Sex Health

The Top Men's Health Information Stories that apply to
- A 61-year-old Michigan woman, has been charged with
first degree murder of her 74-year-old husband in order
to get her hands on his money. And for what? So her
nephew, 33-year-old Harry Titlow, could get his
sex-change operation.
- Idiot severs own penis after losing a bet.
- Japanese Viagra users getting STDs in record numbers.
- Man cuts off victim's penis after death
- Man charged with rape-by-phone
- Trade your penis for $13 million?
- Naked man burns down his house, dressed in women's
clothes, to fight Satan in Bakersfield, CA
- Snake bites man on penis
Sex Facts Part One
- Baysters aren't just for turkeys! The first
artificial insemination occurred in 1781 to enable a man
with a malformed penis -- but fertile semen -- to have
children. The first artificial insemination by a donor
was in 1884. The doctor of a rich but infertile
Englishman collected semen from a medical student. Then
the doctor helped his sterile friend chloroform his wife
and inseminate her. The unwitting participant in this
seminal event didn't discover her role in history until
years later, when another classmate "leaked" the
- Getting Even. To get back at an interloping male, in
several African tribes, the poisoned penis is considered
the ideal tool for revenge. Cuckolds of the Zande tribe
first prepare a poison and its antidote. They ingest the
anti-poison pill, then smear the fiendish stuff on their
penis. Next they have sex with their wives. (Softhearted
husbands slip their wives the antidote, too.) When the
backdoor man enters into the unfaithful lady, it burns
with a painful sensation, rots and eventually gives the
owner a terminal disease. The Ngoni and Zulu use a potion
that does not kill-their, punishing poison merely causes
the muscles to atrophy, clots the veins, painfully swells
the testes and causes impotence.
- When you've got em...Ancient Romans and Jews used to
swear oaths by placing their hands on each other's
testicles. It's no coincidence that the word "testicle"
is a diminutive form of testis-Old Latin for "witness."
Latins obviously figured that the little fellas were
evidence of -- or witness to -- a guy's virility. Think
about that if you're called for jury duty!
- When in Rome...Some Australian bushmen undergo a
bizarre penis-mutilation ritual whereby the cockheads are
split in half. Researchers were baffled by this until
they realized that the tribesmen were simply attempting
to acquire genitals more closely resembling those of one
of their totem animals. The Aussie natives have great
admiration for the male kangaroo, a rather silly-looking
beast which sports a bifurcated, or forked penis.
- An increasing number of men are committing suicide
even though they appear to have much better mental health
than women
- Young men who have sex with older women have issues
with their self-esteem
- According to a study published in the journal
Archives of Sexual Behavior, about 75 percent of people
with panic disorder (panic attacks) and about 33 percent
of people with social phobia (excessive shyness) also
have sexual problems. Among people who suffer from panic
attacks, 36 percent of men and 50 percent of women also
have sexual aversion -- a strong desire not to have sex.
Among men with social phobia, premature ejaculation is
the most common sexual problem. continued
- Couple separate over circumcision issue and the
father has filed a "protection-from abuse" order hoping
to spare his son.
- Men or their sperm not needed to impregnate
women...the end is near?
- Male contraception is coming by 2005
- Medical breakthrough guarantees the sex of your
- Risk of HIV from oral sex higher than previously
- Home fertility test for men coming soon
- Sex and depression don't mix. The good news is that
there are at least 10 different antidepressants available
to improve your mood and restore your joy for life. The
bad news is that every single one of them can dim your
libido, with an average rate of sexual dysfunction at a
whopping 37 percent. A new study, the largest of its
kind, finds that the antidepressant with the lowest rate
for sexual dysfunction is buproprion -- at 22 percent for
buproprion IR and 25 percent for buproprion SR. Next
comes nefazodone at 28 percent. On the opposite side of
the spectrum lay paroxetine at 43 percent, mirtazapine at
41 percent and fluoxetine (Prozac) with a 37 percent rate
of sexual dysfunction. The reason buproprion and
nefazodone cause less dysfunction is because they bind to
a different receptor site in the brain.
