Fathers Movement or Family Rights Movement,
you decide.
I'm a 40-something, independent, liberal,
California single mother of four and grandmother to
one, and I'm working within the Fathers Movement.
This surprises some people. They must wonder why
I'm championing these men if it's true that,
"fathers who seek custody, they're not all great
fathers." That was the truth according to Mira Fox,
who runs Child Abuse Solutions, Inc. when she
testified in May against AB 1307, California's
shared parenting bill. Shared parenting, (joint
physical custody), and this bill are supported by
professionals in the legal, medical, and mental
health fields and by family rights organizations,
veterans groups and individuals all over
California. People across the nation, and around
the globe applauded our efforts on behalf of
children, and I was proud to be in Sacramento that
day. I watched Fox testifying and the picture she
painted disturbed me.
Fox said, "Children are often given into the
custody of abusive fathers." According to my
research, in approximately 70 percent of all
California child custody cases mothers receive sole
physical custody. Fathers receive it approximately
10 percent of the time. (Nationwide mothers receive
sole physical custody 84 percent of the time.) If
children are given into the custody of abusive
fathers, they're given into the custody of abusive
mothers as well. Mothers it turns out are most
likely to harm a child. According to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration on Children, Youth and Families,
approximately two-fifths (40.8 percent) of child
victims were neglected or abused by "their mothers
acting alone." Just 18.8 percent were maltreated by
their fathers acting alone, (and 17 percent of
children were abused or neglected by both their
mothers and fathers).
Fox testified about the sexual abuse of
children. By far most child custody cases do not
involve the sexual abuse of children, but the words
alone can strike fear. I don't blame her. She
wanted to win, and she's good at it. It's what she
does for a living. Fox's organization, by her own
testimony that day, trains people in the family
court system how to litigate and adjudicate child
sexual abuse cases. I care about victims of abuse
too. I want to make sure that no child is put in
harm's way. AB 1307, like most shared parenting
bills, had provisions to protect children who are
victims of abuse. This was a non-issue. But again,
the subject of child abuse was brought up.
It disturbs me greatly that Fox casually painted
fathers as perpetrators of incest when in fact
fathers are the least likely of all males to commit
sexual abuse. According to the January 2005 Male
Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment: Findings from
NCANDS, fathers are, "less likely than other male
perpetrators to be involved in sexual abuse."
Keeping fathers in the lives of their children
protects them.
This tactic, mentioning sexual abuse, is similar
to our opponents bringing up abusive and
"controlling men". These men are the minority. The
same is true about men in the Men's Movement, (not
to be confused with the Father and Family Rights
Movement), who want to completely eliminate child
support, and the ones who want to revert to
patriarchy. Sure, they're out there, but they do
not represent the people I work with, the people
who are fighting for equality in child custody. We
are the real Fathers and Family Rights
And I do call it fighting sometimes. It feels
like that when I have to deal with the politics of
it. At one time I had no idea that I would be
pitted against people who are fighting equality.
This is America. The whole idea astounds me. I find
it frustrating that the opponents of joint physical
custody use sensationalism to "win" when it is most
beneficial to our children when we all just stay
honest and above board.
When I first encountered the Fathers Movement it
was by accident. My son was having a child outside
of marriage and he asked me for help. His father
had abandoned him as a baby shortly after he and I
divorced. My son later told me that the most
important thing in his life was to be a good dad.
He wanted to be the best father he could be, in
every possible way. When he learned in his 20's
that he was going to be a father and that marriage
wasn't a possibility, he asked me to find out how
to insure he'd be a large part of his child's life.
I had been successfully co-parenting with his
sister's father, a man I'd never married, for 15
years so we both knew it was possible. I was happy
to see him looking into parenting plans and caring
for the baby's mother. Unfortunately, shortly after
his daughter's birth an attorney was hired, my son
was served a summons for family court, and the
situation turned adversarial. I went online to see
what I could learn, unknowingly stepping into the
Fathers Movement.
