The Shimmering Door
Happy New Year everyone. Things are going well now,
finally at last. It is all real, y know?
Thirty years ago, m ol teacher spoke
of the dimensions of Camelot and the Camelot
doorway and he spoke at length of the eternal Tao,
which he said was the key to everything. Then he
said, Tolerate everything and skim the
lake, meaning purify your self constantly,
and he said we should search for the hidden door.
My teacher was a strange man, he was decades ahead
of his time, I owe him a great debt.
He didnt say where that door was or how we
should search, but it was obvious he meant process
your life and journey inwards to discover who you
really are. I took to these instructions and never
wavered though there were times when the exigencies
of marriage, family and tick-tock kept me greatly
engaged elsewhere.
I found the door in the end, and so will you if
you take to the same instructions, and if you are
dedicated. It wont take you thirty years,
three-to-five at the most, for we are now in the
end-game and things are going very much
The door shimmers with a celestial intensity
that is not easy to describe. I must say I always
thought of it as a regular door with hinges and
doorknob, it is not like that at all. It is a like
a curtain constructed of geometries, like pentagons
that are silver and white; essentially it is a
transdimensional anomaly like the others I have
talked of before. It is extraordinarily beautiful.
When I saw it it stretched right across the room I
was in, and looking into it I could see that it is
thick, it goes inwards quite a long way. I could
not see the other end of it but I did see a wolf
right in the middle of it, guarding it. The wolf is
not the only one that performs that duty, so I have
been told, as other animals guard it from
time-to-time, but I have not seen them as yet.
Without question, the shimmering door is one of
the most celestially magnificent things I have ever
seen. I first saw it at 2.15 p.m. Pacific Time on
December 22nd 2007, it was with me for over seven
hours until 9.45 p.m. that night. Its radiant light
shimmers at a pulse that oscillates at four cycles
a second, so it is the same pulse as the theta
brainwave. As the doorway, which is the entrance to
Camelot, shimmers, it creates a concussive effect
on ones body and ones etheric. It
touches you, creating a donk-donk-donk effect that
impinges on you two hundred and forty times a
minute. Multiplied over the time it was with me it
came to 108,000 pulses or oscillations, as those
touch your soul they change you very deeply.
The pulse of the Camelot entrance is extremely
intense and at first it rather scared me. Further,
it dominates the room so one cant really see
the walls or the furniture beyond it, very well at
all. In fact, I found it quite hard to keep my eyes
open for any great length of time as the concussive
effect made me feel rather queasy. It took me many
hours to get used to it enough to where I could
stand up and walk about a bit. When the donk-donk
of the shimmering curtain touches you it wobbles
your legs, you dont feel you have much
control of your muscles, and when you stand you
sometimes have the sensation of being pulled
backwards. I nearly fell over several times. I can
see now why it will take some very experienced,
solid adults, to get the children across. The
kiddies will find it very magical but without an
adult to reassure them they would be very scared,
they couldnt make it.
Beyond the doorway is a celestial heaven, the
one I have always promised you. I didnt see
it this time but I know it is there. A unicorn came
very early on just before the curtain appeared.
Ive never seen a vision of a unicorn before.
They are in a dimension that is like a mystical
forest, the She-She people are in there with
themintense beauty and the eternal Tao is
their home. At night they sleep in flowers that are
as large as a small cottage. They neigh like horses
do except the sound is very musical; it is partly a
horses neigh and partly the sound of a
nightingale. I have never thought of unicorns and
sound before. Its all real, y know?
Be diligent and work hard, nothing is cast in
stone. You can move up anytime and very fast if you
so desire, and of course, you can falter. Nineteen
people including seventeen members got to the lake
of Avalon so far, so it can be done. How many will
manage the Camelot door I cant say, but I can
say that many more are due to arrive and
trysteady people with lots of warmth and all
possessed of a silent humilitypeople that
walked along the banks of the Tao for many years,
strong and content inside an eternity that they
could not see, but they could feel it, and that was
enough to carry them home.
©2010, Stuart
* * *

Wilde is an urban mystic, a modern visionary, he's
written fifteen books on consciousness and
awareness. His perceptive and quirky way of writing
has won him a loyal readership over the
He has been a researcher of
consciousness for over twenty years. Some consider
him an expert on transdimensional worlds and the
phenomena of the supernatural. He has simple a way
of explaining things that hitherto have seemed a
Stuart's political writings are
satirical and often very funny. Nonetheless, he
seems to have an accurate grip on the ebb and flow
of world events and many of his long-term views and
predictions have turned out to be quite prophetic.
He has written 15 books on consciousness and
awareness including Affirmations: What
I Am Has Beauty
& Strength His
latest book is called God's Gladiators.
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