Dr.Williams and his staff have been helping men with problems of penissize and sexual ability for almost 20 years. He has developed a program which allows men to increase their penis length and width, as well as improve their prostate gland function and sexual performance. Men have often been mislead concerning their sexual health and their ability to perform in bed. The questions he will be dealing with will revolve around: does size really matter? and what can I do to improve my sexual performance? His website is the Internet's leading site concerning
men's natural penile health and natural penis enlargement
issues. His penis enlargement program is based upon research
that won the Noble Prize for medicine two years ago.
Dr.Williams and his website offers free health information
as well as an online newsletter concerning recent men's
health information, scientific findings and sex facts.
A Challenge We Took Resources My name is Dr.Ronald Williams and I want to tell you the free information contained in this article is both amazing and powerful. Let's look at some facts concerning men and their sexual health. If you are like the many others who have requested this free information concerning men and their health...you are about to be stunned by what you're going to read. Fact One: 90% of men are unhappy with their current penis size, penis length, and ability. Fact Two: Men have been told that penile size doesn't matter to women. Visit our site and read the story of Richard, a very good friend of mine. Fact Three: Most men who have troubles with sexual performance won't speak openly to their wives and girlfiends,let alone their primary care doctor. Fact Four: Most men would rather "tough-it-out" and try to "figure-it-out" by picking up on conversations at work, the health club, their friends and yes..even in the restroom. Fact Five: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects 1/3 of men regardless of age or race. The most recent findings are that 75% of men under the age of 30 have experienced ED. Fact Six: The average penis size is 5.5" according to the Kinsey study. Fact Seven: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the world. Fact Eight: 38,000 men die each year from prostate cancer in the United States. Fact Nine: Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) occurs in 50-75% of men. Fact Ten: Men seeking to enlarge their penis have
resorted to all sorts of measures to help them achieve their
goals. Some have been blatantly lied to...while others have
undergone drastic, unproven surgical measures. To learn
about your options and the scams to be aware of...visit our
site at www.penisimprovement.com
The Top Men's Health Information
Stories that apply to YOU
Sex Facts Part One
Sex Facts Part Two
More Sex Facts!
This column deals with one of the most important substances in your body, Testosterone. And we are going to talk about the low levels in you. Is your level going down? "No way," you're thinking. "I'm healthy, strong and have a great sex drive." Dont be so sure! We all have noticed that during stressful periods of our life we feel less energetic, less interested in sex and stop making gains in muscle size. Guess what? Welcome to a life with lower than optimal testosterone. Fortunately, after a few good meals, extra sleep and less intense workouts you feel like your old self again. But unless you stop aging, eliminate stress and remain disease free, one day lower testosterone levels will not be the exception but the norm. And it goes almost without exception, men with high testosterone levels are the healthiest, fittest and most successful in their endeavors. We've just reviewed what things you do -- or don't do -- to diminish your testosterone levels. But, let's say you're not all that certain you do suffer from low testosterone. Want a way to get a more accurate idea? Well then, go ahead and take this Quick Male Hormone Assessment
How did you do? Did your assessment turn out as well as you hoped? If you answered yes to any of the questions above you may be suffering from low testosterone and a male hormone imbalance. But how do you really know for sure? You need to be tested. The good news though...is you can do it right in the privacy of your home. And it doesnt have to involve a long, scary needle or urinating in a cup. Maybe it did once, but not any longer. Now it's actually as easy as testing your saliva. Twenty years of research have proven that the hormones present in your saliva is an accurate representation of the hormones in your bloodstream. In fact, saliva testing provides an even more realistic picture of your hormonal levels than blood or urine. So, if you do not know your levels of these important hormones, it is highly recommended that you measure them by using the TPE testing kit,our convenient, inexpensive, easy to use at home saliva hormonal test kit.Or if you perfer, ask your physician to test the levels of both total and free testosterone, serum estradiol and DHEA. You can read all about it by going to www.penisimprovement.com/hometest.htm