Sex Facts Part Two
- If at first.. The penis and the vagina spend their
first 8 to 12 weeks pretty much undifferentiated. The
penis begins life the same way the vagina does: as a tiny
hump and groove on the two-week-old embryo. By 12 to 16
weeks of pregnancy, either the groove, which develops
into a vagina or the hump, which develops into the penis,
has taken over. In the male, the groove drops down and
becomes the scrotum. In the female, the hump ends up as
the clitoris. In this case, the more things change the
more they no longer remain the same.
- Boys will be boys. Sonograms have proven that males
can have erections while still in the womb
- Like fine wine? Older men need more arousal in order
to obtain erections. A kid who got hard every time they
handed out a stiff sentence on "Dragnet" may grow up to
be a senior citizen requiring several minutes and
intensive physical cajolery. One survey found that men
aged 48 to 65 took five times as long to get it up as men
under 30. This is because the penis ages and the blood
vessels harden. The testicles shrink and lose some
firmness. The prostate gland, which often contracts
pleasurably during orgasm, may become enlarged and its
contractions weaker.
- Shoot or dribble? Though it may feel as though
they've just exploded, nearly three quarters of all men
are "dribblers" they can ejaculate their sperm only a
short distance, usually under six inches.
- Kant means won't. Immanuel Kant, the famous
philosopher who fathered the theory that all knowledge
originates in experience (known as empiricism), died a
virgin at the age of 80.
- 75% of Americans, and most of the world population,
are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of Americans, the
thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for
hunger. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's
metabolism as much as 3%. One glass of water shuts down
midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters. Lack of
water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. Preliminary
research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could
significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of
sufferers. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy
short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and
difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a
printed page. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases
the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less
likely to develop bladder cancer.
- Vitamin C is one of those cheap, readily available
anti-oxidantsthat should be taken regularly throughout
your life. It is a tried and proven natural anti-viral
and anti-bacterial remedy. This vitamin used in doses of
1000 mg or more is very effective for general cleansing
of the blood stream (being an anti-oxidant).
- Although most Americans didn't learn about AIDS
before the 1980s, scientists at Los Alamos National
Laboratory say that the disease probably originated much
earlier. Using a new statistical method and a complicated
computer, the scientists traced the origin of HIV to
around 1930. The scientists used genetic mutations of HIV
to form a family tree for the virus, with each branch
showing a change in HIV. The earliest known case of the
virus was found in a 1959 blood sample from the former
Belgian Congo.
- Amazing as it may seem, Japanese women didn't have
access to the modern birth control pill until 1999. After
Viagra was quickly approved for sale in the country, the
last United Nations member country to legalize the Pill
finally succumbed to pressure from health advocates.
Until that point, the only Pill that was available was a
high-dose pill, and it could only be prescribed for
regulating menstruation (although some women did take
advantage of its contraceptive side effects). It remains
to be seen how popular the Pill will be in Japan, where
condoms are the most common form of birth control.
- Does my insurance cover this?
- Although many women now keep vibrators in a special
place in their bedrooms, there was a time when they were
most frequently seen in doctors' offices. In fact, the
first steam-powered massager was introduced in 1869 for
use in treating hysteria, and electric models followed
soon after. According to "The New Good Vibrations Guide
to Sex," hysteria was the most common medical complaint
from women of the era, and its symptoms included mental
and/or emotional distress. The standard treatment was a
visit to the doctor who would induce "hysterical
paroxysm" (a.k.a. orgasm). The success of that treatment
improved greatly with the introduction of the
- According to the American Journal of Public Health,
the average American woman has intercourse 87 times a
year (or 1.7 times a week).
