Are You "Mr.
Are You Still Attracted
to Your Partner's Imperfect Body?
Can a "Player" Become a
"True Partner"?
The Crucial Spark They
Don't Teach in Sex Ed
Did You Know the "Honey
Do List" is the Beginning of
Do Married and Committed
Couples Stall have Solo Sessions?
Do You ever Surrender Your
Do You Prefer Intimacy
or Sex?
Do You Remember to
Breathe in Bed?
Is it Permissible to
Call "Time Out" in the Middle of
Just One Clumsy
The Loving Gift of Being
Fully Present
Smooth Out the Initiation
of Intimacy
Were You Told Sex is Holy
or Nasty?
What do You see in the
What Relaxes Your
Stressed-Out Partner?
What to do When You're
Tempted to Stray
When You Have a
Higher Sex Drive Than Your Partner
When Your Partner Has
Trouble Reaching a Climax
The Crucial Spark They
Don't Teach in Sex Ed
I had read many books and taken many courses in
order to become a therapist for counseling couples
on their sexual issues. But it wasn't until I
actually became a practicing psychologist that I
heard from numerous female clients a crucial secret
that had never been discussed in any of the sex ed
books and lectures.
The secret of what causes most women to feel
sexual again after a lull is quite fascinating. It
sounds a little strange at first, but it makes a
lot of sense if you think about it. Here's what it
A woman was sitting in my office 14 feet away
from her husband, who was complaining that it had
been 10 months since they'd made love. The husband
turned to his wife and asked, "What the heck do I
have to do in order that you won't just say no like
you always say no." She looked back at him and
answered, "I have no idea. Life isn't fair, is
It looked like their sex life was going to
remain deader than Elvis. But I wasn't ready to
give up just yet. So I asked her, "Based on what
you know about what has made you feel sensual or
cuddly in the past, is there one thing your husband
could do this week that might make you feel a
little bit open sometime in the next few weeks to
being sensual with him again?"
The wife took a moment to think about the
question and then she replied, "There is one thing
that always seems to make me feel close to my
husband again. It sounds strange to say it, but
this is a therapy session. I might as well be
Then she took a deep breath and admitted, "The
thing that makes me feel like a sensual woman again
and a little bit interested in making love again is
when my husband fixes things that are broken around
the house."
The husband looked at her like she was crazy.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"I'm serious," she replied. "When you make the
extra effort to take some of the load off of me and
to help out and to show that we're teammates and
we're there for each other, it makes me feel
connected to you again. And when I feel connected
to you and I sense that you're helping out and I
don't have to do it all or be your mommie, I do get
sensual again."
She was not the only woman to comment that a
boyfriend or husband changing a light bulb or
fixing a broken drawer or cleaning out a messy
storage shed is somehow connected to making love.
In fact, during the past 24 years as a couples
counselor I have heard thousands of women tell me a
very similar phenomenon: when they feel cared for
and helped out by a man who doesn't have to be
begged to fix the things that are broken in the
house, she often feels sensual and connected
Why don't they teach this stuff in sex ed? Why
doesn't anyone say, "The beginning of foreplay is
the 'Honey Do' list that she's tired of begging you
about and that means so much to her sense of being
ignored or being cared for...
When you think about your own sex life, has it
occured to you that your partner tends to be more
cuddly and sensual when she feels you are helping
her and lightening her load. Or that she tends to
be turned off and short-fused when her 'Honey Do'
list keeps getting longer and longer because you
just can't seem to get around to it.
This mystery can solve a lot of the sexual
problems in long-term relationships. It's no
guarantee of sex, but it dramatically increases the
odds from 1,000 to 1 for those men who don't pitch
in at home, versus 3 to 1 for those men who do help
out without being begged.
Try it yourself and see if all these women are
revealing a sexual secret that is rarely known by
men. To make sure your partner feels loved and
cared for is the key to warming her up. That
long-neglected light bulb or that mess on the side
of the house is possibly the obstacle between you
and a lovely roll in the sheets. It's also the
difference between a partner who feels appreciated
and a partner who feels like snapping at you over
and over again. It's your choice, dude. You decide
which way you want your partner to feel.
Do You Remember to
Breathe in Bed?
It may sound strange to be asking if you are
breathing during your passionate moments in
lovemaking. Obviously, if you weren't breathing at
all, you'd be dead.
But there's an important difference between
breathing fully and breathing partially that can
significantly affect your lovemaking. Here's what I
- If you or your partner tend to breathe in a
shallow or restricted way during lovemaking
(either because you're anxious, tired, trying
too hard, or feeling distracted) the sensations
are lessened and the orgasms are much less
- Specifically, if a man learns how to breathe
in and out deeply and fully during lovemaking,
it will bring his excitement up from his
genitals and let it spread throughout his entire
body. It will also allow a much longer
lovemaking session because the turn-on will be
felt all the way from his feet to his fingers,
to his chest and the top of his forehead. When
he finally does have an orgasm, it will be
experienced as a full-body orgasm rather than a
limited release of genitals only.
- If a woman learns how to breathe in and out
deeply during lovemaking, it will send
much-needed oxygen to her pelvic area and allow
greater pulsations, contractions, and releases
than if she barely breathes during lovemaking.
She will also be experiencing a full-bodied
connection to the lovemaking, rather than being
stuck in her thoughts or her anxieties.
- If a couple slows down their movements
during their lovemaking every so often and just
breathes together for a few minutes, it can be
extremely intimate and passionate. As Faith Hill
says in her hit song, "Just breathe!"
- If a man wants to become a better oral
lover, he can do so by breathing in and out
slowly and smoothly for as long as he goes down
on his partner. Many men can do an extended in
and out breathing (that doesn't go too fast or
cause hyperventilation) that lasts for 20 or 40
or even 60 minutes while their partner is taken
to oral heights of ecstasy.
- If you want to become a better breather and
a more expansive lover, practice right now by
taking a deep connected inhale breath that rises
from the bottom of your feet to the top of your
head and then exhales back down again like a
waterwheel which flows from the top of your head
down to your feet and back up again in a
circular motion.
- If you do this too quickly or aggressively,
you will begin to hyperventilate and feel dizzy,
which can be dangerous. So just make the
waterwheel a medium-sized flow of breath that
rises from your feet to your head and back down
again in a smooth and gentle motion. Be sure to
keep the waterwheel flowing smoothly and evenly,
because if your brain locks onto a thought and
you forget to breathe you might experience some
cramping or dizziness. If this happens, just
relax and take in another smooth inhale and
exhale until the waterwheel of breath is flowing
again. The cramping and dizziness should
disappear quickly if your breathing is smooth
and gentle.
- Some yoga and Tantric Sexuality teachers say
to inhale through your nostrils and exhale
through your mouth. But for many people it works
just as well to inhale and exhale nose-nose or
mouth-mouth in whatever combination makes you
feel comfortable and pleasurable.
- These breathing techniques have helped many
of my counseling clients to become less focused
on their brains and genitals during lovemaking,
while being far more able to feel the pulsing
enjoyment that is moving through your entire
body, mind, and soul.
If possible, imagine during lovemaking that the
waterwheel of inhales and exhales is connecting you
and your partner. If you and your partner listen to
your breathing and enjoy the flow of the
waterwheel, you will experience the powerful
sensation that you are more than two bodies in bed
together. You are connected to the infinite pulsing
of the universe, the winds and ocean waves as well
as the pull of the moon and the warmth of the sun.
To experience that strong a sensation with someone
you care about deeply is one of the greatest highs
in life.
What to do When You're
Tempted to Stray
I have never met a man who wasn't tempted at one
time or another to have an affair. It doesn't
matter if you're in a great relationship or a
difficult relationship. Or whether you have a great
sex life with your partner or a nonexistent sex
life with your partner. The urge will surely visit
you sooner or later.
The good news is that this urge to stray doesn't
mean you are a bad person or that you're
necessarily going to be acting on the urge and
creating drama in your life. All it means is that
you're alive and curious.
Based on what I've seen during 23 years of
counseling can work most successfully for men who
are in a committed relationship and who have the
occasional urge to stray, here are 4 things to
1) Use the excitement and curiosity you feel
about a new person to recharge your excitement and
curiosity about the partner you have started to
take for granted. That means as soon as you get an
urge to flirt with or jump on the bones of someone
outside of your primary relationship, you simply
need to take a breath, catch yourself, and say, "If
I were meeting my long-term partner for the first
time at a seminar or a party, what would I find
fascinating about this unique individual? What
would I find sensual and attractive? What would I
find intriguing and mysterious? What would I find
to be solid and substantial and of high integrity?
What would I find to be a great reason to pursue
this individual (who happens to be your long-term
partner)?" In other words, use your curiosity and
imagination where it can do the most good--by
focusing on the person who is already your partner
and not by acting out a temporary crush on someone
you don't really know in depth.
2) Use the urge to stray as a wake-up call that
you and your partner need a tune-up or a major
overhaul in your relationship. Just as every garden
and every car will need occasional maintenance, so
does every relationship. You and your partner might
need a vacation together, a date night that hasn't
been arranged for too many months, a chance to
create adventures and teamwork again. The urge to
stray (especially if you don't obsess about it) is
a wonderful wake-up call that says, "I need some
newness and vitality in my life again. What can my
partner and I do that will make us feel young,
creative, and energetic again with each other?"
3) If you are a spiritual or religious person
(or even if you're not very spiritual or
religious), use the urge to stray as a chance to
feel gratitude for being alive. In the mystical
tradition of Judaism, there is a wonderful prayer
that a man is told to say to himself when he finds
himself briefly turned on by someone other than his
partner. The prayer is, "Thank you God (or creative
Source) for all the beauty that you've brought into
this world." By quickly turning the urge into a
reminder that all of life's beauty comes from a
higher Source, it frees you up to make good
conscious choices about what is your true purpose
in life. Is your true purpose in life to have a
messy affair which will probably cause tremendous
pain and loss of trust for your spouse and your
kids? Or is your true purpose to appreciate the
beauty all around you and then to make sure you
handle your sexuality in a caring and responsible
4) If you find yourself unable to stop thinking
about someone with whom you are tempted to stray,
make sure you seek counseling to find out what's
going on inside you. Many men discover in
counseling tremendous wisdom about themselves after
an urge to stray. Some find that they are afraid to
be truly known by any one person and so they run
away from long-term partners in order to try out
their moves on someone new who doesn't really know
them. Other men find they have had trouble sticking
with things in life and this is one more chance to
see if they are able to learn how to
stay-the-course at something profound and
important. Other men find out that they were raised
in such a restrictive or guilt-ridden home that
they feel rebellious and sneaky about sex, which
can destroy any good relationship unless they seek
help to break that habit. Other men find out they
are still trying to make up for the lack of sexual
success they experienced in junior high or high
school, which isn't fair to your spouse or your
kids who really shouldn't suffer for the fact that
you couldn't "get any" when you were younger. Other
men discover they have trouble appreciating
themselves or others and are always looking for
"something better." Whatever your particular reason
for wanting to stray, it can be the source of
tremendous personal growth if you take these urges
to a therapist rather than to a motel.
