America the Dumb and how to smarten it (and
Dear Reader,
40 percent of Americans believe in ghosts, 78%
in angels. The nations bestselling
publications are TV Guide, Parade, People, and the
National Enquirer. The most watched TV shows this
week were CSI and three episodes of Survivor.
Throughout much of 1998 and 1999, the best-selling
book in America was about how you too can talk to
the deadif you just tune into the right
Theres reason to believe were
getting even less intelligent.
Smart people have few kids. According to the
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, the average
number of children born to US women is 71% greater
for high school dropouts than for college
graduates. The average IQ of the dropouts is less
than 96.
The effect of this is geometric. Over five
generations, 100 high school dropouts will have
produced 1,200 babies, 100 college graduates just
What to do? Make birth control and realistic sex
education readily available in high schools. For
teenage girls who have a child before age 17, offer
special counseling and encouragement (perhaps even
a cash incentive?) to use Norplant. Norplant is a
contraceptive that protects for up to five years
but can be safely removed at any time.
Unlike in the past, the brightest women rarely
go into teaching. Before the womens movement,
most women considered teaching to be the
highest-level career to which they could reasonably
Thats all changed. Fully half of the
incoming medical school and law school classes are
women. Todays K-12 teachers have the lowest
average SAT scores of people in any professional
To teach in California, one must hold a
bachelors degree and pass the California
Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST). That test
requires no more than eighth grade reading,
writing, and math. One-third of bachelors
degree holders who aspire to a career in teaching
fail the CBEST.
I walked into a high school classroom recently.
The first thing I heard the teacher say was,
Fleming discovered penicillin by
serpendipity. I want you to remember that word:
serpendipity. Repeat after me:
What to do? Top quality college graduates seek
impact, money, and status. Currently, K-12 teaching
offers none of the above.
Impact. Teachers impact on students has
been dramatically reduced because, today, to
address concerns about tracking, most public
schools group classes at random. So each class
contains gifted and retarded, native English
speakers and new immigrants. This range presents a
Herculean challenge to even the smartest, most
dedicated teacher, so we must establish
achievement-grouped classes. But unlike the rigid
tracked classes of decades past, special efforts
should be made to periodically review each
students (especially children of color)
placement to ensure that each child is
appropriately placed. To reduce elitism,
non-academic subjects should probably not be
grouped by achievement.
Money. Teachers make less money than top college
graduates could otherwise earn. If the school year
were lengthened from the current 179 days to the
average for American workers (220 workdays), the
public would likely be willing to pay teachers
significantly more. And of course, a longer school
year will increase student learning.
Status. Currently, teachers earn the same and
hold the same title whether they are excellent or
marginal. This discourages top people from entering
and staying in teaching. A career ladder should be
instituted: teacher, senior teacher, and master
teacher. Master teachers would have primary
responsibility for training new teachers.
Currently, most teacher training is conducted by
professors, who often have never taught K-12, let
alone been outstanding at it.
Ironically, school reform is making matters
worse. School reforms mantra is All
students can learn to high standards. Alas,
as just mentioned, that too often translates to
slow learners and gifted students increasingly
being placed in the same class, a high-level class.
As a result, millions of high schoolers who read
below grade level are being forced to struggle with
the intricacies of Shakespeare, students who barely
know arithmetic are forced to grapple with
quadratic equations.
The teacher of a mixed-achievement class is
forced into a Hobsons Choice:
- Teach to the bottom which lowers standards,
ignores bright students (who have the greatest
potential for improving society), and reduces
everyone to the lowest common denominator.
- Teach to the top kids, which frustrates all
but the brightest.
- Teach to the middle and you bore the bright
and frustrate the slow.
- Use so-called cooperative
learning, which in practice too often
means that the bright end up tutoring or doing
the work for the slow, depriving both bright and
slow of appropriate-level instruction.
Not surprisingly, a University of Michigan
metaevaluation of 76 separate studies (!) of
classroom grouping concluded that students, on
average, learn more in classes that are grouped by
achievement. Yet activist groups have successfully
pressured the public schools to greatly increase
the amount of mixed-achievement classes. As a
result, our schools are dumbing down Americas
next generation.
