I have been retired for 3 years because I
needed to rest from 15 years in racing, I have a
lot of discipline and I simply needed to enjoy my
family for a while. I´ll be back to racing
really soon. (2/09)

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in Racing,
Women in
Contact: www.marareyes.com
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Birthdate: March 12
Birth Place: Pachuca, Mexico
Current Home Base: Pachuca
Who started you: My Dad
Biggest influence: My Dad
Father's Thoughts: He really loves it, Is the best
thing for him
Your encouragement to others: Make your dreams come
On her racing trajectory, she went up to the
podium around 65 times, Won around 32 times on
different classes, Won 2 Championships and obtained
several reconnaisances.
Here are some of her most important
1991: Her debut in autoracing was at the
age of 10 years old, as a codriver of her father,
at the Mexico-Cuernavaca Rally, but she started
oficially as a driver, at the age of 14, on a
regional championship, on a tubular VW beetle;
there were 35 drivers at the championship, she was
the only woman and finished on the Top 5 and
"Rookie of the Year".
1992: Took part of the GT II series, on a
National Resistence Championship, she participated
on a 2, 4, 6, 12 & 24 hours races. At her first
race of 12 hours, finished 6th place of 30 drivers
and 11th place of the championship.
1993: She gets upgraded to the GT III
series , finishing in the Top 10 on each race, 9th
place of the championship. She won the
"Mérito Deportivo" Award ("Sport Merit
Award") at Hidalgo State.
1995: Continues at the GT III series,
were she wins several podiums. July- She was
invited to represent Mexico at the "3th
Shell´s Grand Prix " at El Salvador , on the
Super-Tourism Series. Wins 3rd place of her
category and 5th Place of all. Recieves a special
reconnaisance from El Salvador authorities.
September- Participates at this brandnew "Neon
Challenge" alternating with her father, were she
wins a "Pole Position" and the 11th place of the
Championship of a total of 80 drivers. At the same
time, she starts racing on the Nissan Prototypes
and Trucks, just driving for the 4 last races of
this year.
1996: Daimler-Chrysler of Mexico gives
her the opportunity to take part of the Skip Barber
Racing School Driver Course at Sears Point, CA. She
continues at the Neon Challenge Series representing
the colors of the Chrysler Racing Team, were they
obtain 3 Pole Positions, one 1st place, a 3rd place
and 12th place of the championship of a total of
120 drivers. She also keeps driving the Trucks
Series, she finished 8th place of the Driver
1997: A new championship begins, the
Mustang Series. She finishes 5th place at the first
race. Unfortunately she couldn´t keep racing
because she didn´t had sponsorshp.

Continues at the Neon Challenge, Wins
one race and a 2nd place, finishes 10th place of
the Championship. Also on 4th place of the Truck
1998: Participates in 4 different
championships. Wins 2nd place at the driver
standings of the Truck Series, obtaining severa
podiums; 9th. place at the Mustang Series; 7th.
place in a championship called "Fórmula
México" (old skip barber´s formulas) ;
a reconnaisance from "Scudería
Rodríguez" for the big effort of winning the
Trucks 2nd place. Important to mention she was the
only woman who took part of all this Series.
1999: Repeats a 2nd place at the Truck
Series; 8th place at the Mustang Series, winning
2nd place at the last race of the year and this is
her first podium in this championship; obtains the
"Press Award" from Ford Motor Company and important
people from Mexico´s National Press;
Scudería Rodríguez gives her the
"Best Female Driver Award"; Hidalgo Government
gives her the "Sportswoman of the year" Award.
Important to mention that she was the only woman
driver that participated in 4 different
championships in the same year. 2000: Travels to
Phoenix, AZ to take part of a 2nd Driver Course, at
Bondurant´s Racing School. Also keeps racing
at the Mustang Series with the Autofin Team,
finishing 5th place of the Driver Standings. Wins
the Trucks Championship with Continental Tires
2001 : For second consecutive time, Wins
Trucks Series Championship; 2nd place on the
Pick-ups Dodge Series; 5th. place on the Ford
Mustangs Series; Best Driver of the Year
Award" from Scudería Rodríguez
2002: 3rd Place on Pick Ups Dodge Series
and Top 10 on Mustang Series.
2003: Participates just on 3 Mustangs and
Pick Ups races in the year because she didn´t
had sponsorship. Unfotunately she couldn´t
keep fighting for the first places of the Pickup
Series, because when se left she was at 3rd place
of the driver standings.
2004: Becomes one of the drivers of
Escuderia Telmex. After almost a year of
inactivity, she gets into the new Stock Car Series
at Mexico "Desafío Corona", Where, at the
first round in this series, wins the first "Pole
Position" in the history of stocks in Mexico. She
won a 3rd place and finished 6th place in the
driver standings; October: Telmex gives her support
and the opportunity to travel to North Carolina,
USA to make some practices on a Winston West NASCAR
and a few weeks later travels to Irwindale, CA to
take part in a race. She is the first Mexican and
Latin woman to obtain a Nascar´s liscence; She
Qualified in 21th place of de 26 stock cars at the
grip. She was at the same lap time rythm of the
first places in the race and she went all the way
through the 12th place when she got a black flag,
she lost a lap and finished 18th.
2005: First Latin Woman ever to drive the
Nascar Busch Series. She took part of the Mexican
Nascar Series with Telmex team, she was on the 2nd
place of this stock car series and she had a hard
time getting very sick, she lost some points and at
the end of the season she finished 8th place on the
final standings.
She left to Telmex and feels very thankful for
all the support they gave to her during the time
she drove for the team, but now she is looking for
new challenges in racing..
* * *

©1996-2023 by Gordon