I was at a 4-year-olds birthday party when
I overheard a young mother. We call him
the loser, she said, but not
around Bobby. I cringed. I knew that Bobby
was probably aware that the significant adults in
his life disrespected this man, and that the man
was probably his father. When I hear things like
that I worry about children growing up today. One
million children in America are involved in a new
divorce annually, as of 1997, according to
and The Childrens Fund reports that one in
three American children is born to unmarried
parents (2004 Key Facts About American
E. Mavis Hetherington and John Kelly, authors of
For Better or For Worse: Divorce
Reconsidered, found that twenty years
after the divorce less than one-third of boys and
one-quarter of girls reporting having close
relationships with their nonresident fathers.
And the National Fatherhood Initiative reports
About 40 percent of children in father-absent
homes have not seen their father at all during the
past year. What kind of role models are we
offering our children? With divorced and unmarried
fathers currently having the undeserved reputation
of deadbeats, how can little boys grow
up proud to be male?
At one time that young mother could have been
me. I have made many disparaging comments about my
ex-husbands, and I felt completely justified in
doing so. All three of the men had let me down in
one way or another, and it made sense to place
blame when I spoke about my divorces. They
werent my fault; after all, they were always
my ex-husbands fault. Thats what I
liked to say at least. Thats what I needed to
I have experienced a phenomenon within my own
family that I have now learned is common, tragic,
and very often avoidable. Im talking about
the phenomenon of the fatherless child. Three of my
children are in that 40 percent, the kids who never
see their dads. They had fathers who it seemed,
simply walked out of their lives. The thing to note
is that of the four men, it was the three who I
divorced, the three who had to deal with the family
court system and the state child support
enforcement who went missing, not the man who
fathered a child with me when we were both
unmarried, who wrote a parenting plan with me
without involving the court system. Ive
successfully co-parented with that man for 18
So what happened to the men I married and
divorced? Why were they the ones who walked? It
wasnt like they were never in their
childrens lives. These were the men who
attended childbirth classes with me, who walked the
floor, changed diapers, and played with our babies.
We were thrilled to have children together and
co-parented successfully while we were married.
What exactly had happened during the divorce?
Everything changed. The relationships between my
children and their fathers disintegrated.
At the time, all I knew was that I had divorced
men who had deserved it, as far as I was concerned,
and they were proving exactly how bad they were by
abandoning their children. My only choice, as I saw
it then, was to be the best single mom I could be;
to fill in the gaps, to play both parental roles,
to make sure as best I could that my kids felt
loved and wanted. I chose a career that allowed me
to work from home. I supported my family and
provided my children the benefits of a stay-at-home
But while I was enjoying close relationships
with my children I also knew they were missing
something. I resented my ex-husbands for rejecting
them, and for any disadvantages the experienced by
not having two parents in their lives. Those kids
deserved another cheerleader on their team. So if
the name of one of my ex-husbands came up in
conversation I did not hesitate to use a term like
the loser.
I have since learned what it is like for a
father to go through the family court system and
how it can negatively impact the relationship with
his child. Ive also learned that any parent
is vulnerable to injustice and any parent could
lose contact with their child after going through
the current family court system. What I learned is
A newly separated or unmarried father might
think that he is doing everything by the book; he
might visit or care for his child regularly, or as
often as the mother will allow, he might think he
should wait until the court hearing to start paying
child support since no amount has been set,
especially if the mother of his child has applied
for welfare, because paying her directly isnt
allowed. He might go into court expecting to come
out with a fair joint physical custody order,
especially if he has been providing much of his
childs daily care. He might expect that any
child support order that may be made against him
would start that day. Many good, fit, responsible,
loving, dedicated fathers, and some mothers, are
completely overwhelmed by what happens next.
As Jeffery Shipman, 44, a New York father to
21-month-old Deonna, told me, It is, simply
put, like being raped. You're raped financially,
emotionally, and in terms of your health
deteriorating - physically as well. You walk out of
the courtroom perplexed and bewildered; shaking
your head in disbelief while thinking
This cant be happening! But it
is. It is real life. It is cruel. I recall walking
out of family court one year ago a broken, broken
The myth of deadbeat dads
I came across a 2003 study from the Urban
Institute on uncollected child support in
California. In Examining Child Support Arrears in
California the Collectibility Study, I
learned that common practices, like not making sure
the father was served a summons for his court date,
setting default orders if he didnt show up,
charging interest, and backdating child support
orders were contributing to the fatherless child
epidemic. I learned that these, combined with the
practice of judges assuming" income was
leaving some low-income fathers with child support
orders 4 times higher than it should
be, and in some cases, twice as high as
the debtors net monthly income.
