Trudy W. Schuett is an Arizona-based online
veteran with 10 years in cyberspace; an author and
multiblogger. She has held workshops on blogging,
writing, and promo for writers at the New
Communications Forum and Arizona Western College,
and has participated in world blogging events such
as Global PR Blog Week. She is also an advocate for
unserved victims of domestic violence. She is is
the author of three novels, two how-to books and
eight blogs. Note: Books are currently out of
print, but two appear in blog form. She currently
publishes New Perspectives on Partner Abuse at
She has a video at her site that provides a look
into the circumstance of a few men. Entitled,
It is in five parts and was part of the Secret
Lives of Women series on the WE network. She
publishes the AZ
Rural Times
and New
Perspectives on Partner Abuse ,
she is on Twitter
and Facebook
She lives in Yuma AZ, with her husband, Paul.
or E-Mail..
You can give underserved victims of domestic
violence a lifeline
Getting people to vote for a
community effort is every bit as hard as getting
people to contribute cash. Maybe even harder,
because so many figure the internet is so big,
there are so many people surely plenty of
other people will take the time, and my single vote
wont mean much.
Thats really not
true, because in this case especially, we have a
small group to begin with. People just dont
realize the extent of the need for this project.
Neither do they realize how much one person can do
to help it along.
Without going into a
complex explanation of how things like blogs,
Twitter and Facebook work, what I will say is this:
each person voting has the potential to influence
hundreds, or even thousands of others. Thats
because the Pepsi Challenge has provided several
ways for each voter to also engage their
blogs readers, their FB friends, their
Twitter followers, who in turn have their own
networks of different people.
In other words, you
dont have to know a lot of people online,
because you have friends who do.
So, you already know the
importance of your help in this, but what is this
project, anyway?
Jan Brown says it better
than I ever could:
show that men who
are in relationships with abusive partners do
not see themselves as victims of domestic
violence .
Domestic violence has been so narrowly defined
in our society that most people, including
abused men, believe that it begins and ends with
men beating their intimate female
Many men who suffer
physical, emotional, psychological, financial,
and/or sexual abuse at the hands of their
intimate partners do not realize that this, too
is domestic violence . They will usually write
it off as their partner having a bad day or feel
that they must have done something to deserve
the abuse.
Further, agencies that
offer a myriad of supportive services and
shelter to victims of domestic violence do
little to encourage abused men to come forward
and seek help. Few offer outreach to male
The Domestic Abuse
Helpline for Men and Women is hoping to change
that with the first national public awareness
campaign on male victims of domestic violence.
We have entered the Pepsi Refresh Project. We
are seeking a $250,000 award from Pepsi for our
project idea to bring public awareness to male
victims of domestic violence. This funding will
enable us to send outreach materials (brochures,
posters, booklets and placards) about male
victims to 7,500 agencies that work with victims
of domestic violence across the
In order to obtain this
$250,000 award we need your help. The public
determines, through voting on their favorite
project ideas at the Pepsi site, who wins.
Please click
on this link
to vote for our project idea!
Voting goes from
Aug.1st to Aug. 31st. Remember to vote DAILY and
ask your friends and family members to do the
same. Thank you for helping us to bring
awareness and services to victims and their
Because abused men need
awareness and services too.
We already know that this
information is wanted and needed. A good percentage
of calls to the Helpline come from those very
agencies Jan mentions, whose main experience has
been working with women. They want to know what
they can do for men.
Because of the antiquated
laws and policies in place, DAHMW does not get any
of the billions of dollars that flow to domestic
violence programs each year. They must rely on
private donations and campaigns such as
in hopes of keeping services for men
If this effort succeeds,
it has the potential to cause a sea change in the
way the public at large sees domestic violence, and
thousands of families nationwide could begin to
The Domestic Violence
Industrys War on Men
Barbara Kay, an outspoken Canadian voice of reason,
illustrates how a single event in Montreal
the incident at École Polytechnique in 1989
when 14 female engineering students were gunned
down by a sociopath was hijacked by radical
feminists as an example of all mens violence
toward all women.
Writing at Pajamas
Media, she says:
Feminists everywhere in the West appropriated
its emotive themes to lend greater credence to an
already widespread pernicious tripartite myth:
namely, that all men the
patriarchy are inherently prone
to violence against women, that all women are
potential victims of male aggression, and that
female violence against men is never unprovoked,
but always an act of self-defense against overt or
covert male aggression.
The unspoken corollary to these falsehoods is
that violence perpetrated against males, whether by
other males or by females, is deemed unworthy of
official recognition or more than minimal legal
redress, and that while female suffering must be
acknowledged as socially intolerable, male
suffering may not make a parallel moral
Abusegate! Call Sen. Orrin Hatch Today!
Each year, 2-3 million restraining orders are
issued in the United States. But according to one
study, 70% of those orders are unnecessary or
The Violence Against Women Act bankrolls the
issuance of millions of restraining orders, for
which there is little proof of benefit, and which,
according to the Independent Womens Forum,
only lull women into a false sense of
security. This week our lobbyists are working
Capitol Hill, asking our elected officials to
Investigate Abusegate!
One of the key supporters of VAWA over the years
has been Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. Sen. Hatch views
VAWA as one of his legacies. Really? Then Sen.
Hatch should be leading the charge to find out
exactly how the Violence Against Women Act got
TODAY! Call Sen. Hatchs office at (202)
224-5251. Or send him an email.
The message to Sen. Hatch only needs to be 5 words
long: Investigate Abusegate! Fix VAWA
Scotland: domestic
violence against men is frequent and often
The results of a major piece of government research
on partner abuse in Scotland slipped out relatively
unreported before Christmas. The new Scottish
findings mirror much Australian and international
domestic violence research showing family violence
against men is frequent and often goes
The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2008-09:
Partner Abuse was published by Scotlands
Chief Statistician on December 15th 2009. The
research was conducted with 16,000 interviewees and
represents the most comprehensive investigation to
date into the extent of partner abuse in
Interviewees were asked about their experience
of physical or psychological partner abuse both
since the age of 16 and within the preceding 12
months. The findings included:
18% of adults who had had at least one
partner since the age of 16 reported having
experienced at least one form of partner abuse. The
figure for women was 20.9% and for men 15.3%.
However, in the most recent 12 months the
figure for both men and women was 5%.
The data for the last 12 months showed
that young men aged 16-24 experienced physical
and/or psychological abuse more often than young
women and more often than any other demographic
For persons experiencing partner abuse in
the last 12 months, 48% of the perpetrators were
male and 45% were female.
Police came to know about 35% of
incidents of partner abuse reported by women in the
preceding 12 months but only 8% of incidents in
which a man was on the receiving end. 40% of men
told no-one compared to 21% of women.
One in Three Campaign spokesperson Greg Andresen
said Much Australian, US, UK, NZ and Canadian
family violence data also shows that at least one
in three, and perhaps as many as one in two victims
are male. It reveals that men are much less likely
to report family violence against them than are
The Australian National Crime Prevention
Survey found young people aged 12 to 20 were just
as likely to report seeing mum hit dad, as they are
to see dad hit mum. These young males and females
were also equally likely to report experiencing
domestic violence themselves. The Interpersonal
Violence and Abuse Survey found that females were
three times as likely as males to report being
abused to the police.
Scottish journalist John Forsyth said, To
date most Government pronouncements and campaigns
have insisted that male experience of partner abuse
is minimal and insignificant. This data completely
contradicts these assertions. It is hoped that the
Government will now review their meagre support for
male victims of domestic abuse and their
The research has to be commended for its
rigour. When asked whether they had been subject to
domestic abuse since the age of 16, only 3% of men
and 14% of women said yes. However, when asked to
report specific conduct by a partner that falls
within the definition of partner abuse, the number
for men rose 5 times to 15% and for women by half
to 20.9%. This is hardly surprising given the tens
of millions that has been spent by successive
Scottish administrations on campaigns, support
services and organisations targeted at women,
encouraging them to recognise and report domestic
abuse. In the same period precisely nothing has
been spent on efforts to encourage men to recognise
and report domestic abuse.
The One in Three Campaign is calling on the
Australian Government to take heed of the new
Scottish data when it continues its review of
domestic violence policy in 2010, urging that any
new policies, services and campaigns support
victims of both sexes in order to comply with
Australias human rights obligations.
When a man is a victim of
domestic violence
If theres anything Ive learned in 10
years of advocacy for unserved victims of partner
abuse, its that men dont tell.
Yes, the U.S. Dept. of Justice says there are
about 840,000 male victims of domestic violence
each year. But those are just the ones whove
reported it.
Not that the numbers really matter: What matters
is that its happening, and its no
Theres a popular presumption that men
should somehow be able to control the
woman in their lives, and if they cant, then
they deserve what they get. But the fact is that
today a man who tries to defend himself is more
likely than not to end up in jail
Read the
rest of the story by New Perspectives publisher
Trudy W. Schuett at New
Jerseys Cliffview Pilot
Note: In Arizona, A
New Leaf in the Phoenix metro area is one of
the few agencies nationwide to provide services for
male victims. In San Diego the California
Mens Centers, home of the National
Coalition for Men, also provides aid.
Literally billions of taxpayer dollars at the
federal, state, and local levels are being poured
into programs that are based on little more than
feminist thought. There is no
supportable evidence that these programs have any
merit, or provide meaningful services for the
communities they serve.
The following articles illustrate how the
Abusegate scandal came into being.
Trudy W. Schuett: Abusegate:
A Generation Deceived
Carey Roberts: Abusegate:
The Mother of All Scandals
Barbara Kay: The
Domestic Violence Industrys War on
Abusegate and
President Obamas 2011 federal budget, a
nearly $4-trillion monstrosity, includes an
increase of $117 million for domestic violence
programs a 22-percent increase. It is time
to shine the light of truth on so-called
domestic violence issues. Instead of
spousal abuse, the broader term
domestic violence provides cover for
the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to spawn
widespread distortion of data that is used for
political ammunition to hold taxpayers hostage to
the VAWA Mafia all those bureaucrats and
social workers whose existence depends upon
convincing the public that husbands are dangerous
to their wives and children. In fact, the
mothers boyfriends are most often the
perpetrators of abuse deaths, and mothers are more
often responsible for the neglect fatalities.
The interesting thing about this essay is that
it has been written by somebody outside the list of
those who would normally be writing such a piece.
In other words, the term Abusegate is
starting to be recognized!
Urge your representative to
vote against H.R. 4116
The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
(FVPSA) FVPSA is a little-known federal funding
source directly dedicated to domestic violence
shelters and services.
These programs provide little or no practical
assistance to anyone, and they have not made any
changes in step with changes in society since their
Since it was first authorized in 1984, FVPSA has
been instrumental in the destruction of millions of
families experiencing this crisis.
These federally funded programs are at the heart
of our nations misguided response to domestic
violence providing only feminist
education, disinformation, and hysteria
at a cost of untold billions of dollars.
Contact your representative today and urge them
to vote against H.R. 4116, a bill to reauthorize
the FVPSA. Please do not allow this damaging
program to continue!
KSU expert says male college
students also victims of violence at
girlfriends hands
Thinking about a typical victim of college dating
violence, youre probably imagining her, not
Researchers often think the same way, according
to a Kansas State University expert on intimate
partner violence. Sandra Stith, a professor of
family studies and human services, said most
research has looked at men as offenders and women
as victims.
In the research on college students in
particular, were finding both men and women
can be perpetrators, she said. In our
growing-up years, we teach boys not hit their
sister, but we dont teach girls not to hit
their brother.
She and a K-State research team are looking at
the impact that being a victim of violence has on
male versus female college students in heterosexual
Most research shows female victims having
higher levels of depression, anxiety and school
problems than nonvictims, Stith said.
Our research indicates that both male and
female college students are being victims of
violence, and we want to see how it affects
In 2008, Stith and her former student at
Virginia Tech, Colleen Baker, published research in
the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma
that found the biggest predictor of whether male
and female college students would use violence
against a partner was whether the partner was
violent toward them.
Its a dramatically more important
factor than anything else, Stith said.
If your girlfriend hits you, that
dramatically increases the likelihood that
youre going to hit her, and vice
In general, Stith said there are lower levels of
violence among college couples than among married
or cohabiting couples, and the violence is more
likely to involve shoving and pushing by both men
and women.
Previous research indicates that as young
people grow up, the violence may become less
frequent or severe or it may be eliminated,
Stith said. Sometimes its about
Although alcohol is often a factor in violence
among older couples who are married or in long-term
relationships, Stith said drinking
particularly binge drinking plays a big part
in college student violence. Other factors include
a lack of anger management skills and having grown
up with parents who are violent with one
When students get angry with their
boyfriend or girlfriend, violence sometimes seems
to be the normal thing to do, she said.
Stith said when researching alcohol problems,
she found that college students often had different
standards for themselves when it came to what
constitutes a drinking problem. Whereas they see
themselves as just partying and participating in
normal college life, they would say an older,
professional adult behaving the same way has a
problem with alcohol.
I think they might be normalizing their
aggressive behaviors, too, she said.
They may think that when theyre
drinking and get angry and she slaps him and he
grabs her, that its not domestic violence.
They may think that domestic violence is what
happens in married peoples lives.
Stith said one of her basic philosophies is that
society needs to work toward ending all violence,
not just male violence.
We need to address female violence,
too, she said. We need to say that when
youre in a relationship with someone you care
about, you dont hit and you dont
Stiths research team that is looking at
the impacts of dating violence includes the
following family studies and human services
students and researchers: Yvonne Amanor-Boadu,
post-doctoral research assistant; Marjorie
Strachman Miller, doctoral student; Josh Cook and
Michelle Gorzek, masters students; and Lauren
Allen, a junior from Olathe and a 2007 graduate of
Olathe Northwest High School.
Tell Senator Hatch to
Investigate Abusegate!
Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah often says one of his
proudest legislative legacies is passage of the
Violence Against Women Act. Apparently Sen. Hatch
is unaware of the uncounted falsehoods, ignored
male victims, and broken-up families that are the
true legacies of VAWA. Ironically, Sen. Hatch also
counts himself as a stout defender of
Constitutional protections such as due process,
probable cause for arrest, and equal treatment
under the law.
WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS, Sen. Hatch needs to
receive thousands and thousands and thousands of
phone calls, emails, and faxes with the very simple
message, Investigate Abusegate!
Twitter @OrrinHatch
Telephone: 202-224-5251
Fax: 202-224-6331
All your message needs to say is
Investigate Abusegate!
On Boston Med the joke
of the night was domestic violence
The other day, Doc Helen remarked that there were
so many more positive portrayals of dads right
before Fathers Day, and hoped things were
Id hoped so too, given the advances and
growth in mens orgs such as the National
Coalition for Men, Fathers & Families and
Michigans Fathers Rights Coalition.
Well, maybe those advances arent as large
as they seem, as last night viewers of ABCs
Boston Med were treated to a national display of
misandry and discrimination seldom seen even in a
reality program. While most of the media focus has
been on the double lung transplant in Episode #1 of
this eight-part series, those who watched the whole
thing saw something else, too.
The series follows doctors at three hospitals
Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and
Womens Hospital, and Childrens Hospital
Boston. Its not all feats of medical
brilliance as promised in this ABC press
At first we see ER resident Pina Patel in this
light, taken from the shows website:
Pina Patel is in her fourth and last year of an
Emergency Medicine residency. A graduate of Ohio
State, she struggles to gain confidence in a
training program filled with colleagues toting
Harvard degrees. After failing to perform a
standard medical procedure and being criticized for
her leadership abilities, Pina questions whether
she is cut out to go the distance and become an
The viewer wants to connect with the idea that
all docs arent necessarily superheroes. Then
this ER student physician is faced with a stabbing
victim. While treating the patient, Dr. Patel is
all business. Then later, she discusses the case
with co-workers, and this all-female group finds
something quite amusing in the fact their male
patient was stabbed by his wife.
I know I shouldnt laugh, Dr.
Patel says, while barely suppressing a giggle. The
group agrees they should not laugh, but that is
exactly what they are doing.
If that wasnt bad enough, the doc then
goes on to opine something to the effect that the
incident should have been a lesson to the man not
to mess with his woman. In other words, this
particular patient deserved a life-threatening
assault because of his gender.
While its well-known that Massachusetts is
one of the worst states in the union for male
victims, due to the malignant Jane Doe, Inc., which
is in charge of most of the domestic violence
education for professionals in the state, one
would think a medical doctor could put aside
personal bias and treat a patient without the kind
of judgment demonstrated by Pina Patel.
If she questioned her own abilities, she was
certainly on the right track, as this person has no
business in a discipline where a number of her
patients would likely present an issue she feels
strongly about. It is unknown as of this writing
whether the patient received the same quality of
care extended to others, or if anyone in authority
at Harvard Medical School took any steps to correct
Dr. Patels aberrant behavior. The suspicion
has been raised by the doctors wholly
unprofessional performance that perhaps this kind
of conduct is acceptable at Brigham and
Womens Hospital.
After all, the doctor is currently employed at
Kaiser Permanentes Santa Clara Medical
Center, in the Emergency Medicine department.
Kaiser Permanente would never hire a physician that
was so clearly prepared to discriminate against a
patient for any reason.
Or maybe they would.
Had the victim been female, there would have
been no laughs, no expression that the patient
somehow caused their own injury. Is not blaming the
victim the Number One sin in the domestic violence
Or does Harvard Medical teach that some kinds of
discrimination are just fine and to be engaged in
whenever possible?
Sen. Reid cherry-picking
the research, experts say
Sen. Harry Reids claim about male
unemployment and domestic violence is misleading
and false because it selectively chooses the data,
otherwise known as cherry-picking, according to
domestic violence experts.
On February 22, Reid claimed on the Senate floor
that women arent abusive, most of the
time. Men when theyre out of work tend to
become abusive.
Now, 16 groups and publications are calling on
Reid to issue an apology for unfairly stereotyping
Over 250 scholarly studies show women are as
physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men
in their relationships with their male partners,
according to Martin Fiebert, professor of
psychology at California State University.
Mainstream researchers have documented how
domestic violence advocates often misrepresent the
- Advocates have let their ideological
commitments overrule their scientific
commitments Murray Straus, PhD,
University of New Hampshire
- New research data are largely overlooked
or discounted. Miriam Ehrensaft, PhD,
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
- Widespread domestic violence myths may be
harmful to women, men, children, and the
institution of the family. Richard
Gelles, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Sen. Reids one-sided comments are
the latest example how persons slice-and-dice the
data to mislead the public, according to
Marty Nemko, PhD of the National Organization of
Men. If Sen. Reid truly wants to help
unemployed men, he should stop unfairly vilifying
them as abusers and make sure his new jobs bill
targets those in greatest need.
A recent Special Report, Fifty Domestic Violence
Myths, documents that many assertions of the
domestic violence industry are one-sided,
unverifiable, or false.
Now the Abusegate, Investigate! campaign is
requesting a Congressional probe into the
misleading claims and falsehoods espoused by
industry representatives.
Two years ago Carol Burger of Boynton Beach,
Fla. became unemployed and broke-up with her
live-in girlfriend Jessica Kalish. On October 29,
2008, Burger attacked Kalish with a household
screwdriver, stabbing her 222 times. Then Burger
took her own life.
Days before the murder-suicide, Berger emailed a
friend about her financial quandary: I was
really annoyed when I found out that Jess let her
life insurance lapse for lack of payment.
Research confirms that unemployment and
financial strain can increase the risk of partner
violence but does not, as Senator Reid alleges,
result in more violence from men than women.
Senator Reid: Apologize for
sexist remarks!
Groups are calling for Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada to
apologize for sexist remarks made yesterday.
Reids comments served to stereotype men as
abusive, while ignoring the
well-established scientific fact that men and women
in partner relationships are equally likely to be
Reids remarks on the Senate floor can be
seen below.
Over 250 scholarly studies show women are as
physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men
in their relationships with their male partners,
according to Martin Fiebert, professor of
psychology at California State University.
Senator Reids bizarre and unfounded
statement reveals an unimaginable disconnect from
the millions of unemployed Americans who are not
abusive. These persons are understandably
frightened about their futures and the security of
their families, notes Paul Elam,
editor-in-chief of Mr.
Reid needs to apologize immediately.
Numerous political leaders have highlighted the
existence of male victims of domestic violence:
Domestic violence touches the lives
of Americans of all ages, leaving a devastating
impact on women, men, and children of every
background and circumstance. President
Barack Obama
Domestic violence cuts across all
races, all income brackets, all levels of education
and both sexes. Connecticut
Governor M. Jodi Rell
When we think of domestic violence,
we think of the women as being the victims. But
its also men victimized as well.
Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL)
The Abusegate, Investigate! campaign
is requesting the government launch a probe into
the widespread fraudulent and illegal practices of
the domestic violence industry.
Many believe current domestic violence laws
unduly infringe on Americans civil liberties.
The Washington Civil Rights Council has termed
domestic violence programs the biggest civil
rights roll-back since [the] Jim Crow
The following 14 groups are demanding that Sen.
Reid issue an apology for his sexist statement:
CPF/Fatherhood Coalition, Dads and Moms of
Michigan, Fathers and Childrens
Equality, Fathers for Equal Rights of America,
Illinois Fathers, Men and Fathers for Justice,
Mens Equality Conference, National
Organization for Men, Petition for Child Support
Reform, Shared Parenting Works, TABS (Taking Action
against Bias in the System), Utah Fathers
Rights Meetup Group, Washington Domestic Violence
Press, and the Washington Civil Rights Council.
CBC: not just women who are
victims of partner abuse
In the almost 40 years since the first shelter for
battered women opened its doors, we have made
noticeable progress in dealing with and denouncing
domestic violence.
Nevertheless, much still needs to be done and
the biggest challenge, in my view, is what to do
about men.
Not men as perpetrators there we seem to
have a handle on things. Rather, Im talking
about the hundred thousand or so confirmed male
victims who are, often violently, abused by their
female partners every year.
Domestic violence is not a gender-specific
reality. Women are capable of hitting, beating,
abusing and killing their male partners.
Just how prevalent these attacks are depends on
what statistical study you choose to highlight.
But based on what we know, there should be no
argument that female violence against men is at
least a problem worthy of much greater
consideration than we have given it so far.
Gender neutral
According to a large-scale Statistics Canada
study in 2005, the likelihood of a man being the
victim of violent abuse by his female partner is
almost the same as it is for a woman.
A \A red silhouette campaign to mark
the 32 individuals killed by family violence in
South Carolina in 2007; 28 of them women. Begun by
Minnesota art students in 1990, the campaign has
spread to 18 countries, including Canada.
(Associated Press)
In this study, an estimated seven per cent of
women and six per cent of men surveyed had
encountered some form of spousal violence over the
previous five years.
This means, StatsCan said, that roughly 653,000
women and 546,000 men considered themselves the
victims of violence at the hands of a current or
previous spouse or common-law partner, an estimate
that was unchanged from an earlier study
15 years of the
Violence Against Women Act: its tragic
As the 15th anniversary of the Violence Against
Women Act arrived last month, supporters from the
president and vice-president, to people in charge
of small, local programs lauded the Violence
Against Women Act as something special as if
it was a real solution that was vitally
From the beginning, VAWA was based on little
more than anecdotal evidence and supposition,
provided in ample quantity by the set of horror
stories collected by then-Senator Joe Bidens
staff at police stations, battered womens
shelters, and rape crisis centers. Then they took
that information, ignored the fact it was often
incomplete, had been collected under unusual
circumstances in truly isolated conditions, and
applied it to the entire population of women in the
United States. The report generated by Biden and
his staff in this exercise was entitled, Violence
Against Women: A Week in the Life of America.
Biden says in his autobiography, Promises to
Keep, If we could have included
unreported crimes it would have been 7000
pages. This is one of many statements he
makes demonstrating his ignorance of not
only the issue, but of information gathering as
well. What local non-profit agency of any kind
would not be entirely happy to tell a Senatorial
aide precisely what he or she wanted to hear? What
police department, sensing future availability of
funding, would not be honored to cooperate by
sharing any information they happened to have, even
if it was raw data with little or no supportive
On another page in this book, he conflates
animal shelters with womens shelters, which
is not even an apples and oranges
statement. Its more like comparing apples to
computers; as the only thing the two items have in
common is that the same word is sometimes used to
describe them. Somehow the fact that there are more
animal shelters than womens shelters is less
than compelling, when one recognizes the lack of
relationship. One could also say there are more bus
shelters, but that likewise has no relevance to
womens shelters.
VAWA establishes feminist pork
Despite the fact that no one has ever been
allowed to challenge VAWA in various Congressional
hearings since they began, VAWA was rejected
several times by Congress, and in late 1991 Chief
Justice William Rehnquist warned that the law would
be used as leverage in divorce cases. Yet Biden
rejected that idea out of hand. His worry of the
time was the American Bar Association would not
approve of VAWA. Like the feminist organizations
that ignored VAWA until very late in the game, the
ABA also began to see dollar signs and the
opportunity for much money to be made. Of course
they came on board, too.
When it was finally signed into law by President
Clinton, it unleashed a veritable army of radical
feminist operatives onto an unsuspecting American
public. In those days their numbers were
comparatively small. Today they are probably not
much fewer in number than the 300,000 federal jobs
eliminated in the political scheme outlined in
Bidens book to mollify the Republicans at the
time of the initial passage of VAWA.
Suddenly, feminists with no training or
qualifications for work of any kind became
employable with nothing but a previously-worthless
college degree in feminist studies to recommend
them. There were federal, state, and local agencies
to be staffed; indoctrination programs to be
devised. Women who had devoted their lives to the
destruction of their mythical
patriarchy were now able to exercise
their anti-male, anti-family agenda with the
blessing and paycheck of the
government. The philosophy that men are pigs and
women are idiots, and only feminists know what is
best for everybody was now considered not only
reasonable, but a viable means for approaching a
problem affecting a much smaller number of people
men and women alike than these
political zealots ever wanted to believe.
The lives of Americans have never been the same.
In July 1995, Joe Biden entered a statement into
the Congressional Record, among other things
apologizing to the men in Bosnian concentration
camps, apparently blissfully unaware he had set in
motion the possibility for the same future
conditions for American men. One cannot help but
wonder how someone so disingenuous, so gullible,
could ever attain the position of Vice President of
the United States. Unless, of course, there was
another agenda behind this piece of
Progress interrupted
I have no doubt that Sept 13, 1994 was a day of
mourning for many in the developing field of
intimate partner abuse.
In shelter programs and research facilities
across the country, a realistic picture of the
issue had begun to coalesce; one that showed both
sexes equally likely to abuse and be abused. The
shelter model itself was beginning to be questioned
as less than effective, as was the dogmatic
Duluth Model of dealing with men
designated as batterers. After all, society had
made great changes in the time since the original
programs were founded. Perhaps something less
drastic, less damaging to families, while at the
same time more successful than the methods of the
day was on the horizon.
With programs based in equality and compassion;
helping families to overcome their difficulties
without interference from highly politicized
government programs, much progress may have been
made in dealing with the issue. We will never know,
as the new view of the issue was diametrically
opposed to the restrictive and hopelessly outdated
picture VAWA created.
At a remarkable level of arrogance, the
feminists in charge of the public policy response
to what was now being called, domestic
violence styled themselves as
experts in this field that was still
new enough that expertise was something very few
could realistically have attained. Setting aside
such things as scientific method as
masculine, of the
patriarchy, and therefore suspect, these
self-proclaimed experts began churning out reams of
documents they called studies, which
inexplicably all came to the same conclusion:
Men are pigs; women are idiots. Only feminists
know what is best for everybody.
Hundreds, if not thousands of these bogus
studies and reports are to be found here. While
there are a few objective, properly conducted
studies in this group, the percentage of those
constructed only to reinforce the ideology is
When an indisputable fact outside the basic
dogma appeared, such as women who seek out abusive
partners time after time, despite all efforts at
intervention, or male victims with enough witnesses
and verifiable proof that cannot be denied; or even
the fact of the variety inherent in human
experience, the feminist brain trust has explained
these away with rationalization and that peculiar,
circuitous illogic unique to feminism. Researcher
Murray Straus has commentary on this procedure
The inner workings of VAWA
From the Abstract of Violence Against Women: A
week in the life of America: "The Violence Against
Women Act signals that crimes against women must be
a national law enforcement priority, focuses on
domestic violence, creates a civil rights remedy
aimed at violent gender-based discrimination,
highlights the unique problems facing young women
on campuses, and recognizes the role the judiciary
must play in providing an effective response to
violent offenders."
VAWA is almost entirely theoretical in nature,
with little or no consideration given to its effect
on the individual, families, or the immediate
communities in which they live and work. It is all
about controlling large groups of people from a
national level. Notice in the previous statement
that domestic violence is but one of several issues
deemed to be part of the vague Violence
Against Women category.
Immediately following the passage of VAWA nearly
700 laws relating to this heretofore nonexistent
concept of gender-based crime were
passed at the state level, with many more to come
in states and municipalities across the country.
What is notable is that at no time has there ever
been any consideration or discussion of whether
these gender-based crimes have any
basis in fact; or has there been a search for
evidence they exist.
The emphasis of VAWA has been on involving ever
more community agencies, public and private, and in
making the basic message of feminist ideology
palatable for the masses. Over 2 million people
were indoctrinated by either OVW grantees or STOP
subgrantees between 2004 2008. About 600,000
of those were law enforcement officers,
prosecutors, and court personnel, though the
identities of the remaining individuals is unknown
to me as of this writing. Also unknown is the total
number of students in this off-campus feminist
studies program over the last 15 years.
Apparently the public is supposed to take the
assertions of the feminists regarding partner abuse
at face value and accept them, lest they be accused
of misogyny, collusion with the patriarchy, or
worse. In their zeal to protect women
from these illusory gender crimes, the
VAWA Army has compounded mistake on mistake until
the situation for victims of intimate partner abuse
has nearly come full circle; back to the age where
there was no help available for anyone.
Partner abuse and social engineering
VAWA has never been about assisting individual
women who are seeking aid; it has always been about
laws, crime and punishment. VAWA ignores mens
rights and womens as well, in favor of
establishing a right of government programs to
orchestrate personal relationships.
Women have been considered to be too stupid to
recognize when they are being abused, or to make
their own decisions regarding their welfare and
that of their children. Thus, no drop
laws have been put into place in some areas to
protect women from themselves. These laws prevent a
designated victim from withdrawing charges of
domestic violence, and provide for penalties should
she not cooperate with law enforcement.
There is also a movement afoot to allow
government officials who decide a woman is at
risk to enter her home and make their own
assessment. Historically, VAWA-trained officials
have simply relied on coercion, threats and
bullying to force women out of their homes and into
shelters where it is believed these designated
victims belong.
Little or no attention has been paid to the
daily operations of shelters, which do almost
nothing but provide some women a place to live and
those seeking a divorce with free legal aid and
instruction in radical feminist ideology. Even when
the federal Office of Management and Budget
evaluated VAWA programs in 2004 as not
performing, nothing was done to improve
shelter programs, nor were improvements even
considered. A womans personal choices or even
needs are almost universally ignored by VAWA. They
are but pawns in a much larger game of political
While there are no clear winners in this game,
at least not in the general populace, the biggest
losers have been men. VAWA and the agencies
it spawned have instead provided a
convenient excuse for a level of human rights
violations unprecedented in modern times. Not since
the Jim Crow laws of earlier times, has one group
of people been targeted for such demonization and
vilification. In this case, its not even a
minority group, it is half the population of the
Once VAWA was established, with men designated
as perpetrators, such things as due process of law
and the right of the accused to confront the
accuser were simply ignored. Forget the concept of
innocent until proven guilty, which
still applies even to accused serial killers. It
seems a man accused of a violence against
women crime has no rights at all. To their
credit, law enforcement and the courts initially
did what they could to uphold the letter of the
law, but between the mass of new laws contradicting
the rights of the accused and the constant run of
propaganda, they were powerless against the VAWA
Army and its message of retribution and revenge
against the "patriarchy."
No one knows how many thousands of men and women
have been left impoverished, battered by an
uncaring system, and alone after mistakenly
believing in the aid offered by the VAWA Army. How
many children have been permanently damaged by the
destruction of their homes and families in the name
of social justice, because their
parents were forced to take actions that strangers
(with no interest whatsoever in the childs
welfare) insisted were for their own good? This is
not even to consider the harassment and character
assassination of little boys that is routinely
conducted in shelter programs.
Today, both marriage and the family are in deep
trouble. VAWA, and its destructive policies, have
certainly played a part in this larger issue, as
divorce and separation is the unfortunate first
strike in this tragically incorrect response
to violent offenders. It has never been any
kind of solution to the problem of intimate partner
abuse, because the problem itself was never defined
or even partially understood before ambitious
politicians in collusion with dangerously ignorant
radicals seized the issue for their own
This quote, found at the website of the West
Virginia Coaliton Against Domestic Violence is
particularly chilling, once one recognizes what
this "violence against women" issue is all
"...I believe it is most urgent for this
movement's future to declare that violence against
women is a political problem, a question of power
and domination, and not an individual,
pathological, or deviant one. Continuing to make
violence against women public is itself a crucial
continuing task. We also must become a movement led
by battered women, women of color, and working
class women. We must develop a progressive agenda,
a long range vision of what kind of society is
needed so that violence against women would not
exist, and to ally with groups sharing a vision of
a just society..." - Susan Schecter
If the VAWA Army is allowed to continue its war
against the family, there will soon be no families
left to destroy. They are already about halfway
there. It is time we started fighting back.
Farrah Fawcett's Burning
Bed legacy
Farrah Fawcett will mostly be remembered as a
Charlies Angels chick and a pinup girl, but
her performance in the Burning Bed was a durable,
yet regrettable legacy. Sadly, the 1984 made-for-TV
movie that portrayed premeditated murder as not
only excusable, but heroic, wont go with
Of course, Fawcett herself should not blamed for
the establishment of a myth that propelled a skewed
view of domestic violence into the forefront of
public consciousness. She was, after all, only an
actress playing a part, and playing it well.
The movie however, helped establish a framework
for dozens of later theatrical and TV movies that
depict men as dangerous, violent abusers and women
as saintly victims with nowhere to turn for help.
Even after 25 years, this story of a single
extraordinary case, exaggerated for effect, has
become omnipresent. The male character is generally
accepted as typical, and murder is sanctioned if
not openly encouraged as a solution to the problem.
Later films such as Sleeping With the Enemy
starring Julia Roberts, built on the myth and added
the aspect of relentless stalking, also
extraordinary in the real world. Other movies added
more, and there is now a whole TV network devoted
to almost nothing but the theme of awful,
despicable men vs. glamorous female victims.
The book by Faith McNulty and the movie opened
the door for feminist political ideology
masquerading as scientific theory, fully applicable
to all cases of intimate partner abuse. When Lenore
Walker created the Battered Woman
Syndrome around the same time as the release
of the movie, it was accepted as gospel and formed
the basis for public policies and laws that
eventually would attempt to hold women blameless
for a wide range of crimes, from shoplifting to 1st
degree murder.
Also around the same time, give or take a few
years, the Duluth Model for dealing with abusers,
(exclusively male) was developed by a small group
of previously-abused women who were attending
feminist consciousness-raising sessions at a
shelter founded by feminist lawyers. This model
holds that abuse is a deliberate choice, and all
men have to do is recognize what pigs they are and
they will stop their incorrect behavior.
Ten years on, in 1994, the federal Violence
Against Women Act codified into law the entire
package of myth-making and storytelling relating to
Battered Women Theory, and called it Domestic
Violence. Holding men accountable for
their repugnant actions through a system of legal
sanctions depriving them of their human rights,
homes, their children and often their livelihoods,
VAWA allows women and feminist organizations to get
revenge, and profit by it. As it is a law focused
on the destruction of men, with single-pointed
precision, the negative effects of the law on
children and yes, even women go unconsidered.
One wonders what the next ten years will
In 1984 cable TV was still new; the majority of
households got off-the-air broadcast TV, and so
viewers of any particular program would number in
the tens of millions. Even if most people of the
time saw it, certainly there were many more factors
than a single movie involved in the evolution of
the way society deals with intimate partner abuse
today, but I have no doubt The Burning Bed was a
A hundred years from now, perhaps historians
will look back in wonder at the bizarre events of
the late 20th and early 21st centuries and
speculate why it was that society turned on itself
in this way.
When will we have hated
men enough?
These are very strange times we live in. On one
hand, we have the murder of a high-profile sports
figure virtually ignored by mainstream media, since
the apparent perpetrator was a woman; on the other,
we have somebody like Cathy Young speaking out in
the Boston Globe on behalf of the large
and growing number of domestic
violence victims who are male.
While a nominee for the Supreme Court gets away
with expressing an obvious bigotry against white
males, in San Diego County efforts are being made
to correct the damage done to its citizens by that
same kind of bigotry.
In the comments section at my old Examiner site,
I saw readers (both male and female) express a
surprising degree of hatred against men I
havent personally witnessed in years. One man
even expressed a notion Id thought had long
ago been debunked that anyone showing any
sympathy for male victims of DV must secretly be
supporting the patriarchy in their efforts to
systematically beat women down. Talk about old-hat
conspiracy theories! I figure the guy has an org to
support and needs the attention.
Another commenter (a girl this time) suggested I
only need to read some feminist blog to see the
evidence of the evil men do. Sorry, dear, but 57
years of living with and around actual men, (three
of those years spent around Marines) tells a quite
different story. Many different stories, in fact;
when the feminist blog has only one, repeated time
after time, often with facts altered to suit the
running narrative.
At some point the idea of causing as much damage
as possible to half the members of society on
ideological grounds must be recognized as damaging
for society as a whole. The troubles in Ireland,
Protestants vs Catholics, were certainly not
progressive or healing, neither were the clashes
between Serbs and Croats in eastern Europe. While
the current war against men has not resulted in
open conflict, with bombs and active combat, there
are still casualties, with deaths, physical
injuries and unlawful imprisonment among them.
Dragging people with serious troubles in their
relationships into a war not of their making,
forcing them to become supporters of a political
cause, is not only dishonest but immoral.
If you believe that the current DV industry has
any kind of mandate to provide realistic help for
battered women or anyone else, you need to read and
comprehend this statement made by Barbara Hart,
professional victim and divorce lawyer, whose
lucrative legal practice was for many years run on
referrals from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against
Domestic Violence, until somebody noticed that
might be inappropriate.
She says:
"As long as we as a culture accept the principle
and privilege of male dominance, men will continue
to be abusive. As long as we as a culture accept
and tolerate violence against women, men will
continue to be abusive.
All men benefit from the violence of batterers.
There is no man who has not enjoyed the male
privilege resulting from male domination reinforced
by the use of physical violence . . . All women
suffer as a consequence of men's violence.
Battering by individual men keeps all women in
line. While not every woman has experienced
violence, there is no woman in this society who has
not feared it, restricting her activities and her
freedom to avoid it. Women are always watchful
knowing that they may be the arbitrary victims of
male violence."
This outrageous and entirely unsupportable
statement was featured on many state
coalitions websites, including that of my
home state of Arizona for some time. Almost any
woman can negate or disprove this statement from
her own experience, yet this is the basis on which
most of todays DV programs were founded, and
continue to operate, using your tax dollars to do
so. It is little more than a conspiracy theory,
with more than a dash of hate in the mix.
Try this alternate statement:
As long as we as a culture accept the principle
and privilege of female dominance, women will
continue to be abusive. As long as we as a culture
accept and tolerate violence against men, women
will continue to be abusive.
All women benefit from the violence of
batterers. There is no woman who has not enjoyed
the female privilege resulting from female
domination reinforced by the use of physical
violence . . . All men suffer as a consequence of
women's violence. Battering by individual women
keeps all men in line. While not every man has
experienced violence, there is no man in this
society who has not feared it, restricting his
activities and his freedom to avoid it. Men are
always watchful knowing that they may be the
arbitrary victims of female violence.
In 2009, the second statement makes somewhat
more sense, as in a way it depicts the direction
things are headed, but it is still divisive and
does not actually address the issue as experienced
by the vast majority of todays couples.
Those currently running the DV industry benefit
directly from keeping the status quo. Many whose
jobs are in the industry only have degrees in
womens studies, which are virtually useless
in the job market, and therefore would not have
jobs otherwise. Others have spent years building
careers on the feminist philosophy of DV and would
not last long in an industry based on DV as a
human, non-gender-related, apolitical issue. Still
others have simply become addicted to the power and
control their positions give them over women and
their families.
Consequently, they will continue to misrepresent
the issue, even when that misrepresentation
directly violates concepts such as gender equality
and peace they claim to support.
It is true that partner abuse is an
uncomfortable, complicated, subject. However, to
continue to allow those claiming expertise, while
only operating out of self-interest and bigotry, to
manipulate and control the fates of thousands of
families every year is something we cannot allow to
continue. It is up to those of us who do not
directly benefit from the industry-implemented war
against men to point out the many weaknesses in the
industry, among them the fact of little or no
return on investment, or the fact that no
appreciable change or progress has been made in
this industry in decades, while nearly all other
human services have evolved and advanced.
We owe it to ourselves and our neighbors: we
need to stop hating men, as it will never be enough
for those who live on our hatred, and benefit from
the misery it causes. We need to realize only those
with an agenda say we should hate and despise half
our world, while ignoring the needs of the other
Invitation to
participate in groundbreaking online event
As Im sure you know, October is Domestic
Violence Awareness Month. This year Im going
to be running a month-long special project. As
someone who has been an activist in the field for
nearly 10 years, I have never seen a discussion of
this kind occur online or anywhere else.
Ive asked professionals in the field and
others to answer a single question:
What would the ultimate domestic violence
program look like?
I very much believe this event could well set
the stage for future reforms and changes that are
desperately needed, if publicly-accessible programs
are to fully serve the public. Past events such as
the conferences sponsored by the California
Alliance for Families and Children
were excellent starting points in evidencing the
need. Now it is time to begin to discuss what form
positive changes in programs could take.
Visitors to the site are encouraged to take part
in the discussion. Since I realize comments may be
shorter than you need, you may also e-mail ideas to
For this event, the rules of the comments
section will be slightly different than usual.
Under normal conditions, I allow almost anything
but spam and profanity. In this case, anything
interpreted as a personal attack against any of my
guest posters will also be removed. Ill be
monitoring the site closely, so please be
respectful of these people whove so
graciously contributed their hard work and time to
the issue of making life a little bit easier for
families affected by intimate partner abuse.

