Menstuff® lists here a description of various spirituality retreats. Check out the local calendar by month which includes all international, national, and regional events. Get out of the box!
The Art of Leadership Training, Tom Daly, Jeffrey Duvall, Keith Fairmont, Mel Grusing. Camp in the mountain wilderness and tune in to the land and your soul. Join with other men in a 20 year tradition of ritual, community, safety, honesty, and renewal. Explore archtypal masculine and feminine resources and be empowered in your authentic manhood. Experienced and supportive staff, 2:1 staff to participant ratio. $1300 - $2100 sliding scale. Men's Leadership Alliance. Estes Park, CO 303.444.9066 or or E-Mail (7/8-15/06, 7/28-8/4/06)
Attending to the Spiritual Needs of the Dying and the Bereaved,18th International Conference on Death and Bereavement - pre-conference workshops. Seeking the Lost Spirit: Our quest for spiritual renewal in the workplace, David Adams. The Connection between Spiritual Development and How Children and Teens Think and Feel about Death, Ellie Deveau. Spirituality and Suicide, Gerry Cox. Living, Dying, Grieving in the Margins, Richard Gilbert. Using the Breath in Healing from Loss and Trauma, Tom Golden. Grief on the Tube, Ricahrd Gilbert, Healing the Loss, Paul Alexander. Creating Sacred Space, Paul Alexander, Joy Johnson, Steven Merwin.W&M, King's College, London, Ontario, Canada. (5/13-14/00) 519.432.7946 or or
Attending to the Spiritual Needs of the Dying and the Bereaved,18th International Conference on Death and Bereavement. Charles Corr, Pittu Laungani, Thomas Lynch, Kevin Ann Oltjenbruns, John Morgan, Rabbi Daniel Roberts, Kevin Paul, Rabbi Earl Grollman, Jeff Nisker, MaryAnne Kelly, Darcy Nichols, Peter Ford, Dan Festa. And those are just the plenary speakers. There are alot of concurrnet workshops also. W&M, King's College, London, Ontario, Canada. (5/15-17/00) 519.432.7946 or or
Awakening the Sacred Masculine - A Retreat for Men, Peter DeLong, Dr. Martin Orimenko, Christo Pellani & Special Guests. A powerful and joyous retreat for men. We will use a dynamic blend of breath, Sacred Sound and music, meditation and movement. Together we will create a profound and sacred space for us to share our experiences and our truths, and learn from each other as brothers on the path to greater awakening. 866.340.1008 or or $245 (7/3-4/04)
The Bible and Homosexuality: Jewish and Christian Perspectives with Rabbi Michael Zimmerman and Rev. Melanie Morrison. How often have you heard it said that the Bible condemns homosexuality as sin? Where did this idea come from? What does the Bible really say about it? This workshop invites us to take a fresh look at the Bible in a setting where our questions, insights, experiences, and relationships are honored and affirmed. We will re-examine the passages that have been used against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people and we will explore how people of faith have wrestled with scripture and discovered resources for survival and hope. Participants will share in study, reflection, and dialogue as we seek to recover stories from Jewish and Christian traditions that inspire understanding and respect for the sacred diversity of Gods creation. The Leaven Center in Lyons, Michigan is midway between Lansing and Grand Rapids. The main floor of the Lodge and Guest House are barrier-free. The center is located on 40 beautiful acres of land and the meeting room in the Lodge faces the Grand River. You may register online with a credit card or download a registration form at The Leaven Center web site: For more information about The Leaven Center or to inquire about scholarships, call 989.855.2606 or email is gender inclusive. $125 (includes program, overnight lodging, and three meals) (Tuesday, 1 pm Dec 6 through Wednesday, 4 pm Dec 7, 2005.)
The Bridge Men's Initiation Ritual, Jay Cradeur. A 3 day
gathering for men that takes place on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
3 times per year: Spring, Summer and Fall. The event is an
opportunity for men to come together in nature, celebrate our
masculinity and challenge each other during an ancient ritual of
initiation. The Bridge is created by men who are deeply touched by
the suffering within and around us and feel powerfully moved to
action. 8A-8P, Sebastopol, CA 415.713.8030 or
or $795
(5/14-16/05, 10/6-8/06)
Brotherhood Banquet put on by the Men's Fellowship at First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego. Please join us for a free meal, a small jazz combo for entertainment, and fellowship with other men. Bard Hall at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego, 6:30-9pm. (1/26/04)
Brothers: A gathering of men in support of one another as we recover the soul's journey, Robert Johnson, David Knudsen, Barry Williams and Jim Cullipher. This gathering may be for you if the old rigid masculine stereotypes (tough, fearless, aggressive, in control, wage earner, successful at all costs, stiffling dreams and desires and feelings, independent suffering in silence, a loner) are not working. Do you find yourself in a bind? The old stereotypes aren't working for you but they are still here in the culture and within you. You are not alone. Other men find themselves in the same dilemma. Come. Let's join togeher. Let's tell our stories. Let's share our dreams. Let's envision and call forth the new that's struggling to be born in each of us and in our world. Let's be there for each other. $350. 828.877.4809 Hendersonville, NC (3/16-19/02)
Coming Out Spiritually, Christian de la Huerta "Happiness comes from living your essential nature. It's saying, 'this is who I am. I don't need anyone's approval. I'm going to be the best I can be. I'm going to make a difference.'" Feeling exiled from spiritual life? Bruised by religious condemnation? Hiding from your own true self? In this workshop, writer and activist Christian de la Huerta helps us reclaim our spiritual heritage as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons. He says, "When we learn to reunite sex and spirit in our lives, we experience change and healing beyond our wildest dreams." We work with spiritual archetypesuniversal patterns of consciousness (mediator, caregiver, keeper of beauty, clown, outsider, shaman)defined in de la Huerta's best-selling book, Coming Out Spiritually: The Next Step (order from Amazon) and rooted in an ancient past in which sexually "deviant" people were revered as sacred beings. Through movement, meditation, breathwork, discussions, ritual, and writing, we commit (or recommit) to "coming back out"re-engaging the world authentically and making a difference. We work to heal old wounds and embrace ourselves as empowered, compassionate, and loving individuals. We return home with a deeper sense of identity, a greater feeling of spiritual connectedness and purpose, and a renewed commitment to both our personal excellence and to service. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (7/17-21/00) 800.944.1001 or
