& Prison 
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Prison and
Prison Rape. See also books on Abuse
- Boys, Abuse - Children,
Abuse - Ritual, Abuse
- Sexual, Circumcision, Anger,
Violence, Domestic
Violence, Sexual Harassment,
and Women's Violence, and our
Issues section on Gangs,
Abuse - Ritual,
Abuse - Sexual,
Violence, Sexual
Harassment, Women's'
Violence and Prisons
as well as Resources.
Q&A Slide Guide on Safe
Dating, STDS,
AIDS, Gangs
and Alternatives
to Violence programs including programs for male victims and
female perpetrators.
Click on covers for more specific information.
Nolo's Pocket Guide to California Law.
As citizens, we are presumed to know the law. Ignorance, as many
of us learn the hard way, is no excuse - and most books about the
law are written for lawyers, making them difficult, if not
impossible to understand. Here is the answer: a wealth of
information on the laws that affect you every day. Inside are
hundreds of topics organized in easy-to-find categories - just
look up the topic you have a question about and get a clear,
concise, explanation of the law. Includes categories on children,
relationships, consumers' rights, employees' rights, traffic and
vehicle laws, debts, loans, and credit, courts and lawsuits,
landlords and tenants, small businesses and many others. Nolo
Press, 1998, ISBN 0-87337-376-6 Buy
this book!
Arden, Harvey, ed, Prison Writings: My
life is my Sun Dance: Leonard Peltier. "Leonard's words reveal
a wise man who has become freer than his captors, despite his
false imprisonment for a crime he did not commit. His thoughts
here remind us of our true million as Indian people, as human
beings here on this humble, beautiful planet. These thoughts
cannot be captured or locked behind bars, or destroyed by gunfire.
They fly free" Joy Harjo. St. Martin's Griffin,
2000 ISBN 0-312-26380-5 Buy
this book!
- Bowker, Lee, Prison Victimization, Elsevier, 1980
Bowman, Lee, Doing Life from the Inside
Out. Are all the men behind bars evil, hopeless and incapable
of positive change? This collection of essays represents
those who have benefited from their incarceration. The open,
honest vulnerability of their writings touches a place in our
hearts which knows that it is possible to become whole, to
forgive, and to move on. The voice heard here does not make
excuses, blame, nor dwell on past events. It speaks with
self-acceptance, realistic views of circumstances, and hope for
understanding. Listen to it for there may be a mirror which
reflects an image of our own self-made prisons. Wally Amos,
inspirational man and motivating speaker, says that this book is
"...about transformation; turning caterpillars into
butterflies...Their journey from despair to hope to transformation
is confirmation that we all have the capacity to change and that
good resides in all of us." Planting Moon, PO Box 1721,
Folsom, CA 95763-1721 1999 Buy this Book Direct
Canfield, Jack, Mark Victor Hanse, Tom
Lagana, Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul: 101 stories
to open the heart and rekindle the spirit of hope, healing and
forgiveness. These inspiring true stories pay tribute to
people who have turned their lives around: from being criminals to
becoming productive members of society, from being victims to
becoming catalysts for forgiveness. Some stories will touch your
heart with a message of compassion for anyone whose life has been
touched by hardship; others will remind you to appreciate your
freedom; others will help you find redemption even in the darkest
of places; and still others will reassure you that although we
each face unique challenges, you are never truly alone. This book
is for anyone who is incarcerated or works in a correctional
facility, has a loved one in prison, has ever been a victim of a
crime, or any concerned citizen who knows that corrections is
everyone's responsibility. These stories will leave an indelible
imprint on your heart and inspire you to live with hope, gratitude
and joy, regardless of your circumstance. Health Communications, or 2000
ISBN: 1-55874-836-9. Special
Offer: For each copy you purchase from us, we will send a copy
to two prison libraries. (Our goal is to get at least one copy of
this book in every prison in the U.S., which total over 8,000
facilities.) $12.95 + $4.25 shipping and handling. No fax, phone,
credit card, or purchase orders please. Snail-mail your order,
mailing address and check made out to The National Men's Resource
Center, PO Box 12, Brookings, OR 97415 Updates
Chevigny, Bell Gale, Doing Time: 25
years of prison writing. For the prison writers whose work is
included in this anthology, it means more than serving a sentence;
it means staying alive and sane, preserving dignity, reinventing
oneself, and somehow retaining one's humanity. For the last
quarter century the prestigious writes' organization PEN has
sponsored a contest for writers behind bars to help prisoners face
these challenges. The author, a writer herself and a former prison
teacher, has selected the best of these submissions to create this
book, a vital work, demonstrating that prison writing is a vibrant
part of American literature. The fifty-one prisoners contributing
to this volume deliver in singular voices surprising tales,
lyrics, and dispatches from an alien world, covering the life span
of imprisonment from terrifying initiations to poignant
friendships, from confrontations with family to death row, and
sometimes share extraordinary breakthroughs. With 1.8 million men
and women - roughly the population of Houston - in American jails
and prisons, we must listen to this small country of throwaway
people. This book frees them from their sentence of silence. We
owe it to ourselves to listen to their voices. Arcade, 1999
ISBN 1-55970-514-0 Buy
This Book!