I can't believe the response I've gotten from the last month's news report you received...Testosterone on the Decline? I must say I've been bombarded with questions concerning the test kit which you can order at www.penisimprovement.com/purchase.htm ![]() What I've been bombarded with are questions concerning increasing Testoserone levels to their peak levels...returning benefits in your life as... 1) Decreased fat around your middle (ie love handles) So what would you think if medical science could give you something that would make you look and feel younger? Something that could increase your strength and energy, improve your mood and give you a better sex life? Youd probably think it was a miracle right? Well...it's not a miracle..just basic science and medicine combined. While testosterone is commonly recognized for its role as the master "male" hormone, few realize that its also a key to a mans overall health factors. High levels of testosterone mean energy, stamina and vitality. Low levels contribute to fatigue, premature aging and disease. Did you know that more than 30 million American men of all ages suffer from low levels of testosterone? Testosterone levels are at their highest during a mans early twenties and naturally decline with age, gradually declining to about 20% of their maximum. While you are almost assured to have low levels of testosterone at an advanced age, a number of other factors are now known to acceleratete tosterone loss at early ages. Stress, physical inactivity, excessive training, illness, smoking, alcohol and the use of both prescription and "recreational" drugs, can contribute to less than ideal levels of testosterone. These things are pervasive in our society and have contributed to onset of the low testosterone syndrome. Fortunately, your testosterone can be restored to a normal and healthy level! Safely...Effectively..and most importantly Naturally! Until now, the only reliable way to restore normal testosterone to a normal level has been through the use of prescription medications. However, these treatments typically include the use of irritating and unconcealed patches, painful injections, surgical implants or toxic pills. Clinical findings now demonstrate that the use of specific nutritional substances - in combination with a testosterone enhancing diet and exercise program - can help most men raise their testosterone levels- naturally, safely and effectively! Restoring testosterone to a youthful level can enhance health and wellbeing and Slow Down the aging process and... 1) Increase your muscle mass and overall strength Testosterone...More Important for Muscle Growth Than Exercise A study in 1996 reported in the New England Journal of Medicine followed three groups of men. One group was given testosterone and prescribed a strength training program, one group was given testosterone and told not to exercise and one group was just given a training program without testosterone. To no surprise the group who exercised on testosterone gained the most muscle and lost the most fat, but to the researchers surprise the group who took testosterone without exercise actually had greater improvement in muscle and fat composition than the group who trained without it. You cant build muscle without it! Dr.Richard Cohen has developed a great effective and guaranteed method to increase your Testosterone levels. Go to www.penisimprovement.com/health4men.htm to read more about it! And don't forget...you can read all about the home test
kits to measure your levels of sex hormones at www.penisimprovement.com/hometest.htm Be your own Testosterone Factory - Part
1 This is the first of a four part series. Have you considered measuring your levels? Do you think you need to measure them? Here's a brief list of low or borderline low testosterone symptoms: 1) Decreased sex drive The above are just a small smaple of the symptoms. But in order to check your levels you've only really had one option..that's to make an appointment, let his receptionist know what's wrong with you..then slink into his/her office and tell them you're having troubles. Here's a little joke that applies to our discussion: What do trial lawyers, violent criminals, hell-raising frat boys, German soccer fans and battle-hardened Marines have in common? Close-cropped haircuts right? Nope..actually it's high levels of Testosterone. Jim Dabbs, PhD, a social psychologist at Georgia State University discovered all of the above groups were frothing with the male hormone. In fact saliva tests, the same one we offered here revealed most of them had levels 10%-20% above average. Interesting, this quirk of biology gave these men three distinct characteristics: 1) They were agressive Adrian Dobbs, M.D. of Johns Hopkins University states clearly, "Having adequate levels of testosterone is critical for maintaining lean muscle mass, sexual potency and cognitive function. Ken Goldberg M.D. of the Male Health Center in Dallss states "Between 8-12 million men have low or borderline low testosterone levels..and 95% of them don't know it." Men in their late 20's on up fall prey to decreased levels of the vital hormone. Allen Seftel M/D. of Case Western Reserve University instructs "If you have reduced levels of sexual desire and/or sexual performance, you should have your levels checked immediately. The good news is that you can in private...in fact you can check them in your own home with a simple, safe kit and nobody will ever know. You can read all about it at www.penisimprovement.com/hometest.htm Next report...the 13 steps to increase your "juice"
safely. Be your own Testosterone Factory - Part