Do You Prefer Intimacy
or Sex?
In casual conversations, I've found that most men
say they would prefer just uncomplicated sex with a
partner. But when men truly get honest during a
counseling session or even when a colleague or
friend discusses his personal life in a deeper
conversation, I often find that most men actually
long for intimacy.
What's the difference? Here are some clues to
help you sort it out and decide which one you would
like to make happen in your life: Sex is when
you're performing and worrying about whether you're
good enough.
Intimacy is when you and your partner care about
one another at such a deep level that all sorts of
awkward and graceful, bold and wonderful things can
happen during your sensual moments with each other
and neither person is judgmental or impatient.
Sex is when you're trying hard to get to the
finish line.
Intimacy is when you surprise yourself and you
surprise each other by all the exquisite detours,
quiet moments, noisy moments, and caring gestures
that show up along the way.
Sex is when you're turned on by a specific body
part that seems detached from the whole person.
Intimacy is when you're amazed that you can
connect so deeply with another human being and have
so much pleasure from just being with each
Sex is when you feel finished and ready to shut
the other person out immediately after you're done
with the heavy breathing.
Intimacy is when you feel like lingering or
embracing or talking or resting in each other's
arms because the outside world has disappeared.
Sex is when you feel like a conqueror and you've
"gotten some."
Intimacy is when you feel as though you checked
your ego at the door and you've entered a whole
different level of existence where you are no
longer separate or alone, but rather at one for at
least a few moments with someone whose soul and
your soul have a mysterious connection.
Sex is when you keep score of who's doing what
to whom.
Intimacy is when you can't keep track of who's
doing what to whom because you both receive as much
from giving as you do from receiving.
Sex is when your hormones are flowing but your
heart isn't fully open.
Intimacy is when your heart is flowing and each
breath opens you up even further.
For many people, sex is safe because you know
all your moves and how to stay in control. But
intimacy is more risky because you finally allow
yourself to be fully present and vulnerable and
real with another human being.
Sex will sometimes leave the two of you feeling
distant and removed afterward, which can eventually
drive you toward a breakup.
Intimacy will often leave the two of you feeling
amazed and grateful afterward, that two unique
individuals can become so close and build up so
much trust and mutual respect.
Sex is what a 15 year old longs for.
Intimacy is what you realize at a certain age
has been missing from your life and you are finally
willing to make it happen.
Which have you been choosing lately--sex or
intimacy? Which would you like in the future?
Can a "Player" Become a
"True Partner"?
Some of the men I have counseled in therapy are
great at courtship in order to have sex, but they
don't seem to be able to succeed at a real
relationship. Does that sound like you or anyone
you know? Do you sometimes find all the energy and
excitement goes into the early pursuit but then
boredom or crankiness occurs soon thereafter?
There are 3 steps you might want to consider if
you sincerely want to stop the roller-coaster ride
of falling in love and then falling out of love
with one messy breakup after another. They
1) Decide whether you are looking for someone to
service your sexual needs or someone who will be a
terrific partner for life.
If you are unsure of whether you are looking for
the first or the second, my guess is that you have
been looking for the first--you've put all your
energy and efforts into finding someone who will be
a sexual thrill (or a visual trophy) but you
haven't begun to figure out what might be the key
qualities of a person who will be an excellent
partner for life (including someone who is capable
of fascinating conversations, profound
trustworthiness, great shared decision-making, the
ability to work through problems without tirades or
silent treatments, as well as a delicious sexual
If you have been a "player" for many years,
hoping to score with eye candy that will make you
feel triumphant, you may not have even cared that
you keep picking partners who aren't great in
conversations, or who make lousy decisions, or who
aren't trustworthy, or who don't know how to
resolve disagreements without explosions or long
silent treatments.
But sooner or later, most men realize they can't
afford the emotional and financial side-effects of
chasing after eye candy. They realize it's time to
open up to a more complete human being. Have you
reached that point yet? Are you open to someone who
might not be 100% your physical fantasy but who is
an exquisite person for going through the ups and
downs of real life?
2) Be willing to let go of eye candy that you
know would not make a good candidate for a
long-term relationship. This is a difficult step
for most men who are fascinated by or addicted to
the search for the partner with the perfect body or
the perfect sexual moves.
But if you sincerely want a sane life and a
quality partner, you may need to go cold turkey on
eye candy partners who promise you everything but
who turn out to be trouble sooner or later.
Are you strong enough to say no to an enticing
come-on from a gorgeous looker? Are you willing to
let go of a fantasy sexual encounter in order to
keep your heart and mind open for a genuine
relationship? Are you man enough to say no to
dramatic sex in order to find true intimacy and
genuine trust with another human being?
3) Recognize that even if you do find a good
partner who has all the qualities you are looking
for in a long-term relationship, you will still be
tempted every so often to go back to eye candy or
dramatic enticements.
These are the moments when you will find out
whether you are being run by your higher wisdom or
your lower appendage. Can you breathe in slowly and
say to yourself, "That would be an easy fantasy
detour, but no way. I'm in a new chapter of my
life. I'm seriously able to stop being a dog who
sniffs at everything that passes by."
I realize it's not easy to make the shift from
searching for sex and start searching for a
genuine, imperfect, and wonderful human being that
you can trust and build a good life with. But I
hope you will find strength from somewhere deep
inside your soul or your heart to make it happen.
There is nothing more satisfying than knowing
you've overcome your own self-sabotage and you're
living a profoundly intimate and positive life.
Were You Told Sex is Holy
or Nasty?
One of the saddest things I've ever heard from a
counseling client is when I was told by a young man
in his 20's that his family drummed into him that
sex is nasty. The resulting sense of guilt, shame,
sneakiness, and dishonesty around his sex life ever
since had severely hampered his life and
In a similar vein, you might recall Colorado
Senator Gary Hart who was running for President in
1988 but was put out of the race when he was
discovered having an affair with Donna Rice. He
said afterward that one of the reasons he couldn't
stop himself from having an affair (and harming his
marriage and political career) was that he was
raised in a very strict household where sex was
considered nasty and secretive (which made it all
the more compelling and hard-to-resist for
I raise this issue of holiness or nastiness
because it seems to make an impact on so many men
and women who want to enjoy the beauty and
closeness of sensuality but who are filled with
thoughts and images that sex is bad or guilt-ridden
or sinful. Does that sound true about yourself or
someone you care about--were you raised with
negative images and harsh ideas that sex is wrong
or bad or sinful?
Sometimes you hear people say that these harsh
ideas about sex come from the bible. But nine years
ago I researched and wrote a book called "The Ten
Challenges" about the deeper meanings and original
Hebrew wordings of the Ten Commandments. For
instance, even the original Hebrew words for the
Ten Commandments don't say the word "commandments."
The original biblical words from Exodus 20 say
"Ahseret Hadibrot," which mean "the ten things" or
"the ten words." You can sense immediately that
those translations read more gently and lovingly.
In the King James version the Hebrew words that got
mistranslated into Greek then got mistranslated
into English as harsh "Thou shalt nots" and rigid
commandments. But it's quite possible that in the
original version they are more like profound and
wise principles for living rather than harsh "thou
shalt nots" for which you get struck down if you
mess up on one.
I spoke with hundreds of experts, scholars,
linguists, and clergy from a number of religious
and spiritual traditions about how they translate
The Ten Commandments, especially the ones about
sexuality, such as Do not commit adultery, Do not
covet your neighbor's partner, Do not steal (which
literally means "lo tignove--do not be sneaky or
trick someone with a false impression of who you
are"), Do not bear false witness or lie or gossip
to create a false advantage.
What I found out is that the original Hebrew
word for sexuality is "ya-da" which means to know
someone fully. Rabbis and scholars explained that
if you keep your sexuality superficial or focused
on body sensations or getting your way with another
person, you never really get to know someone fully
and you never get to be known fully. So what
holiness is about with regards to sexuality is to
let yourself be fully honest, vulnerable, and
trustworthy with another human being--to get to
know and accept each other's deeper selves,
including their complicated sexual selves.
Several Christian, Muslim and Buddhist scholars
and clergy also agreed with this sense of sex as
holy in so far as it lets us fully know the
richness of God's gifts to us. To appreciate the
beauty of the body, the beauty of a deep
relationship, and the joy of connecting with
someone you love is a holy act. When it becomes
sneaky, manipulative, dishonest, or exploitative,
that is when it becomes nasty.
In other words, sexuality is one of the greatest
opportunities for finding your way into the
powerful holy energies of the universe--but it has
to be treated carefully and in a deeply honest
relationship with someone you truly know and
appreciate at all levels, because otherwise it can
easily slip back into sneakiness, dishonesty,
manipulation, or exploitativeness which go against
the awesomeness for which sexuality is
Whatever your religious or spiritual beliefs (or
even if you are completely allergic to religion
altogether), I urge you to examine whether you are
carrying guilt-ridden or shame-filled thoughts into
your sex life. If so, you are much less likely to
be able to deeply enjoy these holy moments of fully
being at peace and in a state of joy and surrender
with another human being. If your mind is filled
with desires to conquer, manipulate, score, or
trick someone, you are very far away from the
pleasure of being fully known and fully appreciated
for who you are.
If you start to view sexuality as a holy and
wonderful part of life that gives you awe about the
greatness of God's creation (or the beauty of
nature if the word 'God' is uncomfortable for you),
you will probably find it enhances your sensuality
and the strength of your relationship. Instead of
feeling like a "bad person" who is about to get
caught and punished, you will begin to experience
sexuality as a "good person" who is growing closer
to your true essence through your exploration of
profound intimacy with another person.