What to do? Implement flexible
achievement-grouped classes, as described
Colleges are dumbing down. In 1970, only 40
percent of high school graduates were admitted to
college. Today its 70 percent. Routinely,
colleges accept students with SAT scores of 800
(verbal and math combined!) and C+ grades from
low-rigor high schools. By digging deeper into the
barrel of students, colleges have created the same
problem for college professors as described above
for high school teachers: the nearly impossible
task of teaching advanced and remedial students in
the same class. Imagine, for example, that you
wanted to take your first class in Spanish or
computer programming. Wouldnt you learn more
in a class with fellow beginners rather than one
with 1/3 beginners, 1/3 intermediates, and 1/3
hotshots? Now imagine you were nearly fluent in
Spanish or were a near-professional computer
programmer. Wouldnt you learn less if the
class was liberally laced with beginners?
Mixed-achievement classes dumbs down everyone.
Admitting more students to college has other
negative effects. The dropout rate among students
admitted to four-year colleges with sub-900 SAT
scores is enormous: fewer than 20 percent will earn
their bachelors degree, even if given six
years. Ironically, sending non-academically
oriented students on to higher education dumbs
them. Their high school and post-high school
training is ill-suited to their learning style, so
they come away with remarkably little. Instead,
high school and post-high school training programs
should be developed that are tailored to their
non-academic learning styles.
Even that 20 percent of low achievers who manage
to graduate from college rarely reap career rewards
for their efforts. In part because of the
offshoring of American jobs, the US has a gross
oversupply of college graduates. Typically, dozens
of candidates apply for even a mediocre
white-collar job. The bottom-of-the-barrel college
graduates, who usually took more years to earn
their degrees, often end up forced to take jobs
that dont require college at all.
What to do? Only admit students to four-year
colleges who have a reasonable chance of success
there. At minimum, let prospective students know
the percentage of students with similar high school
grades and test scores who graduate from that
college within four, five, and six years.
We need a high-quality alternative for the
non-academically oriented: for example, career
academies in which reading, writing, math, and
thinking skills are taught in the concrete context
of a career cluster such as health care. This
alternative must be of much higher quality than the
dumping-ground vocational schools of decades
Grade inflation. If youre already getting
great grades, theres little reason to work
harder. Alas, despite the dumbing of America, and
despite US students scoring at the bottom among
industrialized nations on standardized achievement
tests, US high school and college grades continue
to rise. In a College Board survey in 1991, 28
percent of 2001 college-bound seniors reported A
grades. Ten years later, the figure jumped to 41
percent. In 1991, the average grade-point average
was 3.1. In 2001, it rose to 3.28. Could it be that
the 2001 crop of college-bound students are
smarter? Not according to their SAT scores. In the
past 25 years, the average SAT score has remained
right around 1000. Yet students report ever more
Grade inflation is equally rampant in colleges.
In 1967, the average college GPA was 2.7. Now
its 3.1 and continuing to rise at roughly
0.15 per decade.
What to do? Grades, especially in widely taken
courses, should be tied to benchmarks, so its
clear what, for example, a B in chemistry attests
Also, high schools should calibrate its average
grade point average against its average SAT score.
For example, I recently reviewed a high school at
which the average college-bound students GPA
is a lofty 3.6 but the average SAT score is a puny
750. In such cases, teachers should raise their
grading standards.
Affirmative action is dumbing America. All
people of good will support affirmative action as
it was originally conceived: that employers and
colleges should reach out to find the best
candidates among all races. Unfortunately, in
practice, affirmative action too often turns out to
be reverse discrimination. For example, a study of
47 colleges and universities across America
conducted by the Center for Equal Opportunity
found, The average difference in academic
credentials among those admitted, whether measured
by test scores or by grades and high-school class
rank, between blacks and whites, and to a lesser
extent between Hispanics and whites, is very
large. For example, the average SAT score of
Blacks is 200+ points lower than that of the
average White, 250 points lower than that of the
average Asian. And those test scores overpredict(!)
for Blacks; that is, African-Americans
college GPAs are lower than their test scores would
have predicted.