Donaldson, Stephen, Prisoner Rape Education Tape
& Workbook: Overview for jail/prison
administrators & staff, Safer Society, 1993 Stop Prisoner
Rape, 3149 Broadway #4, New York, NY 10027, 212.666.0344
Gilbert, Roland & Cheo Tyehimba-Taylor, The Ghetto
Solution. African American men helping African American boys
to become African American men is the cycle we need to make our
communities and country work for all of us. The Simba program
described in this book is a powerful and important way to make it
happen. Connections between caring adults and youth are essential
for the healthy development of children. The author understands
how to assure and nurture these relationships for the youth who
are often forgotton and left behind. This story is inspirational.
Everybody concerned about our future should read this book. WRS,
1993 ISBN 1-56796-021-9 Buy
This Book
Griffin, Ed, Prisoners of the
Williwaw. A novel. Comes from a prison creative writing
class that encourages men to find a freedom inside the prison
walls that had eluded them on the outside. So, what would happen
if three hundred hardened convicts petitioned the
US Government for an abandoned island where they would be set
free to earn their own way? Overwhelmed by prison
budgets and prison riots, the government agrees and sets the
prisoners free on windswept, treeless Adak in the Aleutians, the
site of a former "hard duty" Navy station. The Government
allows their families to accompany them. Frank Villa, the
idealistic leader of this expedition, faces a crafty prison boss,
James T. Gilmore, who schemes to take over the island. But Frank's
struggle is internal as well as external. He strives to overcome
the effects of prison on his psyche. A convict must be passive; a
man in charge of a community must take command. A convict must be
passive; a man in charge of a community must take command. A
convict must build a wall inside himself against any relationship
with a woman; a free man has to leave himself open to love. These
conflicts play out against a backdrop of constant rain, vicious
windstorms (williwaws), escape attempts and a coup by a new group
of prisoners from the federal penitentiary in Florence, Colorado,
the worst of the worst. Trafford Publishing, 888.232.4444 or 2000
ISBN 1552123979 Buy
This Book!
Hamilton, Arthur,
Father Behind Bars: A story of responsibility
that affects everyone in America. Born into Detroit's
recession-gripped ghettos and into a family torn apart by abuse
and alcoholism, the author seemed almost destined to lead a life
of crime and incarceration. Currently serving combined sentences
of 37 to 65 years for armed robbery and manslaughter, he has had
plenty of time to think about his life and his future. And unlike
so many of his fellow convicts, he decided to change. He earned
his GED, then went on to complete a college degree and become a
respected writer, newspaper editor and active member of the NAACP.
But his newfound sense of responsibility and determination did not
just apply to himself. While still in prison, he wrestled custody
of his children away from their drug-addicted mother after many
years of legal battles. He remarried, formed a new family and
struggled to be the father he had never been. He went on to found
Fathers Behind Bars Inc, a nonprofit organization designed to help
convict fathers become better parents and to help keep their
children from following in their footsteps - right into the same
prisons their fathers occupy. He is living proof that the human
spirit is stronger than the steel and concrete of the prison walls
that try to contain it. WRC, 1993 ISBN 1-56796-034-0
this book!