Do You Remember to Breathe in Bed?
It may sound strange to be asking if you are
breathing during your passionate moments in
lovemaking. Obviously, if you weren't breathing at
all, you'd be dead.
But there's an important difference between
breathing fully and breathing partially that can
significantly affect your lovemaking. Here's what I
- If you or your partner tend to breathe in a
shallow or restricted way during lovemaking
(either because you're anxious, tired, trying
too hard, or feeling distracted) the sensations
are lessened and the orgasms are much less
- Specifically, if a man learns how to breathe
in and out deeply and fully during lovemaking,
it will bring his excitement up from his
genitals and let it spread throughout his entire
body. It will also allow a much longer
lovemaking session because the turn-on will be
felt all the way from his feet to his fingers,
to his chest and the top of his forehead. When
he finally does have an orgasm, it will be
experienced as a full-body orgasm rather than a
limited release of genitals only.
- If a woman learns how to breathe in and out
deeply during lovemaking, it will send
much-needed oxygen to her pelvic area and allow
greater pulsations, contractions, and releases
than if she barely breathes during lovemaking.
She will also be experiencing a full-bodied
connection to the lovemaking, rather than being
stuck in her thoughts or her anxieties.
- If a couple slows down their movements
during their lovemaking every so often and just
breathes together for a few minutes, it can be
extremely intimate and passionate. As Faith Hill
says in her hit song, "Just breathe!"
- If a man wants to become a better oral
lover, he can do so by breathing in and out
slowly and smoothly for as long as he goes down
on his partner. Many men can do an extended in
and out breathing (that doesn't go too fast or
cause hyperventilation) that lasts for 20 or 40
or even 60 minutes while their partner is taken
to oral heights of ecstasy.
- If you want to become a better breather and
a more expansive lover, practice right now by
taking a deep connected inhale breath that rises
from the bottom of your feet to the top of your
head and then exhales back down again like a
waterwheel which flows from the top of your head
down to your feet and back up again in a
circular motion.
- If you do this too quickly or aggressively,
you will begin to hyperventilate and feel dizzy,
which can be dangerous. So just make the
waterwheel a medium-sized flow of breath that
rises from your feet to your head and back down
again in a smooth and gentle motion. Be sure to
keep the waterwheel flowing smoothly and evenly,
because if your brain locks onto a thought and
you forget to breathe you might experience some
cramping or dizziness. If this happens, just
relax and take in another smooth inhale and
exhale until the waterwheel of breath is flowing
again. The cramping and dizziness should
disappear quickly if your breathing is smooth
and gentle.
- Some yoga and Tantric Sexuality teachers say
to inhale through your nostrils and exhale
through your mouth. But for many people it works
just as well to inhale and exhale nose-nose or
mouth-mouth in whatever combination makes you
feel comfortable and pleasurable.
- These breathing techniques have helped many
of my counseling clients to become less focused
on their brains and genitals during lovemaking,
while being far more able to feel the pulsing
enjoyment that is moving through your entire
body, mind, and soul.
If possible, imagine during lovemaking that the
waterwheel of inhales and exhales is connecting you
and your partner. If you and your partner listen to
your breathing and enjoy the flow of the
waterwheel, you will experience the powerful
sensation that you are more than two bodies in bed
together. You are connected to the infinite pulsing
of the universe, the winds and ocean waves as well
as the pull of the moon and the warmth of the sun.
To experience that strong a sensation with someone
you care about deeply is one of the greatest highs
in life.
What do You see in the
Most men I've counseled have trouble looking at
their bodies and realizing what a miracle it is to
be a man. They usually focus on some aspect of
their physique that they worry doesn't measure up.
Or they have a little too much homophobia and they
are afraid of admitting that the male body is
beautiful. Or they compare their current receding
hairline, expanding belly, less virile penis, or
other age-related features to what they think they
looked like years ago during their buff days.
If you want to enjoy your sexuality and your
aliveness, it would help if you began to experience
a more positive and energetic sense of your male
body. Or do you believe, in the slightly-modified
words of Groucho Marx, "I could never be
comfortable with someone who is hot for this
imperfect body."
What about you? Are you able to appreciate the
strength, passion, warmth, tenderness, and
intensity that can be found in the muscles,
tendons, organs, and specific features of your male
body? Or are you reluctant to look at or appreciate
this imperfect human self that you bring into every
relationship and interaction?
If you want to improve your body image and see
if it intensifies your attractiveness to others and
your ability to enjoy your sexuality, here are a
few places to start:
1) Take ten to fifteen minutes each morningor
afternoon to do some exercise that allows you to
feel your body becoming more alive and strong. If
you sense the increase in oxygen, strength, and
flexibility that occurs when you exercise at least
three times a week, you might begin to appreciate
this amazing gift you've been given of a body that
can do so many things.
2) Talk to a counselor, friend, trainer, or
coach about where you got the notion that there was
something wrong or defective about your body. Even
if you don't look like the athletes in Men's Health
Magazine or the unusually-structured bodies in sex
films, there is still something profoundly strong
and brilliantly intricate about the way your
muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, arteries and
blood cells do what they do. Rather than continuing
to find something to criticize about yourself, what
if you spoke with this counselor, friend, trainer,
or coach about how much strength and potential they
see in your physical capabilities.
3) One day while you are making love or
masturbating, consider for a moment how incredible
it is that your blood circulates as well as it
does, that your brain, heart, genitals and
circulatory system are all connected so
beautifully. As you build up to an orgasm,
experience at least a few moments of gratitude that
your body works as well as it does. If you are a
spiritual or religious person, offer silent words
of gratitude to the mysterious life force or
Creator that has given you such an outstanding
vehicle for joy and intimacy.
4) When you are picking out clothes to wear or
getting yourself ready to go out in public, take a
moment to appreciate that even though you might not
be Brad Pitt you are certainly an attractive
individual. For just a moment, recall in your mind
the individuals who have felt or said that they
find you hot or alluring over the years.
5) When you are doing some physical work around
the house or carrying a baby in your arms or
playing a physical sport, take a moment to
appreciate how many complex systems are working
together to make this particular action possible.
Focus on the fact that your body is an outstanding
combination of information impulses and physical
components to get the job done.
Rather than finding fault with your body, begin
to appreciate how much you are able to accomplish
with this physique you have been given and that
you've been taking care of all these years.
6) Then when you are out with your spouse or
lover, or when you are starting to get each other
excited sexually, take a moment to appreciate that
you are an alive and very sensual being. Rather
than focusing on some imperfection, let yourself
feel a sense of strength and appreciation for the
passionate physical being your partner is going to
enjoy being with. My goal is not to make you
conceited or self-obsessed, but rather to bring
more aliveness and spark to each of your sexual
Do You ever Surrender Your
A man showed up in my office a few years ago to
work on the fact that his wife is a very sexual
person and even though he likes to be sexual
sometimes, in general he's extremely focused on his
work. He admits, "I love sex and I can perform
extremely well, but my wife goes to a mystical and
holy place in lovemaking that I simply don't seem
to be able to go to."
His story reminded me of many men I have
counseled. They're good men, caring and kind. They
like to get hot and heavy during lovemaking. They
like to please their partner. But there's a certain
way that these individuals (and most men) simply
won't surrender their ego during lovemaking and
their partners are intuitive enough to sense the
Does that sound like you? Are you a good
performer in bed, but some part of you is still
held back and unable to surrender?
I'm a man and I know how difficult it is for us
men to let go and fully embrace the passion, love
and closeness that sexual intimacy can take us to
if we are willing. So please know that I am not
judging you or criticizing you for being a little
reluctant to go "all the way" into a mystical
connection with your partner. But just for a
moment, consider what it might be like:
--Have you ever been so in love with someone
that at certain moments of passionate lovemaking
you were willing and able to let go of all your
separateness, isolation, and rational control to
become one with this other soul?
--Did you ever feel at the end of a lovemaking
session that you had transcended the limits of your
body and connected in a way that was spiritual or
mysteriously profound but beyond words?
--Did you ever have the sense of being totally
safe, totally accepted, or totally at home after a
passionate lovemaking?
Quite often men who are unable to go to these
profound places of joy and surrender have been hurt
by life or by certain individuals. As a result,
they are quite skeptical and quite cautious about
ever surrendering to anyone. I don't blame them for
that. If you have had your heart broken, your trust
betrayed, or your safety attacked by someone you
thought was a loved one (whether it's a family
member, friend, lover, or business associate who
burned you), it's no wonder you feel hesitant to
surrender ever again.
But what about the person with whom you are in a
relationship right now? Is this someone you can
trust? Is this someone who is more mature, more
decent, or more compassionate than the person who
once betrayed you? Is this someone who might have
occasional selfish moments but at a core level this
person would never try to hurt you?
Quite often I ask male clients in counseling,
"Have you chosen wisely this time? Have you picked
someone who at the core is a good soul and doesn't
want to do you harm? Have you set up the
possibility that this time you can have moments of
surrender and not get burned?"
Surrendering for a few moments during and after
lovemaking doesn't mean giving up all control and
all reason. It just means going to a profound and
beautiful place of intimacy and at-one-ness with a
person who is equally beautiful in a physical,
emotional, and spiritual way.
If you happen to be lucky enough to have found a
person who is worthy of your trust, please don't
hold back during lovemaking. Let this person know
you are willing to love deeply, to surrender your
ego and control for at least a few moments. See
what happens and if you truly feel loved, accepted,
and at home with this person, be extremely
grateful. You have reached a high moment of life
that is unlike any other.
Do Married and Committed
Couples Stall have Solo Sessions?
One of the controversies I often discuss with
couples and individuals in counseling is whether
masturbation helps or hurts a long-term
partnership. Before I pass along a few suggestions
from successful couples in my counseling practice,
let me first ask you what's been your lived
experience on this issue:
--Have you ever felt guilty or uncomfortable for
taking matters into your own hands and not telling
your partner?
--Have you ever felt resentful toward your
partner because you or your partner felt the need
to masturbate rather than having sex together?
--Have you ever discussed the possibility of
masturbating with your partner's verbal
encouragement or actual physical assistance on
nights when one of you is too tired or not in the
mood for sex?
--Have you ever argued with each other about
whether one or both of you is masturbating too
much, or is addicted to porn or Internet sites?
