August Its saying something like: The books in the library say, for the Bible is historically a collection of stories composed by different authors from different cultures in three different languages written over thousands of years. Yet the claim is commonly brandished about and indicates that the person who touts it has already decided what the whole collection must say. There are religious assumptions, of course, to justify doing this. There are those who believe that their god was the author of all of those books, and therefore they must somehow - no matter how hard it is to make the variety of its claims sync - make it all agree. Its why no one takes all of whats there literally. They instead come up with some inventive methods to interpret passages that dont literally agree with their beliefs - and over which they continually argue among themselves. No wonder there are hundreds of different denominations and non-denominational churches fighting with each other over whos finally getting the Bible right. Of course, different sects and theologians have been arguing over their choice verses for millennia. And many of todays arguments between the current contenders are still the same old ones, only with updated vocabularies. There even seems to be a real psychological need for them to argue about it. Its notable that the idea that anyone, no matter how wrong, can quote scripture is, frankly, just taken for granted in the Bible itself. In a Gospel of Matthew (4:5-7) story, Jesus, it says, is taken aside by the Devil (tou diabolou) to experience temptations that sound like an oral final exam before he heads out on a real world ministry. That the Devil during the exam quotes the Bible, as he does, isnt even a main point of that passage though. Its just casually assumed that people would know, without the writer seeming to be surprised at all, that part of the temptation includes the Devil quoting Psalm 91:11-12 to argue his point: If you are the Son of God, he said, throw yourself down. For it is written: He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike even your foot against a stone. So yes, using the Bible says is something even Satan does according to the very Bible people who also use it are referencing. The Matthew tale clearly assumes the idea that the Bible can be a tool of the Devil. Shakespeare in Act One, Scene III of The Merchant of Venice" indicates that he also understands that quoting the Bible can be a meaningless façade covering rotten ideas: Mark you this, Bassanio, the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek, a goodly apple rotten at the heart." Theres so much in that huge Biblical collection that is never highlighted by those who quote it. Its hidden away, and when people ask about those passages that theyd rather not face, Bible believers use mental gymnastics to get back to the point they want it to endorse as quickly as possible - if they even know how to respond. This includes all the violence, commands to do violence, killing, raping, and plundering by both its god and his followers. Take one example Psalm 137:9 How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock. among hundreds of other violent verses. The Bible. for example, says nothing as a whole about slavery. There are parts that clearly support such owning of others as property. For example, I Peter 2:18 (NIV): Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. On the other hand, though theres never a call in the New Testament to free the slaves, there are passages by other Biblical authors that provide a basis for doing so if people who want to choose to use them, such as: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 5:28) Theres a passage in Leviticus that tells priests how and when to use abortion as a test of a pregnant womans faithfulness to her husband thats explained away with difficulty by those against womens control of their bodies: Numbers 5:11-31. But theres no passage in the whole collection literally against abortion no matter what they say the Bible says. Theres a passage in Genesis that says that God performed the first transgender surgery by taking a mans rib and turning it into a woman: Genesis 2:21-23. There are passages in Matthew and Luke where Jesus not only heals a Roman centurions male lover but highly praises the centurions faith for asking. One could go on and on, but the reality is that because the collection of books that is now officially included in the Bible is so diverse, the Bible is like a smorgasbord of options to choose from. One can pick and choose whatever suits ones fancy, and that picking and choosing has been used down through history to justify the prejudices and cruelties LGBTQ people and others have suffered. But prejudiced people also need the Bible to speak for them so they can act as if what is a personal prejudice is based on something bigger. Then they dont have to search their own souls for where their ideas really come from. And theyll use the Bible even if theres actually nothing in it to support their point. In my college days, I often visited a variety of religious services. During a visit to a midweek prayer meeting in a very conservative church, an older woman whom a number of people there referred to with great reverence and awe as a prayer warrior started a long prayer. She concluded what seemed to turn into a sermon all in King James English, with: And, as Thou hast said: Where theres a will, theres a way. Of course, it wasnt the place to point out that if were looking for the Thou that said that, hes not in the Bible. And maybe she meant by Thou Ben Franklin in Poor Richards Almanac. But who was going to question a prayer warrior after all? © 2023 Robert N. Minor Other Issues, Books, Resources Robert N. Minor, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas, is author of When Religion Is an Addiction; Scared Straight: Why Its So Hard to Accept Gay People and Why Its So Hard to Be Human; and Gay & Healthy in a Sick Society. Contact him at www.FairnessProject.org
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