Why America is Dying...and What to Do
Politicians may claim America is on the upswing,
but in fact, its in freefall.
People are working longer and harder and
arent staying afloat. In 2004, 1.6 million
families will file for bankruptcy, an all-time
Its not surprising were having to
work longer and harder. According to the Tax
Foundation, in 2004, the average taxpayer worked
from Jan 1 until April 11 just to pay taxes. As a
result, today, it usually requires two incomes to
make ends meet, especially to own a home.
Among the 10 wealthiest nations, the US has the
highest violent crime rate. And it's not because of
the US's weak gun control laws. Brazil and Malaysia
have very strict gun control laws and their murder
rate is almost triple the US rate. Switzerland and
Israel have high gun ownership rates but much lower
crime rates than in the US.
Not so long ago, civility and integrity was
assumed. Today, they are often considered quaint
ideals to be ignored when expedient. For example,
have you noticed, that when you phone or email
someone, you increasingly dont even get the
courtesy of a reply?
If our children are our future, prospects are
bleak indeed. Schools ratchet up the standards, but
most students graduate high school without even
basic skills. Despite four decades of increases in
education spending and the US spending more per
capita on education than any of the 25 leading
industrialized nations(!), the respected National
Assessment of Educational Progress reports that
fewer than 20 percent of 17-year-olds read at a
competent level. In major cities,
so-called "job illiteracy" is rampant. For example,
in Los Angeles, 53 percent of adults are unable to
read a bus schedule or complete a job
The question is why are we becoming a
third-world nation and what should do about it?
Here are five central causes of Americas
decline and recommendations for their
Differential birth rates
The people with the least ability to be good
parents have the most babies. According to the
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, the average
number of children born to US women is 71% greater
for high school dropouts than for college
graduates. The average IQ of the dropouts is less
than 96. Study after study show that such low IQ is
a powerful predictor of poor employment, crime, and
drug abuse.
The effect of the differential birthrate is
geometric. Over five generations, every 1,000
female college graduates will have produced 12,000
babies. 100 high school dropouts will have produced
High schools, especially those with high teen
pregnancy rates, should provide full and open sex
education, for example, including role playing of
how to respond when a boy says, If you loved
me, youd let me. or I dont
need to wear a condom. That sex education
should include in-school birth control counseling
and distribution of free contraception including
long-term but reversible contraceptives such as
Focusing on those with the greatest deficit
rather than the greatest potential to benefit
Schools reallocate ever more resources from the
high achievers to the low achievers, from the
students with the greatest potential to profit and
in turn contribute to society, to the students with
the least potential. President Bush's massive No
Child Left Behind program is a perfect example. All
its carrots and sticks are for helping the lowest
All students are entitled to an appropriate
education, but we need to reassess the current
balance of our spending to ensure that those with
the greatest potential to profit are not
shortchanged. The reallocation to low achievers is
not just of money. Although a metaanalysis of 76
separate studies(!) by James Kulik at the
University of Michigan proves that placing
high-and-low-achieving students in the same class
helps neither high nor low achievers, we
increasingly do so because its
equal. The problem is that for all
students, its not equally good, its
equally bad.
Imagine there were two schools. In both schools,
1/3 of its fourth graders were reading below grade
level, 1/3 at grade level, and 1/3 above grade
level. At School A, the fourth graders were
assigned to a class at random. At School B,
students were assigned to their class based on
reading ability. School B will undoubtedly produce
better readers because most teachers can't
effectively teach a class with a wide range of
student ability. But educrats desire to even
appear to help low achievers trumps options that
would benefit all students, especially capable
Job training programs, like school programs,
also focus on those with the least potential:
former welfare recipients and other hard-to-train
people. Meanwhile, millions of highly educated,
skilled and motivated white collar workers sit un-
or underemployed because so many white-collar jobs
have been shipped to India, China, the Philippines,
As with education resources, we must reassess
the balance of how we spend job training resources
to ensure we dont shortchange those with the
greatest potential to profit and contribute to
Uncontrolled immigration
This is a nation of immigrants and we are the
better for it.
But unlike previous waves of immigration, the
current one is uncontrolled, consisting heavily of
illegal immigrants. That means that countless
people are entering this country without having
been screened for communicable diseases, felony
convictions, etc..