While very few couples talk openly about their
solo sexual moments, in fact a non-attacking
conversation about the presence orabsence of
masturbation can have a major impact on the success
or failure of your relationship.
Here's what I mean:
1) Men who masturbate only on the nights when
their partner is not in the mood tend to be more
patient, loving and resilient than men who refuse
to masturbate and turn each sexual turn-down into a
whining plea or an angry battle.
Many women find it to be a relief to know that
their husband can take care of his own business on
nights when she's tired or stressed.
2) Women who masturbate at least once or twice a
month tend to learn a lot about what they enjoy in
lovemaking and are better able to teach their
partner what brings them to a great orgasm.
If a man wants to be a caring lover, he should
listen closely when his wife or partner describes
what pillows, vibrators, bath faucets, finger
motions, or other methods give her the most
wonderful pleasures.
3) Men who are addicted to porn or who actually
prefer the predictability of masturbation to the
complexity and riskiness of making love with a
real-life partner tend to create a lot of arguments
and emotional distance in their relationships. I
strongly recommend that if you and your partner
have been clashing about porn because of religious
values or a sense that porn is getting the way of
real intimacy, you may need to try a 7 day or 30
day sabbatical from porn to revive your interest in
real human-to-human contact.
4) Many healthy couples utilize masturbation as
a way of increasing the closeness and intimacy of
their relationship. For example, in my book Wake Up
or Break Up: The 8 Crucial Steps to Strengthening
Your Relationship, I describe a real-life example
of a couple where the husband takes the pressure
off his wife by masturbating on nights when she is
too tired and she gets to enjoy watching him and
embracing him afterward.
I also describe a real-life example of a couple
where the wife unwinds after stressful days by
masturbating in the bathtub that has been lovingly
prepared by her husband who also gives her a
relaxing neck rub before letting her have thirty
minutes of private, uninterrupted time for
5) Quite often when one partner is too tired to
make love and the other partner offers to do "most
of the heavy lifting solo," it turns on the tired
partner who then decides to join in the fun. While
there is no guarantee that this kind of intimacy
will lead to a lovemaking session together, it
certainly increases the odds from 0% to close to
50% that both of you will be rolling around in the
sheets in a little while.
Is it Permissible to
Call "Time Out" in the Middle of Lovemaking?
Some people get angry or upset if a partner stops
in the middle of a passionate lovemaking session
and wants to discuss something. Is that true for
you or your partner? Do you prefer a non-stop
progression from kissing to touching to genital
contact without much conversation, or do you enjoy
occasional check-in conversations as part of your
Based on 23 years of counseling couples, I've
found there are 2 important things to consider
regarding the issue of "time outs" during
lovemaking. They are:
1) In general, it's best to have an occasional
how-to or choreography conversation during a quiet,
relaxed moment when you're not making love. Even if
you've been together for a while, there is always a
lot to learn and improve about how to respect each
other's sensual preferences and individual likes
and dislikes.
The best time to teach each other about what
kind of kissing, touching, orgasms, and afterglow
you each prefer is when you're taking a walk
together in nature, when you're having a phone
conversation about how much you're both looking
forward to your next time together, or when you're
having a relaxing conversation before or after a
hot-and-intense lovemaking session.
One of you can say, "I've always wanted to show
you my favorite way of being kissed." Or you can
suggest (without any criticism or harshness), "The
way I most prefer to be touched when we're making
love is..." Or you can confide to each other, "The
secret recipe that seems to bring me the most
amazing orgasms is when..." Then gently and
cooperatively brainstorm about what you each like
or dislike during lovemaking.
I've found that the couples who take a few
minutes each week or each month to exchange a few
non-judgmental comments about their lovemaking
preferences are continually expanding and improving
their closeness and intimacy, while the couples who
never talk about sex are usually falling into a
repetitive rut.
2) However, if in the middle of lovemaking, one
of you has something important to clear up that is
causing you to feel pained, uncomfortable,
distracted, disrespected, or emotionally distant,
it is a very good idea to call a brief time out to
get back on track. Simply say in a non-attacking
tone of voice, "I just need a minute to tell you
what's going on with me. I promise things will be
even more enjoyable once this gets cleared up." Or
calmly tell your partner, "I need a quick time out
so we can improve something that would make this
even more wonderful."
Then in a supportive way, explain what was
making you feel pained, uncomfortable, distracted,
or shut down. I've found in hundreds of couples
that these brief, cooperative time-out
conversations can quickly resolve problems that
would otherwise turn into messy resentments or
disastrously bad lovemaking. In fact, if you and
your partner are able to clear things up in a few
seconds by having one of these non-critical,
non-attacking brief time outs, you will be amazed
at how it adds to the intensity of your lovemaking.
Rather than spending minutes or hours feeling
distant or uncomfortable about something, you will
now have the freedom and trust to improve whatever
needs improving in a matter of seconds.
The first key to making one of these sexual
conversations successful is for the partner who is
offering a suggestion to do so in a loving and
non-judgmental way. Don't say, "You never this or
you always that." It's much more effective to say
enticingly, "There's an important secret I've
always wanted to share with you. Here's what I
think will make things even more exciting for both
of us..."
The second key to making one of these sexual
conversations successful is for the partner who is
receiving the suggestion to listen non-defensively
and to realize your partner just wants to improve
things. If your brain or your ego starts to feel
defensive and you find yourself wanting to say in a
testy voice, "Well, there are things I wish you
would do differently, too," stop yourself and
remind yourself, "The only reason my partner is
giving me this suggestion is to make things even
hotter between us. Listen up, dude, and if you're
smart you'll pick up on this important clue to what
your partner desires."
For example, if your partner tries to tell you
or show you exactly how she likes to be kissed,
don't get all defensive and say, "But my ex thought
I was a great kisser." That would be the quickest
way to turn this brief time-out into a long and
ugly clash. A better option is to say to yourself,
"Pay attention and you will learn exactly what
warms up this partner and what she's always wanted
you to figure out without any clues. Thank goodness
she's finally telling me the precise kissing style
that she finds most exciting. This brief
conversation is going to pay dividends over and
over again if I can replicate exactly the kind of
kiss she loves the most."
When your partner summons up the courage to tell
you what's working and what's not working about the
lovemaking you've been having together, it's not an
assessment of whether you're a good person or a
great lover. It's a chance for two unique human
beings to become even more intimate and more
passionate than they've ever been before.
What Relaxes Your
Stressed-Out Partner?
For many couples there is a basic disagreement
about which happens first--sex or relaxation. In
many relationships, one partner tends to think sex
is the way to unwind from a stressful day. The
other partner thinks sex is out of the question
unless you somehow are able to unwind and feel
sensual first.
In your own relationship, do you and your
partner sometimes clash over whether relaxation is
the afterglow of lovemaking or the requirement that
must happen BEFORE lovemaking can occur?
Does one of you say, "C'mon let's make love so I
can unwind," while the other says, "No way. I need
to feel relaxed and a lot less stressed before I
can even think about the possibility of making
Here's what you can do to prevent the arguing
and resentments that often occur:
--Start by supporting the partner who needs to
be relaxed in order to feel sensual or intimate. In
fact, let this partner win the debate because there
won't be any sex at all if you keep insisting that
your partner should adopt your preference for
--Then help your partner unwind more
successfully without any strings attached. Maybe
offer to cook a meal, or clean up afterward, or put
the kids to bed, or give your partner a foot rub, a
neck massage, or a half-hour of non-interrupted
listening while your partner discusses the stresses
of the day. There is no guarantee that sex will
follow, but the odds rise from 0% to 60% or maybe
even 90% if you consistently help your partner
unwind and if you show what a considerate and
loving person you are.
As I describe in my new book Wake
Up or Break Up: The 8 Crucial Steps to
Strengthening Your Relationship, "If you've got
a higher sex drive than your partner, the worst
thing you can do is whine or make demands or
criticize or complain.
Pretty soon your partner will be completely
turned off to ever making love with you again.
But if you pitch in and help out to lighten your
partner's load, you will be amazed at how quickly
you find yourself with a grateful and appreciative
partner who is beginning to want to cozy up and
roll around with you in the sheets."
--If your partner is frequently stressed and has
trouble unwinding or feeling sensual much of the
time, sit down and have a non-accusatory and
non-attacking conversation about, "What could I do
at night after you've had a stressful day that
would allow you to feel relaxed and cared for and
sensual again. Teach me your secrets." Your partner
might not know immediately what she needs in order
to unwind, but if you brainstorm together some
possible options for helping her make the gradual
shift from "On Call 24 Hours a Day" to "Finally
Having Some Time to be Pampered," it can help
--Some partners say they feel sensual again
after a bath, a shower, a massage, a chapter of a
favorite book, a crossword puzzle, or a foot
Others say they feel amorous again when they
sense day after day that you are a caring and
considerate teammate. Others say they feel like
making love after they've had some time to unload
their frustrations from the day and they find you
to be a good listener who doesn't interrupt with
advice but rather listens with your heart and says,
"Wow, you've had quite a day. What can I do to
lighten the load for you over the next few
--If you are naturally good at listening or
giving a massage, that's going to help a lot. But
if you are like most people and you find yourself
becoming impatient when your partner needs a caring
listener or a gentle foot rub, you may need to
remind yourself, "Don't blow it, dude. Show up and
be a patient, considerate, loving person here. If
you want the sensuality to return to this
relationship, don't let impatience or tiredness
ruin a great chance for renewed closeness."
--In addition to learning the secrets of what
relaxes your partner after a stressful day, make
sure you also figure out what works for you as
well. Do you need a shower, a bath, a favorite book
or video game, a jog, a foot massage, or a favorite
TV show in order to feel like a relaxed human being
again after a very hard day. Explain to your
partner, "If I can just have this 30 minute or 60
minute sabbatical I will definitely be able to be
the kind of patient, caring, and supportive partner
you deserve."
--Teach your partner how your own unwinding
process works as a way of bringing the two of you
closer together, not as a competition or as a
debate. I've found the most successful couples are
those who co-design effective ways to be
"Relaxation Teammates" at night while respecting
and supporting each other's different ways of
unwinding. If each of you can identify, ask for,
and make happen just 30 or 60 minutes of
decompression each night, you can then reconnect as
friends, partners, and hopefully lovers.
Are You Still Attracted
to Your Partner's Imperfect Body?