2 This is the second of a four part series...the 13 steps to increase your "juice" safely. No..the "juice" we're not talking about is Orenthal...we're talking about your testosterone levels. If you remember, in my last note to you...I gave you a few clues, symtoms really of decreased or sub-optimal testosterone levels. Just in case you forgot...here they are again: 1) Decreased sex drive Even though you "might" see yourself in the list above in one, two or more categories, the only positive way to know for sure if your low is to be tested. We can help you with that...It's private and only you will know the results. Now...the 13 steps to increase your "juice. 1) Get Rid of the Flopping Belly. Or you'll end up growing a pair a breast to match. Carrying excess body fat elevates your estrogren levels and that can cause your testosterone levels to sink, says Joseph Zmuda, Ph.D at the University of Pittsburg. Comedian Louie Anderson is fitting proof. Two or three extra pounds won't cause this hormone shift; it really occurs once your roughly 20% over your ideal body weight. Want to loose those twenty pounds? 2) Lose Only One Pound Per Week When you want to trim down kwikmed.com/xenical/129273/ is a safe way to do it. What you don't want to do is starve yourself while exercising like a madman. One of the many reasons this stops working in your late 20's, early 30's and when your natural testosterone levels start dropping is pretty simple. Cutting your caloric intake by more than 15% makes your brain think you're starving, so it shuts down testosterone production to wait out the famine. "There's no need to reproduce if you're starving" explains Thomas Incledon, C.S.C.s., R.D., of Human Performance Specialist in Plantation Florida. Ironically, this dive in circulating testosterone stops you from buring body fat efficiently, so you're actually stopping your hard efforts to melt the spare tire. 3) Skip the Atkins Fad Diets. Research suggests that eating a high protein, low carb diet can cramp your testosterone levels. High amounts of dietary protein in your blood can eventually lower the amount of testosterone produced in your testes. Your protein intake should be about 16% of your daily calories. If you're the average 170 pound man eating 2,900 calories per day, you should be eating as part of that 140 grams of protein which is about the amount found in two chicken breasts and a 6 ounce can of tuna. 4) Have Morning Sex. Scientist in Germany (seems like all the good stuff and findings come from those guys) found that simply having an erection causes your circulating testosterone levels to rise dramatically and significantly. On top of that..having an erection will burn fat (bet you didn't know that one..huh!) Next report....some more of the 13 secrets to "juice"
up. Be your own Testosterone Factory - Part
3 This is the third part of a four part series, the 13 steps to increase your "juice" safely. Last issue we covered the following secrets for increasing your testosterone levels: 1) Get rid of the flopping belly. Here's a few more! 5) Stick with Tough Exercises To beef up your testosterone levels, the bulk of your workouts should involve "compound" weight-lifting exercises that train secerallarge muscle groups, and not just one or two smaller muscles. Example: studies show that doing squats, bench presses or back rows increase your levels more than doing curls, tricep push-downs, etc...even though the effort may seem and feel the same. That's why doing squats can help you build bigger biceps (Interesting don't you think?) 6) Make Nuts Your Midnight Snack "Nuts are good for your nuts," my physiology professor told us in school. Studies found that men who ate diets rich in monounsaturated fat - the kind found in peanuts - had the highest levels of testosterone. It's not really understood why this happens but some scientists believe that the monounsaturated fats have a direct effect on the testes. Nuts, olive oil, canola oil and peanut butter are all good sources. 7) Squeeze Out Five Rep's Per Set Throwing around 5 pound dumbells won't help you effect a rise in testosterone. Start off by using a heavy weight that you can only lift five times. That weight is around 85% of your one-rep maximum. A Finnish study found that this workload produced the greatest boosts in testosterone. 8) Do Three Sets of Each Weight-Lifting Movement. Penn State University scientists determined that this fosters a greater increases in testosterone than just one or two sets. Rest a full minute between sets, so you can regain enough strength to continue lifting at least 70% of your one-rep maximum during the second and third sets. In the next report, we'll learn some more of the "secret" 13 ways to increase your testosterone levels. Remember...you really should check your levels to determine if they are low or borderline low....it's good to obtain a base-line measurement. That way, you can re-test to determine your program effectiveness. Dr. Williams home testing kit does not use needles or
blood. The cost includes you mailing the sample to the lab,
one hormone level check
(testosterone/DHEA/cortisol/estrogen). You can read all
about the test at www.penisimprovement.com/hometest.htm The Top Men's Health Information
Stories that apply to YOU
Sex Facts Part One
Sex Facts Part Two
More Sex Facts!
