Demeaning and
Demoralizing Divorced Dads
Fathers and
Daughters: Eye Opening Facts
Friendly Schools
The Fathers Day
I Wish For
Gift Giving: Fathers and
Helping Daughters Embrace
Their Relationships with Their
Remarried Fathers:
Strengthening Your Father-Daughter
Sharing Your Life with
Your Daughter
Storybooks for Fathers
and Daughters
Father-Daughter Stories
Your Daughter's Young Adult
Years: Money, Sex & Career and their
impact on your father-daughter relationship - Part
Your Daughter's Young Adult
Years: Money, Sex & Career and their
impact on your father-daughter relationship - Part
Friendly Schools
Dads, next time you're in your daughter's school,
or next time you get a letter or other written
information from her school, ask yourself these
(1) How "father friendly" is this school?
(2) How welcomed and how important do my
daughter's teachers and counselors make me
(3) Do I ever get the sense that her teachers or
counselors think her mother is more important or
more necessary than I am?
(4) Does the school send the message that
father-daughter relationships are just as important
as father-son or mother-daughter relationships?
As a father, you can take an active role in
helping your daughter's teachers and counselors
strengthen father-daughter relationships by making
fathers feel more welcomed and more important. Use
my checklist to asses how well your daughter's
school is doing in regard to father-daughter
relationships - especially for divorced or never
married fathers:
0=never 1=rarely 2= usually 3=almost always
__The school has pictures of fathers interacting
with their daughters on the bulletin boards or in
library displays
__The school mails all information about his
daughter to the divorced father's home as well as
to the divorced mother's home
__Library books focus in positive ways on
fathers & daughters
__The school sometimes has special events only
for fathers & daughters
__The school offers special materials or
workshops just for fathers
__Counselors gather as much information from
fathers as from mothers
__Counselors include dads in counseling as much
as they include mothers
__Fathers are invited to come to class as guests
or as tutors
__Teachers include both parents in
__Teachers arrange conferences in ways that
allow divorced fathers the choice to attend without
their ex-wife
____Total Score of 30 -
The higher the school scores, the more "father
friendly" it is - and the better job it's doing to
support and value father-daughter
Remarried Fathers:
Strengthening Your Father-Daughter Relationship
If youre a divorced father who has remarried,
odds are your relationship with your daughter has
become more complicated, more stressful, and more
distant. Sadly for the majority of fathers and
daughters, when dad remarries:
- the father-daughter relationship is more
damaged than the father-son relationship
- tensions between mom and dads wife
create problems in the father-daughter
- the mom who was not employed during her
marriage tends to be the most jealous and most
uncooperative when dad remarries
- college educated, white mothers tend to be
less willing than non-white, less educated
mothers to share their kids after
divorce with the dad and his wife
- the father-daughter relationship is better
off when the mother has already remarried
Even though mom may never come right out and say
negative things to her daughter about dads
getting remarried, she can still create a negative
impression of him and his new wife in other ways --
the expressions on her face, her tone of voice, the
way she acts after shes talked to dad or his
wife on the phone, the joking remarks
she makes about him or his wife. Daughters are keen
observers of their mothers moods and
feelings. Especially when dad has remarried but mom
is still single, the daughter is likely to pick up
messages like these from her mother:
- If it werent for her
(dads new wife), wed all be
- Your dad was nicer to us before
she came into his life
- Now that your dad is remarried, he
doesnt love you as much
- I feel sad and lonely when you spend time
with your dad and his wife
- Your dad ought to spend more money on you
and less on her and her kids
As a remarried dad, try strengthening your
relationship with your daughter by reducing the
jealousy, competition and pressure in these
Dont use the terms stepmother
or stepdaughter. Instead say my
wife and my daughter and ask your wife to say
my husbands daughter. If your
wife and daughter eventually want to refer to each
other as stepmother and stepdaughter, let that be
their choice.
Never push (or continually talk about) your wife
or your daughter to become good friends. Take the
pressure off everyone by letting their relationship
develop in whatever way they choose.
Never make your wife or your daughter feel that
they have to like or love each other in order to
make you happy or to prove how much they each love
you. Yes, they do need to be cordial to one
another. But they should not have to prove their
love for you by genuinely liking or loving each
Spend time alone with your daughter without your
wife always having to be with you.
