Menstuff® lists here a description of various sexuality workshops. Check out the local calendar by month which includes all international, national, and regional events. Get out of the box!
The Apollo Project, Mehdi Darvish Yahya & Cosmo Meens. A 5 day retreat in bold, shameless, and powerful exploration of masculine sensuality. With bodywork each day from professionally-trained practitioners, we welcome you to embrace your innate eroticism. With additional features of guided hikes, gourmet cooking, and building brotherhood, this is your invitation to luxuriate in pleasure. or CAD$4700-5200
Art of Lovemaking, Sasha Cobra. Most people can tell you about their unforgettable sexual experiences, and yet have a very difficult time pin-pointing what it was that made it so special... So intense... So orgasmic. Or maybe, all your experiences have been forgettable and no matter how many different techniques were at play, you always wondered what was missing. What is it that turns regular sex into an ecstatic, mind-blowing, blissful, spiritual experience? ENERGY. In this 3 day workshop, you will learn how to cultivate, move and use energy in kissing, touching, oral sex and intercourse... All the ingredients in making you a Distinguished Lover. Upon discovering how much confusion people had not only about their lovers bodies, but their own, Sasha specifically designed the Art of Lovemaking workshop for both, men and women. She found it just as important to have the women hear the details of how a man needs to interact with a womans body, as the men... and vice versa. This provided an opportunity for both genders to discover new things about their own bodies that they may have been unaware of. Sashas co-ed workshop was also inspired by her desire to create an environment for both genders to be able to speak and ask questions in a shared space about difficulties they were having (performance anxiety, frigidity, premature ejaculation, etc.). This allowed for both, men and women to have a deeper understanding of how to be able to support one another in those areas. The Art of Lovemaking workshop is a combination of interactive talks and exercises for singles and couples, (with no explicit sexual contact) or or 415 439 9902. W&M (Half off discount to participants who are open to being filmed during the event) - Rotterdam, Holland, $625 USD for men ($475 USD for women, $950 USD for couples) (101-3/10, Fri. 7:30pm-10pm, Sat. & Sun. 10am-5pm)
The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: Tantra & the Seven Rhythms of Love, Margot Anand. Love is the heart and body's spirit dance. Sexual ecstasy happens when body, heart, and soul are aflame with vibrant energy, expanded feelings, and consciousness. During the weekend as we create a safe space togetherwith the support of sacred musicwe learn how to: Awaken our inner lovers and tune into our ability to love, trust, and value ourselves; Share secrets, wishes, and needsthe art of honest and creative sexual communication; Celebrate the body as a temple of the spirit through dance, rituals, and partner yoga; Honor the god and goddess in each other through ceremony, poetry, song, and dance; Discover new skills of intimacy inspired from different cultures and rituals; Experience the seven rhythms of love, such as letting go, peaking, and more; Use the tools of SkyDancing Tantra to heal and expand our relationship with ourselves and our partners, and move from orgasms to ecstasy; and Celebrate the mystical dimension of love by composing and reciting love poems to live musical accompaniment. Please note: This workshop has extended hours when the children's program is not available. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (5/19-21/00) 800.944.1001 or, and Hollyhock Retreat Center, Mason's Landing, BC (7/19-24/00) 800.933.6339 or or
Be-All, Sponsored by the Chicago Gender Society and Chi-Chapter of Tri-Ess. Raddison Hotel, Arlington Heights, IL (5/1820/02) Chicago(5/29-6/2/02)
Body Electric - Erotic Temple with Steve Schwartzberg & William McMeniman. Join us as we delve further into the mysteries, delights, and life-affirming power of sacred Eros. Our explorations start from a pair of simple yet profoundly rich questions: 1. What, to each of us, is sacred? 2. How can we bring this more fully into our lives?
Building on the integrity, safety, and edginess you have come to expect from Body Electric, Erotic Temple combines communal erotic celebrations with rituals, tribal energy, meditative self-pleasure, full-bodied stimulation, erotic touch and creative holistic worship, along with journaling, camaraderie, play, and immersion in natures beauty. Look to deepen the connections of heart, Eros, psyche, and soul already forged. Amid a fellowship of open-hearted comrades, this is a great opportunity to learn more about the innate wisdom of the erotic body, and the human yearning for spiritual transcendence. Wildwood Conference Center, Guernville, CA www.theb?odyelectricscho? PREREQUISITE: Dear Love of Comrades, Touching the Heart of Stillness or Healing the Wounded Healer (7/27-8/2/15)
Body Electric - New Year Visions Come join the camaraderie and brotherhood of the Body Electric community at this important time of year at Wildwood Retreat Center in the redwoods of northern California with the beautiful Julie Andrews Point.
Nourish your personal visions, find spiritual and erotic renewal. Create deep connections as you participate in this ritual-rich program. New Years Vision is a powerful way to celebrate the holiday in a safe and nurturing environment. It is a chance to look back at the ending year and leave behind what did not serve you. It is a chance to enter the New Year with clear intentions. Wildwood Conference Center, Guernville, CA www.theb?odyelectricscho? (12/29-1/2/16)
Body Electric - PSI - Power, Surrender & Intimacy This week-long workshop takes the introductory workshop, Power, Surrender & Intimacy to a much deeper level of discovery. Accompanied by a group of experienced men, explore your limits of touch and sensation in a carefully orchestrated week of exercises in the midst of Northern Californias redwoods. To register: http://www.theb?odyelectricscho?
