How Do You Know If You Want Her For Her, Not
Because You Cant Have Her?
Most people are like a little child wanting a toy.
The more mommy says no, the more that child will
want it.
Right? And when it comes to dating
women, the more she denies you, the more you want
her. Well, not all of us are like that, but a
surprising larger number of guys are. They simply
cant let her go. There is just something
about here that he has to have.
Perhaps you are a little like this?
Heres a little technique you can try, to
see if you really do want her for a relationship,
or your brain slid down to your dick again:
Yup, you guessed what I am about to say: After
you have had sex with one of your dates, you
masturbated or if you arent in one of those
horny moods that has you jumping on anything that
moves, sit down and think about this woman you are
interested in.
Are your thoughts and
feelings for her as strong as they were before?
Really think about it. If they arent, well,
you pretty much got your answer.
Many, many guys, when thinking with their John
Henrys, think about being in a relationship, but
once they have sex with their date, or after they
masturbate, they no longer think about being with a
Ah yes, the power of hormones!
Now, if you still want to be with her, you have
to know if she is indeed the right one for you,
never mind trying to get a date with her. That will
come later. Whats the sense of having all
these thoughts about her if she could be a
mans worst nightmare? Once you start thinking
with your brain (you know, the one between your
ears?), instead of your little buddy, youll
have much better luck with women.
See Perry's other weekly
columns on Relationships
or Sex.

Rose is a syndicated freelance writer for singles
on sex, dating and relationships. He is also the
author of, All About Men: Another Damn Book For
Women About Men. & Women and Sex And
Dating, For The Single Man published by
Intimacy Books. From first getting dates from
complete strangers, to finding that right person to
be with, Intimacy Books has interviewed single men
and women on what they like and want from one
another. The findings were published in Women,
Sex and Dating, for the Single Man. Their site

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