Shortly after I became involved in the movement,
I realized there was a battle going on between a
handful of radical patriarchs, called "angry
fathers' rights activists" by the radical feminists
and a handful of radical feminists, called
"feminazis" by the radical patriarchs, with both
sides tossing around accusations, insults, and
outdated and inaccurate statistics to try to prove
their side was right. I decided to do my own
research, to see what the truth really is. I'll
admit I was put off by the hostility. I can almost
understand why the Fathers' Movement has a bad
reputation. I saw posts online like, "You might get
lucky. The Ex might lose interest or get hit by a
truck." Oh, wait, that quote isn't from a Fathers'
Movement web site. That's from an anti-Fathers'
Movement, anti-equal custody activist's web site.
The same woman, who has never met my reformist
friends, or me, yet sent a letter from her state to
my legislators calling us "angry fathers' rights
What I found as I dug deeper through the maze of
"bad facts" was that both sides were describing the
same thing. Both sides exposed the same broken
court system. These quotes, "it really depends upon
the Judge, which GAL, (Guardian ad Litem), or
Evaluator is used and all the biases he or they
might hold" and "it's not simply a matter of
attorney v. attorney (or facts or laws or even
evaluators, all of which are key players) as much
as it is the strategy of knowing which cases to
bring before which judges", came from the same
anti-Fathers' Movement online forum. I've read
similar statements many times in the Fathers'
Movement forums.
I naively assumed that since my son had been a
great father during the entire pregnancy, and since
joint physical custody had been law in our state
for over 20 years, that he would be treated as an
equal to his child's mother. I was shocked by what
happened as he went through the family court
system. He was prevented from having equal physical
custody of his daughter by what could only be
called gender bias. Lies were accepted as truth,
physical evidence was ignored, the "best interest
of the child" and justice were not served. I will
never forget his anguish or the trauma my
granddaughter went through. I knew that I could not
turn my back on this kind of blatant bias and
It's now been three years and I've learned that
the injustice and heartbreak my son went through is
happening to fathers, and some mothers, not only
all over California, but also all over America, and
even all over the world. I've learned that what
used to be the Fathers' Movement has become more of
a Family Rights Movement with the inclusion of
noncustodial mothers, grandparents trying to get
their grandchildren out of foster care, and
families dealing with Child Protection Services,
(CPS). And I've learned that gender bias isn't the
only problem in the family courts.
I'm honored to be associated with advocates,
activists and reformists in more than a dozen
countries including the US, Canada, the UK,
Germany, Scotland, South Africa, New Zealand,
Australia and Italy. I've heard hundreds of
personal accounts from parents. Everywhere, all
around the world parents are saying the system is
broken, that it doesn't serve the needs of today's
families. Part of the problem is that the
adversarial winner-take-all atmosphere of the
current family court system is causing unnecessary
conflict and hostility, financial devastation, and
worst of all, the tragic separation of decent, fit,
loving parents from their children.
Many fathers have told me that they want both
equal physical and legal custody, but they only got
joint legal custody. Instead of having significant
quality time to truly parent their children,
instead of getting the respect they deserve and
access to programs that are now exclusively for
custodial parents, noncustodial parents simply have
'the parental right to make major decisions
regarding the child's health, education and
welfare' and have 'visitation' with their
Jeffery Shipman, 44, a New York father to
21-month-old Deonna, can only see his daughter
every other weekend and one weekday evening. He
told me, "People often say to me now, 'It must be
getting easier now, huh Jeff?' I always reply, 'It
never gets easier' ...and you know, a part of me
never wants this minuscule amount of time to ever
become 'easier' for me. For if one day per week
becomes 'easier' to cope with and I would be
considered 'adjusted,' that would tell me I'm not
doing my job as a father. It's totally unnatural as
a dad not to see my own child for a week
Approximately one-third of the participants in
the Fathers' Movement, or Family Rights Movement as
some call it, are women. Some are grandmothers like
me, some are second wives or girlfriends. Others
are professionals or concerned citizens, and some
are noncustodial moms like Beverly Morris. Beverly,
39, lives in Florida with her husband and their
child, and is a noncustodial parent to two children
in Pennsylvania. She told me, "It's been over seven
years and I still feel raped, angry, and severely
robbed of my parental rights to raise (my)
children." Beverly is now founder and President of
The National Association of Non Custodial Moms,
Inc., an online emotional support forum for
noncustodial parents of both genders. She said, "It
makes me feel like the court system doesn't care at
all what is in the best interest of children; they
only care that they continue to make money through
hearing after hearing; a trap which I refuse to
fall into, and I refuse to put my children
I've heard supporters of sole custody say that
liberal visitation is adequate for maintaining a
close parent-child relationship, yet they aren't
considering the families who are forced to deal
with move-aways and estrangement. According to
Rebecca Mackey, a remarried 27-year-old
noncustodial mother to one, "I lost a part of my
heart that has never repaired itself. The phases I
feel are similar to the ones that people go through
after someone dies. The only difference is that you
don't get to go on with life and remember them. You
get to go on with life knowing that they miss you
and need you and you are helpless to do anything
about it. There is no closure, just a constant
searing pain in your soul that some big part of
yourself is missing."