PREREQUISITE: Completion of Power, Surrender & Intimacy weekend workshop Wildwood Conference Center, Guernville, CA (8/17-23/15)
Camp it up 2000 Gay and lesbian family adventure. W&M Kalani Oceanside Eco-Resort. Pahoa, Big Island, HI. (12/23-29/00) Call Ellie Schindelman 510-525-7312
Celebrating and Reclaiming: For men living with HIV, Ken Oakley or John Ballew. This workshiop is designed to rekindle the pleasure and joy of erotic energy for men living with HIV. While many resources are available to support men physically, personally and emotionally who are living with HIV, there is precious little that honors the erotic dimension and its potential as a resource for healing. Through breakwork, massage and the loving support of community, this workshiop offers a space for men at any place in the HIV spectrum to gather, share and come home to their erotic bodies. This weekend has proven enormously helpful to men who are reclaiming and reframing their erotic lives as part of their journey with HIV. Oakland, CA (7/14-16/00); Houston, TX (10/6-8/00) $295. Body Electric, or, or 713.426.5196
Celebrating the Body Erotic, John Ballew, Collin Brown, Harry Faddis, Ken Oakley, William McMeniman or Matthew Simmons. This workshop teaches men how to connect with deeper centers of pleasure in their bodies. Through stretching, breathing and touching, men learn how to awaken and sustain full-body erotic energy. This workshop lets men explore their relaitonship to erotic energy in a setting that is playful, safe and honoring. The full-bodied nature of this work helps men gain greater access to their emotions and their desires. Each participant learns how to give and receive a full-body erotic massage and has the chance to explore full-body orgasm without ejaculation. Men can explore the spiritual dimensions of erotic energy, enjoy greater self-acceptance as erotic beings, and find ways to create more deeply satisfying erotic relations with others. Many states, many dates. 510.653.1594 or or
Celebrating the Body Erotic for Male Couples. Explore full-body awareness with your partner in this workshop for male couples. Learn to give and receive full-body erotic pleasure that stimulates your emotional and spiritual awareness. Discover how breath, touch and ritual can open your hearts, energize your bodies and heighten the sacred in your erotic life. (3/23-24/02)
Colorado Gold Rush, Gender Indentity Conference, Dhillon Khosla, FTM lawyer and author of Both Sides Now, Marci Bowers M.D., and others. 9th Annual. Red Lion Hotel, Denver 303.321.6666 for bok rooms. (2/22-25/07)
Couples Massage 101 Join us for a weekend to learn the basics of giving a delightful and nourishing non-erotic massage. We will offer our unique and highly-acclaimed version of massage in a format that is guaranteed to give you skills to please. Open to both women and men. $195 Oakland, CA (4/6-7/02)
"Cultivating Our Queer Community: Learn It, Live It, Love It", UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA (2/13-15/09)
Daring to be Free: A Hawaiian Adventure for men who love men, Franco Casabal, Kevin Kortan, John Ollom and Arnie J. Vargas. Three and a half magical life-transforming days of the healing Island of Hawaii. Program includes: movement, meditation, stimulating workshops, artistic expression, brotherhood, hikes, hot springs, sharing, sacred eroticism and much, much more. Contact or 800.314.7618 (3/27-30/08)
Erotic by Nature: A Sensuous Weekend for Men & Women, Collin Brown and Selah Martha. In a safe, serious and playful space, which respects boundaries while embracing pleasure, let yourself learn about your natural eroticism. All exercises are clothes-on. Open to both women and men, individuals and couples. 510.653.1594 or or (2/23-24/02)
Erotic Massage 101 For Men, Enhance you skills for giving sensual pleasure and refine your erotic massage techniques in this two-day class. Seattle (6/10-11/00); Oakland, CA, (10/28-29/00) $295. 510.653.1594 or or
Erotic Spirituality: A retreat with Deborah Anapol & Shantam Nityama. Join us on a remote and unspoiled beach front resort on the Caribbean coast where Mayan adepts once worshipped. Relax and swim on clothing optional white sand beaches, visit ancient ruins, celebrate with our erotic community, and learn to open the doors to sexual ecstasy. Included will be sensual and spiritual exploration, hands-on healing, and emotional clearing. We will be working with breath, energy, conscious touch and movement to master the art of Sacred Spot Massage for men and women. Tantric techniques for building energy, increasing intimacy, full body orgasm, and delaying ejaculation will be taught. This is appropriate for partners who want to enhance their lovemaking skills, heal the past, learn to love and nuture themselves, and find transformative ways to channel their sexual energy. W&M Central Coast of Oregon (7/7-9/00); San Francisco, CA (9/15-19/00); Near Cancun, Mexico. (10/14-21/00) 415.507.1739 or or
Exploring our spirit a weekend of meditation! All Men who identify as Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and/or Questioning are invited to a weekend of meditation, healing, and connecting with ourselves and our GBTQ brothers. The practice of mindfulness from the Buddhist tradition deepens our insight into truth about ourselves and the conditions in which we live, while cultivating an open and gentle heart. The retreat is centered in developing wisdom and compassion to create the possibility of more happiness and freedom in a too often homophobic society. Mindfulness will be experienced through silent sitting, walking, movement, and eating meditations, and mindful group circle sharing. The retreat offers a unique opportunity for GBTQ Men to be together in spiritual community. Open to all levels of meditationnew, beginner, or experienced. You do not have to call yourself a Buddhist to benefit from meditation. Please join us, get on a cushion or chair, and see for yourself. For more information or to register go to life or call 800.655.7153 (1/12-15/07)
The Four R's of Mixed Orientation Marriages: Resolve, reconsider, roller coaster, resolution (One Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Spouse, One Straight Spouse) A Teleclass Series with Joe Kort, Ph.D. and Michele O'Mara, Ph.D. This class will meet via teleconference (using your phone) from 11am-12pm EST on the four Wednesdays in March. Recordings of this series will also be available for purchase on my website following the class. What do you do when a woman comes to your office and tells you she is a lesbian but she hasn't told her husband yet? Or, what do you do when a gay man decides to act on his attraction to other men, but doesn't want to tell his wife? This four-part training will offer therapists the necessary information to understand why gay men and lesbians enter heterosexual marriages. It will offer the variables that make these situations unique, tools to assist clients in finding clarity and peace, and the skills to facilitate a more successful resolution for clients in mixed-orientation marriages. Cost: $180 for the four class series. Register (3/6, 13, 20, 27/13)
Gay and Lesbian Workshop, Joe Kort. This workshops for couples based on the best-selling book, Getting The Love You Want: A Guide For Couples by Dr. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. This workshop is worth 6 months worth of work and time in couple's therapy. While not a therapy weekend, it is very psycho-educational and therapeutic. You will learn several effective communication exercises which start you in the right direction to work through hard conversations and resolve conflicts with your partner This is not group therapy of any kind. Couples often worry that they will be asked to disclose personal information within their relationship. This is not true. The majority of the workshop is private for the couples in terms of what they are discussing. Often couples will come through the workshop and never say anything publicly about the inner workings of their relationship. There is no pressure or requirement for group sharing. The confidentiality and privacy of your relationship is assured unless you decide to disclose yourself at the workshop. This keeps the workshop safe and effective. or (4/15-17/05)
