Rep. Joe Wilson Calls Out the Liberal Lies
Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina infuriated
millions of smug liberals Wednesday night when he
yelled out during President Obamas
congressional speech, You lie! To which
I heartily respond, Representative Wilson,
you are one red-blooded American hero.
Peddling his healthcare plan to an increasingly
skeptical electorate, Obama claimed, The
reforms I am proposing would not apply to those who
are here illegally. The truth is,
Obamas healthcare reform bill contains no
mechanism to verify whether persons are U.S.
citizens before they receive government benefits.
So the presidents statement was, a-hem,
highly misleading.
For years, conservatives have been unfailingly
polite and duly respectful when confronted with the
standard array of leftist slanders, half-truths,
distortions, and outright prevarications.
But have you noticed how its getting
harder these days to sort out the lies from
reality? Weve reached the point that
propagandistic claims are beginning to permeate our
culture the media, our schools, the
workplace, not to mention in political
Of particular concern are the falsehoods
regularly doled out by former presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton, House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, Senator Barbara Mikulski, along with all
the rest of their N.O.W. sidekicks.
So for the sheer pleasure and entertainment of
my loyal readers, herewith I list my 10 favorite
feminist follies. Ready for a couple
Lie #1: Women require special preferences and
set-asides so they can compete fairly with men.
Truth: Can you believe feminists would make such
a disparaging remark about the abilities and
ambitions of women?
Lie #2: Women are more ethical and
morally-upright than men.
Truth: Knowing this was one of candidate Hillary
Clintons applause lines, any attempted
refutation on my part would be redundant.
Lie #3: Women are the victims of wage
discrimination (another of Hillarys
Truth: Women work fewer hours, have less work
experience, and more often work in air-conditioned
comfort, compared to men. When these factors are
taken into account, women are paid the same as
Lie #4: Only men care about the trappings of
political power.
Truth: I am the most powerful woman in
All right, lets hear it for the
power! Nancy Pelosi, January 3, 2007,
upon being named Speaker of the House
Lie #5: Women were routinely excluded from
medical research studies (Sen. Mikulski milked this
ha-ha for years).
Truth: Although women were slightly
under-represented in heart studies, they were
substantially over-represented in cancer research.
Nowadays, two out of three research participants in
National Institutes of Health studies are
Lie #6: Male lawmakers have historically given
short-shrift to the needs of women.
Truth: Consider Social Security, Medicare, and
the full gamut of social welfare programs
services that were passed into law by male
legislators, and serve mostly women.
Lie #7: The glass-ceiling stops women from
reaching the highest levels of business and
Truth: Few women wish to put in 70-hour work
weeks and sacrifice time with their families to
reach the pinnacle of their profession.
Lie #8: Women are incapable of slapping,
hitting, or otherwise harming their partners.
Truth: Research shows women are equally violent
as men in their intimate relationships. Just ask
former NFL star Steven McNair.
Lie #9: Men dont do their fair share of
childcare or housework.
Truth: When you add up the total number of hours
that men and women put in on the job and at home,
men are very much pulling their weight, and
Now, are you ready for the Big Kahuna? The Grand
Gagger that forms the basis for all other feminist
lies? Here goes
Lie #10: For millennia, women have suffered from
patriarchal oppression wielded by over-bearing and
wicked men.
Truth: Thats plain ridiculous. Why do
these women choose to ignore the countless men who
have given their lives defending kith and kin? And
the husbands who clock extra hours on the job so
their wives can enjoy the good life?
So I want to offer a challenge to my readers.
When you hear a liberal fabrication, stop being so
polite. Acquiescing to the bully tactics only
reinforces the behavior. Heres a more apt
response: You lie!
Thatll stop them in their tracks.
* * *

Roberts probes and lampoons political correctness.
His work has been published frequently in the
Washington Times,,,, Intellectual Conservative, and
elsewhere. He is a staff reporter for the New Media
Network. You can contact him at E-Mail

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