Becoming More Ethical
How do you feel when youre deceived by a
coworker? Manipulated by a salesperson? Betrayed by
a friend?
When you do unethical things, your gains are
outweighed by the losses. Youve pained
another person just as you were pained when someone
treated you unfairly. In addition, you might get
caught, and, in my view, most important, you must
live with knowing that your unethical acts
impact spreads through a society like cancer:
Hes unethical, so I can be too.
Each unethical act and its repercussions chip away
at the culture of trust needed for every
cooperative endeavor, from romance to commerce to
creating world peace. A society in which trust
cannot be assumed is doomed to failure, in our
lifetime and even more likely, in our
And you probably are unethical, sometimes
without really thinking about it. Why am I so
confident? Priests molest children. One-third of
people cheat on their resumes, 40 percent on taxes,
50 percent on their spouses, 72 percent on college
exams. 90 percent of my fired clients want to lie
to prospective employers. Most appalling to me,
Blue Cross just sued surgery clinics for performing
hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on healthy
people. If even doctors, those well-off, highly
educated helping professionals could put healthy
people through the pain and risk of surgery just
for money, can we claim that our society is so much
better than others we disparage?
Unethical behavior damages not only a society
but the lives of individuals within it, both the
victims and perpetrators. How
meaningful is your life if punctuated by the
unethical treatment of others? The life well-led
leaves the world better than we found it, not
worse. If you unfairly take advantage of others,
youre squandering the greatest gift
youve ever received: the gift of having been
allowed to live.
We must do something to reduce unethical
behavior. No less than the preservation of
civilized society is at stake.
Will ethics courses help? I doubt it. They focus
on gray-area dilemmas. In real life, most ethical
violations are clear-cut. You dont need a
course to know its wrong to cook the books,
make exaggerated claims, let alone perform
unnecessary surgery. I suspect that WorldComs
Bernie Ebbers, Enrons Ken Lay, and most other
corporate thieves took ethics courses.
I have made unethical decisions but work hard to
live an ever more ethical life. These thoughts help
- I remind myself that those who choose to
behave unethically mainly do so for mere
material possessions. Studies find that the rich
arent more content than those of modest
means. The additional pleasure that derives from
a new Lexus versus an old Toyota, a 3,000
square-foot house in a tony neighborhood versus
a 1,200 square-foot cottage in a modest
community, a 5-star European vacation versus a
Motel-6 one is rarely outweighed by the
distasteful things many people do to afford such
things. I try to remember that contentment will
more likely come from honorable work, someone to
love, and being fair and kind to everyone, even
those who are unkind.
- The more ethical I am, the more at peace I
feel. Its been said that the softest
pillow is a clear conscience.
- If my income were ill-begotten, every time I
got in my car, Id know I didnt
deserve to own it. Every time I walked into my
home, Id know I didnt deserve to
live in it. Every time I bought something,
Id know its not rightfully mine. Is
that how you want to live?
- I dont want to do things Im
ashamed to admit to my friends, spouse, or
children. Do you?
- On my deathbed, I dont want to think I
contributed to my societys decline. Do
This paragraph, the worlds shortest ethics
course, may, more than an ethics course, help you
be more ethical. The opportunities for unethical
behavior are endless, so be vigilant, aware when an
ethical decision lies before you. And no matter
what anyone else does, choose to be ethical. In the
long run, you will be a more content person and
have made the world a better place. That is what is
truly important.
© 2010, Marty
* * *

Nemko holds a PhD from the University of
California, Berkeley, and subsequently taught in
Berkeleys Graduate School of Education. He is
the worklife columnist in the Sunday San Francisco
Chronicle and is the producer and host of Work With
Marty Nemko, heard Sundays at 11 on 91.7 FM in
(NPR, San Francisco), and worldwide on
400+ of his published writings are available free
on that website and is a co-editor of
Careers for Dummies.
and author of The All-in-One College Guide.

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