Climate Greenshirts: The Rise of Eco-Fascism
I like liberals. In fact I count liberals among my
best friends. But when they get peeved, liberals
can say the darndest things!
Im not bothered by the progressives
sky-is-falling predictions or the off-key Mother
Earth dirges. But when the environmentalists begin
to call for disinformation campaigns, criminal
prosecutions, and cold-blooded executions, I say,
Hold on a green minute, fella!
Before proceeding, Ill give credit where
credit is due, to Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma who
has documented many of the jackboot tactics on the
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

The first tactic of the Climate Greenshirts is
to smear the warming unbelievers as climate
criminals who are committing
terracide (thats climate-speak
for killing the Earth).
Green activist Michael Tobis takes it one step
further, resorting to over-wrought Nazi
comparisons. Tobis has darkly claimed my
paternal grandfather among other close relatives
was in fact killed at a concentration camp on the
basis of (right-wing) conspiracy theories.
(The fact that the Nazis were hard-core socialists
seems to have escaped Mr. Tobis notice.)
Next stop on the road to eco-totalitarianism:
disinformation tactics and governmental control of
free speech.
Cass Sunstein, President Obamas regulatory
czar, advocates this strategy to counter the claims
of the so-called climate change deniers:
government agents or their allies
undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by
planting doubts about the theories and stylized
facts that circulate within such groups, thereby
introducing beneficial cognitive diversity:
In the United Kingdom, Fred Pearce penned in the
Guardian of the necessity to silence
the doubters. And journalist Alex Lockwood has
proposed the Internet should be nationalised
as a public utility in order to contain the
superfluous claims of the warming skeptics.
Mr. Orwell, are you taking note?
But many progressives view speech-muzzling as a
weak-kneed measure. Why not a hearty round of
criminal prosecutions to speed us down the path to
the long-awaited eco-nirvana?
James Hansen of the National Air and Space
Administration has called for trials of the
skeptics for alleged high crimes against
humanity. Grist Magazines David Roberts
has demanded Nuremberg-style inquisitions for the
bastards who are populate the global
warming denial industry.
During a 2007 Live Earth concert, Robert F.
Kennedy Jr., son of the former senator, railed
against the corporate toadies who
question global warming and demanded their head on
a platter. We need to start treating them as
traitors, he shouted to the frenzied crowd.
Two years later Kennedy declared coal company execs
should be in jail
for all of
Gee, whats Mr. Kennedy planning to do for
an encore?
Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki has
called for pre-emptive action against foot-dragging
politicians: What I would challenge you to do
is to put a lot of effort into trying to see
whether theres a legal way of throwing our
so-called leaders into jail because what
theyre doing is a criminal act.
Ironically, Dr. Suzuki is a former board member of
the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
And then theres the Ultimate Solution, the
answer to all the laggards who stubbornly refuse to
jump on the global warming bandwagon.
The Talking Points Memo website is a hot-bed of
environmental activism. A June 2 posting asked
pointedly, At what point do we jail or
execute global warming deniers? A few days
later former Clinton administration official Joe
Romm explained away the intemperate remarks
not as a threat, but a prediction.
At the recent Copenhagen summit, one European
negotiator exclaimed South African citizens deserve
to fry because their national
delegation signed a statement rejecting binding
emissions targets. In Canada, columnist Al Lehmann
gleefully quoted a friend calling for deniers to be
slowly roasted.
Czech president Vaclav Klaus recently made these
chilling remarks about the current state of global
climate-change activism:
Communism and environmentalism we
are talking about two ideologies that are
structurally very similar. They are against
individual freedom. They are in favor of centralist
master-minding of our fates. They are both very
similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how
to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can
do and what we cannot do. There is a huge
similarity in this respect.
Maybe its time to denounce the excesses of
the modern-day Green movement for what it really
is: eco-fascism.
* * *

Roberts probes and lampoons political correctness.
His work has been published frequently in the
Washington Times,,,, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media
Network. You can contact him at E-Mail

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