According to the Urban Institute analysis,
Three-quarters of California's arrears result
from policies and practices that set and keep child
support orders at levels that exceed noncustodial
parents' ability to pay child support."
Many fathers walk out of the courtroom in shock,
owing thousands of dollars in arrears due to
backdating and interest, putting them immediately
at risk of imprisonment and losing their
professional and drivers licenses. Some of these
fathers become so overwhelmed they go into hiding,
losing all contact with their children. The UI
study goes on, Many child support
professionals have come to believe that charging
interest, particularly at high rates, is
counterproductive and does not serve either the
child or the government. Charging interest can make
the payment of child support arrears seem
overwhelming to some low-income,
non-custodial parents in California and,
possibly, drive them to the underground economy and
away from their children.
The myth of abusive fathers
Another thing happens to fathers, and to some
mothers, which I would have never expected to find
in America, a country I thought stood for justice.
With absolutely no notice, no due process of law,
judges can, and do, use ex parte orders to remove
custody of their children from parents. In From
Madness to Mutiny: Why Mothers Are Running from the
Family Courts-and What Can Be Done about It,
sociologist Amy Neustein and family court expert
Michael Lesher conclude that No state should
permit a change of custody from one parent or
guardian to the other on the basis of an ex parte
hearing - that is a hearing of which one parent of
guardian does not receive notice. At the present
time there are states, including California, that
permit such changes without notification to the
other parent.
Bryan Godfrey, a 32-year-old California father
to a 5-year-old daughter and 12-year-old stepson
had the crushing experience of dealing with two ex
parte orders. The first one, which came shortly
after his wife filed for divorce, granted his wife
sole custody and exclusive use of their home, and
the second one, five months later, terminated all
of his parental rights until further notice. He
said, I was accused of sexual abuse that was
determined to be unfounded by the Police, but the
judge still terminated my visitation via an ex
parte until further evaluation of a psychologist.
It has been 17 months since I have seen my
Ive had many fathers say they were falsely
accused of domestic violence or child abuse during
their custody cases. Bryan passed a lie detector
test, yet he still cant see his daughter.
When I asked him how he feels about this he said,
I am completely outraged and frustrated that
my parental rights have been terminated without so
much as single hearing. I was never charged with
anything. I was found guilty without a
The opponents to joint physical custody like to
point to studies that show an epidemic of false
accusations of sexual abuse during custody cases
does not exist. Ive never claimed it does.
But the truth of the matter is you dont need
an epidemic to see that is does happen, and that it
needs to be stopped. Since I purchased the book
From Madness to Mutiny Amy Neusteins adult
daughter, Sherry Orbach wrote an article for The
Jewish Press. On May 27, 2005 she wrote, For
eighteen years (I am now 24); I was silent as my
mother spun lie upon lie about my father and me.
The truth, however, is that my father never
sexually abused me, and that reporters and alleged
victims' advocates who supported my mother chose to
retell her lies without adequately checking the
Bryan continued, My daughter is suffering
and I am powerless to help her. If I do anything
aggressive I will be perceived as a domestic
violence committing man and confirm her false
allegations. If I sit back and wait for the wheels
of justice Im perceived not to
care about my daughter. It makes me feel extremely
sad, depressed and angry at all the professionals
that claim to be looking out for the best
interest of the child when clearly they could
care less.
Fathers often tell me once they are caught up in
the web of family court, false accusations,
supervised visitations and alienation, they
cant get out, no matter how innocent they
are, how much proof they have, nor how great a
parent they are. Because of the best interest
of the child standard, judges can do pretty
much anything they want, including keeping good,
fit, loving parents from their children. Jeffrey
echoed a sentiment I hear often in the Fathers
Movement, My patriotism, faith in the justice
system, respect for attorneys, judges and the like
- all gone. My belief in the basic fundamentals of
my country based on our Constitution which was
fought for - evaporated.
