Aphrodisiac Dinner
Dominant by Day,
Submissive by Night
Feng Shui Your Love
The Independent Woman
and the Metrosexual Man
Naturally Increase
Possessive and
Psycho or
Ready For the R
Sexual Networking in the
Fish Bowl
The Thirty Year Old Sexual
Theories of Female
Thou Shalt Not
Tick Tock Goes the Love
Thou Shalt Not Snoop
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in a
relationship is snooping. We are all guilty of it.
We have all been suspicious of our partner's
activities and have resorted to digging through the
personal effects of our lover's life trying to find
proof that the suspicionswe feel are not unfounded.
Unfortunately, it is the actual act of snooping,
and not that innocent love letter you found which
was written 10 years ago and before you two even
met, which will cause strain, harm and even end the
relationship. In most cases, the snooping itself is
the real crime, not any evidence you might
Everyone who has been in a real and committed
relationship has resorted to snooping in one sense
or another. Don't worry about it, I am not
condemning you. It is normal and we are all curious
about the ones we love. We all have a normal desire
to make sure that we can really trust the person
who is in charge of our hearts. We worry that if
our beloved is not being honest or faithful, our
heart will be broken. Is he or she lying about
anything or being devious behind our backs?
Sometimes the curiosity or belief is so great that
we cannot help ourselves and we begin a slow
process of invading our loved one's privacy.
The problem with snooping is evident. Most
likely you have convinced yourself that your mate
has been untrue. Instead of believing him or her
when that person tells you nothing is going on, you
decide to go through all personal belongings to
prove your intuitions are correct. You might go
through his or her private papers, his or her desk
and private drawers, check through incoming and
outgoing phone call lists and even try to break
into his or her email and view online activities.
When you start to rummage through your lover's
personal belongings, a mental switch flips in your
head. You become entranced and almost hell bent on
finding some artifact which might prove that he or
she has been deceptive in the integrity of your
relationship. When that happens, the smallest and
most innocent finding could be turned into a
monumental grievance in your own head. In short,
you start making mountains out of molehills. If you
start snooping through your lover's personal
effects, you will always find something you don't
like. And to make it worse, you might then even
convince yourself that he or she was hiding this
piece of evidence from you purposefully. Does this
sound familiar?
If you do find something that is upsetting to
you and you feel as if your partner has been untrue
in some way, the evidence you found will only harm
your relationship. You think that by digging out
parts of his or her private life will help your
relationship. What you seek is to know every little
dark and dirty secret, unveil any sins and bring
them to light and then demand that he or she make
it up to you. It is almost as if you want some sort
of vindication and you believe that outing any past
misgivings will cause your lover to break down, beg
forgiveness if needed and reaffirm his or love for
you. Well, that is the exact opposite of what is
going to happen. Instead, your beloved will only be
completely irritated with you for snooping. You
have no excuse for this. And it will make matters
even worse if what you found is really
insignificant. Instead of your lover becoming more
open with you, which is what you desire, your
paramour will only retreat into more privacy and
will keep a tighter grip on his or her personal
life. Passwords and codes will be changed and doors
will be locked. Why on earth should he or she let
you in if all your are going to do is try to find
something to yell at him or her about?
In a healthy, loving and trusting relationship
neither one of you will keep any locked doors.
Meaning, neither one of you will keep anything
hidden from the other person. This is what will
prevent any snooping in the future. If you are in a
serious and committed relationship, you should make
sure that your lover never has anything to worry
about. It is almost as if your lives fuse into one
and secrets are not kept. You still need to have a
personal life but you can do so without
purposefully hiding things or keeping secrets. Make
sure the one you love has all of your passwords and
pass code, be sure and tell them about anything
naughty that you might still have (anything from
old love letters to porn on your computer), make
sure that your lover is always invited out when you
go out with your friends and family and do not keep
any secret relations with people that you should
not be in touch with. If it is a serious
relationship you want, then you need to learn how
to live in one and promote a healthy relationship.
If you do not, your lover will become increasingly
agitated, will begin to argue with you on trivial
matters, will undoubtedly become suspicious and
will eventually resort to snooping. However, if you
unlock all doors to your lover, he or she will
never have reason to doubt you. The trust will grow
and grow to the point that he or she will never
doubt you and will never have the desire to snoop.
Voila....you have just created your own personal
space which will never be violated by your lover
because there is no need.
Finally, if there are too many tell tale signs
in your relationship which are causing you to have
the urge to snoop, you should have a talk with your
lover to discuss them. Sometimes you don't need
intuition to know that your lover is being
dishonest. For example, when your lover steps out
of the room to talk to someone or quickly hangs up
when you enter, if he or she refuses to ever let
you see his or her email, if he or she never brings
you out with his or her friends and things of this
nature, of course you have good reason to believe
that this person is hiding things from you. If you
bring these issues up to your lover and get little
to no response or a defensive response, you can
pretty much assume that he or she is hiding
important things from you. When a person is this
secretive in a relationship, he or she is hiding
many things from you. You don't need to snoop to
figure this out. Either demand that he or she
change his ways and let you in completely or just
leave because this is not a healthy relationship.
But don't resort to snooping if you still want to
keep working on you relationship. It will only make
you upset and cause the relationship to crumble. If
you decide you want to leave but don't have a good
enough reason, go ahead and snoop. Most likely you
will find some incriminating evidence which you can
use as an excuse for saying goodbye.
Theories of Female
I have always been curious about the guides and
manuals geared towards men about how to pick up
women. Most of them always boast some exaggerated
claims such as 'never be turned down again', 'sleep
with a different woman every night', 'have women
beg for your affections' and 'it doesn't matter if
you are fat, bald, short or and broke'. Although I
don't seriously see myself ever going head over
heels for a short, fat bald man who leaches on me
for money because he doesn't have two pennies to
rub together, stranger things have happened. So I
decided to investigate some of these seduction
theories and groups for my own edification.
I recently purchased, The Game: Penetrating the
Secret Society of Pickup Artists, by Neil Strauss,
mostly because of its appearance. The book comes
disguised as a bible with its black leather
covering and gold trimmed pages and gold embossing.
Clever. It is also over 450 pages and comes
complete with a full glossary defining all of the
pick-up terms used within the book
which were created by the writer and his cohorts.
To be honest, I thought this little book would be
more of a gimmick filled with boring and needless
details, but it really wasn't. The book was
fascinating. It went through a lot of the steps
that these successful pick-up artists would use on
unsuspecting bombshells, successfully, and also
revealed the sordid lives of his pick-up lair
centered in Los Angeles addressing drugs, sex,
parties, alcohol, you name it. It was truly
fascinating and a little outrageous. When I read
the part concerning one of the artists successfully
picking up Paris Hilton I became a little concerned
that the author may have been pulling a James Frey
on me. Nevertheless, the story line was captivating
and entertaining.
I skimmed through most of the book, only really
interested in how these artists believe they could
casually walk into a bar or meat market, identify a
target, and have her come home with him within an
hour. Could a guy do that with me? I seriously
doubt it....but then again I am the kind of girl
that always has to be in control of the situation.
Still, I was impressed with the series of steps
given for an easy pick-up. I have my own critique
for each step. Her are just a few:
He Says: Smiling. Always smile when you enter a
room because it tells people that you are happy,
confident and a hell of a lot of fun to be
I Say: I couldn't agree more. When a guy walks
into a room with no smile I either assume that he
thinks he is too good for everyone else, almost as
if he expects women to swoon to him just for
looking so darn good (what girl would want to be
with someone so high maintenance?) or that he has
some serious social problems which need to be
worked on, i.e. he is nervous, has low self esteem
and is boring.
He Says: The Peacock Theory: Women are attracted
to men who stand apart from everyone else. Where
something bright and colorful, a conversation
piece. Leave the boring old brown khakis at
I Say: True. It may sound silly but this is very
true. You look like fun, you look like you are very
confident, you know what you want.... I wouldn't
suggest sporting a bright green mohawk, just try
not to look boring. The author gives some good tips
in this department.
He Says: After identifying the target, walk up
to the group and have an opener to allow you to
start talking to them. Ignore the target for a
while and talk to everyone else in the group while
making it seem to the target that you are the life
of the party.
I say: With practice, you should be able to walk
up to anyone and talk to them and to be able to
engage the entire group in conversation which will
make you look good. But if a guy is talking to
everyone else but me I would instantly either smell
a trap or assume that he is not interested in me.
This would turn me against him right away and I
would give him the cold shoulder for the rest of
the evening. Fortunately for you pick-up wannabes,
most younger women, women with low self esteem
and/or low intellect and party-goers will fall
right into this trap.
He says: Direct your attention towards the
target and insult her gently with silly little
negative comments always followed by a smile.
I say: Huh? I read some of the comments offered
as suggestions and I don't think I would be so
amused. But then again I am a born New Englander.