The Gay Male Journey: Integrating Intimacy & Sexuality, Joe Fitzgerald and Ken Page. The journey to intimacy is possibly the most important journey of our lives. Intimacy includes love of self, romantic love, sexuality, love of family and friends, and spirituality. Too many of us lead lives that are more lonely than they need to be. Growing up as gay or bisexual men in a homophobic and sex-negative society, with the secrecy and oppression which that engenders, a radical split develops that shames and belittles love and sexuality. This workshop focuses on embracing and integrating these two precious parts of ourselves. We learn how to bring more of our hearts and souls to our sexual expression, and address the issues faced by single men who are looking for an intimate partnership, as well as the needs of couples who are looking to deepen the emotional and sexual communication in their relationships. True healing flourishes in the "hot house environment" of a caring community. With the love and acceptance of our brothers, we learn to see ourselves with accepting eyes, gain the courage to express the generosity of our true selves, and risk new ways of being with each other. This is the surest way to become more attractive, more loving, and more loved. Join us for a week of sharing, growth, closeness, and celebration. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (6/26-30/00) 800.944.1001 or
Gay Men Thriving, Rik Isensee and James Guay. Join us at Esalen, the amazing retreat center on the coast of Big Sur! With a natural hot spring perched on the cliff, you'll have a relaxing, fun, and stimulating weekend! We'll build on our strengths, discover a joyful and playful side of gay men's creativity, and tap into the resources of our own internal wisdom. Rik Isensee, LCSW is the author of Love Between Men. To register, click on: (4/1-3/11)
Gender Education: Transgender 2002 (16th Annual Convention of the International Foundation for...) Experience the warm hospitality of the South and the excitement of Nashville home of Country and Western music. Plenary sessions, workshops, luncheons, special evenings, social events and tours. Open to all: from cross-dressers and pre-op TS's who are not "out of the closet" to those who have been out-and-about for a long time; from transgender people "just thinking about it" to post-ops; male-to-female or female-to-male; significant others, friends and family, and the general public seeking authoritative information about the transgender community. Embassy Suites-Airport Hotel, Nashville, TN or or 610.759.1761 (4/3-6/02)
Gender, Eros, Power and Memory, Caitriona Reed. In a society becoming increasingly global, normative presumptions proliferate. Our notions of man/woman, spirit/matter, technology/nature are often based on ideological and cultural definitions of power which comprise no more than a superficial understanding. As these alienating notions go unquestioned they evolve into a collective fear of the manifest world, of our bodies, our sexuality, our desire. It's no wonder that we become bent on global self-destruction. As a transexual women who spent much of her life living as a man, the leader has learned something about perceptions of the body, about letting go, about adherence to the 'norm', risk taking and above all about the construction of gender and 'nature'. As a Buddhist teacher, expected to provide answers, who held an unresolved secret for decades, she has also learned about ambiguity and desire. In this workshop, through meditation, movement, visualization, interactive exercises, writing and dialogue, we will explore the cultural inheritance of dualistic and causal thinking, and how to open up to positive power and powerful eroticism as a way toward the healing of earth - and of ourselves. W&M, Esalen, Bir Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (9/8-10/00)
Holy Rites - Communal Erotic Meditations For Men with Joseph Kramer and Ed Ehrgott. Join other men committed to their body electric for a weekend of erotic massage and erotic yoga. You will learn profound erotic-spiritual practices that connect the heart with the genitals while deepening your capacity to feel. You will learn to give and to receive two forms of erotic massage: contemplative surrender and fully engaged erotic dancing. Both are done on a massage table. The Orgasmic Yoga you will learn involves pleasurable, intimate and transformative practices done while sexually aroused. Of course, there is great benefit from these erotic meditations without ever getting an erection. Holy Rites is a benefit for Wildwood Conservation Foundation, honoring the memory of master teacher Chester Mainard. 100% of your tuition will be used to promote and support more erotic-spiritual trainings at the mountaintop retreat center. Wildwood Retreat outside Guernville, CA Enroll at (scroll down the home page for enrollment link). $395 (3/4-6/11)
Honoring the Inner Voice of the Twin Spirit: A spiritual retreat for gay men, Elias Patras, LMT, OM and Gary Gruenewald, MS, RMT, OM. Come share a weekend with other men searching for a higher purpose. Will be focusing on self-love, self-awareness, and self-discovery. We will be conducting fire ceremonies, guided meditations, a trance dance and learning about our natural intuitive side and about our energy centers. These exercises help us to let go of old patterns that no longer serve us and allow us to connect on a higher level, a place from our hearts. Camp Ronora, Waterviliet, Michigan. $400. 773.817.0923 or or (11/3-5/06)
Intimacy: Levels, Hurdles, and Possibilities for Gay Couples, Ken Stoffit. This workshop is for male couples! We will explore the depths of our intimacy as couples, using verbal and tactile exercises. We will alternate group/couple interactions. There will be time for making love and time to take that love to a deeper and more profound level. $100 per person, meals included, in the midst of the Stanislaus National Forest (Camp Connell, CA), limited to 5 couples. Contact Ken Stoffit, MA, CSB, at More details at Friday, 7:30 PM Sunday, 10 AM. (5/13-15/11)
It Takes a Rainbow: Bridging the Mountains to the Bay 2nd LGBTQIA Conference for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and Ally conference. We are excited to welcome college students and community leaders from around Northern California to what we know will be a fun, exciting and educational event. Stay tuned to this website for more information as we get closer to the event. University of the Pacific in Sotckton, CA
Contact Us - eMail or
Event, $30 (2/7/08, 2/20/10)
Lesbian and Gay Couples Workshop: Getting The Love You Want Couples Workshop For Lesbians and Gays, Joe Kort. I am presenting these workshops for couples based on the best-selling book, "Getting The Love You Want: A Guide For Couples" by Dr. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. This workshop is worth 6 months worth of work and time in couple's therapy. While not a therapy weekend, it is very psycho-educational and therapeutic. You will learn several effective communication exercises which start you in the right direction to work through hard conversations and resolve conflicts with your partner
