"If man did not work...these worlds would
perish." Bhagavad-Gita
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Work. See also
the issue of Work
and a list of books on Transition. The
photos above are by Thomas
Frederick Arndt.
Is Work Making You Sick? Information for workers handling
hazardous materials. This booklet was prepared by the Labor
Occupational Health Program, Institute of Industrial Relations,
UC California at Berkeley, 1989
- Anderson, Nancy, Work with Passion: How to do
What You Love for a Living, Carroll & Graf, 1986
Barreto, Hector, The Engine of
America: The keys to small business success from
entrepreneurs who have made it! Small business is the
engine that drives America's new economy. In this book, former
Administrator of the Small Business Administration and veteran
journalist interviews CEOs from fifty companies to form the basis
of this book. For all those starting or growing their own small
business, the wisdom, experience and counsel of these successful
leaders provides inspirational and thoughtful advise on making it
as an entrepreneur. John Wiley & Sons,,
2007 ISBN 978-0-470-11013-3 
- Beatty, Richard, Five-Minute
Interview: A new & powerful approach to
interviewing, John Wiley, 1986
- Bennett, Hal & Zina, Follow Your
Bliss: Let the power of what you love guide you to
personal fulfillment in your work & relationships,
Avon, 1990
Bennis, Warren
& Philip Slater, The Temporary
Society: Under the impact of accelerating change. What
is happening to business and family life in America.
Originally written thirty years ago, this prophetic work
accurately described a future we are just beginning to realize. It
foresaw the fall of the Soviet Union, the advent of the virtual
workforce, and the rise of the global economy. And still its
long-range predictions continue to unfold, affecting the way we
live, work and structure our institutions today. Revised and
updated by the authors, the amazing insights it offers will inform
and enthrall an audience weary of the business trend du jour - an
audience eager for a lasting look at what they can expect
tomorrow. Jossey-Bass
1998 Buy
This Book!
- Blotnick, Srully, Ambitious Men: Their drives,
dreams and delusions, Viking, 1987
- Bolles, Richard, Three Boxes of Life: And how to
get out of them. An introduction to life/work planning, Ten
Speed, 1981
- Bolles, Richard Nelson, New Quick Job-Hunting Map, Ten
Speed, 1985
- Bolles, Richard Nelson, What Color is Your
Parachute? A practical manual for job hunters
& career changers, Ten Speed, 1983
Coffman, Curt, Gabriel Gonzalez-Molina,
Follow This Path: How the world's greatest organizations
drive growth by unleasing human potential. What do the world's
greatest organizations have in common? They know their most
valuable resource is human - their employees and customers. And
the best companies understand two important facts: People are
emotional first and rational second, and because of that,
employees and customers must be emotionally engaged in order for
the organization to reach its full potential. Gallup research not
only bears that out but has uncovered the secrets of creating and
managing and "emotional economy" that will provide boom
possibilities for your company. This book offers a system which is
based on the proven, revolutionary policies of the world's most
successful businesses. You'll learn the prerequisites of an
effective workplace, forge unbreakable bonds between employees and
customers, discover the best employee and customer incentives, and
much more. Time Warner,,
2002, ISBN 0-446-53050-6 Buy
This Book!
Cottle, Thomas, Hardest
Times: The trauma of long term unemployment. Against a
backdrop of a robust economy, hundreds of thousands of men in this
country remain out of work for long periods of time, causing
economic and psychological hardships for entire families. This
book examines in depth what happens to them and to their families,
when they remain out of work for longer than six months, a period
the government designates as long term unemployment. The author
examines long term unemployment as a traumatic event that creates
in those who experience it conditions resembling symptoms of loss
and post-trauma. Through the words of men who have experienced
long term unemployment, the author demonstrates that work is
crucial to the formation of a man's identity, and that without
work, many men often find no purpose for living. The in-depth
studies the author provides reveal why some men abandon their
families, or, in some instances, are driven to commit murder or
suicide in the face of lingering unemployment. These often
heart-wrenching stories encourage readers to consider the
implications of long term unemployment for the men who experience
it, the families who endure it, and the society that tolerates it.
Praeger Publishers,,
ISBN 0-275-96984-3 Buy
this book!
Deutschendorf, Harvey, Of Work
& Men: How men can become more than their careers. In our
society, men are often defined by what they do, not who they are.
Early on, men are programmed to live in a society that rewards
them for being successful financially but ignores their other
successes. In addition, a trend in downsizing though tout both the
white- and blue-collar work worlds has made unemployment a very
real problem for many men. New and exciting roles are surfacing
for men, but some still find themselves trapped, with little space
to move. This book explores what work means to men, how
unemployment affects them, and how they can reevaluate their
definitions of work and success and develop new, satisfying work
habits. Fairview Press, 1996
Ditties, James, Men at Work, Life Beyond
the Office. Helps men see the proper place of work in men's
lives and shows how to recognize unhealthy dependencies to work.
Offering more than a how-to book on overcoming workaholism, he
provides profound spiritual support for men as they reevaluate and
reclaim the rest of life's possibilities. Westminister John Know
Press, 1996
Dorsey, Jason Ryan, My Reality Check
Bounced! The twentysomething's guide to cashing in on your
real-world dreams. In your twenties, you expect to finally
live life on your own terms. But it can seem like the world won't
cooperate. Roommates drive you crazy, entry-level jobs frustrate
you and even a dream job can take over your nights and weekends
leaving you feeling like you're running hard but going nowhere.
The author helps you turn this coming-of-age crisis into
opportunity. He shows you the big secret of the real world - that
you don't realize how much control you have over your life until
you use it.,
Broadway Books,,
2007, ISBN 0-7679-2183-6
See article: Tie
Up Loose Ends or Find Yourself in Knots
Drucker, Peter F., Joseph A. Maciariello,
The Effective Executive in Action. This is a companion book
to The Effective Executive. It provides a step-by-step
guide for training yourself to be an effective person, an
effective knowledge worker, and an effective executive - for
training yourself to get the right things done. The book will help
you develop habits of effectiveness, to apply wisdom to your
tasks. There are five practices or skills to acquire to be an
effective person. These five are: Managing your time.