If a guy insulted me in front of people you can
better believe I will through a brutal insult in
his direction and walk away (if I don't throw my
drink in his face). If this strategy works, it
works on women who do not think much of themselves.
But for picking up women to take home,
then I guess it suits its purpose.
He says: After entertaining the group for a
while, isolate your target into a one on one
situation and engage her in meaningless
conversation designed to fascinate her. He tells of
how to use magic tricks and little fascinating mind
tricks to keep her enthralled. You would have to
read this chapter to understand this in fine detail
but you get the picture.
I say: This solidifies my theory that the only
women these groups are picking up are either truly
mindless or are looking to be picked up in the
first place. I think if a guy used one of these
little games on me to peek my interest I might
laugh uncontrollably. However, the theory is
correct about keeping someone's interest. His games
were a little too prosaic for me, but I personally
like to be with a guy who teaches me new things
every day. The premise is the same....stimulation
is needed.
He Says: The Cat and String Theory. If you
dangle the string in front of the cat, it plays
with the string wildly but if you just throw the
string down, the cat will look at it and walk away.
He uses this analogy to describe women. For
example, if a woman hugs you and you hug back and
then stay by her side touching her..she will back
off. If she hugs you and then you walk away a
little, she will be following you all night.
I say: For the most part this is true. A woman
likes to feel in control. If you are cramping her
space too much leaving her will little choice to
make on her own, she will back off. But if you
allow her to make the choice, she will feel more
free, safe and secure and she will be the one
chasing you. Correct.
Mr. Strauss goes into further detail about
reading her signals, interpreting positive signals
and successfully completing the deal. More chapters
go into sealing the contract once back at your pad
and how to seduce her into sex. It was an
interesting read and I think most men and women
would enjoy this informative book. It is as bold as
it is entertaining. All seduction books, guides and
manuals are meant for guys who just want to
increase their sex score. In my opinion, the kind
of women you will be hooking up with due to these
methods, although potentially extremely hot, are
not dating material. They are women who are in it
for the moment. These books are not for someone
looking for a relationship....they could do more
harm than good.
Everyone has dreams, even the people who say they
never remember their dreams. Dreams are conjured
throughout the sleep cycle however there is a
certain amount of memory erasure which occurs as
the sleep cycle occurs which is why it is hard to
remember dreams in general. Your strongest and most
vivid dreams occur in the Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
cycle which occurs near the end of your sleep
cycle, and these are the dreams you are apt to
remember. When the alarm goes off or you wake up in
the middle of your REM without the normal
transition from REM to the final Delta cycle and
then to natural waking, you are bound to have some
recall of the dreams you were just
Dreams are usually a reflection of your emotions
and the result of the feelings you were
experiencing the day before. Most dreams make
absolutely no sense, but if you try to gather some
of the basic feelings within those dreams, you
might be able to understand them better. Dreams of
love, sex or anger within a relationship can help
you to understand what is going on in your life.
Conversely, if you already have acknowledged your
feelings in your daily ongoings, then you will
understand why you dream what you dream. Some
doctors also believe that your dreams are a way of
expressing emotion which you may have bottled up if
you tend to not express the way you feel to others
easily. With this in mind, dreams can be a natural
outlet for your emotional needs.
To dream of love or of being in love suggests
that you are very happy in your current
relationship. Your life is a bed of roses and you
couldn't be happier, you are even gushing in your
dreams. However, it could also mean that you are
not getting enough of that loving attention you so
desire. You crave that love so much, and think of
it so often, that it is only natural for you to
dream about it. You might also dream about your
lover or spouse. Usually this indicates a good
amount of self worth and acknowledgment of your
union together and your mutual dependency. Dreaming
about your ex-lover is common and very often occurs
at the onset of a new relationship. It simply
brings to the surface any apprehension and hurt
stemming from that old relationship which you fear
may occur again. Another common dream is the one
about your crush. You might be dreaming that this
particular person is desperately in love with you.
Naturally, this is because you have a one track
mind and your constant preoccupation with your
beloved has leaked into your dreams. However, if
you dream that this person hates you or is angry
with you, this just shows you how much you fear
being hurt. This dream also reveals your
Affection in dreams is common. Just as with
love, if you are dreaming about giving or receiving
affection, you might be simply expressing your
contentment in your waking life. If you are in a
very happy relationship, dreams of affection can
fill your night. Conversely, you might not be
getting enough affection and your constant cravings
have begun infiltrating your dreams. To dream of
hugging someone truly represents your caring
nature, the way you take care of and hold someone.
Kissing is usually a good dream and again signifies
your emotional happiness. But have you ever had
that annoying dream when the dream ends right
before you kiss someone? This dream usually means
that you are unsure of the relationship, its
direction and/or its stability. If you have dreamed
about kissing your friend's lover, don't worry.
This does not mean you have deep and unseen
feelings for this person, it merely represents your
desire to be in a relationship. Touching someone in
your dream can mean that you are trying to
communicate with that person or it could represent
your deep emotional bonds with that person.
Most people have had some pretty bizarre sexual
dreams but most of them are also common. For
instance, did you know that an expectant father
often dreams of homosexual encounters? That is what
the experts say. To dream that you are a homosexual
when you are not actually denotes your love for
yourself and your acceptance of all parts of your
life. A very common dream for people is the dream
of making love outdoors and in public. This dream
speaks about some sexual issue in your life which
needs to be addressed. You might be feeling shame
or comfortableness in that area. Oral sex can be a
fun dream. Whether you are giving or receiving,
this dream simply signifies that you enjoy the
giving or receiving. Regular sexual dreams are
often a way for your body to tell you that you are
not getting enough of that loving feeling, but you
probably knew that already. To dream about sex with
someone other than your significant other might
mean there is some dissatisfaction with your sex
life, but usually it is just a harmless and common
fantasy so don't worry. Having sex with your ex in
a dream is also common, especially before taking a
big new step in a relationship. This dream
represents your feelings of anxiety in the new
relationship and maybe even a little fear of
experiencing the same emotional pain that an ex
caused you.
We all go through tough times especially in
relationships. When you are having relationship and
emotional problems you can expect some pretty
intense dreams. And they all are a way to breathe
emotionally and express some feelings that you have
trouble voicing. Common dreams during such times
are dreams of separation which suggest a fear of
separation, dreams of quarreling which suggest
difficult issues that you are unable to get your
mate to understand, dreams of severe fighting which
represent deep emotional turmoil, and dreams of
divorce which symbolize the fear of your
relationship breaking apart. Crying in your dreams
may also be frequent. To cry in your dreams and
have no one hear you cry is a dream which shows how
helpless you feel. Very often, you might even wake
yourself up crying because the emotions are so
Most people only remember bits and pieces of
their dreams but these small fragments offer a
glimpse into our emotional lives. Try keeping a
small pad and pen by your bed and start writing
about your dream as soon as you wake up if you can.
You can try to understand the dreams yourself by
trying to relate to the mood and emotions you were
experiencing in the dream or you can read up on
that dream using dream dictionaries online and in
books. Dream interpretation is a clever tool for
emotional and relationship self help.
Possessive and Controlling
I wanted to send a warning out to all of my
relationship-seeking friends concerning the nature
of a potentially possessive and controlling new
companion. It might seem that your new boyfriend or
girlfriend has a small insecurity problem and you
might even think it is cute when he or she sticks
by your side, asks you all sorts of personal
questions, wants all of the details of your past
relationships and demands to know whom you talk to.
You might even be flattered by all of the sudden
attention. But I want you to stop and seriously
assess your relationship if your new partner is
coming on a bit too strong. There might be a very
serious and negative drawback to this behavior.
When you first get involved with someone who is
a bit pushy you may be so turned off you will end
up walking away. But every so often you come across
what seems to be the greatest person you have ever
met, and even though he or she is a little bit
over the top, you don't care because
you are falling in love with that person
irregardless of his or her possessive nature. You
can't help it, everyone falls in love from time to
time. If that person is seriously falling in love
with you too, that is why he/she is treating you in
such a controlling manner. However, their feelings
are coming out in a controlling form due to a much
deeper philosophy.
Pretty soon that person is checking your email,
demanding to know which ex-lover you still speak
to, asking who you speak to at work who might be of
the opposite sex and more. The attention flatters
you and you might even fall deeper in love because
you are convinced that this attention means that
they are really serious about you! You get the good
attention along with the bad. He or she talks about
the future a lot, maybe even mentions marriage and
says how obsessed and in love they are with you.
Its a great feeling! You become entranced in the
relationship and you might even become fused into
one person as time goes on. Their reasons for why
they are so worried about your affairs seem
genuine. He or she is only concerned about your
intent, right?
