Justice and Injustice
The injustice of the world can cause one enormous
frustration and pain, and yet we have no way of
fixing it, our powerlessness is a part of our
karma. We must have needed the lesson of it all or
we would have not incarnated at this time to watch
the mayhem. And as a global fascism rises up from
deep inside the soul of man we need a tactic to
over come the updraft of darkness.
The first move is to heal the injustice in you.
Some of it may be obvious if you have physically
hurt people or ripped them off. But most of the
injustice we offer is more subtle. Its the
silent disdain we have for other humans and the
passing judgment we emit in the street as we
begrudgingly accept some people while degrading
others, depending on stereotypical preferences, or
on racial lines.
Then there is the injustice of all the emotional
pain we subject others to, the shouting and abuse
and manipulation and control as well as our passive
aggression. It is very hard to see those things in
oneself as we have a myopic view of our perfection
and we offer platitudes and excuses for our
The silent hate that comes at you in the street
forms part of what I call the black attention. But
if you dont offer it back it makes you safer.
Then some of the black attention is in the
political-military sense, in the needless
surveillance of citizens, and in an ordinary sense
it is a silent hate that is offered to you by
others as you walk about. Or in a corporate
environment it is often discrimination or
harassment from co-workers or the boss. We live in
the cloud of the black attention and that is our
And as the global-ego dies from misadventure and
a lack of oil and other troubles the black
attention will intensify as people and governments
look for scapegoats to accept the blame for their
problem. Lads in natty brown uniforms will patrol
street corners as they already do in Toulouse,
France, (being French, the uniforms of these
State-sponsored watchers are very stylish and they
are black not brown-shame) but it is the same
feeling, watching for the sake of watching.
So there is a global-karma for people to slide
into - Daily life in the rebirth of the
Nazis. You have two options, you can join and
get a nice crisp uniform and a short shelf-life and
a rotten karma or you walk the other way and flee.
To flee you have to do so in your feelings it is
not a new geographic area necessarily. You have to
heal the injustice inside you and become a better
Think about the disdain humans have for the
animals and the power of Gaia, you can ignore it or
vow to change your ways. For in my view Gaia - she
is very strong - and the dark side of Gaia, Kali,
can swoop from a great height and rub us out in
large numbers. In the Morph vision recently
weve seen the next arrival of Gaia-Kali and
those visions appear on a daily basis hot and
heavy. So something big is on the way.
Heres m tactics for the rebirth of
Hitler (March 22nd), which is coming soon to a
street corner near you:
1) Accept your powerlessness without grumbling
or fretting.
2) Fix the injustice you offer others.
3) Make peace with Gaia and the animals and
become vegetarian or partially so as matter of
extreme urgency. Dont be an ugly, obese soul
waddling about.
4) Dont confront people or institutions,
lay low and make no waves.
5) Become as street legal as possible if your
life is a bit of a grey area.
6) Stay out of politics and never have an
opinion on anything you never know who is
7) Never express your frustration or a criticism
to others, for the bloke you fight with today may
the citizen controller on the corner tomorrow.
8) Offer tenderness and generosity and respect
to all people at all times without exception, no
matter who they are or how evil they are.
9) Learn to walk away and detach from the
emotion of it all, for in the end you may have to
walk away from everything you hold dear.
10) Figure what you will do when the oil
11) Put some of your money in a foreign currency
in a bank outside the country you live in, as in
times of crisis governments impose change control
regulations to lock people into a countrys
collapsing currency. This is very important for
people in dollar denominated countries, as
shell take a bath, the dollar will.
12) Buy some gold if you can.
13) Develop your perception as best you can and
learn to believe in it as you will need it
14) Pray for love even if it doesnt
©2010, Stuart
* * *

Wilde is an urban mystic, a modern visionary, he's
written fifteen books on consciousness and
awareness. His perceptive and quirky way of writing
has won him a loyal readership over the
He has been a researcher of
consciousness for over twenty years. Some consider
him an expert on transdimensional worlds and the
phenomena of the supernatural. He has simple a way
of explaining things that hitherto have seemed a
Stuart's political writings are
satirical and often very funny. Nonetheless, he
seems to have an accurate grip on the ebb and flow
of world events and many of his long-term views and
predictions have turned out to be quite prophetic.
He has written 15 books on consciousness and
awareness including Affirmations: What
I Am Has Beauty
& Strength His
latest book is called God's Gladiators.
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