Focusing your efforts on making contributions. Making your
strengths productive. Concentrating your efforts on those tasks
that are most important to results, and making effective
decisions. The skills of effectiveness can only be acquired by
practice and more practice. Effectiveness can be learned.
Effectiveness must be learned. Collins, HarperCollins, 2006
ISBN 0-06-083262-2 
Eisenberg, Susan, We'll Call You If We
Need You: Experiences of women working
construction. "The author introduces us to the feminist
pioneers who first ventured onto building sites, braving hatred,
abuse, physical suffering, and even mortal danger. She gives us
firsthand reports of skills developed, obstacles overcome,
self-esteem achieved...An inspirational and life-affirming
book...she tells the story through interviews with thirty women -
carpenters, electricians, ironworkers, painters and plumbers...she
moves adroitly from topic to topic, interweaving her own
commentary with pertinent remarks by each of
them." Samuel Florman, New York Times Book
Review. Cornell University Press 1999
Farrell, Warren, Why Men Earn More.
Because statistics show that men earn more than women, we assume
that men are paid more than women for the same work. But think
about this: if women really are paid less, why would anyone
hire a man? The truth, argues the author, is that the
pay gap can no longer be attributed to large-scale discrimination
against women. Men who earn more most often do so not because of
their gender, but because "the invisible curriculum of male
socialization" influences the choices they make. For example, to
get higher pay, men are more likely to enter higher-paying fields,
perform riskier tasks, take positions with less stability and less
fulfillment, and work longer hours - a choice that doesn't just
translate as "more hours, more money," but also opens the door to
much more lucrative job and career opportunities. Although it's
men who are more likely to make such choices, the fact is, both
men and women who do so usually earn more than those who choose
otherwise. Are they the right choices for you? For men,
women, and their families, some choices will lead to higher
income, some to a more balanced life. And quite a few will help
achieve both. This book presents 25 choices you face in your life
and career and examines the impact each decision has on your
earning power. This book also reveals some startling truths about
how women earn - revelations that are sure to re-energize debate
about gender roles, workplace dynamics, affirmative action and
much more. The many surprises in this book are based on
comprehensive reasearch, and provides solid facts and figures as
evidence. More important, the author presents them with an eye
toward giving women (and men) the unvarnished truth - and the
information they need in order to make the empowering choices that
will lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. American
Management Association,,
2005, ISBN 0.8144.7210.9 
- Fox, Matthew, Reinvention of Work: A new
vision of livelihood for our time, Harper, 1994
Freudenheim, Ellen, Looking
Forward: An optimist's guide to retirement. Just as the
best-selling job-hunt guide What Color is Your
Parachute? helped us figure out what we wanted to do for
work, this book helps us figure out what we want to do with our
post-career years, whether that means working part-time, traveling
to China, writing a novel, or failling in love (again). Thanks to
increased life expectancy, millions of baby boomers on the brink
of their 60s can happily anticipate many healthy years to come.
Yet they're often at a loss about what to do in this new phase of
life. And many may have an unfulfilled dream or two they've never
quite been able to shake. In an engaging, encouraging tone, the
author offers innovative ways to think about our lives once work
is no longer central. Filled with practical tips, informative
charts, and revealing quizzes, as well as anecdotes from and
profiles of vibrant retirees, this book is the one that will guide
us as we reinvent ourselves in this vital stage of life. Stewart
Tabori & Chang,,
2004, ISBN 1-58479-342-2
Also see the article "Whats
the Best, Cheapest Retirement Investment for Baby Boomers?
Gordon, Jon, The Energy Bus: 10 rules
to fuel your life, work and team with positive energy, It's
Monday morning and George walks out the front door to his car and
a flat tire. But this is the least of his problems. His home life
is in shambles and his team at work is in disarray. With a big new
product launch coming in two weeks for the NRG-2000, he has to
find a way to get it together or risk losing his marriage and job.
Forced to take the bus to work, George meets a unique kind of bus
driver and an interesting cast of characters who, over the course
of two weeks, share the ten rules for the ride of his life. In the
process, they help him turn around his work and life, saving his
job and marriage from destruction. In the style of other
bestselling business fables, this book takes readers on an
enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals ten secrets for
approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward
thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home.
Everyone faces challenges. And every person, organization, company
and team has to overcome negativity and adversity to define
themselves and create their success. No one goes through life
untested and the ansewr to these tests is positive energy - the
kind of positive energy that consists of the vision, trust,
optimism, enthusiasm, purpose and spirit that defines great
leaders and their dreams. Wiley, 2007,
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-10028-8.

Gordon, Jon, The No Complaining
Rule: Positive ways to deal with negativity at work. It's
Tuesday morning and Hope walks into her office with puffy eyes, a
swollen head, and a broken heart. But unfortunately, her company -
EZ Tech - is in worse shape than she is. The fact that their
computer batteries are catching on fire is the least of their
problems. Employees have been posting negative comments about
management on blogs for the world to see, the media is attacking
the credibility of the company, morale is at an all-time low,
negativity is at an all-time high, and the stock price is sinking
faster than the Titanic. As VP of human resources, Hope is
charged with finding a solution to overcome the biggest challenge
in her company's history. In the process of battling her own
adversity, she discovers the no complaining rule and other
positive ways to save her company and herself from ruin. In the
spirit of the author's bestseller, The Energy Bus, he once again
shares an inspiring and enlightening story that reveals a powerful
way to tackle the biggest problem in business and life - the
negativity that costs organizations billions of dollars and
impacts the morale, productivity and health of individuals and
teams. John Wiley & Sons,
2008, ISBN 978-0-470-27949-6

Graham, Stedman, You Can Make It: A
Nine-Step Plan for Success. One of the nation's most prominent
African-American business and community leaders, offers an
inspirational and practical program for overcoming adversity and
continuously creating a better life. His program incorporates
studies of a wide variety of successful people - ranging from
civil rights and civic leaders to business giants to athletes and
celebrities - as well as his own experience of rising above low
self-esteem to build a thriving career as a former professional
athlete and an established business executive. Easy to follow and
fun to read, this book is packed with valuable, down-to-earth
instruction and inspiration that will help readers gain focus and
stay on track in their quest for a more satisfying and rewarding
joy, a richer and more balanced personal life, and a meaningful
role in their communities. Simon & Schuster 1997 Hardcover.