Then the relationship goes up a notch. Your
obsessed and possessive partner asks you not to
talk to certain people of the opposite sex, mainly
your exes, you can't go out for a night with your
girlfriends or guy friends, he or she calls you
constantly, your phone calls, text messages and
emails are continuously monitored and pretty soon
it gets to the point where you are not even allowed
to speak to someone of the opposite sex. At first
you might resist. But after much persuasion by your
lover, you begin to see his or her side of the
situation, and the intentions start to look noble.
He or she might tell you that it is a simple matter
of respect for the relationship, and that he or she
would do the exact same thing for you if only
asked. You begin to believe that your behavior has
been wrong this whole entire time and that you must
change it. After that, it all goes downhill from
there. You fall into a co-dependent state within
the relationship. Pretty soon, all you know is your
lover. You have been isolated from any and all of
your friends and you begin to depend on your lover
emotionally. That is when the floor drops right
beneath your feet with the noose tight around your
There is a main and fundamental reason why your
loved one was acting so suspicious, controlling and
possessive. The reason why, and I am sure you have
heard this before, is because he or she is afraid
you will treat them they way they are prone to
behave. For example, if your man or woman is
suspicious of you flirting with other people, that
is because your lover is the real flirt. If they
are afraid you are talking to exes, that is because
they do it all the time. And trust me, if your
lover tells you that he or she would do the same
for you when asking you to cut off communications
with a particular person, trust me....they won't.
And of course the same goes for cheating. If your
loved one is constantly worried or suspicious that
you might cheat, guess why? Your lover is prone to
cheating. You might think that this is different in
your case. You might think that, No, he or
she only acts this way because my lover is crazy
about me!. I hate to break it to you, but
that is not the real reason why. It is true that
this person might be, and probably is, crazy about
you! But there are deeper reasons for this insane
behavior. He or she is worried that you might cheat
because that person holds the cheating heart.
What often happens next is that you find out
about your partner's true lifestyle and behavior
after he or she already has you in their grip. You
have become emotionally dependent on them, and then
you find out that you have been betrayed time and
time again without you ever knowing it. When that
happens, your world crumbles. You imagined that
your lover would never ever hurt you or betray you,
not after they preached about the importance of
honesty and fidelity for so long! You will get hurt
by even the smallest of betrayals because it hurts
your ego. You have become so emotionally dependent
on that person that you use that person to make you
feel good about yourself. Therefore, they might not
even intend to hurt you and you still get hurt!
This is why emotional dependency is wrong. You, and
only you, are the one person who should be making
yourself happy about you, not your lover. To be
honest, it gets worse from there. You feel betrayed
and incredibly hurt and you end up taking it out on
your lover. You become just as controlling as they
were and start to ask them to do the same kind of
things for you. It doesn't work because he or she
will not comply and will even start to back away.
This will infuriate you more because you are so
emotionally involved and attached in the
relationship. It is at this point where you need to
seek help because it will only get worse if you do
not. It could lead to depression and even deeper
psychiatric problems. At the very least, it will
leave you in a detached state of general
unhappiness and bad feelings.
A person in this situation needs to break free.
It does not mean you have to break free from the
relationship. There are many things that can be
overcome and if love is true, the relationship will
prevail. But a person dealing with the loss of his
or her control over the emotional life needs to
work on restoring that independence and it can be
as simple as making a conscious effort. No longer
will you let him or her dominate your personal
life, you will end up getting back your social life
and you will make an effort to realize that you do
not need that person to make you happy. You can do
that all on your own.
Naturally Increase
As we all get older, we may notice a significant
decrease in sexual appetite in ourselves or our
significant other. The loss of libido may signify
loss of attraction, bad health, hormonal issues,
menopause or more serious problems such as erectile
dysfunction. For most people, a decreased desire
for sex is a combination of poor habits, health
issues and time-cramped lifestyles. The good news
is that there are ways to help increase your libido
naturally without drugs and without seeking medical
attention. However, to increase the waning libido
of your partner, he or she would need to commit to
the necessary steps on their own. It is not
something you can force on someone and it is not as
easy as taking a pill every day.
The number one way to improve your sexual
prowess is exercise. Are you moaning yet?
Unfortunately for you couch potatoes, it is true.
Not only does regular exercise benefit your sex
life, it helps you out in so many other ways as
well. First of all, exercise gives you energy. Even
if you are drop dead tired from the day's
activities, you could spend a half hour to an hour
at the gym and feel completely rejuvenated. Without
doing so, you might come home from work and spend
the rest of the evening on the couch flipping
through the prime time TV shows. Even after an hour
or two relaxing on the couch, you never seem to get
your energy back and on the couch you stay. But if
you go get some exercise at the gym, you come home
feeling like you just woke up. You run around the
house taking care of chores and giving attention to
your loved ones. Your energy level is peaked and it
lasts for hours. One of the most incredible times
to have sex is right after working out.....while
you and your lover are washing off that sweat in
the shower. Delicious. Exercise also helps you to
have a great night of sleep when you finally turn
in for bed and being well rested is fundamental
component for a healthy sex life.
Exercise produces the hormone testosterone in
the body which is considered the most important
sexual hormone. Most people associate testosterone
with men, but this is an absolutely essential
hormone that women need for sexual arousal. This is
why sex is the absolute best for women right after
working out. It is obviously required for men for
stronger erections. And since, exercise helps to
stimulate the production of testosterone, I tend to
see exercise as a way of making people randy.
Furthermore, cardiovascular activities increases
the blood flow to the sex organs and a healthy sex
life requires proper blood flow to these organs.
Poor circulation from a lack of exercise can cause
even more problems in the sex life.
After exercise, diet is the next biggest factor
in libido levels, if not it is the equal to
exercise. As I have said before, testosterone
production is necessary for sexual arousal, but a
bad diet can limit the production of this necessary
hormone. For example, dehydration limits hormone
production and therefore too much alcohol and
caffeine can really do a number on your sex
cravings. Alcohol actually reduces the production
of testosterone in men. Drunken sex might be fun
while you are young but it just doesn't work as you
get older. Foods heavy in saturated fat can
eventually clog arteries and lead to poor
circulation which, as I stated above, plays a
negative role in libido. However, you do need fat
for the production of hormones, it is absolutely
required. This is why natural and unsaturated fats
are needed in a healthy body. Have you see those
women who are rail thin lately, the so called
perfectly toned models without an ounce of fat on
their bellies? Guess, what? Sex for them is
probably horrible because they are not able to
produce enough testosterone to get excited. This
should make every woman feel better. Speaking of
women, try adding more soy into your diet. Soy
actually binds estrogen receptors and it even helps
the vaginal areas stay lubricated! Soy is also
beneficial to men as it aids the prostate.
A surprising aid in libido increase is natural
sunlight. Natural sunlight is detected by the body
through the eye's retina. Natural light suppresses
the production of melatonin in the body which is
produced both in the retina and in the pineal gland
of the brain. To make a long story short, melatonin
produces hormones which suppress the natural
appetite for sex in the body. You produce more
melatonin in the winter months and less in the
summer months when the natural sunlight is at a
peak in volume. This is why you seem a lot
hornier in the summer than you do in
the frigid winter. It could also explain why
promiscuity and a heightened awareness of sexual
activity is more prominent in the warmer and
sunnier climates of the world. Have you ever
noticed that? For couples that live in a colder and
seasonal climate, you can still get boosts of
natural sunlight with plenty of outdoor activities
in the daytime such as skiing.
The Independent Woman
and the Metrosexual Man
A lot of people are starting to wonder why dating
in the big city has suddenly become such a
perplexing and complicated experience. And when,
exactly, did this happen? The dating scene has
always been a little troublesome for some people
and could even feel like more of a chore than what
should be a fun time. But lately the single jungle
of Houston and other large cities are changing and
evolving into more complex designs of mass
confusion. We seem to be moving faster and faster
into complete chaos rather than assimilating into
the well preserved roles that our mothers and
fathers laid out for us.
Gender roles are changing and this is the basic
concept that is generally holding many of us back
from entering successful relationships. More and
more people are remaining single for longer periods
of time. Part of this is because we are finding it
difficult to accept and understand the new gender
roles of our mates, even if we, ourselves, are
holding to those new standards.
The roles of women have gone through the most
dramatic changes. They have changed more in the
last two generations than in the last two
millenniums. Due to mass media, urbanization and
politics, women have achieved equality to men in
education and the workplace and everywhere else you
look. And thanks to the sexual revolution, we have
freed our minds. Women are now able to support
themselves and raise their own children without the
help of a man, thus escaping the traditional role
of mother and wife. Our new
found independence is something we fear giving
back. The independent woman does not want to be
controlled or told what to do. She will never again
be the docile little lamb once sought after for
marrying purposes.