Let's be honest. In every relationship there are
likely to be times when your partner's body no
longer looks like it did when you first met. Or
that it no longer looks as physically arousing as
some of the eye candy walking down the street. Or
that your partner can't possibly measure up to the
surgically enhanced and trainer-obsessed bodies you
see in films or advertisements.
What's a decent man to do?
Here are 4 steps that have worked successfully
for hundreds of male counseling clients who have
been honest enough during my 23 years as a
therapist to tell me how they deal with this common
1) When you think of your attraction or arousal
regarding your long-term partner, think about some
of the most amazing sexual and non-sexual moments
you've shared together. If you flash across the
movie screen inside your mind some great highlight
reel memories of passionate lovemaking, beautiful
vacations, cherished family moments, and intimate
conversations, you will probably be just as aroused
as you were when you first set eyes on your
2) Rather than focusing on the parts of your
loved one's body that have changed with time, focus
at first on the specific areas that always make you
feel appreciative, excited, turned-on, and
intimate. For example, if your partner has new
padding, stretch marks, lines, or increased gravity
pulls that don't turn you on, what about the areas
that are still so sensual, so soft, so remarkable,
and so in need of tender kissing, stroking, and
nuzzling. At a beautiful buffet of delicious
treats, you don't need to get bent out of shape by
one or two dishes you tend not to enjoy. Yet you
can feel excited and happy about the aspects of the
buffet you know you will be enjoying in the near
3) If you then want to be adventurous and
extremely erotic, begin to spend some caring time
and loving attention on these age-related spots
that are still connected to your loved one's
beautiful soul. Have you ever run your fingers
along a very sensual and possibly ticklish stretch
mark? Or a part of the body that participated in
the miracle of bringing a new life into the world?
It can also be very arousing for both of you if you
were to lick, massage, or nibble gently at an area
that used to be tight or thin but is now flexible
and fuller.
You might find it enjoyable and quite intimate
to be making love to the vulnerable spots of your
very-human partner. We live in a society where over
90% of women feel either "too fat" or
"unattractive." Clearly, someone set the bar too
high in order to sell a lot of beauty and makeover
products. But don't let that block the intimacy for
you and your partner. Enjoy and be sensual with all
the delicious possibilities that your partner
presents to you, not just the ones that the fashion
police say are acceptable.
4) If your partner is uncomfortable or insecure
about any body parts for which your partner feels
self-conscious, don't worry. Just be gentle and
accepting of even the insecurities that your
partner brings to the bedroom. If your partner
needs the lights turned down so that you won't see
any imperfections, simply enjoy the lovemaking in
the dark. Or if your partner is willing to slowly
let you demonstrate how beautiful and sensual every
physical aspect of the body can be, that is another
option that might lead to more light and more
One of the great joys of being with a partner
long-term is to truly feel accepted and appreciated
for all your humanness. When you feel that amazing
sense of being known in all your complexities, it
can be extremely arousing and intimate.
Did You Know the "Honey
Do List" is the Beginning of Foreplay?
There's a crucial secret about female sexuality
that I didn't learn in high school, college, or
even graduate school. They didn't teach it in any
sex therapy courses that I took after I became a
licensed psychologist. Nor will you read about it
in any standard textbooks on the subject of
sexuality. But it's a make-or-break secret that can
mean the difference between a wonderful sex-life
with your long-term partner or a bitter wall
between the two of you.
We all know that most men get turned on quickly.
All it takes is a visual stimulus--a glimpse of an
undergarment or a gentle touch in the right places.
Or just one erotic thought passing through his mind
and he's ready to roll in the sheets.
However, most women warm up much slower and in
many cases not at all. The secret to female
sexuality that was revealed to me several hundred
times by couples I was counseling in my office is
the following:
--Most women need to see a partner pitching in
around the home and then she slowly will beginthe
gradual process of feeling loved, feelingcared for,
and feeling intimate.
Or as one female client explained to hermhusband
several years ago in my office, "Dude, didn't you
know that the 'honey do list' of chores is the
beginning of foreplay? If you help out with
child-care or cleaning up after a meal or changing
a light bulb, I start to think of you as a great
protector, a loving partner, and a reliable source
of strength. That usually starts my sense of
intimacy to begin heating up a bit, especially if
you pitch in voluntarily BEFORE I have to beg or
get all bitchy and fed up, which invariably shuts
down any sexual feelings I might have been starting
to build."
If this is the first time you've heard about the
mysterious connection between the "Honey Do List"
and the beginnings of foreplay, or if you don't
believe me, please go ask the women in your life.
You will find that several or most of the women you
ask will admit to you that when a man pitches in
lovingly, she feels like being warm and cozy with
him. On the other hand, when she has to beg, whine,
yell or scream in order to get him to change a
light bulb or fix the leaky faucet in the baby's
bathroom, she finds herself shutting down and
preferring a romance novel rather than the
uncooperative lump of flesh with his remote control
clicker on the couch.
Since most couples sooner or later have a major
disparity between how often he wants to make love
and how often she has the energy or inclination to
make love, this precious secret of female sexuality
needs to be taken quite seriously. It doesn't
guarantee that two light bulbs, one faucet, and
changing the baby's diaper will get you lucky
tonight. But if night after night you consistently
show your caring, your consideration, your
tenderness, and your warmth toward your spouse and
kids, you will be amazed at how much the sexual
wall between you and your mate will start to melt.
If you and your partner have differing sex drives,
don't argue or fight about it. Just look around and
see what needs your help and considerateness around
the house, and pretty soon you, too, will be
convinced that the quicker you complete the items
on the "Honey Do List," the more likely you will be
to have some wonderful lovemaking again with your
beautiful but frequently tired partner.
Good luck!
Are You "Mr.
Growing up as a man, I thought it was important to
be "Mr. Ever-ready." If someone wanted to have sex
and this person seemed interesting or attractive,
"Mr. Ever-ready" was supposed to say yes. Or so I
But there's a cost to trying to turn oneself
into "Mr. Ever-ready." For example:
- Have you ever found yourself in bed with
someone you didn't really like?
- Have you ever hurt someone you love because
you were flirting or getting sensual with
someone else?
- Have you ever created problems in a good
relationship because your eyes kept following
the eye candy walking by or your sexuality got
distracted by someone who was not really a
candidate for a real relationship?
- Have you ever felt unable to say to your
partner, "Not tonight," because you thought it
was unmanly to admit you're tired or stressed,
or that you need to resolve some
miscommunications first before you're willing to
get fully vulnerable again with this
- Have you ever pretended to be in the mood
and then had a frustrating or lousy encounter
with your partner? But if you had admitted you
weren't in the mood for sex right now, the two
of you might have had a wonderful time doing
something else together?
There are dozens of excuses men tell themselves
as to why they act like "Mr. Ever-ready." In the
new movie "In Her Shoes" with Cameron Diaz and Toni
Collette, there's a fascinating scene that reveals
the dangers of being "Mr. Ever-ready" at the wrong
Here's what happens: The character played by
Toni Collette is a wise and caring lawyer who is
starting to fall in love with a man from her law
firm. She has a misunderstanding with him, however,
and he feels horrible because he really likes her
and wants to pursue the relationship with her.
So the guy shows up at Toni Collette's apartment
with flowers to win her back. But Toni Collette
isn't home and her younger sister, played by
Cameron Diaz, shows up at the door with a shirt
barely covering her pink undies and her naked legs.
Several minutes later Toni Collette walks in to
find the guy in bed with her sister.
She never forgives him, even though he insists,
"I am truly sorry. When I was in high school I was
chubby and I still have trouble believing today
that a great-looking woman wants me." To which Toni
Collette comments, "I don't care how fat you were
in high school...I could never trust you
Now here's the question for each man to answer
about whether you are being run by your "Mr.
Ever-ready" Self or by your inner wisdom:
If you were very attracted to a terrific person
with whom you were building a quality relationship,
and then suddenly an extremely stunning sibling or
friend showed up half-naked and tried to seduce
you, would you be able to say no? Would you be able
to put a budding relationship (and a person you
care about) ahead of an easy wild encounter with an
extremely hot diversion?
In addition, would you be able to say to your
partner in a long-term relationship, "I want to
make sure that if you're not in the mood to make
love, we'll respect that. Or if I'm ever tired,
stressed, or unresolved about some issue between
us, I promise to be honest with you and not to
pretend I'm always Mr. Ever-ready when I'm
Do you want your relationship to be about trust
and honesty, or about gamesmanship and pretense?
These are the questions that most men never talk
about with their dads, their best friends, or even
themselves. They are the questions that can make or
break your personal life.
Just One Clumsy
One of the fascinating things about sexuality is
that it's so fragile and unpredictable. You can be
having a wonderful day or night with your partner,
be ready for a wild time in bed together, and then
suddenly one clumsy comment sends you back to
"Start" with little chance of passing "Go" or
collecting the riches.
To prevent your next sexual encounter from
turning into a disaster, it helps to know who you
are and what you sometimes say that is a joy-killer
for your partner. For instance, do any of the
following sound familiar:
- You like to be honest, but sometimes your
honesty sounds a bit critical and as a result
your partner feels like putting up a wall
between you (which causes your sex life to
- You spent years learning how to be assertive
and ask for what you want, but sometimes during
lovemaking your requests sound a little bit
harsh or insensitive, which causes your partner
to shut down or say, "What am I, chopped
- You tend to want to get things done and be
efficient, so sometimes you bring up household
issues or logistical details right at the moment
when your partner is starting to feel relaxed,
intimate, and free of the burdens of the day.
Timing, dude, timing!
- You try to be kind and caring, but sometimes
(instead of saying something gently right at the
moment when you have a legitimate concern about
something) you stuff your concerns inside for so
long that they burst out in an explosion right
at the wrong moments.
- You have a strong desire or a hormonal motor
running inside you that wants things to happen
during lovemaking more quickly than your partner
does. So instead of waiting or letting your
partner guide the pace, you jump in with an
impatient or demanding comment such as, "C'mon
already. How long does it take to fix your
hair." That one clumsy comment can ruin the
sensual connection for hours, days, or even
- You want your partner to look great and you
sometimes make the mistake of being too much of
a critic or a judge of your partner's clothes,
body, or physical insecurities. Unfortunately,
just one clumsy comment that causes your partner
to sense that you are disapproving or
disappointed physically can cause weeks, months,
or years of sexual frustration because your
partner doesn't want to let go and open up in
your presence if you might be a critical or
judgmental person about looks.