Couple's Vision Quest, Kent & Farion Pearce, Mike Bodkin, Renee Sweezey. An initiatory program for couples, following a Vision Quest model. Set in magnificent high desert, includes time in wilderness: alone for each partner and for the couple together. Extensive preparation and incorporation work, with focus on intention for each partner and for the couple as "the Third." Skilled support, mirroring, guiding by two couples. Inyo Mountains (Southern California) $3000 per couple. 707.537.1927 or E-Mail or (5/14-24/08)
The Divine Feminine: Men's Retreat, Jim Neafsey, Al Chaquette and team. One of the most significant spiritual developments of our time is the emergence of the Divine Feminine. Men and women from many religious traditions are experiencing the power of the Divine Feminine to open the heart and transform relationships to nature, God and one another. Silent meditation, Taize chants, Spiritual reflection, walking the labyrinth and heartfelt conversation are a few of the ways we will explore the mystery of the Divine Feminine in our lives. $190. Burlingame, CA 650.340.7474 or Thu 5/31 6pm dinner to Sun 6/301 at 1pm.
Elderhood: Giving and Receiving Blessings (55+), Tom Daly, Mel Grusing. Because the fear and uncertainty of aging is so prevalent, the Alliance has created an Elder Rites of Passage Program for men over 55. It is our desire to guide men to an awakening of their lifelong journey of trials and knowledge. While aging is a fact of life, coming into eldership requires something deeper and more soulful. Estes Park, Colorado. Men's Leadership Alliance, 303.444.9066 or or E-Mail. $300 - $450 sliding. (11/7-9/06)
Enlightened Warrior Training, Master Rich Van Donk. This is your opportunity to become a more conscious human being, empowered, embracing your warrior sage for courageous action while maintaining inner bliss. Come get 35 years experience of what it takes to be a Martial Arts Master condensed into 2 1/2 days, revealing the optimal life lessons that personal mastery in the martial arts bring, without having to spend years fighting. Experience your personal power, be in your center, develop deep concentrated focus, expand your breath, rejuvenation process, inner peace meditations, playful heart, a daily life changing practice, sword training, and life mastery strategies from someone who has lived it. 707.987.9323 or $425 (9/10-12/04)
Enlightenment Intensive, Advanced Training, Warrior Monk, Bhava. Fifth year for this five-day journey of "awakening". The master uses a dynamic process of holding the question "Who am I?" which opens the possibity of having a direct experience of the Truth of who we are, beyond all concepts and ideas. W&M. or Dan at 314.966.0292 / or Jodi at 909.659.0445 /, Kingview, Toronto, Canada. Elegant gentleman farm. (8/8-13/00)
Erotic Spirituality: A retreat with Deborah Anapol & Shantam Nityama. Join us on a remote and unspoiled beach front resort on the Caribbean coast where Mayan adepts once worshipped. Relax and swim on clothing optional white sand beaches, visit ancient ruins, celebrate with our erotic community, and learn to open the doors to sexual ecstasy. Included will be sensual and spiritual exploration, hands-on healing, and emotional clearing. We will be working with breath, energy, conscious touch and movement to master the art of Sacred Spot Massage for men and women. Tantric techniques for building energy, increasing intimacy, full body orgasm, and delaying ejaculation will be taught. This is appropriate for partners who want to enhance their lovemaking skills, heal the past, learn to love and nuture themselves, and find transformative ways to channel their sexual energy. W&M Central Coast of Oregon (7/7-9/00); Near Cancun, Mexico. (10/14-21/00) 415.507.1739 or or
Eyebrows of Sea Foam: A village ritual for the grandmother ocean, workshop. W&M Elk Community Center, Elk, CA near Mendocino. Marilyn Bacon, 505.474.4473 or (5/6-7/00)
Exploring Sensual Rome, a Gay Men's Retreat,Don Shewey and John Ballew. Take a week to slow down and experience this ancient city from the inside out. We'll be exploring the history, art and life of Rome in the company of a small, supportive group of gay men. Unusual tours, market visits, dinners together, meet local gay community. Don & John will encourage us to open our eyes and ears to this sensual city. Rome, Italy. Michael Mele, 646-573-3205 or eMail or $2,450 (10/3-10/09)
Exploring Who You Really Are, What You Really Want - Your Soul's Story. Paul H. Richard, James Fabish, Bart Church. Do you sense a deeper force operating in your life - a force that knows what you long for and what you're really capable of? Through exploring tarot imagery, journaling, story-telling, ritual, & walking a labyrinth, you can discover your Soul Force - a story that propels you to be authentically powerful. MenSpirit, a joint project of three non-profit organizations, Q-LAND, LoveTribe, & Spirit Hawk, empowers diverse men in the Portland, OR area to discover and manifest their individual & collective potential for wellness, community, friendship/intimacy, spirituality, & play. 4:00-10:30 pm Portland, OR. Bart at 503.223.8822 or or RSVP at (5/12/07)