The fathers I know in the movement are regular
dads; average, responsible, fit, loving fathers,
just everyday dads like you meet in your
neighborhood. Yet, they are prevented from fully
parenting their children. Unmarried fathers,
fathers to one-third of all the babies born in our
country, are almost universally denied physical
custody of their children. They're told, "It's
against policy" by mediators, attorneys and judges.
Bill Sharp, 51, a never-married Illinois father to
14-year-old Tasha and 15-year-old Willy lost his
joint physical custody after his former partner
refused to cooperate with the courts. Instead of
giving custody to the parent who was most willing
to facilitate a relationship between the children
and the other parent, the judge awarded sole
custody to the mother. Bill told me he still
remembers the judge in his case saying, "The father
should not be upset because this is how it ends up
in 90 per cent of the cases."
Bill's son Willy said, "I'm angry and confused.
I went to court and told the judge I wanted
week-week. I don't have bad parents. That's what's
fair. It's the best thing I can think of. The judge
said he'd give me week-week. But then it was taken
away from me before it even started and no one told
me why. They ought to give a reason if they're
going to take away time with a parent. No one gave
me a reason". He went on, "Mom gave me a reason
she said she was the better parent. Mom
tells me that 50/50 is bad but doesn't tell me why.
She was always trying to convince me that 50/50 was
a bad idea." Willy then said the same thing I was
thinking, "I don't understand why the one who is
compromising is punished."
Warren Farrell, Ph.D., author of Father and
Child Reunion told me, "Fighting to be the primary
parent is not a mothering instinct - or a fathering
instinct - it is an instinct of territoriality. Any
mother with a mothering instinct senses that
children need both their mom and their dad because
children are both their mom and their dad. When
they are missing either, they are missing that half
of themselves. The children who need most the
stability of both halves of themselves are the
children of divorce, especially those children
whose parents are the most in conflict."
Bill added, "Ask any kid what they want in a
custody solution and they'll tell you they want
both their mom and their dad; and they'll tell you
that they want them equally. Why? Well, primarily
because it's really what they want. But most kids
have had fairness drilled into them as part of
their parent's, and school's, and church's, and
their role models' instruction as to the proper way
to go through life."
Jamil Jabr, who has been divorced for 2 years
and has one child, has been involved in organizing
Fathers-4-Justice in the United States. He has been
working to build the group as a recognized
non-profit, charitable organization. His intention
is to support the gender-neutral civil rights
movement in America that is fighting for equality
in child custody. Jamil, who lives in Minnesota
told me, "Replacing the presumption of sole
physical custody with joint physical custody will
remove the need to have a winner and a loser. It
won't take much to change the presumption so that
everyone can be a winner, particularly children,
families and society, once the voice of the people
stands up to the entrenched special interests and
profiteers which, fortunately, are in the minority
but, unfortunately, extremely powerful and loathe
to change."
One falsehood that is repeated about joint
custody is that it is forced 50/50. This is not
true. Most parents, including people in the
movement, realize it isn't realistic to split
timeshare exactly down the middle. The age of the
child, relationship with parents prior to the
custody hearing, the work schedule of each parent,
these are all things that need to be taken into
account by both parents. When you hear "equal
custody" it means the parents are equal, not
necessarily the time. From the moment they sit down
at the negotiating table to the day the judge makes
his order, they should be equals, and in today's
family court system they are not.
Adryenn Ashley, a motion picture producer with
21st Century Pictures Group is one of the women in
the movement. She lives in California with her
husband and their 2-year-old son. Adryenn
experienced the injustice of the family court
system firsthand while helping her husband with his
case from a previous marriage. Since then she has
been filming a documentary about the family courts
and how they impact families in the United States.
