& Drugs Newsbytes
Menstuff® has compiled the following information on Teens
& Drugs Newsbytes.
Heroin Use High Among Young N.J. Adults
Heroin is used by 18- to 25-year-olds in New Jersey at more than
twice the national average, and officials who released a report on
drug abuse Monday said the highly addictive drug is easy to get in
the Garden State.
Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/EMIHC270/333/20789/432179.html?d=dmtICNNews

The Partnership has created a new Memorial website, www.drugfree.org/memorials
to give families and friends a special place to remember loved ones
lost to drugs and alcohol. Our new site (which is not final and in a
testing phase) allows visitors to share their story along with photos
and memories and offers a reflecting-pool design, easy-to-use forms,
and a tool for friends and family to leave tribute messages. Please
tell others about this new site so we can reach as many kids and
parents as possible.
Murder Charged in Heroin-Fentanyl Overdose
After Police Chief's Son Dies
The overdose death of an Illinois police chief's son has led to
murder charges being filed against the man who sold a deadly mix of
heroin and Fentanyl to the teen.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/murder-charged-in.html
Deaths Prove Potent Lure for
Nine heroin users have recently been killed by a potent batch of
drugs in Philadelphia and New Jersey, but the fatalities have only
served to drive up demand for the drug among users.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/deaths-prove-potent-lure-for.html

Nation's Largest Treatment Center Planned for
Indianapolis' former Winona Memorial Hospital could become the
largest addiction treatment center in the U.S., with more than 800
treatment slots for former drug offenders.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/nations-largest-treatment.html

Student Play Addresses Youth Substance
High school students from Delaware County, Pennsylvania will be
performing in "Stand the Pressure," an original play with original
music and real-life stories.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/communitystories/2006/student-play-addresses-youth.html

Senate Holds Hearing on Meth and
The U.S. Senate Finance Committee held hearings last week on the
impact of methamphetamine on youth.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/senate-holds-hearing-on-meth.html

Mexico to Decriminalize Some Drug
Mexico's legislature has voted to decriminalize possession of small
amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs, and President
Vincente Fox is expected to sign the measure.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/mexico-to-decriminalize-drugs.html

Frequent Marijuana Use Associated
With Depression and Anxiety in Teen Girls
Teens, especially girls, who use marijuana frequently are more likely
to suffer from depression and anxiety, say Australian
Source: www.kidshealth.org/research/marijuana_depression.html

Be Ready to be Drug Tested after School
Surprise! You could end up peeing in a cup before competing in an
after-school debate tournament. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court
decided that high school administrators can randomly drug test any
student who participates in an after-school activity that involves
interschool competition that means sports, drama club, chorus,
and yes, even the chess club!
Source: www.teenwire.com/infocus/2002/if_20020821p173_drugs.asp

Teens Not Receiving the Drug Treatment
They Need
Nine out of ten children who need drug treatment are not receiving it
according to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. Only
122,000 children out of 1.1 million between the ages of 12 and 17
received treatment in 2000 for problems with alcohol and other drugs.
The Bush administration has recently agreed to focus their efforts on
people of all ages who seek treatment but are unable to get it for a
variety of reasons. Read more by clicking here:
Source: National Household Survey on Drug
Abuse coldfusion.affiliateshop.com/AIDLink.cfm?AID=013898
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