Once admitted, students who gained entry to
college only because of affirmative action, on
average, have lower grades, drop out more, and
often are pushed through by professors eager to
graduate more minorities or who are pressured to do
so. A dramatic example is that of Dr. Patrick
Chavis, a Black student who, in the landmark Bakke
vs. University of California case, was admitted to
UC Davis Medical School while Allan Bakke, a white
who had much higher grades and test scores, was
rejected. While Chavis was in medical school,
nine(!) of his professors urged his dismissal, but
Chavis claimed racial discrimination and was
allowed to graduate. Upon graduation, a New York
Times Sunday Magazine cover story proclaimed Chavis
the poster boy for affirmative action. In the
ensuing years, however, Chavis was found guilty of
many instances of malpractice, including two deaths
following a liposuction, and his license was
Reverse discrimination is not limited to
universities. Almost all medium and large
companies, non-profits, and government agencies
have diversity goals (explicit quotas
are illegal). Meeting those goals often requires
hiring and promoting less competent people. This is
nearly impossible to verify quantitatively, but
privately, many insiders report reverse
discrimination even in the highest echelons.
When factors other than ability to perform the
job are considered, we dumb down America. I will
leave to others to debate whether this decrement in
our high-level employees competence and
intelligence is outweighed by the benefits derived
from having racially diverse managers, bridge
builders, doctors, professors, etc.
What to do? We should restore affirmative action
as it was originally intended: not reverse
discrimination, but full outreach to
underrepresented minorities to ensure that the best
person for the job is hired.
The strength of fundamentalist churches. These
churches remain a powerful influence on millions of
Americans' thought processes, especially in the
South and Midwest. Such churches typically
inculcate a simplistic approach to decision-making.
That contributes to the dumbing of America.
Illegal immigration hurts. In the 19th and much
of the 20th century, immigration to the US was well
controlled. People who were granted citizenship had
the persistence to wait, the money (and thereby, on
average, the intelligence) to pay for the
transoceanic trip, and passed a US government
screening that assessed the likelihood of the
person contributing to American society.
Today, however, the US has essentially declared
its border with Mexico openit will soon grant
drivers licenses to any illegal with enough
intelligence to walk or be driven across the
border. That announces to Mexicos 101 million
citizens that the US is aware of illegals and
accepts them. As a result, ever more millions of
unscreened Mexicans will be sneaking into America.
Today, six to eight million (estimates vary) of
Californias 35 million residents are
illegalsand the rate is increasing--fast.
What to do? It is a myth that illegals mainly do
the work that legal residents wont. Many
citizen advocacy groups, notably in the
African-American community, complain bitterly that
illegals are taking jobs that legal residents would
So the US government should institute humane yet
effective approaches to reducing the number of
illegal aliens in the US. For example, employers
should be severely fined for employing illegals. If
an employer cannot find a legal person, it just
raise the salary and working conditions until a
legal person will accept the position.
The media has had to dumb itself down. The
dumbed-down America combined with the growing
percentage of TV watchers who speak little English
have forced the media to simplify everything. For
example, CNNs Headline News has dramatically
reduced the length and sophistication of news
pieces. Increasing percentages of airtime are
devoted to entertainment newssuch
as interviews with rock stars about their latest
What to do? The ratings- and
circulation-obsessed media will only upgrade their
offerings when the viewership and readership reject
dumb shows and periodicals. This will, I hope,
occur if the previous recommendations are
Politicians and advocates can get away with
dumbed-down rhetoric. Move forward, not
backward Three strikes and youre
out! Diversity is our greatest
strength! Save the environment!
Abortion is murder! Meat is
murder! So simplistic. For example, if no one
ate meat, millions of cows would never live at
America only gets dumber when issues are
presented to us in black and white rather than with
an even-handed presentation of multiple
perspectives. Ironically, too often our public
schools, which claim that one of its main goals is
to teach critical thinking, too often, in eagerness
to sensitize students on such issues as the evils
of capitalism have oversimplified matters. That
increases passion around an issue but reduces
critical thinking. As Thomas Sowell, in his Dec.
17, 2003 column, wrote, Propaganda has
replaced education as the goal of too many
What to do? As with the media, politicians and
activists will only smarten up their messages when
the public wont buy dumbed-down ones.
Making You and Your Family Smarter
It will take a long time for society to get
smarter, but you can improve fairly quickly.
Here are a few of the myriad things you and your
family can do to boost ability to think and
Hang out with smart people. It rubs off.
Try to get to work with smart co-workers and
bosses; make smart friends. Get your child into a
school or class with smart students. Encourage
friendships with smart kids.