Bias in the courts
From everything Ive seen over the last
three years, I believe a father starts out with an
overwhelming disadvantage in family court, just
because hes male. Unmarried fathers, fathers
to one-third of all the babies born in our country,
are almost always denied physical custody of their
children. Bill Sharp, 51, a never-married Illinois
father to 14-year-old Tasha and 15-year-old Willy
lost his joint physical custody after his former
partner refused to cooperate with the courts. Bill
told me, I used to wake up in the morning,
look at myself in the bathroom mirror and say,
What prodigious thing will he do today, this
Bill Sharp? It was a quote from some artist;
I had read it in 1986, liked it and started using
it as my own morning motivation from that point on.
That changed on July 1, 2002. Thats the
morning I looked into the bathroom mirror and said,
They took my kids, and then broke
Dr. Richard C. Weiss, 57, lives in Alabama with
his wife and their 4-year-old son. He spent almost
$100,000, and fought for over 10 years to try to
have joint physical custody of his daughters from a
previous marriage and to keep them from being moved
away. He is now the noncustodial parent to two
teenage daughters in Arkansas, whom he hasnt
heard from in 11 months. He said, This is a
nightmare ever present - a silence like death but
worse. Many of us really loving, caring and
responsible fathers have literally been thrown out
of the lives of our own children by the family
courts and vindictive ex spouses. That, despite
gross civil rights injustices, we remain a
persecuted class and worse, children are treated
like chattel by dysfunctional custodial mothers and
the courts with little regard to their needs for
having both parents or the dire consequences of
removing them from one fit parent, (most divorced
parents are fit).
The reality of estrangement
Right before I overheard that comment about the
loser in the family, I had been
chatting with the birthday childs
grandmother. She was talking about her family and
one story grabbed my attention. A male relative had
gone through a painful divorce. Not only had his
ex-wife gotten sole custody of their daughter, she
moved her far away, and then proceeded to turn the
child against him. Parental alienation
syndrome. I said, Thats what some
people call it. As she described the
heartbreak this man was experiencing all I could do
was nod my head in understanding and think about
the dozens of men I have met over the last 3 years
who share his pain.
Some experts say that Parental Alienation
Syndrome (PAS) isnt real. After encouraging
the many fathers I know who have fought for years
to try to keep their children from being estranged,
and after trying to console the many who have lost
the fight, no one can convince me that the
estrangement of noncustodial parents and children
doesnt exist, no matter what you call it.
This heartache doesnt just happen to fathers,
it happens to noncustodial mothers too. Rebecca
Mackey, a remarried 27-year-old noncustodial mother
to one said it happened to her. She said,
Even when one parent loses custody, they are
still punished by the brainwashing and
psychological games that go on in the custodial
household. They ultimately lose their
body and mind.
Fathers as caregivers
Opponents of joint physical custody say that men
dont do the child rearing before the
separation, so they shouldnt have equal
custody afterwards. But according to The Motherhood
Study (Institute for American Values, 2005),
"[M]any married mothers strongly stated
they would not wish for more involvement on the
part of their childrens father because he
already is as involved in their care as anyone can
be. In one mothers words, her husband 'does
all the things I do with them.' Another mother
described her husband as 'very involved, although
he does very different things than I do.' 'We both
love the kids and we both work to teach them what
they need to know.' These and other mothers
expressed a deep appreciation for what their
spouses bring to their lives and to the lives of
their children, and several mothers noted how much
more involved these fathers are in the
childrens daily lives than the generations of
fathers before them."
Bill says, There have been four instances
where I have put my career on hold to spend time
with my kids. I had hoped to be able to do that
when they reached high school, do consulting or
teaching so that I could take a summer off with the
kids and travel, (Europe, Central America, Asia).
That cant happen now because I have to keep
earning money at my current rate to be able to pay
the child support that has been assessed. The
system values me more for the money I earn than for
what I teach my kids when Im with
One thing the opponents of joint custody say is
that mothers have a special skill; a special
ability to love and care for children, that
theyre much more attached to children then
fathers. Well, according The Motherhood Study, most
mothers do think that, Mothers see their
contribution to the care of their children not only
as extremely important, but also so unique that no
one else can replace it. Nearly 93% of our
respondents agreed with that statement, with nearly
83% saying they strongly agree. I
wonder if theyre aware that 87 per cent of
fathers surveyed in 1994 said they agreed or
strongly agreed that watching children grow
up is lifes greatest joy, according to
Fatherhood: Research, interventions and policies by
Peters, Peterson.