Increased prison
populations a result of incarceration without
Stephen Baskerville has a surprising article on the
reasons behind the growing numbers of those
Liberals rightly criticize
Americas high rate of incarceration.
Claiming to be the freest country on Earth, the
United States incarcerates a larger percentage
of its population than Iran or Syria. Over two
million people, or nearly one in 50 adults,
excluding the elderly, are incarcerated, the
highest proportion in the world. Some seven
million Americans, or 3.2 percent, are under
penal supervision.
He also says:
Feminists, despite Gottschalks
muted admission of guilt, did lead the charge
toward wholesale incarceration. Feminist
ideology has radicalized criminal justice and
eroded centuries-old constitutional protections:
New crimes have been created; old crimes have
been redefined politically; the distinction
between crime and private behavior has been
erased; the presumption of innocence has been
eliminated; false accusations go unpunished;
patently innocent people are jailed without
trial. The new feminist jurisprudence
hammers away at some of the most basic
foundations of our criminal law system,
Michael Weiss and Cathy Young write in a Cato
Institute paper. Chief among them is the
presumption that the accused is innocent until
proven guilty.
Feminists and other sexual radicals have even
managed to influence the law to target
conservative groups themselves. Racketeering
statutes are marshaled to punish non-violent
abortion demonstrators, and hate
crimes laws attempt to silence critics of
the homosexual agenda. Both are supported by
civil liberties groups. And these
are only the most notorious; there are
Feminists have been the most authoritarian
pressure group throughout much of American
history. It is striking what an uncritical
stance earlier women reformers took toward the
state, Gottschalk observes. They
have played central roles in
pushing for more enhanced policing
What Gottschalk is describing is
feminisms version of Stalinism: the
process whereby radical movements commandeer the
instruments of state repression as they trade
ideological purity for power.
What does this have to do with partner abuse?
Everything. Thats because the feminists in
control of the multi-billion dollar domestic
violence industry claim that perpetrators of
domestic violence must be held
accountable and often that means jail time.
Nobody has ever bothered to find out how that is
supposed to help, or who it is supposed to
Keep up on the latest at the Domestic
Violence Examiner
There are three ways you can be informed of the
latest posts at the Domestic Violence Examiner.
1. You can get e-mail alerts. Right up at the
top of the column by my photo theres a link
you can click on for that. You can choose to get
other e-mails from Examiner or not. The privacy
policy is here
2. You can follow me on Twitter. I use the same
Twitter feed for both this site and the Arizona
Rural Headlines Examiner, so youll be updated
on both. Im not one to post general stuff,
like what Im having for lunch. I got that out
of my system when I started blogging years ago!
3. Go up and click on the red bar that says,
go to Trudys homepage then
bookmark the page. If youre new to the site,
the homepage has all my past posts. With a
bookmark, of course, then you need to remember to
check it.
Whatever works for you! Everybodys got
their own ways of keeping track of things, which is
why I like to have more than one option.