Show your daughter in whatever ways you can that
you are just as interested in her life and love her
just as much now as you did before you
Send e mails, gifts, letters, and phone calls to
your daughter only from you, not always from
us (meaning you and your wife)
Tell your daughter and your ex wife that neither
you nor your wife expect or want her to be
like a second mother to your
Keep your conversations with your daughter
mainly focused on whats going on in her life
not whats going on in your wifes
or other kids lives
Storybooks for Fathers
and Daughters
Dads, what storybooks are you reading to your young
daughters? Have you taken a closer look at the
messages in those books messages about
father-daughter relationships. In your
daughters favorite books, what kind of
relationship do the dad and daughter have? Is dad
nothing more than a playmate or a fix
it repairman? Is dad the only breadwinner in
the family while mom raises the kids? Is mom
portrayed as the more nurturing, more
knowledgeable, and more involved parent
especially in the daughters life? Is most of
the fathers time being spent with his son
instead of his daughter? Is the father spending any
time alone with just his daughter without
mom or little brother ?
As a feminist psychologist, I invest many hours
looking for childrens books that portray
fathers being just as competent, as nurturing and
as involved in their daughters lives as
mothers especially books that show fathers
and daughters enjoying themselves with one another
without other family members involved. These books
are few and far between. Here are ten of my
Two Old Potatoes and Me J. Coy, 2004,
Give Her the River M. Browne, 2004, Simon
& Schuster
A Twinkle in His Eye Burton, 2000,
Shooting Start Publishing
Animal Dads N. Collard, 2002, Houghton
The Dance R. Evans, 1999, Simon &
Daddy Will Be There L. Grambling, 1996,
Greenwillow Books
Tinys Hat A. Grifalconi, 1999,
Harper Collins.
After Charlottes Mom Died C.
Spelman, 1999,
Night Shift Daddy E. Spinelli, 2000,
I Live With Daddy J. Vigna, 1997, Albert
Whitman & Co.
Send me an e-mail if you know of other
childrens books that portray fathers as
loving, competent, involved parents with their
Fathers and
Daughyters: Eye Opening Facts
We strengthen father-daughter relationships by
making ourselves aware of the facts and freeing
ourselves from the demeaning myths about men as
parents. Recent national statistics and research
from the most well respected experts in psychology
and sociology, show
Fathers generally have as much or more impact as
mothers in the following areas of their
daughters lives: (1) achieving academic and
career successespecially in math and science
(2) creating a loving, trusting relationship with a
man (3) dealing well with people in
authorityespecially men (4) Being
self-confident and self-reliant (5) Being willing
to try new things and to accept challenges (6)
Maintaining good mental health (no clinical
depression, eating disorders, or chronic anxiety)
(7) Expressing anger comfortably and
appropriatelyespecially with men
Because our society emphasizes the importance of
mother-daughter relationships more than
father-daughter relationships, most fathers and
daughters do not ever get to know one another as
well or spend as much time together throughout
their lives as most mothers and daughters.
Most childrens books, TV programs, and
movies send the message that fathers and daughters
are not supposed to know each other as well or
spend as much time together as mothers and
Daughters who are raised by single fathers are
just as well adjusted and as happy as daughters
raised by single mothers.
Fathers and daughters are usually closer when
the mother works full time outside the home while
the children are growing up.
Most fathers want to spend more time with their
children, but cant because of their jobs.
Realities: (1) Eighty percent of the fathers in
our country earn most of the money for their
families. (2) Counting the time spent commuting,
working, doing house and yard work, and being with
the kids, the average father has 5 hours less free
time each week than the average employed mother.
(3) On average, employed fathers work 10 more hours
a week than employed mothers.
A father usually has a closer relationship with
his daughter when the mother lets everyone in the
family know how much she appreciates his ways of
parentingespecially if his way of parenting
isnt exactly like hers.
A daughter has a better relationship with her
father when her mother does not rely on her for
advice or comfort on adult issuesespecially
issues involving the parents relationship
with each other.