Subscribe to a respected liberal and a
respected conservative publication, for
example, on the liberal side, the Utne Reader,
Mother Jones, or The Nation, and on the
conservative side, Commentary, the American
Spectator, or the Weekly Standard. On most issues,
there is at least one perspective worth considering
from both the Left and from the Right.
Watch commercials with a critical eye.
What techniques is the advertiser using to
manipulate you into buying the product? What is the
advertiser not saying that might justifiably
dissuade you from buying?
Read newspapers and watch TV news shows with
a critical eye. In generations past,
journalists believed their highest responsibility
was--except in editorials--to attempt to be
unbiased, or, at least, fair and balanced. Today,
most journalists, even in respected publications,
consciously or unconsciously inject their biases
into news stories: by their choice of what topics
to cover, what pictures to show, what language to
use (for example, illegal alien versus
undocumented immigrant.), how strongly
to make a counterargument, for example, placing a
counterargument in weak terms near the end of an
article, or, on a talk show, getting a strong
person for one side of the argument and a weak
person for the other. For example, on the CNN show
Crossfire, liberal co-host Paul Begala is a much
stronger debater than conservative co-host Robert
Novak, so no matter what the issue, the liberal
position will almost always seem better.
Build your emotional intelligence. We all
know people who can think well but are emotionally
tone-deaf and thus often fail in their dealings
with people. You can increase your emotional
intelligence by, before speaking, putting yourself
in the other persons shoes, for example,
What would persuade him? What would offend
him? Is it worth offending him? Also,
carefully watch how emotionally intelligent people
interact with others.
Check out the other side. When you or
someone you love thinks the other side of an issue
is crazy (For example, How could the Bush
administration support drilling in the
Alaska?!) ask yourself, Have I fully
understood the rationale behind that
position? If not, and you feel its
worth your time, read an article that makes the
case for that position. That will nuance, change,
or strengthen your belief in your position.
The Family Debate
This works well as a family dinnertime or
after-dinner ritual but can be done with any pairs
or trios of people. Heres the family
1. The family decides what proposition to
discuss the next night, for example, George
Bush should be impeached. Two people
volunteer to be the debaters. The other family
members will be the judges.
2. During the next 24 hours, both debaters spend
a bit of time listing arguments both for and
against the proposition, perhaps getting help from
the Internet, newspaper, etc.
3. The debate begins with Debater #1, in two
minutes, as persuasively as possible, arguing why
Bush should be impeached.
4. Debater #2 gets two minutes to rebut Debater
#1s arguments.
5. Debater #2 gets two more minutes to present
affirmative arguments for why Bush should not be
6. Debater #1 gets to rebut Debater #2s
7. After the debate, each judge decides who he
thinks won and why.
8. In the next nights debate, Debaters #1
and #2 take the opposite positions.
9. After that debate, the family chooses another
proposition to debate, and two of the previous
judges become the debaters.
Variation. After each debaters affirmative
argument, the opponent may ask two minutes of
questions, challenging the opponents
Sample debate propositions:
The government should impose a penalty on
American companies that offshore jobs.
Illegal aliens should be able to obtain a US
drivers license.
Its wrong to eat meat.
Abortion should be outlawed except in cases of
rape, incest or threat to the mothers
Gene therapy to increase a persons
intelligence would be a good thing.
The following propositions are adapted versions
of recent National Forensic League topics for high
school debaters:
The federal government should substantially
increase public health services for mental health
The federal government should establish a
foreign policy significantly limiting the use of
weapons of mass destruction
The federal government should significantly
increase protection of privacy of medical
Of course, making a nation smarter is an
enormous long-range task, but few goals are more
important. If we can accept that its worth
spending the money and time on the US space
program, its certainly worth the money and
time to make America smarter.
© 2007, Marty
* * *

Nemko holds a PhD from the University of
California, Berkeley, and subsequently taught in
Berkeleys Graduate School of Education. He is
the worklife columnist in the Sunday San Francisco
Chronicle and is the producer and host of Work With
Marty Nemko, heard Sundays at 11 on 91.7 FM in
(NPR, San Francisco), and worldwide on
400+ of his published writings are available free
on that website and is a co-editor of
Careers for Dummies.
and author of The All-in-One College Guide.

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