- Jonsen, Albert, and Jeff Stryker, eds, The Social Impact of
AIDS in the US, National Academy Press, 1993
Kupers, Terry, Don Sabo, Prison
Masculinities, Willie London. This book is an astonishing
collection of stories, poems, and essays by and about male prison
life. Containing a mix of academic, activist and scholarly
writing, almost all of the contributors to this anthology have
"done time" and their perspectives are compelling. From Angela
Davis' essay about the "prison-industrial complex" to Mumia
Abu-Jamal's article on enforced celibacy, this book has some
familiar and important names. Equally moving are the stories by
unfamiliar voices. Inmate O'Neil Stough contributes a devastating
account of watching a fellow prisoner rapidly succumb to
AIDS because he is denied the care he requires, while Lige
Daily Jr, explains that he became a counselor for released
convicts after finding himself unskilled for life and work on the
outside. Addressing gender issues in an ultramasculine world, this
book confronts male hierarchy, violence and sexuality. The editors
consider the high percentage of African-American men in jail; how
inmates have found positive intimate relationships with other
prisoners; and why dominant prisoners use violence to get what
they want. It also increases awareness about the physical and
mental health of the incarcerated as prose and poetry by inmates
express the thoughts and feelings about life behind bars. This is
an absorbing book for anyone who wants to understand life on the
"inside". Temple University Press, 2001
ISBN: 1-56639-816-9 Buy
this book!
Lagana, Tom and Laura, Serving Productive
Time: Stories, poems and tips to inspire positive change from
inmates, prison staff, and volunteers. Are you or have you
ever been incarcerated? Do you have a loved one in jail or
prison? Do you work or volunteer at a correctional
facility? Have you ever been the victim of a crime? Do
you understand that we all share the responsibility of helping
others, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have
done? If so, you understand that incarceration affects everyone
and that only trought positive change can people begin to heal and
grow. In this book, you'll read about extraordinary people who are
taking tangible steps to make positive changes in their own lives
and who are reaching out to help others do the same. Some stories
will help you understand the need to prepare inmates for release
and to support them afterward. Others will help you appreciate
your freedom and remind you that we all make mistakes. And still
others will reaffirm that fact that, although many of us might be
imprisoned in some way (either by a limiting belief, illness, or
other situation) we all need a helping hand at some point in our
lives to lift us up and show us the path to a new life. This book
will leave you with a renewed appreciation of the need for all of
us to use our time wisely to make ongoing, positive changes in our
lives and to bring others along with us in the process - whether
we live or work inside or outside the razor wire. Health
2009, ISBN 0-7573-0782-5 
Lagana, Tom and Laura, Serving Time,
Serving Others: Acts of kindness by inmates, prison
staff, victims and volunteers. These inspiring and true
stories reveal the restorative benevolence that is alive and well
behind prison walls. Whether through a helping hand from another
inmate, a gesture of kindess from a prison volunteer, or caring
treatment and respect from a correctional officer, counselor,
chaplain or other staff person, you will be uplifted as you read
about amazing people who have performed humane acts in inhumane
surroundings. This book is for those who have even spent time
behind bars; who have ever had a loved-one imprisoned; who work or
volunteer in a correctional facility; who have ever been a victim
of crime; and, who understand that we all share the responsibility
of helping others - no matter who they are, where they live, or
what they've done. Each heartfelt story captures the essence of
genuine kindness and illustrates that even the darkest pits of
despair and hopelessness can be illuminated by just one good deed.
Genuine kindheartedness has the miraculous power to heal,
transform and inspire - even those behind bars. It can also foster
forgiveness and a desire to change. Fruit-Bearer Publishing,,, 2004,
ISBN 1-886068-06-2 
- Lockwood, Daniel, Prison Sexual Violence, Elsevier,
Mann, Nicholas, The Dark God: A
personal journey through the underworld. August 1972 Istanbul,
Turkey. Waves of spiritual seekers journeyed to the mystic East in
search of enlightenment. The author found himself on a very
different trip - deep into the bowels of the Turkish prison
system. Set up and arrested for possession of a small quantity of
hashish, he became imprisoned within an underworld ruled by money,
violence and lies. Raw, emotional, intense, the book chronicles
one man's spiritual odyssey through the darkness and brutality of
life in prison. Cut off from the rest of the world, he turned to a
daily practice of yoga and meditation-prison became his monastery.
Surrounded by the harsh conditions of Bayrampasa, he found himself
exploring the deepest, most fundamental issues of spirituality.