1.5 million illegal aliens, one million from
Mexico alone, illegally become US residents each
year. And many of them soon obtain phony ID to
obtain a wealth of services compliments of the US
taxpayers: subsidized housing, welfare, social
security, etc. Exacerbating the problem,
illegals birth rate is more than double the
US average, with each offspring, from birth,
eligible for the myriad government programs
available to citizens.
We're already seeing enormous effects of illegal
immigration on:
Health care
Current US law entitles all illegals and their
families to free emergency health care, and many
jurisdictions provide far more extensive services
than that. Our health care system is already
overwhelmed. For example, thousands of Americans
die each year because of lack of adequate nursing
and other medical care. Illegal immigrants, coming
from poor countries, have great health care needs.
And in addition to common diseases, illegals bring
challenges not normally faced in the US, for
example, 7,000 new cases of leprosy in the past
three years came in from Mexico, India, and Brazil,
16,000 new cases of multiple-drug-resistant,
incurable, and communicable(!) tuberculosis. The
Centers for Disease Control reports that illegal
immigrants account for over 65 percent of
communicable diseases (TB, hepatitis, leprosy,
AIDS, etc.,) in the US. Immigration officials are
supposed to screen out immigrants who are carrying
diseases, but there is no health screening for
illegal immigrants.
Illegals further burden the health care
system because they disproportionately do heavy
physical work, which causes their bodies to fall
apart faster, and because the violent crime rate
among illegals is staggering (See below).
The burden of providing health care to illegals
extends beyond disease and saving crime victims.
For example, because of illegals high
birthrate, in Colorado, which has a mere(?) 100,000
illegal immigrants, taxpayers in 2003 alone paid
for 6,000 illegals to have their babies.
Thats 40% of the births Medicaid paid for in
the state. To get immediate care, the illegal must
only say I am undocumented."
The Washington Times reported that dozens of
hospitals in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and
California have either closed their doors or face
bankruptcy because of losses caused by
uncompensated care given to illegal immigrants.
The author of that article, Brenda Walker,
writes, "More than 40 million American citizens do
not have health insurance while they pay in their
tax bills for free medical care for Mexican
nationals, many of whom are illegally working at
American jobs - a double-dip rip off. Furthermore,
hospitals closing and emergency rooms crowded with
illegal aliens mean that an American needing speedy
treatment may have to wait far longer to receive
it. Such delays can mean the difference between
life and death."
Americas public schools already suffer
under severe budget constraints, causing large
class sizes, textbook shortages, and leaky
ceilings. Yet, US law requires that all illegals
receive free public education K-12. The Federation
for American Immigration Reform estimates that this
costs taxpayers $7.4 billion dollars each year.
The Pew Hispanic Center calculates that, within
seven years, the children of immigrants, legal and
illegal, will account for one in nine school-age
children in the US. The Urban Institute estimates
that already, 15% of all school children in
California are illegals, many of whom speak little
English. These students are usually mainstreamed in
classes with native English speakers. This means
that teachers must slow down instruction, denying
native English speakers their right to an
appropriate-level education.
The challenge is even greater because not all
those students native language is Spanish:
For example, in my nearest major school district,
San Francisco, it would not be unusual to find a
class that had native speakers of Chinese, Russian,
Tagalog, Spanish, and English. Imagine the
challenge of trying to educate them all. If your
child were in that class, would you be confident
that he or she would receive a quality
Immigrant advocacy groups such as La Raza and
the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF)
have additionally burdened the public schools by
demanding that schools provide special
controversial programs such as bilingual education,
in which students are taught in Spanish for much of
the day. Bilingual education programs exist
throughout California even after longitudinal
research has not demonstrated their effectiveness
and after a voter-approved ban on those
Imagine if Americans illegally entered Mexico,
demanded that their children be educated in the
Mexican public schools for free and that they be
taught in the same classes as Mexican children, and
in English. Theyd rightfully be laughed or
thrown out. Yet, thats whats going on
with illegal aliens in the US.
La Raza and MALDEF also pushed through
legislation that allows, in 19 states, illegal
immigrants to not only attend any public university
in those states, but to pay in-state tuition, while
legal residents of neighboring states must pay the
out-of-state rate which is three to eight times
more. Its quite an injustice, for example,
that a legal resident can be denied admission to
taxpayer-supported Berkeley and must attend
community college so an illegal foreign national
can attend Berkeleyat in-state rates! And in
the ultimate irony, reverse discrimination
admission policies can result in an illegal with B
grades in high school being admitted while a legal
A student from a neighboring state, willing to pay
the much higher out-of-state tuition, is
Illegals' crime rate is astonishing. For
example, in Los Angeles County, 2/3 of felony
warrants are for illegals. One in seven inmates in
California state prisons are illegal immigrants,
serving time for crimes other than being in the US
illegally. California taxpayers alone spend $500
million a year on incarcerating illegals.