Men curious about making themselves bigger have resorted to all sorts of measures to help them achieve their goals. Some have been blatantly lied to...while others undergo drastic, unproven surgical measures. Being a man, I know first-hand what men think and feel about this subject. Being a physician, I can also speak with authority concerning the methods necessary to reach the goal. Let's look at some facts concerning men and their sexual health.
What I want to do is give you the information concerning the various methods and forms common today. Considering the adult entertainment industry today, penis pumps are seemingly only advertised in the back pages of men's magazines. Of course, all of them claim the ability to produce an elephantine phallus. The facts, however, are that pumps are used by men who suffer from chronic insulin dependent diabetes or circulatory disorders (which is why even Medicare will cover their cost). Men with these conditions have such poor blood circulation due to their sugar metabolism, that they can't even get the blood flowing into the area. What the pump does for these men is stretch the skin and underlying tissues, allowing them to clamp off the blood flow and consequently trap it in their penis. With the clamp firmly in place, they can briefly have sex. Take the clamp off and the erection goes away. Repeated pump use doesn't increase your size, it only makes your erection depend on it. You might have even seen pumps advertised as "FDA Approved". Well, they are, but only for very specific health issues. I have not been presented with one legitimate unbiased study concerning penis pumps. What the pumps will do is make your penis semi-erect so you can penetrate an orifice. Many different types of devices are on the market. Most medical phallic appliances are utilized to promote tissue health following surgery to cut the suspensory ligament. These devices are needed in rare cases in order to alleviate and correct scar/adhesion buildup. Unless you've had penile surgery within the last 24-36 hours, you don't need a stretching device. Hanging weights from the penis has been a practice in place for an estimated 2,000 years. Evidence of this practice continues in certain African tribes. It has even been suggested that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt practiced this method of penis enlargement. However, this doesn't work because it's been shown that even though the length of the penis may increase over a long period of time, its thickness is actually decreased. Depending upon the hanging device, blood circulation also decreases, which can, in turn, cause necrosis (death) of the tissue. Surgical intervention is needed for some men with various conditions, one of which is called "micro-penis". Penile enhancement through cutting of the suspensory ligament and/or injection with fat leads to possible serious complications and deformity. Surgery can't increase the penile muscles' strength or length; surgery can't increase your ability to maintain an erection; and surgery can't increase your ability to perform and forcefully ejaculate. In fact, some studies have shown that suspensory ligament cutting in order to enlarge the penis actually causes a "shortening" of the penis to take place, due to scar formation in the void of the ligament. Our website came about because a group of physicians set out to determine if natural penis enlargement is possible. It has taken almost 4 years, but we have determined how to accomplish it without weights, pulleys, stretching devices, injections, or surgery. We have assembled a program that will increase your penis length, width and your ability to perform sexually. The program does not involve weights, devices, pumps, or surgery. We utilize our understanding of anatomy, physiology and human tissue dynamics. Our program is easy to perform and the concept is simple to understand. Our method is based upon scientific research from current referenced journals (including research that won the Nobel prize), along with our understanding and working knowledge of anatomy, physiology, physics, human tissue dynamics, molecular biology and nutrition. Pretend you take a balloon, fill it with water and tie the end. Now, place the balloon on a table top and slowly begin to push downward with the palm of your hand. Because of the high elastic coefficient factor in the balloon, it allows the fluid to displace or disperse outward in all directions. Hence...the balloon "balloons" outward. Our program works in the same manner. The difference between our program and everyone else's besides the fact we are physicians and they are salesmen, is that we are able to increase the penile blood flow almost 200% based upon Nobel Prize winning research. Our specific exercises use that increased blood flow (the water in the balloon) to stretch and slowly enlarge the caverns in the corpora cavernosa muscle tissue. Our program however, stretches from the inside to the outside evenly in all directions. Pumps and other program don't accomplish this. They attempt to stretch from the outside to the inside. The result of this? An actual shortening and microscopic tearing of the penile tissues. Because of our program, methods and nutritional advice, you will increase the length as well as the width of your penis in addition to increasing your ability to perform. Please feel free to visit our site for further details.