They must not have met fathers like Jeffrey, who
described his time with Deonna to me like this,
Even though my little darling is getting
quite heavy now, I still carry her 1.2 miles around
the neighborhood each time I'm parenting her. This
'bonding time' is so special to me and I refuse to
use a stroller as I wish to hold her up close to my
face so we can walk along and converse
and 'look at all the pretties', (trees, flowers,
other walkers, airplanes, etc.) I think she likes
it because daddy can still hold her up high for
extended periods of time - something she doesn't
get too much these days at 21.5 months of
age. Then he added, I recall walking
this very same trek around where I live every night
when I was prevented from being with my baby,
balling my head off and praying for divine
And if they doubt that fathers can love children
as much as mothers do, they have obviously never
met Bill Numerick, a 26-year-old father who is in
love with a son hes never even met. His
ex-girlfriend married another man before she gave
birth to their son just over two years ago, and due
to the current laws in Michigan her husband was
automatically named as the father. Bill has been
fighting to be a father to his son ever since. Bill
is rightfully proud to be part of shaping a new
bill, (Senate bill 0436), that will prevent this
from happening to any other father in Michigan. He
told me, One thing I dread to imagine is
Caleb thinking that I dont love him and that
I just walked away without a second thought. To me
that is one of the most frightening things I can
imagine. As close as I am to my father I couldn't
fathom the emptiness I would feel had we been kept
apart while I was growing up. You can get
updates on Bill and Caleb on Bills web site
Shared parenting as a solution
In 1987 Dr. Joan Kelly wrote, The primary
negative aspect of divorce reported by children in
numerous studies was loss of contact with a
parent. In Surviving the Breakup, Kelly and
Judith Wallerstein wrote, The emotional
stability of children of divorced parents is
directly related to the quality of their continuing
relationships with both of their parents. We have
repeatedly described the dissatisfaction of so many
youngsters who felt they were not seeing their
fathers often enough, If custody and visiting
issues are to be within the realm of the 'best
interest of the child, then such widespread
discontent must be taken very seriously.
California resident Kelly Bray, 48, is dad to
two little boys. He and his wife have been
separated for five years and are finalizing their
divorce with the help of a paralegal. He told me,
My wife and I have been doing shared
parenting from day one
We never prevent the
other from participating in anything to do with the
kids. The kids have a stable environment; they know
where they will be every day. They have the love of
two parents, and intimate time with both. It is
more like 70/70 than 50/50 to the kids, and that is
what counts. Do you have to like your ex-spouse?
No, we cannot stand each other, but the kids never
The trick is to love your kids, more
than you hate your spouse. That can't be that hard,
just look at them
just look at them... They
are waiting.
The general public overwhelmingly supports
shared parenting. As reported on Fathers &
Families, (www.fathersandfamilies.org),
in November 2004, 37 districts in Massachusetts had
a non-binding ballot question asking if voters
supported it. With 600,000 votes cast, 86 percent
said, Yes. In Michigan recently the
Detroit News carried out an on-line survey asking
the following question, "For divorcing parents,
should Michigan courts make equally shared
custodial responsibility of children the standard?"
Again, eighty-six percent voted "Yes".
Fighting for Family Rights
On April 9, 2005, Hillary Clinton said, I
have been working for children and families for
more then 30 years.
We can do better and we
will do better. And while we do so we will get back
to the idea of promoting personal responsibility
where it counts, especially towards our children.
Of course, the most precious responsibility is for
one's own children, but I think we also have a
responsibility for all of our children.
I believe shes aware of the epidemic of
fatherless children. I wonder if shes aware
that a kind and dedicated father, John Murtari, 48,
has sent her numerous letters asking her to endorse
Congressional hearings and eventually the creation
of a Family Rights Act, to recognize and
protect the right of our children to have two
parents equally involved in their lives and the
right of parents to raise and nurture their own
children requiring parents be found guilty in a
criminal court, with jury protection, of being a
demonstrated serious threat to their children
before government can interfere in family
I wonder if she knows that John, who owns A Kids
Right, (www.akidsright.org),
has been arrested numerous times, and that he has
spent time in jail for his non-violent peaceful
protesting below her Syracuse office since April 9,
2001 just to have a meeting with her. If Mrs.