Facing Fate, Finding a Destiny, Michael Meade. According to ancient myths, each soul makes two agreements upon entering the world. The First Agreement binds the individual to a distinct destiny that becomes the souls great project in life. The second level of agreements entangles each person in the limitations of fate and responsibilities for family and community. While all second agreements can be renegotiated, the First Agreement is non-negotiable. If a person doesnt face their fate, they may never find their deep resources and natural gifts. If a person doesnt risk their destiny, theyll never know who they are intended to be. Fate and destiny are the two agreements the soul must make and the core issues we struggle with throughout our lives. Join us for a surprising evening of poetry, stories and discussion, an exploration of identity and meaning, of purpose and passion, and wisdom and love. or or 206-935-3665. 7pm. Ashland - First Presbyterian Church (10/15/10); Bellingham, WA - Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, 11207 Ellsworh St., 7pm (4/26/12); Eugene - First Christian Church (10/14/10); Los Angeles - Immanuel Presbyterian (3/4/11); Mill Valley - Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church (10/22/10); Portland - The Old Church (10/13/10); San Diego - First Unitarian Church (3/3/11); Santa Cruz - First Congregational Church (10/21/10); Seattle - Marriott Waterfront Hotel, 2100 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 8:30am - 12pm (10/13/11)
The Garden of Delight! Doug von Koss, Richard Naegle & The Noah Project. A Spring Evening for Women & Men. Full of Love & Chant & Community & Song. We will gather again in a Great Hall, blending our voices in magnificent harmonies, as we move our bodies in old circle patterns. We will joyously celebrate the human spirit on the first day of spring. (Of course, the usual tea & cookies, praises & blessings shared with Men and Women of good will.) Finnish Brotherhood Hall, 1970 Chestnut (off University) Berkeley, CA $10.00 per person No one turned away 7 to 9:30p THE NOAH PROJECT is a group of men who gather consciously to artfully explore the beauty and sorrow of the human condition using song, chant, group movement, poetry (3/20/16)
Gay Men's Shamanic Workshop Weekend. This gay men's retreat workshop will teach you how to find your spirit guide. You will learn journeying, Shamanic, Reiki and other energy healing techniques. You will work with other members of the group in healing sessions by using a combination of journeying, intuitive and hands on energy transmission. Barre, Vermont, $325, or (1/20-22/06)
The Gay Shaman: What you always wanated to know aabout Shamanism and Gay Shamanism but were too mstified to ask!!! Shamanism has been practiced for over 20,000 years and is found in every culture. No matter from which land your ancestors cameAfrica, Asia, Europe, the Americas, the Islandsthey came from cultures in which the shaman played a central role in the well being of the people and the welfare of the tribe. What is a shaman? A shaman is a person who sees things differently, a walker between worlds, a wounded healer, a tender to the soul of the community who combines self-knowledge, vision and service to become a link in the continuity of life. What is a gay shaman? The realm of the shaman includes the renewal of both the individual and the tribe. In terms of gay-centered consciousness, this means our renewal as individual gay men and renewal of the community from which we come. What is this evening about? There will be a presentation about the roles gay shamans play and their relevance to a rethinking of gay identity today. It will also include an experiential component in which you will be trained in one of the fundamental methodologies of shamanismthe journey (riding the drum). Shamanic journeying increases ones sense of inner power and aliveness thereby contributing to a richer, more meaningful life. Sacred space will be created and held for one another, enabling us to move safely at our own individual pace. Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood, CA 90046-6620. There is a building by the parking area. Look for some kind of grand entryway! $5. 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. (1/22/06)
Go the Distance PK 2000. You are in for one of the most rigorous weekends of your life, mentally and spiritually. The training includes Accepting the Challenge: beginning a spiritual journey. Sustaining the Journey: following through on spiritual commitments. Taking the Lead: instilling the values and sharpening the tools to save our youth from the pitfalls of life. Living Dangerously: pursuing the trail markers to maintain passion and focus for marriage. Finishing Strong: overcoming temptation, indifference and compromise. Build your stamina to "Go the Distance". Alburquerque, NM, Baton Rouge, LA, Dallas, TX, Denver, CO, Los Angeles, CA, Louisville, KY, Lynchburg, VA, Milwaukee, WI, Minneapolis, MN, Oklahoma City, OK, Orlando, FL, Pittsburgh, PA, Portland, OR, Sacramento, CA, Worchester, MA, Sign up and show up! 800.888.7595 24 hours, or Espanol M-F 8a-5p EST at 800.203.1564, or TTY M-F 10a-7pm EST at 800.769.6855 or
The Grail - A Hero's Quest To The Self, with Shematrix. This three day journey of ritual initiation for men is paradoxically facilitated by women. It is recognized that in many ancient cultures, the final intiation into manhood happened in the presence of initiated women. The three women from Shematrix function as Gatekeepers to the mysterious realm of the Sacred Feminine, the unknowable and unpredicatble source that forms the Earth herself. Traditionally known as High Priestess, hers is the role of midwife who helps birth that which we think we do not know or cannot have or dare not express. It seems a particular healing is available in the presence of women, not afforded by men alone. It has been our experience that the embrace of the whole being, in compassion, transcends the dualities of masculine and feminine, light and dark, angelic and demonic, right and wrong, inner and outer, self and other. The Sacred Marriage. The intention in accessing this mystery through this extraordinary form is to support each man on his journey to his deepest knowing and reverence for all life. The form is also created with the intention that once initiated, it continues to be an integral part of your life and you may choose to cultivate it's sacredness in ongoing events in your community. $895 plus $140 Lodging. 8AM - 9PM Contact David Whiteside, 650.342.1291 or or E-Mail (6/2-4/06)
The Great Mother & New Father Gathering, West Coast. Miguel Rivera, Doug von Koss, Timothy Lin, Chris Arabadjis, Cary Odes, Beth Phillips, Bruce Hamm and Joanna Mack - a radiant community celebrating life with poetry, art, laughter, singing and a whole lot more. This gathering in Oakland is an artistic sampler of the 10 day Maine conference. W&M Lunch provided. Sliding scale $60-$110 ($25 Friday night only). Plymouth Jazz and Justice Church, 424 Monte Vista Ave, Oakland, CA (Fri 7-10p 1/20/17 and Sat 9:30a-5:30p 1/21/17) Contact Milli Quam or 707 839-3459.