This is not group therapy of any kind. Couples often worry that they will be asked to disclose personal information within their relationship. This is not true. The majority of the workshop is private for the couples in terms of what they are discussing. Often couples will come through the workshop and never say anything publicly about the inner workings of their relationship. There is no pressure or requirement for group sharing. The confidentiality and privacy of your relationship is assured unless you decide to disclose yourself at the workshop. This keeps the workshop safe and effective. For more information about cost and times and/or to register click here register for this workshop, Royal Oak, MI (5/5-7/06)
Learning Disabilities Assocaition of America International Conference, 412.341.1515 or New York Hilton (2/7-10/01)
LGBTQIA College Conference (20th Western Regional) Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA
& Housing
eMail or 805-756-7153
Living in the Fire of Spirit, Daivd Deida. Together we explore and grow beyond many misunderstandings commonly found on the spiritual path, including the false notions that sexuality becomes diluted as the path progresses and that deepening spiritually is merely about feeling good. We learn to surrender in openness to the present moment and all that it may contain, and to understand that conscious sexuality is a key to sustaining the brightness of love and spontaneous liberation. Memorial Day Weekend. Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Omega Course: 1103-156 $295.00 +R&B (5/24-27/02) Register at 800.944.1001 or at
Living and Loving in the Fire of Spirit, David Deida. Workshop at the New Life Expo, San Francisco, CA (4/26-28/02) Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York. Memorial Day Weekend Workshop with David Deida. After March 1, 2002 you can register or get more information by calling the Omega Institute at 800.944.1001. (5/24-28/02)
Lover Quarter, a retreat for men, Chris Frey and Jim Howard. Balance fierceness, intellect & power with joy, creativity and spiritual wholeness. A safe container will be provided to: Access Mature Lover archetypal energy; Release sexual shame and the blocks to passion, joy and spirit; and create a personal model for Healthy Sexuality. St. Louis Mo. $275. (10/13-15/00) (3/2-4/01) (6/1-3/01) (9/14-16/01) (5/31-6/2/02) Jim Howard, 573.635.4128 or
Love Without Limits, Deborah Anapol & Friends. An introduction on polyamory. An opportunity for nurturing, loving communion with others who are in the process of making the shift to a new paradigm for intimate relationships based on abundance, responsibility, unconditional love, and total honesty. Preregistratoin required. W&M San Rafael, CA (4/28/00) . 415.507.1739 or or
Man2Man Tantra for Gay/Bi Men, John Bellamy, teaching gay and bisexual men the art of Tantric Sexuality. Hamilton Hall, Dorset, England. Phone 01202-399227 or or £250 residential
Masterbate-a-Thon. San Francisco's original Safer Sex event. May 21, 2011, The End of the World. He is coming - But does he love you? Be honest, what do you really want to be doing when it all ends? Come on down & pray on your knees here. Center for Sex and Culture, 1329 Mission St., San Frnacisco, 7-10p or until the Rapture Comes. Women and Couples. Then, on May 22 (if the world still exists), 2-5pm for Men and Couples. Trans folk come to any one you want. (5/21-22/11)
Men Massaging Men Learn to ask for, give, & receive the kind of massage you want in a safe, sensual, & nurturing environment. Men of all ages, shapes, sizes, & skill levels are welcome in our open-hearted community. You will have the opportunity to give and receive sensual and erotic touch from several men in this facilitated event. Portland, OR
Men's Magical Mystical Massage with Sequoia Thom Lundy. Discover real relaxation through Tantric movement, breathing and sensuous touch. Become a better lover by learning to slow down and delight in the whole body. Last for hours by learning Tantric Erotic Massage. Learn the sensuous delights of living more fully in your body, going "out of your mind," to "come to your senses." Explore new levels of intimacy with yourself and other conscious men. (Option: Learn sacred erotic touch--to connect the genitals, heart and soul.) Introductory evening: Friday 6:30-9:30 $CN15. $CN225 or $US175 for all 7 sessions; partial registration available. Visa/MC. 877.786.3677 ext 3 Vancouver, BC,, (4/9-12/04, 10/8-10/04, 3/25-27/05 )
Men, Sexuality, Energy and Spirit, Geoff Lamb. In this workshop we will be exploring our experience of 21st century male sexuality, liberating the energy needed for work and relationships and finding our own personal spiritual context in which we and our sexual relationships can flourish. The residential will draw extensively on the work of Willhelm Reich as well as that of contemporary British writers on Masculinity such as John Rowan and Roger Horrocks. Geoff is an experienced post-Reichian psychotherapist and group leader. £350 inc accommodation, food and wine. Phone 44 1342 315640, West Sussex, UK. Portugal (7/7-14/01)
Men's Work: Gender, Race, and Sexism, Rodney Patterson and Brent Bilodeau, is a workshop facilitated by men for men will offer an in-depth exploration of how men can challenge and heal sexism. Through dialogue, experiential activities, and reflection, participants will examine the pervasive effects of sexism on their lives and the terrible impact it has had on women and children. The workshop will explore the ways that men, too, are harmed by sexism. Facilitators and participants will ask themselves, how they, as men, can challenge and heal sexism. Held at the Leaven Center, a retreat center in mid-Michigan, is committed to nurturing the relationship between social justice and spirituality. Center Lyons, MI. Friday, 7pm - Sunday, 1pm. $185, 989.855.2606 or or (1/28-30/05)
New Warrior Training Adventure for Gay/Bi Men. Define your Mission as a Man. The "New Warrior" knows who he is, what he wants and where he is going. He has integrity. He holds himself accountable for his own actions. Our intention is twofold: To enable men to live lives of integrity, accountability, and connection to feeling And, o be of service to the community at large, both as individual men with a renewed sense of passion and personal responsibility, and as communities of men working together to build sustainable relationships There are 38 centers in 8 countries: the U.S. with 29, Canada with 3 and one each in the UK, Germandy, France, Australia, New Zealand plus a growing community in Norway and Ireland. (See also the Rainbow Warrior Gathering for gay and bi men and a Hard of Hearing New Warrior Training Adventure.) COD Ranch near Tucson. For more information, contact Greg Lauderback (9/18-21/08)
HA New Year's Retreat (Feb 1-8) with Deborah Anapol & Friends. Creating a community where love is abundant, the body is sacred and Spirit is honored. Join us for the 5th annual retreat. We'll be gathering at a gorgeous private, clothing optional, ocean front estate. It will be a week of opening to the mystries of eros and the mysteries of new paradigm relating within oneself and with our beloveds, amidst the sensual magic of Mother Maui. We look forward to sharing the nurturing warmth of our favorite interpersonal and geographical places with you. Imagine yourself relaxing in the chemical free pool or hot tub at sunset looking out at the Pacific Ocean and inhaling the moist fragrant tropical air. Life doesn't get much better than this. Together we will create a glorious space of love which invites heart opening, sensuality, and spiritual communion. Cost includes shared room, delicious vegetarian meals, and transportation from the airport. Advance reservations are strongly recommended. W&M $995, $1805/two. Maui 415.507.1739 or or (2/1-8/01)