(See paperback below) Buy
This Book!
Graham, Stedman, You Can Make It: A Nine-Step Plan for
Success, Stedman Graham. One of the nation's most prominent
African-American business and community leaders, offers an
inspirational and practical program for overcoming adversity and
continuously creating a better life. His program incorporates
studies of a wide variety of successful people - ranging from
civil rights and civic leaders to business giants to athletes and
celebrities - as well as his own experience of rising above low
self-esteem to build a thriving career as a former professional
athlete and an established business executive. Easy to follow and
fun to read, this book is packed with valuable, down-to-earth
instruction and inspiration that will help readers gain focus and
stay on track in their quest for a more satisfying and rewarding
joy, a richer and more balanced personal life, and a meaningful
role in their communities. Simon & Schuster 1998 Buy
This Book!
Gurian, Michael with Barbara Annis.
Leadership and the Sexes: Using gender science to create
success in business. Each of us enters the workplace not only
as a human being, but as a woman or a man. This book links the
actual science of male/female brian differences to every aspect of
business. It weaves brain science and gender studies with
real-life examples from business leaders to provide a new vision
of gender diversity. It presents brain science tools with which
readers can look into the brains of men and women to understand
themselves and one another. It also provides tools which can be
used immediately in executive, management, design and marketing
teams. The gender science presented in this book has been used
successfully by such diverse corporations as IBM, Nissan, P&G
and many others. The corporation that utilizes the authentic
differences between men and women is the organization that
discovers significant competitive advantage. The company or firm
that helps women and men understand each other discovers maximum
success. Jossey-Bass,,
2008, ISBN 978-0-7879-9703-8 
Hall, Doug, Jump
Start Your Brain: A proven method for increasing
creativity up to 500%. Why are executives from Nike, Walt
Disney, Pepsi-Cola, AT&T, and Procter & Gamble
traveling to Newtown, Ohio? They're coming to build
their business using Industrial Strength Creativity! They're
coming to work at the Richard Saunders Internationial
Eureka! Mansion to learn the counter-corporate culture
approach to creativity that urges us to break rules with childlike
adandonment - and to have fun doing it. Reading this book will
make you laugh, give you the courage to try, and rekindle your
spirit of adventure.
Time Warner Books, 1996
- Halper, Jan, Quiet Desperation: The truth about
successful men, Warner, 1988
- Harragan, Betty Lehan, Games Mother Never Taught
You: Corporate gamesmanship for women, Warner,
- Heckscher, Charles, White-Color
Blues: Management loyalties in an age of corporate
restructuring, Basic, 1995
Hirschfeld, Tom, Business
Dad: How good businessmen can make great fathers (and
vice versa). Businessmen with kids often feel trapped between
rising expectations at work and at home. Although business demands
seem to increase every day, fathers are now expected - and want -
to be involved parents. But there are never enough hours in the
day. What's a business dad to do? This book addresses
the dilemma with surprising insights and sensible solutions. The
author shows how many of the skills and abilities required to
succeed in today's economy - such as motivation, team building,
empathy, negotiation and planning - can be applied just as
successfully to parenting. Businessmen who leave their corporate
skills at the office each evening may actually be handicapping
themselves in the struggle to be more effective fathers. Work and
parenting don't have to be separate, competing efforts, but
instead can help and enrich each other. Fathering is the most
important job a businessman can undertake and this book is the
perfect job manual - filled with lessons from business history,
tips from successful executives and practical wisdom that could
come only from real-life experience. Little, Brown & Co. 1999
ISBN 0-316-21950-9 Buy
This Book!
Holland, Barbara, Endangered
Pleasures: In defense of naps, bacon, martinis, profanity and
other indulgences. Take back the joy. The minute the alarm
clock punctures our dreams, we go to work. We have convinced
ourselves that productivity is the name of the game and that
leisure is a notorious sign of laziness. Welcome to the nineties.
The author insists that enough is enough. It's time to kick back,
relax, and relish the truly good things in life - and embrace the
so-called bad. After all, bacon is not a villain, happy hour is
not a death knell, and sleeping in may not be mandatory, but it
sure feels great! HarperCollings, 10 E 53rd St, New York, NY
10022, 1996, ISBN 0-06-101031-6 Buy
This Book!
Hunter, James C., The
Servant: A simple story about the true essence of
leadership.In this absorbing tale, you watch the timeless
principles of servant leadership unfold through the story of John
Daily, a businessman whose outwardly successful life is spiraling
out of control. He is failing miserably in each of his leadership
roles as boss, husband, father, and coach. To get his life back on
track, he reluctantly attends a weeklong leadership retreat at a
remote Benedictine monastery. To John's surprise, the monk leading
the seminar is a former business executve and Wall Street legend.
Taking John under his wing, the monk guides him to a realization
that is simple yet profound: The true foundation of
leadership is not power, but authority, which is built upon
relationships, love, service and sacrifice. Along with John, you
will learn that the principles in this book are neither new nor
complex. They don't demand specific talents; they are simply based
on strengthening the bonds of respect, responsibility, and caring
with the people around you. Perhaps this is why this book has
touched readers from all walks of life - because its message can
be applied by anyone, anywhere, at home or at work. If you are
tired of books that lecture instead of teach; if you are searching
for ways to improve your leadership skills; if you want to
understand the timeless virtues that lead to lasting and
meaningful success, then this book is one you cannot afford to
miss. Prima Publishing,
1998 ISBN 0-7615-1369-8 Buy
This Book!
- Hunter, Mark, Passions of Men: Work
& love in the age of stress, Putnam, 1988
- Irish, Richard, Go Hire Yourself an Employer, Anchor,
Jeary, Tony, Strategic
Acceleration: Succeed at the speed of life. In today's
ultra-competitive, breakneck world, getting superior results at
the fastest rate possible is critical to success. But the hectic
speed of life can make it easy to become side-tracked by things
that cloud our sense of priority, making us less effective. This
book presents a methodology that will help you get clear, stay
focused, and efficiently execute relevant, high-value activities
that bring you the results and success you want - faster. Vanguard
2009. ISBN 978-159315-501-8 
Keiningham, Timothy and Lerzan Aksoy.