This change in the lives of women in large
cities has led to a second major change, this one
in men. Men have moved from being the gruff, rugged
males to becoming metrosexual (a term
coined by gay journalist Mark Simpson). Men have
started to take over some of the duties that women
had always controlled. There are women working
alongside these men in the office. And thanks to
sexually homogenous advertising, the meterosexual
has been created. This new male breed has matching
ensembles for every occasion, never has a bad hair
day, loves manicures and smells like roses. He has
no problem shopping, attending the opera and buying
new shoes. The metrosexual is completely in touch
with his feminine side but there is just one thing:
he is straight.
Suddenly, the roles that we are used to having
our mates fill are no longer being filled. The
metrosexual is now asking why he has to pay for
every date, open doors and pick a woman up at her
door since the women are now so independent and
financially equal. Yet these men still secretly
yearn for that woman who will do the housework and
raise the children just like mom did. The
independent woman has become too afraid to give
back that independence she worked so hard for only
to begin relying more on a man than herself. Why
should she when the danger still lies of being
tossed aside one day? Yet, in her heart, she also
desires the manly man who will sweep her off of her
feet and take away all of her problems, just like
her daddy once did.
We have now entered what appears to be a never
ending cycle that can only be broken by trust. The
once praised nuclear family with the hard working
father and stay at home mother is slowly
dissipating. From now on, men and women will be
taking on more equal roles in relationships and
families. The question is: when will we become
comfortable enough to let it happen?
Romantic Vacations
If you have entered into what could be a serious
relationship, then at some point in time the two of
you should escape into a private romantic vacation.
A retreat for just the two of you. When your
relationship begins to fuse into a single life
force and your entire world suddenly begins to
revolve around each other, things can sometimes
start to get routine or dull. The excitement might
be starting to fade, although the love is just as
strong as it ever was, and life is getting back to
its boring old self. This is especially true once
you move in together. You get up, go to work, go to
the gym, do errands, clean the house and go to bed.
You cuddle up and watch the same television shows
together, make plans with the same friends on the
weekends and go to the same restaurants for dinner
out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with
becoming comfortable with your lover. Life can't
always be a daytime soap opera. But opting to take
a romantic vacation together can turn out to be an
indelible time together you will never forget.
There are many types of vacations you and your
lover can take. Choosing the one that is right for
you makes all the difference. Many people say that
a vacation with your loved one is actually one of
the more stressful times you can have where you
relationship is concerned. This is actually very
true; but it doesn't have to be. If you pick the
wrong type of vacation, you could potentially be at
each other's throats and ready to kill by the end
of the week.
There are two main types of vacations a couple
can take: A romantic vacation or a sight-seeing
vacation. But what is the difference? The two
categories I have chosen are very generalized but
there is a major difference. With a romantic
vacation the two of you will get plenty of
relaxation, rejuvenation, pampering, lounging and
easy time to spend together. On a sight seeing
adventure you and your lover will be on the
go-go-go. You won't stay in one place for too long,
you will be constantly planning the next place to
go and the next sight to see and you will be busy
navigating and trying to communicate with the
locals if you are in a different country. You might
have a wonderful time, but the stress is going to
build and build.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a
wonderful sight-seeing tour with your lover,
especially if traveling is your passion. But if you
are looking specifically for a romantic vacation,
then you might want to rethink the European tour. A
vacation for two in Europe, for example, might
sound wonderful and even romantic. The problem is
that you are going to want to see as many sights
and countries as you can in your short time. The
majority of your time will be spent on the road or
train, in banks exchanging currency, looking at
maps and trying to find somewhere to eat and even
find a bathroom. Pretty soon you will find yourself
quarreling about which place to go next and because
you spend so much time side by side together, you
might get a tad bit annoyed with each other. This
is normal, but not very romantic.
If you want to escape into a romance filled and
lascivious vacation, then what you want is to go to
one place for the weekend or for the whole week. A
resort will have the best effect. Whether it is a
resort in the snowy Alpine peaks or a resort on the
sandy white beaches of the Carribbean, love and
romance will be the number one priority. There will
be nothing to worry about. Drinks are brought to
your lounge chair and meals are paid for. You can
take turns deciding what to do for the day, but for
the most part you both know you are going to get
plenty of lounging, napping and love making into
the day. There is nothing to cause you any great
stress and the two of you should be all smiles for
the entire vacation. A romantic vacation is a
peaceful vacation.
You should also take into consideration a few
tips to make your amorous vacation just perfect.
First, leave your work at home. Don't try and use
your cell phone to make business calls and leave
your briefcase and laptop where it belongs: at the
office. If you get caught thinking about business,
your lover might be less than thrilled; he or she
might even be downright insulted. Also, make sure
everyone in your office knows not to call you,
don't even give them the name of your resort.
Second, try not to worry about what is going on
back home. Let your worries and anxieties slip away
into oblivion. You are on vacation, try and realize
this. Some people have a difficult time letting
themselves wind down. Third, make a decent effort
to be loving to your partner. You are not the only
one on vacation, you partner also deserves this
break. Make unexpected and loving gestures in the
name of love and romance. Buy your sweetheart
something to remember the vacation with, give him
or a her a back rub on the beach, buy a bunch of
flowers from a vendor on the street or think of a
special way to say, I love you. If you
give a little, you will get a lot in return. It
will make your vacation the most romantic getaway
you have ever had
Stop Nagging!
One of the predominant reasons for the demise of a
relationship is nagging. We all know what
nagging is and we have all been either
the nagger or the recipient of hard core nagging at
one time or another. Usually thought of as a
feminine trait that only women are supposed to do,
men also have the ability to badger beyond belief.
Most people who nag their partners don't even
realize they are doing it. The only thing which
incessant nagging will do is push that special
person away. This is always the exact opposite of
its intent.
The prevailing reason why most people harass
their lovers is because they don't feel like they
are getting the response or attention they should
be getting. Someone might nag about household
chores, getting a new job, quitting smoking, not
staying out late, financial issues and more. But
saying the same thing over and over and over again
is nagging. Even if you find new ways to state your
demands, you are still saying the same thing and
the object of your affections is still being and
feeling nagged. The nagger wants a certain response
and usually feels as if the other person is just
not listening, so the nagger NAGS some more.
Meanwhile, the person getting the heaping piles of
orders, demands and nagging comments is getting
pushed away. He or she will just end up walking
away, ignoring the nagger even more and causing a
great big fat circle that will not end until he or
she ends the relationship.
I knew this one girl a few years ago who I
befriended because we ended up being in the same
circle of friends. She was a fun girl, a likable
character and absolutely gorgeous But she always
had a tough time keeping a guy. Here is a great
example of why. She was dating this man
for a while. He was quite a catch and considered
one of the most eligible bachelors in Houston. He
was charming, handsome, well established, cultured
and financially well endowed. This girl, whom I
shall call Kiki, was about to turn thirty. For her
birthday Kiki's paramour told her that he was
taking Kiki to a mutual friend's house for dinner
and drinks. Unbeknownst to her, he had invited
about 100 people for a surprise party and he was
carrying a diamond ring in his pocket to Pop
the Big One that very evening. During the car
ride over to her secret surprise party Kiki let
loose on her boyfriend. She told him over and over
that she could not believe all he was doing for her
30th birthday was taking her to dinner with
friends. She nagged him terribly, even yelled at
him, during the 40 minute ride. Needless to say,
she apologized when she discovered all of her
closest friends and family waiting for her. A
surprise which he so thoughtfully arranged. Kiki
never saw a diamond ring that night. He never even
told Kiki about the ring. The next day he returned
the ring and broke it off with Kiki. To this day
she has no idea that he was about to propose and
that he broke it off with her because of her
childish nagging. I still don't have the heart to
tell her.
Although I do adore this woman with all my
heart, I will say he did the right thing. I think
most people out there would not dare to be so rude
and act disappointed with your lover's gift making
him or her feel badly. This was an extreme case of
aggressive nagging. It was done only to make him
feel bad because she felt neglected. There are a
lot of men and women who act like this. If you nag
and treat your new romance in this manner, it won't
last. Nagging will never get you what you want. I
will say it again: nagging only pushes people
If you feel like you might be nagging your lover
to death you might want to think about why you are
doing this. You might even want to seek counseling.
If you love your significant other and you want to
keep your relationship intact, you must realize the
negative impact that nagging will create. The
unnecessary stress will eventually push your mate
towards breaking up, divorce or straight into
someone else's arms. If you feel that you are not
getting the consideration or feedback you desire,
you can get that attention back when you stop the
pestering. You will stop pushing that person away
and he or she might actually start to give you the
response you wanted all on his or her own.
If you are the person being nagged you might
feel like there is nothing you can do. I don't want
to tell you to bite your tongue, that will only
cause anger to rage inside of you. If you get
nagged enough without saying a word, you could
eventually blow up. Instead of saying nothing,
remember why this person is nagging you: he or she
is not getting the response from you which is
needed to quell the nagging. If you want it to
stop, think of a way that will appease this person.
