The Four Freedoms
As a tribute to the 4th of July celebration I would
like to share my four freedoms to happiness. In
addition to watching fireworks and eating
bar-b-que, why not contemplate these four freedoms
and find out if you are truly free.
1. The freedom to be me. As simplistic as this
sounds, I believe this is the most important
freedom we have as human beings. To know who we are
and why we are here is the foundation of the human
experience. Unfortunately, very few people
experience this freedom. The reason for this is
simple, its because we are conditioned to
believe that in order for us to be free we must
have stuff. Most people believe if they
simply purchase a new car or new house and lots of
material things then they will be free. Nothing
could be further from the truth. The reality is,
most people feel trapped and overwhelmed when they
accomplish this. The lesson we all must learn is
that it is impossible to feel free if you are
burdened with debt and responsibility. So if you
believe that money and material things will make
you feel free then you are sadly mistaken.
The only way to experience authentic freedom is
to engage in a journey of self-discovery that
allows you to uncover any subconscious issues that
may be keeping you from knowing who you really are.
Once you discover your true self then you will be
truly free.
2. The freedom from scarcity There is absolutely
nothing wrong with accumulating wealth and having
lots of money. The challenge is to recognize that
it does not take money or material things to be
truly happy and free. Having money allows you to
enjoy life and definitely can alleviate some of the
stress and discomforts of living, but abundance is
really a state of mind. Freedom from scarcity means
that you do not engage in poverty
thinking and you know that you have the ability to
create any level of wealth you choose. To
experience this freedom you must understand the law
of attraction that says what ever you focus your
attention on you create in your reality. By
focusing your attention on wealth you will be free
from scarcity.
3. The freedom to connect with Spirit One of
this countrys greatest freedoms is the
freedom of religion. Unfortunately too many people
are trapped by religion because they have not taken
the time to come to their own truth and
understanding about God. They accept religious
teachings that may have been passed on for
generations without questioning those beliefs. In
order to be free, a person must ask themselves
deeper questions and be open to the possibility
that their old beliefs about God may no longer suit
them. When a person listens to their own soul and
expands their understanding about God, then they
open the door to an expanded concept of God, which
creates spiritual freedom. This is definitely the
truth that will set you free.
4. The freedom to give back In order to truly be
free, you must be willing to share your unique
gifts and talents with the world. By sharing
yourself with others, you give them the freedom to
do the same. By encouraging and supporting others
you lay the foundation for a more compassionate and
caring society. Its been said that what ever
you give you also receive, so be sure to give of
yourself so that you receive the gifts of
These are my four freedoms to happiness. If they
resonate with you then share them with someone
else. If they dont, thats all right
too. Just make sure that you are being completely
honest with yourself when you ask yourself the
question, Am I really free?
So in the words of the document that gave
America its freedom;
We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness
Did you notice that it said the
pursuit of happiness? There are no
guarantees that you will find it but I hope you
Good luck and live free!
©2009, Michael
* * *

Taylor is a dreamer, revolutionary, an
entrepreneur, author (A New
Conversatoin with
Men), personal
development coach and motivational speaker who has
dedicated his life to empowering men (and women) to
reach their full potential. He does not consider
himself to be an expert or guru. He does consider
himself to be extremely knowledgeable in the field
of personal growth and development. The fact is, he
is an ordinary guy that made a commitment to live
an extraordinary life and he wants to challenge you
to do the same. E-Mail
or www.anewconversationwithmen.com

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