Why Loyalty Matters: The groundbreaking approach to
rediscovering happiness, meaning and lasting fulfillment in your
life and work. For decades we've been told that we live in a
fast-paced, dog-eat-dog world, that loyalty gets you nowhere and
that we must look out for number one! We've been told that to
succeed we have to constantly reinvent ourselves, let go of past
relationships and move on to greener pastures. And we've been told
that all this is good. But it's not good. This book is grounded in
the most comprehensive study of loyalty eveer conducted, and what
it reveals can change your life. The science is very clear - when
it comes to business success, satisfaction in our relationships
and even overall happiness, loyalty is essential. Bendella Books, 2009, ISBN 978-1-933771-72-4 
- Kimball, Gayle, Everything You Need to Know to Succeed
After College, Equality=Press, 1993
Kiyosaki, Emi & Robert Rich
Brother, Rich Sister: Two different paths to god, money and
happiness. Together, then apart, then together again, as a
brother and a sister discover the riches of life. This book
combines the inspirational, true life stories of a brother and
sister (the Venerable Tenzin Kacho) into a book that will reaffirm
your belief in the power of purpose, the importance of actoin, and
the ability to overcome obstacles in a quest for a rich life. This
book will inspire you along your own life's journey as you search
for your own truths, purpose and path to wealth - both financial
and spiritual - to achieve all the riches of life that were meant
for you ...and us all. Vanguard Press, 2009,
ISBN 978-1-59315-493-6 
Kurth, Brian, Test-Drive Your Dream
Job: A step-by-step guide to finding and creating the work
you love. Yes, you can try your hand at the career of your
dreams without risking your present job, your next mortgage
payment, or your kids' future. In this book you'll discover how a
"vocation vacation" - spending a few vacation days actually
working in the profession you've always wanted - can be the first
step toward making that deam come true. Revolutionary and
practical, this hands-on program from the founder of Vocation
Vacations will help you mesh your working life with your deepest
sense of self. Business Plus,,
2008, ISBN 0-446-69888-1 
Kyle, David T., The Four Powers of
Leadership: Presence, intention, wisdom and compassion.
This book will help you understand your leadership style and
cultivate the Four Powers that you need in order to become a
successful and effective leader. Whether you are struggling with
leadership issues or simply want to be the best leader you can be,
you will find information to improve both your performance and
that of your staff. The author, a management and leadership
expert, explains the nature of leadership and the process of
becoming a true leader. You will gain an understanding of the gap
between personal power (your inherent, born-leader charisma) and
positional power (the authority vested in your specific position
as a leader) and the nature of the Four Powers as a means of
bridging the gap. You will also find the models and tools the
author has developed to help you cultivate those powers in uour
own life and become the extraordinary leader you were meant to be.
Health Communications Inc, 1998, ISBN 1-55874-634-X 
LeBoeuf, Michael, How to Win Customers
& Keep Them for Life: Revised and Updated for the
digital age. The success of your business depends on you
knowng the answers to these questions: Why do some
people buy once...and never return? Why do some people become
strong, steady customers? How do you turn an angry or
complaining customer into a happy and satisfied one? What are
the five best ways to keep customers coming back? This is a
hard-hitting, action-ready rewards-and-incentives program for
creating a winning sales team. Written by one of the nation's
foremost business consultants, this classic no-nonsense guide it
completely revised and updated for today's computer-driven world.
It contains everything you need to know about successful selling
and - most important of all - how to win customers for life.
Putnams, 2000, ISBN 0-425-17501-4 Buy
This Book!
Levine, Suzanne Braun, Father
Courage: What happens when men put family first. A new
group of today's fathers is aiming for the "triple crown " - a mix
of success at work, intimacy with family, and time for friends.
They are learning - as women have learned - that you can't "have
it all." Their efforts to find new ways to balance work
and love are beginning to change both the family and the
workplace. Other books have described the malaise, but until now,
no one has described the dimensions of the revolution or pointed
to the light at the end of the tunnel. The author, a journalist
and feminist, and founding editor of Ms. magazine,
interviewed scores of men and learned about the pitfalls and
payoffs of twenty-first century fatherhood. Men don't tend to use
each other as sounding boards the way women do, so the author does
it for them. She identifies some of the surprising factors that
make it so hard for men to put family first. At home, the
parenting learning curve is steep; and moms don't always want to
give up the role of "the General." The workplace is much less
family-friendly to fathers than to mothers, and the 24/7 life of
corporate American is taking its toll. The author uncovers the
reasons causing the stress felt by fathers and mothers, and she
offers solutions that range from the commonsense to the
revolutionary. This is a brilliant and bracing new look at what is
right - and wrong - in American family life. Harcourt, 2000
ISBN 0-15-100382-3 Buy
This Book!
Lichtenberg, Ronna, Pitch Like a
Girl: Get respect, get noticed, get what you want. "You
throw like a girl" used to be the ultimate in play-ground
put-downs. As adults, however, women can learn how to pitch their
ideas in a way that's true to them and can ultimately score them
what they're after - be it a promotion, backing for a new venture,
or securing that next big account. The author's funny and candid
know-how helps women understand the fundamental gender, hormonal,
and cultural systems that affect their work and emotional lives
every day. Her advice helps women improve their pitching, from
warming up and preparation through execution and closing. Rodale
2005. ISBN 1-59486-382-0 
Livingston, Bob, How you do...What you
do: Create service excellence that wins clients for life.