If he or she is nagging you, tell your lover that
he or she is right and you will do
something to resolve the situation.
This will quickly put a lid on the nagging, for the
moment anyways. And only try to calm these
situations if this is a relationship you are
willing to keep and work for. If the nagging turns
to verbal and/or emotional abuse, it may be high
time to start walking.
Aphrodisiac Dinner
Dinner dates with new companions can make or break
a budding romance. First dates can be nerve
racking. Planning the date can be particularly
difficult. Where should you go, what should you do
and what would be enjoyable? You might worry that
your date will not like the restaurant, the food or
worse yet, the company. Once the date begins you
may sometimes struggle with conversation, feel
awkward and suffer from anxiety. Don't be ashamed,
it happens to everyone.
What you need to do is have a plan. Once you
have a course of action in place, you can stay
focused. You will have more on your mind than the
impending fate of your date. With this in mind you
should be able to focus on the fine details of your
production instead of wondering if he or she will
like you. This will immediately restore your
confidence and it will give you something else to
worry about! A quintessential part of your grand
design should be controlling what kind of
delicacies are to be consumed.
Well planned and prepared meals can be a journey
through sensuality. You don't have to be a master
chef to concoct a tantalizing meal, but take some
time to familiarize yourself with natural foods and
herbs which directly affect the senses as well as
hormone and vitamin levels. A great meal can be an
aphrodisiac on a number of levels: the way it is
prepared, the way it looks, the way it feels, the
way it smells, the way it tastes and the way it
makes you feel afterwards.
The absolute best and incomparable sort of
dinner date you can arrange is one that you prepare
yourself at your own home. In this scenario you can
be the male or the female, it does not matter. When
a guy cooks for a girl, the woman feels special,
elated, curious and very vulnerable because the man
is in complete and total control. And when the
woman cooks for her special guy, she gets to
showcase any special culinary talents which can
serve as a hint of more to come. When you cook for
someone at home you can control the food, the
ambiance, the music and even the romance. You are
also alone. You have a little bit less stress on
both parties because you are not in front of a
crowd of other diners and waiters, you can forget
about small formalities and you have a better
opportunity to be yourselves. And not to mention
cooking for someone is incredibly romantic in
itself. It shows heart, thoughtfulness and a
generous effort to please the other person.
The definition of an aphrodisiac is something
that arouses or intensifies sexual desire. There
are hundreds of different natural foods and herbs
that are thought to be aphrodisiacs usually
stemming from folklore and myths. To be exact,
there are no foods that will turn on sexual desire
like the flick of a switch. No scientific tests
have ever concluded that certain foods will
suddenly make you feel in the mood.
Forget about Spanish fly. All that ever did was
aggravate the urinal tract causing people to
confuse the tingling sensation in their pelvic
region with one of a sexual nature. However, there
are certain natural foods that can help alter and
guide the moment, and you might be surprised.
Asparagus may be at the top of list as a natural
aphrodisiac. It contains healthy doses of natural
vitamins and minerals including the two major
sex vitamins: vitamins D and E. Vitamin
D is responsible for hormone production including
sex hormones while vitamin E is responsible for
increasing the amount of oxygenated blood being
pumped into your sex organs. Notably, asparagus has
always been considered an aphrodisiac even in the
past because of its phallic appearance. The rest of
the nutrients in asparagus increase vitality and
work to energize the body by erradicating ammonia.
Other foods rich in the sex vitamins are eggs and
sunflower seeds. I don't think we can work in the
eggs for a romantic dinner, but try sprinkling your
salad with some delicious sunflower seeds.
Another aphrodisiac at the top of the list are
chiles. Not only do chiles increase the heart rate,
they also release endorphins into the body. Spicy
foods in general help the body to increase its
production of these so called happy
hormones which are utilized by the body to
cope with the burn. But the hormones have another
effect, they give us a natural high. Chocolate, a
popular aphrodisiac, also helps increase the
endorphin rush. Oysters on the half shell are not
as potent as you might think. They contain very
little nutritional value and the effect they have
are on men, not women. First, the sweet and salty
smell is very similar to the female pheromone and
second, they contain a high amount of the zinc
mineral which is a key ingredient for testosterone
Aphrodisiacs do not have to have an effect on
the body as described above. Delicious and fragrant
smells can put people in the right mood and even
make people feel more comfortable. For example, men
are insatiably attracted to the smell of
apple-cinnamon candles while women are pleased with
smell of lavender and rosemary spices. Use your
imagination with the food selection as well. Some
foods are just sexy. Grapes and champagne,
chocolate covered strawberries, artichokes with
hollandaise sauce and lamb chops are just a few of
my favorites.
Beauty Divine
The quest for beauty, age defiance and physical
enhancement are at an all time high. The beauty
industry, comprised of simple salons to
mega-corporate giants, pulls in billions of dollars
annually. People are obsessed with making
themselves beautiful and more attractive for their
own personal satisfaction and so others can see
them they want to be seen. Not only do people
search for ways to enhance themselves, but they
also seek beauty and attraction in other things,
most notably a dating partner.
Some people might conclude that canvassing the
importance of beauty in the dating world is a bit
gratuitous. We all know its out there and it can
even be considered nature's cruelest form of sexual
selection. You either have it or you don't.
However, I think it is a poignant topic of
consideration whether you are just now entering the
dating realm or you have been in it for years and
whether you are male or female. Today's society
places heavy weight on good looks in the work place
and in social scenes. You can't escape it and you
can not deny it. Amidst growing liberties,
democracy, the abolition of racial and religious
oppression and the rising demand for an open mind
one would naturally assume that our advanced
culture would not treat certain individuals better
simply because of advantageous genetic facial
features. But we all know that this is the furthest
from the truth. We see it every day.
Doctor Nancy Etcoff, a faculty member of Harvard
University and a psychologist at Massachusetts
General Hospital, has beautifully illustrated the
ageless hunt for beauty in her book Survival of the
Prettiest. I was enthralled with the hundreds of
references throughout history Dr. Etcoff found and
adapted to the importance of beauty. One of the
most interesting ones involved Eleanor Roosevelt.
When asked if she had any regrets she remarked that
she only wished she had been prettier. To hear a
statement such as this coming from a heroine to
women everywhere, it makes one want to examine why
and how being beautiful or handsome plays such a
dubious role in our every day lives. As Dr. Etcoff
examines this very thought further in her book, I
think it would be best if we just accept our
idealistic qualities and move on to facing
When it comes down to selecting new single men
and women we choose to date, our very first
assessment of the potential mate is based on looks.
Most people will say that they are looking for more
profound qualities such as character, motivation,
sensitivity, a commonality in activities, beliefs
and a sense of humor and that looks, although
important, are not at the top of the list. Of
course everyone wants to feel as if he or she had
more noble intents in mind. And although this may
be true, nature tends to sway our first choice.
Psychological tests upon tests show that we all
gravitate towards the more attractive person at
first. This is not something that we can readily
help, nor can we consider it malevolent behavior.
It is simply programmed into us from commercials,
magazine ads, celebrities and more. It is a learned
responsive behavior. While not everyone looks like
Naomi Campbell or Brad Pitt and there are only a
few genetic anomalies in this world who apparently
represent what we all should look like, we can all
take steps and measures to improve the way we look
and how we appear to others. It is the very first
rule in dating!
The first person you need to impress is
yourself. When you look good you feel good. Take
advantage of what modern science has created in the
field of beauty. From getting the basic proper
shampoo and conditioner for you hair to hair
regrowth products and surgery, from makeup to
enhance your features to elective surgery for more
dramatic effects. Your wardrobe should be a
priority issue as well. If you are still showing up
at the door to pick up your date in those same
ripped jeans you have had since the 1980's, think
about a complete wardrobe overhaul. Getting in
shape is an absolute must. Not only does it show
that you care about your body, it is essential for
your health and it will help you to feel great
physically and emotionally. The better you feel
about yourself, the more confident you will appear.
And confidence is a very sexy and appealing part of
your overall appearance.
In her book Dr. Etcoff assumes that people,
mostly men, are more attracted to beautiful people
for short term relationships while beauty is less
important when seeking a committed relationship.