If you have any questions, please send them and I'll do my
personal best to answer them. Better Sex at any Age - The
Reality Erections past the age of 40 to 45 can become difficult.Truth be told, men in their 20's and 30's also suffer from failure to perform. By age 50, an estimated 78-85% of men have chronic erectile dysfunction (impotency) which is due to an insidious and unseen culprit...low levels of testosterone. The Myth "It will never happen to me..I'm too young!" The Breakthrough New discoveries can return sexual ability regardless of age. Around the world, men are spending billions of dollars on the latest drugs to combat impotence or simply improve their ability to make love. New Findings Some women call their monthly menstrual cycle a curse, but middle-aged males have their own demon to deal with-and ours can be equally as frustrating, uncomfortable and embarrassing. While women naturally loose estrogen at middle age, men lose testosterone. As precious testosterone diminishes in a man, so can muscle tone, virility, sex drive and sexual performance. This condition is the male equivalent of women's menopause known as andropause. Research has shown that men's testosterone levels begin to decline slowly around age 21 and decrease rapidly by the age of 36-38. Emotional trauma (ie divorce), chronic illness such as diabetes and stress hasten this decline. Even levels of androstenedione, a testosterone precursor, drop very rapidly after about age 25. Men with diabetes, arthritis and other chronic diseases have even lower lovels. The loss of androgens such as those mentioned above is why men grow flabby and loose their muscle tone. Medical Studies Confirm While the past four decades have produced medical technology offering us a better wuality and longer life, now the issue is turning rapidly towards how can men maintain healthy sexual function as they enjoy a longer life. Some of these findings you can read about at www.penisimprovement.com Declining free testosterone is associated with erectile dysfunction, says Dr.G.A.Magoha of the Department of Surgery, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, Kenya. (1) "It has now been well established by various investigators that there is a statistically significant decline of the biologically available level of serum testosterone with aging,this age related decline is usually associated with decline in sexual function." Double Blind Study Proof A double-blind clinical study of a particular product yielded astonishing results. According to Dr.Tim Ziegenfuss, the preliminary findings of his study at Eastern Michigan University indicate Rapid and Extraordinary increases in testosterone following supplementation with a particular product. It increase the serum testosterone levels 98% within 40 minutes!(2) Q: I've been married for 26 years. My wife and I have always enjoyed a very warm relationship and great sex life. At first I thought it was imply stress or the fact that the winter months prevented me from exercising that made sex difficult. A decent erection was impossible. Do I have to resort to some kind of drug or penis injection? Robert W., Florida A: "Don't worry, you are both capable of enjoying plenty of lovemaking for years to come. Robert, it is very possible that your testosterone level may be only 25% or 30% of what it used to be. We can help you change that naturally! Q: I'm 58 and I have just had a thorough physicial and am quite healthy. I told my doctor I could no longer get an erection. He started to tell me about penile injections and expensive medications. I would rather go a natural route..can you help? Larry W., New York A: Larry, we offer a program that not only increase your ability to become erect naturally, it will also increase your testosterone levels. Yes, I think we can help. If you have a Men's Health Question needing an Answer
submit it to www.penisimprovement.com Nutrition is the key to maintaining or attaining male virility. The goals of eating for virility are: 1) Supplying key nutrients for proper sexual function 2) Eating a diet that keeps triglyceride and cholesterol levels within a proper healthy range. 3) Consuming a diet that lowers the risk of prostate cancer while at the same time increasing your prostate gland's performance and function. There is little debate that a healthy diet must be must be richin whole, natural "unprocessed" foods. Of particular importance are plant foods:fruits, vegetables,grains, beans, seeds and nuts. These foods not only contain valuable nutrients but also provide dietary fiber and other food compounds that have remarkable health-promoting factors. The Healthy Exchange System Devoping a nutritional plan for improving, increasing and even restoring virility must depend upon utilizing what is known as the "Healthy Exchange System". The Healhy Exchange System is based on seven lists: List 1 Vegetables Lists 6 and 7 are optional to follow. All food portions within each list provide approximately the same calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (The fact that these servings are equal in this sense gives rise to the term "exchange" - any