Self Realization For Men or How We Can Be Our Own
Worst Enemy
It can be said that guys in general are not the
most observant creatures on the planet. Woman, on
the other hand notice every detail and change to
almost everything around them. For us guys, a major
difference has to be readily identifiable before we
see any change. Allow me to offer a time- tested
example of this difference in observations.
I have lost count of the number of times
throughout my life when I was suddenly plunged into
the horrifying mind-field every man dreads worse
than his yearly exam (if you are over
40 you know what I mean). Can you relate to this
one? A woman you truly care about has done
something new to improve her looks and asks the
mother of all scary questions So what do you
think? Now most guys will have no clue what
she is talking about. I certainly never did. The
question hangs there in the air while the man does
a scan of her that would make any Star Trek
crewmember envious. Unfortunately, he cant
come up with a thing that looks different. Now his
heart is racing, his palms sweaty as he realizes
that the precious seconds to answer this question
fast enough are flying by. Once that time has
elapsed no answer will matter anyway. As the last
nanosecond of time runs out he manages to blurt out
in desperation LOVE the new hair style!
only to watch the womans face fall in
disappointment as she sighs heavily and walks
Why cant guys realize the subtle changes
around them? I have found after talking with fellow
HHBrotherhood members that a common theme does
prevail. We are less apt to notice changes around
us if we cannot or do not assess and prioritize
importance in ourselves first. If we never expand
the borders of our immediate surroundings, either
physically or emotionally, meaning we dont
break out of our usual routine of solitary pastimes
and begin to spend time together with other guys,
then we are cheating ourselves out of some of the
best richness life has to offer. I am in not way
suggesting that we neglect our responsibilities to
our families, jobs or other important communities,
merely that we look around us and see if we are
allowing time for ourselves to enjoy the company of
others of our kind.
Richard Wright once wrote: Men can starve
from a lack of self-realization as much as they can
from a lack of bread." My goal with the Hard Hat
Brotherhood is to help men achieve self-realization
with regard to a basic need for socialization with
other men. This can be extremely frustrating at
times. We absolutely should go out and socialize
with other men on a regular basis; it is a natural
and needed part of a healthy lifestyle. The
frustrating part is that guys who need to do this
the most are the ones who resist it the most. Many
feel they dont need to enrich their lives and
they are perfectly fine as they are. Emotionally
closed off, socially shut down and comfortably numb
maybe, but they are just fine.
I have come out of an enclosed bubble and I am
here to tell you that your whole world opens up
when you realize what you have been missing out on.
I have seen it with our members when they come to
one of our HHBrotherhood events. They actually say
things out loud like I have not laughed like
this in years, or I should have done
this long ago. Once you realize how good it
is to participate in a fun, comfortable environment
with friends you are never the same. The Hard Hat
Brotherhood provides a simple and fun way to do
this. Come on, give us a try. The worst that can
happen is a realization of the fun you have been
missing out on!
©2007, Andy Smith
* * *

Andy Smith, HHBrotherhood Central, 8449 Parkridge
Drive, Dexter, MI 48130, or 734.846.2283 or
or headhardhat@hardhatbrotherhood.com

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