However, it is that attractive quality of sex
appeal which will get you in the door. When you are
just getting to know people for dating purposes
such as with the use of online dating resources,
your appearance is going to be one of the most
compelling forces in attracting dates. Everyone
wants someone to fall in love with them for the
right reasons, but you can't change basic human
instinct and the natural affinity for beauty. You
don't have to be the most beautiful or most
handsome person in the room, but you can take the
time and effort to look the best you possibly
Tick Tock Goes the Love
You wake up in the morning, still tired from
staying up too late the night before, and hit
snooze about seventeen times before stumbling into
the shower. By the time you start rinsing the
shampoo out of your stinging eyes you are already
thinking about everything you have to do today. You
put your makeup on in the car and get to work late
as usual in desperate need of a caffeine fix, do
errands at lunch, pick up your dry cleaning before
the store closes after what is most likely another
late day in the office, make time for tanning and
an hour at the gym, and get home to a house you
have to clean. Every day is almost the same, you
are busting your hump trying to get this and that
done while your list of errands keeps growing. And
thanks to living in an exponentially growing
population in an overpopulated city you spend an
obnoxious amount of time in the car giving you more
time to think about everything you still need to
do. By the time you get home each day, you clean a
little, shovel your special diet food that you
ordered online (who has time to actually shop in a
store and leisurely browse anymore?) which costs a
small fortune and tastes like chicken feed and
crawl into bed. Then you stay up late with your
mind like a maelstrom worrying about everything you
did not get accomplished. When does anyone have
time for a relationship?
People who live and work in the city without a
significant other or children are always on the go.
You might think that a single man or woman lives
the life of leisure: no obligations, no pressure,
just complete freedom. And I suppose that there are
plenty of single men and women who just stroll home
after work, order pizza and plant their tushes on
the couch to watch their usual prime time
television line up. But these are the people whose
tushes are the same size as the couch. Hey, no
ambition, no life. However, these days our lives
are getting busier and busier for most people.
There is so much for us to do every day. Even the
singlets of this world are screaming for more time.
I seriously wonder how people are able to raise
children today. I know I barely have time for
nookie at the end of the day.
Perhaps it is because many people living in the
city go through several stages of social behaviors
and desires in their lives. At first we are the
struggling young professionals straight out of
college, accepting a bottom of the food chain job
and struggling on a $20K salary. These were the
days of buying raman noodles in bulk and picking up
a bartending job in the evenings. You can't even
afford to date at this age. And if you could, when
would you have time? Finally you get a better
paying job and you move up in the business world.
But now you have entered a whole new social world.
You are financially able to drop the second job,
get some new digs without holes in the seams and
start enjoying the night scene with everyone else.
Swiftly you discover the beau monde and your life
is consumed with keeping up to date with all of the
latest trends, making sure you look perfect in
every way and of course making sure everyone thinks
you are the it guy or girl. How can you
possibly start a relationship now? He or she might
actually find out that your not fabulous. Besides,
it is much more hip to have a new fling every week.
This is the period of our lives where we are all
poseurs. After a few years of fun and reckless
behavior, you get promoted to a more prominent
position in the business world. Now you realize
your responsibility and you may even take it
seriously. Your life might change, but your busy
schedule does not. It just gets worse.
When you actually get involved in that serious
relationship, you must devote time to it. To do so,
you have to give up things that you don't
necessarily want to give up. I always believed that
we work so that we can have time. We buy time. We
work so that we are able to luxuriate in vacations
with our loved ones and so we can buy expensive
lingerie to keep the spark alive. But instead of
spending as much time as we can with our
sweethearts, we end up spending our time washing
the car, burning the flab in pilates class, picking
up the cat food and cursing the poor slob who broke
down in the middle of a one lane road during rush
hour. We are so greedy and obsessed with our
appearance and materialistic needs that we find it
difficult to give our own time, our most precious
commodity, to someone else. Then again, when we
daydream about the kind of future life we want, we
envision a life surrounded by family and friends, a
house in the burbs, a loving spouse and children
and spending the days at home being independantly
wealthy. We see ourselves doing what we really want
and need: spending time in the arms of our
The Thirty Year Old Sexual
I recently had the unpleasant experience of turning
thirty much to my chagrin. However, I will forever
allege that this was not my fault. Time was moving
much too swiftly and although I tried my best to
stay in the sexy and swinging twenties, I lost my
grip and fell flat on my face in my thirties. I am
led to believe that I will not be allowed to
return. The horror. The horror.
Aside from my momentary lapses of self pity,
there are some great benefits to being a woman in
her thirties. As you probably guessed from the
title of this article, I am now in my sexual prime.
It seems like a cruel joke. Guys can't think about
anything but the tent pole in their pants while in
their teens and early twenties. But by the time
women get to the same stage, the men are calling in
reinforcements of Viagra. I am sure you have all
heard about this before. Women hit their sexual
prime at thirty......or do they? I almost half
expected to become some raging ball of hormones as
if I was pushed on by a button when I turned
thirty. I was looking forward to it. To my dismay,
no such transformation has occurred.
Shedding light on this curiosity of mine was Dr.
Sandor Gardos, a doctor in sexual education.
According to Dr. Gardos, the notion that women hit
their sexual peak at 30 is very misleading. You
will find many websites and articles on the very
subject talking about how women get their groove on
and peak at 30, or 35 while others say 40. But if
you are talking about a hormone flux, this is
simply not true. Men and women develop the same
hormones at the same time: puberty. The only reason
why women seem so much more interested at a later
age is because we were taught NOT to be interested
in sex when we were kids. If you experimented with
sex like the boys did, you would be labeled the
town Jezebel. Only when women mature are they able
to feel more comfortable talking about and
practicing sex. They finally open up and begin to
feel normal about desiring sex.
Then it becomes a whole new world for women. The
reason why people argue about the age of the sexual
peak in women is because it varies for each women.
It might take some women, for example, longer to
learn how to orgasm. But when each woman finally
feels comfortable with her body and the virtues of
sex, it just might be like hitting puberty for her,
especially if she had always lived a reserved or
conservative life. This can be a great time in a
woman's life; a true sexual awakening. And if you
measure a sexual peak by interest level, then you
can say that she has hit her prime. On the other
hand, there are some women who go wild and crazy in
their twenties and never give a thought to those
societal messages, i.e. Good Girls
Don't. All things considered, these girls may
not experience this sudden surge of sexual prowess
at the 35 year mark. They have already experienced
it all. Ahem. But not me, of course. I am an
If there are any young guys out there who are
tempted to seduce an older woman just because she
may be in her sexual prime and easily lured by an
open invitation, you may want to think again.
However, it may interest all men and women to know
that according to a recent publication in the
Oxford Journals, women do experience a subtle phase
of heat on a monthly schedule. Mid-month on her
cycle to be exact. During this time, women are
shown to be more attracted to androstenone (a
pheromone like sweat substance), are more attracted
to symmetrical and masculine faces and more
attracted to the subject of sex. Even as basic as
this is, its still fun to talk about. In the same
journal, I also uncovered a freaky fun fact. The
word for heat, Estrus, comes from a Greek word
'oistrus' which means Gadfly. Literally, it means
'in a frenzied state' because when the gadflies
would buzz around cattle, they would drive the
cattle into a frenzied state which resembled the
same state they go into when they wanted to mate.
So when scientists refer to estrus in a female,
remember that this concept originated from
Psycho or Jealous?
There are very few articles and resources
addressing the topic of jealousy. I have come to
the conclusion that this is merely because people
don't know what stance to take on the situation.
Everyone has been on both sides of the fence. Most
of us have experienced a jealous lover and many of
us have been in a relationship where we curiously
find ourselves being insecure and jealous by
nature. On one hand you want to condemn the
abhorrent behavior exhibited by jealous partners
while on the other hand you might be able to
sympathize. I have decided to courageously announce
my decided opinion. Jealousy is just another
euphemism for psychotic behavior.
Without going too far into the psychology of
jealousy, you should understand that jealousy is
not an innate feeling that we are all born with;
rather it is a learned response that people have
developed over time to deal with certain
situations. We all have the ability to feel anguish
and emotional sorrow, and jealousy is one way we
cope with these feelings. Jealousy can rear its
ugly green head at any time. You never know what
will set it off. Some people can be completely at
ease with one lover and insanely jealous with
another lover. People have the potential to get
jealous for a multitude of reasons. They might have
low self esteem, have been rejected or betrayed in
the past or feel insecure about their body or looks
to name a few.
I would venture to say that a small amount of
jealousy in any relationship is normal. It might
even be considered a good thing because it shows
that deep emotions are tied to this relationship.
But jealousy should not be confused as a sign of
love. Severe jealousy is the exact opposite of
love. Emma Goldman, an early 20th century writer,
claimed that Its (jealousy) one desire is to
punish, and to punish as severely as
possible. She was very right. There are
obvious big, bright and bold lines that are crossed
all too often. You have probably dated one of these
line crossers; I have dated more than enough. This
is when jealousy becomes apparent psychotic
behavior. Your lover begins to assume that you are
cheating on some level or another and you are being
dishonest almost every day. Soon you get to the
point where that person is doing a stake out of
your home, following you around like a private eye,
breaking into your email accounts, slashing your
tires and smearing chocolate cake on your door
(Yes, someone actually smeared cake on my door in a
jealous rage). When you get to the point where you
can not even say one word to a member of the
opposite sex at a party because you fear the
inevitable wrath which will follow from your lover
when you get home, your relationship is in
When people exhibit these jealous rages, they
are only destroying the relationship they are
trying to save. People use jealousy as a legitimate
weapon of defense to protect what is rightfully
theirs. Jealousy attempts to prevent the
annihilation of love, but it only helps it along.