The Great Night of Rumi. An evening celebrating the poetry of Jelaluddin Rumi through music, dance and the spoken word. Doug von Koss, Larry Robinson, Tui Wilschinsky, Shepherd Bliss, Kirsten Falke, Ernie Mansfield, Maya Spector, Chetana Karel, Hari Meyers, and others. Masonic Lodge, Sebastopol (across from Safeway). 707.823.9428 or or or
Hollow Bones, Junpo Denis Kelly. Through the combining of the soul and shadow work of the ManKind Project, with the meditative practice of Zen, we have the opportunity to live more deeply in our true self of soul and spirit, while experiencing greater mindfulness, compassion and joy in our everyday lives. 541.670.0184 or Endless Mountain Zen Center, East Central PA (7/1-9/00), or St. Norbert's Abbey, Green Bay, WI (12/6-14/00)
Honoring the Inner Voice of the Twin Spirit: A spiritual retreat for gay men, Elias Patras, LMT, OM and Gary Gruenewald, MS, RMT, OM. Come share a weekend with other men searching for a higher purpose. Will be focusing on self-love, self-awareness, and self-discovery. We will be conducting fire ceremonies, guided meditations, a trance dance and learning about our natural intuitive side and about our energy centers. These exercises help us to let go of old patterns that no longer serve us and allow us to connect on a higher level, a place from our hearts. Camp Ronora, Waterviliet, Michigan. $400. 773.817.0923 or or (11/3-5/06)
In His Fullness Men's Re-Trek, Jared
Feria & Lance Hastings. Re-Trek is a personal coaching experience
designed for individual men who want to be guided by trusting
brothers into their heart and soul? The goal being to advance forward
through personal obstacles and issues. Re-Trek addresses the 3 Big
Areas for men: Validation, Intimacy, and God. Fri 4pm - Sun 11am.
Gold Head Branch State Park, Keystone Heights, FL $475.00.
352.213.2526 or
(3/11-13/05, 5/13-15/05)
In His Fullness Student Gathering, Jared Feria & Lance Hastings. A student version of the Men's Gathering, Student Gathering will be filled with opportunities for younger men to embrace the masculine journey through organized group bonding activities, times of talking and sharing of journeys, and instruction in the history of passing down of rites of passage from older to younger. Fri 6pm - Sun 11am. Gold Head Branch State Park, Keystone Heights, FL $200.00. 352.213.2526 or or (4/1-3/05)
The Initiated Soul, The Awakened Self, Michael Meade. The story written on the walls of the soul is intended to be lived out as the great experiment of each life. The adventure of the self and soul involves spells and blessings; it includes gifts and wounds that reveal where the inner nature of a person insists on becoming known. When lived consciously the struggles in life open pathways to the center of the self where purpose waits to be found and vitality can be renewed. The exact medicines for healing are carried inside the individual, waiting to be revealed though life-changing events that initiate the soul and awaken the deep self within. In this event we will examine the life lived so far and separate the self's vital story and creative calling from the corpse of the past and the darkness of the present. We will attend to places where the soul carries its initiations and where the deep self tries to awaken us to the sacred path of knowledge and love hidden within our lives. Themes: The First Agreement of the Soul, Unfinished Initiations, A Self in Training, The Saga of Gifts and Wounds, Vitality and the Corpse, Genius and the Dream of Life, Eros and the Soul, The Arc of Return. or or 206-935-3665. 9:30a-5:30p Ashland, OR - Bellview Grange (10/16/10); Marylhurst, OR (5/18/13) Mill Valley, CA - Community Church (10/23/10).
