn't sure if he was going to make it" medical attention ended up being the best thing for him.
In a way, his hospitalization was a blessing in disguise.
Her father's time in the hospital helped give him a new starting point.
Since his hospitalization about a year ago, Kim's dad has taken substantial steps forward in bettering his life. Now he's living in an assisted living residence and taking his medication, and Kim's relationship with him has evolved "day by day."
Upon his return to a healthier state, Kim learned that he'd battled serious mental health issues since 1990, which had affected his ability to nurture a relationship with her all those years.
"To see my dad go from a place where he was really just a shell, and now to be filled again with love, with hope, with dreams, and desire it's an amazing experience," she said, noting he's even been able to get his driver's license again. "And I think that everyone who's out there is capable of it."
Kim's blossoming relationship with her dad further inspired her to build a career focused on helping those who need it.
With just one year left at the University of Hawaii's William S. Richardson School of Law, Kim plans to use her degree to help people who've been in her father's shoes.
She volunteers at a nonprofit that provides legal services to veterans and homeless individuals and, of course, is still using her camera and blog to tell the stories of Hawaii's homeless.
"The camera itself has always been a catalyst for change in my eyes," she said. "But it's now bridging it with the world of law and policy, and being able to help shape the outcomes in our community that makes it really fulfilling and meaningful."
And perhaps the best part?
"He's really proud of me," she says.
Kim has also launched a Kickstarter to supply the homeless with a vital tool in keeping them safe: a bracelet.
"I realized shortly [after my father was hospitalized] how important it is to have IDs and other important documentation to reintegrate into society," she wrote on her Kickstarter page. "Many homeless individuals face the threat of losing their documents, having them stolen, or thrown away by city and county sweeps."
That's why Kim partnered with CARE Medical History Bracelets in digitizing forms of ID and crucial medical documents for any homeless person who wants to participate.
She'll then provide them with a bracelet so their personal information and health status can be more accessible to health professionals than her father's was. The fundraiser is also raising funds for Kim to produce photo books of "The Homeless Paradise."
The past couple of years have been an emotional yet fulfilling roller coaster for Kim.
But one lesson she's learned is that love will always find its way into your heart if you let it.
"In the journey of emotionally and physically caring for my father, I learned that nothing can be truer than love," she wrote on her blog. "I love him. It doesn't matter what he did, or what he didn't do. The pain and suffering that he experienced, and caused me over all those years, didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that he had the opportunity to live again, to function again, to have a second chance. And now he has it."
Amy Schumer's amazing gift to her father is
the definition of dad-daughter goals.
Her father, Gordon, once owned a successful furniture company, which meant Amy was born into relatively well-off circumstances on Manhattan's Upper East Side. But things took a dramatic turn long before she reached her teen years.
When Amy was just 9 years old, Gordon Schumer was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. It was life-changing in more ways than one.
To make matters worse, the diagnosis coincided with her father's business failing, according to Huffington Post. Unable to cover the overwhelming medical costs, the family went bankrupt. The pain and instability that ensued helped mold Amy's comedy for decades. The storyline of her 2015 film "Trainwreck," for instance, was largely autobiographical; her on-screen dad (played by actor Colin Quinn) really did live in a senior center with multiple sclerosis.
"It's the most painful thing in the world to just watch this person that you love ultimately just digress and kind of decompose," Schumer told NPR in 2013. "And it's too heavy and you have to find a way to laugh at it."
It's clear Amy's father has made an enormous impact on her life. And this week, she was able to thank him in a very big way.
On Dec. 19, 2016, Amy announced that she bought back her father's farm a property the family was forced to give up long ago due to the bankruptcy.
"My dad was taunting me because I wanted him to come with me," she wrote in the caption. "We lost the farm when we lost everything else. But today I got to buy it back for him."
Although Schumer's act is an admirable one, it's also a harsh reminder that she's definitely one of the very lucky ones.
The comedian's millionaire status means she's, of course, more able than most to open up her wallet to help her aging parent. But, put in historical context, Schumer is even more privileged than many might realize.
A new study by The Equality of Opportunity Project found that half of 30-year-olds won't make as much money as their parents at the same age, Time's Money magazine reported. It's a dramatically different figure than Americans born in 1940, who had a 92% of out-earning their parents.