When parents are unhappily married or divorced,
the daughter is more likely to side with her mother
and against her father.
Some mothers feel uncomfortable or jealous with
the idea that their daughter might share as much
time or as much personal information with her
father as she does with her mother.
The mother who had a distant or unloving
relationship with her own father is usually more
jealous and more unsupportive of her
daughters having a close relationship with
her father.
Gift Giving: Fathers and
This is the month of gift giving for most fathers
and daughters in our country. As father or as
daughter, youll be bombarded by
advertisements trying to convince you to buy their
perfect gift or terrific
greeting card. So heres what Im
advertising: A father-daughter outing where just
the two of you spend several hours together.
Regardless of your age, give one another the gift
of private time together.
How to spend that time? What to do? Rather than
guessing or getting anxious about whether
youre going to get it right or
not, simply things. Take time now to fill out this
form and give it to each other.
The Perfect Day Together
What is the most perfect day you can imagine the
two of you having together? Dont think about
the obstacles. Just let your imagination run
- Where would the two of you be?
- What would you do for the entire day?
- What would each of you do to make the other
feel loved?
- What would each of you be feeling as the day
started out?
- What would each of you be feeling when the
day ended?
- How would your family feel and react to your
having such a wonderful day together?
- What would each of you say that youve
never said before?
- What would be the highlight of the day?
- What would each of you do or bring as a nice
surprise for one another?
- What are the last words each of you would
say at the end of the day? Some other activities
for your hours together might include:
- Show one another how to do something that
you enjoy or do well - something as simple as
trimming plants, grilling steaks, or playing a
card game.
- Go to a religious service together
just you two.
- Go to a movie togethershare a box of
- Go back to the neighborhood where he grew up
and walk around together.
- Visit the cemetery where a relative or close
friend of his is buried.
- Get a camera or camcorder and take pictures
of places that mean a lot to you or him.
If you sometimes feel disappointed when you open
your holiday gifts or sometimes feel that
the person must not have put much time or thought
into it try my suggestion instead. My bet is
as a father or as a daughter - youll
feel a lot more satisfied with this gift to each
other and a lot more bonded as well.
Father-Daughter Stories
Dads, I thought you might like to share some
uplifting stories about famous real
life daughters who gave their fathers the
credit for their becoming such successful, well
known women. With so many negative portrayals of
father-daughter relationships on TV and in movies,
we need to share more of these positive
father-daughter stories with our daughters and
If your daughter enjoys music, let her know that
Joan Baez, Selina, and Judy Collins were all
apples that didnt fall far from the
tree. Baezs father emigrated from
Mexico, earned a doctorate from Stanford in
physics, and became a Quaker and pacifist who quit
his job in the defense industry. Judy Collins
father, an Irishman from a musical farming family,
became legally blind at the age of four. But he
overcame his handicaps to start a dance band and
radio show and to teach his daughter to sing
and play piano. Selena, (the famous Mexican
American singer who was tragically murdered by an
angry fan club member) learned to sing and play
guitar from her dad when she was five. He
eventually became her bus driver and manager of her
Moving from music to sports, has your daughter
heard of Nancy Kerrigan who won the silver Olympic
medal in skating in 1994? Her dad worked several
jobs to pay for Nancys training as she was
growing up and he did all of the housekeeping too
because his wife was almost totally blind.
Or if your daughter is interested in
womens rights, does she know that Susan B.
Anthonys father was a progressive Quaker who
believed in equality for men and women. When the
school refused to teach his daughters math because
they were girls, he started schooling them himself
at home. Is it any wonder Susan grew up to fight
for womens rights and the abolition of
slavery? The same is true of Harriet Beecher Stowe
who wrote against slavery in Uncle Toms
Cabin. Her dad was a minister who publicly
protested and preached against slavery while she
was growing up.