Between the challenges of escalating competition, well-informed
clients, and dismal customer service, today's marketplace is
becoming more and more crowded. The result is that your clients
have more influence and choices than ever before. If you or your
organization do not consistently satisfy and surpass their
expectations, they will take their buying power elsewhere. It's
that simple. But by establishing Service Excellence as your top
strategic and cultural priority, you will foster the strong
relationships needed to win - and retain - loyal clients. In this
breakthrough book, the author, a customer service expert, gives
you practical tools for transforming your approach to serving
clients by strengthening "how you do what you do." Whether you're
an entrepreneur, a business leader, a client service executive, a
sales manager, or an individual, you can differentiate yourself
from the competition by adopting the author's simple yet proven
roadmap for achieving Service Excellence. McGraw Hill,,
2008, ISBN 0-07-159278-4 
Lunneborg, Patricia, Ou Men: Work
Through Lifelong Learning. For any man in crisis over the
future of his work. It's about a way out - not an easy way, but a
way out: lifelong learning. Here fifteen men from all walks of
life candidly tell how returning to education taught them
transferable skills and build up their confidence in this era of
employment insecurity. Five changed careers dramatically, five got
promoted up and over, three found new jobs after early
"retirement". How did they do it? Lutterworth, 1997
Lutz, Tom, Doing Nothing: A history
of loafers, loungers, slackers, and bums in America. Couch
potatoes, goof-offs, freeloaders, good-for-nothings. Revolution,
when the work ethic as we know it was formed, a chorus of slackers
has held the pretensions of hardworking respectabilityup to scorn.
Reviled by many, heroic to others, these layabouts stretch and
yawn their way through life and literature while the rest of
society sweats.l Their history is the history of labor in
negative. From Benjamin Franklin's "air baths" to Jack Kerouac's
dharma bums to Generation X slackers and beond, the base studies
in this book prove that anti-work ethic proponents have held a
central but underrecognized place in modern culture. farrar,
straus, and Giroux,,
2006, ISBN 0-86547-650-0 
Lyles, Dick, Winning Habits: 4 secrets
that will change the rest of your life. This book is about
making great things happen around you...and for you. This powerful
parable identifies the four fundamental habits that lead to
success...and helps you apply those habits in your
whole life...starting right now. When it comes to identifying
simple personal changes that lead to powerful results, nobody
knows more than this author. And nobody's better at helping you
make those changes stick - for today, tomorrow, and the rest of
your life. Whether you're struggling to jump start your
career...or lead a team to greatness...or improve your entire
organization's performance...or you're a consultant, coach, or
trainer, this book has the answers. Read it, share it, live it!
Pearson Press,,
2004, ISBN 0-13-145358-0 
MacDonald, Robert W., Beat the
System: 11 Secrets to building an entrepreneurial culture in
a bureaucratic world. Does bureaucratic inertia have your
business locked in a losing status quo? Are you being held back by
gray suits who won't allow innovation and creativitry at
work? Do you want to build a business that isn't slowed down
by the concrete shoes of bureaucratic indecision or stifled by
unimaginative groupthink? If so, maybe it's time to beat the
system! In this insurgent guide to business success, the author
shows professionals, business leaders, and entrepreneurs how to
smash the bureaucracy that smothers the innovative,
entrepreneurial spirit essential to long-term business success.
Whether you own a small business, run a large corporation, or work
for someone else, this book provides proven, real-world advice for
building an entrepreneurial culture in your entire organization,
your department, or even in your individual position. John Wiley
& Sons,,
2008, ISBN 978-0-470-17549-1 
- Marrs, Donald, Executive in Passage: Career in
crisis - the door to uncommon fulfillment, Barrington Sky,
Marston, Cam, Motivating the "What's in it
for me?" Workforce: Manage across the generational
divide and increase profits. All generations are not alike.
While Baby Boomers base their vision of professional success on
climbing hierarchical corporate ladders, Gen-X and New Millennial
workers view success quite differently. These younger workers care
little for tradition, placing a higher value on individuality,
personal freedom, and the professional flexibility and creativity
it takes to succeed in a globalized economy. This generational
divergence creates a communication challenge for many of today's
managers. The promise of slowly climbing the company ladder no
longer has the motivational force it once did, and the traditional
management structure is quickly slipping into obsolescence.
Younger workers are less loyal to their organizations, quicker to
adapt to cultural and technological changes, and more possessive
of their free time. This book reveals how to diffuse the conflict
between managers with one set of expectations and employees with
another. He shows managers how to deal with differing generational
expectations regarding promotions, incentives, recognition and
prioritizatoin of work itself, bridging the gap between managers
raised in one tradition and workers raised in another.Wiley, 2007,,
ISBN 978-0-470-12414-7 
Massey, Tom, How Bad Do You Really Want
It? Getting from where you are to where you want to be.
Success isn't a matter of luck or fate. Nor is it entirely a
matter of intelligence or talent. Take two similar people and give
each of them the same opportunity. One achieves remarkable
success, while the other accomplishes little or nothing.
Why? Because winners undersand how to harness the power of
desire and discipline to achieve outstanding results! Success
rarely comes from one magnificent breakthrough. Instead it is
crafted by seemingly insignificant acts repeatedly performed in
the "nooks and crannies" of daily life. If you are looking for
that slight edge to accomplish a long-held dream or push you up
the ladder of success, this book is for you. Robert D. Reed
2008, ISBN 978-1-934759-03-5 
McAlpine, Robert Alistair & Kate
Dixery, Triumph from Failure: Lessons from life for
business success. This book examines the essential dimensions
of balance in life to achieve happiness. The authors lay the
groundwork for what it takes to reach that elusive goal - to be
successful in business, at home, and with people in general. For
many, the job has become a substitute for the aspects of their
private lives, creating priorities that are distinctly out of
balance. This explores fundamental human themes, such as success,
eating, sleeping, understanding, beauty, kindness, and failure.
Each chapter explains how and why these themes play an intricate
and essential part in our success as individuals. The key is to
bring all of the small actions in your life under control and to
obtain balance - unblocking greater happiness in life, at home and
at work. Thomson Texere,,
2005, ISBN 1-58799-181-0

- Merman, Stephen, Out Interviewing the
Interviewer: A job winner's script for success.
Strategies, skills, model interviews, action steps, Prentice
Hall, 1983
- Miller, Henry, On the Fringe: The dispossessed
in America, Lexington, 1991
Moses, Barbara, The Good News about
Careers: How you'll be working in the next decade. As
today's workers are all too painfully aware, downsizing,
takeovers, and technological changes have made job security a
thing of the past. But there is a bright side to this new reality.