Portion of
2005 "Call to Action" poster from PCADV. Note:
while the above poster for 2005 Domestic Violence
Awareness Month includes a few men, there is no
mention of specific aid for male victims elswhere
at the PCADV site.
Domestic Violence 101: The
personal vs. the political Part 1
Human relationships are not a matter of political
solutions. Any country that has tried to create a
political solution to human problems has ended up
with concentration camps and gulags. Erin
Pizzey, founder of the international womens
shelter movement
The 2005
put out by the NCADV with federal funding to
suggest themes for Domestic Violence Awareness
Month is entitled, Action for Social Change.
For 111 pages, this PDF goes on about things like
the language used to talk about the issues, finding
new groups of victims to claim, and items such as
graphic diagrams of the special ways handicapped
and elderly women, even babies are victimized.
There are sources cited that once again blame men
and the patriarchy for the continuing
oppression of women.
One article is entitled, Social Change to End
Violence Against Women (or to Reclaim Womens
Sovereignty) The title says it all. This is the
first time weve seen a publicly-available
document that alludes to the truth behind this
These kinds of documents often seem as if these
groups are trying to convince themselves, if you
can find your way through the circuitous illogic
and often simply meaningless discussions. If you
are expecting anything of a practical nature
relating to news of successful new programs,
progress in research and the like, forget it.
Its a slightly different arrangement of the
same old song, which ultimately has nothing to do
with helping people in toxic relationships and
everything to do with promoting a Marxist political
agenda at any cost. Read the entire document if you
can, because it illustrates in a way that is
undeniable that this document was written by people
with extremist points of view.
A few years ago it was obvious that programs for
adults under 65 were quite different from those for
children and the elderly. Child and elder abuse
programs made no differentiation between who could
be a victim and who could be an abuser. They
reflected the reality that these are not gender
issues, or political issues, but human problems and
were dealt with as such. As time goes on, however,
these programs are beginning to see the effects of
feminists and their misandric notions that only
females are abused and only males can be abusers.
This will no doubt have disastrous consequences if
we continue to believe that the feminists in place
in todays programs are experts who have any
idea what they are talking about.
One particular passage stood out:
Advocates working with victims and survivors of
domestic violence see the extreme manifestations of
the culture of patriarchy physical abuse,
psychological terror, sexual assault and coercion,
emotional and mental cruelty, intimidation,
stalking and severe humiliation.
This is the backdrop against which they do
crisis intervention, safety management and resource
juggling, often on a daily basis. In such an
environment of emergency response and demand, it
may be difficult to see the inter-connected
dimensions of violence against women as they relate
to individual battered womens experiences.
One way to breach this gulf is to go beyond what
we have always known about domestic violence,
survival, advocacy and community organizing and
look for evolved definitions and re-evaluate
existing models for support and safety.
(emphasis mine)
In other words, if you begin to think maybe some
women arent being battered under current
definitions, make something up.
A 2006 or any subsequent issue did not appear;
publicly, at least...
When feminists began their shelter programs in
the 1970s, they were often started by groups with
legal or political focus. That is why most all the
agencies we have and the approach we use has been
thru laws and government programs. Feminists simply
have no other way of approaching any issue. Perhaps
they truly believe that the intervention of the
state, and laws dictating the way human
relationships should be conducted, is feasible and
desirable. It is difficult to ascertain what it is
that feminists do believe, as there is so much
contradiction there, if youve read a variety
of feminist writers. In any case, approaches to
both victim and abuser include solutions that
require the government to deal with the issue. The
concepts of self-reliance, personal desires, or
individuality are actively discouraged, even
prevented, once a couple finds themselves under the
control of a system that provides the same solution
for all regardless of the nature and severity of
their problem.
To give you a bit of insight into the mindset
that has prevailed, here is a quote from lawyer and
activist Barbara Hart, taken from a speech she made
at a 1999 gala to honor her accomplishments in the
field. In addition to a copious
amount of written material
on DV, she was also the Legal Director of the
Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Associate Director of the Battered
Women's Justice Project
and was part of what is often described as the
birthing of the NCADV
I am also a battered woman. I am a
freedom-loving woman. I am also a battered
woman. We are a freedom-seeking people. I am a
woman with great rage. I am also a battered
woman. We are a people enraged against the
tyranny of violence against women. I am a
revolutionary woman. I am also a battered woman.
We are political people intent on changing the
world to end violence against women. I am a
woman filled with love for battered women,
children and their allies. I am a battered
woman. We are a people with great compassion and
great capacity to love those oppressed by male
violence. I am a hopeful woman. I'm also a
battered woman. We are a people hopeful that men
who use violence to terrorize and dominate their
partners, their children, and those who are
different from them can learn respect from the
women and all the oppressed people and can stop
their violence. I'm a visionary woman. I am also
a battered woman. We are a people of richly
diverse races, cultures and national origins. I
am an old woman. I am also a battered woman. We
are a people spanning many generations. I am
also a battered woman. I am a daughter,
I am a woman of action. I am also a
battered woman. We are people acting daily in
small and enormous ways to end the violence and
bring justice and safety to battered women.
One must recognize that her abusive relationship
ended decades before the speech, because it may
appear she is talking about a recent or current
problem. For whatever reasons, she chose not to
move on or put the issue to rest; rather, she chose
to allow the fact she was once abused to define and
color her life and vocation. This is typical of
many of those in the womens shelter

Domestic Violence 101: The
personal vs. the political Part 2
Batterer's programs

and Control Wheel
Today, even the definition of help
is not what most people think it is.
We havent said much about how we treat
abusers in this enlightened era, so well
tackle this subject here.
What is widely used is something called
Duluth Model ,
which is based on supposition and feminist
ideology, with a bit of revenge-seeking added in.
Heres the philosophy behind it:
By 1984, DAIP staff, battered women,
and advocates had serious concerns about anger
management as a treatment model. The theory that
anger causes violence simply didnt
resonate with most battered womens
experiences, nor did it help offenders get to
the roots of their beliefs about entitlement and
the use of violence to settle conflicts. DAIP
stopped using anger management, and developed
the Duluth curriculum. It helps offenders to
understand how their socialized beliefs about
male dominance impede intimacy; that violence is
intentional and a choice designed to control
their intimate partner; that the effects of
abusive behavior damage the family; and that
everyone has the ability to change.
We agree with the NIJ researchers that
changing offenders attitudes towards women
is extremely difficult. We still live in a
sexist society where women are devalued, where
many men still believe they are entitled to be
in control in an intimate relationship, and
where men who batter believe they have the right
to use violence. While it is a goal to change
the attitudes of men who batter, the ultimate
goal of the Duluth Model has always been to
ensure that victims are safer by having the
state intervene in an accountable way to stop
the violence.
Much of the re-education aspect of the model is
based on the Power and Control Wheel,
(above) a graphic which provides a pat
analysis of mens violence against
women. It has become an icon of unquestionable
validity in treatment programs, even though it
ignores the human factor and any concept of
relationships being interactive. It is as if women
have no influence whatsoever on their
relationships, and are passive observers of their
own lives. Yet it has generated reams of research
papers, spawned other wheels related to child abuse
and that abuse deemed specific to Indian
In addition to re-education, designated
batterers are often given jail time, probation, or
other punitive solutions applied to hold the
batterer accountable. Keep in mind this
program is a product of the early 1980s, and no
significant change has been made to this approach
since then. It disregards any established
scientific methodology relating to behavioral
modification, or societal changes over time. It is
also beginning to be recognized as less than
effective, to the point where DAIP has what was
once a section in 2006, now
a pdf (significantly edited)
on the website now defending the program. That is
where I originally found the above quote.
You might think that when the promotional
literature talks about treatment for batterers,
this is likely to be something devised by
professionals with expertise in the areas of human
behavior. Far from it. The Duluth Model was
actually conceived by advocates for battered women
and battered women, with not an objective observer
among them.
Imagine, if you will a handful of victims of
theft, sitting in a room. Among them are a former
Madoff client, a blind woman who lost her dog, a
college student whose roommate regularly takes his
sodas from the communal refrigerator without
asking, a composer whose magnum opus was
plagiarized, a homeowner whose neighbor borrowed
his lawn mower and didnt return it, and a
priest who discovered the proceeds from a bingo
game had gone missing. There is also an insurance
company official present.
Quite different people in quite different
situations, wouldnt you agree?
Now imagine this group being able to entirely
design and control, at all levels, for the whole
country, a single response for thieves that would
be in effect for decades to come, and one can begin
to understand what the Duluth Model is all

