Powerful Positive
Life is a process and often pretty hard on us. We
can lose lovers, fail as sexual partners, lie to
our spouse or just stop loving someone we thought
we would love forever. When you get slammed with a
job loss, illness, or disillusionment what is the
right step to take to pull yourself out of a
tailspin. When I first heard people suggest we had
energy fields, I starred in disbelief. They spoke
about maintaining a positive energy field and that
would attract positive energy to you. At different
times in our life we are so depressed and desperate
that we will try anything to get ourselves out of a
slump. So why not good vibe ourselves and our
I do not know what power
positive thinking has on energy fields but every
living thing does give off energy as life force.
Every time that you interact with another person,
no matter how hateful they may be, if you project a
powerful positive energy then you have a sliver of
chance at influencing the situation in a positive
way. If you choose instead to contribute a bad
attitude, unkind words and negativity, then you
definitely increase the odds that things will get
worse. What sounds like the smart move to
It may not be easy. Force
your clenched jaw to smile. Increase the depth of
your breath until your belly is moving in and out.
Move your shoulders around and act a little silly
and wiggly. Your panic will subside and your mind
will begin to operate in a more relaxed and
functional manner. Know that all life experiences
eventually repeat, end or transform. Prepare
yourself when times are great for change and when
times are rough... count on change! For now, smile,
even though your heart is breaking, and try to make
the worst a bit more bearable.
Wishing you love,
happiness, and positive "energy" always.
©2009, Molly
* * *

Dr. Molly
Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is
the author of the new book, Matchlines:
A revolutionary New Way of looking at relationships
and making the right choices in
love. She is an
authority on relationship and psychological topics,
a member of the American Psychological Association
and a licensed mental health counselor. Dr. Molly
has appeared as an expert on NBC, PBS, KTLA, and in
O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, MSN.com,
Match.com, Women's Health and Women's World. Please
visit: www.askdrmolly.com
or Take the new relationship compatibility test,
Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships
for Singles, Couples and Business at
Molly has a radio program, Your Relationship
Answers at www.blogtalkradio.com/drmollybarrow

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