Millions Pray for Global Warming as Cold
Spell Grips the Planet
For global warming protesters, the week was a total
A University of Utah scream-in for
the failed Copenhagen climate conference had to be
iced, thanks to an errant December blizzard. Then
faced with historic snowfalls in Europe, bicyclist
Thaneite Khandekar cut short his global awareness
trek. There were times when my feet would be
frozen, a dejected Khandekar had to
Meanwhile, newspapers in North America, Europe,
and Asia warned readers of the deep freeze that lay
ahead. In the United States, over 1,200 new records
for cold and snow were set in a single week.
In Europe, the UK Telegraph warned readers of
one of the coldest winters in 100
years. A jet careened off a snow-covered
airport runway in Germany. And avalanches rumbled
down the Swiss Alps.
The India Meteorological Department announced,
It could turn out to be the coldest Calcutta
winter ever. Traffic bedlam reined as Seoul,
Korea struggled to cope with a foot of snow.
Meanwhile a dwindling number of climate
alarmists struggled to keep the faith. In the
context of global warming, extreme atmospheric
flows are causing extreme climate incidents to
appear more frequently, explained Mr. Guo,
head of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau, as the
Chinese capital dug out from its biggest snow dump
since 1951.
While temperatures took a nosedive, the
Climategate scandal continued to surge out of
control like an El Niño-driven tidal
Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the UN
Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Control,
reverted to damage-control mode. It is a
well-known fact that powerful vested interests and
those opposed to action on climate change are
working overtime to see that they can stall action
for as long as possible, he blustered.
And what of pesky rumors that Pachauri stood to
take in millions if proposed fossil fuel surcharges
took effect? As for pecuniary benefits from
advice that I may be rendering to profit making
organisations, these payments are all made directly
to my institute, without a single penny being
received by me, Pachauri explained with a
straight face.
Former Director of the National Hurricane Center
Neil Frank declaimed how Climategate reveals
how predetermined political agendas shaped
Canadian climatologist Tim Ball laid much of the
blame for the Climategate fiasco on a Blind
and Biased Mainstream Media. And in the
Canadian arctic, Inuit hunters report the polar
bears are doing fine. Harry Flaherty, chairman of
the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, says the
bear population has become so, well, unbearable,
that its numbers need to be trimmed.
No surprise, laws based on the fraudulent
climate research came under fire as well.
In the U.S. Senate, President Obamas
signature cap-and-trade bill was
shunted to the back burner. Six Georgia Congressmen
charged the EPAs emission regulations were
based on questionable and potentially
fraudulent data. In France the Constitutional
Council KOed an impending national carbon tax as
And come to think of it, where is Al Gore these
Following a disastrous Copenhagen speech where
he predicted a polar melt-down within 5-7 years,
the Guru of Global Apocalypse has been keeping a
low profile. Nothing on his personal blog: And at his, eco-speech requests for 2010
have petered off. At $100,000 a pop, corporations
hit by a weak economy are having doubts about
inviting the high-priced Nobel Peace Prize
Meanwhile back in India, New Delhi remained
under the grip of an intense cold wave. In the
northern territories, 154 are reported dead from
weather-related causes.
But hopefully the cold snap will end by next
Beginning January 14, millions of Hindus will
congregate for the holy Kumbha Mela, the largest
gathering of Hindus in the world. In attendance
will be the renowned Naga Sadhus, members of a
Hindu sect who parade through the streets
Any guesses what naked mens mantra will
be? Stop Global Warming.
* * *

Roberts probes and lampoons political correctness.
His work has been published frequently in the
Washington Times,,,, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media
Network. You can contact him at E-Mail

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