Hillary Unleashes Her Inner Macho
Belatedly, the Clinton campaign has come to realize
that white men represent the critical swing vote of
the 2008 primaries. When Hillary captured the white
male vote, she has won 9 out of 14 contests. But
when the good-ol-boys gave the nod to Barack,
he triumphed in 9 of the 15 races. [www.renewamerica.us/columns/roberts/080313
Problem is, Hillary has been rubbing a lot of
persons the wrong way with her girl-power jokes and
Iron my Shirt pranks.
Earlier this month the Democratic elders began
to call for Clintons withdrawal from the
race. Predictably, Hillarys surrogates
screamed misogyny and pushed back with
the claim that Ginger Rogers did everything
Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high
Obviously these women never danced the lead for
the tango
So how is Hillary going to pull off her
kiss-and-make-up with the male electorate? Well,
simple if she cant beat the boys, why
not join em!
So on April 1 April Fools Day, for
those who noticed Mrs. Clinton showed up on
the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and
invoked the memory of Rocky Balboa, legendary boxer
of film fame. Putting on her best he-man imitation,
she exclaimed, Let me tell you something,
when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I
have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give
A few days later she shared one of her fondest
childhood memories. You know, my dad took me
out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on
a little lake called Lake Winola outside of
Scranton and taught me how to shoot when I was a
little girl, she related. Waxing sentimental,
she added, People enjoyed hunting and
shooting because its an important part of who
they are.
(Note to Second Amendment advocates: Before
getting excited over this political pabulum, be
sure to check out Hillarys record on gun
control. On at least 17 different occasions, she
has issued statements on the need to restrict
access to guns, including her 2000 proposal to
license and register handgun sales: www.ontheissues.org/2008/Hillary_Clinton_Gun_Control.htm
But by mid-April the non-stop campaigning began
to take its toll and Mrs. Clinton hankered for some
quality time with the boys. So she sauntered over
to Bronkos Restaurant and Lounge in Crown
Point, Ind.
Sidling up to the bar, she ordered the
bartenders finest. In full view of the
cameras she took a sip of the Crown Royal whiskey,
then threw her head back and finished off the rest
of the shot.
Then wiping off the dried tobacco spittle around
her mouth with the back of her sleeve, Mrs. Clinton
let loose a guttural Ahhhh and ordered
up a round of Jack Daniels for all the blurry-eyed
gents huddled around the bar. (I made up that
Hillary still wasnt done with her Rambo
wannabe routine.
As Pennsylvania voters streamed to the polls
this past Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton appeared on ABC.
Asked about the looming threat from Iran, Clinton
indulged in some high-profile saber-rattling.
I want the Iranians to know that if Im
president, we will attack Iran, she warned.
In the next 10 years, during which they might
foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel,
we would be able to totally obliterate
Totally obliterate them? Goodness gracious, if
Senator McCain ever uttered those words, hed
be tarred, feathered, and sent packing to
Even after she won the Pennsylvania primary,
Clinton continued her belligerent rhetoric. On
Tuesday evening she cut loose with a victory
stem-winder, reiterating the words
fight, fighter, and
History shows very time a Democrats
campaign is on the ropes, the beleaguered candidate
tries, somewhat pathetically, to play the
Remember the time when Michael Dukakis donned
his helmet, military coveralls, and red tie, and
crawled into the gun turret of a 63-ton M-1 battle
Dont forget that Al Gore paid feminist
Naomi Wolf $15,000 to turn him into a beta
And do you recall John Kerrys
quail-hunting romp? By the time the cameras caught
up with the hunting party, he was no longer holding
the bagged birds. Teresa would not have
So as Hillary Clinton tries to restart her
quixotic bid for the Democratic presidential
nomination, its inevitable that she would try
to portray herself as a gun-toting, military-loving
fighter on behalf of the common man.
And above all, a woman who can really hold her
© 2008, Carey
See Books,
Roberts probes and lampoons political correctness.
His work has been published frequently in the
Washington Times, Townhall.com, LewRockwell.com,
ifeminists.net, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media
Network. You can contact him at E-Mail

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