Just Because It's June! A Midsummer Evening for Men & Women Full of Love & Chant & Community & Song With Doug von Koss & The Noah Project Here comes another great evening of love, harmony and beauty in community with The Noah Project. Please help us by spreading the word to your friends about this unique evening. The will be our 10th June gathering which makes it a tradition. And the beauty of our joyous singing gets richer and richer in our perfection free zone. In Beauty It's Begun. Finnish Brotherhood Hall, 1970 Chestnut (off University) Berkeley, California, 7 to 9:30 PM, $10 No Reservations. No one turned away. (6/27/10)
Lover Quarter, a retreat for men, Chris Frey and Jim Howard. Balance fierceness, intellect & power with joy, creativity and spiritual wholeness. A safe container will be provided to: Access Mature Lover archetypal energy; Release sexual shame and the blocks to passion, joy and spirit; and create a personal model for Healthy Sexuality. St. Louis Mo. $275. (10/13-15/00) (3/2-4/01) (6/1-3/01) (9/14-16/01) (5/31-6/2/02) Jim Howard, 573.635.4128 or
Love Sweet Love, Doug von Koss and the Noah Project. A Valentine evening for men and women, full of love and chant and community and song. We will gather by Candle Light in a Great Hall. Blending our voices in Universal Chants. Moving our bodies in old circle patterns. Singing and hearing and talking and laughing about Love Sweet Love. Of course, the usual tea and cookies, praises and blessings shared with men and women of good will. Finnish Brotherhood Hall, 1970 Chestnut (off University) Berkeley, CA $10.00 per person suggested donation. No one turned away. 7-9:30pm (2/12/12, 2/10/13)
Love with All Your Heart: Becoming a man of compassion, Men's Spirituality. A man cannot love with his whole heart if he is unaware of his feelings or emotionally numb. This day will explore the challenge of loving with all one's heart, becoming a man of compassion who is awake to the full range of his feelings and desires and whose heart is open to Love. $30 pre-registration, $40 at the door. Bring bag lunch. Burlingame, CA 650.340.7474 or Sat, 11/3/01, 9a-3p
Love with All Your Mind: Becoming a man of wisdom. Men are often criticized for being "too much in their heads," smart but not wise, intellectual problem-solvers rather than deep, contemplative thinkers. This day will explore the challenge of loving with all one's mind, becoming a man of wisdom whose intelligence is grounded in life and at the service of Love. $30 pre-registration, $40 at the door. Bring bag lunch. Burlingame, CA 650.340.7474 or Sat, 10/6/01, 9a-3p
Lovingkindness & Compassion Meditation for Men with Larry Yang. In the current world that is greatly impacted by the forcefulness of Men, Men from all backgrounds are invited to join for a day of Lovingkindness, Compassion and Forgiveness practice. Meditations in the Vipassana Buddhist tradition will focus on cultivating an open heart spacious enough to include whatever arises moment to moment with kindness and generosity. San Francisco Buddhist Center, 37 Bartlett St . San Francisco, CA. Sliding scale $15-25. 9a-5p (8/16/03)
Men and the Healing Power of Ritual and Initiation, Malidoma Some. Malidoma speaks of tribal and transcendental experiences in down-to-earth Western terms that are nonetheless startling, original and urgent. We will explore how rituals heal and will open ourselves to the art of designing and performing them together. We will open and close our ritual space in the African tradition. Rowe Camp & Conference Center, MA. (9/15-17/00) 413.339.4954, or
Men and the Path of the Mystics. Bill Dohar. The word mystic can conjure up images of impossible solitude and rare detachment. And, yet, if mystics seem unusual its often because they are so profoundly human, seeking the divine in the everydayness of life. Well take as our guides men such as the Desert Fathers, the Sufi poet Rumi, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Merton, and Anthony de Mello, S.J. $60. 9 am -4 pm. Mercy Center, 2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010 or 650.340.7454 or (4/8/06)
Men in the Mirror: Solving the 24 problems men face. Meets the first Thursday of each month. Will be working with Patrick Morley's book that addresses areas in our lives such as: Solving Our Identity, Relationship, Money, Temperament, and Integrity Problems and ending with "How Can a Man Change?" We will be addressing those things in our lives that keep us from being the Christ-like beings we are meant to be. We will read. We will discuss. We will challenge and we will be rewarded with a new understanding of ourselves and our situation in life at this time. The Church Within, 5226 W 79th St. Indianapolis, IN (4/6/00) 317.872.3827 or or
Men of Unity Conference (1st) Dan Millman, Dr. Steven Vazquez & others. This event brings men together to explore how to unleash our spiritual power as peaceful warriors. Internationally acclaimed author and teacher Dan Millman presents the keynote address and an afternoon workshop on The Warrior Spirit. Other quality workshops will be offered as well as powerful rhythms from the Mondo Drummers. Lunch included. Registration/Social Hour 8 - 9 am; Conference 9 - 5:30 pm $65 Unity Church of Fort Worth, Rev. Ed Conrad, or or 817.423.2965 (1/22/05)
Men's Inner Journey: An Adventure in Self-Discovery. The Men's Inner Journey is a spiritually transformative experience created expressly for men who are sexually attracted to other men. Regardless of whether you identify as gay, bi, queer, or indifferent, the fact that you're sexually attracted to other men is something you will have in common with every man that attends. By the time your journey ends, your connection with these men will have deepened to a level of openness and honesty you may not have experienced before, affecting the way you see yourself and your relationship to other men. Wildwood Conference Center, Guernville, CA www.toth? (10/23-25/15)
Men's Retreat: 72nd annual. "Being a Man of Faith Today. It's Not Easy!" This weekend will continue in the tradition of building bonds of friendship and support for those who have participated in years past as well as welcoming new men to the weekend retreat experience. St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA or or 831-623-4234 $240-290 R&B (1/15-17/16, 1/20-22/17, 1/19-21/18, 1/18-20/19, 1/17-19/20)
