White Men Stiffed by the Obama Administration
Support for President Barack Obama has plummeted
dramatically among white males. Its reached
the point that not only is Democratic control of
the Congress threatened, but Obamas chances
of re-election in 2012 are slipping, as well.
In the 2008 presidential election, 41% of white
men voted for Obama, an accomplishment Democrats
had not been able to brag about for three decades.
But now, only 35% of white men (compared to 43% of
white women) say they plan to vote for Mr. Obama in
November. That 6-point shift translates into 3.5
million additional male voters who say they will
flee the Democratic fold on November 2.
Thats exactly what happened last January
in Massachusetts, where 60% of white men voted for
Senate candidate Scott Brown, swamping the 52%
advantage that Democrat Martha Coakley garnered
among white women.
That stunning upset underscored a lesson that
continues to elude many politicians: in most
elections, white males are the kingmaker. As David
Kuhn notes in The Neglected Voter: White Men and
the Democratic Dilemma, No factor has been
more instrumental in causing the Democratic decline
in presidential politics than the loss of white
And why not white women? Despite their slight
numerical advantage, the white female vote tends to
split between the two political parties, casting
men as the tie-breakers.
White male disenchantment with Mr. Obama does
not stem solely from his Administrations
head-long rush to socialism. The other reason is
that Barack Obama, income-redistributor-in-chief,
set out from the very beginning to knock down men a
few pegs.
It started before the inauguration, when the
Department of Labor posted a study showing the
gender wage gap reflects differences in
womens work preferences, not sexism. That
report was removed before it could cause any
embarrassment: www.renewamerica.com/columns/roberts/090312

Shortly after that, Obama announced the
establishment of the White House Council on Women
and Girls, an Orwellian gesture in light of the
fact that boys are now lagging in nearly every
respect: www.renewamerica.com/columns/roberts/090322

There was the meat-headed Homeland Security
report that smeared whites as racists because they
allegedly had capitalized on related racial
and political prejudices in expanded propaganda
Then the June 26 hiring of Lynn Rosenthal as
Obamas domestic violence czar. As we know,
the domestic violence boogeyman is one of
liberals favorite flogging sticks to
stigmatize men as abusers, break up families, and
make women dependent on the state.
Obamas nomination of Sonia Sotomayor
(I would hope that a wise Latina woman with
the richness of her experiences would more often
than not reach a better conclusion than a white
male who hasn't lived that life.) to the
Supreme Court didnt set too well with the
blue-collar lads, either.
But Obamas greatest blunder came when he
set out to rig the economic stimulus package.
During the previous year, 8 out of 10 workers
forced onto the unemployment rolls were men,
inspiring the new term, he-cession. But
when the green velvet curtain was pulled aside, the
$878 billion package short-changed the
manufacturing and construction industries that
employ mostly men, while favoring female-dominated
fields like social work and teaching: www.renewamerica.com/columns/roberts/090723

Hardly the shovel-ready formula thats
needed to repair and restore Americas
decaying infrastructure.
And if men still havent taken the hint,
Barack Obama has gone out of his way to berate
fathers as callow and irresponsible
In his 2008 Fathers Day message, he
hectored Black fathers who had been driven from
their homes by false allegations of abuse, accusing
them as acting like boys instead of
A year later he wagged his presidential finger,
saying We need fathers to step up,
ignoring how crushing child support payments have
forced millions of low-income dads underground.
And pining for the day when men would do
housework instead of taking home overtime pay,
Obama stated in an NBC interview that men
need to be knocked across the head every once
in a while.
Conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly has opined
that the true agenda that underpins the Obama
Administration is to make men, husbands, and
fathers irrelevant as family providers.
Thats why Barack Obama may be on track to a
one-term presidency.
Roberts probes and lampoons political correctness.
His work has been published frequently in the
Washington Times, Townhall.com, LewRockwell.com,
ifeminists.net, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media
Network. You can contact him at E-Mail

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