How (and Who) Do Professional Women Date?
Hello Doc,
For professional women (doctors, lawyers, CEOs
etc) can you please tell me what is the best type
of man that you've seen from your experience for
these women to date or marry?
For instance, when us ladies are out on the
prowl for a nice gentleman what are some qualities
to look for?
Also, during married life, let's say both
husband and wife are surgeons working 100 hours a
week. YIKES!!! My heart surgeon friends (who are
married to each other) said they didn't have sex
for 3 months once because they didn't really see
each other when they were on call. YIKES!!!! (They
definitely made up for it though. big grin. but
still that's pretty scary)
What are some ways to keep the romance alive
when you have two crazy careers?
Maybe plot and plan times to meet up for
romantic night, sex, romance, wine, flowers,
candles etc?!!??!
Thank You!!!
There are a variety of men that are good choices
for these women; other doctors, lawyers CEOs, as
well as salespeople, entrepreneurs, artists, and
even musicians. The man's work isn't any where near
as critical as his POWER; and to be more specific
it's whatever she PERCEIVES as his power.
I know that's a little vague, but let me
Women want to date "up". That is, you have an
internal pre-wired need to be with someone that has
greater power than you do in some important key
area(s). From this power differential come safety
and security which begets love.
The challenge that women face as they focus on
their careers is that there are fewer and fewer men
with greater power than you. Eventually, your
dating pool simply becomes too small and it's much
more difficult to find that partner unless you're
willing to settle. Frankly, few women today ARE
willing to settle!
The very best way to keep the romance and sex
alive within a relationship are the following
1) Each partner has to get very close to and
accepting of their own sexualities. For instance,
one of the most common scenarios for women powerful
in the workplace is to want to be submissive in the
bedroom. Of course, for some women this goes
against the grain of what culture is telling them
to do. Thus, they fight it, suppress it and ignore
it. That is a sure what to NOT be fulfilled in any
relationship and will lead to the eventual death
2) Become totally and completely trusting of
yourself to make good decisions. The reason for
this is that when you fully trust yourself, you
never have to worry about trusting anyone else.
That way, you can expose yourself completely within
the relationship. You can get involved in not only
your sexuality but someone else's as well.
3) You have to give away responsibility for your
own sexual needs and completely take on your
If you do these things, every encounter with
your partner becomes a powerfully charged, romantic
and sexual event. Talk about keeping the sparks
The biggest obstacle relationships face today is
that they are often "me-oriented". We're in them
not for the benefit of the person we're with, but
for our own benefit. It's absolutely impossible for
romance to exist, let alone flourish, under that
Best regards...
© 2009, Dr. Dennis W.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
Relationship is a pervading and changing
mystery...brutal or lovely, the mystery waits for
people wherever they go, whatever extreme they run
to. - Euroda Welty

Dr. Dennis W.
Neder is the author of Being
a Man in a Woman's World
I and Being
a Man in a Woman's World
II. Have a love, dating,
relationship, sex or man/woman question? You can
write to him by going to:
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