My Kids are Driving Me Crazy (And What to do
About It)
My kids are driving me crazy! Its a refrain
thats being heard around the country.
And when you conduct parent workshops, the same
issues that produce that refrain come up over and
over for parents.
No matter where you go, parents are talking
about the same problems with their kids. And the
sad truth about these problems is that parents are
usually major contributors to them.
Here are three of the problems that keep coming
up for parents, and an explanation of how parents
can solve their own problems.
Problem #1: My kids dont listen to me. To
expect that kids will listen to you perfectly all
the time is an irrational thought. Kids dont
listen and attend to things in the same way that
adults do. They can be intensely focused on the
activity theyre involved with. Kids will
often need you to repeat things a number of times
in a patient, pleasant tone. And yes, your job is
to be very patient with them.
It is often the parental tone of
parents voices that is part of the problem
when kids dont listen. After all, who wants
to be lectured constantly about what to do? If
things still dont work, take actionkids
will respond to action much better than they will
to words.
Problem #2: My kids arent
respectfulthey talk back and argue too much.
One of the problems with not having obedient kids
anymore is that kids feel more freedom to speak
their mind. This can be irritating, but its
far better than obedient kids who do what
theyre told out of fear.
If your child talks to you in a disrespectful
way, you have choices. One choice is to be angry
with them and to actually create more of the very
behavior that you dislike. Getting angry when your
child talks back to you is a great example of
creating your own problems.
A better choice is to ask them whats
bothering them in a compassionate way. Kids will
often take out their feelings on someone who they
feel safe withyou! And remember that you can
tell them in a calm and firm manner that its
not OK to talk to you that way.
Arguing is a choice for parents. It still takes
two to tango. Most parents who complain about their
kids arguing are pretty good at it themselves. You
may disagree often with your kids, but arguments
can usually be avoided if parents stay
Problem #3: My kids arent achieving as
well as they should. Whether its tying their
shoes, getting better grades, or success at sports,
parents will always be worried about how well their
kids are measuring up. While there certainly are
situations that require extra help and support,
most of the extreme concern about your childs
development is a problem itself. When parents worry
about their childs capability, it sends a
powerful message to your child. Einstein and
Edison, by the way, were very poor students as
The responsibility of parents is to believe in
their childs ability to succeed and to set
high expectations for them. The rest is to be
patient and to be aware of your own insecurities.
It is these insecurities that may be part of the
reason your child isnt doing well.
While its easy to point fingers at your
kids, remember the old saying: The apple
doesnt fall far from the tree.
Parents who attend to their own issues first
will find far fewer rotten apples in
their tree.
© 2008 Mark
Other Father Issues,
* * *
To this day I can remember my father's
voice, singing over me in the stillness of the
night. - Carl G. Jung

Mark has
a Masters degree in counseling psychology and has
been a counselor, business consultant, sports
counselor, and a certified life and business coach.
He has worked with individuals, teams, and
businesses to improve their performance for over 20
years. Prior to life and business coaching Mark was
a world-ranked professional tennis player and has
coached other world-ranked athletes. He has helped
hundreds of individuals to implement his coaching
techniques. Mark specializes in coaching men to
balance their lives and to improve the important
relationships in their lives. He is the author of
the popular e-books, 25
Secrets of Emotionally Intelligent
and Fix
Your Wife in 30 Days or Less (And Improve Yourself
at the Same Time
Mark is also the publisher of the Dads
Dont Fix your Kids ezine for fathers.
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