item in one list can be exchange for any item in another list). Using The Exchange System You need to determine initially whether you are planning to be a vegan (no animal products) or an omnivore (animal product eater). To simplify matters, I will assume you need 2,500 calories each day. The lists provided below shows you how many servings from each Healthy Exchange list you need to eat each day for optimum virility and improved overall well-being. The first is for vegetarians, the second is for meat eaters. (1) 2,500 calorie vegan diet (vegetarian) List 1 Vegetables 8 servings **this diet results in a daily caloric intake of 2,500 calories, of which 65% are derived from complex carbohydrates (cereal, fruits and vegetables) and naturally occurring sugars, 19% from fats and 16% from proteins. The protein intake is entirely from plant sources but still provides approximately 101 grams of protein more than the RDA. At least 1/2 of the fat servings should be from nuts, seeds and other whole foods from list 5, the fat exchange list.** (2) 2,500 calorie meat eater diet (omnivore) List 1 Vegetables 8 servings eggs/cheese 3 servings **this diet results in a daily caloric intake of 2,500 calories, of which 66% result from carbs, 18% are from fats, 16% are from proteins (with 80% of this 16% coming from plant sources) and the dietary fiber content comprising 40.5 to 116.5 grams.** The Food Lists List #1 Vegetables Veggies provide the broadest range of nutrients of any food class. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. The little fat they contain is in the form of essential fatty acids. In addition, vegetables provide high quantities of other valuable health-promoting substances, especially carotenes and fiber. The best way to consume any vegetables is in their fresh, raw form Vegetarians: choose 8 servings from the list In list one you will notice what are termed "free vegetables." These can be consumed in any amount at any time without any dietary or virility side-effects. (unless otherwise noted, 1 serving consists of 1 cup of cooked vegetable or fresh vegetable juice, or two cups of ray vegetebales) Artichoke(1 medium), Asparagus, Bean sprouts, Beets, Broccoli, Brussell sprouts, Carrotts, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Greens, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Rhubarb, Rutabaga, String beans, Squash, Tomatoes, Zucchini Free Vegetables Alfalfa sprouts, Bell peppers, Bokchoy, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Turnips List 2: Fruits Fruits are an excellent source of many vital antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenes and flavonoids. Fruits though are not as beneficial as vegetables because they generally are higher in calories Vegetarians: Choose 3 servings from this list (unless otherwise noted 1 serving equals 1 cup of fresh juice) Apple(large), Applesauce(1 cup), Apricots(dried 8 halves), Apricots(fresh 4 medium), Banana, Berries(1 cup), Cherries(20 count), Dates(4), Figs-dried(2), Figs-fresh(2), Grapefruit(1). Grapefruit juice(1 cup), Grapes(20 count), Mango(Small), Melons(1/2), Nectarines(2 small), Peaches(2 medium), Pineapple(1 cup), Plums(4), Raisons(4 tablespoons) Concerning processed fruit, eat no more than one serving per day of the following: Honey(1 tablespoon), Jams/jellies(1 tablespoon), Sugar(1 tablespoon) List 3:Breads/Cereals/Starches These are complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs are made up of long chains of sugars. This means the body must break down these longer chains into smaller, simple sugars. Because of this process, the sugar eners the blood stream at a slower but steady rate. Complex carbs are higher in fiber and lower in nutrients than simple sugar products. Whole grain carbs are better than bleached or white grain products. Vegetarians:Choose 16 servings Breads(1 slice or 1/2 bagel), Cereals1/2 cup, Pasta(1/2 cup), Rice (1 cup) All other complex carbs servings are 1 cup. List 4: Legumes A legume is a plant that produces a pod that splits on both sides. Of the common foods, beans, peas, lentils and peanuts are legumes. Compaired to grains, they supply about the same number of total calories but usually provide two to four times as much protein. When legumes are combined in the diet with grains they form a complet protein. Doets rich in legumes can lower cholesterol, improve blood glucose, reduce cancer and improve male as well as female sexual function. Legumes, as well as most nuts and seeds are sources of compounds known as phytosterols. Thes plant compounds are structurally similar to testosterone and other steroid hormones. The cholesterol lowering effects of phytosterols are well documented. One legume, soybeans, are extremely rich in a phytosterol called beta-sitosterol. Vegetarians:Choose 5 servings **One serving equals 1/2 cup** Black-eyed peas, Chickpeas, Garbanzo beans, Kidney beans,
