Are You What You Orgasm?
In the talks I give around the country, audiences
often ask me about what being gay or straight
really is. Most people believe that if you engage
inor even think aboutcertain homosexual
sex acts, then that reveals your basic sexual
orientation of being gay. Interestingly, the
opposite is not true. If a gay or lesbian person
thinks of or engages in heterosexual sex than that
is either meaningless to many or a sign that
maybe they might be straight.
This line of thinking is not necessarily true.
In fact, its often not the case at all! You
can fantasize about all kinds of activities that
have everything, or very little, to do with your
sexual orientation. You can engage in and even
enjoy sexual acts that are the complete opposite to
what your sexual orientation really is.
Confused? Many people areeven therapists!
So lets break this down.
Sexual Identity or Orientation
Sexual identity or Orientation refers to how
someone self-identifies, and not how others may
categorize him or her. Some self-identify as
heterosexual (straight), gay or lesbian, homosexual
(a person who is not out but enjoy
homosexual sex), bi-attractional (bisexual) or
questioning (bi-curious, or If it feels good,
no problem). Sexual orientation is a constant
and does not change. This can be confusing when
someone comes out of the closet. It looks as though
the person changes orientation when in fact they
are coming out to who they always really were. They
stop role-playing the wrong orientation. An example
of the constancy of sexual orientation is a
transsexual who undergoes gender reassignment
surgery. I know of men who are heterosexual who
feel they were born the wrong gender. They are
sexually satisfied by females only. However they
feel as though they are female themselves. They
undergo a gender reassignment from male to female.
They are now lesbians. It is not an episode of
bewitched where now they are suddenly attract to
men just because they are now female. This is a
good example of how sexual orientation is
Sexual Preferences
These are sexual acts, positions and fantasies
that someone prefers to have when engaging in
sexual activity. They can take it or leave it
however they enjoy it when they do it. This is
different than sexual orientation which is
ones identity and the object of passion for
which they are compelled and naturally drawn to.
Preferences can change over time and one can become
more open or closed to certain sexual fantasies,
behaviors and acts.
Sexual Behavior
Sexual Behavior is any behavior intended to
pleasure oneself and/or ones sexual partner.
But the sexual behavior you engage in wont
necessarily reflect your orientation.
Sexual Fantasies
Sexual Fantasies are any thoughts and ideas that
arouse you. They can be about virtually
anythingnot just body parts, but clothing and
shoes, and even natural objects such as trees and
mountainsespecially if they remind you of a
previous erotic encounter. Memories of music and of
aromas (perfume) can have a similar aphrodisiac
For the sake of discussion, Im going to
offer some sweeping generalizations by way of
examples (though of course there are many
exceptions to what Im about to describe).
Heterosexual Men
Men who are heterosexual enjoy the company of
women, romantically and sexually. They are aroused
and feel compelled to have sex with woman. However,
when theyre in prison or in the armed forces,
where woman arent available, often they will
find sexual gratification with other men. This
doesnt mean that they have switched to a gay
or bisexual orientation, simply that they have no
one but other men available for sexual release.
Once these heterosexual men get released or
discharged, back they go to their female objects of
desire and usually, never again have sex with
Heterosexually Married Gay Men
Conversely, heterosexually married gay men have
often fallen in love with their wives and been
sexual with them. Theyre often monogamous,
performing sexually and enjoying orgasms with these
women. They are sexually satisfied. These men are
not bisexual; nor are they heterosexual men gone
bad! They have either chosenor felt
compelledto live heterosexually, but are
innately gay. In some ways this is a personal
prison imposed upon ones self by not
permitting their homosexuality to come out. Once
divorced, they seek out other men exclusively for
sexual gratification. and never do return to
Homosexual Imprinting
Homosexual Imprinting occurs when a boy or
teenage male has been sexually abused by an older
man. In my practice, I see many such cases. These
men come in concerned or merely inquisitive about
their homoerotic impulses and enjoyment, wanting to
know whether this means theyre gay. Upon
further evaluation, we discover that many of them
were once abused sexually by male authority
figures. Their psychosexual mapping now includes
being sexual with other men.