Domestic Violence 101: The
personal vs. the political Part 3
Getting Tough on domestic
You probably have seen that statement in local
media, as a headline or lead-in to a story where
local law enforcement, perhaps a county or city
attorney, and the local shelter programs
congratulate each other on new laws intended to
punish perpetrators of DV crimes. Its as if
they think that somehow these laws will deter
domestic violence simply by their existence.
However, making a law about something relating
to personal behavior issues doesnt make the
problem go away. If that was the case, and laws
were effective, there would be no need for a
war on drugs. Making the laws tougher,
with more severe penalties, does not have a
corresponding deterrent effect, as has been seen in
that situation. Those who are going to ignore the
law, and those who will abide by them are pretty
much the same groups of people there were before
those laws were enacted.
In many cases of DV, a primary abuser is a
person who doesnt think the same rules that
apply to everyone else apply to them. Arrogance and
narcissism tend to be common traits among those who
abuse. There may be no deliberation or conscious
choice at all when they do something their partner
feels is abusive. To think that these people will
change their behavior just because a law passed
shows how little those writing these laws know of
the psychology and dynamics of abuse. The only
actual value garnered from making laws in this way
makes those who enact the laws feel like
theyre doing something, and those victims who
are of a nature to seek revenge can see that
happen. Of course there may be additional grant
money coming to administer those laws, so that
makes the potential grantees happy.
While laws will vary from state to state, here
is a copy of the Massachusetts law.
"ABUSE" is defined by M.G.L. c. 209A, § 1
as the occurrence of one or more of the following
acts between family or household members:
1. Attempting to cause or causing physical
2. Placing another in fear of imminent serious
physical harm; or
3. Causing another to engage involuntarily in
sexual relations by force, threat or duress.
4. Where there is no battery, a warrantless arrest
for abuse may properly be made by effecting an
arrest for simple assault under c.265.13A. The most
relevant definition of abuse closely approximates
the common law description of the crime of
The crime of assault can be committed in the
following ways:
(a) by an attempted battery, i.e. the defendant
took some overt step to commit an intentional
(b) an immediate threatened battery must include an
overt and menacing gesture, the conduct of which
reasonably caused the victim to fear an imminent
(c) an act placing another in reasonable
apprehension that force may be used. Mere words
alone are not sufficient without an overt act on
the part of the defendant.
However, it is important here to note that there
need be no apparent marks or injuries to the
victim. An overt act is sufficient to place the
victim in fear of serious physical harm. Hence, the
arrest and/or the ensuing assault complaint, would
be based on the application of G.L.c. 209A and
Family or household members Includes same sex
1. Persons who are or were married to one
2. Persons who are or were residing together in the
same household;
3. Persons who are or were related by blood or
4. Persons who have a child in common regardless of
whether they have ever married or lived together;
6. Persons who are or have been in a substantive
dating or engagement relationship
Among all crimes, domestic violence is alone in
having a pre-determined victim and perpetrator.
Deliberately avoiding reality, there is always a
clear victim and abuser, with the man presumed to
be the abuser. He is guilty until proven guilty,
and in many cases has no recourse for defending
While it is important to ensure blame is placed
firmly on the designated abuser, it is even more
important never to blame the designated victim.
There can never be any suggestion that she may have
done anything at all to contribute to the problem.
To question the victims veracity or
suggesting she should produce proof of any claimed
abuse is tantamount to blaming the
victim, and is not to be tolerated. We have
in fact, bent over so far backward to avoid blaming
any victim that no progress has been made in
serving justice, (if that is the intent) and
victims once again find themselves in a situation
entirely out of their control.
In the mid-20th Century, women had a difficult
time seeking solutions to problems of domestic
violence through the criminal justice system, as it
was considered a private family matter. Today,
specific domestic violence and stalking
laws on top of more-traditional laws regarding
assault and battery include must arrest
policies and no-drop laws.
Must-arrest policies ensure that
someone is always arrested when police are called
in a situation of DV. No-drop laws mean
that once a charge is filed, it cannot be
withdrawn. These were instigated by feminists who
felt they knew better than their designated female
victims how to handle their own situations.
Must arrest policies ensure that no
immediate solution for the conflict at hand can be
arrived at between the individuals without the
arrest of one or both parties, depending on local
policies. This can extend and worsen the
No-drop laws again limit the ability
of couples to make up or resolve the conflict on
their own, and in some cases, may escalate conflict
or violence. In cases where a designated victim
refuses to cooperate with a court case, the
designated victim can be subject to penalties for
being in contempt of court.
Once police intervene, an argument is extended
far beyond one incident, and the effects of that
moment in time can resonate for years, in aspects
of the familys lives that may not previously
have been affected. Zero
policies, in the military, professional
associations, and as laws for the general public in
some locales may prevent an accused abuser from
continuing to work in his profession or trade, or
obtain government security clearances even at the
lowest level.
It could be argued that victims are no better
off than before.
It is ironic that while battered women were
allowed to give so much input into the fabrication
of the Duluth
Model ,
they are almost universally ignored when it comes
to their own needs in shelter programs. Feminists
have decided for them what their needs will be, and
how those will be addressed. There is no
requirement for any further discussion or
exploration of differing approaches or solutions,
as feminists have already determined both the
nature of the problem (oppression by the
Patriarchy) and how it should be handled. (by
removing men from womens lives, and
substituting government programs where
The current system does not respect
victims needs, or give them any tools with
which to approach their individual problem in their
own way. Those battered women who fall in the
favored category allowed to access shelter services
are then expected to accept divorce and relocation
as the solution, take the training in feminist
doctrine, and submit their children to the same. In
the jargon of the shelter movement, this
constitutes empowerment. The battle cry
of choice for women that is so evident
in other causes does not apply here.
Meanwhile, the laws in place allow total
strangers to decide for women what their fate will
be. There has recently been a media campaign in my
area and others urging people to turn in their
neighbors, friends, and relatives if they suspect
domestic violence. A neighbor, hearing noise from a
nearby house can phone police about suspected
domestic violence, and regardless of
the facts, set in motion an unstoppable sequence of
events that may well be to the detriment of the
family involved. Advocates have imposed a set of
ever-more Draconian laws, and in their arrogance a
sexist and bigoted belief system on people who are
vulnerable, in pain, and in need of realistic
methods to help them cope with their problem. In
some cases, a problem has been created where none
existed before.
These laws are beginning to function in ways
unintended by their original authors. Women are
being arrested and charged with domestic violence
that they used to be .
Maybe some law enforcement professionals
didnt get the memo. In any case, these laws
are intended to be implemented in concert with the
doctrinal training programs provided by the state
coalitions, and it would seem sometimes laws are
imposed before the coalitions can get to everybody.
(We recently spoke to a judge who says he avoids
their informational sessions, and routinely
discards any materials sent by mail.) The result is
that cops in the field sometimes use their own
judgment and try to be egalitarian, because their
experience teaches them that domestic violence is
an equal opportunity problem. It would seem logical
that the most-obvious aggressor be the one to be
arrested, right? Unfortunately, not in this case,
as these laws were intended to arrest more men.
The experts on domestic violence are
furiously ,
engaging in all kinds of linguistic acrobatics
claiming that women only use violence to defend
themselves, and/or are given no choice but to use
force by their designated batterer. There is now a
movement afoot for laws that make it harder to
arrest women for anything, so watch for bills to be
quietly introduced in local, state or even federal
legislatures that appear to be for the purposes of
assisting battered women.

Domestic Violence 101: The
personal vs. the political Part 4
Its all about the language.
Unfortunately, it is often the case that a man
calling police for aid is himself arrested, as it
is now very hard for a man to press charges of
domestic violence against a woman. The half-hearted
attempt by most organizations to use gender-neutral
language in promotion gives a false message, and
some men have found themselves in handcuffs, while
their abusive wives continue to assault them, right
under the view of police. These men have made the
mistake of expecting equal treatment in a situation
that allows for nothing of the kind.
What then, about the idea of refraining from
blaming the victim when the victim is a man? The
rules dont apply here, because only women can
be designated as victims. No matter how gender
neutral the language may be on the front page of
the organizations website, or their paper
handouts, the principle under which these
organizations function is still man = perpetrator,
woman = victim. That is why I was less than
optimistic when VAWA 2005 included some language
that allowed for help for male victims.
As Jan Brown of DAHMW
has seen, a handful of renegade agencies, who
actually intend to aid victims of domestic violence
rather than using their programs for other,
political, purposes, reacted to the change by
asking her for assistance in treating male victims.
Yet the major organizations have been mostly silent
on this change, possibly because they believe it
can be safely ignored. Their past experience has
shown them they may continue their sexist
practices, as long as the language they use for
public consumption appears to be
This is just one example: In April of 2005, I
was alerted to an article at the ASU student
newspaper entitled, Controlling love
subtitled: Women throughout the world and at ASU
cope with physically and emotionally abusive
As usual in most publications, this piece
focused on the female point of view, but did give a
nod to the fact that men are also victims. This is
all right as far as it goes, but then their
expert consulted on the issue made the
following erroneous statement:
"The truth is, there is just as much support
for male victims as there is for female victims of
abuse. It's a myth that most domestic violence
programs exist only for women. If a center receives
any local, state or government funding, it must
work with victims of both sexes." Christina
Walsh is the spokesperson for the National Center
on Domestic and Sexual Violence.
I recognized that there is little or no support
for male victims in Arizona or anywhere else.
Support for male victims in AZ consists
of a handful of beds at a shelter in Mesa, a
Phoenix suburb, and one or two isolated discussion
groups, which cannot provide practical assistance.
Even though we alerted the newspaper of the factual
error, and provided indisputable evidence to verify
the truth, no correction was ever made, nor did I
ever get so much as a response to my e-mail.
It may be interesting to note the way the
statement from Ms. Walsh was framed. It's a
myth that most domestic violence programs exist
only for women. If a center receives any local,
state or government funding, it must work with
victims of both sexes."
She says must work with. She does
not say provide equal services to.
Certainly, shelters all over the country work
with male victims. They hand them a voucher
for the No-tell Motel out by the freeway, and send
them on their way. This cannot, however, be
construed as equal treatment by any stretch of the
Note that she refers to a myth.
Shelter advocates frequently use this word to
counter anything that disagrees with the standard
party line. We believe this is done because it
takes the discussion out of the realm of hard facts
and logic, where the standard party line tends to
collapse. It also provides a subtle implication
that perhaps anyone considering the myth may well
believe in fairytales.
My two decades of experience with social/human
services programs in general tells me they tend to
provide a service that deals directly with the
issue theyre intended to address. Food banks
provide food, literacy programs teach people to
read, adult day care programs provide respite for
caregivers. Reasons why their clients need those
services are secondarily addressed, if at all,
since they recognize the necessity of dealing with
the immediate issue first, in the way they can.
When they talk about their programs to the public,
the language is generally direct and clear about
what they do. Domestic violence programs are quite
another matter.
By taking the issue of partner abuse, re-framing
it as violence against women, and
placing it into the political arena, it is no
longer possible to address it on a human level.
Reducing the issue to the simplistic, and quite
inaccurate terms in use today is too little;
assigning the same value to all cases is too much.
By insisting only women are victims limits the
overview to half the problem. By treating all
victims as if they were in immediate danger for
their lives is a knee-jerk overreaction that simply
leads to confusion and unnecessary anguish.
Meanwhile, treating all men as if they are
physically battering their wives or girlfriends,
consciously choosing to do that, while believing
they have some right endowed on them by
a patriarchy, is far beyond
rationality. Those in charge of devising solutions
have not bothered to find out what makes an abusive
relationship tick; in favor of choosing to believe
they somehow know all the answers already.
Feminists have always been very good at projecting
their own beliefs and emotions onto others.
The approach is all wrong, from start to finish.
The actual people involved here seem to be left out
of the equation, in all the talk of power and
control, oppression of women, and patriarchy. One
might think this whole issue is just a smokescreen
for something else.
If you look at a number of websites devoted to
the issue, what you will find is much the same
information, from site to site. They are all about
fundraising, expanding their networks, public
policies, community. It's as if they fully expect
that with enough organizations and public policies
the issue will magically go away.
Let's take a look at what a few of these
agencies have to say about themselves.
The Mission of the National Coalition Against
Domestic Violence (NCADV) is to organize for
collective power by advancing transformative work,
thinking and leadership of communities and
individuals working to end the violence in our
NCADV believes violence against women and
children results from the use of force or threat to
achieve and maintain control over others in
intimate relationships, and from societal abuse of
power and domination in the forms of sexism,
racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism,
able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. NCADV
recognizes that the abuses of power in society
foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which
condone violence against women and children.
Therefore, it is the mission of NCADV to work for
major societal changes necessary to eliminate both
personal and societal violence against all women
and children.
The National Center on Domestic and Sexual
Violence (NCDSV
designs, provides, and customizes training and
consultation, influences policy, promotes
collaboration and enhances diversity with the goal
of ending domestic and sexual violence.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
was established in 1996 as a component of the
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
passed by Congress, NDVH is a nonprofit
organization that provides crisis intervention,
information and referral to victims of domestic
violence, perpetrators, friends and families.The
Hotline answers a variety of calls and is a
resource for domestic violence advocates government
officials, law enforcement agencies and the general
There is quite a lot of material on all these
sites devoted to convincing women they are in dire,
immediate, danger, and the only solution is to let
one or more of these agencies help them. You might
find some insight into the way potential victims
are treated by reading the press
kit for NDVH .
What is missing from all these major national
orgs is any mention of research and development, or
seeking new solutions. There is never any whisper
of addressing the issue within the context of the
relationship. It seems fairly clear that what they
want is for society (and the victims in it) to
change to suit them, rather than being responsive
to the needs of society.
Here's a statement from a group called the
Battered Women's Caucus
In order for the domestic violence movement to
facilitate effective and positive social change in
our society, it is imperative that Battered and
Formerly Battered Women have a clear presence and a
loud voice to direct and guide this movement. We
have a commitment to provide compassionate,
respectful support to the women we serve. As a
movement, it is in our best interest to consider
survivor's wealth of knowledge and resources, as
well as represent those who have been silenced.
As Battered and Formerly Battered Women we fight
against the stereotypes dominant culture forces on
us. Then, we turn to the Battered Women's Movement
that purports to validate and support us to find we
must continue to struggle and educate. We refuse to
have our experiences, reactions and our history
pathologies. We will not be defined as having a
psychological malady that caused, created, or
attracted abuse to us and to our lives. We will not
be defined as having a psychological malady because
we have been battered.
The Battered and Formerly Battered Women's
Caucus of the National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence call upon all Battered Woman's Projects,
Organizations and Workers to stop using clinical
language, and mental health/social work models in
their work with Battered Women and Children. These
approaches were embraced to gain respect and
support for the battered women?s movement, but they
have failed to do so. While this approach may have
gained respect and financial advantage for some
battered women?s workers, this language has done so
at a cost of revictimizing, disrespecting and
demeaning Battered Women. It has also inadvertently
aided batterers using institutional systems to
persecute Battered Women, in areas such as child
custody proceedings.
The Battered and Formerly Battered Women's
Caucus of the National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence call upon all Battered Woman's Projects,
Organizations and Workers to recognize that it is
your day-to-day advocacy and interaction with
Battered Women and children that create social
change. Focusing on mental health/social work
models that promote the idea that Battered Women
need treatment distracts from our most immediate
work and deepest belief: the needs she brings to us
for safety, support and justice and her inherent
autonomy to direct her life and define her
The Battered and Formerly Battered Women's
Caucus of the National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence call upon researchers and academics within
the movement to make their primary focus the
cultural and systemic basis of abuse to women and
children. We challenge researchers and academics to
step up as partners in promoting social change to
end battering and sexual assault. We also challenge
them to reevaluate current practice that focuses on
the outcomes of such research that concentrates on
creating and perpetuating the concept of domestic
violence as individual psychopathology and/or as
caused by alcohol/drug abuse. We recognize past
research has increased funding and validity for
some; however, we believe the interpretation and
implementation of such findings has aided in the
suffering and death of the very individuals the
research was intended to serve--Battered Women and
I don't think it can be any more clear this
group is resistant to change.
Heres some commentary from Erin
Pizzey :
1969 saw the first meetings of the feminist
collectives in England. At the same time I was
opening my refuge the feminist movement was looking
for funding and a just cause. The feminists
redefined the Marxist goalposts and declared that
it was MEN (the patriarchs), not Capitalism, that
held power advantages over women and minority
groups (the proletariat), and that all men were now
the enemy. Family life was a dangerous place for
women and children because men used physical and
emotional violence to maintain their power
advantage, and women only ever reacted violently in
Harriet Harman, Anne Coote and Patricia
Hewitt expressed their belief, in a Social Policy
Paper called The Family Way: 'It cannot therefore
be assumed that men are bound to be an asset to
family life, or that the presence of fathers in
families is necessarily a means to social harmony
and cohesion'. These sentiments encouraged the
radical feminist movement to claim that all
men and boys were potential rapists and
She also says:
A gigantic hoax has been perpetrated
and unsubstantiated statistics have been produced
to feed a damaging and disastrous political
ideology which was now a billion-dollar world-wide
industry that discriminated against many innocent
men and fathers...
I don't think I can put it any more plainly than

Domestic Violence 101: The
personal vs. the political Part 5
Conclusion: Proclaiming the End of
domestic violence
The concept that there can or will be an
end to domestic violence is as absurd
as it is impossible. You may as well claim an end
to bigotry, or disloyalty, or unfairness. You could
literally put every man on the planet in jail, and
every woman (even working women, and moms with
boys) in shelters, and that would not solve the
problem. It is still a complex human issue that can
only be approached in human terms, and by those who
understand human behavior. (Or at least have a
better degree of understanding than most.)
Institutionalizing aid for those in need cannot
change the need itself, but only change the process
by which that aid is provided. It de-humanizes the
process. As weve seen in the case of the
structure of HMOs and their method of
distributed healthcare, which have
caused major problems for individuals, this kind of
rigid structure is not always effective or helpful.
Bureaucracies that attempt to address complex
problems restrict the ability of the service
provider, at the bottom rung of the ladder, to deal
with individuals in a way most suited to their
Criminalizing behaviors that in other settings,
are not considered criminal acts but selfishness,
or arrogance, or callousness, is not the answer.
Bullying and scolding abusive people into changing
their behavior is no cure, either, especially when
the abuse has no intentional cause. It must be
recognized that there are many causes for violent,
and abusive behavior, and the two things don't
always exist together in every bad relationship.
Sometimes the behavior can be corrected once the
cause is known; not to seek a cause does every
family affected a disservice since the only option
available to most people today is to destroy their
family first and ask questions later if
For many people, their marriage license means
much more than a piece of paper on the same level
as any other issued by the government. It is not to
be compared with a building permit or driver's
license; it is a sacred trust. Often both parties
in an abusive relationship want to work things out,
but in today's political climate they are not
allowed to do that. The option simply does not
exist, once current services and programs involve
So much damage has been done to people, their
children and their lives because the system has
intervened with bad solutions, in the belief it is
protecting people from themselves, it is simply
There is some hope this terrible system can be
put right. There are whispers of change coming from
many directions. In the UK, their government
decided this year DV services must provide truly
equal help for both men and women, or face
de-funding. In San Diego County, The
California Men's Center
was instrumental in making changes to a training
video, allowing law enforcement professionals to
better comprehend the real nature of domestic
violence. Also in California, a conference was held
in June featuring many of the best-known
researchers, advocates and providers of aid
discussing New Perspectives approaches. Cathy Young
talks about it in the Boston Globe, here. These are
but a few of the encouraging things that are
happening in the field now.
More recently, Governor Schwarzenegger of
California has eliminated state funding for DV
services. Robert Franklin of Fathers and Families,
said about the funding cut at Glenn,
"[W]hatever the motivations behind the
governors decision, remember that hes a
politician and, whatever else may be true, he
considers it politically safe to cut 100% of state
funding for DV shelters."
It's an old axiom that communities tend to
support the most successful social services and
agencies. The current DV industry cannot even
demonstrate usefulness, let alone success.
This does not mean we can expect the entire
industry to go away any time soon. Perhaps those of
us who advocate New Perspectives approaches will
need to redouble our efforts to ensure families
troubled by abuse can get realistic, practical
assistance suited to their unique situations. While
it is not reasonable to expect an end to intimate
partner abuse, it has become reasonable to expect
an end to unnecessary suffering at the hands of
those who claim to do good, while using the issue
as a vehicle for less-admirable ends.