Most of us won't have the luxury of buying up old properties for our parents, to say the least.
But Schumer's gift is a beautiful reminder that giving back to the people we treasure most regardless of the price tag involved may just be one of the best ways to spend our money.
And it never hurts to keep things light either especially when life gets the most serious.
"I love to laugh," Schumer told "CBS Sunday Morning" in 2015. "I seek laughter all the time. I think that's something that also comes with having a sick parent is you don't know what's going to happen, and so I'll be like, 'I'm psyched my legs still work.' And I want to, like, experience all I can and make as many memories as I can."
That's the message behind a new commercial for German home
improvement chain Hornbach. In the ad, we see a teen girl dressed in
all black who feels a little out of place in her suburban high school
environment. At the end of the day, she returns to her house and
finds her dad doing something amazing to make his daughter feel more
at home. (Click here
for the 1:40 video)
More awesome dad videos
Father-Daughter Valentine Dance
R. W. Morgan & Daughter Photography, 4570 Westside Rd,
Redding, CA 530.244.4046
Things Your Teen Daughter Should Know
Q: What if I get a piercing and it doesn't heal?
Go see a doctor immediately, especially if it is a genital piercing. Dr. Seibel advises, "When you are dealing with such sensitive areas, it is important to always be mindful of the potential for severe illness as a result of infection, and to be extremely rigorous about cleaning and disinfecting the area at all times."
Q: What is normal vaginal discharge?
According to Mary Jane Minkin, M.D. and clinical professor, obstetrics/gynecology and reproductive science at Yale University School of Medicine, normal vaginal discharge should be whitish to clear to pale yellow, depending on where you are in your cycle. "Dark yellow or green fluid is often a sign of infection. On average, a woman emits about one to two teaspoons a day. If you have a sudden increase, talk to you doctor," she explains.
Q: Can I get pregnant if I have unprotected sex during my period?
"Having sex during your period does not prevent pregnancy," says Dr. Minkin. Only 30 percent of women ovulate between the 10th and 17th days of their cycles; the other 70 percent ovulate before or after those days. She adds, "If the release of the egg, which can live for one to three days, meets with the lingering live sperm, then you can get pregnant."
Q: Am I more likely to become pregnant if I don't remember to take the pill every day?
In simple terms, the answer is yes. Dr. Minkin advises it is extremely important to take the pill at the same time every day in order for it to be effective. For women who frequently forget to take the pill, she suggests lower maintenance options such as the patch, once-monthly vaginal ring, IUD or three-year implant.
Q: Is the HPV eventually going to replace the PAP test?
According to Tom Herzog, M.D. and director of the division of gynecologic oncology at Columbia University Medical Center, the answer is no. The current screening standard is for a Pap Test alone or in combo with HPV testing in women over 30. A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine comparing Pap testing to HPV testing favored HPV. He explains, "However, this article did not compare HPV testing to the liquid-based Pap test, which is more sensitive than the conventional smear and the standard of care. Further studies are needed before we can answer this question. Until then, the Pap remains pivotal in cervical cancer screening."
Q: TSS fact or fiction?
TSS or "toxic shock syndrome" is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which can actually be life-threatening. Symptoms include faintness, fever, and muscle aches. Machelle Seibel, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of the complicated menopause program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School explains, "The infection has been linked to tampon use as some tampons can be ideal breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria." As for his advice? Wash your hands and use tampons with the lowest absorbency that can handle your menstrual flow.
Q: What should you do if something gets stuck?
First of all, do not panic and do not try to remove an object by yourself any under circumstances since you could tear sensitive tissue along the vaginal wall and introduce dangerous bacteria. Dr. Seibel recommends going to a hospital immediately. "Don't worry -- the hospital has seen it all. You won't end up on the national news no matter how embarrassed you might be."
Q: What do recurring yeast infections mean?
According to Juan Remos, M.D. and MBA of the MIAMI Institute, yeast infections result in an abnormality of fungus and bacteria which no longer exist in harmony. Whether it's the symptoms of foul smell or intense itching, he recommends seeing a doctor who will typically prescribe medication to cure the yeast infection, such as a pill taken on a daily basis.
Q: What if I forget to remove my tampon?