Men's Spirit, Men's Soul Retreat, Dene Maria Sebastiana, Larry Matthews. In keeping with our tradition of community-building, the Mens Weekend is a way for men to make community connections by participating in a new spiritual setting. Mens Spirit will call upon rituals, traditions and transformational education to introduce men to each other and themselves in new way. Men will be introduced to look and see the world in a different light. Men should come expecting nothing. They should shed preconceptions of who and what they are and be ready to participate full out. We wont spell out the particulars because we want you to see them with untainted eyes. Kashi Ashram, 11155 Roseland Road, Sebastian, FL $595. Contact or 800.226.1008 x 108 or (4/8-10/16)
Men's Vision Fast, Jeffrey Duvall. Like many ancient traditions, we offer this ceremony in three parts: preparation, threshold, and incorporation phases. Also, those who wish to learn more about guiding and holding the vision fast-passage ceremony are welcome. Jeffrey Duvall is an experienced guide and author of "Men, Meaning and Prayer." Eldora, Colorado. Men's Leadership Alliance, 303.444.9066 or or E-Mail. $800. (7/24-7/1/06)
Men's Vision Quest, Mike Bodkin & Munro Sickafoose. Set in a remote canyon in the mountains to the south-east of Death Valley, this is an initiatory journey for men who wish to claim their power as open-hearted men of spirit. Three days of preparation, three days of solo time in the great wilderness, three days of incorporation. Death Valley National Park. $1095, 707.537.1927 or or E-mail (5/13-21/06; 3/15-23/08)
The Noah Project: is a group of men who gather consciously to artfully explore the beauty and sorrow of the human condition using song, chant, group movement, poetry and ritual in community. We take our name from a Rumi poem that says, Start a large foolish project, like Noah! It makes no difference what people think of you.
Our Spiritual Journey, Western Pennsylvania's 2nd Biennial SIA Spiritual Retreat, Linda D. Topics: Angels-guardians of our journey. Step 12-carrying the message along the way. The joy is in the journey. Journal for your journey. Prayer and meditation. W&M Mt. St. Macrina Retreat Center, Uniontown, PA. $15 +R&B (7/14-16/00), 724.329.1079 or 724.628.4910 or
The Pathless Path Following Spirit, Making Soul, Michael Meade. An evening of story and discussion with Michael Meade. Because each soul is unique in some way, each persons path through life takes on a unique shape. We may follow a particular practice or system of belief, but one day must step off the given path in order to learn where our inner spirit would have us go and how our soul would have us contribute to the continuance of the world. First Unitarian Church, Portland 7pm or or 206-935-3665.(5/17/13)
The Power of Ritual in Community, Malidoma Some. An exploration and shared journey into the personal healing made possible with the living African ritual tradition that Malidoma Some is bringing to the West. Scotland, (10/3-5/00) W&M (location to be confirmed). Jed Pemberton, 44 (0)1361 840230 or
Reconnect to Nature Weekend. This weekend will ground you with a spiritual re-connection to the natural world through experiences, discussions and activities. Connect to your own important role in the circle of life and achieve wholeness by experiencing what we all crave, the natural world! Therapy will be a combination of talking and doing, using traditional and expressive methods. Spiritual meditation groups, nature walks, a drumming circle and the traditional campfire will round out the experience. Early morning bird walks and late evening night hikes will be available. $300 Allentown, PA or or 610.432.2168 (3/5-8/05)
Remembering...Your Soul Calling, Carla Woody, Daniel Wasserman. Many spiritual traditions suggest that we come to this life with a specific purpose. Yet somehow we forget. Purity puts on a mask. But we come to a point where we find we have a deep longing for more. We can see our lives as a process. In this workshop we will work with the presuppositions that: We are born with the wisdom of the ages, our own special gifts to give and soul learning to undertake. The Great Mystery continually provides us with hints of our Soul Calling if only we would be aware. Through experiential means we will begin to tap into our individual truths to: Open to the Mystery leaking into our lives providing us with signals. Embrace the gift of our struggles. Understand what we need to get beyond in order to attune to our destiny. Use the body-mind as a barometer to wakling our true paths. W&M $75 (5/13/00) Prescott, 520.778.1058 or or
Retreat for Enlightenment, The Monks of Satyaloka. Yoga, Mediation, Music, Maha Sutras, and Dikshas (Spiritual Initiations passed down from enlightened masters)for advanced healing ability and enlightenment. Samskara Shuddhi (Ancient mystical technique for removing childhood and past life traumas and negative childhood decisions. Those wishing to receive additional training to conduct programs to help others should plan on staying another week. Conducted in Spanish and English. By donation. Cost for lodging and food is $150. Satyaloka Monastery, Andrah Pradesh, India, Contact Dharma Dharini Bhagavad Dasa, 602.462.1958 or or (2/12-25/01)
The Roots of Wisdom, an evening presentation with author, mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade. There are many wisdom traditions, but each depends upon a living wisdom that can connect the immediate moment to the background of the eternal. Join us for an evening of stories and poems that consider the roots of wisdom found in many traditions. 7pm. Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church 410 Sycamore Ave, Mill Valley, CA $15 Register Proceeds support Voices of Youth and Intercultural Projects (10/14/11), First Unitarian Universalist Church 1211 SW Main Street, Portland, OR (11/18/11), All Pilgrims Church 500 Broadway E, Seattle, WA 7p (12/7/11) Quimper Unitarian Church 2333 San Juan Ave, Port Townsend, WA 7p (12/7/11, 12/9/12)
Sacred Circle Retreat with L. Hill aand C. Ricchards creates a sacred place where a man can become aware of his total being. The Sacred Circle is not therapy, but an experiential program, and requires physical and emotional strength and courage, for it will challenge the initiate. The Sacred Circle is open to any man who feels he is up to the challenge, regardless of age or physical limitation. 2008 marks our 18th year. Tahuya, WA. Contact Stephen Landess, 425.252.3617 or or E-Mail. $375 (8/29-31/08)
Sacred Contracts. Caroline Myss. We all want to know why we are here. What is our mission in life? Those people who do know it are easy to spot: Their lives shine with meaning...By uncovering your true mission, you can live your life in a way that best expresses your personal power. She calls this living in accord with your Sacred Contract. This 5-day training workshop is an intensive immersion into the process of identifying, understanding and working with personal archetypes.CEUs available. Omega Institute, Rhineback, NY, or 800.944.1001 (9/9-13/02)
