Meditation - Change Tool Number 1!
Im going to focus on a tool that has helped
me to change my life. It hasnt changed my
life itself, but it has given me the clarity and
strength to turn stuck life patterns on their
heads. Its something that many men reject
without even trying just because its still
not considered macho. It is the tool of
Meditation is very misunderstood still in the
West. Its not complicated, it doesnt
have to involve saris or incense sticks (although
it can if thats what turns you on!) and it is
not difficult to do (contrary to popular opinion).
You cant do it badly, but you can not do
Everyone, from 5 yr olds to 90 yr olds, from the
terminally ill to stressed executives, can benefit
from this simple discipline. For many people who
find themselves suffering in any way from physical
or mental imbalances, meditation can become a
source of peace and inspiration . It doesnt
replace conventional treatment but it can enhance
the effectiveness of all treatments. For people
wanting to achieve closer to their highest
potential and really experience change, it is I
believe the single most important tool you can
Why? What is that meditation helps us to achieve
and how does it do it?
Imagine life is like a lake (sorry guys
bear with this one a minute). All day, every day we
are doing things answering the phone,
watching t.v., conducting meetings, paying bills,
rushing from one appointment to the next etc. All
the time we are in doing mode the water
in our lake is getting choppier and choppier and it
is impossible to see anything under the surface.
Just think, how often do you spend any time during
your alert, wakeful state just being?
Periods of time spent in silence taken during
the day allow the water in our lake to still. They
allow us to build up an inner communication with
ourselves which we never normally have. They allow
us to find answers inside ourselves that we always
believed were outside of us, not inside. This they
do because during these restful, alert periods of
silence we are listening to the greatest guide we
will ever have in life our Self.
Once we start to take regular periods of time
out of our hectic schedules, the water in our lake
starts to still. We can see under the surface and
locate the treasure that hides beneath the
treasure that in life relates to our ability to
find the solutions to problems that we previously
believed ourselves powerless to deal with.
We spend so much time doing that we have
forgotten how to be and we have drifted further
away from our intuition. And yet the results that
can be achieved from getting back in touch with our
inner guidance can be phenomenal. If we can learn
to build a bridge between our busy and powerful
intellects and our intuition we could become rich
So experiment with it be bold and take
the plunge. Meditation may not in itself provide
the answer to all your lifes problems
but I have no doubt it will help you to find and
create solutions that you might previously have
©2008, Barry Durdant-Hollamby
See Books,
Durdant-Hollamby is the founder of The
Art of
a UK based organisation specialising in helping
individuals and corporations to effect sustainable,
holistic, positive change. He works intuitively on
a 1-1 or group basis and also conducts many talks
and seminars - all without notes or preparation!
Barry is also the author of three books the latest
of which is The
Male Agenda - a book
which seeks to inspire men to create greater life
balance and happiness. He is the father of two
daughters and lives in the South East of England.
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