At first I thought I was watching a commercial
from The Man Show. It featured cheerleaders
doing a routine. The end of the routine had a guy
lifting a girl with her standing on his hands above
his head. It cuts to an announcer talking about
Doritos Extreme chips and closing with the line
"You're bold but are you daring?" Cut back to the
male cheerleader. He looks around to see if anyone
is looking, then he lifts his head as if to sneak a
peek under the female cheerleaders skirt above him.
Cut back to the announcer awarding the male
cheerleader for being Bold and Daring. The message
communicated to me is that Doritos Extreme chips
are really tasteless.
If you want to be part of the solution, let them
hear from you! Here's
how. Dave Philips, VP Mktg & Adv,
Frito-Lay, Div of Pepsico Inc., 7701 Legacy Dr,
Plano, TX 75024-4099 or 972.334.7000 or fax
972.334.4800 or
And, Matthew Eiler, Sr VP, Acct Dir,
BBDO Advertising, 1285 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY 10019 or 212.459.5000 or fax to

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