Released from the pressure of lifelong job conformity, we are free
to take on the roles that really suit us. We can seek out personal
fulfillment rather than exhaust ourselves striving for the
proverbial brass ring. In this book, the author, a career expert,
decodes the rules of the new workplace - what she calls "Temp
World" - and shows how we can use them to take charge of our own
careers. She identifies six types of contemporary workers -
includig "careerists" who thrive on the pressure of the rat race
and "personal developers" who cherish learning and professional
growth. She helps invididuals decide which type they are, what
they want out of their careers, and how they're most likely to
succeed. She gives managers a guide to the new employment contract
and ten strategies for managing the new worker. She even gives
parents tips for career-proofing their children. This book is full
of frank advice and practical strategies for finding liberation,
satisfaction, and success in an uncertain world.
1999 ISBN 0-7879-5269-9 Buy
This Book!
Neill, Jessie, The Golden
Ghetto: The psychology of affluence. It is a
peculilarly American notion that money will guarantee happiness,
bring us personal fulfillment, strengthen our relationships, give
us smarter, better adjusted children - in short, make all our
dreams come true. Here the author, granddaughter of Charles Erwin
Wilson, one-time president of General Motors, provides a
penetrating look at why attaining wealth proves to be a hollow
achivement for many. She has based her professional practice on
understanding and treating the problems of those who have amassed
great wealth, and her book is both a description of their lives
and an analysis of and prescription for the problems they've had
to face. While the author's main focus is on the very rich, the
lessons to be learned from their lives have a far broader
application. This book is in fact inhabited by millions of
Americans, rich and poor alike, who embrace and endlessly pursue
the fantasy that more is better, while allowing all that is truly
worthwhile - loving relationships, the selfless giving of oneself,
and spiritual growth - to fall by the wayside. This books shows us
how to right our own relationhip with money, and offers insightful
suggestoins for repairing the psychological and cultural damage
our misguided beliefs about money, power and happiness have
caused. Hazelden 1.800.328.0098
1997 (Audio-Cassette,
Nemko, Mark and Paul and Sarah Edwards,
editors, Cool Careers for Dummies. Is your career path
unclear? Are you stuck in a job you hate? Don't
worry! Now revised and updated, this friendly guide helps you
think outside the box and find a job you'll actually like. Written
by a trio of renowned jobcounseling experts, it's like having your
very own dream team of career coaches! Discover how to locate and
land terrific jobs, get the training you need, locate jobs, even
if you hate networking, become an employer's number 1 candidate,
and make a humdrum job better. Wily Publishing Inc,,
2001, ISBN 0-7645-5345-3 
Pace, Natalie, Put Your Money Where Your Heart
Is: Investment strategies for lifetime wealth. This book
offers a sensible, easy-to-follow yet powerful set of investing
strategies for the would-be investor - from the complete novice to
those with experience. The author urges the reader to begin with
an area of investing that they care about or know about,. learning
how to get rich by putting their money where their passions lie.
Her method is based on a three-part investment recipe and a
six-step "Buy My Own Island Plan," all presented in an informative
and engaging style.,
2008, ISBN 978-159315-491-2
See article.
Paul, Harry, Ross Reck, Revved! An
incredible way to rev up your workplace and achieve amazing
results. Imagine a new kind of business model: one where
caring for people is your capital investment and the returns
redefine your bottom line. This book is the story of Katie Adams,
an up-and-coming manager who's struggling to rekindle the
enthusiasm and support of her team at work. When she's passed over
for a long-awaited promotoin, the message from her boss is clear:
turn things around or get out. But how? How do you inspire
people to work harder, reach higher, and achiveve more? How
do you get them to support you and go above and beyond in
everything they do? How do you get them to care? You
show that you care about them. From the coauthor of FISH!, the
bestselling book that put fun and passion back into the workplace,
comes this book, an incredible three-step program that helps you
to maximize the returns that come from caring about your most
important asset: your people. Jump-start your passion and put
yourself and your team on the road to real results. McGraw Hill,,
2006, ISBN 0--07-146500-6 
Porras, Jerry, Stewart Emergy, Mark Thompson.
Success Built to Last: Creating a life that matters.
Imagine discovering what successful people have in common,
distilling it into a set of simple practices, and using them to
transform your company, your career and your life. Authored by
three thought leaders in organizational development and
self-improvement, this book challenges conventional wisdom at
every step. It draws on fave-to-face, unscripted conversations
with hundreds of remarkable human beings from around the world.
Meet billionaires, CEOs, presients of nations, Nobal laureates,
and celebrities. Meet unsung heroes who've achiveved lasting
impact without obvious power or charisma. Famous or not, almost
all started out orginary. Learn how these enduringly successful
people harvested their victories and failures and found the
courage to follow their passions.,
Wharton School Publishing,,
2007, ISBN 0-13-228751-X
See an article by the authors at 
Price, Susan Crites
& Tom Price, The Working Parents Help
Book: Practical advice for dealing with the day-to-day
challenges of kids and careers. This is an expanded and
updated guide with interviews and expert advice from Marguerite
Kelly on family matters, Janet Bodnar on money matters, Joel Hyatt
on family legal matters, Sarah Edwards on home-based jobs, Judsen
Culbreth on workplace matters, and Dana Friedman on coping in the
workplace. Plus, there's a free disk of customizable checklists,
charts, write-in calendars, and more to help busy families manager
their fun and work time! Peterson's,
- Renesch, John, Leadership in a New Era, New
Leaders: Visionary approaches to the biggest crisis of
our time, New Leaders,
- Rogue, Lisa Angowski, Time Off from Work: Using
sabbaticals to enhance your life while keeping your career on
track, John Wiley & Sons, 1994
Sabatino, Colleen A., Play of Your Life:
Your Program for Finding the Career of Your Dreams--And a
Step-By-Step Guide to Making It a Reality. This book is not
just a how-to it is your own portable career-coach. While other
books may promise to help you land the job of your dreams, the
author trumps that. She opens your eyes to the possibilities
you've not yet imagined. The book offers a 2-step program. Part
One guides readers through a series of engaging self-assessment
quizzes and diagnostic steps to help each individual recognize
their dream and translate that into a career path. Part Two is
master class on the tactical steps toward making that dream a
reality. She is enjoying nationwide recognition as a career
counselor. Her seminars and corporate consulting sessions are so
popular that MBA programs are planning to adopt her book as part
of their curriculum. From setting the stage, to crafting the
life-script that will open the necessary doors, Sabatino's program
affords the secret to becoming a star in your own life. Rodale,,
2004, ISBN 1-57954-964-0 
Schmitt, Tom and Arnold Perl, Simple
Solutions: Harness the Power of Passion and Simplicity to Get
Results. Despite the seemingly endless challenges and
pressures in today's workplace, many people are firm in their
resolve to asume leandership roles and make a difference. One of
the barriers they face is that there simply isn't a clear-cut path
to follow. This inside look at a uniquely effective style of
leadership remedies that guides the reader along the path taken by
these two proven leaders.This is much more than a guide to
leadership theory, however. Not only does it reveal that the art
of great leadership can be learned, it also teaches you that art.
