2010 Will (Again) be the Year of the White
Male Voter
Everyone seems to be going ga-ga over last
weeks primary victories of three female
candidates in California and South Carolina. I
really dont understand all the fuss. Because
once again, 2010 will be the Year of the White Male
Heres why.
Representing 36% of all voters, the 45.1 million
white male electorate represents the second largest
electoral bloc in America, after white females
(48.8 million white women voted in the 2008
presidential election, accounting for 39% of the
total count).
Lets turn back the hands of Father Time a
few years.
When white men went to the polls in 2000 and
2004, six out of 10 of them voted for George W.
Bush, handing him the big V in a pair of
closely-fought elections.
Four years later, 2 million of these men
defected from the Republican fold, casting their
votes for Barack Obama. But these men quickly came
to realize they had been taken for the fool.
Heres proof that Barack Obama is
Americas first openly Feminist-in-Chief: His
creation of the White House Council on Women and
Girls; his Supreme Court nomination of Sonia
Sotomayor (I would hope that a wise Latina
would more often than not reach a better
conclusion than a white male); a bloated
stimulus plan that stiffed laid-off construction
and manufacturing workers; and his senseless
remarks aimed at men who need to be knocked
across the head every once in a while.
Put together, these events amount to a slap in
the face for the white males who once believed
Obamas message of hope and change was
intended for all Americans.
According to a poll released by the Pew Research
Center on April 18 of this year, 52% of men,
compared to 42% of women, favor cutting back
government programs. And identical numbers of men
believe the federal government threatens their
personal rights and freedoms.
Some pollsters fall into the trap of concluding
that since women are more numerous than men, their
electoral influence is greater. Thats wrong,
of course, because in a typical election the female
vote is split, casting men as the tie-breaker.
Thats exactly what happened during the
2008 Democratic primaries. When Hillary Clinton
captured the white male vote, she won 9 out of 14
contests. But when the Bubba vote leaned to Obama,
he triumphed in 9 of the 15 races. As ABC analyst
Gary Langer noted, in states with significant
but not vast numbers of black voters, and few
Hispanics, white men are critical: www.renewamerica.com/columns/roberts/080313

Commenting on recent presidential contests,
former Brandeis University professor Linda Hirshman
explains, With the possible exception of
1996, women have never voted a candidate into the
White House when men thought the other guy should
And consider Januarys fill-in election in
Massachusetts where women out-numbered men. While
52% of women gave the nod to Democrat Martha
Coakley, 60% of the male vote swung in favor of
Republican Scott Brown, handing the dark horse
candidate a historic upset victory.
TV commentator Tucker Carlson calls men,
Americas single more important voting
bloc. And writing in The Neglected Voter:
White Men and the Democratic Dilemma, David Paul
Kuhn concludes, No factor has been more
instrumental in causing the Democratic decline in
presidential politics than the loss of white
Which is another way of saying, No factor has
been more important is assuring GOP dominance in 5
out of the last 8 presidential contests than the
historic influx of white men.
So the 2010 mid-term elections are shaping up to
be a Perfect Electoral Storm, featuring a
confluence of white male anger over chronic
unemployment, irritation with gratuitous
male-bashing, and a resolute antipathy to creeping
* * *

Roberts probes and lampoons political correctness.
His work has been published frequently in the
Washington Times, Townhall.com, LewRockwell.com,
ifeminists.net, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media
Network. You can contact him at E-Mail

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