A step forward in San
I'm always encouraged to hear about positive
changes in the way intimate partner abuse is viewed
by public officials.
In March, several groups and individuals sent
letters to the San Diego District Attorney
objecting to a new domestic violence police
training video which the District Attorney funded.
In brief, the video minimized female abuse and
stigmatized males, used false and misleading
information, created a wrongful appearance that
domestic violence usually involves a male
perpetrator and female victim and implied that only
female, or primarily female, deaths result from
domestic violence.
After several phone calls and a face-to-face
meeting between Harry Crouch, who is a member of
the San Diego Domestic Violence Council and
Assistant District Attorney Pat McGrath there is
now an edited version of the video. McGrath noted
that this effort changed the way DAs now view
some aspects of domestic violence, particularly
within the domestic violence unit. While all
failures of the video were not repairable some
were, as incorrect statistical information has been
The DA will send a copy of the revised version,
along with a letter of explanation to all law
enforcement agencies in San Diego County as well as
every government and private agency in receipt of
the first version and request that the first
version of the video be replaced with the second
version, including on departmental intranets.
The DA will also send a letter to the San Diego
Domestic Violence Council and will send a
representative to a regular Domestic Violence
Council meeting to explain the failings of version
According to Harry Crouch, Director of California
Men's Centers ,
"It always amazes me how much can be accomplished
when working as a team, and this was a team effort.
This type of victory and working together in my
view accelerates change within what most view as an
unapproachable bureaucracy."
Among those participating in the project were
Harry Crouch, Marc Angelucci of NCFM
Charles Corry of the Equal
Justice Foundation ,
Phil Cook, author of Abused
Men: the Hidden Side of Domestic Violence,
Davis ,
researcher and author; and Ed Bartlett of RADAR

What is the Violence Against
Women Act about?
Yesterday, I noticed in my Google alerts the latest
of a long line of hateful screeds directed at
anyone who dares challenge the validity and/or
usefulness of the Violence Against Women Act. In
it, I found the usual litany of attack phrases
about bullying and stupidity, not to mention the
veiled accusations of criminal activity.
For the most part, I am fairly used to these,
and not particularly distressed by them. They are
much fewer these days, as the intended audience is
much smaller, and in general more sophisticated in
their choice of pundits and commentators. For the
most part, the only thing accomplished by these
poorly-constructed condemnations of heresy is that
the writer so often gives such a clear picture of
her ignorance of the issues, and the opposition,
while making no considered argument for the points
she is attempting to make. Sometimes
actually more frequently than one would expect
there is no point beyond, these are
bad people, and because I say so you should support
VAWA and anything else I say is about ending
domestic violence.
Occasionally Ill see criticism leveled at
the anti-VAWA group for using some of the same
arguments the pro-VAWA people use, and thats
always good for a (very) small bit of comic
I have yet to see any argument in favor of this
particular piece of legislation that did not
contain some level of hysteria, obscure logic, or
prevarication. Radical feminists, of course have
become proficient at all three over the years,
because I believe that if the general public
recognized the true essence and purpose of VAWA and
its hundreds of associated laws, it would soon be
as dead as todays generation of fruit
Thats not what Im thinking about
right now, however. There was something else that
struck me about the particular work I read,
something that has been nagging at me for some
time. I wasnt clear on exactly what that was,
and so I looked back through the works of this
individual, those on her blogroll, and then through
the websites of some of the so-called
coalitions against domestic violence.
(I use the quotes because that is not essentially
what these orgs are about.)
Then I went through a few of the websites for
shelter programs. It took many hours, but
eventually that elusive thing began to
emerge. Probably the reason it was so hard to pin
down was the fact that this is an absence of
What is lacking in every single program,
website, and written work I looked at is this:
empathy. One could also view it as a lack of
In all of the material, I saw not one word of
concern for the unique individuals that make up the
present and future clientele of these agencies.
They were all very proactive; all about making
somebody, whether it be a group or a person, do
something the agencies want them to do. Even that
empowerment business is really about
substituting the presumed direction of the
designated batterer for the direction
of the program. Never did I see anything about
making a victim comfortable, allaying their fears,
being responsive to the unique situations of
Entirely forgotten in all the talk of power
& control, advocacy, and community organizing
is the human element; the recognition that no two
people have the same situation or the same
opinions and reactions. Wherever you look,
theres this cookie-cutter view of the issue,
that when considered in the light of assisting
families, of providing help, makes no sense
There is no respect for the individuality of the
human beings dealing with a human issue in these
programs; neither is there any respect for the
desires or choices of those human beings.
My years of work in the field of social services
and private charities tells me that this is about
as wrong as it gets for an agency dealing with the
problems of people in the community. Respect for
the individual and compassion for their trouble is
paramount in other agencies, so much so that these
concepts are often addressed in such things as
formal mission statements.
Not so for agencies that work with victims of
domestic violence. For example, here is the first
line of the mission statement for NCADV: The
Mission of the National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence (NCADV) is to organize for collective
power by advancing transformative work, thinking
and leadership of communities and individuals
working to end the violence in our lives.
Their primary concern, then is to organize
for collective power. If you read the whole
thing, you find theyre all about leadership
and laws and community, etc. There is absolutely
nothing about recognition of the autonomy or
independence of the individual. Of course, this is
a national agency, so lets look at what we
find on the state level. (Please note, Im
including snippets only: links are provided to
original material.)
The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic
Violence is a statewide, non-profit
organization of domestic violence agencies and
individuals working to eliminate domestic violence
- Acting as an educational and informational
resource to our member agencies and the
- Advocating for domestic violence concerns in
- Providing a strong, unified statewide voice
for victims of domestic violence and their
children, domestic violence programs, and victim
service providers.
AzCADV Mission Statement:
To lead, to advocate, to educate, to
collaborate, to end domestic violence in
Nothing with respect to the individual there,
Lets try local:
Sojourner Center in Phoenix has no
Mission Statement, rather it has what they call an
Empowerment Philosophy,
Empowerment centers on the belief that women and
children can break the cycle of domestic violence
through supportive intervention because they posses
[sic] the ability to make decisions that
foster healthy, violence free relationships. This
philosophy acknowledges a womens
[sic] competency and offers her support,
resources, advocacy, information, and education,
always striving to equalize power between a woman
and her environment.
At first glance this seems encouraging, but then
one realizes the language is frankly rather odd,
and seems to contradict itself. If women and
children possess the ability to make
decisions that foster healthy, violence free
relationships, then why do they need
empowerment from this program?
While I did note a graphic apparently
representing some artwork at the shelter with the
words, tenderness, and
understanding, I found no recognition
of these concepts elsewhere on the site. Their
approach is exactly the same as other programs
otherwise: divorce and relocation.
Cape Cod Center for Women
To assist and support battered women and their
children in leaving a violent environment and
transitioning to independent living fully connected
to a network of community support and with a
lifelong safety plan.
I could go on and provide dozens more examples,
but I think Ive made the point here, which
Ill repeat: There is no respect for the
individuality of the human beings dealing with a
human issue in these programs; neither is there any
respect for the desires or choices of those human
That is because they are not intended to be
helping programs in the same way as
food banks, literacy programs and the like. They
are politically-oriented institutions designed to
promote divorce and force women, willing or not,
into the workplace. Some state coalitions are quite
clear on their intentions. Right on their
The reality is that VAWA and its multiplicity of
agencies are but one more vehicle to drive American
society to a socialist state. Look at this article
entitled, Marxism versus feminism - The class
struggle and the emancipation of women from the
Youth for International Socialism website.
...The conclusion must be that the oppression of
women by men has always existed and therefore,
presumably, will always exist.
Marxism explains that this is not the case. It
shows that, along with class society, private
property and the state, the bourgeois family has
not always existed, and that the oppression of
women is only as old as the division of society
into classes. Its abolition is therefore dependent
on the abolition of classes, that is, on the
socialist revolution. This does not mean that the
oppression of women will automatically vanish when
the proletariat takes power. The psychological
heritage of class barbarism will finally be
overcome when the social conditions are created for
the establishment of real human relations between
men and women. But unless and until the proletariat
overthrows capitalism and lays the conditions for
the achievement of a classless society, no genuine
emancipation of women is possible.
That rather explains why the radical feminists
just dont seem to give up, doesnt it?
Its strange, but if you read the whole thing
(also other articles) you find the Marxists really
dont like feminists much. If youre up
on the history of feminism, you realize that
theyve tried to piggyback onto other
movements and philosophies for quite some time,
with varying results.
Also consider this:
"To alter the position of woman at the root is
possible only if all the conditions of social,
family, and domestic existence are altered."
(Trotsky, Women and the Family, p. 45.)
I really dont know how much longer we can
continue to allow ourselves to be so misled into
thinking the political operatives in the VAWA
milieu are concerned about either womens
safety or domestic violence. There has been no
progress in the approach to domestic violence in 15
years of VAWA, and five or even 15 years more will
find us in exactly the same position
providing ever more money to ineffective, biased,
The community organizers in charge have no
motivation to change or improve anything, because
it was never about domestic violence in the first

Heres how one
person can make a difference
If you dont think its a good idea that
almost all of the domestic violence programs in the
country exclude most of the people who need help,
if you wonder why nothing has changed in these
programs in decades and they refuse to change the
approach, even though your tax dollars go to fund
them, if you think that divorce and jail
arent solutions but new problems for people
with enough trouble already, there are a couple of
things you can do.
First, you can spread the word. Tell your
Facebook friends, your Twitter followers, and even
your friends in the brick-and-mortar world that
there is a problem here. Each of my articles here
at the Domestic Violence Examiner has a Twitter
button up at the top that will shorten the link so
you can send out the word on an article right from
If you arent yet on Twitter
it is easy and free to set up an account.
You can easily inform yourself on this issue
with the information here, at the Domestic
Abuse Helpline
site, and the RADAR
site. RADAR has an amazing amount of facts, figures
and statistics.
The Violence Against Women Act is coming up for
renewal in 2010, and for the first time since it
began in 1994, we have a very real chance of
stopping it!
If you are new to this issue, you need to be
aware that the Violence Against Women Act was never
about helping women to lead abuse-free lives. It
has always been about promoting a Marxist/feminist
political strategy against men and the family and
nothing else.
Despite 15 years, thousands of women-only
shelters, millions of law enforcement professionals
and others trained, and many billions of your tax
dollars, there is no data on anyone who has
successfully completed these programs, and gone on
to lead lives free of violence with their homes and
families intact. Not one family. Not one woman. Not
one man, or child.
Dont you think thats strange, when
even the smallest local food bank, or drug abuse
program, or literacy center has successes they are
proud to tell anyone who will listen?
Tell your Senators and your Congressmen
its time to address the real issue, with
practical solutions that will not only help people,
but save everybody money in the bargain! Stay
tuned! Over the rest of October Ill be
outlining ways we can begin a grassroots effort to
STOP VAWA and START helping.

The politics of domestic
violence at Forbes
"Earlier this month DoubleX, Slate's short-lived
female-oriented publication (launched six months
ago and about to be folded back into the parent
site as a women's section), ran an article ringing
the alarm about the dire threat posed by the power
of the men's rights movement. But the article,
written by New York-based freelance writer Kathryn
Joyce and titled "Men's Rights' Groups Have Become
Frighteningly Effective," says more about the state
of feminism--and journalistic bias--than it does
about men's groups." Much more here
The fact that a national
publication of the caliber of Forbes is addressing
the issue is a truly hopeful sign -- that one day
the long nightmare of feminist-directed public
policy will be over, and people with the genuine
interests of families at heart can begin to undo
the damage of decades of feminist opportunism.

New campaign launched on
International Men's Day for male victims of family
violence and abuse
Each night when she came from work I would be
tense and nervous. I didn't know in what way she
was going to abuse me. This is Matthews
story: the tale of a man who was regularly abused
by his female partner in his own home.
Unfortunately such stories are commonplace.
Male victims of family violence often face
barriers to disclosing their abuse. They can suffer
shame, embarrassment and the social stigma of not
being able to protect themselves. They are likely
to be told that there must be something they did to
provoke their partners violence.
Alan, another male victim, finally summoned up
the courage to talk to someone about his
partners ongoing sexual abuse. Who to
talk to for advice - family or friends? No way. I
spoke to a doctor. She seemed to listen to my
stammering for a few minutes and then while
scribbling asked, What are you doing to make
her behave that way?.
Dr Elizabeth Celi, a Melbourne psychologist
says, Unlike physical violence, many of the
forms of domestic abuse faced by male victims are
difficult to detect and hard for the man himself to
defend against. A mans health is wrapped up
in his identity. Attacking his self-worth through
various forms of criticism, manipulation and
intimidation are forms of emotional and verbal
violence that we need to learn about as a society
and say Enough!
As well as the effects of violence on men
themselves, their children can suffer a range of
negative impacts on their behavioural, cognitive
and emotional functioning and social development.
Neglecting violence against men means neglecting
these children as well.
As part of this year's International Mens
Day celebrations, a new campaign for male victims
of family violence was launched. The One in Three
campaign is named after the little known fact that
up to one in three victims of sexual assault and at
least one in three victims of family violence is
male (perhaps as many as one in two).
For example, researcher Murray Straus conducted
an extensive study of partner violence by
university students in 32 nations and found that,
in Australia, 14% of physical violence between
dating partners in the past year was perpetrated by
males only, 21% by females only and 65% was mutual
The campaign aims to raise public awareness of
the existence and needs of male victims of family
violence and abuse; to work with government and
non-government services alike to provide assistance
to male victims; and to reduce the incidence and
impacts of family violence on Australian men, women
and children. Supporters of the campaign include Dr
Elizabeth Celi, Maggie Hamilton, author of What Men
Don't Talk About and Steve Biddulph, author of
Hamilton says, Until researching What Men
Don't Talk About I had no idea about domestic
violence towards men. I was shocked to discover
this had touched the lives of several close friends
- men of all backgrounds from manual labourers to
professionals. While we remain silent on this
issue, men continue to be hurt, to be
Biddulph writes, With family violence, we
had to address women and children
first; but in 2009, the troubling nub of
violence is in families where both partners are
violent, as well as those most hidden, where women
hit men. Violence is a miserable way to live, for
perpetrator and victim, and for little children
forced to watch. Today nobody approves of or
accepts wife bashing. Husband bashing needs this
same condemnation and action.
While many services have rightly been
established to support female victims of family
violence, the needs of male victims remain largely
unmet. Acknowledging this imbalance, the Western
Australian Mens Advisory Network recently
commissioned ground-breaking research by Edith
Cowan University into the nature and extent of
domestic abuse against men.
Greg Millan from Newcastles Mens
Health Services was recently contacted by a
womens domestic violence worker who had also
started providing support for men after witnessing
growing numbers of male victims in court without
any assistance. Millan subsequently developed a
training program called Working with Men affected
by Violence, for workers in the domestic violence
and family relationship sector.
On the international front, the Valley Oasis
shelter in Lancaster, California, was the first in
the USA to give refuge to victims regardless of
their gender. Our philosophy is that domestic
violence is a societal problem, said Carol
Ensign, the shelter's executive director.
Nobody deserves to get hit, whether they are
2 months old or 80 years old, whether they are a
man or woman, child or teen. (Note: The
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women also
provides services in the US, as does A New Leaf in
the Phoenix AZ area, and SAFE online -- Ed.)
A groundbreaking Dutch scheme has recently
established shelters for abused men in four major
In Ireland, Amen provides a confidential
helpline, support service and information for male
victims of domestic abuse.
In the UK, the Next Steps Housing Association
has recently created 100 places in 35 refuge houses
for husbands and partners of abusive women.
Confidential helplines for men have also been
established in England and Wales.
The One in Three website can be found at