David Steinberg at "On the Edge" Erotic Photography Exhibition. Peter Keresztury's "ON THE EDGE" show of erotic photography at The Artists Alley gallery in downtown San Francisco. There will be some 400 works in all, making ON THE EDGE the largest exhibit of erotic photography to be shown in the Bay Area for many years. All of the photographers will be present throughout the weekend, along with a number of their models. 16 other talented Bay Area erotic and sexual artists, including Michael Rosen, S.N. Jacobson, Fakir Musafar, Phyllis Christopher, Chuck Stevens, Mariah Carle, Eugene Frankel, Todd c Hartman, Chas K, Peter Keresztury, Thomas Landon, Chi Lum, Retrotie, Craig Scoffone, TomFoolery, and Johnnie Welborn. The Artists Alley is located at 863 Mission Street (between 4th and 5th Streets). The gallery is directly below the parking garage across the street from Bloomingdale's and the Westfield San Francisco Centre, right next door to Good Vibrations' newest store. Admission is free and refreshments will be served at the receptions. You must be at least 21 to attend. More information is available at (2/11-13/11)
Friday, February 11, opening and reception, 5-9pm
Saturday, February 12, exhibition and reception, 3-9pm
Sunday, February 13, exhibition, 12-3pm
Pornography and Cybersex Addiction: Helping Partners Address Betrayal and Trust, Joe Kort. The ease of access to porn has caused unquestionable harm to some individuals and couples and can feel just as threatening to a marriage as infidelity does. Some women say that finding out their husbands look at porn is like finding him in bed with another woman. For the men looking at pornography, they may be addicted and compulsive and replacing their spouses with internet porn. At the same time, porn use may satisfy many individual needs, unrelated to psychopathology or sexual dysfunction. In this workshop, we'll discuss how to help couples face the crisis when one partner discovers that the other is secretly using pornography. You'll learn how to help couples depathologize the issue, explore its significance to the user, and define limits. Finally, we'll talk about helping the spouses develop empathy and validation, ultimately creating a more differentiated sex life. Royal Oak, MI 10a-1pm, Call 248-399-7447 to reserve your spot today (3/10/13)
The Power of Two: An erotic retreat for male couples, Don Clark & Collin Brown. We will gather as a community of lovers to celebrate and explore the many levels of intimacy within a committed partnership. Using massage, breathwork and ritual, we will open our hearts, energize our bodies and explore the erotic/emotional connections to ourselves and our lovers. As we cultivate honest and clear expression of our own desires, fears and hopes, we enhance our willingness and ability to communicate from our hearts and souls with our beloved. Rediscover the playful innocence that informs our deepest desires for spiritiaul and erotic connection. Through guided personal discover and communication exercises along with full-body touch, this retreat offers a deeply nourishing time of renewal for you, your lover and your relationshp. Kalani Eco-Resort, Big Island, Body Electric, or, or 510.653.1594
Queer Fest 2000. Celebrating queer life and culture. Sponsored by the Price Alliance of UMann. W&M Amherst (4/27/00)
Queer Masculinities Conference: What is a Man? Topics include gay masculinity and sexuality, addiction, racism, sport, film, literature and other cultures. Co-sponsored by The Nashoba Institute and Mount Ida College. Newton, MA or 617.928.7314 or 978.345.2802 (4/20-23/00)
Quodoushka 1 for Women and Men, Mukee Okan, Amara Charles, Michael Stein. A Shamanic Approach to Spiritual Sexuality
For singles and couples, all sexual preferences. Experience how the gift of your sexuality is your most powerful resource for full self expression, health, hope, happiness, harmony and humor. Three and a half days of shamanic teachings take you on a journey of discovery. Including levels and elemental types of orgasm, originally shared before, during and after puberty rites of passage. Bring more joy into your natural expression of your sexual energy.
Chuluaqui Quodoushka teachings are based in sacred Shamanic traditions bringing together spirituality and sexuality. Chuluaqui Quodoushka energy is your most powerful healing and revitalizing energy.
Chuluaqui refers to the primordial life force energy from which everything is created. It is the essence of life.
Quodoushka is the magickal energy created when two life force energies merge to create a new energy greater than the sum of the parts.
The wheels, keys and knowledge offered in this program offer an alternative and enlightened approach to sexuality, as well as some beautiful ways to bring new understanding, openness and healing into this important area of your life.
We invite you to celebrate the New Year with a whole new feeling of aliveness and health. Since 1985 Quodoushka Spiritual Sexuality workshops have expanded men and womens views of sexuality around the world. Based in ancient shamanic traditions, the experience of Quodoushka will change the course of your life forever-bringing you greater intimacy in relationships and helping you to explore a healthy view of sexuality as the catalyst.
Quodoushka 1 explores how your sexual energy is a natural part of life.
You are invited to:
Q1 creates an understanding of your sexual catalyst energy and how to cultivate it for a more passionate fulfilled life.
Thursday 1 pm registration, Teachings from 2.00 pm 11 pm,
with a 2 hour dinner break
Friday 9 am - approx. midnight, with a 2 hour dinner break
Saturday 9 am - approx. midnight, with a 2 hour dinner break
Sunday 9 am - 5 pm
Download this 4 minute MP3 about Q:
Spirit Fire, PO Box 22133, Phoenix, AZ 85028 or or 602.482.9691 or Phoenix, AZ W&M Partial board, Lodging extra. $695, $1,300/couple. (Free preview 1/7/09. Workshop in North Scottsdale, AZ 1/9-11/09, 1/14-7/10)
Quodoushka 2 for Women and Men is about Relationships. Prerequisite: at least one Q I You do not need a partner to attend Q 2.
Would you like to be in a healthy relationship?
Would you like to improve the relationship you are in now?
The Q 2 teaching will give you the knowledge and tools.
Contact: Ina at or 623-465-9151 or Karen at 480-443-1127 W&M Partial board, Lodging extra. (3/19-22/09)
Quodoushka 3 for Women and Men is about the art of creating magick.
Prerequisite: at least one Q 2 You need a partner to attend Q 3 (we will assist singles with this).
Have you always known there is something more!
Now is the time to explore and expand beyond the box of limitations.
Contact: Ina at or 623-465-9151 or Karen at 480-443-1127 W&M Partial board, Lodging extra. (3/26-29/09)
Quodoushka 1, 2, 3 for Women and Men in Australia, Batty ThunderBear, Mukee Okan & Kristin Viken. Residential retreats in northern NSW, Australia (fly to Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Contact Mukee: at or 602 482 9691 or W&M (Q1-3/26-29/09; Q2-4/2-5/09; Q3-4/9-12/09)
Reclaiming the Man in the Mirror: For Gay & Bi Men, Joe Kort. A workshop on sex, love and intimacy. We live in a sexually illiterate society. There is little to no permission to examine openly our sexuality in terms of orientation, behavior and fantasies. Most people, gay and straight alike, do not know if their sexual fantasies and/or sexual acts are healthy versus unhealthy. While gay men are more inclined to act out their sexual desires and fantasies more openly than their heterosexual counterparts, there still lies confusion as to what is positive and self-affirming and what is not.