If your daughter has never heard of any of these
famous women, Im sure she knows this name:
Oprah. But does your daughter know that when Oprah
was a teenager very troubled, failing in
school, and having had a child out of wedlock (who
died) she went to live with her father and
stepmother. Oprah says it was her father who turned
her life around. After she became rich and famous,
she set up a scholarship fund at Tennessee State
University in her fathers name to honor
Lets do more positive story-telling as
another way of strengthening father-daughter
Your Daughter's Young Adult
Years: Money, Sex & Career and their
impact on your father-daughter relationship - Part
As millions of daughters head off to college this
fall or begin their young adult lives in the
workforce, we might wonder: How do father-daughter
relationships generally change from the time she
leaves high school until she becomes a
real adult? What usually puts the most
stress on their relationship? And how can father
and daughter strengthen their relationship or
overcome these obstacles during her early adult
Changes & Tensions Both father and daughter
need to change some of their attitudes and their
behavior in order to create a more adult
relationship with one another during her
college-age years. Unfortunately what usually
happens is that one person is readier for the
change than the other. Either dad is treating his
daughter too much like a little girl while she is
striving and wanting to become an adult. Or dad is
treating her like an adult while she is still
behaving and wanting to be treated like a child.
Your mutual struggle as father and daughter to
create an adult to adult relationship usually
reaches it peak over these three issues: his money,
her sexual lifestyle, and her career plans. In my
next two columns, Ill discuss sex and
careers. For now, lets turn our attention to
Money Money usually causes so much tension
between fathers and young adult daughters that I
devote an entire chapter in my book to ways to
resolve these problems. The tension stems from the
fact that most fathers and daughters have different
feelings and expectations about the role that money
should play in their relationship at this point in
her life. Use this quiz to assess yourselves:
Banking on Dad?
How do you and your father feel about these
matters? In addressing the following statements,
use 0 to mean absolutely not, 1 to
mean maybe, 2 to mean
probably, and 3 to mean
definitely. After I graduate from high
school, my father should
Continue to pay all my educational and
living expenses.
Loan me money instead of telling me to
get a bank loan.
Pay for my graduate school education or
part of it.
Pay for most (or all) of my
Set aside some money for me as an
Let me live at home for free after
Ive finished school and have a
Help me to make a down payment on a
Pay for most (or all) of my first
Pay for my health and car insurance
until I finish my education.
Offer to give me money when he sees
that Im financially stressed.
Total scores (30 possible)
There are four different combinations of scores
that create problems in your relationship. (1) If
daughter scores higher than 20, shes still
banking on dad to take care of her financially and
to bale her out of financial scrapes like he did
when she was a child. If dads score is just
as high as daughters score, then the two of
you agree that its okay for dad to be the
piggy bank and instant cash machine. You two
probably dont disagree very often about
financial issues. Still, your financial arrangement
has a down side that you may not have realized yet
feelings of obligation and entitlement, as
well soon discuss. (2) If a daughter scores
above 20 but dad scores more than 5 points lower
than she does, theres probably a lot of
tension between you two. Dad wants daughter to be a
financial grown-up, but shes still behaving
like a little girl. The greater the difference in
your two scores, the greater the tension. (3) If a
daughter score less than 10 but dad scores more
than 20, she wants to be financially self-reliant,
but he wants her to continue depending on him for
money. Maybe dad feels she wont need him for
anything any more once shes on her own
financially. Or maybe hes afraid that he
wont be able to influence her decisions any
more now that she isnt taking his money any
more. (4) If both of you score somewhere between 15
and 25 points, you are still having trouble
deciding what your financial relationship with each
other ought to beand that detracts from your
relationship. In terms of whats best for your
father-daughter relationship, the best combination
is when both of you score less than 10. This means
both of you are glad that the daughter is becoming
financially self-reliant.
Although daughter may turn to dad for advice
when shes in a financial jam, she wont
expect or ask him to give her moneyand he
wont feel that the loving thing to do is to
give money. But since many daughters and fathers
arent in this group, financial issues often
detract from your relationship.
Lets start with this golden
rule: Those who have the gold make the
rules. Daughters and fathers have to
understand that when she accepts the
gold from her father, there are usually
strings attachedstrings that may be invisible
at first but eventually become heavy ropes around
both your necks. For instance, she may consider the
money dad gives her to be a gift, but
he might consider it to be a
loanmoney that he expects to be
repaid when his daughter can afford it. Other times
you both agree that it is a loan, but its not
made clear when the money is supposed to be repaid.