Amazingly, because of so-called sanctuary laws,
police in illegal-saturated cities such as L.A.,
San Diego, Houston, Austin, Chicago, and New York
are prohibited from reporting even felons'
immigration violations to federal authorities.
Even an illegal who has committed murder rarely
gets deported. According to statistics from the
former Immigration and Naturalization Service and
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 80,000
illegals who have served prison time for felonies
including murder, rape, drug smuggling, and armed
robberies, are roaming our streets. This is
frightening indeed because, according to Bureau of
Justice statistics, within three years of prison
release, 62% commit another crime.
Illegals crime rate shouldnt be
surprising. Their first act in the US is an illegal
onedefying US immigration laws, and many soon
break a second law: obtaining phony ID--readily
available on the street for $50 to $75. That
enables them to steal a wealth of benefits reserved
for legal residents: from subsidized housing to
health care to welfare, for themselves, their
children, and other relatives they later send
Can we ask legal residents to be honest--for
example, to pay their income taxeswhile the
government takes our tax dollars to reward
lawbreaking illegals with legal status, an array of
services for themselves and their families, plus
full US citizenship for all subsequent offspring?
In officially welcoming millions of lawbreakers
into the US, we exacerbate Americas already
declining honesty.
And the effects of a dishonest society are
profound. Already, we hear of endless examples of
rampant dishonesty from corporate malfeasance to
welfare fraud, from student cheating to elder scams
to a Democrat operative forging a document to smear
the president of the United States: Watergate from
the Left A viable society requires that we can
trust what people say and do.
All 19 of the 9/11 terrorists were in the US
illegally. Peyton Knight, Director of Legislative
Affairs for the American Policy Center, a Virginia
think tank, writes, At a time when America is
under attack by Islamist holy warriors, the Census
Bureau estimates that as many as 115,000 illegal
immigrants from Middle Eastern countries are living
in the United States."
Ironically, illegals supposed benefit to
the US--doing the work Americans won't do--is only
true because corporations refuse to pay a living
wage. If corporations paid $15 an hour plus
benefits to pick crops and clean hotel rooms, legal
residents would gladly do the work. The current
system of open borders is nothing more than
corporate welfare--allowing corporations to get
immorally cheap labor.
The notion that illegals contribute more than
they cost the taxpayer is untrue. A just-released
study by the Center for Immigration Studies found
that illegals, each year, cost the taxpayer $10
billion dollars more than they contribute. That is
not surprising given the above heavy and illegal
use of government programs and the health care
system, and that illegals report so little income.
Because so many illegals are paid off-the-books or
earn low wages, they contribute little in taxes.
And unlike most legal residents who pump much of
their income back into our economy, illegals send
large percentages of their US earnings back to
their home countryan estimated $23 billion
last year was sent to Mexico alone.
We must penalize large employers of illegals
severely enough that they wont hire illegals.
That will force corporations to raise wages and
benefits to a level at which legal residents will
do the work.
In addition we should work with the Mexican
government to improve conditions for their citizens
so theyre less motivated to come to the US
illegally. The US must use its influence to improve
the notoriously corrupt Mexican government. In
addition, we should use our Peace Corps to teach
entrepreneurship to residents of Mexico, offering
microloans as appropriate.
Reverse discrimination
In practice, "affirmative action" is often
reverse discrimination. Colleges are masters of
deception with statistics, avoiding the most
germane statistic: the average SAT score for
whites, Asians, Blacks, and Hispanic students
attending the college. At most selective colleges,
the racial difference is astonishing. For example,
at the University of California Berkeley, the
average SAT score for Asians and Whites is 1400,
for Blacks just 1170. And you get 400 points just
for signing your name! And not disclosed are the
special admits, mostly Black, who are
admitted with even poorer scores. Reverse
discrimination, of course, results in less
qualified people getting slots in our prestigious
colleges, which are the launchpads to leadership
and important positions in the professions.