Seven Seasons of a Man's Life. The result of over ten years of research into the issues men face and how those issues should be addressed from a Biblical perspective. In four sessions, you'll get the encouragement and information you need to find a success that matters. Columbia, MD, Columbia, SC, Granite Bay, CA, Lake Forest, CA, Marietta, GA, Newport News, VA, Riverside, CA, Severn, MD, 407.331.0095x0 or
Seventh Day Adventist Kinship Discover spiritual harmony within this gay and lesbian Kampmeeting. W&M Pahoa, Big Island, HI. (7/30-8/6/00)
The Soul's Luminous Song with author, mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade & Musical Guests. You are invited to an evening of ecstatic poetry and sacred music, a combined song that voices the longings of the heart and whispers the nature of the soul. Longing is the price of admission, ecstasy the ground of arrival.
Amidst the great turmoil of modern life the soul longs to feel again the ecstatic dance of life and the rhythm of creation. Even a little surrender can open untapped sources of joy dwelling within and reveal our unlived life waiting to be found. Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church, Mill Valley, CA 7pm (9/7/11)
Spirit of Community, Open to all men. Cntact Tim Chumley (804-519-2810 or with general questions about the weekend. $30 sliding scale. Register at Claymont, DE (3/24-26/17)
A Spiritual Gathering of Men - Khalsa Men's Camp, Hari Singh Khalsa and Hari Bhajan Singh Khalsa. Features a full program of activities including men's yoga, meditations and workshops, Sadhana (early morning practise), as well as plenty of time to relax in nature. This is an experience where men can become the Aquarian Male; embodying excellence, strength of character, fortitude, integrity and a gentle-hearted nature. Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada or 604.732.9642 or or E-Mail . 5 Days - All Day, $300-$400 (8/1-8/07)
The Spirituality of Laughter Mini-Retreat, Al Chaquette, Jim Nelson, & Gary Kruse. Using personal reflection, small group discussion, and large group discussion, we examine and explore the following: What types of humor promote spirituality and what types diminish it? What would be different if our humor were to grow out of our dearest values? Is Christian humor an oxymoron? Mercy Center, Burlingame, CA Colleen Soracco, E-Mail or or 650-340-7474. (2/16 at 6pm to 2/17 at 3pm)
Spirituality Weekend On a spectacular hilltop in Malibu overlooking the blue Pacific, CMG men will gather again for a weekend of spirituality, where all faith traditions and practices are welcome. Take this all-too-rare opportunity to slow down a bit, clear your mind, be a little more present, to reflect and discover yourself in a complete break from daily routine. A weekend filled with the chance to experience new traditions, work on your own spiritual path, or just engage and connect with other warm & wonderful CMG men. For more information and to register or, Saturday/Sunday, Malibu, Ginding Hilltop Camp, $125 (3/19-20/11)
Spiritual Partnership, Gary Zukav and Linda Francis. For thousands of years, the spiritual path has been conceived as a solitary one. Monks and nuns from religious traditions throughout the world take vows of celibacy and remove themselves from society to avoid human relationships and their "distractions." According to Gary Zukav and Linda Francis, however, the spiritual path is changing. Now, at the beginning of the third millennium, spiritual growth is inseparable from spiritual partnership. In this workshop, we join Gary and Linda for a life-changing exploration of spiritual partnership between equals committed to their spiritual growth. This weekend is not just for couples in committed romantic relationships. Spiritual partnering can be explored in the many roles we playas a parent, student, business person, educator, health-care professional, single person, or partner. We learn how spiritual partners relate to each other and themselves. We practice the dynamics that transform unconscious relationships into mutual explorations of authentic power, and explore the conscious healing of fear, jealousy, anger, inferiority, and superiority. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (7/28-30/00) 800.944.1001 or
Spiritual Warfare Effectiveness Training for men and boys, Grant Schnarr. Spiritual warfare is a learning experience and an adventure for men and boys. The warrior experiences real kinship with the earth, learning to reintegrate with nature, and to consciously walk, observe, play, and graciously live within it. Participants have an opportunity through many processes, including guided imagery, ritual, and play, to experience the courage, honor, and heroic nature of the spiritual warrior. Participants also explore the vast and awesome landscape within as they are given the opportunity to awaken to higher realities of spirit, including a greater awareness of the Creator, which offers a deep sense of meaning to their lives well beyond the weekend itself. Moosic Mountains of Northeast PA. 215.947.8098 or or $350 Note: 13-14 year olds must be accompanied by a parent or designated gaurdian. (7/7-9/00, 9/15-17/00, 7/8-10/05, 9/23-25/05) (Boulder Colorado 8/5-7/05)
Spiritual Weekend Retreat (Sixth Biennial): People of Courage, Topic: Together, We Can, Mt. St. Macrina Retreat Center, Uniontown, PA, $120 includes R&B and workshops. For more information call Rosalie at 724/438/0686 or E-Mail or Becky at 724.628.4910 or E-Mail. (10/10-12/08)
Spring Vision Quest (Death Valley), Doug Paxton. "The familiar life horizon has been outgrown; the old concepts, ideals and emotional patterns no longer fit; the time for the passing of a threshold is at hand." -- Joseph Campbell. Are you ready to head into the wilderness and reach for new horizons? W&M For more information, please see the schedule at: or email (3/19-27/11)
Stand Fast My King - 2002 Men's Conference. Annual event that enables men regardless of racial, social, economic, or spiritual background to come out and experince the very presence of God. Carl Sims (the cathedral of the holy spirit, Bishop Earl Paulk) of Atlanta, Ga. will open this life changing conference. Other speakers Pastor Lewis of Utica Ms., Minister Ray Coleman of Port Gibson, Ms. and Overseer McDuffy will continue on Saturday. theme: "Building the Kingdom - Share the Load" 410 Morgantown road Natchez, MS. or 601.445.4779 or Bishop Stanley Searcy Sr. or Pastor Matthew Minor (7/12-13, Fri 7-10p, Sat 10a-8p) Free.
