Eating For Virility Nutrition is the key to maintaining or attaining male virility. The goals of eating for virility are: 1) Supplying key nutrients for proper sexual function 2) Eating a diet that keeps triglyceride and cholesterol levels within a proper healthy range. 3) Consuming a diet that lowers the risk of prostate cancer while at the same time increasing your prostate gland's performance and function. There is little debate that a healthy diet must be must be richin whole, natural "unprocessed" foods. Of particular importance are plant foods:fruits, vegetables,grains, beans, seeds and nuts. These foods not only contain valuable nutrients but also provide dietary fiber and other food compounds that have remarkable health-promoting factors. The Healthy Exchange System Devoping a nutritional plan for improving, increasing and even restoring virility must depend upon utilizing what is known as the "Healthy Exchange System". The Healhy Exchange System is based on seven lists: List 1 Vegetables Lists 6 and 7 are optional to follow. All food portions within each list provide approximately the same calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (The fact that these servings are equal in this sense gives rise to the term "exchange" - any item in one list can be exchange for any item in another list). Using The Exchange System You need to determine initially whether you are planning to be a vegan (no animal products) or an omnivore (animal product eater). To simplify matters, I will assume you need 2,500 calories each day. The lists provided below shows you how many servings from each Healthy Exchange list you need to eat each day for optimum virility and improved overall well-being. The first is for vegetarians, the second is for meat eaters. (1) 2,500 calorie vegan diet (vegetarian) List 1 Vegetables 8 servings **this diet results in a daily caloric intake of 2,500 calories, of which 65% are derived from complex carbohydrates (cereal, fruits and vegetables) and naturally occurring sugars, 19% from fats and 16% from proteins. The protein intake is entirely from plant sources but still provides approximately 101 grams of protein more than the RDA. At least 1/2 of the fat servings should be from nuts, seeds and other whole foods from list 5, the fat exchange list.** (2) 2,500 calorie meat eater diet (omnivore) List 1 Vegetables 8 servings eggs/cheese 3 servings **this diet results in a daily caloric intake of 2,500 calories, of which 66% result from carbs, 18% are from fats, 16% are from proteins (with 80% of this 16% coming from plant sources) and the dietary fiber content comprising 40.5 to 116.5 grams.** The Food Lists List #1 Vegetables Veggies provide the broadest range of nutrients of any food class. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. The little fat they contain is in the form of essential fatty acids. In addition, vegetables provide high quantities of other valuable health-promoting substances, especially carotenes and fiber. The best way to consume any vegetables is in their fresh, raw form Vegetarians: choose 8 servings from the list In list one you will notice what are termed "free vegetables." These can be consumed in any amount at any time without any dietary or virility side-effects. (unless otherwise noted, 1 serving consists of 1 cup of cooked vegetable or fresh vegetable juice, or two cups of ray vegetebales) Artichoke(1 medium), Asparagus, Bean sprouts, Beets, Broccoli, Brussell sprouts, Carrotts, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Greens, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Rhubarb, Rutabaga, String beans, Squash, Tomatoes, Zucchini Free Vegetables Alfalfa sprouts, Bell peppers, Bokchoy, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Turnips List 2: Fruits Fruits are an excellent source of many vital antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenes and flavonoids. Fruits though are not as beneficial as vegetables because they generally are higher in calories Vegetarians: Choose 3 servings from this list (unless otherwise noted 1 serving equals 1 cup of fresh juice) Apple(large), Applesauce(1 cup), Apricots(dried 8 halves), Apricots(fresh 4 medium), Banana, Berries(1 cup), Cherries(20 count), Dates(4), Figs-dried(2), Figs-fresh(2), Grapefruit(1). Grapefruit juice(1 cup), Grapes(20 count), Mango(Small), Melons(1/2), Nectarines(2 small), Peaches(2 medium), Pineapple(1 cup), Plums(4), Raisons(4 tablespoons) Concerning processed fruit, eat no more than one serving per day of the following: Honey(1 tablespoon), Jams/jellies(1 tablespoon), Sugar(1 tablespoon) List 3:Breads/Cereals/Starches These are complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs are made up of long chains of sugars. This means the body must break down these longer chains into smaller, simple sugars. Because of this process, the sugar eners the blood stream at a slower but steady rate. Complex carbs are higher in fiber and lower in nutrients than simple sugar products. Whole grain carbs are better than bleached or white grain products. Vegetarians:Choose 16 servings Breads(1 slice or 1/2 bagel), Cereals1/2 cup, Pasta(1/2 cup), Rice (1 cup) All other complex carbs servings are 1 cup. List 4: Legumes A legume is a plant that produces a pod that splits on both sides. Of the common foods, beans, peas, lentils and peanuts are legumes. Compaired to grains, they supply about the same number of total calories but usually provide two to four times as much protein. When legumes are combined in the diet with grains they form a complet protein. Doets rich in legumes can lower cholesterol, improve blood glucose, reduce cancer and improve male as well as female sexual function. Legumes, as well as most nuts and seeds are sources of compounds known as phytosterols. Thes plant compounds are structurally similar to testosterone and other steroid hormones. The cholesterol lowering effects of phytosterols are well documented. One legume, soybeans, are extremely rich in a phytosterol called beta-sitosterol. Vegetarians: Choose 5 servings **One serving equals 1/2 cup** Black-eyed peas, Chickpeas, Garbanzo beans, Kidney beans, Lentils, Lima beans, Pinto beans, Soybeans, Split peas ©2008 by Dr. Williams If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to? - Bette Midler Dr.Williams and his staff have been helping men with problems of penissize and sexual ability for almost 20 years. He has developed a program which allows men to increase their penis length and width, as well as improve their prostate gland function and sexual performance. Men have often been mislead concerning their sexual health and their ability to perform in bed. The questions he will be dealing with will revolve around: does size really matter? and what can I do to improve my sexual performance? His website is the Internet's leading
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