Resolve to Escape
My ol teacher said that before you are born
you choose your parents and that you have an
overview of the circumstances and beliefs that you
are to be born into, he even said you have a
comprehension of the defects or inabilities of the
future body you will inhabit at birth, your DNA
karma say.
It is a very original idea because your birth
and the mindset you inherit from your parents
overwhelmingly dictates the nature and
circumstances of your lifes initial journey.
It is our first karma to be born into the
restriction of a physical body that is sometimes
frightened and it moves slowly, and the second
karma is the family imprint that is emotionally
embossed upon us. Our third karma develops as we
grow up and we go out and test our embossed-self up
against real life and other embossed, sometimes
warped souls, and we learn through action and
Our forth karma is spiritual for humans know
very little about where our consciousness comes
from, or the dimensions that exist all around us,
and we know little or nothing about God or the
after-life, and nothing is ever written about our
pre-life, where we were before we were born?
Religion attempts to address the subject of God and
the after-life but it offers us nothing more than
the arrogance of ignorance dressed in a platitude.
It is not very accurate
These four karmas bind humanity into a
collective karma that I call the global-ego.
Its consumerism, violence and titillation,
corruption, lies, abuse the status quo and evil.
Essentially it is the spiritual bankruptcy of the
soul that Deepak Chopra speaks of, a bankruptcy
driven by self-interest, greed and of the curse of
silent fears.
At the age of eleven, my then rotten karma had
placed me, for what would turn out to be seven
years, at a moldy Catholic boarding school. I saw
the cruelty, violence and homosexuality of the
priests and I vowed to escape. The school was in
England and my parents were in Africa and I had no
money so my attempt to tunnel out of Stalag 14 at
the age of eleven was futile. But I learned the
code and I saw how the escape from our karma might
be achieved later.
I also learned a concept at an unusually early
age that would eventually change my life. Young men
yearn for girls and cars, iPods and cool clothes
and they pray to be miraculously raised up in some
way, fame overnight, please. Instead, I prayed for
wisdom. God, please make me truly wise
became my mantra, for I saw the ignorance and I
knew I was part of it, as I knew nothing. I somehow
realized that knowledge would set me/us free. Real
knowledge, pure knowledge as I later came to call
I knew money was important so I did that for a
bit after school , then I learned to meditate and
dreams and visions followed and once I could see
even a little, everything changed. My whole life
became an escape route. Meanwhile, I built
alliances with Fringe Dwellers who also sought to
escape. We helped each other. I learned love there;
we all learned that selfless co-operation is a
priceless key.
I did marriage and babies and there was a
bittersweet beauty in that, moments of inadequacy
and euphoria wrapped in lots of pain, it was the
karma of an expensive chocolate embedded in a
cactus. And while all that was a wonderful learning
- no regrets at all, it wasnt my real
destiny, escapology was the soul mate to which I
was bound for life.
I gradually got it - escape that is. Looking
back, I saw that at every step I was shown the way
out. I learned you need money, not huge amounts
just some, and you need wisdom and the community of
tunnel diggers. You also need a bit of luck but I
came to believe you make your own luck and while we
dont understand the exact mathematics of it
all, I still feel it is generated from a program
within you driven by pulses of the force of
The force of will is like golden mist swirling
in a gentle wind, it is out ahead of you as a
silent resolve and fortitude, it is the power of
all your eventualities, but mostly it is the
ability to be patient and to endure while you stalk
the wild pendulum; chasing the pendulum is
hopeless, if you wait it clunks you on the nose.
Plank on head, I call it.
The desire to flee to a brave new world is a
deep yearning, an ache in many-a-soul, but to let
go of what you know and jump is scary. It is okay
if you balk at the edge; everyone balks at the Jump
Program, as it said in the Matrix. But, when
staying becomes more frightening than jumping, your
soul takes on kangaroo-like qualities.
I already knew how to jump but I would do so
gingerly holding my nose, Ayahuasca taught me how
to plunge into the void fearlessly. If you want it
badly enough youll learn to jump, especially
if you are bored with life and all the old
re-hashed stuff, and copious blah, blah. There is a
heroism in jumping for freedom.
The Morph came in 2001 and the walls melted and
people dematerialized and the door appeared, I went
through and came back and then I went through
again, a deer from an inner world helped me,
bizarre eh?
The Morph is everywhere; its mine
its yours, it is for everyone, many see it
naturally and while you should still pray for
wisdom to descend upon you, its under your
nose really. I taught some people to see the Morph
(a small group, maybe three hundred) and I agreed
to personally take a hundred and fifty across the
Morph to the door for I felt once they knew, they
could teach others. Im in the taxi on the
crossing process with those people right now.
Resolve to flee if that is your wish, pray for
freedom, act coherently, sell stuff, clean up, heal
yourself, and love and respect Gaia for she is our
mother and her dark side Kali is very scary.
Process your shadow, learn to vision and to dream
the lucid dream, and follow those instructions that
you see, as that is pure information just for you -
a blessing from the Golden Hind also known as the
White Hart, the stag on the windy mountaintop that
bellows at dusk calling each soul to stop wandering
about in loneliness and indecision and come back
©2010, Stuart
* * *

Wilde is an urban mystic, a modern visionary, he's
written fifteen books on consciousness and
awareness. His perceptive and quirky way of writing
has won him a loyal readership over the
He has been a researcher of
consciousness for over twenty years. Some consider
him an expert on transdimensional worlds and the
phenomena of the supernatural. He has simple a way
of explaining things that hitherto have seemed a
Stuart's political writings are
satirical and often very funny. Nonetheless, he
seems to have an accurate grip on the ebb and flow
of world events and many of his long-term views and
predictions have turned out to be quite prophetic.
He has written 15 books on consciousness and
awareness including Affirmations: What
I Am Has Beauty
& Strength His
latest book is called God's Gladiators.
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