According to Dr. Remos, patients may think this is shocking and abnormal but in reality, it is not. Apparently, forgetting to remove a tampon is a common occurrence. The issue arises when the length of time is factored into the equation. He mentions if it's less than two to three days it's typically not serious and there's no risk of death; the patient should not panic. He explains, "It's simply a matter of removing the tampon at that point."
Q: What if I get a Brazilian wax and the burning sensation doesn't stop?
"Ouch!" says Dr. Remos. As for his first recommendation, remove
the wax immediately if it hasn't already been removed. As for his
advice? Keep the area clean and dry and go to your doctor who will
likely prescribe sylvadene, a cream, especially if the burning
sensation continues after the actual waxing. It should take seven to
ten days to heal.
Daddy's Little Girl
and Preventing Teen Pregnancy
According to research from the United States and New Zealand, countries with the highest teen pregnancy rates in industrialized societies, fathers play a vital role in when their daughters engage in sexual activity. A study by Dr. Bruce Ellis of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand found that young women who have a close and positive relationship with their fathers are less likely to become pregnant or engage in teenage sexual activity. Let me rephrase that for you; girls who feel they have a close relationship with their fathers wait longer to have sex and are less likely to get pregnant at a young age. It is not an issue of poverty or race or divorce, though those things may play a role, but it is the relationship with their father that can truly make a difference for young women when it comes to deciding when to engage in sexual activity.
The second piece of research I want to discuss is also from Dr. Ellis. This one is even more incredible to think about. Dr. Ellis found that girls who have a close, positive relationship with their fathers actually menstruate for the first time later than those without a positive relationship with their father. Considering that the average age for menstruation was 17 in the 1830s, but is now 13, anything we can do to help delay that is beneficial. As Dr. Bruce Ellis said about girls and early menstruation in an interview with Australia television, "They have a souped up car but they don't have the skills to drive it."
As you can probably see, these two findings are not separate. If girls start menstruating later and engage in sex later, then they are less likely to get pregnant. On the one hand, many fathers may find this information a bit overwhelming. I know I did at first. But on the other hand, this is exactly the information we, as fathers, need to know. We do have enormous influence on our children, not just by how and what we teach them, which was what our role has historically been. More importantly we have influence by the kind of relationship we develop with them. The stronger, the more positive, the more open and honest relationship we develop with our daughters, the better chance we are giving them to be free to be who they want to be, rather than succumb to societal pressures and the needs of the boys in their lives. Our relationship with our daughters gives them confidence, a sense of reassurance, of security, of stability that allows them to say "no" when they want to and to not need to get those attributes from somewhere or someone else.
The most important way to continue strengthening your relationship with your daughter is time. Spend time with her. It doesn't matter how old she is. If she is a baby, hold her to your chest, hug her, kiss her. If she is a toddler, hug her, kiss her, read to her, talk to her, sing to her, play with her on the floor. If she is in preschool, hug her, kiss her, learn with her, read to her, ask her about her day and listen to what she says, play outside with her, start teaching her sports. As she gets older, all of these things still apply - especially the affection. Ask her what music she likes and listen to it with her. Try the same with movies and books and games. Get to know her and let her get to know you. You mean the world to her (whether you feel like it or not) and everything you do with her, everything you say to her makes a difference.
Now, stop reading this and go find your little girl and give her a hug, ask her how her day was and enjoy listening to her excitement in telling you.
©2006, Jeremy Schneider
A bride's father schools us all in the meaning of family when he shocks the stepdad at the wedding.
That's something my mother-in-law said to me when her son and I were ending our young, impetuous, and ultimately-not-right-for-us marriage. It stuck with me through
These sweet images from Brittany Peck's Saturday wedding have struck a chord with families across the Internet, and they seem to be getting that very same lesson about "doing divorce well" through to millions.
The photographer got a clue something unusual was about to happen.
Delia Blackburn, an Ohio photographer, was snapping pictures at the nuptials, as you do. She described to WKYC3 what happened when the father of the bride, Todd Bachman, approached her.
Before Bachman finished walking his daughter down the aisle, he turned around in the direction of his daughter's stepdad, who was also in attendance.
Then Brittany's stepdad details what happened next.