- According to the World Health Organization, more than
114 million acts of sex are performed each day around the
- On average, men release between 2.5 and 6 milliliters
of semen, containing 150 and 600 million sperm, in one
- The risk of pregnancy from one act of unprotected
intercourse in the middle of a woman's cycle is about 20
to 30 percent. The numbers go down significantly, though,
at other times. Perform the same act at the start or end
of the cycle, and the risk of pregnancy drops to only 2
to 4 percent.
- More than just Breakfast...John Harvey Kellogg is now
known as the founder of a huge cereal company, but he
initially gained a reputation both as a nutritionist and
a sexual advisor. According to The New Male Sexuality,
Kellogg thought sex was the ultimate abomination and
remained chaste even in marriage. He was also a huge foe
of masturbation. He thought self-stimulation would lead
to leprosy, tuberculosis, heart disease, epilepsy,
dimness of vision, insanity, idiocy and death. He also
warned it would bring out bashfulness in some people,
unnatural boldness in others, a fondness for spicy foods,
round shoulders and acne. Kellogg created a number of
foods designed to promote health and decrease interest in
sex....You might have heard of one of them - it's called
Kellogg's Corn Flakes.
More Sex Facts!
- It's hard getting up in the morning.
- Most men under 40 wake up with an erection. The
typical man in his mid-40s has a morning erection 3 to 4
times a week.
- No wonder we die first! When a man climaxes, his
heartbeat is jacked up to an average of 180 beats per
minute, his breath rate increases to 40 per minute and
his systolic blood pressure leaps to 100, The muscles at
the base of his penis contract rhythmically (some say to
the beat of James Brown's "Sex Machine") at .8 second
intervals, usually three to seven times. The average male
orgasm lasts for fewer than 10 seconds.
- Angle of the dangle. Every erect penis sticks up at
an angle-usually slightly above horizontal. In youth, the
angle is higher. About 10 percent of all males carry the
erect penis tightly set against the belly. In 70 percent
of men, the erection is either horizontal or curved
slightly upward. In most men, the erection is a fairly
linear affair.
- Sometimes they are real! In 1999, a Florida phone sex
operator won a workers' compensation settlement after she
said she was injured by regularly masturbating as part of
her job. The unnamed 40-year-old employee of Fort
Lauderdale's CFP Enterprises Inc. said she developed
carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands from masturbating up
to seven times a day while speaking with callers. The
woman used one hand to answer the telephone and the other
to note customers' names and fetishes and to give herself
an orgasm during the verbal exchanges. The amount of the
settlement was not disclosed.
- A man's man! A 1991 letter to the journal Medical
Aspects of Human Sexuality told the gruesome story of a
machine-shop worker injury. The man made a regular
practice of masturbating by holding his penis against the
drive belt of a piece of machinery. One day he leaned too
close to the belt and caught his scrotum between the
pulley-wheel and the drive belt. His scrotum tore and he
lost one of his testicles; but he calmly stapled his
scrotum back together and resumed work. He waited three
days before finally visiting a doctor, by which time he
was suffering from fever, swelling and pain from a
secondary infection.
Down for the count. If a man has several ejaculations in
one day, the first one will have the most sperm in it, and
the number of sperm-per-ejaculation will go down with each
©2010 by Dr. Williams
Related Issues,
* * *
If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so
many books on how to? - Bette Midler

Dr.Williams and his
staff have been helping men with problems of penissize and
sexual ability for almost 20 years. He has developed a
program which allows men to increase their penis length and
width, as well as improve their prostate gland function and
sexual performance. Men have often been mislead concerning
their sexual health and their ability to perform in bed. The
questions he will be dealing with will revolve around: does
size really matter? and what can I do to improve my sexual
His website is the Internet's leading
site concerning men's natural penile health and natural
penis enlargement issues. His penis enlargement program is
based upon research that won the Noble Prize for medicine
two years ago. Dr.Williams and his website offers free
health information as well as an online newsletter
concerning recent men's health information, scientific
findings and sex facts.

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