You'll learn how to take complex business ideas and turn them into
simple solutions and how to apply those solutions to your own
organization. You'll see how the heart of quality leadership is
the abiliy to boil things down to their essence, see issues in
their simplest forms, and find the simplest answsers to problems.
When it comes to leadership, simple is better. If you're searching
for answers in the maze of big business, try this book. Wiley,, 2007,
ISBN 0-470-04818-2

- Schuster, Howard, Rekindling the Spirit in
Work: How to be your self on the job, Barry town,
- Schuster, John, Work & the Human Spirit, Self,
Sherven, Judith & Jim Sniechowski,
The Heart of Marketing: Love your customers and they will
love you back. This book is about marketing. But more
important, this is a book about you, the soft sell marketer, and
your desire to market and sell your products and services online
or off without compromising your values and what you believe about
how people should be treated. In short, it's about putting your
heart into marketing. Soft sell marketers serve the well-being of
their customers and clients as their primary objective and in so
doing earn the income they desire - not the other way around. Hard
sell marketing focuses on money first and foremost and, in so
doing serves its customers - not the other way around. If you tend
towards the soft-sell ideals, this book is for you.,
Morgan James,,
2009, ISBN 978-1-60037-559-0 
Shulman, Terrence Daryl, Biting the Hand
that Feeds: The employee theft epidemic: New
perspectives, new solutions.,,
2005, ISBN 0-7414-2723-0 
Simons, George and Deborah Weissman, Men
& Women, Partners at Work: A ten-step program
for success. We all desire to do good work. We also expect to
be recognized and rewarded for it. Imagine how productive we could
be if, as women and men, we were able to put insight, skills and
energy into doing our personal best, both in our jobs and our
ability to work together. Unfortunately, for many of us, this is
an unfulfilled vision. Never in history have men and women worked
side-by-side in such an uneasy truce as they do today. Women
complain of unfairness, harassment, abuse and careers which bump
against a "glass ceiling" - where they can see the top, but can't
get there. Men argue that women don't play be the rules, can't be
trusted, and are "out to get them." Yet the collaboration of women
and men in the workplace is more than a matter of justice or a
luxury in today's world. Gender conflict in the workplace reflects
what goes on in our homes and hearts as we learn new roles as
mates, companions, and friends. When we fail to meet each other's
expectations, we blame and punish instead of looking for ways to
understand each other and make agreements that last. This book
invites you to view working together and resolving conflict as
challenges that you can meet by developing awareness and skill,
rather than as political or psychological problems. It provides
you with a set of productive communication tools for everyday use.
Crisp, 1990 ISBN 1-56052-009-4 Buy
This Book!
Smith, Jayne L., Creative Competitive
Advantage: Think you know your company's competitive
advantage? Think again. Why should I do business with
you...and not your competition? Whether you are a retailer,
manufacturer, distributor, or service provider - if you cannot
answer this question, you are surely losing customer, clients and
market share. This eye-opening book reveals that identifying your
competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the
marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain
clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The good news is
that you can overcome those costly mistakes - by identifying your
competitive advantages and creating new ones. This
straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and
specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages,
develop new ones, and get the message out about them. Currency
2006, ISBN 0-385-51709-2 
St. John, Noah, The Secret Code of
Success: 7 hidden steps to more wealth and happiness. By
working with thousands of clients at The Success Clinic of
America, the author has found that when it comes to success, the
conscious mind is the wrong place to start. He has discovered that
most people carry negative and unexamined baggage in their
subconscious minds - baggage that unknowingly prevents them from
realizing success in their lives. He will show readers how to
overcome these obstacles to achieeve more happiness and success in
every aspect of their lives. Collins Business, 2009, ISBN
Sutton, Robert I., The No Asshole
Rule: Building a civilized workplace and surviving one that
isn't. In a landmark article published in the esteemed
Harvard Business Review, the Stanford University professor
addressed a taboo topic that affects every office and workplace in
the world today - The No Asshole Rule. Employees who are
insensitive to their colleagues...corporate bullies...bosses who
just don't get it. Let's face it, every office has workers who are
flat-out-rude, selfish, uncivil, mean-spirited, and who really
don't seem to care about whom they step on. They're the kind of
people who make you exclaim in exasperation, "What an
asshole!" This groundbreaking book is more than just a
reflection on the issue of social friction among corporate
colleagues. The author sheds real analytical light on how this
ongoing problem ruins morale, lowers productivity, and can truly
devastate a company's culture. He not only confronts this issue
directly, but also provides extensive strategies and insights into
how your company can pinpoint and eliminate this problem. With
lively language, wit and solid case studies, this book is a
compelling inquiry into the difficult challenge of having to work
with other human beings...and what you can do about it. And, in
the end you'll be asking yourself, "Am I part of the problem...or
part of the solution?" Warner Business Books,,
ISBN 978-0-446-52656-2 
- Terrell, Studs, Working: People talk about what
they do all day & how they feel about what they do,
Ballantine, 1984
Thompson, Mark and Brian Tracy, co-authors of
Now, Build a Great Business!: 7 Ways to Maximize Your Profits
in Any Market. 2010 (See articles: Timing
is Overrated and Nobody
Does It Alone
Towery, Matt, Powerchicks: How
women will dominate America. The most dramatic power shift in
American history is about to occur: Women, after two
centuries of being wholly or partially disenfranchised, are poised
to become the dominant social, economic, and political force of
the next century. The movement has already begun. Today women in
America are responsible for more than eighty percent of consumer
spending, outnumber men in the voting booths, are the primary
source of leadership in raising the next generation, control most
of the purchasing power in the workplace, earn more college
degrees than men and are taking the greatest advantage of
technological advances that make it possible to successfully meld
responsibilities or work and home. The story of this imminent
power shift is not black and white; it surfaces bit by bit from
hundreds of statistics, observations and personal stories. But
once the dots are connected, the picture formed is a fascinating
one of the world's first powerful matriarchy. Based on fresh
research and original interviews with some of America's most
influential women, this book is the prescient story of this quiet
revolution that will change American society forever. Longstreet.,
1998 ISBN 1-56352-521-6 Buy
This Book!