Praxis Int'l rewarded for
hate speech with 3.5 million federal grant
You might recall in late September Amanda
McCormick, an employee of Praxis International
said, "I think I know a lot of men who deserve to
be beaten," during her keynote address at the
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic
Violence annual conference. Full article here
Yet somehow the OVW chose to overlook both that
and the clear fact that the org has no interest in
serving taxpaying families in the United States
with anything but political ideology. Even stranger
is the fact the WSCADV is participating in this
One has to ask why it was that Amanda felt so
confident in making that outrageous statement when
a project of such magnitude was in the works. This
grant virtually doubles the income of this org,
which is nothing but a PAC in high heels and
The press release is below:
WASHINGTON -- The Office on Violence Against
Women announced November 17 the inaugural class of
the Advocacy Learning Center, a program created to
improve the skills and abilities of advocates to be
a powerful force in the movement to end violence
against women. The Department of Justice's Office
on Violence Against Women awarded a $3.5 million
technical assistance grant in Fiscal Year 2009 to
Praxis International of St. Paul, Minn., to create
the Advocacy Leaning Center.
"The work of advocates is critical to the work
of ending violence against women and providing a
life line to victims," said OVW Acting Director
Catherine Pierce. "Advocates have long been a
source of hope and support to survivors in the
aftermath of trauma, and we will support them and
create a network of strong advocates that will work
together for generations to come through the
Advocacy Learning Center."
The first class of trainees assembled the week
of October 25-30 and included 50 participants from
17 organizations, representing 12 states and one
U.S. territory: Connecticut, Iowa, Kansas, Maine,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Northern
Mariana Islands, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington
and Vermont. Working with other advocates,
participants will develop new ways to define and
structure advocacy, from engaging and working with
survivors to strategizing and acting to change
systems and community responses, and discover what
has made other social change efforts successful.
The full list of participants is attached to this
OVW, a component of the Department of Justice,
provides leadership in developing the nation's
capacity to reduce violence against women through
the implementation of VAWA and subsequent
legislation. Created in 1995, OVW administers
financial and technical assistance to communities
across the country that are developing programs,
policies and practices aimed at ending domestic
violence, dating violence, sexual assault and
For more information, please visit


Stop the Marketing of
Misery and Fear!
The issue of intimate partner abuse has been
reduced to the level of an advertising campaign.
Utilizing techniques most often used to market
sportswear and household cleaners, major
corporations and entertainers are now allowed to
benefit financially from the propagation of
misinformation and fear. To add insult to injury,
Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE), Hillary Rodham
Clinton (D-NY) Harry Reid (D-NV) and Richard Lugar
(R-IN) publicly support this advertising campaign
in order to appear sympathetic to the issue, and
drum up support for the Violence Against Women Act,
which initially funded agencies such as the
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence with
$3.5 billion in feminist pork.
I believe it is time this issue was treated with
the honesty and respect it deserves.
In a public statement announcing the special
screening on Monday of a made-for-TV movie, "Terror
At Home: Domestic Violence In America" the Lifetime
Television network claims this event is intended to
"raise awareness of an issue which affects one in
three women in her life." The event includes a
screening of the movie, and a so-called "panel
discussion" starring entertainer Michael Bolton and
filmmaker Maryann De Leo.
On Tuesday, the senators will join in with a
promotion for the Liz Claiborne Corporation
intended to sell scarves and ties and more
There is no actual, peer-reviewed research from
a bona fide institution expected to be discussed,
nor is anyone with qualifications or experience in
treating intimate partner abuse featured or
showcased at either event. Both events depend
entirely on the hysteria created by Lifetime's
dramatic presentations, and the advocacy research
privately funded by Liz Claiborne for marketing
None of these people care about the needs or
interests of women or families. They care about
their bottom line, or getting reelected. The
American people have been manipulated into
believing such a thing as "gender violence" exists,
completely diverting attention from the actual
problem of intimate partner violence. When you look
at the extent of the junk science they've based it
all on, you have to wonder why.
recently-refurbished website carries blatant
sexism, giving little or no practical advice for
women in abusive situations, in favor of using the
influence of online media to place blame and
promote feminist ideology. It emphasizes only one
solution divorce, while ignoring the real
problem, as do all of the individual state
coalitions and over 5000 federally-funded agencies
across the US.
At stake, for the coalitions and agencies, is
the yearly federal funding, in hundreds of millions
of dollars, provided by the Violence Against Women
Act, which gives validation to these essentially
discriminatory and ineffective programs. These
programs do little more than facilitate divorces,
and enable women with violent tendencies or
addictions to continue their harmful behaviors.
Meanwhile, they play on the emotions of a gullible
public and magnify and misreport the true nature of
the situation.
This is common practice in the marketing world,
but it does nothing to help victims of a very real
human issue. The American people should not be
expected to fund or support any corporation's
marketing campaign, nor should it be expected to
fund the sexism of the NCADV or any of its member
Betrayal of Women
VAWA 2005
In Congress recently, legislators of both parties
from many states are congratulating themselves and
each other, feeling good about themselves and their
concern for battered women.
They are wrong. They are badly misinformed and
VAWA 2005 cannot help women much, if at all.
Worse, it belittles their anguish, ignores their
needs and insults their intelligence. In many
cases, it makes a bad situation so much worse,
its a wonder this kind of approach has lasted
a full decade, since originally being signed into
law in 1994. At the heart of VAWA is the mistaken
presumption that by removing women from their
homes, jailing their husbands and indoctrinating
their children, this will have a positive impact on
intimate partner abuse.
Ten years out, there is no evidence that VAWA
and its myriad programs has been of benefit to
anyone beyond those municipalities, organizations
and individuals who are recipients of VAWA funding,
or employed by VAWA-funded agencies. Claimed
decreases in domestic violence may well represent
only a growing number of women unwilling to turn to
these programs for help.
The newest incarnation represents expansion of
the scope and penetration of the Federal government
into state, local, tribal, and family affairs. It
also introduces federally-approved bias against
ethnic groups and Native Americans.
One Solution to a Complicated Human
While proponents of VAWA would like to believe
that what they call gender violence is
aptly solved by female victims separating from
their male abusers, the actual problem is far more
intricate. There may be a case of mutual abuse, or
an addiction to violence, or a dogged belief that
the abuser will magically change someday. Not all
cases of intimate partner abuse escalate to murder,
or even serious physical harm.
Its much easier for anyone to embrace a
proffered solution to a human problem when a clear
and apparently obvious solution is provided. It all
seems very simple: men = abusers; women = victims.
It has nothing to do with the rest of the world.
The rest of the world is made up of men and women
who want to live together and raise children,
because thats the way our society works.
However, if a woman who loves her husband is not
offered any choice but to leave him, and regard him
as a criminal, and her boys if she has them are
targeted as suspects in future crimes, that is an
insult beyond measure. She does not come out
Public Knowledge
Fueled by disinformation and misunderstanding of
statistical data, the mainstream media has done its
part to pander to the agenda of bureaucrats and
feminist ideologues. During the past year,
Ive seen hundreds of newspaper, TV, and radio
reports from all over the world.
They are nearly all identical, except for local
details. It is like everyone from Maine to Malaysia
uses the same press release, but claims it as their
own local work. Only in a handful of cases has any
reporter from any news outlet challenged the word
of their local shelter advocates.
What isnt reported much is the number of
shelter programs in the US where somebody is facing
litigation or criminal charges, the number of
shelters losing funding due to the fact they are
ineffectual or badly managed, or the shelters
expanding for women only without question, despite
the need otherwise.
The Sacred Cow
Its true that the social institution of
the Domestic Violence shelter has become a sacred
cow, never to be challenged or disputed. How is it
acceptable to give some women and girls priority
over all men and boys, when there is a need for
help across the board?
Yet we do it anyway. This sacred cow needs to be
slain, and autopsied. There are far too many women
and families running afoul of the shelter culture,
and being destroyed as a result. The feminist ideal
on which VAWA rests has long ago moved into the
area of the dusty, best-forgotten archives. Why can
there not be any realistic approach, that takes
into account the intents and desires of
todays women?
The answer to that question is easy so
many programs (and the people who run them) are
simply dependent on VAWA and the self-perpetuating
illogic entailed in the law. Only the most
desperate or manipulative women will enter a
residential program and stay within the untenable
options presented. So the women they see are in
dire straits, or practiced con artists, and
its easy for program managers to presume all
women are in need of this kind of program.
There is nothing in VAWA or shelter bylaws or
rules that require any program to keep track of
their successes or impact on the community. They
dont know if they actually help any women
maintain lives free of violence, and they
dont seem to actually care if they do. What
appears to be important to shelter advocates is the
number of women who divorce or leave their
communities. Some agencies actually count these
women as successes.
Anyone concerned about the fate of women in
abusive relationships will be best served by
contacting their legislator and asking them to vote
against VAWA 2005. Only then will the issue be
approached in a practical manner that does not
destroy women or their families.
Everybody Deserves
On International Womens Day, it is time to
consider the roots of the womens movement of
the 1960s. Back then, the issues were focused on
equal rights for women. In 2005, most if not all,
the issues have been successfully resolved, in
terms of literal equality in western industrialized
nations. The movement has evolved over time into
something more about female supremacy rather than
equality. While there are those women who will
never be content with their lot in life and always
imagine their perceived lack of prestige, or
success, or whatever to be entirely the fault of
men in general, that simply does not apply to women
Most women accept the challenges presented to
them in their lives, work through them, and move on
to enjoy the benefits provided women which may or
may not have existed before. They wish to live full
and balanced lives, and are free to organize the
varied parts of their lives marriage,
children, and career in whatever way they
Generally speaking, the radical elements who
havent yet realized their work is done are
easily dismissed, and most often ignored.
Malcontents in society will always be with us. It
is only when we allow these malcontents to dictate
public policy, and our government to fund programs
to further their extremist philosophies that
society puts itself in harms way.
Such is the case with the issue of intimate
partner abuse, most popularly recognized as
domestic violence. Todays programs are still
operated by the same radical feminists, in the same
ways as they were in the 1970s. The only difference
in these programs is that they are now being given
public funding; to the detriment of any community
which supports these programs. They have ceased to
be helpful, if in fact they ever were.
At the root of the problem is the fact that
domestic violence is neither a political issue, nor
a gender issue. To address this social issue in
this fashion, from this standpoint, is a mistake
which sends victims down a dangerously wrong path.
All it does it set the immediate problem on hold
temporarily while creating a new set of problems
for the victim to confront. Offered no other
choice, victims follow the direction of shelter
programs, unaware the actions suggested will have
ramifications that may never be resolved for years,
possibly even causing permanent, irreparable,
damage to themselves, and their children and
The only victims willingly served by existing
programs are women preferably those with no
male children over the age of 12. Male abusers are
eagerly placed in re-training or incarceration
programs by institutions created to do just that.
There are no effective screening measures in place
in either case to demonstrate evidence of need;
only a verbal request or accusation is ever
The nationwide network of womens shelter
programs actively and constantly remind the public
that men are to blame for the problem, and
naturally enough, refuse to aid male victims or
female abusers. (While many programs claim to serve
all, in an awkward attempt to address the public
perception they provide assistance without regard
to gender, in practice there are few
equally-accessible services available for anyone
other than female victims and male abusers.) This
same network maintains a stranglehold on public
funding for domestic violence services, and goes to
great lengths to prevent agencies intending to
serve those other populations from doing so.
It is time this project in the cause of feminist
ideology came to an end.
Everything You Thought You Knew about Domestic
Violence is Probably Wrong
There is a morass of confusing dogma surrounding
the subject. It is often lumped together with other
issues of stalking, sexual assault and divorce
which are in fact, entirely separate issues and
should not be considered in the same way, and at
the same time.
However, the establishment in charge of these
programs has found it expedient and profitable to
allow the confusion. In fact, it could be said that
misconstruction and partial truth is the hallmark
of feminist marketing and activism. This has worked
well for them for decades, but in these days of
transparency and accountability, the abilities they
may have had in the past to revise everything from
history to the laws of physics are no longer so
Some misconceptions have become part of
conventional wisdom. But, just because
everybody says so doesnt mean
everybody is right. Here are some of the most
widely-repeated tales:
95% of victims of domestic violence are women.
This came to be due to either a misunderstanding or
an outright manipulation of Dept of Justice
figures. While it seems logical to shelter
personnel, that is because shelters are in practice
open to women only. Female victims are the only
victims they see.
There is an epidemic of domestic violence. Since
the actual meaning of the term is something to the
effect of a greater than usual amount of
cases, it cant possibly apply. Nobody
knows what is usual in the first place. From a
marketing perspective, the word sounds good for
emotional effect, but thats all.
Domestic violence is unknown and unrecognized.
We maintain a running search for articles in media
and online, and even on a slow day there will be
about 50 articles relating to the issue.
Ironically, many of those articles contain a quote
from somebody saying nobody ever talks about
domestic violence. A recent Google search for the
term yielded 5,810,000 results.
Battering always escalates, and the eventual
conclusion is death. This untrue, unsupportable
statement gives some important insight into the
mindset of those running shelter programs. They do
not recognize their clients as individuals, and
there is no provision in shelter programs for
meeting the needs of individuals. Therefore, it is
easy to make blanket statements regarding this
situation, despite a lack of actual evidence.
Domestic violence is a deliberate pattern of
power and control. While this is true in some
cases, it cannot possibly be true all the time.
Again, this relates to the inability of current
programs to treat victims as individuals. It also
reflects on the viewpoint of feminist-run shelters
that domestic violence is political in nature. In
this ideology, men are the cause, and women are the
hapless victims, unable to deal with their problems
without outside intervention.
We can have an end to domestic violence, if only
_________. This purely human problem has been with
us long before it was given a name, and will be
with us as long as we continue to be human.
Certainly, we can have an end to the parts of it
engineered by the feminists as soon as control of
these programs is given to apolitical professionals
with an understanding of family problems. It is
unreasonable to even consider there will be a day
when there is no domestic violence whatsoever, just
as it is unreasonable to consider there will ever
be an end to crime, greed, or any other human
How Did Things Get This Way?
People in general, and Americans in particular,
have a deep well of compassion and concern for
other individuals. Yet, in the 20th Century there
was a new reliance on the word of
experts in dealing with personal
issues, as the population became increasingly
mobile and separated from the extended family
situations of earlier times. The 20th Century was
also a time when socialist ideals became attractive
to a people faced with issues such as unemployment
and alcoholism. Welfare programs, such as those
established in the Great Depression of the 1930s
appeared to succeed, even though Prohibition on
alcohol did not.
Still, there was an acceptance of the idea that
politicizing and criminalizing dysfunctional human
behaviors was an appropriate means of dealing with
those kinds of issues. By the 1960s, socialist
activists and various groups seeking improved
levels of social acceptance for specific groups of
people appeared all over the country.
Among these groups were the feminists, who
claimed to want equal rights for women.
This term was, and still is defined differently,
depending on who is using it. What the most radical
and militant feminists considered equal rights
included dominance over men, and the dissolution of
marriage and traditional family structure. This
would be replaced with government control,
including placement of children in public childcare
facilities from birth to adulthood.
By the 1970s, most of the more-realistic goals
of equality for women were achieved, leaving the
radical elements with few issues to confront. Here
and there, shelters and services were beginning to
be established to help battered women, which were
prime targets for the radical feminists. These were
usually small grassroots efforts run by people with
little or no experience in political activism. The
only thing the early shelter volunteers had in
common with the radical feminists was sometimes a
shared hatred of men and everything they did. This
happened often enough that the feminists were given
free rein in their activism. What had once been
agencies providing simple aid on a volunteer basis
became massive concerns, with infrastructure,
staffing, and funding to match.
The well-publicized goal of these programs was
an end to domestic violence. Advocates
for these programs were constantly lobbying
legislatures at all levels for favorable laws
fostering divorce, and criminalization of perceived
abusive behaviors by men, as well as
ever-increasing levels of funding. No law, no
amount of funding, was ever enough.
Any legislator, researcher or public figure of
any kind who attempted to object to this level of
government control of private lives, who suggested
seeking solutions other than divorce or that men
and women were equally responsible for the problem
was labeled a misogynist, an abuser, or worse. Many
careers have been ruined by shelter advocates
resisting change or accountability for their
programs. Some questioning these programs have even
suffered threats of physical harm or specious
lawsuits. This kind of behavior on the part of
anti-male, anti-family factions of the radical
feminist movement continues today.
In 1994, the initial Violence Against Women Act
was passed, and a new social problem was recognized
by Congress. Gender violence was
claimed by advocates to be the #1 issue facing
women everywhere. Despite the fact the term has no
meaning on its own, the law passed, and $3.5
billion dollars in public funding was earmarked for
these women-only shelter programs.
Meanwhile the general public, believing the
problem was under the control of well-meaning
experts, not only supported this act, but
encouraged the programs to expand and the laws to
become more restrictive and inequitable.
Legislation suggested by shelter advocates moved
farther and farther away from the core issue as
time went on. Today it is almost impossible to have
a discussion of either divorce or domestic violence
without mentioning the other, or bringing in the
blame issue.
We are no closer to finding practical solutions
to the problem, for either victim or abuser, than
we were when the first shelter was established in
1971 by Erin Pizzey. Her early attempts at
providing equitable services were promptly
eradicated by the feminist takeover of shelter
services everywhere.
What Can We Do to Change Things?
First, the public needs to recognize the
difference between the fictions promoted by those
implementing an ideology, and the reality of the
situation. Those who have been able to avoid
intervention by the established domestic violence
industry, and study the problem using accepted
scientific methodology and objectivity have found a
quite different problem than is generally claimed.
Intimate partner abuse is something that can often
be addressed in other ways than the overly
simplistic intervention/divorce/relocation scenario
provided by existing programs.
There are also different people involved. While
the male abuser/female victim is part of the
picture, there are also female abusers, male
victims, mutual victim/abuser situations, serial
victims, and a small group of those who appear to
have an addiction to violence.
There is a nascent, but emerging pattern of
individuals and groups seeking alternatives to the
ideological approach, which could be encouraged to
come forward. In some locales, human services
programs have deliberately removed themselves from
the national network of services in order to serve
their communities without interference. Some
agencies, that depend on the funding and networking
opportunities provided by the national network,
have an unspoken, but functioning open door
policy that provides those limited services
allowed by the network to a greater population than
only the female victims mentioned earlier. Others,
such as the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men,
function independently of the network, as it has
repeatedly been refused admission.
While the issue is nowhere near as cut and dried
as is publicized today, an opening up of inquiry,
allowing honesty and objectivity to prevail will go
a long way itself to provide otherwise-unknown
solutions for some cases. Here and there, in
isolated shelters and counseling programs, are the
seeds of these new, and unidentified
Federal, state, and municipal government needs
to stop funding organizations that are using public
monies for ideological purposes and divert those
funds to those who are operating on equitable
terms, and providing practical assistance to
members of their communities without regard to
A serious investigation of organizations such as
the Violence Against Women Office, National
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the National
Domestic Violence Hotline, and the individual state
DV coalitions needs to be undertaken, and criminal
charges filed where necessary, if misappropriation
of government funds or other wrongdoing is found.
Civil litigation needs to be pursued in those cases
where these agencies and coalitions have caused
economic or other actionable damage to communities
and individuals.
Legislators and public officials at all levels
of government who have opposed the feminist-based
programs and been hesitant to speak out due to fear
of political repercussion should be encouraged to
make their positions clear, by taking the lead in
restoring their communities to the sanity of equal
treatment for all.
In addition, they can withdraw and/or oppose any
legislation that is related to increasing criminal
penalties for domestic violence. Past laws have
been proven to be of little value, and only serve
to add to the burden of already overcrowded prison
populations. They are only reflections of the
politicization of human relationships, which is
part of the feminist ideology, and has no place in
addressing domestic violence from a humanitarian
point of view.
Screening procedures must be developed to ensure
that applicants can demonstrate a need for services
of any kind. There is no screening procedure in
place today, and many cases of abuse of the system
itself go unrecognized. Current services have
resisted any suggestion that they either screen
applicants or network with other agencies to avoid
duplicating efforts.
Finally, since there is no procedure in place to
determine whether shelters actually aid women in
becoming free of abuse in their lives, there should
be some way to establish independently whether
these shelters provide the community with any
service at all.
Some have said to me that this idea of scrapping
VAWA entirely is the wrong approach, that we should
simply correct the problems and give this system
credit for the good it has done. If I knew of any
actual good to anyone, I would give credit where
credit is due. Ive been writing about this
issue since 1999 and not once have I ever had a
single positive e-mail about womens shelter
services from a recipient of same. I dont
believe they come away from these programs any
better off than before.
Allowing these prejudicial, deeply biased and
regressive programs to continue unchecked will only
serve to add to the numbers on the welfare rolls,
in the jails and under the care of
government-sponsored child protective agencies.
In the United States of America, in the 21st
Century, our families deserve better.
Violence Against Women
Act Ignores Epidemic Of Violent Women
In the past few weeks newspapers all over the
country have been brimming with accounts of women
who engaged in monstrous crimes.
To avoid giving offense, I provide only the
sketchiest of details here: Dena Schlosser severed
off both of her daughters arms with a knife.
Nathshay Ward starved her three children to death.
Kim Tran mutilated her boyfriend in a gruesome act
of revenge.
These women dont exist, and these gruesome
crimes never happened.
At least thats what the Violence Against
Women Act would have us believe. Passed initially
during the Clinton administration, VAWA is a $4.9
billion law based on the simple formula: Man =
perpetrator, Women and children = victims. It is
aided and supported by similar legislation in each
of the 50 states, and each of those supply more
millions of dollars in public funding.
The formulation has been widely accepted,
perhaps because it appeals so powerfully to male
legislators sense of chivalry, and plays so
strongly on female legislators sense of fear
and vulnerability, or in some cases, revenge.
Feminist ideology elaborates on that formula.
The reason why men, and only men, beat their wives,
is in order to maintain their power and control.
Its all part of mens patriarchal
privilege, you see.
Of course, thats sheer hooey.
In my five decades of existence, I have
personally known men who were physically violent to
their wives or girlfriends. These men were anything
but powerful. They were angry, frightened, and yes,
they felt powerless. The same applies to the
abusive women I've known.
Psychologist Martin Fiebert has compiled the
results of over 100 studies that examine partner
violence. The results? Women are just as likely to
commit domestic violence as men.

