Using Music to Draw Out Romance
I love you; you love me; were a happy
. Do you remember that song from
childhood? You may even recognize it as the popular
song Barney sings. Through music we explore and
learn about myths, ideals, and the parameters of
With each year, our understanding of what we
hear and feel in music deepens, especially as we
begin to experience love. We hear thoughts similar
to ours being sung on the radio. We listen with
curiosity and hope of happy endings or perhaps
guidance to help us.We learn that music intensifies
our feelings, triggers emotions, and binds memories
forever to songs that are associated with our love
lives. We learn that music is our friend and our
teacher. Because of this, music has attained a
central importance in the world of romance and
romantic relationships.
Musical Inspiration
Music can inspire or influence romance in so
many ways. Its hard for music not to inspire;
it stirs the emotions when singers sing about
loves emotiona l extremes. When you hear a
song that says, Im in the mood for love
simply because youre near me, its
hard to resist having an emotional reaction to what
you hear. Music facilitates romance between you and
your partner by moving both the intellect and
Music: A Course in Love
Now that you know how music can naturally foster
romance, the following tips will help you to use
music in your own relationship to increase romance
between you and your partner:
- If you are out and about doing something
with your partner and you hear your partner say,
Wow, I love that song, dont
just let the moment pass. Find out what the song
is and buy it. Add it to your romantic
- If you attend a Broadway show or a romantic
film that moves you emotionally, buy the
soundtrack. This way, youll be able to
bring back the intense emotions you experienced
again and again with your partner.
- Jump at the chance to dance together when
music moves you.
- Going to concertsespecially by singers
well known for romantic balladscan put you
in the middle of emotional moments that are
bigger than life.