At some later date dad may feel taken advantage of
because daughter hasnt repaid a dime when she
clearly has the money. Resentment can also occur if
dad gives or loans money to another child, without
making the same gift or loan to his daughter. But
the biggest risks involve obligation and
entitlement. Depending on how dependent the
daughter is on her fathers money, she may
feel obligated to do things she doesnt want
to dolittle things like spending time with
dad when she really doesnt want to or big
things like going into a career she has no interest
in because dad footed the bill for her expensive
college education. While a daughter may feel
obligated, a dad may feel entitledentitled to
have a say in how his money is spent: what school
his daughter should attend, what jobs she should
apply for.
As fathers or as daughters, we need to recognize
the way money affects our relationship and to
communicate honestly with one another about our
feelings, our beliefs, and our expectations.
Your Daughter's Young Adult
Years: Money, Sex & Career and their
impact on your father-daughter relationship - Part
How do father-daughter relationships generally
change from the time a daughter leaves high school
until she becomes a real adult? What
usually puts the most stress on their relationship?
And how can father and daughter strengthen their
relationship or overcome these obstacles during her
early adult years?
Changes & Tensions -- - Both father and
daughter need to change some of their attitudes and
behavior in order to create a more adult
relationship with one another during her
college-age years. Unfortunately what usually
happens is that one person is readier to change
than the other. Either dad is treating his daughter
too much like a little girl while she is striving
and wanting to become an adult. Or dad is treating
her like an adult while she is still behaving and
wanting to be treated like a child. Your mutual
struggle as father and daughter to create an adult
to adult relationship usually reaches it peak over
these three issues: his money, her sexual
lifestyle, and her career plans. In
Septembers column, I talked about money. Now
lets turn our attention to sex.
Assumptions about Uptight Dad --- One reason the
daughters sexual life creates tension for too
many young women and their fathers is that she
assumes her father is far more conservative and far
more uptight than he actually is. When this
happens, the daughter lies, deceives, and hides a
lot of whats going on in her life from her
father. And thats not good for their
relationship. Feeling guilty, she goes to great
lengths to pretend to be the virginal, non-sexual
little girl that she believes her father wants her
to be. Fearing that her father will love her less
or respect her less if he discovers that she is not
an innocent, virginal girl, she may end up refusing
to share anything about her personal life with him
depriving herself and her father of the
chance for him to be her advisor and ally in
matters of the heart. I am not suggesting that
daughters share the intimate details of their
sexual lives with their fathers. But I am saying
that by time daughters leave adolescence, they
should not be pretending to be sexually innocent
children in order to please daddy.
One way of easing the tension is for a father to
let his young adult daughter know more about his
sexual life when he was her age and to let
her know what his feelings are about people her age
having sex. Im not saying that fathers should
share the details of their sexual lives with their
daughters. But I am saying that fathers should let
their daughters know that they were not or
are not - as sexually conservative as their
daughters might be assuming. Although it is true
that most fathers want their daughter to wait until
their late teens before having sex, it is not true
that most fathers want or expect their daughters to
be virgins when they get married. This quiz is one
way for fathers and daughters to get the
conversation started about dads beliefs.
Your Fathers Generation: Not Such Uptight
Guys! What do you believe are true about most men
now between the ages of 45 and 60?
Most were virgins when they got
Most have been married only once.
Most waited until their twenties to
have sex for the first time.
Most married a virgin.
Most disapprove of people having sex
before marriage.
Most never drank or smoked cigarettes
as teenagers.
Most never used any illegal drug.
Most oppose sex education in the
Most want abortion made illegal
Most believe that interracial marriages
should be outlawed again.
Total Score (10 possible trues)
Whats your score? The correct answer is
zero. Not one of these statements is true. Most men
who are now in their 40s and 50s were not sexually
or socially conservative as young men and
neither were the women they dated and married. Only
10% of the men and 20% of the women were virgins
when they married. Having sex before marriage,
drinking, and smoking were the norm, not the
exception. More than half of those married people
got divorced and 20% of all parents never got
married. Nearly a third of the women were already
pregnant when they married. Most men had three or
four lovers before marriage, and most women had
more than one. Interracial and interfaith marriages
increased dramatically during the 1960s and 70s.
