Was John Wayne Gay?
There was a general on TV called Moshe something or
other; he had evil eyes, a crooked smile and an
ill-fitting suit. He was telling one of those
lovely ladies from CNN how heroic the Israeli Air
Force is. What is irritating about TV is that as
viewer you cant ask questions. I want to know
if John Wayne was gay, I thought perhaps Moshe
Whathisname might know, given that they were both
in the army.
In the olden days when all our heroes were gay,
heroism was totally different. John Wayne would
charge the Japanese under intense gunfire and
killed a couple of dozen of them with three
bullets, and then hed hoist the flag over Iwo
Jima and everybody thought that it was bloody
marvelous. Rock Hudson would hold his hand and then
the two of them would smoke a Marlboro, gaze into
the sunset, and dream of the boys back home.
Alexandra the Great and Lawrence of Arabia were
gay so that proves my point. Heroes are gay.
Its all gone down the gurgler since they
started hiring heterosexuals to fight wars. It was
a big mistake when the American Army modified its
regulations and threw all the gay lads out of the
regiment, up until then America hardly ever lost.
For some mysterious reason the gay girls were
allowed to stay as long as they promised not to
make a fuss of the gayness.
The next guest on telly was a very large, very
muscular, very handsome queen, who said he was an
undercover operative that did ambushes killing
people for the Jews in Lebanon. He didnt
smoke Marlboro, so I became suspicious of him quite
early on, but hes terribly heroic scampering
about at night as he does with boot polish on his
nose. But sadly he hasnt killed quite as many
hetros as John Wayne, never mind ducks!
Nobody knows if the people of Beirut are gay or
not, as this is no time to conduct an opinion poll
but my guess is they are straight as they seem to
be losing. They dont have guns or an air
force, which rather hinders them on what I call the
John Travoltas
staying alive.
The lads in the Israeli Air Force each get a
fifty million dollar plane free of charge from the
Americans, and they get to fight like John Wayne in
a war where no one can shoot back. They must be gay
as they are doing so well, then again, they
cant be gay as there is nothing heroic about
slaughtering people from above if the people below
are ten years old, unarmed, and clutching their
teddy bears. Its all terribly confusing.
The Hate-Bollah must be straight as far as I can
tell because they are loosing, according anyway to
another lovely lady on telly called, Have-a-Gorani
who works for CNN; she was standing in a bomb
crater explaining it all to me. Dont ask me
what a Gorani is, I just dont know. But
its not food or the Lebanese would have eaten
it by now. They are starving.
Freddy Mercury was gay and I think he might have
been Lebanese or Arabic or something down that way.
We all like Freddy, its a shame he cant
pop over and help out.
Stuart Wilde
I looked it up on Google: Freddy was a Moslem
born in Zanzibar, near Africa. They dont
fight in Zanzibar because there are not a lot of
people there and they need everyone theyve
got, so someone else will have to handle the Jews
and the Hate-Bollah.
©2008, Stuart
* * *

Wilde is an urban mystic, a modern visionary, he's
written fifteen books on consciousness and
awareness. His perceptive and quirky way of writing
has won him a loyal readership over the
He has been a researcher of
consciousness for over twenty years. Some consider
him an expert on transdimensional worlds and the
phenomena of the supernatural. He has simple a way
of explaining things that hitherto have seemed a
Stuart's political writings are
satirical and often very funny. Nonetheless, he
seems to have an accurate grip on the ebb and flow
of world events and many of his long-term views and
predictions have turned out to be quite prophetic.
He has written 15 books on consciousness and
awareness including Affirmations: What
I Am Has Beauty
& Strength His
latest book is called God's Gladiators.
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