Useem, Michael, The Go
Point: When it's time to decide. Knowing what to do and when
to do it. The author, through dramatic storytelling,
shows how to master the art and science of being decisive. He
places you smack in the middle of people facing their go point,
where action, or lack of it, determined the fates of individuals,
companies and countries. He makes you feel as if "you are there,"
right in the center of the action. You'll discover why some
decisions were flawless, perfectly on target, and others utterly
disastrous. Most of all, you'll learn how to make the right calls
youerself, whether you're changing your career, hiring an
assistant, launching a product or deciding on a potential
acquisition or merger. Smartly written and offering unusual
insights into the minds of decision makers, this book will provide
the guidance for you to move with confidence when it's your turn
to get off the fence.,
Crown Business,,
2006, ISBN1-4000-8298-6
(See article)
- Wall, Robert, Corporate Warrior: Creating
healthy, new lifestyles, global competition, entrepreneuring, drug
abuse, computers, Response, 1989
- Weirs, Robert, Staying on Course: The emotional
& social lives of men who do well at work, Faucet
Columbine, 1990
Weisinger, Hendrie, Emotional
Intelligence at Work.Experts now acknowledge that emotional
intelligence (EI) is perhaps the most crucial determinant of
success in the workplace. And unlkike IQ or other traditional
measures of intelligence, EI can be developed and dramatically
increased. In this breakthrough work, the author shares with the
world what he has already shared with hundreds of Forture 500
executives: the means to realize personal ambitions and optimize
organizational effectiveness through the masterful management of
emotions. Jossey-Bass,
1998 ISBN 0-7879-5198-6 Buy
This Book!
Widmann, Nancy, Elaine Eisenman, Amy Dorn
Kopelan, I Didn't See It Coming: The only book you'll
ever need to avoid being blindsided in business.
Managers have been under siege for the past
ten years. They have been forced to downsize, restructure, merge,
combine jobs and inflate profits. They got on board and did what
the boss asked. Then, in came a new boss, or consultant, and out
went those same managers who had been willing to play the game.
Those managers might still have jobs if they had been able to spot
the red flags that signal trouble. In fact, the most dedicated and
driven professionals are often the employees least likely to
notice the office threats and pitfalls around them; they're too
busy working. This book provides savvy advice and strategic
insights for recognizing and dealing with the situations that can
threaten your career. This book will help you develop the skills
you need to read the room, correctly access what is happening
around you, and control your career destiny. It shows you why you
need an exit strategy, how to navigate the political terrain, how
(and why) to differentiate between colleagues, and why it's
important to follow the money. Everyone can benefit from
understanding how office politics works and what you can do to
enhance your position. For anyone in a dicey situation - even if
you don't know it yet - this is the ultimate guidebook for office
survival. When it comes to your career, don't take
chances! Take charge and make sure you see it coming. John
Wiley & Son,,
2007, ISBN 978-0-470-11645-6 See
Williams, Joan, Unbending
Gender: Why family and work conflict and what to do about
it. Why do family and work increasingly conflict? Why do
men as well as women feel under enormous strain, at home and at
work? Why are nearly one-fourth of American children, and
nearly forty percent of dvorced mothers, poor? This book shows
that the work/family conflict is gender discrimination, and that
the current way of organizing work is terrible for men, still
worse for women, and worst of all for children. She proposes a set
of practical policies and legal initiatives to reorganize the two
realms of work so men and women can lead healthier and more
productive work and family lives. Oxford University Press,, 2000,
ISBN 0-19-509464-6 Buy
This Book!
Winfeld, Liz, Straight Talk about Gays in
the Workplace: Creating an inclusive, productive environment
for everyone in your organization. This guide covers all
aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity diversity in the
workplace and includes new and updated information on domestic
partner benefits, educating employees about sexual orientation and
gender identity, nondiscrimination policies, effective employee
networks and alliances, sensitive issues that involve transgender
people, opportunities for marketing to the LGBT community,
internal and external outreach programs, new information focused
on LGBT youth and academia inclusive of sexual orientation and
gender identity. Harrington Park Press,,
ISBN 1-56023-547-0 
- World watch Paper 25, Worker Participation-Productivity
& the Quality of Work Life - December, 1978
Ernie J., The Joy of Not Working: A book for the
retired, unemployed, and overworked. This book could change
your view of the world forever. The author, "creatively
unemployed" for 14 years, believes we work so hard - and overvalue
work so much - that we have forgotten how to just live! Sound
right to you? Well, just sit back, put your feet up, and take
a little break with this practical manual for enjoying life. It's
about more than enjoying your leisure time. It's about learning to
live every part of your life - work and play; employment,
unemployment, and retirement alike - to the fullest. Illustrated
by eye-opening exercises, thought-provoking diagrams, and lively
cartoons and quotations, the easy-to-read principles in this book
will guide you to discover and pursue your life's passions. It is
a provocative, entertaining, down-to-earth, and tremendously
inspiring challenge to living a more exciting and rewarding life -
at work and at play. Life is short - enjoy it all. Ten Speed
Press, 1997
ISBN 0-89815-914-8 Buy
This Book!
Zuckerman, Amy, Sexual Orientation in the Workplace: Gay
men, lesbians, bisexuals & heterosexuals, working
together, International Partners, 1994
* * *
Who suffers the most on-the-job back injuries? Warehouse workers and
garbage collectors. (Both are virtually all male occupations handling
women's before and after purchases.)
Sometimes saving for a rainy day means you don't have as much fun
when it's sunny. Really
Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me

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