Drawing upon the traditions of his ancestors, he discovered a
powerful, transformative means through which the divine masculine
can at last become whole, and once more rejoin the divine
feminine. By facing the fear and denial surrounding the mythic
figure of the Dark God, the author has uncovered a bold, new
insight into the true nature of masculine spirituality. Llewellyn
Publications, 1996
Masters, Jarvis, Jay, Finding
Freedom: Writings from Death Row. This is a deeply
moving, life-affirming memoir written from the nether world of San
Quentin's Death Row. Offering us stories that are sometimes sad,
funny, poignant, revelatory, frightening, soul-stirring, painful
and uplifting, the author traces his remarkable spiritual growth
in an environment where despair and death are constant companions.
His book is a testament to the tenacity of the human spirit and
the talent of a fine writer. Afterword by H. E. Chagdud Tulku
The web site
was still under construction as of 5/15/00. Padma Publications,
1997 ISBN 1-881847-08-X Buy
This Book!
Matera, Dary, FBI's Ten Most Wanted.
The FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted List has been responsible for
the arrest of some of the world's most notorious criminals. In its
over 50-year history, the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted List has led
to the location and apprehension of 429 criminals and has
contained some of the most ruthless fugitives the world has ever
seen. It has further reflected the changing times - in the 1950s
mostly gangsters made up the list, while in the 1960s it was
populated with liberal radicals. Here is the first-ever
book-length account of this famous list - from its beginnings to
its most fascinating and shocking moments. It contains full
profiles of each of the list's 10 current members, updates on
recent captures, and information on the suspected whereabouts of
fugitives. A fascinating look inside the history of crime, a
shocking narrative of the country's most famous law-breakers and
con artists, and a window into the inner workings of the FBI,
FBI's Ten Most Wanted is thrilling reading for anyone interested
in crime and criminals. HarperTorch, 2003, ISBN-13: 978-0060524357

- McMullen, Richie, Male Rape: Breaking, the Silence on
the Last Taboo, Alyson Press, 1990
- Mezey, Gillian & Michael King, Eds, Male Victims of
Sexual Assault, Oxford University Press, 1992
- Oliver, William, The Violent Social World of Black Men,
- Scacco, Anthony, Rape in Prison, Charles C Thomas,
- Scacco, Anthony, ed Male Rape: A Casebook of Sexual
Apitressions, AMS, 1982
- Scribnar, C. S.,Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder, Bruno Press, 1988
Stevens, Wesley, Learning to Sing in a
Strange Land: When a loved one goes to prison. Prison is
a strange land, a land of deep heartache and sadness. Over two
million people are serving prison time in America. Millions more
are carrying the mark of prison as those who were formerly
incarcerated, including large numbers of men and women who have
been released on parole. In the midst of such human misery, when
"loosened tongues" are freed to sing of God's redemptive love,
grief is dimished and the prison loses its power. Prisons are
alien places of despair and destructiveness. Prisons are measures
of fear and anxiety where we make invisible those who frighten us
the most. On a closer look, of course, the ones in prison are real
people, so like us. We are invited by our faith to look closely
beyond fear to notice names and persons with histories and hopes.
It is because prisons hold persons loved by God that faith sends
us always back to prison yet again. Resource Publications, .
2009 ISBN 1-59752-535-9 
- Weiss, Carl & David Friar, Terror in the Prisons:
Homosexual Rape & Why Society Condones It, Bobbs-Merrill,
- Wooden, Wayne and Jay Parker, Men Behind Bars: Sexual
Exploitation in Prison, Plenum, 1982 (highly recommended).
Prison - Rape
- Bowker, Lee, Prison Victimization, Elsevier, 1980
Donaldson, Stephen, Prisoner Rape Education Tape
& Workbook: Overview for jail/prison
administrators & staff, Safer Society, 1993 Stop Prisoner
Rape, 3149 Broadway #4, New York, NY 10027, 212.666.0344
- Lockwood, Daniel, Prison Sexual Violence, Elsevier,
- Scacco, Anthony Rape in Prison, Charles C Thomas,
- Weiss, Carl & David Friar, Terror in the Prisons:
Homosexual Rape & Why Society Condones It, Bobbs-Merrill,
- Wooden, Wayne & Jay Parker, Men Behind Bars: Sexual
Exploitation in Prison, Plenum, 1982 (highly
* * *
Wherever anyone is against his will, that is to him a prison. -

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