an Intern
Menstuff® has many ways you may actively participate in men's
work. An intern is one. And, there are other
Available Areas
Here are some of the tasks our interns have participated in:
- Study in The
Men's Study during a vacation or summer break. Located on the
southern Oregon coast, just North of the California border, free
accomodations can be had in the RV that once served as the
- Proof reading out site. (Did you catch the typo?)
- Check hyperlinks for accuracy.
- Work to make all information, and the way it is presented,
easily accessible to all people, especially those who have any
visual impairments.
- Determine what books remain in "Books in Print" and/or on and which ones are Out-Of-Print.
- Researching new information/resource outlets
- Update the resource database. This may include checking an
organization's web site to update status and information.
- If an organization doesn't have a web site or email address,
those who have access to a phone could call the organization to
update their status.
- Read submitted information and edit or condense it as needed
for use on the web site.
- Write mini book reviews (100 words or less) on old or new
books on any of our men's issues. May require a trip to your local
city or college library to access books.
- Become an "expert" in any one of our 300+ men's issues. Men's
health is a big one. And,
- Author a piece of your own for submission to the web site.
- Become a detective and search out possible men's issue that we
don't already have and
- If you're already an expert, apply to become an
Time Commitment
The amount of time you spend daily, weekly, monthly or annually is
totally up to you. These are unpaid positions but will give you a
unique exposure into the world of men and men's studies.
If you plan to submit a request to your college or university to
have your internship as part of your course of study, then the
university may set a certain number of hours to fulfill course
Almost anyone could qualify:
- A willingness to help.
- A desire to explore waters you haven't been in before, or
- Dive deeply to waters that are more familiar to you.
- Computer and typing skills are desirable and helpful.
- Access to the Internet is a benefit.
- Having access to e-mail is a major benefit.
- Prior knowledge of men's issues is not important.
Application for a position is easy:
- For College Credit: Contact your department head to see
what the college requires. We may need to fill out forms about our
organization, the tasks, etc. If this can be done via email, send
the information here.
If it requires snail mail, send the forms to Gordon Clay, The
National Men's Resource Center, PO Box 12, Brookings, OR
97415 (Allow four weeks for the mail to track us down. We're often
on the road.) Then, see additional instructions below.
- For Personal Involvement. Click on Feedback
and tell us in 50 words or less what you would like to do and the
number of hours over what period of time you're willing to commit.
Include your name and email address. It's that simple!
Other Volunteer Opportunities Around the U.S.
Not only the Federal Government, but many corporations have reduced
their charitable contributions in recent years. This means reduced
services and in many cases, the elimination of some services. Many
men's services, like this one, are run out of our homes. We foot the
bill because of our commitment to men, communities, families,
relationships, etc. To keep going, and in many cases, just to
survive, volunteers are needed. You can make a difference. If you
have a few minutes, hours, days, one-time or over a longer period of
time, there is a place that can use you. You might start by checking
out our Resource
directory, looking under the category that is most aligned with where
you have been helped in the past, or where you would like to help
now. Second, is VolunteerMatch, a national non-profit system that has
listings for volunteers all over the country. You pick what suits you
best. Below, you can search for opportunities that you can do from
home, on the computer, etc., like the opportunities we have. Or, if
you can travel, it will give you opportunities within a mile of your
zip code, 6 miles, 20 miles, etc. What have you done
lately? It's never too late to start! Other
* * *
To say yes, you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves and plunge
both hands into life up to the elbows. It is easy to say no, even if
saying no means death. - Jean Anouilh
* * *

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