By ignoring the male victim, the Violence
Against Women Act does a gross disservice to men.
That goes without saying. VAWA also violates one of
our most cherished Constitutional protections:
equal treatment under the law.
But VAWA also does an enormous disservice to
American women.
VAWA has created a veritable dragnet of social
workers, counselors, judges, emergency room
workers, and others. All are on the lookout for
evidence of partner aggression against women. But
remember, VAWA contains the ideological message
that women are never perpetrators, so soon the
female aggressor becomes invisible.
Look at Dena Schlosser, Nathshay Ward, and Kim
Tran. These women were mentally deranged. No doubt
there were warning signs months and years ago. VAWA
has imposed ideological blinders on our society
which say, Ignore the female aggressor,
because the problem really lies with patriarchal
How does that message benefit women?
It also presumes an insulting, basic disability
in women to recognize a bad situation and deal with
it, utilizing their own abilities. Under VAWA, men
are abusive and women are idiots. Only through
accessing the community services mentioned above,
can women be empowered to give over
their lives to something even more oppressive than
that imagined patriarchy. There is no mention or
consideration of extended family intervention in
the truly anomalous instances of abuse, either.
Worse, women who recognize they are harming
their families and try to seek help find only a
presumption by strangers that they are actually not
at fault for anything. They are freely given the
tools and aid to continue and escalate their abuse.
Any suggestion to womens shelters that they
make some effort to screen applicants has been met
with the protestation that screening would be
too hard.
In the meantime, an unprecedented chilling
effect has begun affecting personal relationships.
Many of the behaviors which used to be part of the
socially accepted courting ritual are now deemed by
the VAWA nannies to be stalking, and
therefore any single man who persistently
approaches a woman in hopes of forming a
relationship is now at risk of arrest and
incarceration. Young girls are constantly bombarded
with messages at school, in media, and online about
the awful risk of contact with boys.
VAWA has effectively guided society right back
into the Victorian era.
Forty years ago the feminist revolution swept
our nation, affording unprecedented opportunities
for women to make their own choices about their own
lives, and to leave their mark on history.
So what will future historians have to say about
the current womens movement? That it falsely
branded our husbands and boyfriends as batterers?
That it ignored abusive women who needed help? That
it substituted compassion and reason for a
vindictive gender ideology? That it made life worse
for women? Will that be our legacy?
Change This: Today's
Programs for Domestic Violence
This is something I havent written much about
in recent months; in fact its been almost a
year since Ive engaged in much public
activism. There was a time, though, when I thought
of little else. For nearly four years I wrote,
e-mailed, faxed, phoned, and even spoke to groups
in public about this. I worked many hours each day
in this truly unpopular cause.
The odd thing was that when I got into a
discussion either online or in person, with people
not directly involved with the issue, I found most
people agreed with me.
Yet in the larger arenas of the Big3 Traditional
media, and the places where the other side of the
story most need to be heard the
legislatures, the universities, the charitable
institutions Ive been labeled worse
than a traitor, or more often, simply ignored. My
ideas are simply not politically correct. The
mistaken belief in these most influential quarters
is this:
To give voice to the reality of the serious
problems and mistakes in the way we now approach
the issue of domestic violence is the same as
saying women do not deserve any help.
This belief is persistent and close to universal
among these people, although entirely illogical and
untrue. Not one of the dozens or possible hundreds
of people seeking change has ever used that phrase,
to my knowledge.
Im not suggesting the baby be thrown out
with the bathwater; Im saying the tub is
being filled from a mud puddle, and that dirty
water is no good for a bath.
Before I began my activist campaign, I had about
fifteen years experience working either as
paid staff or volunteer at the administrative level
for small private charities. I know how these
non-profits work.
This is a complex, long-standing issue, so bear
with me for a few paragraphs as I go back about
thirty years to the beginning of what we now know
as womens shelters. The first one
Im aware of was established in England in
1971. This one, as well as those that soon
followed, were established as places where women in
immediate danger of physical injury or those being
repeatedly beaten by their husbands could go and
begin to get some help. Back then, it was difficult
for a woman to find any assistance in these cases.
Society did not want to admit this kind of problem
existed, and these shelters and programs were
limited mainly due to reasons of funding and
staffing, etc. These were practical difficulties,
rather than those of a theoretical or belief-based
It was not easy in the Seventies to set up this
kind of program. There were no established grants,
no specialties relating to domestic violence in the
fields of psychology or medicine, no peer-reviewed
studies to prove the existence of a problem.
Shelters were generally set up by one woman, or a
small group who managed to seek out funding and
provide the buildings and staff. These same people
established the procedures for aiding victims
because there was nobody else. Few programs were
established by anyone with education or training in
psychology or medicine; they were mainly lay people
with an interest in helping female victims of
domestic violence. The emphasis for designing
procedures was on the practical.
It took a special kind of woman who was able to
draw on her inner strength, remove herself and her
children from her home, and step off into an
unknown void, with no assurance that even the most
basic needs for herself and her children could be
filled. This kind of woman was likely to make the
best of a tragic situation and with a little help
and encouragement from a shelter, build a stable
life, while doing her utmost to prevent an
unfortunate circumstance, or bad relationship to
repeat in her life.
The clear solution for this woman was to divorce
her abuser. In that same era, divorce laws around
the country began to be relaxed, and many
previously-battered women took advantage of the
changes in order to help themselves. Shelter staffs
could recognize the value in this situation for
their clients, and established these procedures for
all their clients, based on the successes of the
first group of women they helped.
Some women found their now ex-husbands not
taking kindly to the fact their wives had left
them, and attempted further violence against them.
So, shelters also established programs that would
assist these women in relocating to other states,
and even changing identities.
There was a one-solution-fits-all approach
established, but apparently it was never recognized
this solution did not fit all.
Around the same time, the feminist movement
began to take hold. Widely circulating catchphrases
like, men are pigs, and a woman
needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle were
taken less than seriously by most people, myself
included, when in fact they were meant in deadly
earnest by those originating them. I dont
know whether the issue of domestic violence was
hijacked, by the feminists in order to
keep their own funding coming, as claimed by Erin
Pizzey, the woman who established that first
English shelter. It could have been that way or
some other, but in any case, some of the
more-radical feminist ideology began creeping into
the inner workings of domestic violence
There was plenty of feminist writing circulating
at the time. It was highly fashionable, and an
important part of the days societal issues.
There is certainly nothing wrong with anyone having
an opinion. Unfortunately, domestic violence began
to be identified as one of the myriad
womens issues in the minds of the
general public. Domestic violence is an issue that
cannot be regarded as affecting only one sex. How
could this single question out of the many
associated with marriage and family affect only
women, when other concerns affect both men and
women equally? It just cant. To presume
otherwise defies logic.
It is understandable why mistakes were made so
early on. Many, if not most, womens shelters
were established by victims themselves, and/or
their friends or loved ones. In my experience
working directly with domestic violence victims, it
is quite impossible for them to see the matter
objectively, and there really isnt any reason
they should. After all, people who are passionately
devoted to a cause make good activists,
fundraisers, and volunteers. They are often bent on
revenge, and while this may be only a phase when
victims are getting treatment, it is not productive
when it comes to allowing these individuals
positions of authority.
Where the problem enters is when those
passionate victims or survivors are in charge of
administrative functions, or directing the future
and policies of an established organization. The
strong bias that serves their organizations so well
in other capacities becomes a liability when it
comes to the areas requiring pragmatism and an
objective viewpoint. In most social services kinds
of agencies, these positions are held by people who
can understand the needs of the clientele, but at
the same time are not personally affected by the
issue the agency addresses.
As time went on, grants from both governments
and private foundations became available, studies
were done, and laws reflecting a
more-enlightened attitude regarding
domestic violence were passed. From just a few
shelters for women back in the 1970s, there is now
at least one shelter, program, or some kind of
service for abused women in each of the over 1300
counties in the United States. Funding for these
and their associated agencies concerned with such
areas as divorce and child custody now approach
billions of dollars a year nationwide.
Please note the change in terminology. The
definition of domestic violence has changed to
include a wide variety of circumstances, some of
which would not be considered violence in other
kinds of contexts. Hence, the change from
battered women to abused
women. While it is understandable that this
has been done in order to improve outreach and
encourage victims to seek aid, it has also opened
the door to manipulation of services and even the
issue itself by those with less-than-honest
Todays Programs
In the shelter programs themselves, little or
nothing has changed since inception of programs.
Even with funding available and numerous programs
now in existence, only a portion of those
immediately affected by domestic violence are able
to find help.
Why has this happened? Are there so many more
battered/abused women the programs cant serve
them? The answer to that is a resounding,
no. The actual incidence of domestic
violence has declined somewhat. The thing that has
changed is the kind of potential client. Other
needs have begun to be recognized. While there are
still battered women, who fit the profile of the
kind of situation shelters are designed to address,
there are also battered men. In addition, while
many organizations have rudimentary programs for
male abusers, female abusers are hardly
acknowledged. Ignored entirely, and frequently
claimed by shelter advocates not to exist at all
are those who are addicted to violence. Sometimes
referred to as serial victims, these
women are enabled in their addiction by policies of
the programs in service today. (Because available
programs serve exclusively women in most cases,
there isnt much known about male serial
victims, but there is no reason to presume they do
not exist.)
Domestic violence programs are still focused on
that small group of women they were able to help so
successfully in the 1970s. Today, a woman
approaching a shelter is offered the single choice
of divorce, and relocation if deemed necessary.
There are seldom policies restricting a woman using
the same services multiple times, which is where
the enablement factor regarding serial victims
enters in. These women often use the shelter stay
only as a cooling off period before returning to
her abuser, or as a hiatus between different
abusers. Because there is no recognition or
practical help for these women, they could easily
become part of the statistics and publicity the
programs use to put forward their numbers of women
murdered in domestic violence.
Some programs offer so-called anger
management courses for male abusers, but
abusive women looking for help are often rejected
as not qualifying for services, sometimes forced
into victims programs against their will.
There are no dedicated residential shelter
programs for male victims. The few services that
exist for men are only small, severely-restricted
parts of established programs for women. There is
one non-sexist shelter in Lancaster California, and
only one nationwide hotline, The Domestic Abuse
Hotline for Men, giving direct help for male
There are many reasons for this non-response to
changing times. Anyone who has worked in or with
any social/human services program will recognize
that organization personnel often become
gatekeepers for their programs. Outside
influences and change are summarily rejected,
and/or viewed with suspicion. Unlike the private
business sector, where companies change both
policies and staff with relative frequency, social
services tend to retain administrators and board
members for lengthy periods. Often a retiring
administrator will return to serve on a board of
directors, or as a volunteer in other areas, while
still retaining her influence in the organization.
In the case of domestic violence services, many of
those who established operations decades ago are
still in the same positions of administration or
sit on boards.
Domestic violence services are in fact, notable
for their lack of change. While nearly all other
organizations in the social services field have
grown and begun using different kinds of client
services, adopted new fundraising techniques and
ways of communicating with the public, domestic
violence services have only gotten bigger, and
reached farther.
Shelter staffers and advocates would argue that
they have changed significantly and point to the
many activist campaigns and other things
theyve been involved in. The problem is that
most of the active areas of their sphere of
influence have nothing to do with expanding or
improving client services in domestic violence.
Evidencing the Need
One of the earliest promotional techniques by
non-profits and business alike, and one still in
use today, is to use advocacy research as an
informational device. For the uninitiated, advocacy
research is a study conducted by a company hired by
the organization to use some numbers or statistics
to call attention to a problem. The general public
reacts well to claimed studies, because it lends
validity of a sort to the opinions of an advocacy
group. Since the organization or a friendly donor
is paying for this research, the conclusions are
foregone. Sometimes an organization will conduct a
study on its own, and there are even federal grants
available for this purpose. This is common practice
among many kinds of organizations. Still, the
results of these kinds of studies are not objective
in any way, neither are they scientifically or
statistically valid.
Occasionally an organization will fudge some
numbers a bit from an independent study, to
emphasize a point. This practice is so common among
non-profits it is hardly worth mentioning.
Generally speaking, it is never done to
misrepresent or evade the truth. There is always
genuine information to be had, and readily
provided, by organizations in the social services
There have been so many of these kinds of
studies, so much number fudging done over the years
in the domestic violence field, that today most
people even degreed professionals in fields
of psychology or social work dont
recognize how very little bona fide, analytical
research has ever been done in this area.
While any organization will use studies and
research that agrees with their goals and
intentions, only in the field of domestic violence
has advocacy research come to be relied upon as
actionable truth. Every October, in newspapers
across the country, you will see the statement most
shelters live on today: 95 percent of victims
of domestic violence are women. This
statement has no basis in fact whatsoever, not to
mention it simply makes no logical sense. Ask any
shelter director, however, and she will swear this
statement is true. She will also most likely
believe it herself. That is because shelter
personnel only see those clients their agencies
serve, which are limited by policy or custom to
female victims.
There is a US Department of Justice study that
says 85% of the cases on record report a woman as
the victim. In other words, the cases they know
about. They dont claim to know about all the
cases, because most are never reported, or if
reported, are often classified as something else.
You can verify this statement simply by asking any
experienced police officer, or crime reporter at a
local newspaper. Yet the 95% statement alludes to
knowledge of all victims, when that cannot be
To add to the confusion, there is often
manipulation of figures to present an exaggerated
count of the number of clients served. Without
additional explanation, a member of the general
public can easily make the mistake of thinking the
term, service unit represents the
number of people using a service. In fact, the term
refers to one night in one bed. Often, an agency
presenting these figures will accompany them with a
statement such as We served 23,000 women and
children last year. This does not mean the
agency has 23,000 clients; it means it provided
23,000 service units. A mother with two children
who spends a week at the shelter will be
represented multiple times in this number. Without
accompanying information, such as the number of
beds, and the number of days in the time period
used for calculation, this figure is useless in
determining the actual number of unduplicated
What seems to be happening here is that
theyve come to believe their own
Check a few websites for womens shelters
or advocacy orgs, and youll see a remarkably
similar set of factoids presented as truth or proof
of their basic attitude. Only women are
victims, only men are abusers. The quote here
is mine; Ive never seen the statement
published anywhere, but I have no doubt it is the
guiding philosophy. It is very clear the programs
have an interest bordering on fanaticism in serving
their portion of those they could feasibly serve.
However, some shelter websites and other public
information items seem determined to demonize and
criminalize men, to the point where men have told
me it feels to them like a legitimized hate
campaign. One particular case hit home: In late
2002, my son fell off a ladder and broke his wrist.
As a result, he spent many hours in the emergency
room at his local county hospital. They had many
posters at various locations designed as part of an
outreach program for domestic violence victims.
Each of them was focused on female victims, and
some went so far as to suggest all men are at fault
for the problem. My son was uncomfortable enough
that he wondered if hed inadvertently
stumbled in to some kind of place where men would
not be given adequate treatment.
The womens shelters will be quick to point
out there is no exclusionary or hate speech
intended, but rarely, if ever, has an established
women-only program examined its public statements
in light of the way they are received by those
being accused.
What other area of social services exists to
serve one segment of the community while blaming
another for the problems they purport to
Thirty Years of Progress?
I mentioned earlier that domestic violence
services have only gotten bigger, and reached
farther. What I mean by this is that their
definition of domestic violence has expanded to
include as victims women who would not previously
be thought to be in need of residential shelter
services. They have also begun to focus on their
thirty-year-old solution applicable only to some
victims divorce and made it nearly
the prime focus of their programs. These agencies
are spending in some cases, the majority of their
time in activist projects related to divorce and
all its ancillary issues. Meanwhile, there is
almost no attention being paid to finding new ways
to address the care and treatment of those directly
affected by domestic violence.
There should have been some progress made in
thirty years. Agencies that address other issues,
such as food banks and homeless programs, have made
dramatic changes in the way they serve their client
population, but have not diverted from their
initial function.
It is almost as if domestic violence programs
have become divorce assistance programs instead of
havens for battered women. Even programs owned and
operated by the Catholic Church function the same
way in promoting divorce as the only solution for
domestic violence. One can only wonder why.
Divorce as a Cure
An accusation of domestic violence has become
almost a given these days in contested divorce
actions. Far more often than not, these accusations
are only cases of one party in a divorce action
deciding to work the system. Even the
accuser, when questioned more specifically, away
from the court setting, will often admit no actual
violence has ever occurred.
In my local community of Yuma, Arizona, we have
a shelter. Just like any other womens
shelter, they remove a woman from her home, and
assist her in divorce. They also provide
counseling for any male children, in
order to ensure they will not take on the violent
traits presumed to be inherited from their father.
No special attention is given to female children,
who are presumed to be totally non-violent due to
their gender.
The Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence
claims a 70% success rate. What they
consider a success is a woman removed from her home
and marriage, never to return. There is no
follow-up to find out if clients go on to improve
their lives or if the situation occurs again.
Here is how it works today: All a woman needs to
do is present herself in some way. She may phone or
show up at a facility if she knows where it is.
There is no procedure for determining the validity
of her claim, or if she is simply one of those
working the system.
She will then be accepted if there is space in
her local shelter, where she will be instructed in
all kinds of ways to apply for government programs,
changing her identity, relocating to another state
or country, and implementing favorable divorce
If she has named her alleged abuser, she can put
legal actions such as orders of protection in
place. (Most people dont realize an
accusation of domestic violence is enough to
restrict military personnel from re-enlisting, and
others such as doctors or teachers to lose
professional licensure. This accusation is
irrevocable in some cases, so the accused can never
work again in his established career, no matter if
the accusation was valid or not, recanted or
Nearly all the elements of treatment of a
domestic violence victim go back to the issue of
physical separation and/or divorce.
It should be obvious this emphasis on divorce
has little or nothing to do with the treatment of
domestic violence victims or abusers. Yet somehow,
divorce with all its related problems has become so
deeply ingrained in todays domestic violence
services they are sometimes seen as inseparable
aspects of the same issue. Unfortunately for both
clients and agencies alike, this has resulted in a
situation where nobody wins but those few bent on
revenge against violent husbands. They likely get
some emotional satisfaction from their efforts, but
at what price to the community?
Violence Knows no Gender
Because of the inexplicable and unsupportable
view of domestic violence by current services, the
shelters and programs exclusively for abused women
are becoming harmful to both clients and the
community at large, in their practices.
In the shelter culture, victims are considered
deserving of treatment and aid; abusers are the
enemy, deserving of retribution. All people fit
into one category or the other. The sex of the
individual plays a major part in this
determination. There is no recognition of the grey
areas most often present in other kinds of human
experience, neither is there any recognition of the
expanded roles of women in society. This view is
not only myopic, but sexist. There is no reason to
presume in 2004 that a woman lacks or possesses any
particular kind of capability due to her gender,
yet domestic violence services perpetuate outmoded
myths in all their fundraising and outreach
This kind of discrimination is not acceptable in
other agencies, and the general public could be
forgiven for supposing the same rules apply to
domestic violence services. However, under the
national Violence Against Women Act, this kind of
bias is not only accepted but encouraged. Some
municipalities, in support of this misguided
attempt to secure more-universal help for female
victims, have passed laws and ordinances such as
the one passed by Los Angeles County, which defines
all domestic violence as a crime perpetrated by a
man against a woman.
The most troubling aspect of the entire
situation to me, as an advocate for the un-served,
and underserved populations, is the evident lack of
compassion or humanity projected by most services.
Ive heard horror stories from women bullied
and threatened into accepting shelter services when
they hadnt asked for help, or felt they
needed it. Ive heard of public fundraising
events where women were encouraged to physically
assault and humiliate men; behavior that could get
them arrested at any other time. Any suggestion to
an agency that violence addicted people are in need
of their help is either met with resentment and a
counter-charge of blaming the victim,
or laughed off. Other agencies that serve addicted
individuals recognize addictions as conditions
needing treatment; why wont they?
Id like to know the reasons behind the
stagnation and resistance to change these services
demonstrate. Why have they not recognized the
realities of domestic violence as it exists in the
21st Century? Why do they cling so zealously to
unsupportable data and continue to insist their
view of woman equals victim, man equals abuser is
the only correct one? And last, why is it they put
so much energy into what is ultimately a
destructive solution for a severely limited number
of individuals?
Of course, the most effective answer would be
for all the services to dump their ineffective
treatment modalities and harmful ideas, and start
fresh. In light of the fact that the industry has
taken three decades to come to this pass, that idea
is not realistic. There are too many individuals
depending on the status quo for their livelihood,
some of whom quite literally would not know how to
make a living any other way.
I do have confidence that the transparency
beginning to emerge in media, business, and
government will soon reach the non-profit sector.
There will come a time when even the friendliest
media outlet will no longer accept the oft-repeated
factoids at face value and insist on data from
authoritative sources. Funding organizations, both
public and private, will begin to ask hard
questions and expect answers based in verifiable
fact. This will take time, however. There is a
powerful lobby in Washington and each of the fifty
states with a vested interest in seeing programs
continue on their current course of blame, shame,
and division. It will take an equally powerful
mandate from the people to change this course to
one directed for the public good.
If I had one thing, and only one thing I could
do to effect change, it would be to abolish VAWA.
It is a bad, counterproductive law, which has done
much to exacerbate the previously existing problems
in domestic violence services. When it was passed
ten years ago, it was not intended to limit
services to a fraction of those requiring
assistance; however, that has been the pragmatic
result. It has given gender discrimination
validation and stalled productive inquiry into the
issue in ways never expected.
There is no reason domestic violence services
could not serve the community in its entirety at
current levels of funding. The argument given by
shelter advocates that they could not serve the
others without taking away from female victims does
not hold water. Research conducted in an objective
manner would no doubt show the actual number of
bona fide victims to be considerably smaller than
currently recognized. Functional screening
processes in combination with a set of qualifying
standards would determine if anyone requesting
services had a verifiable need for shelter.
Alternate, off-site programs, similar to the kind
of outpatient care used by other services could be
implemented; funded by the budget previously used
to pursue divorce activism.
Finally, domestic violence services must get out
of politics and out of the divorce business. These
programs were originally established to assist
individuals in trouble, but continued failure to
recognize the issue in its entirety will ultimately
prevent their ability to help anyone at all.
The ultimate domestic
violence program - Jan Brown, DAHMW
To me the ultimate DV program would, to start, be
gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religiosity
and disability "blind." The advocates would be
trained to believe the individual whether the
victim is a woman or a man. Having said that
however, victim's programs would have strict
policies in place to discourage abuse of the system
as recently happened in NY
"Always believe the victim" has been the mantra
for battered women's advocates for decades. During
the earlier stages of the battered women's movement
women were rarely believed when they told of the
abuse they were suffering at the hands of their
male intimate partners. Yet times have changed, and
I don't know that we can continue to always believe
the victim. Whether it's because people are more
destitute or better manipulators, who knows? We
need to have policies in place so that those who
try to use the system fraudulently would be caught
and face harsh penalties for doing so.
Viewing domestic violence from a political
stance, i.e. using patriarchy as the primary
definition as to why domestic violence happens,
would be considered old fashioned - out of date.
Rather than fixing blame on one gender we would
take into consideration research that indicates
that some mental illnesses as well as alcohol and
substance abuse play pivotal roles in domestic
violence, and design our support services and
interventions with that updated research in
Allowing victims and survivors to make their own
choices by giving them the tools they need. i.e.
information about healthy vs unhealthy
relationships, domestic violence etc., instead of
forcing them to make choices against their wishes
(such as getting restraining orders and having
their alleged offender arrested) would be more the
norm in my ultimate DV program. Revamping our
domestic violence system using Dr. Linda Mills'
approach to treating domestic violence victims and
perpetrators would be an excellent start. (Dr.
Mills chats with Judyth Piazza about the Center on
Violence at NYU here
Jan Brown is the Executive Director of the
Domestic Abuse Helpline
for Men and Women ,
the only program with a nationwide reach that
provides aid to all, without regard to gender.