There is also confusion about what is sex, what is love and what is intimacy. This workshop will explore the definitions of each of these and how to integrate them all together for gay men. Much of our culture as gay men, as well as for our heterosexual counterparts, are confused about how to make this integration. There is also confusion about how to have healthy sex, love and intimacy without having to have all of them combined.
This workshop will help clarify all of this: How do you define sex? What is healthy versus unhealthy sex? Do you understand the secret logic of your sexual fantasies? What is your sexual shadow? Are you sexually addicted, compulsive or just have a large sexual appetite? Do you carry sexual shame? How do you feel about your body? Do you want to improve your sex life? Are you getting the love you want in your relationship? Are you keeping the love you find when you think you found Mr. Right? What is your definition of love? What is your definition of intimacy? What are the stages of love?
These are just some of the questions we will be examining at the upcoming workshop. The workshop will include guided imagery, experiential exercises, communication exercises and lectures. We will explore sexual behavior and fantasies with understanding and compassion, and without judgment. or E-Mail or Esalen Center, Big Sur (5/1-6/05, 4/9-14/06, 1/8/07) Rowe Camp, Rowe, MA, 413-339-4954 or (1/22-24/10)
Relating as a Distinguished Man, Sasha Cobra. The quality of relating you experience with women in casual interactions or a long term relationship is dependent upon the quality of YOU as a man. This 3 day workshop is an exploration of YOU and how the YOU functions in relating. It is deeply revealing, deeply transformative and will give you the tools necessary for you to continue to grow, develop, and begin to peel back the layers of collected conditioning. or or 415 439 9902. Travel Schedule: Baltimore (8/10-16/10), Buenos Aires (10/27-12/7/10), Copenhagen (10/18-26/10), London (9/1-8/10, 9/22-30/10), Los Angeles (8/22-30/10), New York (8/16-21/10); Oslo (9/16-21/10), Rotterdam (9/9-13/10, 10/1-10/10), San Francisco (8/5-10/10). Workshops: London $900 USD (9/1-8/10, 9/24-26/10, Fri. 7pm-10pm, Sat. & Sun. 12pm-8pm)
Sacramento Gay Men's Chorus, annual Christmas Concert "Wonderland" It's that time of year again and Christmas is just around the corner. The Sacramento Gay Men's Chorus is presenting their annual Christmas concert. This year the theme is Wonderland. Their exciting Christmas concert is always a wonderful way to start the holiday festivities. Tickets are available locally at The Gifted Gardener, 1730 J Street or online at There may be a surcharge with the online tickets.bWe will meet for dinner at The Spaghetti Factory at 1910 J St., Sacramento at 5:00 pm Saturday, December 4, 2010 for dinner. The performance will be at 8:00 PM at the First United Methodist Church, 2100 J St., Sacramento. Street parking and parking garages available and we always encourages carpooling. $15, at the door $20. For more information or to RSVP contact: Rich Farshler, 916-768-9151 or eMail or (12/4/10)
Sensual Heart Workshop, In the prime of your holiday celebrations, you're invited to register for another "Sensual Heart" workshop (lead again by Body Electric trained facilitator, life coach & ECSF member Joe Weston). This workshop will continue to combine nurturing, sensual massage and a heartfelt, sharing circle. Joe @ 510-495-4988 or $40 Oakland. 1:00pm - 5:00pm (1/28/06)
Sensuality Retreat - 3-days: The Welcomed Consensus staff facilitators. This course is for men and women. (Can be scheduled upon request for men only.) Through straightforward discussion, pleasure-oriented viewpoints are presented. Your goals will be addressed and you will be encouraged to ask your questions about sensuality, relationships, sex and orgasm. Retreat topics include: Deliberate Orgasm (DOing), Better communication, Seduction, Handling resistance to pleasure, The nature of orgasm, Methods to intensify and lengthen sensual experience. Klamath River, CA. Daisy Meyer: R&B, W&M 530-465-2411 or or $650 Hours: Fri-Sat, 10-7 Sun 10-2pm (2/12-14/11)
Sex, Power, Freedom, Daniel Phoenix and Fireball Improv. For Men who are Ready for Adventure. What do you Really want? Fun Relationship & Sexuality games with Fireball Improv's Amazing Women (and Men). Improv: "Do what you've always wanted to do." Healthy ways to celebrate Shadow Desires. Only make agreements you'll Enjoy Keeping. Create Custom Relationships. Re-Discover your Life's Purpose. Enjoy the journey! One Taste Urban Retreat Center, 1074 Folsom St. @ 7th, 2-5 pm. 415.503.1100 or or $40 (3/5/05)
Sexual Abuse in the Jewish Community (1st Int Conf). Jerusalem, Israel. The Awareness Centers. For more information contact: Vicki Polin, MA, ATR, LCPC at or 011-972-5-090-4743 (10/01)
Sexual Attraction, Desire, Behavior, and Experience: Clarifying the Arena of Sex in Our Lives, Charles Kreiner. Sex is one area of human experience often idealized to be the most wonderful, intimate, open, joyful, passionate, tender, vulnerable areas of our lives. It is also, ironically, an area in which human beings have deeply hurt each other. Often our sexual histories mirror longtime fear, confusion, effects of abuse, isolation, desperation, or patterns of sexual behavior unawarely replaying old hurts on ourselves and/or others in the name of sex. Sex is also an area in which we have been socially conditioned into rigid roles based on gender, orientation, race, class, and our other identities. These roles are often played out at the expense of our listening to, honoring, and creating our unique personal sexuality in the context of our needs for love, closeness, healing, safety, celebrating, etc. This often leaves us feeling as though our sexuality is but a function of how we are treated or mistreated by others, rather than an affirmation and expression of our vitality and humanity. The larger society, almost universally mired in commercially exploiting sex, acting out sexual abuse (including of children), and using sex as a tool of oppression and the abuse of power, offers little hope or vision for a more humane and fulfilling understanding of our sexuality. This groundbreaking workshop will provide a safe, connecting space to be honest with ourselves and one another in addressing our experiences, identifying our conditioning, and in creating a richly fulfilling awareness and framework for authentic human sexuality in our lives. What sex is, what it means, and the importance sex plays in our lives is a uniquely personal, individual journey. It also comprises a major component of our relationships, our social lives, and of the fabric of society itself. We will address our struggles, hopes and dreams, and visions of sexualities to make our lives, our relationships, and the world. Breitenbush Hot Springs Retreat and Conference Center (5/6-9/04)