Lest you think the reverse discrimination ends
after admission, as a former faculty member at four
universities including Berkeley, I know that my
colleagues and I were pressured by minority
activist organizations and administrators to give
passing grades to minorities who did not deserve
That pressure even extends to life-critical
medical education. Nine UCLA medical school
professors urged that an African-American medical
student be terminated from medical school because
of poor performance. But the student made racial
discrimination claims and to avoid the long,
expensive lawsuit, and the race-card media campaign
the student threatened to launch, the medical
school has allowed the student to return.
Such problems accrued even in the landmark Bakke
case, which paved the way for reverse
discrimination admissions. Patrick Chavis, an
African-American was the student admitted to UC
Davis medical school instead of the far more
qualified Alan Bakke. After Chavis graduated,
Nicholas LeMann, in a New York Times Magazine cover
story, proclaimed Chavis the poster boy for
affirmative action. A few years later,
however, it turned out that Chavis should have been
the poster boy for anti-affirmative action. Instead
of being the physician who gave back to his
community, he opened a liposuction clinic and
botched many. In one case, afraid of being
discovered as incompetent, in the middle of the
night, Chavis wheeled one of his patients out of
the hospital, badly bleeding. The patient died.
Chavis license was finally revoked.
Dr. Bernard Davis, when he was department chair
at Harvard Medical School saw, first-hand, the
reverse discrimination toward African-American
students. So, he told his wife, If I ever
need surgery and Im looking up at an
African-American surgeon, wheel me out. If
theres that much incompetence among
African-American medical students at Harvard,
imagine the situation at the vast majority of
colleges, which do not get cream-of-the-crop
While less obvious, reverse discrimination is
equally severe in the workplace. As a career
consultant, in the confidentiality of my office,
Ive had dozens of senior employees tell me
that Latinos and especially Blacks are hired and
promoted over much more qualified Asians and
Whites. They often are given plum positions with
big salaries and fancy titles, but placed where, as
one executive put it, they can do no
In short, our racial guilt is resulting in less
qualified people becoming our doctors, lawyers,
airplane pilots, and executives. As a result the
quality of everything from our telephone service to
our health care is decreased.
We must restore affirmative action to its
original intent: full outreach to ensure that all
candidates are judged on merit. The notion that
whites and Asians still must be discriminated
against in college admissions and employment 150
years after slavery, after a half-century of the
Civil Rights movement, and after literally
trillions(!) of dollars in government, university,
and nonprofit money targeted to minorities, is
simply not fair to whites and Asians, nor to all of
us because of the worse services and products we
must endure as a result.
Offshoring of jobs
Corporations have long offshored manufacturing
jobs. Now theyre doing it to white-collar
jobs. And its understandablegetting a
qualified Indian or Chinese person to do the work
for 20 cents on the dollarwith less threat of
the rampant illegitimate wrongful termination race-
or gender-discrimination suits, is compelling.
The solution is not protectionism. That will
result in US companies having to pay much more for
its workers than do companies in other countries.
As a result, the US companies will have to charge
more for its products. That not only means higher
prices for US citizens but that US companies
products will be priced noncompetitively and so
most of these companies will, sooner or later, go
out of businessresulting in a far greater
loss of jobs than that caused by offshoring.
The best solution is to train more of our
students and adults in the art and science of
entrepreneurship. The US has long been a nation of
innovation, and innovation, not protectionism
offers the best chance of saving us from becoming a
giant third-world nation. Our high schools should
replace non-critical parts of the
curriculumfor example, simultaneous
equations, the Peloponnesian Wars, and the halide
series of chemical elementswith courses in
entrepreneurship, conflict resolution, money
management, and ethical social capitalism. A nation
filled with such entrepreneurs will create ethical
yet profitable businesses that will boost our
economy more permanently than punishing
corporations for providing their products and
services cost-effectively.
I believe this is China's century, with America
plummeting toward third-world status but I believe
that the above recommendations offer the best
chance to slow or even stop America's decline and
© 2007, Marty
* * *

Nemko holds a PhD from the University of
California, Berkeley, and subsequently taught in
Berkeleys Graduate School of Education. He is
the worklife columnist in the Sunday San Francisco
Chronicle and is the producer and host of Work With
Marty Nemko, heard Sundays at 11 on 91.7 FM in
(NPR, San Francisco), and worldwide on
400+ of his published writings are available free
on that website and is a co-editor of
Careers for Dummies.
and author of The All-in-One College Guide.

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