The Family Alliance Council, a not-for-profit
company that promotes positive images of families
and responsible role models, funds the documentary.
Adryenn observed, "We can make the future better
for our children, but we have to put aside our own
personal prejudices and work toward the real best
interests of the children. And I think we can all
agree, that a profit machine that sucks billions of
dollars out of the pockets of taxpayers, thus
reducing the amount available to fund the future
generations, is not in anyone's best interest."
According to Ronald Rohner and Robert Veneziano,
authors of "The Importance of Father Love: History
and Contemporary Evidence," (Review of General
Psychology 5.4, 2001), "Having a loving and
nurturing father was as important for a child's
happiness, well-being, and social and academic
success as having a loving and nurturing mother."
I'm happy to report that today my son and his
daughter's mother co-parent successfully. They
communicate often and in positive terms about their
daughter, they both remain flexible with drop-off
and pick-up times and days, and my granddaughter
shows the benefit of knowing that both of her
parents love her always, and that neither are ever
far away, or away for long.
Wendy Sheppard, 34, a licensed social worker and
life coach who has shared custody of her 8-year-old
son told me, "We have a week on/week off custody
arrangement in which we both see our son every day
no matter where he sleeps. My clients and friends
often remark at how 'lucky' I am to have such a
mutual arrangement with my ex. I don't consider
myself 'lucky'. I'm doing what's best for my son
because it's about HIM, not ME. It's not luck -
it's about putting my personal feelings aside and
doing what's best for my son."
When asked, the general public has shown
overwhelming support for shared parenting and equal
custody. As reported by Fathers & Families,
in November 2004, 37 districts in Massachusetts had
a non-binding ballot question asking if voters
supported shared parenting. With over 600,000 votes
cast, 86 percent of the voting public said "Yes."
In Michigan recently the Detroit News carried out
an on-line survey asking the following question,
"For divorcing parents, should Michigan courts make
equally shared custodial responsibility of children
the standard?" Again, 86 percent of respondents
voted "Yes".
The Michigan Families and Fathers Conference,
Healing our Families, a Time for Change is being
held at the Metro Detroit Airport on June 17th and
18th. For information write to the Family Rights
Coalition at info@fathers05.org,
call 734.322.2974 vox or visit the web site
What I've learned in the last three years in the
movement is that children want equal access to both
of their parents and that parents of both genders
want equal access to their children. I've learned
that studies show children adjust to divorce best
when they maintain the same level of contact with
their parents as they had before the divorce and
that in some cases shared parenting can actually
reduce conflict between parents. I learned that
other unmarried parents could successfully
co-parent, even if they didn't think they could.
And I learned that society supports shared
parenting and equal custody. To answer the question
of why I'm working within the Fathers' Movement,
I'm here to tell the truth.
For more information on shared parenting
please visit these web sites:
- AB 1307: cspaonline.org/ab1307.php
- U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Administration on Children, Youth and
Families, Child Maltreatment report, 2003:
- Male Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment:
Findings from NCANDS: aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/05/child-maltreat/
- The National Association of Non Custodial
Moms, Inc: www.NANCM.com
- Warren Farrell, Ph.D., Father and Child
Reunion: www.warrenfarrell.com
- Fathers4Justice-US: www.f4j.us
- 21st Century Pictures Group: www.21stcentury.org
- The Importance of Father Love: History and
Contemporary Evidence, Review of General
Psychology 5.4, (December 2001)
- Wendy Sheppard, MSW, LSW Professional Life
Coach & Therapist: www.lifecoachwendy.com
- Fathers & Families: www.fathersandfamilies.org
©2005, Teri Stoddard
See also Is he
"the loser" or is he "Dad"?
Source: Teri Stoddard, aka the
Queen of Equality, is a California grandmother who
advocates for children and their parents. Teri
co-founded and ran The Respite Center for Women and
Children and The Respite Center for Parent and
Child and has spent many years working with
families. She has successfully co-parented for 18
years and is currently organizing Women for Shared
Parenting. You can find information on co-parenting
on her web site Shared Parenting Works, and you can
keep up-to-date on family law reform on her blog
EgalitarianFeminist4fathers at feminist4fathers.blogspot.com/
Email her at 6/13/05
* * *
Children can find other children
to be pals. Children need fathers to be fathers. -
Garrison Keillor
* * *

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