Lentils, Lima beans, Pinto beans, Soybeans, Split peas Fact and Fiction: Part One You know, many clients and visitors to my website have asked me about the supplement ginseng. I've been asked numerous questions about the product including "is there a difference between the brands?".."does it matter which form I take?"..."what does ginseng really do?" and the often asked "can it really improve my sex life?" I became concerned about the fallacies and "grand" claims my website visitors were relaying to me. So, the physicians at PenisImprovement.Com took it upon ourselves to ascertain and seperate the ginseng fact...from fiction....and determine with certainty can ginseng improve your sex life? Background At our website, we hear from men searching for help and answers from all over the world. We've had men purchase our program from the northern most points of Canada to the southern tip of Africa and South America. No matter where they are from, all have heard about ginseng. There are several different varieties of ginseng: Chinese, Korean, American and Siberian. "Panax" ginseng (from China/Korea) is the most widely used and extensively studied. It is generally reagrded as "the best" ginseng in that it has the most potent effects. Perhaps the most famous medicinal plant of China, Panax ginseng is used alone or in combination with other plants to restore the yang quality of Eastern philosophy. It has also been known as a tonic for it's revitalization properties especially after a long illness. Ginseng has been used for, and claims have been made it's helps almost every known condition. The magic word - Ginsenosides Here's a typical question from a gentleman who purchased my enlargement manual... "Dr.Williams, I must say I'm stunned by your brutal honesty, integrity and facts concerning men's fears about their size and their ability to perform sexually. I bought your manual and am happy with it but I have a question concerning ginseng. My wife told me she heard somebody on the radio saying ginseng is totally worthless...I trust your opinion, please tell me the truth about it." Panax ginseng contains at least 13 different steroid-like compounds, collectively known as ginsenosides. These compounds are believed to be the most important active constituents of panax ginseng. The usual concentration of ginsenosides in mature ginseng roots is between1% and 3%. The major ginsenosides are: R0, Rb1, Rb2, Rb3, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, 20-gluco-Rf, Rg1 and Rg2. These ginsenosides differ in their chemical composition primarily in their sugar groups which are attatched to the steroid molecule. Ginsenosides of Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Re and Rg1 are present in significant concentrations in Korean ginseng. In contrast, American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) contains primarily Rb1 and Re. It doesn't contain Rb2, Rf or even in some samples Rg1. This fact is very important because Rb1 and Rg1 produce different effects. In general Rb1 possesses a sedative effect while while Rg1 is the opposite. Since American ginseng is higher in Rb1 than Rg1 its action is much different than the action of panax ginseng. Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) possesses no ginsenosides and is not a true ginseng. Usually this particular species of ginseng is used as a binding agent. Pharmacological Effects Since the 1950's, a great amount of research has been conducted worldwide to determine whether the properties attributed to Panax ginseng belong to the realm of legend or scientific fact. There are various results and findings..and suspiciously they seem dependant upon the company ordering the research. However, there is enough solid research findings that indicate Panax ginseng possesses activity consistent with the high-legend status. Science first investigated Panax ginseng concerning it's "adaptogenic" qualities. An "adaptogen" is a substance that must must cause minimal disorders with physiology function, must have a non-specific action (that is, it increases resistance to adverse influences through a wide range of factors) and it must produce a normalizing action independant of which way or how out of control the bodies pathological course is running. Science has shown the "adaptogenic" effect of ginseng to be true. From a practical perspective, Panax ginseng can be used as a general tonic, especially for debilitated and feeble individuals. They can also be used to:
Clinical research has proven the effectiveness of Panax ginseng in all the above. What about your ability? Are you performing up to your and your lovers expectations? Did you know that almost 90% of ALL men around the world believe they would like to be able to perform better sexually. Further information is available at our website, voted #1 by MedCensus 2000. www.penisimprovement.com Future newsletters available to members only will cover
the effects ginseng has upon your heart, your
cholesterol..and how very possibly ginseng if used in
conjunction with certain products...can increase your
ability to remain erect..even after orgasm. Here's the story.... Jim from Los Angeles challenged our program and promised to pay $1,000 if we increased his length by 4" like we did for one other client. If He grew 4" he would pay $1,000 as his cost for the program. I tried to tell him the program only cost $39.99 but he wouldn't listen. I told him all of the benefits the program had... 1) Increase his length and width I also told him how his LIFE would become better by using our program 1) He would feel more secure about himself and his