Experiencing these jealous rages will also further
lower your self respect because it causes you to
stoop to the lowest of acts. It destroys more than
just the relationship. Jealousy is invariably
a one-sided, bigoted accuser, convinced of his own
righteousness and the meanness, cruelty and guilt
of his victim. Although the jealous person
wants to keep the relationship intact, the
intentions of showing these acts of jealousy are to
maliciously hurt the other person. Obviously, these
uncontrollable acts used to salvage the
relationship do not work. They only cause the other
person to retaliate in disgust making the situation
even worse.
So how do you deal with jealousy? That is the
big question. For the insanely jealous person, the
best thing you can do is recognize that your
jealousy may be unfounded and then open the lines
of communication. Instead of brooding on thoughts
of infidelity, simply tell your lover how you are
feeling as soon as you start feeling that way. You
should have these feelings immediately put to ease
when he or she calms your heart. You also need to
stop trying to forcibly fuse your relationship into
one being. The best relationships are created
through the bonding of two separate individuals. If
you are dealing with a jealous person whom you want
to stay with and love, then you are going to have
to learn not to get drawn in to these petty
jealousy arguments, do not retaliate, do not take
any blame, do not let the freak outs get to you
when they occur and do not assume that he or she
will change any time soon. To help get rid of
jealous behavior you must leave all of your doors
open. Meaning, you must not keep anything hidden or
locked away for your love to get suspicious or
distrusting over. Couples therapy, although
expensive, is a viable option.
Ready For the R
Spring is in the air. The whole world comes alive
with flowers, new life, new smells, warm weather
and the discernible increase in libido of the
singles crowd. Whether or not there is a direct
genetic urge to mate during a specific season,
everyone wants to date more in the spring. More
often than not, this is the time when new love can
take a hold of you and before you know it you are
dancing like a cliché through puddles and
singing in the rain better than Gene Kelly. This
feeling of utter bliss may cause some of you to
even contemplate the R word a
There are so many different levels that the
single person may be on in their life regarding
dating and relationships. The level you are on can
affect your level of readiness for a relationship.
For example, some singles have been serial daters
for years refusing to enter a real relationship out
of fear of rejection or simply because they love to
be single and free of the drama and anguish which
relationships may cause. Some singles have been
searching for a relationship too hard and end up
scaring any potential mates away with that instant
cling action. Other single men and women have
recently been removed from a relationship and they
are on the rebound. Others still are happy being
single but will gladly enter a relationship if only
the perfect specimen would cross their path. And
then of course some of you are thinking,
Well, I've had my fill of parties, clubbing
and one night stands for the past ten years, my
looks are fading, I might as well start the next
part of my life, get married and have kids pretty
Obviously a person needs to be in the right
frame of mind and the right part of life to try and
enter a relationship. You should be mature enough
and old enough for a relationship. Your self esteem
should be high and you should not feel as if you
need a relationship to make you feel better about
yourself. You should be able to take care of
yourself emotionally and financially and not need
to depend on your significant other to take care of
you completely. You should be free from past trauma
and hurt. And you should be ready to enter a
relationship only when you feel you have met the
right person. Finally, you should only enter a
relationship if you are truly in love. If you do
not fill all of the requirements above, you might
want to do a little work on yourself before
focusing on someone else and a relationship. And if
you feel that you do embody the right stuff for a
committed relationship, there are even more factors
that you will want to think about.
First of all, you may be ready for a
relationship, but is it even worth entering one at
this point? Too many people jump straight into a
relationship just because the other person is
attractive and available. After only a week of
dating, you both decide that you are exclusive and
in a relationship. Well that is just plain silly.
You are only entering this relationship because you
desire that grounded sense of stability (a noble
desire), but you have no idea if you are even
compatible on the most basic level. Later on you
break up, just one of your many relationship
upsets, and your self esteem decreases just a tad
as you look back on your history of repeated
relationship failures. Obviously, this is not the
way to go. Another issue to consider is if this
person feels the same way about you as you do about
him or her. You may desire to enter a relationship
with this person, even though he or she is giving
you those wishy washy mixed signals. Ostensibly you
might believe he or she is in love with you, but
your heart tells you different. If you want a
successful loving relationship, you must be
absolutely, positively one hundred percent sure
that this person feels the same exact way about
you. The relationship must be a mutual arrangement.
It can not be forced or coerced in any way. Forcing
a relationship will usually lead to bitter
resentment later on down the road.
As a final note, some relationships do not work
even when both partners are ready and the perfect
conditions have been set only because one or both
lovers did not realize that a real relationship
needs work and compromise. This especially relates
to the person who has been happily single and
dating for many years. Suddenly, you have rules.
You must call and check in every once in a while,
make plans together, watch out not to offend the
other and get over going out with the friends for
every weekend, crazy party and holiday like you
used to. This takes a while to get used to and if
you are not prepared to make these sacrifices and
compromises, you may just lose one of the best
gifts you can ever receive life long
Feng Shui Your Love
What began centuries ago in China as a way of
interpreting the natural world to create more
efficient agricultural systems and even study
astronomy to understand the passage of time is an
age old institution named Feng Shui. Through the
ages feng shui (pronounced Fung Shway) has evolved
due to superstition and folklore into a belief
system with five distinct components: Wealth,
Health, Fame, Career and Love. By understand the
basics, we can control these areas of our lives by
choosing meaningful symbols and images which are
related to these areas and placing these objects in
very specific areas of the house. The key principal
here is that everything is connected energetically
which means that your thoughts, feelings and
behavior are influenced by your surroundings. Feng
Shui masters have got this down to an art form.
There are so many details and specifics of feng
shui that I would highly recommend getting a book
on it for your own knowledge and because it is so
fascinating. What is interesting enough is that I
found it to be very similar to the Wicca beliefs
that are practiced in the west. There are many
people who swear by the benefits of Feng Shui in
the home.
Lets get down to the fun part. You can
Feng Shui your house for love. Turn that pad into
the love shack to attract love, keep love going
strong and keep the sex drive on high gear in the
bedroom. What you want to do here is create good
chi (good energy) and get rid of any sha chi
(harmful energy).
The area of your house that represents your love
life is the southwest corner of your home.
According to the experts, if this corner has good
chi, the marriage or love aspirations of the home
dwellers will be positively energized but if it has
bad chi, lets just say that you wont be
getting any for a while; and that is putting it
nicely according to these experts. The element that
represents love is Earth and so putting a rock,
crystal or boulder in the southwest corner of your
home you will activate this good chi. Finally you
need to energize this earth element with other
objects in the love corner. These objects can be
crystal (Rose Quartz is suggested), large and round
decorative pots and jars, peacock feathers, silk or
real flowers, a globe, a symbol of the sun, a
Chinese love knot made of red rope which symbolizes
undying love, love birds in a pair but never single
or ducks in a pair but never single, rose oil and
two pink or red candles burning which is known as
the tantric twins. All of these objects
have ties with the earth element but you do not
have to use all of them. It is also said that wood
is a harmful element to the earth element so no
wood should be here. No dried flowers as well
because it could signify the death of a romantic
relationship. And just in case you are planning to
buy a new house or rent a new apartment, there
should be no kitchen or bathroom in the southwest
corner of the house. If there is a bathroom, use
plants to drown out the sha chi but a kitchen is a
bigger problem since a kitchen in this area
symbolizes infidelity on either side.
The bedroom can also be worked on. It should be
well lit instead or dark and dreary. There should
be no plants in the bedroom because plants will
bring excess yang (male) energies to the bedroom
which could increase his libido and cause a
wandering and lustful eye towards younger women.
There should be no TVs and no mirror by the
bed as they cause an intrusion within a
relationship. Hang a rose quartz crystal over the
southwest corner of your bed. When looking for
love, feng shui-ists say a man should decorate with
more yin (femininity) in mind while a female should
decorate with more yang. This causes a healthy
balance and will attract the opposite sex.
Sexual Networking in the
Fish Bowl
Most of us belong to a large circle of friends that
we have known for years. Few of us have more than
two circles of friends. You know what I am talking
about. These are the girl and guy friends that you
hang out every weekend with. You know everything
that is going on in each others life, you are
there for each other and it seems like you will
always be together. We are the generation that made
St. Elmos Fire a cult classic.
But why do we limit ourselves to dating within
our own circle of friends? Once you have been in
that same circle of friends for a number of years
the act of dating within your group can actually
elevate itself to the creepy stage and
begin to resemble incest instead of dating. A have
a number of girlfriends that seem to continuously
date every single guy in our group, jumping from
one to the other as if it were a taste test. This
behavior is not limited to the females only; my
male friends enjoy the same sort of lifestyle.