©2009, Trudy W.
Abusegate: a generation
Ive followed the issue of Climategate with
great interest, as it has seemed that the issue has
mirrored events in the field of domestic violence
and partner abuse. Abusegate also occurred due to
money, political power, and careers at stake.
Where Abusegate is concerned, however, there is
one more element the life or death of
feminism, and its determination to liberate women
from the so-called oppression of
marriage and family. The story of Abusegate is as
much about the attempt by feminists to obscure
their real intentions as it is about feminist
attempts to conceal the reality of partner abuse,
in order to claim the issue as their own, and
possibly the only issue available at the time to
keep this essentially destructive philosophy
As Joanne Nova, [1]
Australian science writer has said, Science
has come full-circle, taking a page from the
medieval Church by using fear and persecution to
silence skeptics. The oppressed have become the
oppressors. Given that most professional scientific
bodies and peer-reviewed journals have been active
accomplices in this scandal, one wonders how many
other so called scientific consensuses have been
similarly engineered and waiting for their own
ClimateGates before truth is known.
That quote is important because it addresses the
politicization of science and research. Dean Esmay,
the owner of Deans World, [2]
where I blog occasionally as part of a group,
has often commented that politics and science
dont mix. While I havent been in the
field of research myself, its fairly
well-known that going after grants and funding has
become a difficult process, often fraught with
politics and cronyism.
What feminism is supposed to be about is the
definition provided by Merriam-Webster.
1 : the theory of the political, economic, and
social equality of the sexes
2 : organized activity on behalf of women's
rights and interests. This is a current popular
definition, however, and has little to do with the
goals of feminism, which has its roots not only in
Marxist ideals, but also in anti-male hatred and a
desire for power and control over society where it
is most beneficial to feminists themselves.
According to [3] Erin
Pizzey: There never was a feminist movement.
A bunch of disenchanted women refused to support
their left wing men who were fighting capitalism.
They changed the goal posts and said capitalism was
no longer the battle ground it was now 'Patriarchy'
and declared war on all men and the
In the 1970s, and into the 1980s, feminism was
still an emerging movement. Except for the halls of
academia, which began to offer womens
studies courses, and a few academicians
pushing feminist law, and
feminist psychology, the general public
had little interest in a movement that was so
clearly designed to create antipathy between not
only the sexes, but between career women and those
choosing more-traditional paths for themselves.
It was about the same time that the issue of
partner abuse began to emerge as an issue on the
public radar. In 1971, Erin Pizzey founded the
first shelter for abused women in the UK. There
were also a few shelters for women developing
independently in various places in the US.
This did not escape the attention of the zealots
of the feminist faith and other opportunistic
women. Surely there was profit and power to be
gained in promoting this cause.
According to the [4]
Herstory of domestic violence, In the 1970s
We will not be beaten becomes the
mantra of women across the country organizing to
end domestic violence. A grassroots organizing
effort begins, transforming public consciousness
and women's lives. The common belief within the
movement is that women face brutality from their
husbands and indifference from social
A theory regarding abuse was formulated, relying
almost entirely on feminist supposition and the
input from self-identified abused women. There has
never been any kind of formal research or
investigation of the feminist theory of abuse; it
has simply been presented as a fait accompli and
seldom, if ever, questioned. A look through the
Herstory, (on the Minnesota Center
Against Violence and Abuse website, funded by your
tax dollars) reveals a stunning lack of mention of
research of any kind behind the feminist concept of
domestic violence.
Del Martin [5] a
lesbian activist, wrote one of the earliest works
on the issue in 1976. She says, At the outset
I was told I had to produce extensive and
verifiable statistics on the incidence of violence
against women
I concluded that incidence and
incidents of violence in the home reached into the
millions. My editor deleted my estimate on the
grounds that I couldnt prove it. Since then,
academia has confirmed my virtual estimate and
admitted that lacking uniformity in the way data
are accumulated makes it impossible to provide
actual statistics.
Lenore Walker [6]
author of "The Battered Woman" When I first
began my study of the psychological impact of
domestic violence on the battered woman, it was the
mid 1970s and the feminist movement had a negative
reaction to anything that came with a clinical
psychology label
Ellen Pence Duluth [7]
Domestic Abuse Intervention Project Many
things that we did were new and groundbreaking. We
introduced the power and control wheel and its
accompanying theoretical framework, which tried to
shift away from seeing violence against women as
the problem of a few psychologically distorted men
and lots of bad marriages, by linking mens
violence toward their partners to other forms of
dominationclass, race, gender, and
colonization. We built on the work of previous
projects that held individual agencies responsible
to protect women and proposed a fairly bold notion
of linking agencies together and forming a
community-based advocacy program.
This is probably the most astonishing fact of
Abusegate: While Climategate has at least some
basis in research and scientific theory, there is
none whatsoever behind the myriad programs and laws
established since the 1970s by the so-called,
Battered Womens Movement. Even
the term itself was created for its impact by
feminists whose goals had very little to do with
providing aid for women.
As radical activist Susan Schecter [8]
said, "I believe it is most urgent for this
movement's future to declare that violence against
women is a political problem, a question of power
and domination, and not an individual,
pathological, or deviant one. Continuing to make
violence against women public is itself a crucial
continuing task. We also must become a movement led
by battered women, women of color, and working
class women. We must develop a progressive agenda,
a long range vision of what kind of society is
needed so that violence against women would not
exist, and to ally with groups sharing a vision of
a just society" This statement appears on the main
page of the website for the West Virginia Coalition
Against Domestic Violence, [9]
also funded by your tax dollars.
Since the early days of the Battered
Womens Movement, nearly everything that has
come after has been based on feminist principles
devised out of thin air. Even today, in the US
there is no standard definition of what domestic
violence is or is not. Yet thousands of men are
incarcerated, families destroyed, and women and
children thrown into a permanent condition of life
in turmoil because of nothing but the aberrant
personal beliefs of a few women a generation
While the feminists of the 20th Century are
dying off or retiring, their ugly legacy of
opportunism remains. Legions of divorce lawyers,
shelter advocates, and organizations providing
feminist education all benefit from the
multi-billion dollar industry that now forms the
basis of societys approach to partner
The real tragedy of Abusegate is that victims of
genuine partner abuse are still left without hope
and support. They have been doubly victimized by a
society that has been too willing to accept answers
without first considering the problem.
Reference Links
1. Joanne Nova

2. Dean's World

3. Erin Pizzey

4. Herstory of domestic violence

5. Del Martin

6. Lenore Walker

7. Ellen Pence

8. Susan Schecter

9. West Virginia Coalition Against
Domestic Violence

©2010, Trudy W.
Your tax dollars at
If the org itself hadnt sent an e-mail, I
wouldve had trouble believing this one!
Note how the focus is not on the violence, but
on changing boys to be different. In other
words, its not the violence thats the
problem, its the boys!
The term gendered violence is also
suspect, as there has never been any objective
research into whether this social phenomenon even
Also note the disclaimer that gives the feds an
out should anyone complain this is a poor use of
taxpayer funding.
 is a national online
dedicated to the primary prevention of violence
against women.
Growing Boys into Men:
Countering Traditional Masculinity Through Norms
Countering norms that reinforce traditional
masculinity is an opportunity to prevent violence
in a lasting, comprehensive way. This web
conference will highlight specific strategies and
efforts that seeks to change norms related to
gendered violence. Different norms will be examined
with regard to their historical context, distinct
challenges, and opportunities for collaborative
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Repeated on Thursday, May 27, 2010
This ninety-minute (90 min) session will start
at 11 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time on May 26,
and will be repeated at 11 AM Pacific Daylight
Savings Time on May 27.
Host: David Lee, PreventConnect,
California Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Presenter: Annie Lyles, Xavier Morales
and Christine Chang, Prevention Institute
- Jerry Tello, Therapist, Author, and
- Craig Norberg-Bohm, Mens Initiative
Coordinator, Jane Doe Inc.
- Understand how norms create an environment
in which violence is more likely to occur.
- Provide examples of successes from people
and organizations working to counter norms of
traditional masculinity.
- Identify strategies being used to
effectively counter and change norms.
- Identify potential indicators for measuring
progress in norms change.
To Learn More and Register, Visit

Cost: Free
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Prevent-Connect, is a forum where people from
around the world who are engaged in violence
against women prevention can ask each other
questions, share successes and pool knowledge.
Click here to join this prevention community at the
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PreventConnect is a national project of the
California Coalition Against Sexual Assault
(CALCASA) and is sponsored by the National Center
for Injury Prevention and Control at the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The views and information provided in our
activities do not necessarily represent the
official views of the U.S. Government, the CDC or
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