The legal right to terminate a pregnancy, to marry
someone of another race, to keep your job if
youre gay, and to possess small amounts of
recreational drugs without being sent to jail exist
because dads generation created more liberal
laws. In short, theres not as much difference
as a daughter might think there is between her
fathers generation and her own.
On the other hand, some fathers are more
sexually conservative than their daughters
and some daughters are more conservative than their
fathers. When thats the case, do not try to
change one anothers sexual values.
Youre each entitled to your own beliefs
because you are both adults. For the sake of your
relationship, accept each others right to
live your sexual life in the way that you have
deemed is best for you. Having to adopt exactly the
same sexual values should not be a requirement for
a loving, meaningful father-daughter
Sharing Your Life with
Your Daughter
Sadly, fathers and daughters generally do not know
one another as well or spend nearly as much time
with one another throughout their lifetimes as
mothers and daughters. Especially when it comes to
the meaningful, personal aspects of our lives,
fathers and daughters share less with one
So fathers, heres the bottom line: You
need to spend more time alone with your daughter,
even when shes a teenager and even after she
is off living on her own. And when you are with her
in private, use that time to share your life with
her and to ask her meaningful, personal questions
about her life. These lists of questions can get
you started. Hundreds more are available in my
book, as well as two chapters on communicating with
your daughter:
Childhood and Family
1. Who is (or was) your favorite relative?
2. How are you like and unlike each of your
3. What are three of your favorite childhood
4. What did you get too little of from your father?
What did you get too much of?
5. What kind of relationship did you have with your
father? With your mother?
1. What book, film, and piece of music has
affected you the most? Why?
2. If you had a motto, what would it be?
3. If you could afford it, what would you buy or
4. What do you wish you had more of? Why?
5. What would bring you the greatest joy during the
next few years?
1. What are four traits you look for in a
2. Who have you known longest, and why has your
friendship lasted so
3. Which friend do you miss most? Why?
4. What is the best advice a friend ever gave
5. How have your friendships changed over time?
Spiritual Beliefs
1. How have your religious beliefs changed over
2. What was your most spiritual experience?
3. What spiritual questions do you ask yourself
most often?
4. What are your greatest worries about aging or
5. How has another persons death affected
your own religious views or feelings about
Feelings About Yourself
1. How successful do you consider yourself?
2. What are your best and worst traits?
3. What are some of the best compliments
youve ever gotten?
4. What are three of the best and three of the
worst decisions youve ever made?
5. What three lessons did you learn the hard
Love & Romance
1. What romantic relationships had the greatest
impact on you, and how?
2. What do you wish had been different about your
romantic relationships?
3. How liberal or conservative do you consider
yourself to be on sexual issues?
4. How have your ideas about love, sex, and
marriage changed over time?
5. What do you wish you had known about sexual and
romantic relationships as a young man?
Getting to know your daughter and allowing her
to know you means asking the kinds of questions
that so many of us wish we had asked before it was
too late. Give your daughter the gift
of getting to know you. Give yourself the gift of
getting to know her.
Demeaning and
Demoralizing Divorced Dads
It's not news that fathers face many obstacles in
trying to maintain close relationships with their
daughters and sons after divorce. The question is,
what can we do about it?
You don't have to be a divorced parent or a
professional who works with divorced families in
order to take the first step in helping divorced
fathers and their kids stay bonded. There are a
number of myths and misconceptions in our society
that work against fathers relationships with their
kids after divorce. So your first step is to
educate yourself about the statistical facts and
realities and to share this informatoin with
everyone you know:
Myth: Dads aren't capable of raising kids on
their own. Reality: Kids raised by single fathers
are just as well adjusted and just as happy as kids
raised by single mothers.
Myth: It doesn't matter much to adult children
how much time they spent with their dads after
their parents' divorce. Reality: Many adult
children wish their mother had allowed or been
enthusiastic about their spending more time with
their fathers after the parents divorce.
Myth: Almost all children are seriously and
permanently damage by their parents' divorce.
Reality: Very few children have serious, ongoing
problems as a result of their parents' divorce.