Please note: I am not urging you to walk on egg
shells or be phony in your encounters with your
loved one. But I am strongly urging you to take
stock and notice if there are a few things you tend
to do or say that almost always ruins the intimate
moments or delays the sense of one-ness with your
partner. If you stop and think for a few moments,
you probably know what you've done in the past
(probably unintentionally) that has put a dent in
your sexuality. You can try to blame your partner
for "being too sensitive" or "saying something
clumsy first." But in fact the only person you can
change is you and this a wonderful place to make
some changes.
If you can identify and prevent the few clumsy
comments that have been causing tension, fights, or
a sexual shut-down with someone who loves you, that
could be the most important thing you do to revive
or strengthen your sexual connection.
Then the next time you are starting to heat
things up sensually with your beloved partner and a
critical remark or an impatient comment starts to
enter your mind, you can quickly catch yourself and
say, "Don't go there. This is not a good time to be
a jerk."
You might be amazed at how much your
relationship will improve if you simply eliminate a
few clumsy remarks that have been causing trouble
for a long time.
Good luck!
When Your Partner Has
Trouble Reaching a Climax
One of the great mysteries of life is why some
people find it so easy to reach orgasm while others
find it so difficult. Several decades ago there
were psychoanalysts who arrogantly insisted that
the slow-to-climax partner was "frigid."
Thankfully, most therapists today know a lot more
about the diversity of human sexual response and
very few professionals today would ever use the
inaccurate and insulting word "frigid."
So what's the deal? Why is it that with one
partner you can engage in several minutes of oral
sex or intercourse which leads to an explosion and
heartfelt thanks, while with another partner you
can perform the exact same quantity and quality of
oral sex or intercourse and the response might be,
"Why are you slowing down? I'm barely getting
started here?"
As a couples counselor for the past 23 years,
I've found that a huge number of couples suffer a
lot of guilt, arguing, frustration, and emotional
distance as a result of the mysteries of the human
orgasm. In order to resolve these common dilemmas
or even prevent a break-up with your partner, a few
topics from my new book, need to be discussed ahead
of time. For example, on a nice day off when you
and your partner are taking a walk, or you are
having breakfast or dinner together, it might be a
good idea to bring out your sense of humor and talk
about "The Mystery of the Big O." It's a lot more
fun than watching golf or poker on television and
can generate some extremely important breakthroughs
in your sex life. Here are some questions you can
discuss with each other in an open and
non-defensive way:
-- What do you know already from your own
experience are the best ways to shut down or ruin
an almost-orgasm? This humorous and insightful
conversation topic can be a crack-up for both of
you. Is it the sound of your kids running down the
hall and pounding on the bedroom door that takes
your body from bliss to terror? Is it when your
partner mentions a certain upsetting topic or
difficult person that brings you crashing back to
reality? Is it when one of you says something
critical or gives some advice to the other person?
Is it when you feel rushed or pressured by an
impatient partner who seems to be saying or
implying, "What the heck is taking you so long?" Is
it when the physical sensations are happening too
fast or too slow? Is it when your partner seems to
be losing interest in your responses because he or
she is focused completely on his or her own orgasm?
Having an informative and helpful talk about what
interrupts intimacy and orgasms can be a terrific
starting place for the revival of your closeness as
a couple. Especially if you talk to one another as
caring teammates, rather than as competitors or
rivals, you will find this exploration of the
"Mysteries of the Big O" to be a wonderful chance
to get to know some of each other's most private
--What do you know from direct experience or
from your own readings on the subject that might be
the missing link for you between a difficult search
for the big O versus a beautiful journey to the
land of release? It's been stated by various
researchers that somewhere between 60-80% of women
either prefer or absolutely need oral stimulation
in order to have an orgasm. It has nothing to do
with being frigid and in fact it's quite normal for
a woman to find it much easier to reach orgasm from
oral sex than from even the most prolonged and
well-positioned intercourse. In fact, in most
surveys and in one-on-one counseling sessions, the
majority of women admit that they find a favorite
vibrator, a well-choreographed set of fingers, a
very-talented tongue, the flow of a bathtub faucet,
or some other well-traveled path to be much more
likely to lead to an orgasm than intercourse. Many
women are afraid or embarrassed to admit that they
are in the 60-80% of women who don't prefer
intercourse as their favorite route to orgasm. But
it's the truth and if you want to have a more
successful sex life you might as well start with
the truth. At the same time, there are many men who
find their best orgasms arrive as a result of
certain exciting extras that they might be shy or
unwilling to communicate to their partner. It might
be a specific finger-pressure on the sensitive area
behind the testicles. Or a secret spot at the
opening of the anus (but only if his partner is
comfortable and careful with this delicate
opening). Or it might be a certain way of stroking
the penis by hand or through oral sex. Or it might
be some other wonderful series of actions that take
him over the moon if only he would let his partner
know the secret.
--Please don't judge or criticize each other for
having extremely different methods or lengths of
time that you need in order to fully open up and
reach your best orgasms. If you were to interview a
few thousand individuals about exactly what they
enjoy and what they don't enjoy when they are
making love, you will be amazed at the diversity
and uniqueness of each individual. Not only that,
but you will find in most cases what feels great
one day for a person might not feel so great on a
different day for the same individual. That's why
you and your partner should be extremely patient
and compassionate with each other as you keep
discovering new insights into the complexity and
uniqueness of each other's sexual responses. It
doesn't matter if your current beloved is different
or more complicated than someone else you've been
with before. All that matters is that the two of
you find exquisite ways to deepen your love and
intimacy without judging, mistreating, or
disrespecting one another.
--Be willing to admit to each other what you
worry about regarding your orgasms. Some
individuals diminish their own enjoyment of sex
because they are afraid they are too loud or too
soft when they have an orgasm. Many fear that they
are taking too long or that they are not taking
long enough to reach orgasm. Others fear they are
not as dramatic or extensive in their orgasms as
what they've seen in porn films or heard from the
boasting of others. Still others worry about
whether they have an odor, a secretion, an unusual
spasm, or emit strange sounds when they are fully
engaged in having an orgasm. Each of these partners
will need reassurance from a caring and
non-judgmental partner who explains what a precious
gift it is to share all the diverse aspects of who
we are with someone who treasures us and respects
us fully.
--Design with your partner a choreography or a
turn-taking sequence that maximizes what you know
about yourself and the other person. For example,
if you know that you have a habit of ejaculating
too quickly if you are having intense intercourse,
you and your partner can design various ways to
stop when you start to get too close to the edge.
You and your partner will want to read up on the
squeeze technique, the Kegel muscle exercises, and
the Tantric breathing methods that are described in
various sex books on how to stop an ejaculation
that might be quicker than you'd prefer. Or you
might want to design a turn-taking sequence that
allows one partner to orgasm from oral sex first
and doesn't require the other partner to last as
long during intercourse. Or you might want to have
a humorous phrase you can say to your partner if
you are getting too close to an ejaculation and you
want support in lasting longer, something like
"Time to breathe or this might be over too
soon'' or "Whoa darlin' we gotta cool down this
engine or it's gonna explode." Instead of feeling
insecure or remaining silent about the complexities
of orgasm, this kind of teamwork and mutual caring
can deepen your sense of intimacy and
--Also be willing to have a conversation about
when it’s o.k. to not have an orgasm with
each other. Many couples find that the pressure to
have an orgasm each and every time becomes an
impediment to intimacy and spontaneity. What if you
consciously decided every so often to kiss, touch,
caress, and roll around together lovingly without
any orgasms being allowed. The delicious tension
build-up and the wonderful physical sensations will
surprise you! Or what if you made a shared decision
to interrupt your oral explorations or even to
interrupt intercourse in order to slow down and
breathe in deeply the turned-on feelings that would
otherwise be dispersed by an orgasm. Like Faith
Hill says in her song, "Just breathe!" Instead of
rushing to orgasm, you can deepen your intimacy by
looking into each other's eyes or holding each
other tenderly while the heat and the excitement is
still pulsing through your body.
--Be honest with each other about when one of
you feels like working hard toward an orgasm while
the other partner feels like taking it easy.
Especially on nights or mornings when one of you is
feeling very energetic and the other partner is
tired or stressed, you can take turns being the one
who does the heavy lifting and the one who takes a
more passive or relaxed role.
For many couples who grew up thinking "We must
have simultaneous and equally intense orgasms or
else," this ability to respect the different levels
of energy you both are feeling on any given day or
night will be a nice change of pace. The partner
who wants to exert a lot of energy can volunteer to
be "the hard worker tonight," or to masturbate solo
with the other person nearby or snuggling closely.
This allows the less-energized partner to enjoy
your excitement vicariously "while I just relax
here and do a lot less exertion." Clearly, there
needs to be some balance where every few days or
weeks you switch roles - the hard working partner
gets to relax and be passive, while the often-tired
partner gets to show some passion and exertion
every so often as well.
--Treat each orgasm not as an obligation, but
rather as one of many wonderful moments on the
journey of connecting as lovers. When two partners
start to enjoy every delicious moment of rolling
around together or exploring each other's
highly-sensitive bodies, the quest for orgasm
becomes less of a burden. For most couples who
become less orgasm-obsessed, a new and much deeper
level of intimacy emerges. I have learned from
couples in my office who described to me,
"There's such a beautiful sense of trust and
closeness that occurs when we simply enjoy each
other" aliveness and we don't pressure ourselves or
the other person to have the ultimate orgasm each
and every time." Others have described it as "A
chance to enjoy the entire process of lovemaking
and if the orgasms happen, that's even more of a
When You Have a
Higher Sex Drive Than Your Partner
For some strange reason, almost every relationship
has moments when one partner has a much higher sex
drive than the other partner. Is it because God has
a sense of humor? Or because one of you takes only
a few seconds to warm up while the other partner
needs several hours of everything going perfectly
before the kindling starts to catch fire? Or
because one of you has been thinking about sex all
day while the other person thinks about sex almost
As a couples counselor, I've been fascinated for
over 23 years watching well-dressed and
strongly-in-love couples enter my office and tell
me how much they argue or build up resentments
because one partner is hot to trot far more often
than the other partner. In most cases, the
high-sex-drive partner tries a few methods that
truly don't work. See if any of these sound like
you or someone you know:
Whining: For centuries most men and some
women have resorted to whining and complaining in
the hopes that it might cause the other partner to
warm up and want to roll around naked in bed. Some
high-sex-drive partners whine by saying things like
"But you promised" or "It's been so long" or "You
never seem to be in the mood" or "This is our only
chance now that the kids are finally asleep" Or
they whine by sulking, complaining, or getting
angry when the partner says "Not tonight. I'm much
too tired" As one of my therapy clients once told
me, "If only whining were a major turn-on, I'd be
getting a lot more sex than I do lately."
