I-VAWA: Liberal Lies Tempt Women to Embrace a
Radical Agenda
The International Violence Against Women Act,
recently introduced in Congress, is a bill that
purports to curb partner violence around the world.
Who could ever be opposed to that?
But look more closely, and youll discover
a billion-dollar manifesto that is larded with
ideological assumptions, logical non-sequiturs, and
outright falsehoods. Many women may come to believe
its alarming statistics and demand its passage
and thats what makes this bill so
Behind its innocent-sounding name, the
International Violence Against Women Act will fund
female empowerment programs that would
serve to break up families, vilify men as abusers,
and leave millions of women dependent on the state.
The bill does that by defining domestic violence
expansively to include coercion and
psychological harm, convincing women to
call the police at sign of the first
sharply-uttered word, and then slapping a
restraining order on the couple that has the effect
of precluding partner counseling or
Im not going to claim that Democrats Sen.
John Kerry or Rep. Bill Delahunt of Massachusetts
truly desire to undermine the fundamental family
unit. But the fact is, their bill is awash in a sea
of Orwellian half-truths that are designed to scare
women out of the protective embrace of the
If even half the bills 15 findings were
truthful, I might think about supporting the
International Violence Against Women Act. But it
turns out to be a sham, a scientific legerdemain
that calls to mind the United Nations
now-discredited predictions on global warming.
Take I-VAWAs leading claim that
up to 70% of women in some countries
report having being victims of domestic violence at
some point in their lives.
Two years ago University of New Hampshire
researcher Murray Straus published the results of a
survey of university-student dating violence in 32
countries around the world. The results? About a
quarter of the students acknowledged a slap, a
shove, or other type of partner violence in the
past year, and get this women were
more likely to be the aggressors than men.
The I-VAWA bill deftly omits mention of that
inconvenient truth.
Then theres the indelicate qualifier,
up to. Exactly what does that mean?
Turns out the up to 70% points to
two obscure studies from Nicaragua and Papua New
Guinea -- and neither of the studies were
peer-reviewed. Thats the mistake the United
Nations global warming panel made when it warned
the Himalayan glaciers were doomed to melt by
The I-VAWA bill makes other claims that any
half-intelligent person would immediately recognize
as preposterous. Like the sky-is-falling claim that
Violence against women dramatically
impedes progress in meeting all of our global
health goals.
Around the world, the leading causes of death
are infectious diseases, heart conditions, and
cancer. So TB, malaria, and measles are all caused
by partner abuse? Cancer, too?
I know it sounds funny, but thats what
Sen. Kerry and Rep. Delahunt want us to
Kerry and Delahunt also declaim that domestic
violence is contributing dramatically
to maternal mortality. Better tell that to the Pan
American Health Organization, because theyre
on record as saying, It is not yet known what
proportion of maternal mortality is due to domestic
Then theres the old chestnut that
1 in 4 women are abused during
pregnancy that one is calculated
to convince all the chivalrous souls out there to
jump on the I-VAWA bandwagon. But wait! The World
Health Organizations 10-country survey of
domestic violence found the real figure is closer
to 4-12%, not one in four.
Werent liberals the ones who invented
fuzzy math?
Overall, the bill contains 15 findings. Of
the 15, none of them are objective, verifiable, and
truthful: www.ifeminists.net/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.702

Thats right, the International Violence
Against Women Act, to put it delicately, is filled
with fibs. As a result of its ideologically-driven
recommendations, I-VAWA is more likely to harm than
help women: www.renewamerica.com/columns/roberts/100310

Can we at least give liberals an E
for Effort?
* * *

Roberts probes and lampoons political correctness.
His work has been published frequently in the
Washington Times, Townhall.com, LewRockwell.com,
ifeminists.net, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media
Network. You can contact him at E-Mail

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