Myth: As long as the mother is a good enough
parent, the kids won't suffer from having too
little contact with their father. Reality: The
greater the damage to their relationship with their
fathers, the more likely kids are to have problems
throughout their lives that are the result of
father absence.
Myth: Most fathers are carefree, swinging
bachelors after their divorce. Reality: Fathers are
more likely than mothers to be depressed and
suicidal after divorcemainly because they
miss their kids.
Myth: Well educated parents are far more
cooperative and more likely to do what's best for
their kids after their divorce than less educated
parents. Reality: College-educated, white parents
are not necessarily more cooperative and the wives
may be angrier than less educated women over
financial matters.
Myth: Most divorced men are deadbeat dads who
don't make their child support payments. Reality:
The vast majority of divorced fathers are making
their child support payments in full. The men who
don't pay child support usually have never been
married and are poorly educated or unemployed.
Myth: It's up to the father what kind of
relationship he has with his kids after divorce.
Reality: The more enthusiastic and supportive the
mother is, the more likely the father is to
maintain a close relationship with his
Myth: When dad remarries, he usually stops
seeing his kids and quits paying child support.
Reality: Getting remarried generally has little
impact or no impact on how much time a father
spends with his children or how much money he sends
Let's get these messages across so that children
will have fewer negative beliefs about their
fathers after divorce and so that we can offer more
emotional support and understanding to divorced
* The complete list of references for these
research studies and statistics are in "Embracing
Your Father:How to Build the Relationship You
Always Wanted With Your Dad.".
The Fathers Day
I Wish For
As a 55 year old daughter, what do I wish for
Fathers Day? Foremost, I wish my father was
still alive. I dont have to wish we had loved
each other. We did. I dont have to wish we
had been proud of each other. We were. I dont
have to wish we had resolved the conflicts that
plagued us during my twenties. We had. I dont
have to wish he had been spared a painful or
lingering death. He died quickly and unexpectedly
one winter evening - toppling forward in his
favorite reclining chair after eating a bowl of
chocolate ice cream, my mother nearby knowing
immediately that he had died instantly,
peacefully just after saying that was
good, Fran.
And yet I wish I wish we had been
comfortable and more open talking about the things
that mattered most the personal, significant
parts of our lives like my divorce, his being a
grandfather, his childhood, the deaths of his
parents and his lifelong friend Paul, his aging,
spirituality, regrets, fears, hopes and plans for
the future mine and his. And as
Fathers Day approaches, again I am reminded
that my father and I were most relaxed with each
other when other people were around and when the TV
was on. And it was always harder for me to choose a
gift for him than for anyone else I loved. Why was
Now I know why. And so I wish - I wish I had
realized that loving my father was not the same as
knowing him and that loving him was not the
same as allowing him to know me. Had I really known
my father, choosing gifts for him would have been
easier. And had I known how to get to know him,
spending quiet time alone with him would have been
a relaxing treat. Loving one another was easier
than getting to know one another easier than
exploring and sharing the real stuff of
our lives.
Why? Why didnt I make time to be alone
with my father? Why didnt I ask him
meaningful questions or explore his life and mine
with him? I wasnt a kid. I was 40 when he
died. Besides, Im a psychologist, a
professor, an author. Im good at getting
people to open up and engage in meaningful
conversations. Sure, Dad could be sullen,
difficult, withdrawn, moody. But Ive gotten
to know plenty of people with those traits better
than I got to know my own father.
So what was I thinking all those years - that
because he was a man or because he was my father,
he wouldnt want us to get to know one another
better? That he would refuse to tell me anything
important about his life? That he didnt have
anything wise or insightful to share with me? That
he didnt have the same desire I had to be
self-disclosing and known by those we love? That
even if I was sincere and persistent, he would
laugh at me or reject my attempts to be more
emotionally intimate?
And so I wish I wish for a Fathers
Day where I would spend hours alone with my father,
asking the personal, meaningful questions that I
have spent the years since his death trying to
teach other daughters to ask their fathers. I wish
I had fully embraced my father, rather than simply
loving him.