Clinton means what she says, she will meet John and
invite him up to her office, not have him
prosecuted. There are people all over the nation
with solutions to this epidemic, and all she needs
to do is listen to them.
One of those people is Jamil Jabr. Jamil has
been involved in organizing Fathers-4-Justice in
the United States. He has been supporting the
gender-neutral civil rights movement in America
that is fighting for equality in child custody by
building the group as a recognized non-profit,
charitable organization. When I asked him to
explain the fathers movement he said, In
essence, this is a fight for equal rights for
parents, because when that happens it is
irrefutable that having fair access to both parents
is whats best for children. This is THE civil
rights movement of our time.
Jamil, who lives in Minnesota, has been divorced
for 2 years and has one child added, We need
to disempower the corrupt, incompetent system that
has created a winner takes all high stakes game,
which turns children into pawns and meal tickets.
In the process, it takes money from families that
they will never see again as it is turned over to
the components of the divorce industry, like
I was surprised to find myself discussing
fathers issues at a childs birthday
party. This was the last place I expected the
subject to come up. Oh Teri, I want to talk
to you about two of my friends, another guest
said. Two of my friends cant see their
children, she said, The moms have moved
their kids away and my friends are really upset
about it. She proceeded to tell me about her
two male friends, one with a 4-year-old and the
other with a 7-year-old.
In both cases the parents had never married, the
fathers had been actively involved, and the
children were moved away against their wishes. Her
mother had moved the 7-year-old almost 500 miles
away 4 years earlier. The fathers contact was
limited to, Every time he sees me and I let
him use my cell phone. Every weekend. The
mother of the 4-year-old moved him away when he was
18-months-old and changed all of her contact
information. The father doesnt know where
they are. Hes devastated, she
Glenn Sacks, a nationally-syndicated radio talk
show host, (His Side with Glenn Sacks),
and newspaper columnist told me, Perhaps
never before in our history has there been such a
widespread injustice and so little attention paid
to it. Glenn, who is 41-years-old, a father
of two, happily married, (never divorced), and who
lives in Los Angeles, added, People
trivialize what has happened to fathers - after
all, they're men, and men have all the power. But
if you don't have the right and the power to raise
your own children, what do you have?
For more information visit these web
- Divorce Magazine, www.divorcemagazine.com
- 2004 Key Facts About American Children by
The Children's Fund, www.childrensdefense.org/data/keyfacts.aspx
- For Better or For Worse: Divorce
Reconsidered, by Hetherington, Mavis, and
- National Fatherhood Initiative, www.fatherhood.org/fatherfacts_t10.asp
- 2003 Urban Institutes Examining Child
Support Arrears in CACollectibility Study,
- From Madness to Mutiny, Why Mothers Are
Running from the Family Courts-and What Can Be
Done about It, by Amy Neustein and Michael
- The Jewish Press, www.thejewishpress.com
- The Motherhood Study, www.motherhoodproject.org
- Fatherhood: Research, interventions and
policies by Peters, Peterson, Steinmetz, &
- The Love of My Life,
- Wallerstein & Kelly, 1980
- Fathers & Families, www.fathersandfamilies.org
- Hillary Clinton, www.friendsofhillary.com
- A Kids Right, www.akidsright.org
- Fathers4Justice-US, www.fathers-4-justice.us
- His Side with Glenn Sacks, www.glennsacks.com
©2005, Teri Stoddard
See also It's Not
Your Mother's Fathers Movement Anymore
Source: Teri Stoddard, aka the
Queen of Equality, is a California grandmother who
advocates for children and their parents. Teri
co-founded and ran The Respite Center for Women and
Children and The Respite Center for Parent and
Child and has spent many years working with
families. She has successfully co-parented for 18
years and is currently organizing Women for Shared
Parenting. You can find information on co-parenting
on her web site Shared Parenting Works,
and you can keep up-to-date on family law reform on
her blog EgalitarianFeminist4fathers at
Email her at teri@sharedparentingworks.org
Canadian Family Rights Activists Reach New
Across Canada Fathers4Justice activists are
donning superhero outfits, climbing bridges and
overpasses, and unfurling huge banners. They told
us this was coming, that they'd take their message
to the voters before the upcoming election.
Early Monday morning, January 9, several
well-known fathers' and family rights activists
climbed the Johnson Street Bridge in Victoria,
British Columbia. Rob Robinson as Burnaby Batman,
Kevin Christiaens as the BC Hulk and Stephen Hodges
Whitaker as the Victoria Spiderman risked life,
limb and liberty for "your right to see your kids."
