The Sexually Addicted Couple
When a couple enters therapy and one partner
exhibits sexually addictive behaviors the
non-addicted partner (co-addict) often asks me to,
Fix my partner! Both believe that their
only problem is how his/her sexual acting out (SAO)
impairs their relationship.
With all couples, however, I emphasize shared
responsibility. When one partner has an addiction,
they are an addicted couple. When the woman is
pregnant, they are pregnant. When one has an
affair, both share the burden of how it evolved and
how to resolve it.
We discuss their identity as a sexually addicted
couple, to reinforce their mutual responsibility
toward recovering and repairing their relationship.
Imago Relationship Therapysupports this mindset by
postulating that we tend to seek out and
needpartners with similar wounding, to
achieve our own healing.
Through psychotherapy and 12-Step work, partners
of sex addicts often discover why their own
individual issues drew them to a partner with these
issues. One common factor in the co-addict may be
childhood sexual abuse, either overt or covert. An
overly sexualized child has confused sexual
boundaries, leaving them asexual or not allowing
for much sexuality at all in their adulthood. They
also commonly are drawn to partners with their own
sexual problems.
Co-addicts may also feel drawn to those who may
betray them. Perhaps while growing up, they
experienced lies and witnessed emotional boundary
violations in ways that left them traumatized. If
these imprints remain unresolved, the co-addict
would likely grow up and marry someone
familiar who violates and betrays them
all over again.
Another factor in sexual addiction is enabling
and codependency. The co-addict often lets a
partner continue his SAO behaviors and not accept
the consequences of his/her actions.
Imago Relationship Therapy (hereafter, IRT)
advises that the couple, together as a unit, is the
client and that they should not be separated during
therapy. But early in my IRT work with sexually
addicted couples, I decided to go against this
model and began seeing the sex addict separately,
while also seeing the couple together. The reason
for my change in treatment is that sex addicts need
a safe place to talk openly about their SAO
behaviors, and its ideal for the
couples therapist to hear them firsthand, to
understand them more fully and how they impact the
relationship. In addition to couples therapy
with the partner, I place the male sex addict in my
Mens Sexual Addiction Group
(, or see him
individually. Privately, away from his partner, he
often feels free to share details about his SAO
without having to edit or censor his comments to
avoid his partners judgment. Partners often
prefer not to hear all of the details, thereby
avoiding more pain and feelings of betrayal.
If you are a sexually addicted couple and are on
the road to recovery, these are important points to
- Identify yourself as a sexually addicted
- As the sex addict and co-addict, accept
responsibility for your SAO behaviors.
- As the co-addicts identify the reasons why
they have partnered with a sex addict.
- See a therapist who is trained in working
with both sexual addiction and relationship
issues. Ask the therapist what their
relationship training is in as well as if they
are a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist.
- Explore each of your histories to assess if
sexual abuse exists.
- Attend 12-step meetings; Sex Addicts
Anonymous for the partner who is sexually
addicted and COSA for the co-addict.
- Assess for cross addictions. Many
individuals possessing one addiction often are
addicted to other behaviors and/or chemicals as
©2007 by Joe Kort
Related: Issues,
Joe Kort, MA, MSW, has been in practice since 1985.
He specializes in Gay Affirmative Psychotherapy as
well as IMAGO Relationship Therapy, which is a
specific program involving communication exercises
designed for couples to enhance their relationship
and for singles to learn relationship skills. He
also specializes in sexual addiction, childhood
sexual, physical and emotional abuse, depression
and anxiety. He offers workshops for couples and
singles. He runs a gay men's group therapy and a
men's sexuality group therapy for straight, bi and
gay men who are struggling with specific sexual
issues. His therapy services are for gays and
lesbians as well as heterosexuals. His articles and
columns have appeared in The Detroit Free
Press, Between the Lines Newspaper for
Gays and Lesbians, The Detroit News, The
Oakland Press, The Royal Oak Mirror, and
other publications. Besides providing therapy for
individuals and couples, he conducts a number of
groups and workshops for gay men. Now an adjunct
professor teaching Gay and Lesbian Studies at Wayne
State University's School of Social Work, he is
doing more writing and workshops on a national
level. He is the author of 10
Smart Things Gay Men can do to Improve Their
(gay'.dahr, n.): (1) The
ability that lets gays and lesbians identify one
other. (2) This column--where non-gay readers can
improve their gaydar, learning more about gay men's
psychology and social lives. Also, (3) a regular
feature where gay readers can discover the many
questions and hassles their straight
counterparts--and themselves--must face!

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