Myself and few others excluded, I think every one
of my friends have hooked up with each other at
some point in time. For example, I have a
girlfriend who is sexually active with three
different guy friends. She really likes one of them
but he is just interested in the sex. Unbeknownst
to her, he is really into another girlfriend who is
the her best friend and neither one of them know
about it. Meanwhile the girl he really digs is into
and involved with another guy friend who is his
good friend. And it goes on and on from there.
Although we are all good friends, it has become a
complex tangle of sexual and emotional deceit.
Casual sex can be such a pleasure. It is
fabulous to have someone you can call at 2am or
even on your lunch hour when you need immediate
gratification. But if we are single, why do we
continue to find our booty calls within our own
troupe? I think the answer has to do with a certain
comfort level we experience when we know the person
for years on end.
Instead of looking to your best friends ex
as your next lustful victim, try moving outside of
the reassuring boundaries that your circle of
friends creates. For one thing, dating every one
elses ex lovers can create a nasty situation
in the future. We have all seen it happen. It can
cause isolation, rifts between friendships and some
nasty name calling to say the least. People need to
look for new dating partners elsewhere. Try new
venues, grand openings, meeting people at the gym
or at that trendy new restaurant. We meet new
people every day yet sometimes we fear those we
dont know. There is no reason to.
Dating outside the group will also help to keep
your close knit friends even closer because you
will completely avoid what could turn out to be a
jealous rivalry between good friends. There are
four million people in the city of Houston alone
and even if you dont live in a big city such
as Houston, there are bound to be thousands of
available singles right where you are. These
statistics hardly compare to the number of your
usual cohorts
.you should be able to find
compatible and yummy new companions in the dating
sea of singles and singlets. Stop using your own
fish bowl for fishing purposes.
Now, the Diva is not saying that you should go
ahead and have crazy head banging sex with every
new person you meet, although that would keep the
condom supply and manufacturing economy sizzling. I
am just saying that we need to get out more. There
is so much diversity and wonderful new people to
experience everyday in the big city so why not take
full advantage of it? Get out there and create new
social groups, meet more people and dare the world
to stop you.
Dominant by Day,
Submissive by Night
If you are like most men out there, you probably
have no idea what makes those head-strong, powerful
and intelligent career women tick. I am
referring to those women you see in power suits,
managing a company or running her own, who seem
completely invincible and on top of the world.
These women know what they want in life and they do
not stop until they get it. They are fast talkers,
they can close a deal with a simple wink of the
eye, they can make a male subordinate cry with the
slightest of disappointed looks and they will never
settle for anything less than perfect sexual
equality. Furthermore, I think we can all agree
that these are the sexiest women out there. Men
just love to imagine what they have on underneath
those designer suits.
The common train of thought and logic would lead
you to assume that these women are just as
domineering in the bedroom behind closed doors.
Generally speaking, this is actually the furthest
thing from the truth. Every person out there is
different with regards to their personality in life
and what turns them on after hours, and there will
be many variations and deviances from the norm.
However, most of the fierce and passionate women in
the workforce love nothing more than to come home
and be completely subjugated and ravaged by a very
strong and masculine man.
In all sexual relationships there must be a
dominant and a submissive. Two dominants or two
submissives can get together and have magnificent
sexual experiences, but there will be a certain
something lacking emotionally. Each one will feel
less psychologically satisfied because they will
not be able to express their dominant or submissive
traits quite a comfortably as they should. Pop
culture tends to assume that people who are
submissive during sex are doing so because this is
how they want to be perceived in life, they want to
be dominated. Even old psychology books will back
up this old principle. Fortunately, the psychology
of arousal and the logic that lies behind fantasies
and the roles we play during lovemaking has been
virtually re-written by Dr. Michael J. Bader, the
leading psychoanalyst in this delicious area of
expertise. To really sum up his new theories in a
very rough manner, our sexual desires are almost
the opposite of who we are in normal everyday life
scenarios. His theories are applied to every sexual
thought, idea and fantasy and not just dominant and
subordinate behaviors. His new book made me quite
hungry with dirty little thoughts.
A dominant women enjoys being submissive in bed
because she is able to achieve stimulation. It is
impossible to feel any kind of guilt, worry, or
anxiety and become sexually aroused at the same
time. Professional career women very often feel
like they are too overbearing towards men, too
controlling and too dominant. That causes a certain
level of stress. This stress is completely
alleviated by becoming the submissive during
intercourse thereby allowing her to achieve
stimulation. These and other new brilliant
revelations have created a paradigm shift in the
psychology of sex. And I think it is divine to have
an in depth understanding of what makes the other
person scream with hot blooded delight.
Of course, every individual will have a specific
dirty little secret which turns them on and no two
women are the same. This article applies to many
strong business women, but not all. It becomes
important to discuss what makes you turned on with
your lover or find a reciprocal partner. But now
many of you men know our dirty little secret. If
you are the type of man who enjoys a dominant
woman, the same logic applies to the quiet little
librarian with the cat eyeglasses on. She just
might be a dom-femme complete with a torture
chamber in her home where she can break her male
slaves. And dont forget ladies
this same idea applies to men!
The Independent Woman
and the Metrosexual Man
A lot of people are starting to wonder why dating
in the big city has suddenly become such a
perplexing and complicated experience. And when,
exactly, did this happen? The dating scene has
always been a little troublesome for some people
and could even feel like more of a chore than what
should be a fun time. But lately the single jungle
of Houston and other large cities are changing and
evolving into more complex designs of mass
confusion. We seem to be moving faster and faster
into complete chaos rather than assimilating into
the well preserved roles that our mothers and
fathers laid out for us.
Gender roles are changing and this is the basic
concept that is generally holding many of us back
from entering successful relationships. More and
more people are remaining single for longer periods
of time. Part of this is because we are finding it
difficult to accept and understand the new gender
roles of our mates, even if we, ourselves, are
holding to those new standards.
The roles of women have gone through the most
dramatic changes. They have changed more in the
last two generations than in the last two
millenniums. Due to mass media, urbanization and
politics, women have achieved equality to men in
education and the workplace and everywhere else you
look. And thanks to the sexual revolution, we have
freed our minds. Women are now able to support
themselves and raise their own children without the
help of a man, thus escaping the traditional role
of mother and wife. Our new
found independence is something we fear giving
back. The independent woman does not want to be
controlled or told what to do. She will never again
be the docile little lamb once sought after for
marrying purposes.
This change in the lives of women in large
cities has led to a second major change, this one
in men. Men have moved from being the gruff, rugged
males to becoming metrosexual (a term
coined by gay journalist Mark Simpson). Men have
started to take over some of the duties that women
had always controlled. There are women working
alongside these men in the office. And thanks to
sexually homogenous advertising, the meterosexual
has been created. This new male breed has matching
ensembles for every occasion, never has a bad hair
day, loves manicures and smells like roses. He has
no problem shopping, attending the opera and buying
new shoes. The metrosexual is completely in touch
with his feminine side but there is just one thing:
he is straight.
Suddenly, the roles that we are used to having
our mates fill are no longer being filled. The
metrosexual is now asking why he has to pay for
every date, open doors and pick a woman up at her
door since the women are now so independent and
financially equal. Yet these men still secretly
yearn for that woman who will do the housework and
raise the children just like mom did. The
independent woman has become too afraid to give
back that independence she worked so hard for only
to begin relying more on a man than herself. Why
should she when the danger still lies of being
tossed aside one day? Yet, in her heart, she also
desires the manly man who will sweep her off of her
feet and take away all of her problems, just like
her daddy once did.
We have now entered what appears to be a never
ending cycle that can only be broken by trust. The
once praised nuclear family with the hard working
father and stay at home mother is slowly
dissipating. From now on, men and women will be
taking on more equal roles in relationships and
families. The question is: when will we become
comfortable enough to let it happen?
©2009, The Advice
* * *
Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today
as you were a year ago. - Bernard Berenson

Diva Rebecca
has a long and exciting history of when it comes to
love, dating and relationships. Friends and
associates would come to her for advice and
naturally she became the Advice Diva. Having a
socialite status in the big city she decided to put
her expertise down in writing. The Diva does not
claim to be an expert or have certifications in
this area. She explores her own thoughts and
feelings and uses her own opinions formed through
her own experiences. The
company Advice Through Experience was founded and
she wrote four successful e-books published on the
A.T.E. website aptly named www.AdviceDiva.com
They are
Getting Him
or Her Back,
The Divine
Secrets of the Dating Game,
What Women
Really Want and
For Women
Only: How to be Fabulous!
Diva Rebeccas website is also
host to an online advice column. The column is
completely free and a fun tool for everyone. She
puts some of the posts online in an anonymous form.
The success of her online advice column has led to
the creation of monthly articles for a variety of
printed and online magazines. For questions and
comments contact The Advice Diva at

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