Why Men Are the Key Factor for Marriage
Success or Failure
I have been a marriage and family counselor for
more than fifty years. There is a saying in the
field, Happy wife, happy life, that
suggests that womens wellbeing is the key to
a relationships success. But research from
the emerging field of gender-specific medicine
indicates that mens health and wellbeing is
the key factor that determines whether
relationships grow stronger through time or go
Dr. John Gottman is one of the worlds
leading experts on sex, love, and marriage. At his
famous center at the University of Washington, he
has been meeting with couples for more than thirty
years and can predict with 94% accuracy whether a
couple will get divorced. His findings may surprise
you. In his book, written with his wife Julie,
The Mans Guide to Women: Scientifically
Proven Secrets from the Love Lab About
What Women Really Want, he says:
Men, you have the power to make
or break a relationship. What men do in
relationships is, by a large margin, the crucial
factor that separates a great relationship from
a failed one. This does not mean that a woman
doesnt need to do her part, but the data
proves that a mans actions are the key
variable that determines whether a relationship
succeeds or fails, which is ironic, since most
relationship books are for women. Thats
kind of like doing open-heart surgery on the
wrong patient.
Gender-Specific Healing: Why Men Die Sooner
and Live Sicker Than Women
In a recent podcast interview I conducted with
Marianne J. Legato, M.D., Founder and Director of
the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine, we
explored the emerging field of gender-specific
health care and the importance of mens health
and wellbeing. Dr. Legato is regarded by both the
medical and research communities as one of the
worlds leading experts on gender
One of the prevailing myths about sex and gender
is that men are the dominant sex, occupying
positions of power throughout the world. Dr.
Legatos research over the years has
demonstrated that this top dog position
of men is misleading at best.
If it is true that men rule the
world, says Dr. Legato, it comes at
a heavy cost.
In her book, Why Men Die First: How to
Lengthen Your Lifespan, Dr. Legato says that
the biggest surprise from the research coming in
from all over the world is that
From conception until death, men
are inherently more fragile and vulnerable than
women. In virtually every society in the world,
men die first. Women have a hardiness that men
simply dont possess.
Speaking directly to men she offers these facts
of life:
- The fundamental male biology makes you an
- You are less likely to survive the womb than
your sisters.
- You are six weeks behind in developmental
maturity at birth compared to girls.
- Men have four times the developmental
disabilities of females.
- Men suffer more severely than women from
seven of the ten most common infections that
humans experience.
- Men are likely to experience the first
ravages of coronary artery disease in their
mid-thirties, a full 15 to 20 years before
The Number One Killer of Men and Destroyer of
Like millions of others, I grew up in a family
with a father who became increasingly irritable,
angry, and depressed. His depression undermined my
parents marriage, eventually led to my father
taking an overdose of sleeping pills and being
committed to the state mental hospital, and our
family fell apart.
I grew up wondering what happened to my father,
when it would happen to me, and what I could do to
prevent it from happening to other families. It was
the underlying reason I went into the field of
gender-specific medicine and mens health. In
my book, The Irritable Male Syndrome and
later in my book, Male vs. Female Depression:
Why Men Act Out and Women Act In, I described
my own research and the reasons that male
depression is mis-diagnosed and mis-treated.
I said,
Many studies show depression
affects women about twice as often as men. This
is surprising since suicide rates are 3 to 15
times higher in men. My own research, and that
of a number of scholars in the field of
mens health, indicates that men suffer
depression much more than previously thought. I
believe we have been missing many depressed men
because we havent been asking the right
I went on to develop a new questionnaire that
addresses symptoms, such as male irritability and
anger, that often underlie male depression.
Dr. Legato also addressed these issues in her
book, Why Men Die First.
One of the most important issues
that face us all is the subject of depression:
Women are said to suffer from this disease twice
as often as men in virtually every country in
the world. I think this is because men hide
their pain
Suck it up, men are
told by their parents, teachers, and sports
instructorsand by the commanders who send
them into battle. I have asked many men if they
think women underestimate the extent and depth
of their sadness and the resounding answer is
I believe that untreated depression is one of
the prime causes of relationship stress and
breakdown. Healing men can go a long way in healing
our love lives.
Healing Men, Healing Relationship: Navigating
the 5 Stages of Love
Often unhealed wounds from childhood can
contribute to later problems in our adult
relationships. This was certainly true for me as I
share in my welcome video on MenAlive,
Confessions of a Twice-Divorced Marriage
Counselor. It took me many years to heal the
early wounds in my family and to create real
lasting love in adult life. I am more than pleased
to say, my present wife, Carlin, and I have been
happily married for 43 years.
We share our story in my book, The
Enlightened Marriage: The 5 Transformative Stages
of Relationships and Why the Best is Still to
Come which you is part of my special on-line
course, Navigating
the 5 Stages of Love. The course is for
men and women who still believe in love, but
dont have a lot of time to waste. It brings
together what Ive learned over the years in a
self-paced course you can do as an individual or as
a couple.
I look forward to hearing from you. If
youd like more information about how to have
the relationship youve always wanted, drop me
a note to Jed@MenAlive.com
and put Healthy relationships in the
subject line and Ill send you the latest
©2023 Jed
See Books,
+ Suicide
* * *
Wealth can't buy health, but health can buy
wealth. - Henry David Thoreau

Jed Diamond
is the internationally best-selling author of seven
books including Male
Menopause, now
translated into 17 foreign languages and his
latest book, The
Irritable Male Syndrome: Managing. The 4 Key Causes
of Depression and
Aggression. For over
38 years he has been a leader in the field of men's
health. He is a member of the International
Scientific Board of the World Congress on
Mens Health and has been on the Board of
Advisors of the Mens Health Network since its
founding in 1992. His work has been featured in
major newspapers throughout the United States
including the New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall
Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, and USA
Today. He has been featured on more than 1,000
radio and T.V. programs including The View with
Barbara Walters, Good Morning America, Inside
Edition, CBS, NBC, and Fox News, To Tell the Truth,
Extra, Leeza, Geraldo, and Joan Rivers. He also did
a nationally televised special on Male Menopause
for PBS. He looks forward to your feedback.
You can visit his website at www.menalive.com

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