ability Jim wouldn't listen though....he told me point blank "Listen doc...I'll pay you $1,000 if your program makes me 4" longer"; he stated on the phone. "But Jim", I said..."you don't have to do that because it only costs $39.99 to access the manual on-line 24/7.". Well, to make a long story short...I took Jim up on his offer. Jim followed the program religiously for 5 months....constant emails with questions...I answered them all. I answer all questions sent to me by clients who purchase any product or program from my site. The time came to put up or shut up. The final measurement arrived...3 1/4 inch increase. When I contacted Jim to tell him I was amazed and pleased with his progress on my program he was straight to the point. "You know doc", Jim said. "I was willing to give you out of my own pocket $1,000 to gain 4 inches. That's a lot of money to me." "It is to me as well," I mentioned back. "I have 8 children and they all play sports!" "Well doc...I'm not going to give you that $1,000 because I didn't gain the 4 inches. I'm going to give $750...$250 per inch." To make a long story short, I didn't accept his money. I only accepted the same amount I would charge you, $39.99. I told him if he felt inclined to donate the remainder to a charity of his choice. And by the way...I don't accept challenges any more! The Evolution of the Penis
Enlargement Natural penis enlargement exercises have been in existence for some time. There are differing theories as to where the natural penis enlargement exercise program originated from. Some say that it originated in ancient times, when Arabic fathers would prepare their sons for marriage by using a technique which some refer to as jelqing. This however, is not substantiated at all in any literature. In fact, the term itself is of recent creation by an on-line penis enlargement Website The Internet has been credited with the popularization (orre-popularization, as it were) of natural penis enlargement, with variations on natural penis enlargement techniques. Many books about penis enlargement have been written, detailing natural exercises which can increase penis length and penis girth. The techniques detailed by most authors are rigorous and time-consuming, taking as much as 45 minutes in a single sitting. Not our program, however, it only takes 10 minutes per day (quite a time saver!) Natural penis enlargement is based on the idea that the cavernosa and spongiosum, the two pieces of spongy tissue in the penis, can be expanded to hold more blood. Natural penis enlargement exercises keeping blood in the penis then utilizing a force+motion to move the blood around. Just imagine you fill a balloon partially with water and use one hand to clamp the end of the balloon, pushing the water into the end. Then, taking the other hand, applying slight pressure and pushing the water towards the end of the balloon. To continue with this analogy, the pressure exerted through the fluid inside of the balloon would stretch the rubber, and the capacity of the balloon would increase. With the advent of plastic surgery, and with advances in things like liposuction and other cosmetic pursuits, medicine (if it could even be called thus) proclaimed that it had found the cure. Penis size was easily conquerable, with suspensory surgery, fat transfer surgery, implants, or a host of other developments which would end the worries of the world's insecure male population. These techniques were implemented with a minimum of testing, and little to no scientific validity or approval. All across America and the world doctors grew fat off the darkest embarrassments of men. They left behind them a trail of disaster. Implants failed, surgical scars became infected, men lost the ability to perform sexually. These techniques continue, left unchecked by modern medicine. There is a reason that penile surgery has remained in the category of "cosmetic operations.". Physicians use surgery on the penis to treat severe Peyronie's disease and hypospadias, among a handful of other infections and genetic disorders which can affect the penis. The skin and tissue inside the penis are very delicate, which makes surgery a last resort to help correct problems in the genital area. Penis enlargement websites have quickly become very popular money-making schemes by motivated webmasters. The amount of actual information and knowledge about natural penis enlargement on the internet, and indeed inthe world, is minimal. Our site is different. Remember, we are the only site run by a physician. Our program is based upon research, trial and error and actual patient testing. Part of our program in fact, is based upon a principle that won the Nobel Prize two years ago. www.penisimprovement.com ©2007 by Dr. Williams If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to? - Bette Midler
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