Helping Daughters Embrace
Their Relationships with Their Fathers
Most fathers and daughters do not know one another
as well or spend nearly as much time together
throughout their lifetimes as mothers and
daughters. Since it is well established that
fathers have as much or more impact on their
daughters as mothers do, it seems that too many of
us have adopted the attitude: Your Father, Why
By teaching daughters specific ways to create
more meaningful, more communicative relationships
with their fathers, we give them a lifelong gift.
We can begin by teaching daughters to treat their
fathers as full-fledged, nurturing parents
and by teaching mothers to allow and encourage this
kind of bonding between father and daughter without
feeling jealous, competitive or left out.
Daughters Quiz: Am I Pushing My
Father Away
Use 0 for never, 1 for
rarely, 2 for usually and 3
for almost always.
_ I spend as much time alone with my father as I
spend alone with my mother.
__ I talk directly to my dad instead of going
through other people to communicate with him.
___ I go to my father for advice and for comfort
about personal things.
___ I ask my father questions about his life the
way I do with my mother.
___ I share important parts of my life as much
with my father as with my mother.
__ I make as much effort to get to know my
father as I do my mother.
__ I encourage my father to ask me questions
about my life instead of acting as if he is prying
or interfering.
___I am as open and honest with my dad as I am
with my mom.
__ I invite my father to do things alone with me
so that we have time to talk privately.
___I show my father how much I appreciate him as
a parent.
___I let my father know that he has as much
impact on me as my mother does.
___ Total score (30 possible)
The higher her score, the easier a daughter
makes it for her father to create a meaningful,
relaxed relationship with her. By encouraging
daughters to relate to their fathers in these ways,
we help them embrace their relationships to the
fullest. Given the many negative images of fathers
that bombard us in movies, tv shows,
childrens books and magazines, daughters also
need help removing their blindfolds
about men as parents. By exposing daughters to
eye openers like these, we help them be
less judgmental and more understanding toward their
- Daughters raised mainly by their fathers are
just as well adjusted and happy as daughters
raised mainly by their mothers.
- Most dads wish they could spend more time
with their kids and less time at work.
- Fathers are just as stressed as mothers are
trying to balance work and family.
- Two million fathers stay home to raise their
children while their wives work.
- Counting the time spent commuting, working,
doing house and yard work, and being with the
kids, the average father has 5 hours less free
time each week than the average mother.
- The vast majority of divorced fathers pay
all of their child support payments.
By exposing the myths and misconceptions about
men as parents, we open doors between fathers and
daughters. As these adult daughters put it:
Now I see that my father isnt just a
bald guy with his head stuck in a book. I have so
much to learn from him I am finally
getting to know my father as more than an extension
of my mother."
©2008 Dr. Linda
See Books,
* * *
It is easier for a father to have children than
for children to have a real father. Pope John
Dr. Nielsen
has been teaching, counseling, conducting research
and writing about adolescents and father-daughter
relationships since 1970. A member of Phi Beta
Kappa and the recipient of the outstanding
graduate's award in teacher education from the
University of Tennessee in 1969, she taught and
counseled high school students for several years.
After earning a Master's Degree in Counseling and a
Doctorate in Educational and Adolescent Psychology,
she joined the faculty of Wake Forest University in
1974. Her grants and awards include the Outstanding
Article Award in 1980 from the U.S. Center for
Women Scholars and a postdoctoral fellowship from
the American Association of University Women. For
the past fifteen years she has focused primarily on
father-daughter relationships with a special
emphasis on divorced fathers and their daughters.
Her work has been cited in the "Wall Street
Journal" as well as in popular magzines such as
"Cosmopolitan", and shared through television and
radio interviews..
In 1991 she created her "Fathers
& Daughters" course - the only college course
in the country that focuses exclusively on
father-daughter relationships. In addition to
having written several dozen articles for journals
such as the "Harvard Educational Review" and the
"Journal of Divorce & Remarriage", Dr. Nielsen
has written three books: How to Motivate
Adolescents (Prentice Hall) and Adolescence: A
Contemporary View (Harcourt Brace) which sold more
than 60,000 copies and was adopted by hundreds of
universities throughout the country and abroad
between 1986-1996. Her third book, Embracing
Your Father: Creating the Relationship You Want
with Your Dad was
published in April, 2004.
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