The Success that Matters Seminar. The result of over ten years of research into the issues men face and how those issues should be addressed from a Biblical perspective. In four sessions, you'll get the encouragement and information you need to find a success that matters. Beaverton, OR, Carmel, IN, Chico, CA, Clearwater, FL, Corinth, MS, Dexter, MO, Fremont, CA, Germantown, TN, Hudsonville, MI, Huntington Beach, CA, Jacksonville Beach, FL, Lexington, KY, Morton, IL, Ogden, UT, Omaha, NB, Orange Park, FL, Plano, TX, Powell, OH, Richmond, VA, St. Cloud, FL, San Jose, CA, Santa Rosa, CA, Shaumberg, IL, Tampa, FL, Tempe, AZ, Worthington, OH. 407.331.0095x0 or
Texas Men's Rites of Passage (MROP) is primarily designed for men in second-half of life (ages 30 65). These men are typically dismantling the towers they built in first-half of life. The Rites of Passage are most appropriate for those who are spiritually searching, who have done some kind of mens work already, and who are not in a major reaction against God, grace, or transformation. It is important to note that you must have a basic mobility and health that will allow you to move around, hike, and fast.
Each day includes centering prayer, major teachings on central masculine spirituality themes, ritual, quiet reflection in nature, and sharing in the context of a Council Circle. This is not about religion, but about spirituality, about age old traditions that guide us into manhood, about coming to trust that there is something much greater at work in our lives than we could ever imagine.
What the rite of passage is:
What the rite of passage is not:
Total Cost for the Texas MROP (meals, lodging, resources & event) or or 830-491-7604 or contact us here for more information. To register $545 Ghost Ranch, Abiquiú, New Mexico (5/23-27/18)
Trancedance Visionquest Ritual, Wilbert Alix. As we are approaching the transition of winter's darkness into the beginning of light, the time is right to dance our personal vision quest in this Neo-Shamanic Approach to Spiritual Well-Being. Trance Dance is a unique blend of healing sounds and rythms, breathing techniques and innovative sensory deprivation that induces a deep inner journey. The end result is a glimpse into mystical worlds, promoting spiritual awakening, mental clarity and emotional healing. Masonic Center, Sebastopol, CA, or 707.824.0997 (3/8-10/02)
Valley of the Ancestors: Ceremonial gathering and long dance, Brooke Medicine Eagle and Malidoma Some. When Brooke and Malidoma were last together at the San Francisco conference, they yearned for more extended time to work with the amazing power of Ceremony and Ritual - using its transformative power and potential for group offering to each and all her children. Their pledge to create that time of prayer, drumming, dance, and song is being made real with this gathering in the sacred valley of the Blacktail Ranch where the ancient spirits have eagerly interacted with Brooke for many years. This special gathering will take you to deeper levels of the work you came to do on Earth. It will give you tremendous empowerment to bring your finest gifts into reality at this crucial time on Earth. This coming together of primal energy from two continents will create a profound and magical time for all. Join our facilitators for this wild and wonderful wisdom gathering. Fly into Great Falls airport. Transportation to and from the airport is $35 round-trip. W&M (8/4-13/00) or or 406.442.8196.
The Well of Light! Doug von Koss & The Noah Project. A Solstice Evening full of Love & Chant & Community & Song. We will gather by Candle Light in a Great Hall. Blending our voices in Universal Chants. As our bodies breathe in Unison with Spirit. Singing out of the Dark & into the Light.. We will have tea & cookies, laughter & maybe tear, certainly Prayers & Affirmations while singing Praises & Blessings. With other Men and Women of good will on a Cold Winter Night. Finnish Brotherhood Hall, 1970 Chestnut (Off University) Berkeley, CA. $10.00 per person $8.00 seniors/students No one turned away.7-9:30p or (12/18/11, 12/22/13, 1/3/16)
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There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there
is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the
soul - Victor Hugo
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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