They hung two banners; one a huge 30'x40' Canadian
flag and the other that was 18'x24' read, "LIBERALS
Traffic was slowed to one lane due to the
emergency response and local media reported that
motorists were most likely angry. To that Robinson
replied, "What no one saw, except those who were
there, was the gathering of public supporters who
clapped and cheered for our bravery upon our
descent. This was a touching moment I shall soon
not forget."
Hal Legere, National Director of
Fathers4Justice-Canada, stayed on the ground
dressed as Robin QC to educate the media. He said,
"The Liberal Government represented by its leader,
Paul Martin have repeatedly, in this election
campaign claimed that they are the protectors of
the Constitutional rights of Canadians. This same
Paul Martin and the Liberal Party of Canada have
refused to take action to ensure that the rights of
children, the most politically defenseless segment
of our society, are protected. Paul Martin would
allow the unelected judges to rule this country.
These are the same judges who have consistently
denied thousands of children their Constitutional
right to 'freedom of association' with their own
Robinson, Christiaens and Whitaker were arrested
for mischief, and Legere was arrested and may be
charged with obstruction. All have been released
from custody. Robinson stated, "For myself, it was
an honour to be in the company of such dedicated
soldiers of equality." Legere added, "So why do we
climb bridges and cranes and other tall structures?
The answer is simple, we will go to great lengths
(or heights) to fight for the rights of our
Bob Waters, dressed as the Victoria Green
Lantern stated, "Once again, we showed them that we
will not rest until changes occur. We know we have
their attention, and they know we aren't afraid of
the consequences. The next logical step is a trial,
open to the media, where we engage the government
(through their representative, the Crown) in a
dialogue before the Courts, whereby we call upon
higher authorities (UN Convention, Charter of
Rights, etc.) to justify our actions. The trials
should not be about 'getting off'; they should be
about reversing the process so that the system is
put on trial in front of the media. That is how we
should move to the next stage of dialogue with our
civil disobedience. There is no other way."
Steven Hodges, the Victoria Spiderman agreed,
"We have to get these cases into court to be heard,
even if that means being punished by the system.
Again, that's the tactics that both the
Suffragettes and Gandhi used in order to get their
message out."
"Truth is, it is crucial that we take every
opportunity that presents itself to spread our
message far and wide," said Robinson, "The best way
I know of is through media. What is unfortunate is
we must go to such lengths as to risk our lives and
our liberty to deliver the message home." Then he
added, "We superheroes are merely the messengers to
raise our issues. What is equally important is that
we the people also do our part and create dialogue
with those elected powers to be to negotiate reform
that will accurately convey the will of its
Robinson, also known as Canada's first Batman
added, "Let us not forget all those families who
are suffering with the loss of a family member at
the hands of family law."
This morning Kris Titus, another well-known
family rights activist, and Regional Coordinator
for Fathers4Justice dressed as Wonder Woman and
hung a large banner over commuters at Hwy 401 and
Brimley Road in Scarborough, Ontario. Her 4'x12'
message read, "VOTE EQUAL PARENTING." Emergency
vehicles responded. After two hours Titus came
down, and was not arrested.
"Fathers-4-Justice is far more than a handful of
angry men as stated by [Paul Martin's]
office. In fact, members include many women and
grandparents, all of whom support equality and are
fed up with the Liberal's failure to act on the
inequalities in family law," stated Titus.
She then added, "It is very interesting for me
to hear Paul Martin vehemently purport to defend
the Charter of Rights while systematically denying
thousands of children their right to 'freedom of
association' with their own parents. Mr. Martin's
own Justice Minister has publicly stated that
parents have no rights vis a vis their children. I
can only ask, 'Who does have rights with respect to
our children, and who is it who will defend the
children's rights?' Mr. Martin's proposal to do
away with the notwithstanding clause is no surprise
to me, there is no need for it if you just ignore
the rights of children anyway."
" Equal means equal."
(and mothers) "Justice is a certain rectitude of
mind whereby a man [or woman] does what he
ought to do in circumstances confronting him." -
St. Thomas Aquinas
Source: Teri Stoddard
* * *
Children can find other children
to be pals. Children need fathers to be fathers. -
Garrison Keillor

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