And he came up to me and reached out and grabbed my hand and he said, 'Hey, you've worked for this as hard as I have.' He said, 'You deserve this as much as I do. You're gonna help us walk OUR daughter down the aisle.' At that point, I had no clue what was going on." Todd Cendrosky, stepfather of Brittany PeckI got weak in the knees and everything I couldn't have had anything better in my life. That was THE most important thing in my life." Brittany's stepdad
Todd Bachmann explains his last-minute decision like this:
It hasn't always been peaches and cream, by any stretch of the imagination. ... There's no better way to thank somebody than to assist me walking my walking OUR daughter down the aisle."
And Brittany herself was pleased with the outcome.
The bride sent a video message from her honeymoon to WKYC, saying, "We've seen it all, been through it all, but at the end of the day we're all happy."
Divided families know that love isn't a finite thing
there's enough to go around.
10 Tips To Help Dads and Daughters Stay
Navigating the changes that come with adolescence
Adolescence can be a difficult time for fathers and daughters. As little girls grow into young women, it can be hard for dads to figure where, and how, they fit in.
As parents, our roles change over time, says Jerry Bubrick, PhD, a clinicalpsychologist at the Child Mind Institute. When our daughters are young, our job is to protect them physically and emotionally, but as they get older we have to take on more of a consulting role.
Its an important transition for both parents, but one that can be especially challenging for dads, who often get the message that their primary role is to be in charge to fix problems when they arise, and to protect their daughters, especially once dating becomes part of the mix.
Weve put together 10 tips to help dads and daughters navigate the inevitable changes that come with adolescence and stay close during a transitional and often tumultuous time.
1. Be a good listener
When kids are young its important to be directive: Dont run! Dont touch. Stay close. But, as girls grow up and start seeking more independence, our job shifts, says Dr. Bubrick. Instead of making decisions for them, we want to guide them in making smart decisions for themselves.
Its natural to want to keep your daughter safe, says Dr. Bubrick, but when it comes to maintaining a close, open relationship, what was protective and necessary when she was a child can start to feel restrictive, and become a source of major tension. Instead, he says, fathers should practice listening, not lecturing.
Talking through problems together, instead of just handing down a ready-made solution, will help your daughter feel more comfortable coming to you with problems and help her build vital critical thinking skills shell use all her life. When we step away from protecting and fixing, we can focus on hearing, understanding and guiding, says Dr. Bubrick, and thats what kids, especially teenagers really need.
2. Discuss dont just dictate rules
Of course, taking a new, less authoritarian approach doesnt mean letting go of all the rules. But even in setting boundaries, theres room for negotiation giving kids a chance to say whats most important to them, so that they have some buy-in. When you work rules out ahead of time, it means that when issues come up theres no ambiguity, and youre able to have clearer, less fraught conversations in the moment. Its normal for adolescent girls to test the boundaries of their independence, Dr. Bubrick notes. But that doesnt mean they dont want, and need, your guidance, too.
3. Be generous with praise
When girls are in the throes ofadolescence, it might seem like your opinion couldnt matter less, but in fact its probably never mattered more. Adolescence is minefield when it comes to confidence. As girls grow up, mothers tend to take the lead in personal conversations and offering support and encouragement, and dads often end up taking a backseat. Dont be that guy, dads. Girls need positive feedback from both parents, especially during their teen years. Let your daughter know youre proud of her and not just by telling her shes beautiful, though thats important, too.
Praising her intelligence, creativity, kindness or sense of humor will help her build and maintain confidence during a time that can be all too focused on appearance. Also, dont forget that its not only big wins or straight As that deserve to be recognized. Praising accomplishments is great, but its just as important to praise hard work, and the bravery it takes to try, and stick with, new things especially ones she isnt instantly good at.
4. Let her take the lead when it comes to quality time
Relate to her on her level and in her activities, says Dr. Bubrick. Quick chats on the way to or from school are nice, but to really make a connection you need to get involved with the things shes interested in. Showing an interest in the things she likes doesnt have to be complicated it can be as simple as listening to her favorite music together, having a show you watch with her, or going for a bike ride together. Whats important is that by letting her take the lead, youre communicated that you value her interests, and finding a space where you can both enjoy yourselves.
5. Be an ally
Realistically, there are some parts of being a girl that dads just cant fully understand. These might be seemingly simple things: Love for a boy band, or the intricacies of slumber party politics. Physical development, like getting your period, or changes in bra size. Or they may be more complex, upsetting experiences like sexism or harassment. If your daughter experiences something outside your expertise, dont panic or withdraw.