Citing Math Statistics: Other
high-sex-drive individuals think that pulling out
facts and numbers will turn on their partner. They
say things like, "For crying out loud, it's been
six days!" or "It's been two and a half weeks!" Or
they say emphatically, "The average couple has sex
2.5 times a week" (a made-up figure that has been
used by millions of high-sex-drive individuals but
has never once caused a lower-sex-drive person to
get naked or feel sensual). Based on what I've
discovered from counseling thousands of couples, I
have yet to see a lower-sex-drive partner look into
the eyes of the person citing these math facts and
say, "Oh, yes! Oh, yes! I get so turned on when you
give me numbers like that. Don't stop, lover! Don't
Warning of Medical
Disasters: Finally, there is the ultimate
ploy that most men learned in high school or
college and that rarely if ever works. He says to
his partner, "I'm going to get blue balls if we
don't do it." Or as my college friend used to call
it, "I'm likely to get D.S.B., Dangerous Semen
Backup." Maybe one out of fifty partners will be
gullible enough to believe that there is such a
thing as Blue Balls or Dangerous Semen Backup. But
forty nine out of fifty will know that there is a
100% likelihood that the high-sex-drive person will
take matters into his own hands and the threat of
Blue Balls is pure bluff.
Exactly What Does Work? Now that we've
covered the whining, number-crunching, and medical
horror stories that don't work, what in fact does
work to help bring couples closer when one has a
high sex drive and the other doesn't? Here are a
few options that I've seen work wonderfully and
that are described in detail in my new book. To
save or improve your sex life, you might want to
experiment with one or more of these:
The No-Pressure Guarantee: Many
lower-sex-drive partners have a wall up because
they have experienced so much pressure, whining,
anger and verbal abuse from their higher-sex-drive
partner, or from various other demanding people
over the years. This is especially true for
good-looking women, who have been pressured and
pushed to have sex ever since she first developed a
figure at age 12 or 13 or 14. So the best place to
begin to repair the damage and start anew with your
partner is to sit down and promise the pressuring
is over (and to really mean it, dude). You can
write a note, send a card, have a face-to-face
conversation, or even get down on your knees and
say, "I'm sorry I've been a bit intense about this.
I realize now that pressuring you is not the way
you deserve to be treated. From now on, I promise
there will no more pressuring about sex because
unless both of us are in the mood it's not good for
our relationship if one of us pressures the
The Enjoyable rainstorming Walk in
Nature: Many couples also achieve a
breakthrough in their sex lives when they set aside
an hour every few weeks or months and take a
relaxing walk in nature (along the water, in a
beautiful park, on an attractive tree-lined street,
or in some other favorite spot). When the two of
you are feeling relaxed and open, start the
brainstorming conversation by saying, "I would love
to learn more about what makes you feel cared for
and appreciated, versus what makes you feel
over-stressed or taken for granted. For just a few
minutes, would you be willing to teach me what are
the things I could do that would make you feel
loved and supported and good about our partnership.
I can't promise that I'll do a perfect job at
everything on the list, but I do want to learn what
makes you feel loved." In nine out of ten cases,
this type of non-defensive brainstorming
conversation opens up the possibility of renewed
trust and intimacy. When you listen to your partner
describe exactly what warms this unique individual
up, you will have some important clues about what
will bring back the closeness and passion that has
been drained from your relationship.
The "Teach Me Your Subtle Clues and What
HelpsYou get in the Mood" Conversation: In
addition, there is one more brainstorming
conversation that can cause breakthroughs even when
there has been a sexual-shut-down for weeks,
months, or years between the two of you. At a meal
or a walk or a relaxing time when you are together,
ask your partner, "I would love to learn what are
the subtle clues that you are in the mood or not in
the mood for being intimate, and what are the steps
that allow you to slowly get in the mood for making
love. For instance, what are the clues that maybe
you have been giving out every so often and that I
didn't pick up on that you were a little bit in the
mood and you would like me to gently make a pass
and see if it develops into something more? Or what
are the clues that you are truly not in the mood
and you don't want to have any pressure put on you?
Or what are the clues that you are a little bit
tired or not quite in the mood, but if you got some
support from me and if you let me do most of the
energetic fire-building at first you mightslowly
feel ready to make love?"; If you are a good,
non-defensive listener as you let your partner talk
about what causes sensuality or lack of sensuality
between the two of you, you will learn extremely
valuable clues about how to warm up your partner
and when to back off.
The "Show Me How You like to be Kissed and
Touched" Conversation: Rather than having
a fight during or after a failed love-making
session, it's much more effective to ask your
partner at the beginning of a love-making session
for a short tutorial. Simply ask, "I know that
we&'ve been together for a while and sometimes
I think I know how you like to be kissed or
touched, but maybe there is a way you like to be
kissed or touched that you haven't quite told me
yet. For just a few minutes would you be willing to
teach me what you enjoy and what you don't enjoy
when we're kissing and when we're warming each
other up." This short tutorial not only allows your
partner to be the respected teacher rather than the
pressured or pursued object of your desire. It also
will give you extremely valuable information about
what feels good and what doesn't feel good to this
unique and fascinating individual, whose sensuality
is slowly being revealed to you as the relationship
The Slow Down and Breathe Techniques:
Finally, there is something extremely important
about the speed and attitude with which you warm up
your partner that can revive or ruin your sex life.
If you are rushed, grabby, or too focused on orgasm
when you begin to kiss or warm up your partner,
there is very little chance that your
less-sexually-driven partner will feel safe or
sensual. On the other hand, if you remember to slow
down, breathe deeply in and out, and let your
partner know that you care as much about the
gradual intimate moments of connection as you do
about the orgasmic release, you will be amazed at
how much better your lovemaking becomes. Quite
often a partner who has felt pressured, rushed, and
judged in the sexual arena will open up to a new
sense of freedom and teamwork once you successfully
slow down and stop being so demanding or
goal-oriented during lovemaking.
But Is It Fair?
For most couples where one partner has a higher
sex drive than the other partner, the complicated
feelings and slower steps of the less-sexual
partner need to be taken very seriously in order to
revive the intimacy in the relationship. But if you
are the higher-sex-drive partner, you might be
feeling or thinking, "This isn't fair. Why does the
lower-sex-drive partner get to have more than 50%
of the control over when and how we do it?" While
that's a legitimate question, the truth is we're
not talking about fairness here, dude, we're
talking about what will get the kindling started on
those cold and lonely nights where there hasn't
been much heat lately. Letting the less-sexual
partner call the shots somewhat will help this
person open up and bring down the frustrating wall
that has been blocking any chance of intimacy for a
very long time. Good luck!
Smooth Out the Initiation
of Intimacy
I conclude with two additional fine points of
lovemaking that I've seen help shift couples from a
so-so to a spectacular love life. The first is
something that I often hear good and decent men
wish could be improved about their relationships.
As most men and some women have explained to me in
counseling sessions, "It's difficult to always be
the one to do the initiating. It's frustrating to
be the one who gets turned down time after time,
but when I ask my partner if she would be willing
to take the risk and initiate sex once in a while,
she rarely does."
When it comes to your own relationship, is there
one partner -- male or female -- who usually does
the initiating or the asking, or who makes the
risky first move? Has the situation become so
one-sided that one of you has started to get
What I recommend is not to fight or bicker about
this imbalance, but to have a creative and
non-attacking conversation instead. A relaxed and
playful talk about how to bring more mutuality and
teamwork to your love life is bound to be more
effective than a rant or a tirade. The best
solution I've seen is to set aside twenty minutes
on a good day or night every few months to
What are some of the subtle or obvious clues
that your partner is comfortable giving you which
would let you know ahead of time that he or she is
sufficiently interested and will probably say
What are clues that your partner is willing to
give you that he or she is a definite no for today
or tonight?
What are the clues your partner tends to give
you that he or she is possibly interested, if you
coax gently or warm him or her up?
Admitting to each other in a relaxed and
nonjudgmental conversation how to read each other's
clues is essential if you want to break out of the
rut of "I always initiate and you don't" that
happens in many relationships.
"I Don't Like to Come Out and Say, 'I'm in the
One of the couples I counseled recently are
Brenda and Stephen, who have been together for
almost ten years. They've watched their sex life
change from hot and sweaty before they had children
to "he's still asking but she's almost never saying
yes" for the past two years.
When Brenda and Stephen took a romantic walk
along a hillside trail near their home and admitted
to each other what clues they each tend to send out
that tonight might be yes, no, or maybe, they were
each amazed at how often they hadn't known what to
look for from their long-time partner.
Stephen was surprised to find out that Brenda
often put her hand softly and lovingly on top of
his hand at dinner on nights when she was feeling a
little bit affectionate and was hoping he'd coax
her with a first move and a gradually accelerating
intimacy. Stephen commented, "I was so surprised to
hear that this was one of Brenda's major clues that
she might be feeling amorous. I always thought when
she put her hand on my hand it meant she wanted me
to stop talking or to lower my voice in the
Brenda explained, "I don't actually want Stephen
to have to be the initiator all the time. That's
not fair to him and I wouldn't want to be in his
shoes having to get turned down so many times. Yet
I'll be honest -- I don't envision a time when I'll
be the vocal, uninhibited partner who says, 'Hey
baby, let's get it on.' That's just not my style.
However, I will continue to send out signals and
now I'll even let Stephen know ahead of time which
signals mean yes, no, or maybe if you gently get me
warmed up."
As a therapist I have heard about similar
conversations where the partner who usually doesn't
initiate does in fact reveal in these
heart-to-heart talks the subtle clues that tonight
might be a good night for affection. Some women put
on a special piece of clothing or lingerie that
signals, "Try me tonight -- the stars and the moon
are in alignment." Other women and some men say
they tend to make especially strong eye contact or
they brush up gently against their partner once or
twice to signal, "I'm waiting for you to make a
move in response."