Sexual Authenticity & Creative Erotica, Susie Bright. Sex is the seed of our physical creation. But we don't often recognize or admit that sex is the wellspring of our creativityparticularly erotic expression. Everyone has a sexual story, and by examining this story we excavate our creative soul to explore the depth of our imagination, attraction to the truth, and what we'd risk everything for. Telling our erotic story is one step to incorporating sexuality into our everyday lives. In this workshopfor all writers and loverswe explore the personal meaning of erotic expression. Through exercises, discussion, and spontaneous writing, we explore common themes, including boundaries, desires, taboos, fantasies, and sexual power. Come create your erotic manifesto and address: Why it's threatening to consciously examine sexual desire; What people might say when we "come out of the closet" erotically; The differences between men's and women's sense of the erotic; How talking, reading, and writing about sex affects our sex life; Differences between erotica and pornography; What erotic expression teaches us about our bodies; and How articulate erotic expression makes us better lovers and better people. Originator of both the Herotica and The Best American Erotica (order from Amazon on the side bar) series, Bright is also the author of Sexual State of the Union, Sexwise and Sexual Reality: A Virtual Sex World Reader. (order from Amazon on the side bar.) W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY (10/13-15/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Sexual Healers Training, Deborah Anapol & Friends. Preregistratoin required. W&M San Francisco, CA. (9/10-14/00) 415.507.1739 or or
Sexual Imagination: Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. Presented by: Joe Kort, Ph.D., LMSW and Jo Barrett, M.S.W. Fifty Shades of Grey has sparked at least that many questions among therapists about the erotic and psychological appeal this bestselling novel holds for millions of readers around the world. This thought-provoking workshop will explore what the phenomenon tells us about our clients' longings, needs, and fantasies-and what our own responses reveal about us. We'll look at such issues as: what are the limits of fantasy? Where's the boundary between playing out a sex game and engaging in potentially self-destructive behavior? When do erotic games sought for novelty and variety become compulsive or retraumatizing? How, as a therapist, do you determine when a client's fantasies, or actual behavior, is spiraling out of control? You'll leave with a much broader understanding of the psychological meaning of the erotic imagination. More info here. Washington, DC (3/23/13)
Sexuality and Intimacy: Conflict, Passion, & Power: Professional Training Conference David Deida offers three skill-building workshops. Three Stages of Sex: Me-Pleasure, We-Passion, Spiritual Ravishment. Three Stages of Conflict: Dependence, Independence, Wild Play. Three Stages of Masculine Freedom and Feminine Love: Two Sexual Paths, One Spiritual Bliss. Continuing Education Credits available for counselors, clinical psychologists, registered nurses, social workers, MFCCs and LCSWs by U.S. Journal Training, Inc. (call 1-800-441-5569 for details). Daily registrants can receive credit for each day in attendance of this 3-day conference, April 17-19. Las Vegas Hilton, 3000 Paradise Road. Space is limited. Call 1-800-441-5569 to register. Ask for the Room Reservations department and request rooms for the Sexuality and Intimacy Conference. $105 for daily registration.(4/17/02)
Single Men's Weekend Journey to Provincetown for a weekend of fun and adventure packed full of workshops, social events, dance parties, and activities for gay men of all ages. Have fun, learn something new, and enjoy the off-season charm of Provincetown with 400 - 600 other gay men. You might meet a new friend, catch up with old pals, find the man of your dreams, or all three! To purchase tickets online or for more info visit or call us at 888-887-8696.
Join Joe in a brand new course combining his successful workshops "Getting and Keeping the Love You Want" and "Sexual Shadow Workshop." The workshop is interactive involving all participants. This workshop will use guided imagery, lecture, group participation and experiential exercises and writing, video clips and more. Provincetown, MA (11/6-9/03)
SkyDancing Tantra: Love & Ecstasy 14-Day, 2-Part Training, Margot Anand, Kosha Pati, and Sohini Genevieve This 7-day workshop is Part I of the training; it begins Sunday, June 25, at 8 p.m., and ends Sunday, July 2. Part II is offered September 11-17. Enrollment in both parts is required to attend the program. The ultimate in-depth course to learn how to embody the skills of tantric lovemaking, the Love & Ecstasy Training is designed to forever change your experience of sexual loving. This extended course consists of two week-long retreats with a period of time in between to integrate the new learnings into home life. Part 1: The Pleasure of the Body Learn to increase the body's capacity for pleasure and containing orgasmic energy by relaxing in high states of arousal and direct flows of energy through your body and your partner's. Awaken senses, heal sexual wounds, explore how to relax the body, and open to experience orgasm as an energy event that can be expanded independently of the sexual content. Part 2: Delight of the Heart & Ecstasy of the Spirit Having increased our ability to experience pleasure, we consciously merge and melt with anotherbecoming one body, heart, and spirit as we merge with the divine. We connect spirituality and sexuality, and awaken our inner lover, integrating power and joy. Because these practices can produce significant changes in your nervous system, the time between retreats allows you to embody the practices. Through repetition, the opening into new states and sensations is deepened. It is suggested that between sessions you meet with regional members of the group. This prepares your system for a more profound experience during the second week. Please note: Application required; call 1-800-974-2584 (9SHAKTI) or This program has a special cancellation policy; call Omega. It also has extended hours when the children's program is not available. Tuition discounts are not available. Margot Anand will only be teaching Part II of this training. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (6/26-7/2) 800.944.1001 or
The Soul of Sex: Love, Sex & Power in the New Millennium, Margot Anand. Don't count on sex to be the door to intimacy. It's the other way around: first develop intimacy skills, then make love to enjoy them. What does it take to be a great lover? Who is a great lover? Are you? A good lover has presence, courage and passion. A good lover communicates clearly. A good lover knows that if you choose with awareness what gives you joy, it will lead you to spirit. A good lover can travel beyond the momentary Big O to lasting ecstasy. We will use the powerful tantric energy work involving movement, deep breathing, guided visualization, verbal dialogue and opening the energy centers to discover this unique and original approach to love and sexuality. W&M Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown, CA. (5/26-6/1/00) 877.9TANTRA or or