Sex & Love Mapping
By mapping I mean that ones love and
sexual preference map are determined early on in
childhood. It is how we learn how to love. We
observe and absorb how others love or neglect or
abuse us and that becomes our love map
according to John Money, a pioneer in the field of
sexology. This map becomes a template for what you
seek out for pleasure in your adulthood. It
Early in childhood, were all imprinted
with family beliefs and societal norms. Imprinting
is the psychological process by which specific
types of behavior are locked in, at an early stage
of development. All of us, gay and straight alike,
are conditioned to think, feel, and act the way our
early childhood caretakers nurture and teach
The first important thing to consider is this
doesnt mean the client is gay or even bi. He
is simply left with an imprint to re-enact his
homosexual abuse and find pleasure in
what was inflicted on him as a child. In reality,
this isnt pleasure at all, but trauma turned
into orgasm. In the book, Male Victims of Same-Sex
Abuse: Addressing Their Sexual Response by John M.
Preble and A. Nicholas Groth they say it best:
this may actually reflect an
effort at mastery of the traumatic event
..when he was being sexually victimized,
someone else was in control of him sexually. During
masturbation he is literally in control of himself
sexually, and this may be a way in which he
attempts to reclaim mastery over his own sexuality.
Likewise, his participation in consensual sex
reflects his choice and decision.
The authors go on to say that the fantasy
thoughts are prompted by fear more than desire, by
anxiety more than pleasure. In other words,
they become a way of managing the fear and
Second, just because the sexual abuse was
committed by a male doesnt mean that it
constituted homosexuality. When men sexually abuse
girls, we dont claim its about
heterosexuality! We say it is simply sexual
abusewhich involves power, violation and
rape. Nothing about that is related to
Homoeroticism is the concept that men and women
(who are basically heterosexual, of course) can
enjoy some sexual activity with members of their
own genderif only vicariously. Surfing the
Internet, you can find thousands of sites that
offer tag lines like these:
Do my wife while I watch
My husband is too smallI need to
show him something bigger
My wife wants a female partner to join in
with us
Voyeur to watch you and your
Wife likes to watch me suck cock
These preferences dont necessarily imply
sexual abuse or homosexual imprinting, nor do they
necessarily involve bisexuality or homosexuality.
There are simply men and women who, from time to
time, become aroused by the same gender enjoy
sexual activity with them.
Indeed, research has shown that some men and
woman are even turned on by the idea of their
spouses having an affair. For them, there is
something homoerotic in the idea, just as in
swinging, when couples enjoy bringing
in others to be sexual with them, temporarily,
without breaking up their committed relationship.
They may not admit to homosexual desire however. In
his book, Extramarital Affair, Herbert S. Strean
writes that couples who openly advocate
extramarital affairs also derive a great deal of
pleasure [because] they identify with their
spouse and unconsciously have sex with
[their] spouses lover.
Stream says that also, because this is
unconscious process, most couples who sanction
extramarital activity deny their homosexual
involvement and justify their stance on the basis
of free expression.
There is so much more to say and be written
about this topic. I hope that after reading this,
youll be able to expand your mind about your
own sexual fantasies and desiresand also,
understand be aware that not everyone is what
they orgasm.
©2007 by Joe Kort
Related: Issues,
Joe Kort, MA, MSW, has been in practice since 1985.
He specializes in Gay Affirmative Psychotherapy as
well as IMAGO Relationship Therapy, which is a
specific program involving communication exercises
designed for couples to enhance their relationship
and for singles to learn relationship skills. He
also specializes in sexual addiction, childhood
sexual, physical and emotional abuse, depression
and anxiety. He offers workshops for couples and
singles. He runs a gay men's group therapy and a
men's sexuality group therapy for straight, bi and
gay men who are struggling with specific sexual
issues. His therapy services are for gays and
lesbians as well as heterosexuals. His articles and
columns have appeared in The Detroit Free
Press, Between the Lines Newspaper for
Gays and Lesbians, The Detroit News, The
Oakland Press, The Royal Oak Mirror, and
other publications. Besides providing therapy for
individuals and couples, he conducts a number of
groups and workshops for gay men. Now an adjunct
professor teaching Gay and Lesbian Studies at Wayne
State University's School of Social Work, he is
doing more writing and workshops on a national
level. He is the author of 10
Smart Things Gay Men can do to Improve Their
(gay'.dahr, n.): (1) The
ability that lets gays and lesbians identify one
other. (2) This column--where non-gay readers can
improve their gaydar, learning more about gay men's
psychology and social lives. Also, (3) a regular
feature where gay readers can discover the many
questions and hassles their straight
counterparts--and themselves--must face!

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