One woman said, "I don't like to come out and
say, 'I'm in the mood!' but it's not hard to read
my number one clue that I'm starting to feel a bit
amorous. I usually walk up to my partner when he's
doing something in the kitchen, the living room, or
the bathroom. I gently brush my breasts against his
back and wait to see if that gets his attention.
What I didn't realize is that my partner has been
told no so many times by me on the nights I'm not
in the mood that he didn't understand the breasts
against the back actually means it's safe again to
ask. If we hadn't had this twenty-minute
heart-to-heart conversation to clarify the clues, I
think I'd still be sending out my signal and he'd
still be assuming I'm not interested. Now he knows
that when he feels my softness brushing up against
his back or he sees me stroking his arm while he's
talking, it means the odds are in his favor and he
better make a move before the winds change
This question of who initiates and who doesn't
may seem inconsequential, but it's not. If year
after year there is one partner who gets rejected
often and isn't sure what might lead to a yes, then
there will eventually be some escalating emotional
distance and resentment in the relationship. On the
other hand, if you and your partner can give each
other a few clues that reveal when you would like
to be coaxed into lovemaking (and when you don't
want to be coaxed), you will prevent a lot of
disappointing moments and hurt feelings. All it
takes are a few playful conversations that clarify,
"Here's my way of expressing my sensuality without
having to blurt it out." Then enjoy the resulting
What About the Afterglow?
There's one final important choreography issue
that has helped hundreds of long-term couples feel
more loving, passionate, and satisfied with each
other year after year. For many couples, there is a
huge difference between a good relationship and a
great relationship, depending on how you each
handle the afterglow -- the quiet, vulnerable
moments of connection and bonding that happen (or
fail to happen) right after the two of you have
reached orgasm or completed your lovemaking.
With your current partner, does that tend to be
a moment when the two of you feel extremely close
and at peace with the world? Or does your
lovemaking frequently end with one of you drifting
quickly off to sleep, or one of you taking a phone
call, or one of you getting swept away by thoughts
about work, money, stressful topics, the kids,
sports scores, or domestic chores?
Instead of having one partner longing for
closeness while the other partner has gone on to
other things, are there alternatives that might
help each of you get what you need during the
afterglow? Here are a few ideas from my counseling
clients. Talk these over with your partner and see
which feel right for you and your particular style
of post-orgasmic connecting:
A heterosexual couple told me they like to
"spoon" after making love.
Another heterosexual couple said they usually
have only a few minutes after lovemaking until one
of them falls asleep, so they maximize these few
minutes by making sure they gently kiss each other
several times. Sometimes they talk briefly about
how grateful they are for the caring, the passion,
and the warmth of their lovemaking.
A lesbian couple told me they feel like the best
of teammates at these times.
A gay male couple told me they prefer silence
after lovemaking, and to drift back into the
everyday world slowly without words.
One heterosexual couple included a male partner
who simply couldn't stop himself from falling
asleep immediately after climaxing. His partner
said she often felt "lonely" and "abandoned" at
those moments. So her partner offered to give her
something the day after they'd made love, such as a
flower, piece of chocolate, romantic note of
gratitude, or warm morning kiss, to make sure she
knew that he truly did care about their intimate
Finally, another couple told me they have very
active young children who sometimes pound on the
locked bedroom door moments after the parents are
done making love. According to this couple, "At
that moment when we hear the insistent shrieks and
fists of our beloved younger child, we look at each
other and smile. We're like co-conspirators
enjoying the fact that we had some great sex
without getting caught. Then we put some clothes on
and quickly open the door to hug our insistent
Sometimes it takes a bit of creativity and
innovation to come up with an afterglow style that
works for both partners in a particular situation.
Don't judge or attack your partner for needing to
sleep after lovemaking or for starting to think
about work, food, finances, or the kids. Simply
explore with your partner, "What can we do to
prolong the closeness and warmth just a few moments
more? Can we find a way to give each other
reminders of our affection and our appreciation for
one another before we move on to our
As a leaf falling into a pond sends out hundreds
of small ripples, so the smallest gestures of
caring right after lovemaking can send reminders of
your love into your hearts and strengthen your
closeness in the hours and days ahead. The beauty
of the afterglow of making love is that you can
look into each other's eyes for a moment and
realize how miraculous it is that you have found
someone to love and someone to share life with.
Even if you have very stressful lives, those few
moments together can become a peaceful sanctuary
that revives and renews the two of you.
The Loving Gift of Being
Fully Present
What would it be like if you and your partner
became excellent listeners on a daily basis? For
example, think back through the months or years you
have known your partner and recall the times when
the two of you talked like best friends who truly
cared about each other. What did it feel like to
have a soul mate who was 100 percent there for you?
Wouldn't it be great to have that sense of deep
connection again in your conversations?
You may have had moments in your relationship
when you both made sure to set aside time each day
or each week to catch up on what was happening with
each other. Do you remember what that was like, and
do you know why you've stopped making your moments
together a high priority?
You may have had moments when you felt
completely understood and appreciated by each
other, when the two of you felt like passionate
co-conspirators facing the obstacles and challenges
of life together. Did you fall in love because you
could appreciate one another's visions and
vulnerabilities better than anyone else?
I bring up these questions to help you and your
partner remember how amazing it feels when you are
absolutely in the current moment connecting with
your loved one. Yet to be fully present with the
person you love deeply is not easy to accomplish.
Not only do we have busy lives and lots to deal
with, but we find it risky to open up and be fully
known by another human being. On a stressful day
when your brain and nervous system get battered and
fried, how do you show up and be there 100 percent
in the current moment with a partner who might also
be exhausted or agitated?
Ways to Create Heartfelt Listening
No one sets out to be a lousy listener. I doubt
that you've ever heard at a wedding or commitment
ceremony the partners pro- claim in their vows, "I
promise to be a mediocre listener to you. I vow to
show condescending signs of impatience or say
things like 'So what's your point already?' when I
come home from work and you're trying to describe
the ups and downs of your day." Yet even if you're
highly respected as a good listener in your job,
you might still need to overcome the tendency to
wear your "I've got no listening left" face when
you're at home with your long-term partner or your
There are three things you can do to master the
art of heartfelt listening, even on a stressful
day: the Daily Decompression Exercise, the
Twenty-Minute Daily Check-In, and Giving Each Other
Three Appreciations.
The Daily Decompression Exercise
It's going to take more than good intentions if
you want to be fully present for each other after a
stressful day. That's why I recommend a remarkable
tool called the Daily Decompression Exercise that
I've seen work for hundreds of couples. Instead of
going on automatic pilot when you're at home and
slipping into impatience or grumpiness, you can use
this exercise to manually adjust your focus and
breathing at the moment your beloved partner needs
you to be fully present. Instead of getting
distracted, you can become the exquisite listener
that a great partnership requires.
Here's what to do:
Before you try to have a quality conversation
with your loved one, take five or ten minutes to
"decompress" from the day. You might want to stop a
block or two before your street and take five quiet
minutes to remind yourself, "I'm not at work any
longer. I'm about to enter a different atmosphere
where my loved ones are hoping they'll have the
good listener this time instead of the cranky,
impatient, burned-out basket case they've had to
endure too many times."
Or go into the washroom and rinse your hands and
face as you say into the mirror, "This is a crucial
moment when I'm either going to be a great listener
or an impatient jerk. The quality of my
relationship depends on whether I show up right now
with an open heart or a closed mind."
During your five- or ten-minute decompression,
you may also meditate or say a prayer to reconnect
with that calm place deep inside yourself. You
could say something like, "Please help me open my
heart even though my body is tired." Or you could
imagine that you're an astronaut or a scuba diver
who needs to regain normal breathing now that
you're coming back to firm ground after spending
time in an alien environment. If you came back
suddenly to normal oxygen after a journey to outer
space or the ocean floor, you would begin by
breathing slowly and calmly as you said to
yourself, "I'm entering a completely different
world than where I've been the past several
Whatever approach you utilize, make sure you
take a moment to feel your body and your mind
shifting out of the "get to the point already" tone
that might be normal at work but disastrous at
home. Breathe deeply as you envision yourself
turning back into a loving partner-and a caring and
patient parent if you have kids at home.
As you walk up to your front door, stop for a
moment to make sure you're ready to approach your
loved ones with your most compassionate self. The
moment before you say "Hello" or "How are you?" to
your loved ones, take a deep breath and remind
yourself, "The person I'm about to talk to is more
important than any client, customer, boss,
colleague, or phone caller I've spoken to today. I
better show up fully available for this next
conversation because nothing else is as important
as these precious moments together. " You might
even want to put these few sentences on a note card
that you keep in your wallet in case you need to
read them to yourself after an especially stressful
Even if your partner or your kids start right in
saying something you've heard before, remind
yourself that you can still be a calm and patient
listener. As your partner begins to speak, if you
notice that your impatience, irritability, or
desire to interrupt is welling up, be sure to catch
yourself and say silently, "Don't be a jerk. Don't
be the lousy listener who can ruin a good
relationship. Right now I'm definitely tired, but
I'm still capable of listening with a completely
open heart. This is the moment to prove whether I'm
a great partner or a cranky burden for my loved
Please don't underestimate the importance of
this decompression portion of your day. What you
say to yourself to unhook from your stressed-out
mood is up to you. I've listed here a few
possibilities, but feel free to change these
statements into your own words. The key is to find
a way to decompress so you won't stir up a fight or
disappoint those who look forward to seeing you
when you come home. Because if you talk to your
partner or your kids the way you talk to someone
you are disciplining at work, your loved ones will
be thinking to themselves, "Oh, great, here we go
again. The agitated commander in chief is home
again and we're all supposed to take orders. Get me
outta here!"
©2008, Leonard
* * *
Felder is a licensed psychologist in private
practice in West Los Angeles. As a popular lecturer
and recognized expert on how to improve personal
relationships, his books have sold more than 1
million copies. His latest book is Wake
Up or Break Up: The 8 Crucial Steps to
Strengthening Your
Relationship He has
appeared on more than 200 teleivsion and radio
programs, including Oprah, The Today Show, The
Early Show, CNN, AM Canada, NPR, and
ABC Talkradio. He and his wife, Linda, have
been together since 1980, and they hare the parents
of a 12-year-old son, Steven. E-Mail

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