Tantra and Beyond: Strength with Heart Men's Retreat, Charles Muir, Daniel Ellenberg. Learn skills and concepts that will help you live in harmony with yourselves and the women in your lives. It is a course that our fathers should have taught us, if only they knew how. It is a course you can take alone, with a friend or be prepared to take with your own son. With plenty of quality vacation time on Maui, the seminar will relax, renew and awaken you as neveer before. The intention in the workshop is to inspire and motivate each other to take the greatest leap forward in living a passionate life. Not for the faint of heart, this event is geared toward men who make their personal growth a high priority. Maui, Hawaii (2/1-7/02) or
The Thornfield Workshop on Sexuality, Alison Deming, Carol Dopp, Brain McNaught, William Stayton, Pamela Wilson, Richard Cross. Our sexuality impacts all aspects of our lives, including our relationships wtih ourselves, with others, our work and our spirituality. This workshop aims to enable participants to overcome the common obstacles of sexual ignorance, secrecy and trauma. The activities are designed to increase the comfort and confidence of professionals in the areas of sexulaity and sexual diversity education, increase awareness and understanding of our own sexuality and that of others, and explore models of being sexually healthy. Clergy, teachers, therapists, diversity and human resources professionals, health and counselling personal, among others, will share in an atmosphere of learning and personal growth. Because we see a direct link between the social concepts of maleness and femaleness and our feelings about sexuality, we will focus particular attention on gender and orientation. We will examine gender role and identity and their association with sexism, heterosexism, and homophobia to help us better understand both personally and professionallly the roadblocks we face in pursuing and in enabling others to pursue self-esteem and healthy relationships. W&M, KirkridgeRetreat Center,, Bangor, PA. (7/23-30/00) 610.588.1793
Transgender Day of Remembrance. Let's come together as a community in observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance. Throughout the world, people gather every year to pay respect to transgender and gender-variant victims who are needlessly killed by hate crimes, and to call attention to the threats of violence they face. Learn more First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, 1220 N.E. 68th St., Vancouver, WA 98665, eMail (7pm 11/12/12); Metropolitan Community Church, 2400 N.E. Broadway, Portland, OR 97212 eMail (7pm 11/20/12)
Two Spirits: An erotic retreat for men & women, Collin Brown, Selah Martha, E. Maya or William McMeniman. Women and men have so much to learn and so much to teach each other. This retreat creates a supportive community that celebrates the healing power of coming together to explore the erotic potential of all human beings. We will use touch, conscious breath, full-body erotic massage and self-pleasuring rituals to awaken the connections between erotic energy and mysticism, and between the feminine and masculine within ourselves. When men and women honor their bodies and connect from their hearts, they can access collective wisdom to nourish body and soul. Gabriola Island, BC Canada, (5/17-21/00), Wildwood Retreat, Russian River, CA (7/26-30/00); Shalom Mountain, NY, (10/5-9/00) W&M Body Electric, or, or 510.653.1594
When Shades of Gray Meets Sadistic Love, Deborah M. Mueller, author of Sadistic Love. Clients involved in sadomasochistic relationships have special counseling needs and we as mental health professionals need to be educated about the behaviors associated with sadomasochism in order to practice competently. We need to provide a non-judgmental atmosphere where our clients are free to share the most secretive part of their lives. This is not an easy task for them. Our willingness to go there with them will make all the difference in counseling. In order for us to do this, we must be educated about sexual sadism and sexual masochism. First, we will explore the theories behind the - why - of a person's involvement in this type of behavior. We will look at the characteristics of a sadist, such as their ability to be charming, manipulative, and controlling. We will also look at the characteristics of a masochist, specifically their desire to please others, low self-esteem, and possibly be reenacting a past victimization where they can now have some control. The question of consensual sex will be discussed from the Feminist Theory point of view. Also, a brief discussion of the positive aspects of sadomasochism, as suggested in the literature, will be reviewed and debated. Most importantly, a number of counseling interventions will be offered, including the S & M Responsibility Wheel developed by the presenter. Counselors can play a critical role in helping clients involved in sadomasochistic relationships discover alternatives in loving relationships. Call 248-399-7447 to reserve your spot today . Royal Oak, MI (1/20/13)
Workshop for Gay and Bisexual Men, Joe Kort. on sex, love and intimacy. There will be two 3 hour workshops so that if people work during the day they can still make the same presentation in the evening. (5/5/11) 10a-1p or 7-10p, Beauchamp Lodge, 2 Warwick Crescent, London W2 6NE, UK. or 248.399.7317 or E-Mail. Read more at
Woman's Love, Man's Freedom: Two Sexual Paths, One Spiritual Bliss. Women: Learn to surrender into heart-feeling, moment to moment, while standing strong and soft as an active lover of existence. Experience each moment as an opportunity to live ecstatically, in the fullness of love that you most yearn for, and truly are. Led by Amy McCarrel (Grace), an authorized apprentice trained by David Deida and Sofia Diaz. Men: Either you are living Freedom now or you are lost in the drama of your own story. Learn to uncover your life's true purpose, embrace your fear as an ally, and express your unique sacred gifts with other dedicated men. Led by Vartman (author of Unreasonable Happiness), an authorized apprentice trained by David Deida. Hours: Sat, 2 pm to 10 pm (with break for dinner) Sun,10 am to 6:00 pm (with break for lunch) $295. Windmill Inn, 2525 Ashland Street, Ashland. or or 888.466.3404. (2/16-17/02)
Women and Sexual Healing FOR MEN
ONLY with Dr Deborah Anapol. This is a one day seminar for men
who want to support the women they love in healing the past and
reaching their full sexual potential. Of course, the ancient maxim,
Healer Heal Thyself applies. Topics include: Orgasm & arousal
potentials, possibilities, & preferences; Female
Ejaculation myths and realities; Balancing masculine &
feminine energy; Healing our wounds releasing guilt &
shame, coping with sexual abuse, betrayal, boredom, frustration &
other traumas; and Integrating sex and spirit reconnecting
heart & genitals. Sacred Space Institute, San Rafael, CA
$125 Register
10 AM to 6 PM (12/13/03)
15th World Congress on Sexology, (6/24-28/01)Jed Diamond. W&M Paris, or
* * *
American teens have the worst of all worlds...Our children are
bombarded and confronted with sexual messages, sexual exploitation,
and all manner of sexual criticism. But our society is by and large
sexually illiterate. - Faye Wattleton
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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