Instead, show your support by doing what you can: For example: if shes embarrassed about buying tampons, let her know that youre not, and youll be happy to buy them for her theres nothing to be ashamed of about periods. If she experiences sexual harassment, or faces social struggles, dont minimize or dismiss her feelings. Instead, offer support and comfort by letting her know that even though you havent been in her position, you take her seriously and youre willing to listen anytime she needs you.
And when youre validating her feelings, says Dr. Bubrick, use a period, not a comma. That means support isnt followed by criticism That must have been really hard for you, not I can see why that upset you, but maybe youre being oversensitive?
6. Model healthy relationships
Adolescence is likely to be the first time girls get involved with real-life romantic partners (tween crushes dont count), so its really important to talk to you daughter about what is and isnt part of a healthy relationship. That said, all the advice in the world wont matter if youre saying one thing, and shes seeing another at home. Tune in to how you and your partner interact, even in moments that dont directly involve your kids. For example: Are you supportive when your wife tries new things (or has a bad day)? Do you listen with interest, or cut her down when she has an idea? Seeing you as a supportive partner will underscore your daughters confidence in your belief in her.
7. Watch your language
Girls look to their fathers for cues on how men should behave in relationships, but theyre also alert to how you talk about women. You may be respectful and encouraging when talking to your wife and daughter, and other women close to you, but if youre in the habit of talking about other women in a disrespectful, or sexist way, shes hearing that, too. If you make comments on womens bodies, or use girl as code for weakness He throws like a girl she may worry you think girls arent competent, or feel like you expect her to live up to impossible standards.
Taking care to use language that empowers women (and avoiding the kind that puts them down) is a powerful way to let your daughter know that you think girls are just as smart, cool and capable as boys and that you think shes great just as she is. As a bonus, it also sets a standard for how she should expect other men in her life from boyfriends to bosses to behave as well.
8. Take care with tough topics
When it comes to topics like sex or drinking, dads may be tempted to lay down the law, but Dr. Bubrick says that letting your daughter take the lead and helping her talk things through rather than dictating how the conversation will go is more effective, and helps set the stage for better long term communication. You can have the desire to lead the conversation, says Dr. Bubrick. But what you have to consider is where are you leading it to? Usually away from her feeling comfortable coming to you again.
Likewise, he says, dads should be thoughtful about when and how you approach heavy conversations. Making important subjects into a big, one-time conversation or demanding to have a serious talk when shes not ready is going to backfire, he says. Instead, he says, Dads should focus on keeping the conversation open, so she knows its okay to talk about it when shes ready
Do your best to listen without judgment: Its ok to have an opinion, but offering it in a critical way is going to shut things down, says Dr. Bubrick. The goal is to create a dynamic where your daughter feels comfortable and safe coming to you with questions or problems shes experiencing.
Finally, be sure that your daughter knows that its okay if there are some topics sexuality, for example shed rather take up with someone else: If you want to talk to Mom about how youre feeling thats totally okay. I just want to be sure youre talking to someone, and Im here if you need me.
9. Show your love
When girls are little most dads never think twice about piggyback rides, bedtime snuggles or big hugs. But the onset of puberty can make physical affection feel confusing, and fraught. Its not unusual for dads to feel awkward, or unsure of whats appropriate, but its important not to withdraw your affection. When hugs suddenly turn into pats on the back, girls may worry that dads are ashamed of their changing bodies, or, in the most dramatic of teen moments, that theyre no longer loved.
The way you show your love will obviously change (a 14-year-old isnt going to be sitting on your lap) and thats okay, but teen girls need affection from their dads, just as much as they did when they were young.
10. Focus on whats really important
Being a dad is hard work (being a teenager is no picnic either)
but its worth it. Letting your teenage daughter know how
important she is to you can be a huge source of self-worth for her at
a time when her identity may feel fragile. And its something
she will carry with her the rest of her life. Let your daughter know
that even when you dont see eye to eye and agree with all her
decisions (or she with yours) that you love her and
youll always love her, every moment for the rest of her life no
matter what.
Some people say I have attitude - maybe I do. But I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there. Venus Williams US tennis champion
Bonehead facts: You have 22 bones in your skull. Don't be a bonehead. Wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or motorcycle - you too, dad!
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